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    Friday, December 20, 2019

    LoL Guide I'm a Diamond 3 player and I feel like an Iron headless chicken when I get autofilled jungle.

    LoL Guide I'm a Diamond 3 player and I feel like an Iron headless chicken when I get autofilled jungle.

    I'm a Diamond 3 player and I feel like an Iron headless chicken when I get autofilled jungle.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 03:49 AM PST

    I mostly play Normal Draft now that the season is over, and ever so often I get autofilled into jungle. I am a laner through and through, maining mid and adc, but my support isn't too shabby and I can hold my ground as top. However, I have absolutely no idea how to function in the jungle.

    The concepts of optimal pathing, scuttle control, farming, invading and ganking as a jungle player are just so out there to me, it feels like I'm playing a completely different game. I pretty much aimlessly run from camp to camp, ever so often attempting to gank and failing. I think in my last jungle autofill game I picked Kayn and went something like 0/4/1 while the enemy plat 4 Jarvan absolutely smacked me around in map pressure and ganks, and I'm pretty sure a gold jungler would have no problems beating me either.

    At this point I pretty much beg for anyone to swap with me in champ select if I get autofilled jungle, and dodge the game if noone's willing. I never found jungle fun and am not really in the mood to learn and excel at it, but I suppose I should get at least to a level where I'm not a complete detriment to the team that's worse than an AFK player. How would I do that?

    submitted by /u/Sakkara1
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    Saw someone post something about this so I thought it'd be fun/helpful to write on. Here's the basic breakdown on how to deal with being autofilled jungle.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 07:18 AM PST

    Step 1-Stop Overthinking it: The jungle in a sense is a messy, windy, regular lane. You have an opposing laner you can fight, you have objectives to push for, and you have creeps that need clearing. The only difference is that instead of having them fed to you in a nice orderly line, you gotta go get them. Don't get so wrapped up in the "complexity" of the jungle that you forget that you're still playing the same game you play when you get your normal role.

    Step 2-Selecting a Jungle Champ: Overrall, the best way to play jungle in an autofill jungle situation is to try to find 1 or 2 champions who's playstyles are very similar to how you like to play in lane. If you play assassin midlaners, take some assassin junglers (Lee Sin, Evelynn, Shaco, Wukong, Qiyana). If you play tanky tops, grab a tanky top (voli, jax, warwick, tryndamere (not a tank but u get the idea). Your mechanics aren't changing when you walk into the woods so as long as you have someone you can use decently you have a perfectly solid chance at winning your jungle.

    Note- Pocket Junglers: Almost any champions *can* play jungle, the question becomes can they *survive* in the jungle. The biggest thing that goes up in the air is clear speed and health. Your biggest risk is dying to Krugs, not Master Yi on the opposite side of the map. Apart from that, you can potentially take a laner you enjoy to the jungle and live to tell the tale. The thing with that is that you just have to be very careful about your clear and do your best to focus on farm until you have the items necessary to be healthy when it comes to contesting jg objectives. It's not impossible, it's just harder.

    Note- Invades and Counter-junglers: Check the roster at the beginning of the game. If they have a shitload of level 1 cc, hooks and early game damage, you might be walking into a potential invade. If their team invades and your team is not prepared to respond, *JUST FUCKING LEAVE*. It's a single 100 gold buff. You will be okay. You can simply either go to your other buff or go take their buff on the opposite end of the map. Fighting for the pride of your Sentinel only to feed 3 kills in the first 2 minutes of the game is not worth. If you walk through your jungle and find that someone is counter jungling you, check their camps. Typically if someone's counter jungling you it's because they're either clearing their camps fast enough to or they wanna take yours instead. If theirs are up, take them, fair is fair. If they aren't, see if you can't coerce your mid or top to roam with you in search of the sneaky bastard. A kill will almost always correct any losses from stolen chickens. That said, don't be afraid to play passively if you're worried about feeding. As long as you're close enough to normal gold levels and still packing a smite, you're still a useful team member.

    Step 3-Finding your jungle path: First off, stop worrying about "correct pathing". You're a fill jungler, no one's expecting you to have perfect cs clear times with exact transitions. You're a fill, your job is just to do what you can. Not having optimal pathing will not guarantee your demise outside of maybe high diamond and above. When you start the game, you want to go for the buff that most naturally synergizes with how your kit clears. If you're a mana-hungry spell spammer like Elise or Evelynn, you'll probably want to start on Blue. If you're a bruiser with aoe option like Tryndamere or Mundo, you can start red. Which one you start on isn't too critical, because if push comes to shove you can stop what you're doing and get the other one to have both. Kite the chickens and krugs, burst the gromp if you can, wolves don't do anything special. Just kill the minions and focus on keeping your health to a reasonable level. There is no shame in smiting early if you feel like you need to to stay healthy.

    Note- Gifting buffs to allies: Blue and red are first and foremost yours. You're going to need them more and use them more than anyone sitting in a lane unless you're a resourceless champion who doesn't build CDR so Blue is somehow dead to you. Do not feel obligated to give your buffs to your allies if you're still using them to benefit your lane, especially if the laner asking is not cooperating with team objectives. Smitestealing is a shitty move, but letting your 0/7 yasuo take your red because you're waiting for his 0/11 powerspike is always a bad call.

    Step 4-Scuttle wars: Around the 3-3:15 minute mark you'll more than likely hit level 3 after clearing most of your camps. It is not imperative to clear all of your camps immediately, if you consider your level 3 capable of effectively having a gank presence on the map. This is also the point where you want to contest scuttles. Scuttle spawns at exactly 3:14. You can either come to river early and wait for it to get a headstart or you can lie in wait and see if your enemy jungler tries for the one you're watching. Only try to contest a scuttle fight if you are confident in your ability to kill their jungler solo at least, and pay attention for roaming laners if the fight starts to get long-winded. If you find they're already on a scuttle and you don't feel like you naturally win, simply go get the other one. The vision control and gold/exp is useful on either side of the map. I would say if you *can* try to nab the botside scuttle over the topside, but it's not going to screw you if you don't.

    Step 5- Ganks: Ganks are very simple. You don't have a lane to push up, so you roam when your cs is down. Go to a lane where your ally is pushed in. Do your very best to kill their laner/s. That's it. Don't overthink it too much. If the enemy jungler is there as well, then you're just in a regular mini-teamfight. Do the best you can with what you have, but don't be afraid to walk away. You do not have to die alongside your insanely overconfident Garen top. That said, it is polite (and encouraged) to show lanes that are naturally difficult to win (control mages into assassins, etc) a little extra love, both to get them ahead for lategame and try not to let the enemy laners use your ally as a walking piggybank.

    Note- The Jungler's Golden Rule: The jungler's golden rule states "Thou shalt not gank a feeding lane". The idea here is that you don't want to gank someone that is so fed that they could basically 1v2 you without a problem, effectively doubling their lead. This rule does not mean "leave the guy that lost first blood to die for the rest of the game". The rule also serves as a means of making sure the jungler is spending their time and resources on lanes that have a potential to win, to create a snowball instead of spending your time trying to help a lane get back to even. It's always better to get a lane ahead while one falls behind rather than spending all your time trying to cover for a lane that isn't doing well so the others end up even or worse. A fed ally is a thousand times more useful to you and your team than a bunch of people doing "okay".

    Step 6-Jungle Objective Control: This is no different than objective control in lane. Are lanes pushing out? If so, you can move for objectives. If lanes are pushed in, you fix that and then address your rift/drake problem. If you're playing a jungler that can solo a drake or rift early on, the only thing you need to worry about is maintaining deep vision control and having a decent escape. The last thing you want is to leash the drake for your enemy and die in the process. A good team will collapse on you if you ping/move for drake. If they don't, ping the fuck out of them until they do. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO BAIL ON A JUNGLE OBJECTIVE IF IT MEANS SAVING LIVES. Getting a drake for a kill or two is worth, getting a drake for an ace is not.

    Note-Pinging: Pinging is the passive-aggressive teamchat of the common jungler. We ping more than anyone, because we have the most people to ping. If you are not someone who pings, I would suggest you build that habit on the off chance you get filled jungle. Pinging is critically important when it comes to warning your team of the enemy jungler's position, informing your team that you're en route to their lane or about to go in, and especially when you're setting up for large jungle objectives.

    Step 7-Drake and Rift: Draw drake fire off of your team (make sure it's head is only pointing at you) as you have the best sustain against jungle objectives (unless there's some crazy fed tank with you). If you can try to use scuttle pool boost to kite around Rift herald to swipe at his back eye. Killing jg objectives is hopefully not something I have to educate you on from the ground up.

    Note-The Smite and the Smite Steal: Smiting is a guaranteed instant true-damage blast. It will always deal the exact amount of damage listed on its indicator above your HUD. The only thing you need to worry about when it comes to smiting is timing and a small amount of math. Wait for the objective's health to be lower than your smite's current damage, and click. Again, super simple, the difficulty comes with accounting for how much damage the objective is currently taking and how fast. Your team of four is not going to wait to line up their damage with your smiteline. You have to predict when their burst will get you where you want. Smite stealing is basically the same principle, the only difference is the people bursting the objective are also probably going to try to kill you. Attempt at your own risk.

    Step 8: Mid to lategame: You'll notice there's no fancy jungle words in this step. This is because you're now basically a roaming ad/ap bruiser/tank/assassin/support hybrid. You farm like a normal laner when shoving lanes, take jungle camps during downtime, and otherwise stick with your team and play for macro objectives. It is recommended that you and you alone make the call on moving for barons and drakes now, and be particularly careful about how you're spending your smite. Entering a pit fight without smite is a great way to have your entire team ragequit on you. Apart from that though, you're now mostly just one of the boys with the benefit of a smite spell.

    Note-Building a jungle item: If you're not playing a typical jungler or just aren't sure if the Recommended page is trustworthy, you simply want to pick a jungle item that best suits your champions' interests mechanically. If your champ struggles with their clear early on, you want to get jungle item sooner rather than later. If they're an early game bruiser that doesn't struggle to get to an opponent, red smite with yellow or green is probably a good call, depending on if they build onhit items or tank items. If the answer to that question is both, go with green, it's a much safer item overrall. If you're playing a champion that might not always get to their target as quickly as they need, take blue smite. If you're an ad/ap heavy assassin, red and or blue enchantment. Don't overthink it. Just finish it quickly so you don't have to worry about obnoxious shit like Monster Hunter.


    Pick a champ you like that you know how to play, don't compromise for teamcomp if you're not good with who they want you to play. A good all AD team is better than a mediocre mixed damage team.

    Clear the camps as best you can in any order that works for you

    Fight for scuttle if you're comfortable, leave and get the other one if you aren't

    gank when it looks like you being there would guarantee a win for that lane, don't when it doesn't

    prioritize drakes and rift as much as possible, but don't feed for them

    baron > dragon unless dragon is soul or elder

    Never spend your second smite unless you have to

    If push comes to shove, just try not to die.

    Hope this helps. Questions encouraged.

    submitted by /u/TheLoneRook
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    Toxicity in Ranked

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 04:32 AM PST

    I'm pretty new to the game, I've played a few dozen games, gotten to 30+, felt that I was doing pretty okay in normals with a character that I've got hours into (ADC twitch).

    I decided to try ranked, doing placement games by the suggestion of a friend, because they said you'd get paired with people that are of your skill level.

    They turned out to be harder than I expected, most of the players played much more aggressively and I couldn't farm nearly as well as I normally did (some due to wifi or having to play another character, but there was at least one I genuinely just had a bad time with), which ended with my team telling me things like "trolling report" "uninstall" and calling me slurs, spamming pings, ect.

    I'm rethinking whether it's worth finishing the rest of the placements. Are all ranked games like this? For the placements are they just throwing you in with high ranked people (who, I can sort of understand being upset with me)?

    submitted by /u/redbluedots
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    As a Jungler, when do I touch the wave?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 03:09 PM PST

    I'm a low elo jungler who's looking to make the jump from Silver to at least Plat, by the end of next season. I want to improve my game knowledge & I definitely have but I am confused about the aspect of taxing or shoving my lancers waves. I have no idea when it's the right time to do so. I always see posts that talk about laners who are grateful when their Jungler helps them shove their wave. How am I supposed to know when to help? How do I know when not to? For example, my laner just won a solo fight & is at half or under half health. They are most likely going to back. Is this when I help them shove? I'm very confused on this topic. I also don't want to be flamed for accidentally ruining a manipulated wave such as breaking a freeze or slow push etc.

    submitted by /u/thesagenibba
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    Why should I play with unlocked camera ?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 04:23 AM PST

    Hello, I am a plat support main. There is something that a lot of my friends find weird, and that is that I play with my camera always locked.

    I don't find a lot of use in unlocking my camera : everything that I can attack/heal/buff are in sight, the map perfectly display all I need and I can always click on the map to see what I need (when playing Soraka for ewample)

    It never bothered me IG, and for me, unlocking the camera is an useless mental strain to put on yourself on top of a stupid way to die while looking at something else.

    I perfectly understand semi-locked gameplay, because you always need to take a look at the wave's management or the enemy's health, but why would you play with the camera fully unlocked ? Thanks

    submitted by /u/MrEleyox
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    Issues leveling in S10 jungle

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 11:24 AM PST

    (Sorry for my english, it is not my first language)

    Just as the title says, i have problems keeping up with the enemy jungler in terms of levels, i have been playing jungle for the entirety of season 9 and never had any similar issues. After the preseason changes to the jungle i have been struggling to be even with the enemy jg almost every single match, i have tried playing hyperfarming champions like Shyvana and Karthus as well as gank-heavy champions like Vi and Sejuani, but no matter who i play and with what playstyle, i always find myself at a level disadvantage. I don't understand why, can someone explain to me?

    submitted by /u/jps_3002
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    The underrated value of Normal Games

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 01:53 PM PST

    As I've played this game for many years I have found a pretty common pattern among many players.

    I have seen players with 2000+ normal games before going into ranked get to platinum/diamond without major issues and generally understand the game pretty well.

    And I have also seen many with 2000+ ranked games hardstuck in silver/gold because they went into ranked games as soon as they hit level 30 and haven't played more than 1000 normal games.

    The idea here is that normal games aren't really that "serious", people play random champions, for fun, some very serious, new metas, troll picks, theorycrafting, low elo, high elo, everything. Normal games expose you to more variety of picks and playstyles that you rarely get in Ranked in whatever elo you are. In bronze you might get Amumu vs Warwick jungle every game and you get stuck in that routine, then when you get higher elo there will be Kayn and Graves players and you have no fkn idea what you are in for.

    That's why normal games are superior when you are learning something. I had to swallow this hard pill when learning a new champion (Camille) in the jungle, due to her being extremely difficult to jungle with same efficiency as let's say Olaf (really fkn easy OP champion, requires barely a brain play him!), I had hard time learning her but I played at least 150 normal games before hitting Ranked games with her and I was amazed by my own results. I was previously hardstuck plat 3-4, but was able to shit on people and rose up to Platinum 1, 2-0 promos to Diamond in just 3 days.

    So how did this happen?

    Spamming normal games randomly with zero enthusiasm won't really get you better at the game. The point is that when you are practicing in Normal games you focus on your self-improvement in the game without the extreme filter of "competitive" mode (ranked). Playing ranked can easily give you tunnel-vision to spam lots of games just trying to win and hit a high rank, it barely gives you room to breathe for self-reflection. There's lot of frustrated teammates, toxic environment and everyone is out for the same goal. But in normal games the focus is yourself. By having the freedom to think more deeply about your game and get better understanding of your own plays is worth so much more than trying to achieve your wins in promos and blaming your team for holding you down. In normal games you rarely blame anyone, even if a teammate trolls you can feel good trying hard and taking risks without ending the game as a sore loser because it's just another normal game, but in ranked that one game could mean having to re-do promos to your next rank and is way more frustrating.

    Sure you can argue that to be a pro athlete you have to start in the Little League less or more before going into major league. But don't forget that to get to the little league you have to practice and same goes for Major League, that is what normal games is.

    submitted by /u/CosingularHomology
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    Wave Control in Mid lane as Yasuo

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 11:23 AM PST

    I feel as if wave management with Yasuo is quite tricky.

    For one, your Q can pierce multiple minions and accidentally start pushing the wave. If you EQ, the same thing can happen, and using Tornado on a wave will often send it pushing back.

    Does anyone have any advice on wave management as Yasuo? I find it pretty hard atm, and I'd like to know if anyone has tips for not hard shoving every wave.

    submitted by /u/10LoL
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    How to play against Heimer botlane as a marksman?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 01:55 PM PST

    Recently I played 2 games against Heimer botlane, I felt there was only two ways it could have gone:

    1. Passively losing cs under turret and giving up plating gold

    2. Try to ask for gank and kill that big head but the result was his turrets were stronger than my jungler.

    I know it's already frustrating enough to play against him in mid but at least I have some picks that can deal with his wave clear, eg Malzahar or Anivia post lvl 6. But in botlane when I play adc champs I just feel I have 0 way to win the lane.


    submitted by /u/monosolo830
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    How to properly play tanks that get close to the enemy when fighting?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 03:20 PM PST

    I enioy playing tanks like Ornn, Sion and Dr. Mundo. Ornn for his interesting mechanics, awesome kit, epic ult and an angry, yet wise character. Sion for his satisfying Q hit on enemies, late game satisfying wave clear and his mad and bloodthirsty brute character. Dr. Mundo for his simple, yet deadly kit. His brain-dead playstyle and his friendly character. I love Yorick too, one my mains, but I feel like my team just loses a teammate since Yorick is bad in teamfights and I'm a slow splitpusher.

    All of these champions are awesome for me but there's always something that just demotivates me to not play them anymore. Ornn, with his very agressively close fighting style. Like, how do I avoid a Jax, Shen or Fiora just returning all of the damage that I dealt to them and not accomplishing anything at all and maybe not even winning the trade even at the slightest? Sion, with his CC vulnerable Q - his main damage source. Dr. Mundo with the prevelance of "over-time" damage dealers like Darius or Mordekaiser. With Yorick I feel very unhelpful. I just lose the game with him. Is it because I'm not helping? Not trying to join teamfights? Not split pushing enough? I just lose, lose and lose with him.

    I'm really tired of cancer champions like Akali, Darius, Yasuo, Mordekaiser, Fiora, Shen, Jax and etc. I only win whenever players with these cancer champions are shit and it doesn't help me stay motivated in the long run. I hate how they can all just ruin me no matter what. And when I try to roam to mitigate the loss of CS or kills I always miss the window where I can stun or gank an enemy properly and it's boring and time wasting. What do I do? Support is nice whenever my ADC is agressive. I'm pretty agressive and a peaceful ADC with the brain capacity of a small house plant is like a 1v3 in bot.

    I'm tired of this dumb circle of inspiration/ motivation, unsuccessful execution, failure and misery. What do I do to fix my problems in top lane and enjoy the game again?

    submitted by /u/esteebangus2008
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    Overly cautious playstyle - how to fix it?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 05:35 AM PST


    I've been playing League for some time, but how long isn't really relevant. What matters is that all the friends I play with have been telling me one thing in the recent months. That I play too cautiously (although they say it more like "you're not doing anything.")

    The problem? I find myself giving away a lot of kills and unnecessarily dying if I try to play aggressively. I don't really have any issues with aggressive play if I'm playing a champion designed to initiate and attack (such as Vi), but when I'm playing ADC, non-tank support, mid, etc. - I usually don't commit very hard and skirt around in the backline, trying to deal damage / use my abilities / otherwise contribute but without exposing myself to what I see as "instant death."

    I get 100-0'd very frequently in fights if somebody catches me while I'm playing a squishy, so I end up staying as far away from threats as possible. It typically allows me to survive for a while, but it also lowers my impact in fights from everyone else's perspective. Basically, I survive and don't get killed, but I don't contribute.

    I really struggle with finding the balance between staying cautious and contributing. Right now, it feels like one of two extremes if I'm not a tank. Either I get 100-0'd because of positioning too close to enemy burst-oriented champions (people really like to focus me for some reason, at least that's how I feel), or I hardly take any damage but don't contribute.

    Is there a way I can fix that? I think my playstyle is indeed overly cautious in many situations, and that even includes laning. I rarely play very aggressively in lane unless I have an evident advantage (which results in the wave getting pushed under my turret frequently). It's not just teamfights where I'm overly cautious, it's also in lane, but it's less prominent because it only impacts my lane and not the entire team.

    Please help. I don't know how to fix this on my own, and my friends don't really have good ideas other than "play more aggressively," "do stuff."

    submitted by /u/Teleshar
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    I am having an issue if i pick ignite and enemy has Teleport.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 02:27 PM PST

    I usually take ignite top cuz i have a kill threat that i wanna capitalize on. but most of the times i fail.

    What happens is one of these scenarios.

    1- i trade with enemy. force his flash with only my Ignite . force him to recall but i can't push the wave fast enough . he tp back with Health advantage losing nothing and now i lose all my kill pressure or i recall and lose EXP cuz i have no tp.

    2-i kill enemy using my summs for his summs. but i have to recall. enemy Tps back sets up a freeze gains level adv and still wins the lane.

    So how do i actually come out on top if it's ignite vs TP? specially that solo lane exp is now higher so minions are move valuable than before.

    Pls don't tell me take tp. i don't know if enemy is taking TP or ignite and i am usually playing champs that fight in lane . not champs who stay relevant no matter what happens in lane like Garen. or Ornn. and i don't like conceding my pressure unless it's for their jungler.

    submitted by /u/elabyed25
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    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 06:02 AM PST

    Hey so I am lvl 24, and I recently switched from mid/top to jungle. I usually play mundo and yi jungle and I just need some tips. My route for yi is red-krugs-chickens then get scuttle. But sometimes I go from red buff jungle to wolves-blue-gromp then scuttle. Any jungle route tips? And when should I gank someone. Usually when I gank mid or top I get melted because they are so much more ahead then I am. Tips?

    submitted by /u/chowdgath
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    Everything you want to know about MMR/ELO

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 05:24 AM PST


    A complete explaination of Elo and MMR in League of Legends. Discussion on the competative rank structure, match making and meaningful advice for climbing. I shared this with the leagueoflegends subreddit and the response was very positive. When I found this subreddit I thought I'd share it with you guys.

    submitted by /u/SpecialistQ
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    How to reach high CS?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 04:40 AM PST

    My friends keep complaining i have low cs and im starting to notice it too

    120+ CS after 30 minutes im pretty sure that is very not normal

    Are there guides or things i should do to get high CS? I catch huge minion waves, freeze and farm, steal krugs or gromp because jungle never comes top (never) yet i still have shitty cs

    Is there something im missing?

    submitted by /u/FalloutdustLMR
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    Wolftrainer Discussion

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 03:35 PM PST

    Hi all,

    Since Plays.tv went kaput a few days ago I was wondering if anyone had tried Wolftrainer or any other similar software for recording & reviewing plays.

    Wolftrainer basically seems the same as Plays thus far, however during my third game it did cause some serious frame drops making me miss my Q and feed Zed mid :/. Aside from that it has been fine, going to investigate the settings and see if there is a way to prevent it from being an LP risk.

    What are your experiences, or alternatives?

    submitted by /u/Evrae_
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    How can me and my support improve?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 03:24 PM PST

    Hello guys I am platinum 3 adc and my support is gold 3. Our meta picks right now are Cait and Leona, but we can play all adcs and supp. We would like to improve so could you give us any tips/tricks/tactics or strategies. I think we got the basics. We know when to trade, when to sit under tower, when to go for kill. The problem i thinki i have as an adc is that i cant properly freeze lane so any tips on that? Also can you suggest any bottom lane combos right now? And for my last question how should i protect myself against champs such as Nautilus and Vi? I would like to thank in advance to all people who reply to this post :)

    submitted by /u/Alexender2000
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    Man, I'm starting to hate top lane

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 03:17 PM PST

    Is anyone else annoyed playing top lane trying to use bruisers and tanks this patch? I can't stand when I'm like a Tryn or Garden or someone and a Vayne comes in and just tickles me to death. Top lane should stay as a brawl. And RIP to ganks because junglers have to focus so much on dragon.

    submitted by /u/hurricanedan229
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    Managing Minion Waves as a Jungler

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 10:38 PM PST

    New jungle main here with yet another question.

    So, pretty much my entire 9 year career of league, I've never understood proper wave management. I get the basic concepts, I think (freeze, slow push, fast push) but I don't really know how to put them into practice, especially as a jungler.

    I was just under the impression that if I kill the enemy laner, I shove the wave with my laner so that they can back, and if I see a wave crashing into a friendly turret while my laner is dead/back, I just go soak the free xp.

    But I've seen several threads around this sub talking about junglers setting up fast pushes, slow pushes, setting up freezes, etc. I don't really understand what this means in practice, and I can't seem to find any guides to help me out with the concepts.

    When do you do these things as a jungler, and perhaps more importantly: how?

    submitted by /u/Closix
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    Best rune for Ori bot lane?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 12:40 PM PST

    I know that orianna typically runs aery for the increased auto dmg + shield strength, however when shes bot would it be best to run phase rush? I feel like it could be good especially when there's little peel on the team. Also is there anything important to know about ori bot in this meta/is it still decent? Thanks

    PS Im gold 3 if that's important

    submitted by /u/CafinatedPepsi
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    I don't remember to look the map

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 12:37 PM PST

    I'm in promo for platinum, 1 lost. Analyzing my game I unsterdand that I could survive if I was looking the map, cause the bot was missing and no one sended ss. I say to myself that I will look the map but when I'm in game I focus more on farming qnd/or trading that, sometimes, I forgot to look the map. How can I "force" myself to look the map?

    submitted by /u/albierto
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