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    Thursday, November 7, 2019

    League of Legends CoreJJ - How To Support Ep1. Laning Phase | League of Legends

    League of Legends CoreJJ - How To Support Ep1. Laning Phase | League of Legends

    CoreJJ - How To Support Ep1. Laning Phase | League of Legends

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 07:19 AM PST

    True Damage on their way to Paris

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 12:29 PM PST

    This image was posted to League of Legends official instagram page's story. It shows Qiyana, Yasuo, Senna, Ekko, Akali and surprisingly Lucian too. Really hyped for the performance and the music video. Link: https://imgur.com/a/1paQLc7

    submitted by /u/TheFlax
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    True Damage 2019: Outbreak | Little Legends Series 5 Trailer - Teamfight Tactics

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 10:01 AM PST

    MasterCard Joins as Official Sponsor of G2 Esports LoL team

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 06:28 AM PST

    Shiphtur spends 37 minutes in queue without realizing his queue was broken

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 08:35 AM PST

    Trolling ruins the game for 4 teammates, deliberately making a low elo account to smurf ruins the game for 5 enemies. Why are many youtubers frequent "bronze to master" series allowed?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 04:05 AM PST

    Theyre already deliberately playing where they dont belong, and more people suffer from it than trolling.

    I see no difference in deciding to afk to ruin 4 peoples game, or deciding to downrank below your own level where you ruin 5 peoples game

    submitted by /u/Jodeldoodel
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    Duke leaves iG

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 02:49 AM PST


    Also rumors said a korean import will move back to LCK and become a coach, but maybe duke is more likely to have his military service

    submitted by /u/kkpoker
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    Doinb: "I still have more than 100 champions that I haven't shown you guys"

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 06:17 AM PST

    There is No Greater Feeling in League of Legends, Than Beating Your Former Teammate Who Trash Talked You.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 10:59 AM PST

    We've all been through this, your team or an individual that flames you and is toxic during one game. Then that blessed miracle happens, and they happen to be on the opposite team, you give it your all and defeating them is so much sweeter. I can't count the amount of times I've had this happen, but recently my jungler was trash talking the entire team, and in then next game my former bot lane was against me and the jungler, who happened to be on my team this time around. I couldn't help but feel their enjoyment in beating that toxic troll.

    submitted by /u/TheCoolPersian
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    Little Fun Facts about FPX

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 12:03 PM PST

    Since everyone and their mothers in the west already know G2 and what color of underwear Perkz like to wear, I'm here to spread some fun facts about FPX coming into the Finals in 2019 League of Legends World's Championship.

    In FPX, the hierarchy of the teammates in terms of vote and voice they have on the team is Tian at the top by a very very big margin, DoinB at second, followed by Crisp and GimGoon, and LWX is in the lowest tier.

    Tian is known in the chinese league community as "阴阳怪气兲 ", or the "edgy turtle" that says a lot of random shit. 兲, reads as "Tian", comes from 王八 which means turtle in chinese. The reason Tian is known as that is because back in his debut, his Korean ladder summoners name was "suantouwangba" which means Garlic Turtle literally and is an reference to Bulbasaur from Pokemon. In Bilibili, AKA chinese youtube, Tian has his own channel and videos of him "teaching" people how to talk like him which is just him trash talking everyone. https://www.bilibili.com/video/av61953691/

    Doinb, apart from being the Super Carry DoinB, is also known as 舞王 or the King of Dancing in the community now because of the Perkz twit about his room being next to DoinBs, as his response was that he was dancing all night long for his stream viewers and even twitted back a video of him dancing.

    Crisp, or 刘青松 (his IRL name), is being memed by Gimgoon as 送送送 or feed feed feed in Chinese, because the last character of his name 松 sounds very similar to feeding which is 送. He is also known as 衡阳国王,or King of HengYang, which is the city he was born.

    GimGoon, known as 鬼叫王, Or the King of Demon Shouting, is recognized by him complaining and shouting all the time in his stream very loudly.

    Lwx, aka 339, which comes from xiangxiang9, also summoner name from his KR solo q ladder account. He's memed in the chinese community as 没什么特色的AD, or the ADC that has no characteristic features.

    你脖子没了 , "Your Neck is Now Gone" is a meme from China refering to Gimgoon liking to touch peoples necks when he gets trashtalked. For some time, FPX's coach was wearing a neck protector from an injury he had and fans suspected that it was Gimgoon who did it, which was proven false but the meme stayed for everytime Gimgoon gets trashtalked.

    Crisp is also very much recognized for his trashtalking, people made a schedule of Crisps daily rutine and it was 8 hours of sleeping and 16 hours of trashtalking, although he is actually pretty silent most of the times according to teammates, "but when he talks shit, he goes for where it hurts, not even Tian is on his level of trash talking".

    Gimgoon is also known as "rap god", both in chinese and korean when he streams, when he gets excited, he talks very very fast, along with quick hand movements, with phrases like cnm, nmsl, etc (fuck your mom, your mom died, etc), often comes with a horrible shriek from the desk as he hits it over and over. But outside of streaming, he is a very caring teammate and often takes the blame for every misplay and losses, aswell as being very interactive with his fans in Weibo, QQ group chat and stream.

    Bonus Fact: Perkz, known as 啊P,or Lil P, is known in the chinese community for saying too much 骚话, or trash talking too much. Ever since they beat RNG 3-2 last year in quarter finals, he is hated by the RNG fans (the most popular team in China, even after the losses). Recently though, he has gained more popularity as he roleswapped to ADC, people compare him to Uzi and even calls him Pzi out of respect, an upgraded version of Uzi to win it all.

    Hopefully FPX can get more fans in west too, because right now in the chinese community, a lot of people are preparing the pitchfork and torches if FPX didn't win the whole thing, and they've made very far as rookies in the international stage. Please respect every player that works 16 hours a day to bring you the best league of legends in the world.

    submitted by /u/Hide_on_bush
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    Riot GameS - This week, we’re answering your questions about TFT Mobile, Legends of Runeterra, and more.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 01:28 PM PST

    With finals around the corner, and Perkz in the drivers seat, for those who haven't seen this yet, it's even more relevant now .

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 03:18 AM PST

    League Friends app to become League+, with native Match History and more to come!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 07:22 AM PST

    League Friends app to become League+, with native Match History and more to come!

    Riot Games announced it is changing the name of the League Friends app to League+. In the next update, you'll find a new name, new logo and native Match History. Much more to come, according to the in-app announcement.


    submitted by /u/tmnlsthrn
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    Teamfight Breakdown with Jatt | 2019 Worlds Semifinals (G2 vs SKT)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 07:12 AM PST

    The Biggest Matchup in upcoming Worlds Final Between G2 and FPX

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 02:25 AM PST

    I know what you are thinking. You are probably heading to the weekend excited to see the Titan match up in the Jungle, between LEC MVP Jankos who is seemingly back to top form up against the young jungler prodigy in Tian who is looking to stamp his name as possibly the best jungler in the world or in the matchup in the Mid lane to see who between Doinb or Caps gets less % amount of time spent in the mid and even botlane would be interesting to see to see who performs best without their powerpicks in Kaisa (Lwx) and Xayah ( Perkz) of course assuming their(and hoping)banned. Even the match up in the Top lane is curious to see If Wunder will Release his form earlier from MSI to counteract Gimgoon's excellent role as fullfying Weak side in the Top lane. And even in the Supports we got a good matchup between possibly the best supports in the Tournament and combine that with the explosiveness between the two teams we surely will have a treat to watch.

    But all these matchups between the two teams don't come close to this next one. In this Final we will finally get to see Who between Cap's Dad and Doinb's wife is the better motivator and cheerer for their respective teams. A one of a kind relentless battle between the two figures with the winner of whichever comes out on top surely dictating who takes the Summoner's Cup home.

    Edit: Grammar and clarification

    submitted by /u/TheseMangos
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    You can't get that in TFT - Scarra

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 04:03 PM PST

    Claps Sandwich | G2 at Worlds 2019

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 09:07 AM PST

    FPX Currently hold the unofficial world championship belt.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 06:16 AM PST


    FPX are the current holders of the Unofficial World Championship, which they claimed from IG, who claimed it from GRF after they beat G2 in groups. So not only could G2 claim the World Championship but they can reclaim the belt they lost in groups in too. It's really all there for them to bring home the Grand Slam as well as the Unofficial World Championship twice this year.

    submitted by /u/CryMeARiven_
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    Scouting Grounds 2019 Comprehensive Player Rundown (LONG)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 10:46 AM PST

    Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Hyper10sion. I am an active member of the North American Amateur scene, and am here to do a breakdown on the players in the Scouting Grounds event. You may be thinking, "What makes this guy more qualified than any other wannabe high elo analyst?" Great question!
    Production Manager and Shoutcaster, Upsurge Esports (First AM stage of Scouting Grounds Circuit)
    Former Broadcast Manager and Shoutcaster, Dark Star Gaming (Second AM stage of Scouting Grounds Circuit)
    Former Caster, Imperial Pro League (Fourth AM stage of Scouting Grounds Circuit)
    Three years of NA Amateur scene/Academy casting experience.

    So now that it is out of the way, let me explain my process. I am simply giving a breakdown on the players. Things such as their strengths, weaknesses, champion pools, and so on. This will mainly be through vods of the NA Amateur scene and the Scouting Grounds Circuit, but for some I will use solo queue footage. However I will prioritize coordinated 5v5 play over solo queue. More recent vods are also prioritized. (a clip from last month is more relevant than a clip from three years ago) DISCLAIMER: I actually like each and every one of these players. I critique them here only in an objective manner. Guys if you see this, I promise I am not trying to diss you, but provide constructive analysis. I think you are all awesome. Maybe it will help a few before Scouting Grounds. In addition this is MY take on it by taking in the opinions of several members of the AM scene and the most recent vods I can acquire of the players.
    That's out of the way, let's get started.

    Scouting Grounds Circuit Player Analysis

    Top Lane

    This group is a mixed bag if ever there was one. Former LCS player, former Academy player, collegiate star, and solo queue "one trick". There were several players omitted for undisclosed reasons: EcIıpse, Tony Top, and Adrian Seira. In my opinion, Tony Top is the best top lane prospect including the SG players, and has experience with EDG Academy. However that is best left for another post, as this one is about the four players at Scouting Grounds These players I think all CAN play in Academy, but to what degree varies.

    Zig Method of Qualification: SGC Winner (ANEW)
    Notable Teams: Phoenix1, OpTic Gaming, Golden Guardians Academy

    Pros: Likes to keep pressing a fight, but more from the chase/re-engage. Good teamfight positioning before setting up for a skirmish/fight/kill. Solid but not great mechanics. Solid champion pool size, flexible. Most times knows when to abandon a fight, avoiding needless deaths. Good map awareness. Best weak side player of the group.
    Cons: Can sometimes get a bit too hyphy. Other times he can be "just kinda there" providing low impact. Known ceiling due to high experience/exposure. Rumors of difficulty to work with.
    Notable Champions: Gangplank, Kennen, Jayce, Ryze, Rumble, Camille, Akali, Pantheon
    Summary: Zig is the most experienced player at this event. He is a proven player that can provide a veteran impact to an Academy squad. However, he has a well defined ceiling due to the amassed experience and exposure. Given the abundance of imports and new focus on talent development, I see Zig as an Academy player who can anchor young players who need developing, as few players in NA are as experienced as him, but unlikely to make LCS again.

    PieCakeLord: Method of Qualification: 2nd Place SGC (Super Nova)
    Notable Teams: Optic Academy, TSM Academy, Super Nova

    Pros: One of the younger players at the event, can be molded. Mobile during mid-late. Knows when needed across the map, usually quick on the teleport. Can snowball a lead once obtained consistently. Selfless in teamfights, source of most of his deaths. Solid champion pool.
    Cons: Not a lane dominant player, can be behind in CS in carry vs carry lanes. Not a super mechanical player. Can position overly hesitant in lane, resulting in negative CSD@15 fairly consistently. Rarely the cause of wins, rather a contributor.
    Notable Champions: Camille, Gangplank, Renekton, Aatrox, Jax
    Summary: PCL is young, but has experience at the Academy level, making him an attractive option to put on rosters. However he strikes me as one of the lesser mechanical players at this tournament, more reliant on his contributions to a team. I see him as an Academy peak without further development.

    MistyStumpey Method of Qualification: Scouting Grounds Point Ladder
    Notable Teams: Collegiate Superstars, Columbia College

    Pros: Probably the best top laner of the group at playing strong side of the group. High level mechanics. Determined to reach the back line at all costs. Seemingly solid communicator and map rotater, seldom leaves team to their devices. Big impact player. Experienced in a team environment.
    Cons: Prone to being the sacrificial lamb front line or play the "get the back line or die trying" style. Not an oppressive farmer in carry vs carry. Alleged reports of attitude. Hasn't really progressed/improved since the last Scouting Grounds.
    Notable Champions: Renekton, Jayce, Ryze, Sylas, Irelia, Aatrox
    Summary: Stumpey is an interesting case among this lot. He isn't the inexperienced unknown that BMD is, or the Academy/LCS vet like Zig or PCL. My biggest issue is that he hasn't really improved since his outing last year, and has really stagnated. He'd be an addition to a team without question, but I am not sure how far past Academy he will go.

    BMD Method of Qualification: Scouting Grounds Point Ladder
    Notable Teams: Super Nova Sentinels, DePaul University

    Pros: Only 'non-veteran' in the top lane pool. Big team player. Good mechanics. Deeper champion pool than advertised. Has the "Unknown" factor teams like. Reportedly willing to adapt and learn at all times. Good teamfighter.
    Cons: Least experienced player of the group. Big unknown compared to three well documented players. One trick label. Not as vocal in calls, letting others make the decisions. Late game positioning needs work. Can get lost on the map for laning phase.
    Notable Champions: Darius, Riven, Jax, Vladimir, Aatrox, Kennen, Tanks
    Summary: If teams want a finished product ready for LCS now, I think BMD is not the guy for them. If they want someone who is willing to learn, grow, succeed, and not waste his potential, then teams need to look into him. I see him as a "project player" someone teams can take and mold into a potential LCS player. To be fair, BMD is the top laner with the least exposure, so he has that unknown factor that tends to benefit players.


    This pool is a glass half full for me. Fanatiik has managed to be solid without being a star in Academy, and Inori has been around for years. The other half are two players who have less than stellar records and histories in the face of Academy level competition, making them big question marks.

    Fanatiik Method of Qualification: 2nd Place SGC (Super Nova)
    Notable Teams: TSM Academy, Optic Academy, Super Nova

    Pros: Experience at Academy level. Young, therefore moldable. Playmaking champion pool. Can set the pace for his team. Quick on the smite timing. Aggressive, willing to invade. Makes solid cross map response plays in a pinch. Extremely motivated to reach LCS. Will sac himself if making a play that will benefit his team.
    Cons: Can over-commit to objectives. Occasionally goes too deep without backup. Rumors of coinflip mental. When behind he can try too hard to make plays.
    Notable Champions: Sejuani, Jarvan, Lee Sin, Gragas, Rek'Sai, Olaf
    Summary: Most people consider Fanatiik the best jungler at the event, and I tend to agree. For most of the AM season, only the very top could match up. He has experience in Academy from the age of 16, and teams seem to like aggressive junglers. I think he should be able to get back on an Academy Roster.

    inori Method of Qualification: SGC Winner (ANEW)
    Notable Teams: Team Liquid, NME Esports, Phoenix1, YouthCrew Esports

    Pros: Most experienced jungler in the pool. Aggressive as all hell, likes to impose his will. Frequently makes plays all over the map. Invades frequently. Proven to have a high potential peak. Champion pool to match his play. When he gets rolling, he's near impossible to stop.
    Cons: Prone to over extend in an attempt to make a play. Oldest jungler of the group. Peak performances were two years ago. Was a sub in the TCL. Dies mostly to over-extension. Rumor of difficulty to work with. Notable Champions: Nocturne, Lee Sin, Gragas, Jarvan, Rek'Sai, Sejuani, Olaf
    Summary: I think there isn't much more to say about Inori that hasn't been said at one point or another. He's a player with a high ceiling, but can be coinflippy at the top. I think he deserves a second chance after the clown show that was Phoenix1 and 2017 TL. Not even Doublelift could do anything in that mess. Given the weakness of the Academy jungle pool, Inori not getting another chance would be a mistake.

    Winston Method of Qualification: Scouting Grounds Point Ladder
    Notable Teams: Western Ontario

    Pros: Mechanically inclined. Committed to improving himself via solo queue. Strong decision making and shot calling. Good champion pool. Efficient pather. Eager to invade. Will almost always be ahead in CS.
    Cons: Allegedly bad mental. Plays poorly from behind. Struggles with team coordination. Unproven rumors of ghosting. Prioritizes farming over ganking at times. Solo queue mentality. Meta-slave.
    Notable Champions: Olaf, Hecarim, Sejuani, Kindred, Gragas, Kha'Zix, Karthus
    Summary: When a lot of people look to call out a "worst player", they will most often point to Julius. To be objective....they might be right. His negatives cannot be ignored, particularly when thinking of League as a team game. I think he needs further development before getting to Academy, but at the moment I don't see him as ready.

    Frostynomad Method of Qualification: Scouting Grounds Point Ladder
    Notable Teams: SN Sentinels, Emissary Esports

    Pros: Solid pathing. Unorthodox champion pool, deceptively big. Decent mechanics. Self critical. Aggressive jungler, will take a lot of fights. Good grasp of what to do on a given champion. Makes plays on the maps for his team with frequent ganks.
    Cons: Poor objective control. Allegedly tilt prone. Doesn't have a good record in the face of Academy level players. Considered to be one of the lesser players in the event. Tends to be pretty sink or swim without much in between.
    Notable Champions: Karthus, Nunu, Sejuani, Jarvan, Elise, Kha'Zix
    Summary: Because I am looking at this objectively, I expect little out of Frosty at this event. I think in time he might develop into an Academy level jungler, but given his performances against junglers at the level of and even below Inori and Fanatiik make me think he will be one of the most criticized players at the event, and one of the biggest surprises if he shows up.


    This pool is ...interesting to say the least. There is potential for every player to start in Academy, but I think teams will approach these players wanting the wrong thing. Three of these are more of secondary players or role players than true hard carries. They absolutely can be great additions to teams. Oh yeah and there is the most hyped prospect in Scouting Grounds history.

    Julien Method of Qualification: Scouting Grounds Point Ladder
    Notable Teams: Polar Ace, Maryville University

    Pros: Good leadership qualities and shotcalling. Solid as a player to succeed when left on an island rather than a primary carry. Champion pool to match flexible playstyle. Experienced, doesn't really get nervous or tilt. Strong on control mages. Consistent intangibles.
    Cons: Mechanics aren't elite. Laning needs work, struggles to pressure it. Rumors of solo player mentality. Doesn't have anything to really stand out from the pack, the X factor that teams want.
    Notable Champions: Cassiopeia, Syndra, LeBlanc, Ryze, Neeko, Sylas
    Summary: People undervalue the effect of role players in a team. Julien is at his most successful when he is the tertiary carry in the team, a role player rather than a primary carry. He doesn't have the raw mechanics to be a super carry that teams may look for, but he can definitely be a good player to support one on a roster.

    5fire Method of Qualification: SGC Winner (ANEW)
    Notable Teams: ANEW Esports, Azio Black

    Pros: Good mechanics. Large champion pool, "ocean". Very flexible in a team with a good attitude. Doesn't die much. Significant improvement in mental and approach from SG 2018. Makes big map impacts in the mid game.
    Cons: Mechanics aren't transcendent. Can get caught in laning phase, definitely not a super dominant laner. Can rely on his mid-late game strengths a bit much.
    Notable Champions: I don't have enough room dude.
    Summary: If I was to give a "Most Improved" for 2019, it would be 5fire. Last Scouting Grounds he was the hyped young mid prospect who tried to show off and got his ass kicked. Now he has faced em all and beaten them all, being a pivotal part of the ANEW machine as a secondary/tertiary carry. He has a massive champion pool and has cleaned up his play. I see 5fire as the most Academy ready mid laner of the bunch as a total package without any glaring red flags.

    Evolved Method of Qualification: Scouting Grounds Point Ladder
    Notable Teams: Radiance, Team E-Turner

    Pros: Great CSing consistency. Drags out his impact in a fight as long as possible while staying alive. Decent champion pool (yes he can play more than just Katarina). Young, therefore moldable if willing to learn. Knows champion limitations. Great mechanics. Very efficient on utilizing champion cooldowns.
    Cons: History of toxicity, rumors of it persisting. Can sometimes try to solo carry too hard. Can be a bit hair trigger with flash to aggro. Roaming could use some work, either hesitant to roam or roaming path is off. Champion pool is still limited, needs expansion. Can be predictable in situations.
    Notable Champions: Zoe, Katarina, Cassiopeia, Corki, Vladimir, Azir, Syndra, Sylas, Akali
    Summary: Evolved will undoubtedly be one of the top picks in the Scouting Grounds draft based purely on his mechanics. However there is a big question mark on him: a history of attitude issues. If he can overcome them, he'll be the best mid prospect this region has ever seen. However, if they still exist and persist, he could become the biggest SG bust of all time. His career will live and die with his attitude. I hold hope that he pans out.

    Wolfe Method of Qualification: 3rd Place SGC (Maryville)
    Notable Teams: Maryville University

    Pros: Oddball champion pool, has a surprise factor. Rarely a reason for losses, doesn't die in lane often. Very stable and mature, great team player. Untiltable. Great communicator. Extremely calm in the clutch, stone cold.
    Cons: Lowest ranked player at the event. Role player rather than carry. Won't pressure a lane much. When behind can start to become irrelevant rather than a massive hindrance. One of the older players.
    Notable Champions: Whatever asked of him. Summary: Wolfe and Julien fill the same mold on a team, being that of a role playing mid laner in a scene that demands mechanical gods. In a different region Wolfe would probably playing high levels in EUM or the LDL. He CAN hard carry, but doesn't do it to the frequency that teams like, and his age will ward off some teams.


    This ADC pool is widely considered to be the weakest talent pool of the bunch by some. That's mostly because the top two finishing ADC at the SGC, Mash and Value, were ineligible due to previous OPL play. At second glance, there might be some diamonds in the rough. I find this similar to top lane in that the best prospect isn't attending, but once again, not the place for that. Unlike last year there is no big "chase" player in this pool.

    EvanRL Method of Qualification: 3rd Place SGC (Maryville)
    Notable Teams: Columbia College, Maryville University

    Pros: Reportedly a great team player. Extremely flexible player, willing to play whatever role asked. Will pull out unorthodox strategies no one else is willing to try. Will play nearly anything, be it traditional or even a Garen Yuumi. Receptive to criticism.
    Cons: Some mechanical facets need improvement. Very predictable map movements. Positioning for wave control could be better in the mid-late. On the older side of SG.
    Notable Champions: Whatever needed
    Summary: Evan's biggest knock is that he doesn't pack elite mechanics. They aren't bad by any stretch, but aren't the elite set people seem to want. He fills the role of a flexible ADC that can carry if needed, but has definite flaws that people will be quick to point out. He could be a solid piece for a team looking to fill out their roster, but barring a standout performance I think teams won't scoop him up in the draft.

    Vex Method of Qualification: Scouting Grounds Point Ladder
    Notable Teams: Polar Ace, GGEA, Team Gates

    Pros: Extremely passionate player. Good work ethic and attitude. Has potential to solo carry. Good as a team fighting hyper carry. Self critical in a good sense. Decent mechanics. Handles teamfight multitasking well. Topped the ADC board for SG. Experienced but not an "older" player.
    Cons: Not one of the 18 year olds that makes teams salivate. Needs micro development, not transcendent mechanics. Wasn't able to get far in the SGC. Lets the support dictate the lane.
    Notable Champions: Kai'Sa, Lucian, Ezreal, Tristana, Sivir, Xayah
    Summary: Vex to me is a player that could intrigue teams. He's on the edge of the age range they are looking for. He packs solid but not fantastic mechanics that seem to need a bit of 1-on-1 development to hit the next level. An Academy team looking ahead with the right coach could fix this and set him up for success in a heartbeat.

    Gorica Method of Qualification: 4th Place SGC (Collegiate Superstars)
    Notable Teams: Western Ontario, Collegiate Superstars

    Pros: Receptive, eager to improve. Transitioned well back from top lane, hardly missed a beat in SGC. Can hard carry if set up. Won't lose the lane. Knows exactly where to be in a teamfight to survive and carry. Good for late game insurance policy. Can flex mages in the bottom lane.
    Cons: Gets caught in the mid game, positioning is suspect. Not as vocal as others and relied on his support. Spent quite a bit of time in top for collegiate. Can autopilot while farming. Laning isn't standout.
    Notable Champions: Draven, Caitlyn, Kai'Sa, Sivir, Kog'Maw, Neeko
    Summary: Gorica strikes me as a player who can show up big at Scouting Grounds and get on a team with ease, or perform pedestrian and get on one next year. There were flashes of real potential in the SGC, but his time spent as a top laner has stalled that potential.

    Tomo Method of Qualification: Scouting Grounds Point Ladder
    Notable Teams: Radiance (Sub), Mirage

    Pros: Good attitude in a team environment. Flexible as a teammate and player. Solid mechanics. Reportedly determined to learn and improve. Fairly large champion pool. Only 18. 1900 games of solo queue (challenger all season) Carries an unknown factor.
    Cons: Not as much experience on a team as other AM players. Less exposure, therefore people considering him worse. (insert shot at the guy using that "Tomo-Tier" bs) In reality more of an unknown.
    Notable Champions: Any bottom laner not named Kalista
    Summary: Tomo is another project player I would like to see either be developed by a team, or have another year to grow. I think in the RIGHT system he can play in Academy, one dedicated to cultivating his talent. However as a day one team focus, I don't think he fits that role well. He might have the most raw potential of any ADC here, but will take developing to hit it.


    Some people want to label this pool as the worst at Scouting Grounds. I disagree. There is a wild card, the best player entering it, a player everyone agrees is great, and one people say should already be in Academy. Given that support is usually NA's most consistently produced position, the talent of this group surprises me none.

    Shady Method of Qualification: 3rd Place SGC (Maryville)
    (Link won't work properly to here https://lol.gamepedia.com/Shady_(Jordan_Robison))
    Notable Teams: Maryville, Phoenix1, TSM Academy, Robert Morris

    Pros: Experience. Great mechanics. Was number one support on SG ladder. Sets the tempo for a team. Very proactive in setting up and executing plays. Hyper aggro whenever he can be. Great mid game map movements, reads how to punish mispositions and mistakes. Eats side laners alive.
    Cons: Can try too hard to make plays, leading to moves before team is ready. When behind, plays a bit too aggressive, resulting in getting caught. Can opt into off tempo fights. On the older side.
    Notable Champions: Pyke, Leona, Thresh, Nautilus, Rakan, Nautilus, Morgana, Yuumi
    Summary: Without a doubt in my mind, Shady is the most Academy ready player at this event, and the only one I would even consider putting on an LCS stage in their current form. I know he is a more defined quantity to an extent, but of the older players Shady is by far the best performer with the highest potential ceiling. I expect him to be one of the top picks off the board.

    Gweiss Method of Qualification: 2nd Place SGC
    (Link cause it didn't work correctly. https://lol.gamepedia.com/Gweiss_(Garrett_Weiss))
    Notable Teams: Super Nova

    Pros: Very vocal player in game. Can keep a teammate in check. Great attitude. Proficient game sense and game knowledge. Not afraid to pull the trigger, good at landing necessary skillshots. Knows when to defend and when to engage in most occasions. Showed up big time in the SGC.
    Cons: Small champion pool, result of role swapping. Still newer to support, so he is inexperienced compared to other supports. Slightly hair trigger at times. Can prioritize making a play over peeling, leaving AD alone.
    Notable Champions: Nautilus, Pyke, Rakan, Yuumi, Morgana
    Summary: If there is any player I feel needs one more year before going to Academy, it might be Gweiss. In the SGC he showed both his potential and the flaws of inexperience, but the good outweighed the bad by a significant margin. If he does falter, it will be due to not having the sheer experience at the role as the other players.

    SandPaperX Method of Qualification: Scouting Grounds Point Ladder
    Notable Teams: Mirage Oasis, Polar Ace

    Pros: Mechanics received high praise near universally, looks for mistakes to punish. Primary shotcaller for SGC team. Constantly looking for places to improve. Mental rock for teams that can be depended on. Cool in the clutch and when behind. Expansive champion pool, favors playmakers. Extremely adaptable as a player.
    Cons: Lacks the experience of other supports. Roaming and jungle coordination need work.
    Notable Champions: Rakan, Thresh, Gragas, Galio, Gragas, Karma, Alistar Summary: Going to be honest, it was hard to uncover a lot of weaknesses for SPX. Everyone I spoke to talked about how good he was as a player, both mechanically and in a team environment. He is one of the more exciting players because of his reputation being most of what I have to go off of. If half of it holds true he should make Academy easily, otherwise he could be waiting for next year.

    CHIME Method of Qualification: Scouting Grounds Point Ladder
    Notable Teams: None

    Pros: Rotations are supposedly good. Unknown factor x10.
    Cons: Average laner. BIG Unknown compared to the others.
    Notable Champions: Bard, Thresh, Rakan, Pyke, Yuumi, Lux
    Summary: Chime is the great mystery of this draft. I've casted Chime maybe once in 2019, and it was so long ago, I cannot remember anything about it. The vod has been lost to time, and I couldn't really find anyone who has played with him recently. The closest I have is the post on the subreddit from last week, so I put down what I have from there.

    How to Watch Scouting Grounds

    While Riot doesn't stream the vods as they are happening, each day's vods will be restreamed by Upsurge Esports at 8 Eastern time on each day.
    If you want to watch the vods on your own time, they should be available on YouTube on the same VOD channel as the LEC and LCS.
    NOTE: This is assuming they upload the vods and such in the same format as they did last year.

    submitted by /u/KatarHero72
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    The greatest Losers of this Worlds are the Viewers and Markz. We have not gotten a single Silver Scrapes

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 12:46 PM PST

    This tournament will go in history forever as the 3-1 Event.

    Play-Ins was the only exception. Since the major regions have entered the group stages, all the bo5 series were 3-1. Silver Scrapes wasn't played a single time. Yet the games were amazing and the teams were the strongest we have ever had at any worlds.

    I have the feeling we won't see a silver scrape in the finals either. Another 3-1. Or will we?

    Warning. Only allowed to click on this Link when World's Finals goes to full 5 games! Don't cheat

    submitted by /u/insanePowerMe
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    I just hit Diamond 2 (EUW) playing Jungle Aurelion Sol only!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 10:13 AM PST

    I often read about people wondering if jungle Sol is viable.

    I've been playing Sol since his release (I used to queue mid primary, jungle secondary and played jungle Sol whenever I didn't get mid) and I can say for sure, jungle Sol is hidden okay. His clear is super healthy, average speed and his Q+E ganks are insane - https://imgur.com/a/te6TNdF .

    His rework made me switch from primary playing midlane Sol to only playing jungle Sol. Aurelion used to have so much impact in the earlygame but due to the removal of his e passive movespeed, his w only lasting for 4 boops and turret platings, I can't play the aggressive early impact Sol I loved so much anymore.

    Unless I play him in the jungle! With Aftershock no Lee Sin, no Kha'Zix, really no one can kill me. As soon as they jump on me, I double tab Q, proc Aftershock, cancel all their damage and start to kite them with my W movespeed buff or redbuff.

    Upsides: 0 counterplay ganks vs immobile botlanes

    Downsides: can't hide in bushes


    Note: I also created a jungle Sol only account for my 'Jungle Sol to Diamond' series which ended up in D4 shortly before I switched to playing it on main account (which was also D4 at this time). So I actually climbed from unranked to D2 playing jungle Aurelion Sol only.

    Edit: Gameplay video for more information on my clear https://youtu.be/avQaTuvjikc

    submitted by /u/Lyaphine
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    Did the Gold text increase in size?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 12:33 AM PST

    Not sure if I'm going crazy, but it looks like the +15 or whatever that shows up when you kill a minion is much larger, as well as the number you can click to shop that shows the amount of gold you have. Was this changed? It wasn't in the patch notes, and I couldn't find anyone talking about this after searching.

    submitted by /u/51isnotprime
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    Kayle Chose BM over victory

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 06:54 AM PST

    https://gfycat.com/shamefulhandsomelhasaapso You really hate to see it. This is NA mid plat. All she had to do was auto ONCE.

    submitted by /u/TheC2
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    What We Know Now — Doinb: “[Every year before this], if I could have gone one step further, I could have made it to Semis or Finals, but I could never get there. So I always said to my wife, ‘Am I not good enough?’”

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 11:58 AM PST

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