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    Friday, January 15, 2021

    LoL Guide Longsword with Refillable Potions VS. D Blade with Red Potion, how do I Know Which One to Take?

    LoL Guide Longsword with Refillable Potions VS. D Blade with Red Potion, how do I Know Which One to Take?

    Longsword with Refillable Potions VS. D Blade with Red Potion, how do I Know Which One to Take?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 04:50 AM PST

    I'm a Zed main mid, and I struggle to find out when and why some other people one or the other. My guess is when I'm going against someone who plays aggressive like Yas, I take D Blade because it makes trades a little better for me. Otherwise if I go against, say like, a Lux I go Longsword and refills. I don't know if I'm correct with this logic and I'd like any input as possible. Thanks summoners and have a good day!

    submitted by /u/JellySalt
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    How to beat Trist + point click cc botlane?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 06:25 AM PST

    I've just got stomped by the same duo botlane two times in a row, who were playing Tristana + a point click cc (first game it was Maokai, then it was Pantheon). The lane went exactly the same way in both games, with them forcing us to lose a big chuck of HP and some summoners at lvl 1 and they were constantly pressuring us off all minions after that.

    As far as I can tell, Tristana is probably one of the, if not the best ADC in dealing a lot of burst dmg lvl 1, pairing that with some CC and an ignite from the support I think it's safe to say that they can kill most adc or support with that burst. In both games they did not pull for the jungler, making it easy for them to camp the lane bush close to our turret. At that point we have two choices: back off from the wave and not risk dying - this would obviously put them in the driving seat for the whole laning phase. The other option is we could risk fighting in our minion wave, but I suppose we need some champions for that that also excel lvl 1. It must also be considered that if we decide to concede all pressure, Tristana will just take the tower and then influence the whole map.

    The first game I played Nami into them, hoping that if we somehow survive early, then I can maybe poke them, and if they engage I have my Q. Well, it didn't quite work out as they just engaged on me instead of the ADC - by the time I was lvl 4, we were so far behind that Trist was just able to jump into turret, burst me down and jump back out without any issues. Sure I could have hit my Q, and sometimes I did, but when I missed it, we were practically dead.

    The next game I played Morgana, and it went slightly better, since my spellshield came in clutch multiple times. But still, we were never at any point had any pressure, since if I would try to use my Q offensively, they could just pull the trigger as we didn't really have any reliable CC anymore.

    So these two losses got me thinking: what should be our plan if we are going into a hard engage duo that has seriously strong lvl 1, and they are quicker to the lane than us?

    Edit: I'm getting a lot of replies like "just play safe" (feels like I'm in an actual game haha), so let me rephrase the question: even though Tristana and Pantheon lane is extremely good in getting kills early, is there something to do play or draft-wise to have a fighting chance and not just play safe from minute 0?

    submitted by /u/RHK_Ezze
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    How bad is ADC in soloQ really?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 09:12 AM PST

    I see a lot of post on r/ADCmains about how bad it is to play ADC in soloQ so I wanted to ask a larger audience about how bad is ADC really in soloQ. I know that the role has issues what with squshiness and all that but each role has that issue somewhere so I don't see why the entire role is considered "bad" or "impossible" to play in soloQ.

    submitted by /u/WallaP1P
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    Why am I good with champs the first few times I play them, then trash afterward.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 07:53 PM PST

    Just as the title says. I played Kayn, was alright at first, then good for a bit, then terrible. Same with Kha'Zix; I was good my first few games, had a couple great games, now I'm trash. Evelynn, I had like 2 or 3 games in a row with 10+ kills, dominated games, now I can't even go above 0/5. Is there something I'm doing wrong? My guess would be I play well and get overconfident and cocky and think I can take any fight, when in reality, I can't. I also know I'm switching champs too many times, and I just need to find one and stick with them, but it's hard cause I can't find a champ I feel confident with. I felt confident with each of the three mentioned above, but you lose confidence fast after going 3/11 4 games in a row.

    submitted by /u/dr-phils-left-nut
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    Questions from a bronze yasuo/yone main

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 08:55 AM PST

    Hey guys! I used to be a jungle main, a khazix otp but he doesnt feel like the champ i fell in love with so i decided to swap roles during preseason and im currently playing mid. During preseason i played a lot and i used to stomp low golds and high silvers on their onetricks playing yasuo and yone. This inflated my ego quite a bit because winning against better players always feels good.

    Now skip to my last couple of games, i get stomped on, by players playing champs they are uncomfortable on in bronze. Im not sure why, but for some reason my skills from preseason did not carry over or something. It just feels impossibly hard to carry my team when all they want to do is fight at a deficit .

    Ive looked at a couple of things to help me improve but the only point that i can really name is improving my cs, i get around 6-8 cs per minute but my pre 10 min cs is atrocious. What are some other ways i can improve fundamentally at the game to help me climb? and why do i always lose my level advantage in the midgame? if there are any questions or points that need clearing up shoot them my way, thank you all!

    submitted by /u/riprequinox
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    I win my lane most of the time but have no idea what to do after

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 09:20 AM PST

    The title sais pretty much everything. Last season I ended up in Silver with round about 60-70 games. I do understand the concept of how most matchups in mid and top work. However after the laning phase beginns to end I have no idea what to do. Most of the time people just beginn to play aram or run into the enemy jungle to just fight when they could just farm up without risking anything. Usually I just follow the bigger group of my team or run towards the biggest wave that would rum into our turrets because only very few people notice it fast enough. Im not trying the flame anyone for soing random stuff because I just follow the ones that do the same without thinking twice about it. It feels like every game is so random. there is no routine except maybe the laning phases. Are there any guides or streamers that explain why you do things in certain situations ?

    submitted by /u/2dGaki
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    What's correct strategy for Ignite + Flash Toplaner vs TP in early levels?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 11:24 AM PST

    I'm struggling to get the best of the situation and was hoping for advice as I feel this is a very common issue for many top laners (including myself):

    Wave is slowly pushing towards enemy tower due to me getting early level 2/3 in top lane for first blood or forced back in my favor. I'm left very low hp, and enemy jungler is pathing upwards to likely punish me from crashing wave. I have to recall to heal and walk back to lane due to no tp.

    Top laner respawns, can TP before wave crashes and can freeze right before it hits tower. This sets up the opposing laner to likely surpass me in lvl advantage, and trying to go for CS invites JG pressure. What is the most optimal strategy here to press my advantage of first blood?

    submitted by /u/Kwanity
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    Why am i so bad in jungle ?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 11:09 AM PST

    i am starting to be a jungler last year. it's the only lane where i feel like i am having fun in this trash game. but i lose so much now and games are hard to carry . i am currently in silver and trying to be gold again but this time in jungle . What i don't understand as a jungler is litterally what should i do and what decisions i should make .

    I play a carry champions and i decide to farm until my power spike suddenly my team feeds and the game is snowballed by fed top and mid laners and i lose . and when i try to gank, because the previous idea made me lose, i become the weaker jungler in terms of CS and XP. sometimes ganks don't go well or the laners i give prio will not use it and still lose their lanes. the other thing i hate so much is when i fight for objectives or try to invade enemy's jungle the other team follows but my team would not although they are the pushing ones and have the prios even if i ping for help 2000 times .One other thing that often happens is when there is an obvious gank opportunity, especially when it includes diving, but my laner is last hitting minions like i do not exist. But the thing is these failed strategies that made me useless in some games ,sometimes just work ! i do the same stuff and i find myself fed so much and getting the objectives and doing a good map pressure and even solo carrying . I could not find a good macro recipe to follow ,things do not make sense and my plays are so dependent on my teammates.

    When i watch pro players in high elo. games are harder and people are smarter and better but at least things make sense . when you fail, you can see what you did wrong and what you should've done better and improve based on that. But in silver and gold, it doesn't. HELP ! I wanna be a good jungler :'(

    submitted by /u/GrompyGromp123
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    Seraphine Support Ability order and more Question.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 05:05 AM PST

    (1) Why do so many Seraphine max Surround Sound at last? And then they say Surround Sound has a so long cd. It's not better first Beat Drop then Surround Sound and at last High Note? Is Surround Sound max lvl it has about 11s cd. As a enchanter Supporter, I think that is nice. I dont realy know why High Note shoud so good. I mean it dos only dmg. A Supporter dont need so much dmg.

    (2) How shoud I stand in the laning phase? Shoud I stand near ADC or away from ADC? Or is this matchup specific?

    (3) Roaming as Seraphine. Shoud i roam a lot or less?

    (4) Item. Is imperial Mandate worth it? Or is Moonstone now better?

    Ty so much if you answer those Question! :) Sry for my realy, realy bad englisch :/. Its not my first language.

    PS: First Question is for me the most important.

    submitted by /u/Seanator-HD
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    FPS drops when dragon dies

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 10:29 AM PST

    Hello, I been having this problem for about half a year now. Whenever dragon dies, first wave of minions spawn, baron dies, map changes for dragon soul type, I get a short few seconds of FPS drop. This is a problem because the short few seconds are unplayable. It basically looks like the game freezes until whatever assets the game is trying to load up is done then my name is back to normal. What could be the problem? I originally had my game installed into an HDD, and figured that could be the reason, so I switched it back to my main SSD and I am still having this issue. Repaired the game as well as reinstalled. Out of ideas.

    PC specs

    Ryzen 3600

    RTX 2060

    8 GB RAM x2

    submitted by /u/Valdriz
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    Best top lane champions for low elo

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 03:42 PM PST


    I am jg/top main and I'm looking for a new top lane champion to play. I want a champion that have ok early and good late game if that is possible.Also It can be hard to play. I was thinking about renekton, gnar or fiora. What do u think guys?


    submitted by /u/69sharky69
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    How do I get better at ganking?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 03:33 PM PST

    I just started playing jg as my secondary role while playing primarily Kayn. Im in silver and cant seem to get the hang of ganking. I either go right over a ward and they run away or I mistime it and the person gets away before i can get the kill. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/GetSniped568
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    Am I doing something wrong? (low LP gains)

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 03:32 PM PST

    Hey all!, I'm coming here to ask if there's something wrong with what I'm doing on ranked, because I cannot seem to increase my MMR to gain more LP. I started season at g2, and slowly gained lp to get to p4, gaining an average of 13 lp each game, and losing 16-19.

    I have somewhere around 60% winrate, so I am genuinely at a loss of what to do to climb, at 12 lp per win it seems so hard and even more when I lose 50% more than I win.

    Here's my opgg in case someone wants to take a look: https://las.op.gg/summoner/userName=Frankel

    Any suggestions? similar cases?

    Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

    submitted by /u/Decimator7
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    How to beat Tristana?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 01:12 PM PST

    Okay, so every adc matchup I know how it works, who has an advantage etc. But one thing I do not get is how to actually beat Tristana.

    People say she has a weak laning phase, and that was true if she ran PTA. Her Q attack speed steroid isn't strong enough early. But with HoB, that weakness is eliminated because she can stack her E in literally 1-2 seconds giving you no time to react. If she jumps on you, you're basically dead.

    I've just played a game with Lucian vs a HoB Tristana who wasn't even an adc player. She legit jumped on me and instantly deleted 60-70 percent of my health. It feels so unfair to lane against her.

    Any tips?

    submitted by /u/Wutroslaw
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    Question for you guys about 2021 promos

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 02:52 PM PST

    I was fortunate to do the best I ever have in my promos this year. I have been playing for 6 years or so, adc/mid lane main. I ended my promos 9-1 and I still got put into Bronze to start. This might just be me but in the past few years I did worse and started higher, has anyone else had this experience?

    submitted by /u/BustyBronzie
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    Micro play in low elo

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 04:01 PM PST

    Hello everyone, as the title suggests, my question is how big is the impact of micro in low elo (mostly bronze and silver). In basically every game, I encounter atleast 7-8 players with over 100k mastery points, and usually I am the only one with mastery level 4 or lower. I have been a part of league since early 2013 and I have basic knowledge on 90% of champions so I don't struggle that much with learning a new champion. I used to play a lot of jungle, but recently (around 18 months ago) I picked up top and adc as primary roles just because of their carry potential. My macro play isn't that bad, my vision score is always bigger than the game's length in minutes, I used to secure atleast 2 drakes for the team as an adc and usually 1 herald as a top laner, I have around 7 cs per min before 20 minutes, but my main problem is laning phase. Even though I usually have a gold and exp advantage, I just can't seem to solo kill the enemy laner so I require constant ganks from my jungler. I am confident I can improve this by not playing ranked for now and focusing on mastering 1-2 champions per role, so my question is, how many games should I spend doing this, and what is the optimal number of mastery points I need on a champion to consider myself ready to return to playing ranked again? I'm open to all criticism, thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/mindless_slav
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    Kayle vs Garen matchup

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 11:52 AM PST

    Hi guys, this may be a bit odd since Kayle is supposed to counter Garen, but recently I quite struggled in this matchup. I found Garen extremely difficult to chunk down during laning phase, as after poke my opponent used the bushes to just wait out his passive. My wards were usually on cooldown so I struggled to poke him at this point. From level 11 onwards I struggled to do any damage to him at all, despite being even in CS and kills. This was using press the attack. I started by building corrupting pot into berserker grieves into Nashor's tooth. Mana was definitely an issue even with corrupting potion.

    I'd like to learn how to actually play the lane as it's intended and add a Garen counter to my pool, and I really like Kayle's playstyle.

    submitted by /u/Bazzyboss
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    Riven without 1 tricking or 2. Possible?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 11:16 AM PST

    Hey, I need an advice on Riven. I'm a low elo player in bronze. With Akali as my main champ and others (Diana, Lux, Rumble, Jax, Urgot), I only play midlane and toplane. I recently had a liking to Riven and was thinking about adding her to my champ pool. But my friend suggested that she would be too difficult as she has a very high learning curve. Mainly cause of the ANIMATION CANCEL AUTO ATTACK. Is there a possiblity for me to add her without 1 tricking or 2?

    submitted by /u/End_Being
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    Um why isn't ADC twisted fate more popular?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 02:57 PM PST

    It allows him to scale late, have sustain, and not depend on mana as much. Now I have only played one game, but I did go pretty massive and won lane with a camille supp. I think it has pretty good potential with kraken - nashors tooth - either borc or blood thirster, and then not sure as game ended. But you can easily hit 2 attacks per second, and his s3 scales his attack speed along with extra magic damage per 4 hits which scales with attack speed. Also, he has a tp back if he were do die, and a nice stun for 1 v 1s or being dived on.

    submitted by /u/NoodleRNG
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    Second wind against Darius

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 07:22 PM PST

    I just played a game as Camille vs a Darius in the top lane and went Grasp with second wind and realized that the bleed keeps refreshing the healing effect. Just thought I'd share since I've always had trouble against Darius but this seems pretty damn good, especially with corrupting pot and no dshield.

    submitted by /u/Steelers6767
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    Pink Warding Post Laning Phase

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 02:43 PM PST

    As a midlaner (Cassio), where are the best spots to pink and why after lane phase/mid-late game (besides pits for upcoming drag/baron)? If I want to be denying them vision of where my team and I might be, then wouldn't the main spots be:

    1. their blue/red when theyre respawning soon if we want to steal and track jng
    2. river brush for midlane flanks, putting down more vision, scuttle
    3. bushes by raptors for stealing camps and taking their tier 2 tower
    submitted by /u/TimeIllusory
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    Gonna need some help with this one. This this happened in a ranked match, how in the hell do i avoid this?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 02:36 PM PST


    Most of the context is needed in the image, but literally the tl:dr is we were winning lane, hard. the support who was actively taking my cs despite me never complaining literally BLEW UP ON ME like a child because i asked him, once, to place a ward before we engaged since he had 4 in his targons and 3 on his yellow trinket and i had none and a 10 minute dirk+warhammer kha (fed as fuck) was near bot side. (the stealth ward 92s cd was my own ward, showing the zilean that i had no wards to place and we needed them bad)

    The response i get is this fucking garbage, he abandoned the lane and ran up top and mid and intentionally fed, all because i politely asked him to ward once???? what did i do to upset these two players so fucking much, why am i supposed to win a 3v1 under turret with a support that left the lane ages ago?

    I dont fucking understand people, im venting, yes but im also confused as to what the hell im supposed to do? WHY CAN I NOT BUY WARDS ANYMORE? i could literally salvage farm out of the lane 2v1 if i could angle vision around tower kiting, but with kha camping me ontop of 2 other players and a inting zilean the game is just a loss. a single control ward is not sufficient to ward ANYTHING with, let alone a bot lane. I cannot buy green wards anymore (and i still dont understand why) and i cannot buy a support ward item (I WOULD if there was no gold penalty, thats how bad vision is in most of my games) i just dont understand wtf riot's design is with warding right now.

    Oh by the way i was asking for dragon wards, because kha was setting up for it a minute prior and i solo pushed him off it, then sure as hell he solos it less than a minute after i ask for wards on it.

    and before you tell me /muteall, the issue had nothing to do with chat, the issue had to do with the fact that a guy with 7 fucking wards wont touch the damn things and me asking once literally sent him on a feeding spiral.

    when you are stuck 2v1, 3v1 at bot all game, are you supposed to keep walking back to lane and feeding? this isn't the first time i've had this happen, where support leaves bot lane, and never comes back, and i get flamed for abandoning bot, OR i get flamed for dying under turret to a horrifically overextended enemy bot lane. i cant even get in the t1 tower since their duo would sit between T2/T1 camping me and killing the waves together, with out help theres nothing i can do. what a way to lose a game that i was 6-0 in lane. i managed to only di


    submitted by /u/Kaydie
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    Pinks and Vision vs Items and Stats as a support?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 02:34 PM PST

    I decided to put some effort into actually climbing the ladder near the end of last season (and push for Masters+ this season), and as part of that I've been checking my stats on my main with League of Graphs fairly regularly. A couple things I've noticed:

    The average Diamond/Master Lulu tends to get their items a few minutes earlier - averaging 15~ minutes for item 1 and 23:00~ for item 2, where I'm sitting at 17:50 and 27:09 respectively. The first item difference I can understand, as I very often go T2 boots before even starting my Mythic, but the second item difference baffles me. The only thing I can think of leads me into the second thing I noticed.

    The average Diamond/Master Lulu has way lower vision score per minute than I seem to be getting (1.72 and 1.77 vs 2.26, respectively). Early game I'm relatively even with both ratings, but after about minute 15 I start placing and killing more wards by a long shot. In a 30 minute game, I average 40 wards placed and 13-13.5 ward kills, vs the Masters average of 30 and 7.5. I presume this is because I purchase a lot of pink wards; very roughly I'd say 1 every 2.5-3 minutes on average.

    I'm still winning games, averaging a 60%~ win rate in my past 150 or so games, so obviously this isn't enough of a detriment to overcome my truly amazing skill, but it's somewhat concerning to be so outside the norm in terms of item timings and such.

    Do y'all think I should be focusing on being more sparing with my pink ward usage, in order to more appropriately hit these average item timings, or generally do you think the increased vision is more important than an earlier item?

    submitted by /u/Whytefang
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    How to take Ranked seriously with so many bought accounts?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 02:22 PM PST

    I know it's probably because the season just started but every game I've had so far has at least 3 lvl 30's on both teams with a abysmal win rates. It's very obvious that they bought the account but so many of them are toxic and leave for no reason but apparently it's fine because its their smurf. How long should I wait for the amount of smurfs in every game to lower in rank or is it just a normal thing that happens?

    submitted by /u/RNJ3bus
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