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    Sunday, April 19, 2020

    LoL Guide Toplane feels like a prison: the moment I leave, I'll lose one or two towers

    LoL Guide Toplane feels like a prison: the moment I leave, I'll lose one or two towers

    Toplane feels like a prison: the moment I leave, I'll lose one or two towers

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 08:35 AM PDT


    I've bee playing toplane and I really got the hang of farming and trading. But there's one thing that's very unclear to me:

    I sometimes have to leave toplane to help my team out at objectives or counterganks. But the moment I do so, I'll most likely lose my turret. This is not pre-6 ofcourse, but I've been playing tower-defense for almost 20 minutes at this point. Allies crying that I don't help, but if I use my TP I'll lose one turret and a chunk of the 2nd.

    How do I deal with games that feel like tower-defense?

    I'm so jealous that the enemy can stay top all this time. Maybe I've just been having a bad streak of games where my team can't win any 4v4

    submitted by /u/NoNameCauseReasons
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    How do I not let unwinnable games tilt me?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    Some games are just unwinnable, either your team's win cons flew out the window 10 deaths ago or your team is just not as good as the enemy team. When these kinda games happen and my team refuses to ff or open, it tilts me incredibly hard. I'm talking about completely lost games, like 15-2 games where our whole team is early game and they scale and we can't even walk into our own jungle anymore. I've won a lot of games where we were behind and I love those type of games, but those unwinnable games where my team just refuses to let it end are very tilting to me, it's not a learning experience and I'm not allowed to afk or I'll get reported. Is there any particular mindsets that help you guys deal with these games?

    submitted by /u/Viizyy
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    High elo and Low Elo players just aren't playing the same game

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    Hello everyone.

    I recently had a game that made me think quite a bit about the state of the game and the differences between what the high Elo players do and what we Silver scrub manage to accomplish.

    I do spend quite a bit of time trying to improve myself, especially when it comes to wave managment and macro.

    But all those informations in low elo don't matter, because you can be sure that the Garen you froze under your turret is going to Flash Q - E - Ignite - R - W and kill you without ever getting punished by your Low Elo jungler.

    It doesn't matter who has the best jungle pathing or is the best at freezing, it only matters who can smash the opponent harder and who can get the early double kill bot, so that they can get another one as soon as they get back.

    All those information that we see and those guides we follow, they do help us become better players, but it's for "another game."

    I see often high elo players smurfing and saying that in Low elo the players are so unpredictable that what applies to high elo often doesn't in the lowest brackets. I believe this to be true to a very large extent.

    High elo players play another game where they know the rules, and low Elo players play by other rules. Sometimes the rules that apply in high elo cross over low elo and can help the silver players, but not often.

    In another game I was against a top lane Vlad. I was playing Aatrox. He was a pretty good Vlad, killed me once and even get a double kill after a failed dive under turret with the jungler. But it didn't matter. We won that game. And we won that because I was better than him at smacking people on Aatrox than he was. I got fed on other lanes and the game was over 20 minutes later. Because that's how you win games in low elo. By smacking people over and over.

    I am quite sure even smurfs don't apply all their knowledge when they play in silver or gold, because they know that what they need is just to smack them, and have enough experience to do so.

    So yeah, these are just my two cents of the average player experience on playing in low elo. Would love to hear your thoughts, especially from people with experience smurfing.

    submitted by /u/BitchesEnRegalia
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    How to pick my adc ?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 04:59 AM PDT

    To begin, I am a silver elo main ADC. I really don't know how to chose which ADC I should pick : - I use to pick Veigar when we are full ad and I have to face many bruisers - In the others situations, I really don't know who to pick

    How do you pick your champ as adc ? In which situations ?

    submitted by /u/SosauV2
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    Notes from various jungling streams and guides

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I've been watching a lot of high elo jungle streams and videos the last few weeks and taking notes which I want to share. I am not a high-elo player, so my goal here is not to make a comprehensive guide. Rather, I list specific and actionable items to practice and learn.

    An aside on Challenger players

    One thing I have noticed about Challenger players is their eyes. I see them press Tab, glance at it quickly to get the information they need. Also I notice their eyes rapidly scan the mini-map and move around the screen often and fast. Their ability to obtain information quickly is seriously impressive. Even comparing to a stream in high Diamond, the difference is pretty dramatic. I don't think I could achieve that level of micro-optimization without having a mental breakdown.

    Common themes and good ideas

    Here I list some concepts and tips I've encountered perusing the various guides on Youtube, watching streams, and reading guides.

    Map Awareness

    1: Look at minimap every 5s

    • Try using the map video to help with this
    • link

    2: Buy a control ward every time you base

    • Nathan Mott says prioritize pink wards over a 300-400 gold item / slot later on
    • Look up guides on warding locations to maximize efficiency

    3: Don't invade without priority

    • You should always try to punish the opponent jungler for showing on the map. Usually by invading and taking their resources, or taking a major objective.
    • If the enemy jungler shows far away, invading might be safe
    • If the enemy jungler is missing, consider if you can fight them if you meet them.
    • If you can fight them, consider if the laners will be able to help you or the enemy. Factor in minion waves, relative strength of laners, and whether they will arrive in time.

    4: Know dragon+herald+baron spawn timers AND time your backs and path accordingly.

    • Be mindful of major objectives, especially after 20 minutes, you want to have just shopped and arrive to contest at your strongest
    • Showing on the wrong side of the map, or backing at a stupid time is potentially throwing.
    • Estimate how fast your teams objective taking is, with a focus on consistent damage, this can let you punish opponents for mis-positioning on the map.

    Abuse Tab

    1: Press Tab every time the enemy jungler shows, practice tracking

    • Track their items, this can tell you if they have backed to shop, and tells you how strong you are compared to them.
    • Track their CS. Each camp is 4 cs, Junglers may skip smaller Krugs, offsetting this number, or take lane minions. This is why checking every time they show is important.
    • Check out King Nidhogg on Youtube for tracking videos

    2: Tab/F-key while moving between camps and check lane states

    • Use Tab to check level differences, item differences and CS differential, to know how lanes are going.
    • Use F-keys to quickly check wave state, a good understanding of wave manipulation is very helpful.
    • I recommend this guide by foggedftw2

    Practice Tool for beginners

    These are some things a coach told me to try in a private session!

    1: Learn fog of war

    • Go into a practice game and check how far you can see while you are in various places in midlane and sidelane.
    • This makes ganking, especially lane ganks much easier

    2: Know your damage for early ganks

    • Know at which level you are looking to gank, and then calculate your damage based on that.
    • Example: Xin Zhao usually tries to gank at level 2 or 3.
    • His full combo at level 3: E-Auto-Q-Auto x 3 - W: This combo does 576 damage and is relatively reliable with Hail of Blades.
    • Armor calculation is Reduction = 100/(100+Armor), so a 40 armor person takes 70% damage. This is easy to check in-game.
    • So an estimate would be about 400 damage at level 3. I feel much more confident knowing how much damage I can do during my gank.
    • Can also go into practice tool and note how much damage the dummy is taking
    • It's not worth doing this for higher levels, once items come into play its pretty unreliable

    3: Know how long it takes your champion to move around the map

    • Don't need exact numbers, just an estimate, this helps with decision-making.
    • Use abilities (Shyv/Nidalee) / test with boots + no boots
    • Try walking from base to major objectives
    • Try walking from one side of your jungle to the other

    4: Practice your clears

    • Practice your first clears, make sure you are familiar with kiting camps and how to hit the camps. Already covered well by the wiki on this subreddit.
    • Can give yourself a fake leash by turning off CD's and giving yourself a free smite at the beginning

    General Tips

    1: Identify which lanes to prioritize for ganks during load screen, if at all

    • Win condition - who do you want to get the kills / who do you want to shutdown?
    • Sufficient ganking resources - how much CC and burst does your laner have?
    • Opponent escape tools - how easily and frequently can the opponent escape? (EG Vlad pool)

    2: Recall efficiently

    • Walking around with a lot of gold is usually bad
    • Backing without sufficient gold for your next components or item is usually bad
    • Know ahead of time what you plan to buy, and leave base ASAP, wasting time in spawn is bad.

    3: Have a plan

    • Actions you take in game should further your strategy. So break down your strategy into actionable steps. Avoid doing things for the sake of doing them (ie randomly ganking)
    • After each action (gank, camp, etc.), you should be thinking about what your next several steps are. Taking random paths without reasoning will not help you improve. Nathan Mott's channel has great examples of this.
    • The key takeaway: Even an incorrect plan is better than no plan. At least you'll know better next time and have something to improve on.

    Concluding thoughts

    There are a lot of things to keep track of while playing jungle. It's better to play mechanically simple champions with easy clears, and to main one or two champions. This will allow you to focus on the macro.

    Thanks! I hope this is helpful.

    submitted by /u/OSAPslavery
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    I feel like some people take the advice about not using summoner's spells early way too seriously

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    I've had several games recently where I've been flamed for using summoners spells early, I play ADC so usually an invade happens, the jungler or maybe midlaner or support gets caught out and I use heal to save them or get them to safety.

    The recent advice going around that you shouldn't use summoners spells early seems to have been taken wayyyy too seriously, and even in cases where it's clear they should be used, people will flame me for using them.

    Yes, I think it's worth it to use heal to stop jungler from dying and being behind all game, who could possibly say it wasn't? Yet people will get irrationally angry over this because there seems to be this idea that using any summoner spell early is a massive misplay.

    Be smart with using them, rather than holding them when it's clear they can be used to help the game

    submitted by /u/Jerry_Sprunger_
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    Gold 3 Azir and was wondering if I should always be permashoving the wave and whether or not I should roam?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    I watched a video of LS coaching a Silver Azir (video) and in the video he tells the client multiple times that he should not be roaming at all in this elo and was wondering if that was true? And right now I try to freeze the wave but it rarely works out and I need to work on my wave management in general but he also says that I should be permashoving the wave. He claims that in this elo the other laner will most likely miss a ton of cs under turret so it's the best way to accrue a cs lead. Is all this information still relevant and should I be applying this to my games?

    submitted by /u/Tircle
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    List of DPS Toplane Bruisers?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    My main role is top, but I'm just finding that there are too much champions that deal burst damage instead of DPS. Which champions are DPS bruisers? I prefer mainly on-hit champions. I really don't know too much about champions if they're more DPS or Burst.

    submitted by /u/ValveSucks123
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    Best Advice To Help New Players?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    So my childhood buddy and lifelong friend installed League last night and started gaming. He has been a gamer his whole life but never got into Mobas. While we were playing together, he was asking questions and I was answering all of them as well as trying to pass any good knowledge I could. As we kept playing I realized a bunch of things he needs to work on mechanically, which is to be expected, but feel like that's too hardcore for now. Also, I wanted to tell him to focus on his spacing and last hitting minions but even that seems a little too much to be focusing on right now. So we switched over to ARAM because I felt like that takes a lot of mechanical skill out and you can focus more on just learning what your Champions spells do as well as others. As I sit here now, I still don't even know where to start. I think the best thing I can tell him to help him at this stage is to try to pick 1 or 2 champs and just focus on learning their spells and what you can and can't get away with. I think he just needs to have fun and learn the absolute basics of the game before I can really start coaching him. So I know there are coaches out there and people that have helped teach their friends the game. What are some good tips for complete Moba newbies?

    submitted by /u/RichieG2007
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    How to stop losing winnable games

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    I'm currently plat 3 I noticed that I'm currently playing with high plat and d4 people and the games that we start winning at the start escalate to losses because something always happens like us throwing, tempo falling or generally we don't know how to play the game and finish it like in high elo. I really need help with this, I legit have no idea how to macro mid game , I can play early really good and late game too but most games we lose it in mid game because we stall out or make silly mistakes.

    I don't know what I'm supposed to do, I climbed from silver 1 by playing top lane and just pushing top all the time until I reached inhibitor and they had to send people to me and I 1 vs 2 or 1 vs 3 but this doesnt work anymore because people here start forcing fights on bot or mid and rushing it and I can't keep split pushing so I changed my lane to mid so I can roam bot and top while also keeping vision on enemy jungle. This works somehow? I think because I have only 62 games I might have gotten lucky because I kept getting really good teams when I was plat 4 and I climbed to p3 in 1 day. I won 3 games and was at 67 lp p3 but I lost the other 3 games in a row because we couldnt use our lead.

    My champs now are Nocturne mid because of his good wave clear and roaming and Sylas because I pick him when the enemies have good ulties like wukong or malphite. I climbed to plat with Aatrox and Fiora.

    Please, I really need help cause I feel like im a total noob at the game now and its tilting me so much. I constantly feel like im underperforming and I admit that I have no idea how to play this game. Gold was a different game.

    submitted by /u/MementoKoishi
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    Why does Volibear have such a high winrate

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    Op.gg shows that Volibear has a 52% winrate in both toplane and jungle. Does anyone know why? 52% is around the same as pre-nerf Sett and Mord, and I have no clue why Volibear of all champions is thriving so much right now. Is it due to the recent xp buffs that allows him to snowball?

    submitted by /u/BenjaHwang
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    What's the best advice for getting out of Iron?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    Some background context before the main gist of the post: played League since Season 3, have never really been the best at it. Would take months off a time from ranked due to school, work, or just cause I've been burnt out of the game. Have played all roles decently, but ADC/Top is kinda where I excel. Main champs are Sion, Nasus, Teemo, Jinx, Ashe, Thresh, Blitz, Vi, and Yi. Since all my friends that have played have been way above Bronze, I've always been in soloq trying to get myself better on my own (since no one will queue with me). I understand last-hit mechanics, lane matchups, build paths, and warding all fairly well.

    Now for the help on where I need it. Since quarantine started, I started playing League again for the first time in months. A few dozen ARAMs under my belt, I decided to test ranked placements. I ended up being placed in Iron 1, which is lower than I'd ever been before. For context, I've been as low as Bronze 4 and as high as Silver 5. I've been trying to play primarily ADC to carry myself out of Iron, but don't seem to be getting lucky; if I take an average split of 3 games, I lose 2, win 1. That nets me roughly +7 LP when everything's said and done, so it's been a true grind to make it even to the promos.

    What advice would you guys give someone who's trying to get out of Iron that has the mechanics of, say, a mid-tier Bronze player? Is it just simply outplaying everyone else? Putting on the backpack and carrying all the games? Is it relying on others for the carry? I'm at a loss for what to do :(

    Any help would be great; thank you!

    Edit: Including my op.gg page for anyone to look at games to see if they can help spot anything else I need to do

    submitted by /u/billyK_
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    How to win against assasins?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    Been playing since season 3, currently at my highest in platinum 3, I can't win mid lane against ANY assassin. What can I do? I like to play mages but the only thing I can do VS a zed, alkali, and specially *yasuo* is to stay in tower and wait for them to dive me and die.

    The only champ that "works" for me is Gragas and that's just accomplish me not dying, Yasuo and Zed can get in my face under tower at Lvl 3 and keep poking me, even if I have unlimited mana I end up being peeled away and dived by Lvl 6, this happens ALL the time, what do I even do against those???

    The characters I play the most are:



    Cho Gath







    Ziggs and


    Yes, cork, ezreal tristana and ziggs have a jump/flash move, that still doesn't help me much other than not die as much.

    With every one of those I lose lane against assassins, especially against Yasuo/Fizz, no matter if I go aggressive, farm turret, roam other lanes, I lose lane, I may win match but it's horrible not being able to do anything, not even trade for 20-40 minutes. What do i do???

    submitted by /u/mymain123
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    (ADC) What is the difference between the button "player attack move click" and "player attack only click"?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    "Player attack move click" allows you to hit an enemy champion from max range and prevents you from running into the enemy champion when you misclick the ground by accident (instead of the enemy champion).

    But I have no idea what "player attack only click" does? It seems useless as it does basically absolutely nothing.

    submitted by /u/randomperson148
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    Looking for high elo jungler to teach me the basics of warding pixel lv1

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    For background, I am around diamond level jungle player, but I'm still wondering all the pro's/con's to warding pixel lv1

    So, I understand the general reasoning behind warding pixel at lv1 and swapping to sweeper, but curious as to why it is done so fast regardless of game state. So most high elo junglers rush it ASAP and place ward around 30 seconds or so, and they also ward on the side they are starting on OR the side opposite of where they are starting on.

    Just curious as to why they ward on the side they are starting vs side opposite to their start, why they ward earlier as compared to waiting in bush and then at around 50seconds or 1min, and still making it to buff on top for leash.

    To be clear, I'm not asking as a whole why they ward pixel, that I mostly understand. Just wanting to learn the specifics as to why and when/where they place the ward

    submitted by /u/JamalJunior
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    New player looking for friend group to grow with

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 04:46 PM PDT

    Hey so its pretty self explanatory I suppose. Not sure if this is the right place to post this however so just shooting in the dark. I started playing about 2 month ago, absolutely in love with the game, but no one to play it with consistently. I'm hoping to make some friends to play and grow with to play ranked and draft. I love learning as much as possible and am maining jungle. If this isn't the right place for this post feel free to remove. Thanks in advance. I'm on NA server btw.

    submitted by /u/TheAesir92
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    Which ability do you max second on Jax?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    I've been maxing e second ever since that q cd buff on Jax a while back, but I've been wondering what everyone else is maxing second. Which ability would you max second on Jax, and why? The only reason I can think of maxing q second is when you're against ap heavy comps and maxing e isn't as effective.

    submitted by /u/BenjaHwang
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    As a support main, should i just start jungling?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    I climbed up to platinum, and I swear like 90% of the people here don't know what they're doing. Most times it's something like 3 enemies bot while our jungler is doing krugs and busy backing instead of going for a free herald.

    I'm at the point where I'm fed up with the immense lack of objective control and lack of map awareness.

    Would the transition from support to jungle be easy?

    submitted by /u/FurrySwipez
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    Would an item that gives no health, but gives 100 flat magic resist be broken?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    I'm asking this here because I know this is the place to ask when you want to learn new stuff about the game. If you need tips or help or need better understanding of something.

    Well I want to know why there ISNT a hard magic resist item. I want to learn why there isn't a magic resist item that gives more than 55 magic resist, and why a high magic resist item would or wouldn't work in league.

    Smart peoples of league help me better understand why magic resist items are naturally weaker than armor items, instead of being equal (ie why is there an armor item with 110 armor, but not a magic resist item with 110 magic resist).

    I genuinely want to know, and this seems like the place to get the best answer.

    submitted by /u/DatFrostyBoy
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    stop feeling intimidated?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    i've turbo improved quite a bit since last season to the point ive climbed a few divisions, but now i cant help from ranking up to feel kinda intimidated. maybe i'm overthinking it or i'm just unlucky but i feel like its a completely new world and people just actually know how to play the game at this rank, and it kinda intimidates me when they step up when they know theyre supposed to and it causes me to play with a subconsious like thought of me second guessing what i'm doing essentially, and i end up messing up. any advice?

    note; i've only went up 2ish ranks, i started this season at like iron 3 and i'm in silver 3 now, my mmr was stuck at bronze1-silver4 for awhile but now it's gone up to silver 3 mmr and now i'm struggling and losing lane everytime, do games even change at that small of an increment?

    submitted by /u/extrasadtoday
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    Low Elo Habits

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm a Silver II Midlaner who plays mostly scaling mages like Viktor as low elo players struggle to close out games. That being said, low elo players drive me crazy and keep taking fights for no reason. For instance, I had a Sett jungle run in to invade the enemy red when my lane was frozen, then flame me for not rotating and saying I didn't have eyes. Another example is when I'm in a sidelane in midgame, and the rest of my team chooses to take a random fight mid, die, then ping that I should have been there.

    Bottom line, I'm convinced that most low elo players have no sense of how to play the map besides grouping up and teamfighting, and I don't want to fall into the trap. However, I also want to rank up which requires negotiating with these people. In short, how do I not go insane? Do I commit to the fiesta when I know my champion isn't ready? Do I just splitpush, get strong, then try and get to a point where I can carry before my team gets run down? Clearly low elo macro is no LCS, but what is the best way to play the map when everyone is intent of fighting?

    submitted by /u/Lucelos
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    How to lane against Caitlyn?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    I play mostly support (because I have difficulty carrying as ADC even when I'm ahead), but occasionally I also like to play ADC (Jinx, MF and Jhin).

    My role aside, when I'm paired up against a Caitlyn it's always the same story: she pushes hard and pokes us in the process, denies us farm when we're under turret and a jungler finishes us off with a 3 man dive.

    My winrate against a Caitlyn botlane is abysmal and i despise facing her. Any tips how to not lose against her? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/McPootisCakes
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    What's the best way to practice teamfighting?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    Practicing farming is easy, you just jump into practice tool or a custom game with bots and try to get perfect CS until you can reliably do it. Easy peasy, and farming in this game isn't hard anyway.

    Practicing macro knowledge is literally just experience and thinking, it's not really about practice at all, it's just about knowledge - how long does X champ take to do Y thing, what's the cooldown of Z, etc etc etc

    Teamfights, on the other hand, are much harder to practice. There's nothing in the practice tool to set them up and emulate them, and it's harder to just get good at them with real game experience because every fight is so different. Some of them are full 5v5 but sometimes there's man advantage, sometimes there's a fed mage on their team, sometimes there's a fed ADC on your team, sometimes the fights are in the jungle, sometimes over an objective, sometimes in the river, sometimes they're over quickly and sometimes they're extended engagements - there are SO many variables in play.

    I know that one of my weaknesses as a player is tunnel vision in teamfights and not making the correct decisions in the split second you have to make those decisions based on all the information happening at once, but as far as I can tell there's really not much I can do to practice this?

    Any tips would be appreciated 💕

    submitted by /u/Randomd0g
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    I feel bad playing with friends

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 11:49 PM PDT

    I have been playing for less than a month now and ive been playing a lot of Rakan because he's the only champ I've gotten an S- or higher, I also play a lot of Darius and have only gotten an A with him. A few days ago my friend started playing Vi and most games has been going 16 and 4 and getting S almost every game and I feel bad and useless playing with them because I've never been close to that before. We've been playing for the same amount of time and its kind of demoralizing. Idk why I'm like this but if anyone has experienced this before how do I get over it?

    submitted by /u/Alex_Baka
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