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    Wednesday, October 16, 2019

    LoL Guide A simple rundown of the upcoming preseason changes

    LoL Guide A simple rundown of the upcoming preseason changes

    A simple rundown of the upcoming preseason changes

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 07:04 AM PDT

    Hello, fellow summoners!


    I have decided to create a post that explains all the upcoming changes to League of Legends in the 2020 preseason, which will release on patch 9.23 and is due to be released in November. Please let me know if there is anything I have missed!


    The dragons and their elemental effects

    As with the previous preseason changes, dragons will continue to provide a boost to your stats depending on which type of element the dragon is. Whilst both Infernal and Ocean dragons still provide the same stats as before, the Cloud and Mountain dragons now provide different stats, and are as follows:

    • Infernal Drake: Gain a percentage increase of your AD and AP.
    • Ocean Drake: Regenerate a percentage of your missing health every second (does not say if being out of combat is necessary).
    • Cloud Drake: Gain cooldown reduction for your ultimate ability.
    • Mountain Drake: Gain a percentage increase of Armor and Magic Resistance.

    Furthermore, one of the new mechanics added to the game is the introduction of Dragon Souls, a powerful permanent buff which is granted upon a team killing a fourth dragon of the same element (e.g. you have three Infernal dragons, and then take a fourth one). Only one Dragon Soul may be attained per game, meaning only one team will be able to gain one. The Dragon Soul buffs are as follows:

    • Infernal Drake: Every three seconds, your next attack creates a small AoE explosion, dealing adaptive damage.
    • Ocean Drake: Dealing any damage triggers strong health and resource regeneration for three seconds. Minion damage gives less.
    • Cloud Drake: Hitting enemies with abilities or attacks lowers the cooldown of your base abilities.
    • Mountain Drake: After not taking damage for five seconds, gain a permanent shield that lasts until destroyed.

    Once either team has gained a Dragon Soul, the elemental dragons will no longer spawn and the Elder Dragon will take over the pit. The Elder Dragon buff has also received changes as follows:

    • The Elder Dragon buff no longer scales with the amount of dragons you have gained during the game.
    • The Elder Dragon burn damage will now automatically execute an enemy who is below a certain threshold of health.
    • The Elder Dragon execution is named 'Elder Immolation'.



    Rise of the Elements

    Another major change made to the dragon system is the new elemental rift system. Depending on which element the third dragon to spawn is, Summoner's Rift will change its landscape in various ways. The changes are as follows:

    • Infernal Dragon: Causes multiple walls throughout the map to crumble away, creating new paths throughout the terrain.
    • Ocean Dragon: Causes new brush to spawn throughout the map, and also expands existing brush to create new opportunities.
    • Cloud Dragon: Causes areas to spawn that increase movement speed, allowing swift collapses onto unsuspecting enemies.
    • Mountain Dragon: Causes new walls to spawn throughout the map, offering more opportunities for AoE combos in the jungle.

    Only one terrain-changing element will be active per game, and will always be the third dragon to spawn that will affect the map.



    New side lane alcoves and brush

    A few new changes have been made to both top and bot lane, as well as a couple of new brush being placed in the jungle entrances to the river as well. They are as follows:

    • Bot lane: The brush in bot lane has now been split into three separate bushes, to accommodate for the new 'alcoves' as seen here.
    • Top lane: Equal to the bot lane changes, the top lane now has a new 'alcove' accessible between the brush.
    • Jungle: Two new brush have been added near to the entrances to the blue buff jungle from the river on both sides of the map.



    Experience gain changes for the lanes and jungle

    There will be multiple changes to the rate at which experience is gained both in and out of the jungle in order to provide more power to other parts of the map. The changes are as follows:

    • Jungle: Experience value of Krugs are being reduced, and Gromp's buffed to give more jungle paths. Jungle XP in general reduced.
    • Jungle (cont.): Respawn timers have been added to the map for the small camps, similar to the buff camp timers.
    • Lane experience: Base minion experience increased to give solo laners slightly faster levelling.
    • Lane experience (cont.): Experienced gained reduced when other allies are nearby, slowing the levelling of bot lane.



    Support item changes

    Support items are receiving a significant rework which will ultimately help supports find the gold to buy their desired items earlier. The changes are as follows:

    • Ancient Coin is being removed as a support item.
    • Targon's passive can now be used by ranged champions to execute minions.
    • Allies no longer need to be near you for you to proc the Spellthief's passive.
    • The penalty for farming minions as a support has been removed; it now reduces the amount of gold earned from killing minions.

    To support this, a new selection of starting support items have been added to the shop:

    • High AD + Low HP + Spellthief's passive
    • High AP + Low HP + Spellthief's passive
    • Low AD + High HP + Targon's passive
    • Low AP + High HP + Targon's passive

    Furthermore, support items no longer need to be upgraded at the shop; they will upgrade automatically upon quest completion which will free up 1500g for the support to use which they would not have had previously. The upgrade tiers are:

    • Tier 1: Starting stats and passive gold generation.
    • Tier 2: Improved stats and three wards.
    • Tier 3: Major stats improvement and four wards. Passive gold generation removed.



    Lethality items and Spear of Shojin

    Lethality items have been fairly limited to only Duskblade and Ghostblade for the past season, so the other lethality items are receiving changes to make them more attractive, and a new lethality item is being added:

    • Duskblade: 'Mostly the same'.
    • Ghostblade: 'Mostly the same'.
    • Edge of Night: Shield now works like Banshee's Veil and is no longer an active item.
    • Sanguine Blade: New lethality item that grants a 'huge' attack speed buff when not near allies.
    • Other items: Other lethality items may be explored on the PBE.
    • Spear of Shojin: [Removed from the game].



    Keystone rune changes

    A few of the keystone runes are receiving changes as they have been notorious for causing problems that were not intended:

    • Conqueror: True damage removed and stacking adaptive force increased.
    • Kleptomancy: 'We're pulling power out of the "farm gold off of my enemy" pattern and more into the early game elixir drops.'
    • Aftershock: Flat resistances reduced and buffed 'the power it gives to tankier champions.'




    Thank you for reading this guys, I hope it was an easier way for you to get your head around the new preseason changes and I hope you're just as excited as me for the upcoming PBE!

    submitted by /u/Malmorphius
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    How do i push my lead without relying on my jungler?!

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 03:51 AM PDT

    I find myself frequently having lead over enemy midlaner but unable to solo snowball enough for it to turn into win. To be specific, I play mostly Syndra which is in my opinion currently the best midlaner to perform consistently well on. I get ~20-30 cs lead, 1-2 plates and occasional solokill almost every game. But around lvl 9 majority of midlane champions can waveclear from distance without risking unfavorable trade. This causes me to look for advantage elsewhere and imo the most logical options are to insta push wave and invade jungler/deep ward/steal camp/get dragon/dive sidelane/dive mid with jungle help. The problem occurs when enemy jungler is just straight up stronger than me in 1v1 and this actually happens almost every game due to nature of meta junglers (rengar, kha, lee, ekko, olaf, reksai) + imbalance of luden's price vs jungle items + teleport (non-combat ss) being meta mid. Therefore, i can never move out of lane without either coin flipping or grouping with my jungler. But is coin flipping really the only option i have to increase my agency in the game? (Obviously, assuming my jungler is simply bad player unable to properly assess the most beneficial play to increase our chance of winning.)

    So, a few solutions i can think of are to:

    1. Find duo jungler - but i always feel like my climb is not as meaningful if i duo.

    2. Try to communicate with my random jungler - but this is obviously not gonna work consistently and probably only gonna tilt him and therefore decrease my chance of winning

    3. Take ignite - downside is that it makes the game more volatile and ignite can simply be useless sometimes compared to teleport which is always consistently good every game

    4. Coin flip - well, this sounds awful over extended amount of games... Also, it would feel like my climb was just a fluke and even if i outperformed my consistent level of play it would probably not make me better player.

    5. Switch role to jungle/support? or quit game until season 10?

    I really can't think of anything else sadly. Is there anything I am overlooking?

    submitted by /u/Likan90
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    OK I give up: What are you actually meant to do against AP Malphite?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 10:12 AM PDT

    I swear I'm so sick of seeing this rock in every single one of my games and you know what I'm done, I just need some tips on how to beat him. I know you can invade his jungle early and bully him there but I play mid lane so usually that isn't happening. I swear he just hits 6 and just Rs you from miles away and you're just fucking stuck there while he hits all of his other high AP scaling moves, and the enemy mid hits their combo, before you even touch the ground again. I know you can flash out of the ult, but unless that's up you just have to waste gold on building enough defenses to survive if Malphite hits you with his very fast travelling ultimate which confirms the rest of his combo. And even if he's useless after ulting, like even if he gets behind he's going to kill or set up the kill on one or two people and it's like sure he's useless now but he's already done his job just by doing that. It just feels so helpless like even if he gets behind early he's going to be a monster in teamfights since even when he's miles behind and not going tank his ult is still really good. I'd just like to know how you guys deal with him.

    submitted by /u/zooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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    How do I use my Zhonya's/Stopwatch more consistently?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 05:13 AM PDT

    Everytime I buy, zhonya's stopwatch, i always forget to use it. I don't know why. All the time when i'm in a fight either i a) dont press the zhonyas or stopwatch b) do press them but too late c) press them waay to early d) press them and die instantly

    Any help guys?

    submitted by /u/cwaraklol
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    Need help with mid lane

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 08:27 AM PDT

    Hey guys, so basically I'm level 120 and I've legit only played jg and supp, so I've never had to deal with lane management, last hitting, freezing, pushing, etc. Right now, I'm trying to learn mid lane, mostly playing immobile champs like malz. I kinda suck at farming and managing mana, and it's pretty hard farming when I'm up against an aggressive matchup; Zed, Lucian, etc. I wanna play more mechanical champs like azir, who require a lot more macro play and wave management, but I can't really do that when I can't even farm under my tower. If you all have any tips for me, that would be awesome.

    submitted by /u/_Razak_
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    What's the best course of action to take as an ADC when your solo lanes lose (Plat 2)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 03:26 PM PDT

    Often I find myself in this situation at my current elo. I'm not saying that my teammates are the reason I'm stuck, but I can't help to feel hopeless as an ADC a lot of the time. In the games I play where my solo lanes lose, I feel absolutely irrelevant. I can be 4/0 up 60 CS on their enemy bot lane, but it just doesn't matter when my solo lanes are getting decimated and their laners just have to look in my direction for me to die. Is there anything I can do as an ADC to try and make these games winnable? I'm starting to lose hope and am considering role swapping because I just cant take it anymore.

    submitted by /u/TeqnoSpider
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    Can someone explain to me how to ward?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 02:59 PM PDT

    (TL;DR at the bottom)

    Hi, I'm a somewhat new player to the game who mains support and I am pretty much clueless on how to ward.

    Like I know you should place them in bushes and such and how to place them, but.. I don't get it.

    All of the Youtube tutorials I've looked at are too complicated for my little pea brain to understand and I still don't understand what wards to use.

    I know the basic yellow ward you can get for free at the beginning of a match and a control ward, but I don't understand when to get and use a control ward, or the best place to place it. I know that yellow wards are temporary but when they run out do I replace them or place them in a new area? Are there some good spots to ward that I should or should I just ward any area I don't trust?

    Sorry for all the questions, just trying to explain my situation. I also apologize if this is a frequently asked question.

    TL;DR: Newish player who mains support. I have no idea how to ward well. When should I get control ward? When should I use a basic yellow ward or the control ward, and where should I place them? Should I replace yellow wards when they vanish?

    submitted by /u/ThisIsPoppyHarlow
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    A Few Questions About ADC

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 02:44 PM PDT

    First off, I'm a gold ADC main and I mostly play Xayah but I feel that I don't have much success with her if I don't have an aggressive support to lane with, and I'm trying to expand my champ pool by 1 or 2 champions for when I don't have an aggressive support to lane with.

    1. what is a good ADC to pick if you don't know who your support is going to play?

    2. what's a good ADC to pick if my support is a poke support (xerath, velkoz, lux, etc.)

    3. What's a good ADC to blind pick if you don't know who your support is going to play and you don't know who THEIR adc is?

    4. Does synergies even matter in low elo?

    Thanks for help and if there's an ADC that fits the job for multiple questions please let me know :)

    submitted by /u/Amxricaa
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    How Do I Use TP?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 08:15 AM PDT

    Im a low ELO top-laner ( right now I'm hanging around silver 1-2 ) and I have found that I have been performing better since taking Ignite over TP. Since then it has taught me more about wave manipulation and back timing. That being said, I know TP can be a great tool if you know how to use it. So how and when do I use it for more than TP'ing back to lane? I am aware of using it to go bot and things like that but in my games I feel that my bot is unwarded and there is no where to effectively TP to?

    Edit: Thanks for the helpful responses guys! I'm gonna try to use to more and see if I'm able to make some progress. Of course if you have more suggestions let me know!

    submitted by /u/Fahzi_
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    Champion Discussion of the Day: Varus

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 12:46 PM PDT

    Link to Wikia

    Link to u.gg

    Link to Probuilds

    Link to League of Graphs

    Champion subreddit: r/VarusMains

    Primarily played as: ADC

    What role does he play in a team composition?

    What are the core items to be built on him?

    What is the order of leveling up the skills?

    What are his spikes in terms of items or levels?

    What are the most optimal rune/mastery setups?

    What champions does he synergize well with?

    What is the counterplay against him?

    submitted by /u/Balondis
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    I need a little help

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 02:28 PM PDT

    I'm currently plat IV, gaining 13 points per game and playin vs gold 2-3. My mmr just went to hell after almost 20 loses in row. It was not one day, but almost 3 days of constat losing. And now, i just cant get up. Constat lose, win, lose. Now again, I had 4 games in row lost.

    I'm jungle main, playing whole bunch of diffrent champions. I've noticed currently heavy early junglers are solo-queue meta. But they are not always the best pick, coz I can lose even if I carry early. I'm watching a lot of diffrent videos on yt, what's meta, optimal paths for diffrent junglers, watching pros. I try not to auto-pilot games, watching map, pinging my teamates, tracing enemy jungle. I sometimes fck up some of thoose, and then it's gg. I even installed op.gg extension in order to check what guy in my team has biggest carry potential and set up tent on his lane.

    But most games goes: bot feeds, they are behind, I try to countergank and def them trying also to gank other lanes to feed my solo lanes, and it just not work.

    Here is my op.gg profile: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Flotyt

    It's not a rant or smthing. Season is ending soon, so im not expecting to climb any more after this all. I just want to not end up is same spot next season. Thanks in advance, and sorry for my english! Cheers!

    submitted by /u/Kisielos
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    Jungle tracking basics?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 05:12 AM PDT

    Trying to improve my jungle game so I can get into silver next season. Tried searching this sub but everything I found was people in gold and I really just need the basic elements because I don't understand how to go about tracking the enemy jungler. Basic tips or video recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/gwtwolcott
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    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 10:41 AM PDT

    Hey, I use a lot of build sites, and keep coming across morello being built second on almost all mages and was curious as to why? I know to build it when the team has heavy heals, but should I for the most part be building this second, and when should I go liandrys over morello? Or am I just overlooking how good of an item actually is regardless of the healing reduction?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/FreeLovePark
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    Anyone use a one-handed keyboard?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 04:34 AM PDT

    I recently moved abroad with my partner, meaning I sold my gaming PC. I now only play on her shitty mac (I know, not meant for gaming).

    The issue is that having my hand on the laptop keyboard at an angle where my hand is rotated slightly to the left to access the keys for hours is giving me on-going wrist pain. As a result, I'm eyeing up one-handed gaming keyboards (cheap end, no brand ones), so I can relax my hand in a more natural position. Anyone used these?

    I just want to know if it's a good investment or if I should get a full size keyboard instead. The main reason I want one is I'll often play in bed after my partner goes to sleep and I think a little thing like this would be easier to use (in/on the bed) than a full size!!

    submitted by /u/BraaadaWilly
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    Nasus Q stacking

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 07:23 AM PDT

    Hey Guys

    Im fairly new at LoL and im focusing on top lane with nasus. Usually i do half decent ( to my standards) and get 500 q stack around 25-30 mins.

    A few days ago i had a match where nasus was being used as jungler. This guy ends the match ( around 30 mins ) with over 1000 q stack and a minion count of like 250. How did he do this? I know cannons give you more stack but he was jungling and barely farmed the lanes the first 20mins. He had like 600 q stack around 15-20min mark.

    I tried asking him how he did it but he just said 'l2p nasus'

    Is he just really good at last hitting and farming?

    submitted by /u/Baron_Biscuit
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    Mid lane - what to do after laning phase and control mage champion pool

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 04:34 PM PDT

    Some background: I've been playing since the end of season 4, starting as a top main then moving around to different roles each season. I'm low elo (bronze) and have settled on playing mid because I like playing control mages and know how to not feed my ass off. The trouble I have is understanding what I should do after the laning phase. Typically I just grab whatever side-lane farm is safest, making sure to never push too far with people not showing, and stay with the team mid. Can I do something better? Also, what's a good champion pool to have for control mages? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/purpleferret056
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    I feel like everytime I pick graves jg, the enemy always picks elise after

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 03:46 PM PDT

    Why is this? I've never felt that this matchup is hard for graves, to be honest it feels pretty easy. Clear speeds don't feel too different, both are healthy after their clears, other than elise having better tower dives... I don't see her advantage.

    I hover around d4-d3 elo on NA if it matters

    submitted by /u/SoupToPots
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    Adaptive Role by item picks

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 07:48 AM PDT

    Can/should/do you adapt your role in the team based on how you're doing in the early game?

    Mostly talking about the melee frontliners who are not dying by being sneezed upon (ex: garen, singed, shen, voli, darius, malphite to name a few).

    If you're behind you'll build tanky so u will be able to farm more safely and not feed, and if ur ahead u will build more damage so u can snowball your lead?

    submitted by /u/wulfgar4president
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    Which lane synergizes best with jungler to help climb ranked?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 06:43 AM PDT

    I plan on jumping into ranked at some point, but I'd like to do it with a duo friend of mine. We seem to have the best carry potential when he plays mid since coodinated ganks lead to full map pressure when we roam. He also plays top but we don't have as much success. Are there any obvious combinations or just more of how we play together?

    submitted by /u/Xadrian444
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    What to do if your jungle wont help you mid lane.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 02:08 PM PDT

    I just had a game where I was being camped mid by twitch. Literally sitting in bush waiting for me to try and cs. I was playing against a velkoz and he had the wave frozen under his tower. Now what am I supposed to do as a yasuo who is trying to cs. I asked my jungler to help me break the freeze but he just ignored me. Is there anything I can do to stop losing cs without giving the twitch more kills if my jungle wont help?

    submitted by /u/DTex34
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    Yasuo Tips?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 01:35 PM PDT

    I have recently been learning to play mid-lane and have been doing pretty well with Twisted Fate. I have been trying to pick up Yasuo and seem to end up just doing nothing every game. I keep pretty even in farm with my lane opponent or win but it feels like i do no damage to any opponent (except lux). If I am against tougher opponents (such as renekton) I freeze and I have been overextending less and less. I have been working on some combos and hitting my Q for the ult but i just seem to be doing no damage and by late game I'm useless even with a couple items. Any tips on how to not suck as Yasuo?

    submitted by /u/ParadiseLost69
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    Aggressive/Roaming Playstyle on Engage Supports - What to do?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 03:41 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    So the supports I play are mostly engage/all in oriented - Blitzcrank, Thresh, Pyke, and Gragas. I usually do well in lane, as I play normals and the MMR is pretty scattered - ranging anywhere from bronze when playing with friends to the occasional low diamond when playing solo queue. I feel engage heavy supports usually reign supreme in these environments, so I usually get a kill early.

    Usually at level 5 or 6, after I've backed and gotten my mobies (I love mobies rush), I usually run towards topside if both mid and top look somewhat gankable, or at least flash-burnable. Most of the times it's successful, and even if it's not, the worse that happens on my end is that I get some vision topside and apply some pressure.

    This is where the problem occurs. Usually when things become super successful, like I successfully gank and kill the top laner, I leave my ADC for minutes at a time alone, since I want to extend the pressure that I'm applying. This leaves them open to a 2v1 and even a potential dive with the enemy jungler, which usually will end up getting them killed, as they often don't respect the opponent enough. Bot tower ends up getting 3-5 platings taken off and we lose a ton of gold. I know this situation, I'm an ADC player too, I do this all the time too. I don't blame them, as I know all too well the urge of going in when ahead.

    So in this situation, what's better? Do I stay top/midside to help my jungler steal enemy camps? Do I repeat gank for the lane? Or do I head back bot, ASAP, and try to not lose the lead I've generated for my ADC? I know that the enemy support and ADC has a lot to do with this, like against an engage duo botlane I should probably peel for my ADC. Thing is though, is it worth leaving them bot, to potentially lose a tower and die a few times in order to get the rest of my team ahead?

    submitted by /u/nintru
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