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    Thursday, November 7, 2019

    LoL Guide When to rush buying tiamat on champs like irelia and fiora

    LoL Guide When to rush buying tiamat on champs like irelia and fiora

    When to rush buying tiamat on champs like irelia and fiora

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 06:53 AM PST

    I like to play irelia, fiora, camille and all of these like to go triforce and rav hydra, atm i always rush the tiamat then usually phage sheen triforce, but i know sometimes its not the best to do that although not why, something to do with pushing i guess, cheers for your help

    submitted by /u/HelpfulScheme
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    I’m looking to up my game in a meaningful way as a support main

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 09:12 AM PST

    I've recently promoted out of silver (yay!) but I feel as though I very much still play like one, apart from a couple skills. I think I'm strong at warding for my elo but I'm looking to improve my game elsewhere. I main Soraka, Neeko and Poppy support based on scenario. What is the most important skill to prioritise getting better at outside of warding? Any and all advice would be very much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Samurai-Twat
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    How to play against heavy poke comps?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 07:01 AM PST

    Recently, I have been having quite a hard time playing against comps that rely mainly on poking you.
    Champs like Velkoz, Karma, Ezreal, Xerath etc.
    It's the only comp i have no clue what to do to win. I play mostly katarina mid, which in my opinion is pretty bad into those comps.

    What are your tips on how to play against them?

    submitted by /u/Tauronek
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    With Kleptomancy (possibly) going away, Anyone have keystone ideas for Ezreal?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 05:05 PM PST

    Disclosure: I put (possibly) there because we are still in the testing phase of preseason on the PBE, and Riot may revert the new replacement in in a week or two. I believe that because I personally don't think that keystone is beneficial at all to anyone.

    Okay, so when Season 10 pops of Kleptomancy looks like it's going away. No more RNG on RNG, one of my favorite keystones in this bloody game because it was so much fun. That being said, the one keystone that made Ezreal shine is gonna be gone.

    Anyone have any ideas what other keystones will work with him now? PTA and Aery feel like they might be the best ones considering what Ezreal needs, but I was curious on what you guys think! Leave down your ideas.

    My builds are:
    1. PTA keystone + Presence of mind+ Bloodline + Coup De Grace with Sorcery secondary: manaflow band + transcendence
    2. Summon Aery keyston + manaflow band + transcendence + gathering storm with Inspiration secondary: magical footwear + biscuit delivery
    I didn't put in shards because I always change it up with ezreal depending on match.

    What are your ideas?

    submitted by /u/GraySyklark
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    Was an attempt at Baron steal a good or bad decision?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 06:45 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    I played a game the other day where a friend and I got into a discussion over whether the enemy Yasuo's attempt at stealing baron was a smart or dumb decision. I was hoping we could get your thoughts on it and all the factors that come into play.

    A little background into our game. We were losing the entire game with out team comp as Rengar, Ekko, Kassadin, Miss Fortune, and Blitzcrank against Riven, Lee Sin, Yasuo, Ezreal, and Nami. We had miraculously killed everyone on the enemy team except Yasuo and made a Baron call which was our window back into the game. When we were doing Baron, the Yasuo tried to flash over the wall to steal baron but failed and ended up dying. My friend thinks it was a bad decision on Yasuo's part and I thought it wasn't as bad as he was making it out to be.

    My argument:

    I think that attempts to steal Baron aren't always bad decisions as long as it depends on what it put at risk if you fail to steal Baron. In this case, if Yasuo failed to steal baron he would be off the map for 30-40 seconds and our team would get roughly roughly 300-400 gold based on the kill and assist. Comparing that to the 1500 gold and baron buff we receive at Baron. I think if you compare his options, I think there is no harm in attempt at Baron steal. If Yasuo managed to steal Baron, our window back into the game would be lost and we definitely would've lost the game. If Yasuo failed to steal Baron and died, we would have a window back into the game and a dead Yasuo for 30-40 seconds to work with. If Yasuo had decided not to contest Baron and give it up. We would have Baron and a window back into the game even if we had not killed Yasuo. So my argument is that if Yasuo had died, it wouldn't have really mattered for his team because it would have no significant impact on the outcome of the game. Our team had already lost all our outer towers and our mid and bot inner tower. We had lost significant map pressure and had to immediately back following Baron since the four enemy players were respawning. I cannot see a chance for her to pressure an objective following Baron without the enemy team stalling enough time for Yasuo to respawn. To me it was a low risk and high reward play Yasuo tried to make. (He also didn't execute his steal properly. He flashed the wall to steal it when he could've taken the plant over the wall and flash back out. Meaning he could've attempt to steal and live if he failed.)

    His argument:

    My friend thinks it was a bad play based on what the Yasuo knew. From his perspective, the Yasuo did not have a high chance of stealing Baron. He only had a static shiv and a maw of malmortius and the Yasuo didn't know our Ekko didn't have smite. So his basic argument is that, the Yasuo made a dumb decision because he sacrificed his life for an attempt to steal Baron in which he had a very low chance of stealing. He set his team behind by giving 300 gold and a 30-40 second death timer off the map giving up pressure. I think he's looking at this from a "pro play" perspective. Where the teams automatically concede Baron if the chance is very low to steal it and the risk of attempting to steal is very high.

    What do you guys think?

    Edit: I'm just going to go with the overall consensus that it was a bad decision. I'm not at home so I can't look at the replay, but I'm seeing comments that Yasuo could've farmed and shoved lanes out which sounds like it probably is a better idea.

    submitted by /u/FleeRancer
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    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 09:15 AM PST

    So i've been a console player my entire life, but have been hooked on league for a few months now and am interested in trying out ranked. Is it super serious/competitive? i played overwatch ranked and it's giving me ptsd because ranked completely ruined overwatch for me and I'm scared its gonna do the same with league.

    submitted by /u/NoFaceAllex
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    Jungling with all losing lanes?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 05:16 AM PST

    I just played a game where for the first time I felt motivated to seek advice on how i should have played it. I felt utterly useless.

    This is plat 2/3 elo. Teams below: (Position: My Lane - Their Lane)

    Top: Rumble - Renekton

    Jungle: Hecarim - Kayn

    Mid: Akali - Swain

    Bot: Leona/Kai'sa - Heimerdinger/Brand

    I don't think any of my teammates played particularly bad. They all drafted losing lanes and were getting crammed in. Kayn took advantage of this by always being in my face and threatening me for my camps. I think I got one crab the entire game.

    How would you play this game as hecarim? Are we just doomed in champ select unless the other team severely misplays?

    submitted by /u/wobut
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    As an ADC how do you deal with unreliable supports?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 07:53 AM PST

    Most games were I play well and win lane I have a reliable support who knows how to trade, how to have presence in the lane etc. But in other games I get supports (maybe autofilled) who go all in when you are pushed under your tower with a massive stacked enemy minion wave or just don't quite understand their role in the 2v2. What can I do as AD to guide him or to help him help me get some farm? Usually when my support dies i try to just focus on playing as safe as possible and farm if possible, but when I'm alone into Draven / Karma or Cait / Zyra I can hardly do anything. How can I deal with this?

    submitted by /u/unrockbaer
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    Qiyana jgl pathing?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 06:08 AM PST

    Hi guys, I'm trying to pick up Qiyana in the jungle to expand my champ pool but I'm proper struggling with first few clears?

    Every game I've had on it I get really low, and either have to risk a free kill if invaded or back early after one or two camps just to heal up.

    For runes ive been taking;

    Electrocute, sudden impact, eyeball collection and relentless hunter

    And yellow tree for triumph and coup de grace.

    submitted by /u/JamieHendrixx
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    Skill Shots Against Draven

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 07:17 AM PST

    So I am a support main, and play Morgana, Swain or Soraka most of the time. I take pride in the fact I'm good at hitting skill shots as Morg or Swain, but I found a problem. Draven's ability to increase his movement speed has a much lower cool down than my root abilities and I can never hit him. If I try to just get closer, his early game damage just destroys me. I want to play the champs I love, but I just cannot outsmart a Draven and his high damage output combined with high movement speed.

    submitted by /u/aritheprincess
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    Kai’Sa itemization

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 04:46 AM PST

    I'm a gold 1 adc main with 7th maestry on Kai'Sa and I still don't know how to itemise on her properly.

    First of all, I really love the stormrazor build and I can't stand manamune. Am I losing out on a lot or can I stay with the stormrazor build? I've seen it in pro play, so I guess it's not that bad?

    Then, late game. Having finished stormrazor + rageblade core, it gets tricky. There is Nashors Tooth, but for some reason I only see it in manamune builds. Is it viable? Most often I see hurricane + IE or PD + IE so maybe it's better, but then, if I go for runaans, can I build zhonyas 4th or do I need to rush IE because hurricane is weak on itself? If they have heavy AP, do I go for hexdrinker or Banshee?

    Kai'Sa has so many build options that even though I build somewhat optimally and situationally, I always feel that I may be missing out on something. Especially the 3rd item dilema: Nashor or Crit?

    thanks a lot for help

    submitted by /u/Naautiik
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    Tips for preparing Season 10 Ranked Play

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 03:17 PM PST

    Hey guys :)

    A friend and I have compiled some tips for preparing Ranked Play in a new season. These tips have helped us starting in previous seasons aswell so we compiled them into a video, a infographic and this reddit post. Hopefully this is useful for you. Would love to hear what you guys think!!

    Video: https://youtu.be/IavjGyLpi2g
    Infographic: https://imgur.com/g7SKmhU

    How to Prepare for Season 10:

    1. Set realistic Goals
    - Set yourself realistic goals for all three ranked splits. By doing this, you can keep your motivation high, measure your performance and reflect your progress and fix problems that are holding you back!

    2. Prepare your champion pool
    - Focus on one role with 2-3 champions and master them. You will see much better results when mastering a small amount of champions instead of being okay at a lot of champions.

    3. Watch Videos
    - Watching videos from players that have already mastered your favorite champion spares a lot of time for you mastering the champion. Youtube holds a lot of challenger player replays for you to watch. Try learning from that and adapt.

    4. Plan your Gaming Sessions
    - Having set periods of time where we do certain things increases our ability to focus and concentrate on that thing. So set yourself fixed times where you play League to improve your ability to focus.

    5. Form new Habits
    - We have a lot of time in the preseason. Not only to prepare our season 10 gameplay but also to learn something new. You could also do sports and improve your health. There's plenty of things for you to try out.

    6. Take a Break
    - All of that League grind can become very stressful sometimes, so give yourself a break and do something else. Play a new singleplayer game, read a book or do whatever you like doing.

    submitted by /u/LilSluggerZ
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    API for Custom Games

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 02:50 PM PST

    Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to consume the api of a custom game that is not a tournament. For example the stats of a 1v1 game in howling abyss. I haven't seen any stats for custom games shown in pages like op.gg or mobaanalytics so I'm not sure anymore.

    submitted by /u/-Rip-In-Peace-
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    Mental block with not auto attacking to proc Conqueror/Electrocute -- any suggestions on how to get out of that mentality?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 09:23 AM PST

    Hey there.

    I play champs that sometimes capitalize on Conqueror, Electrocute and PTA and require consistent auto attacking to stack, proc and do damage.

    The problem is that for certain champions, I tend to shy away from consistently attacking and just spam skills instead. Prime examples of this are Ekko (3 hit passive proc, also used to proc Conq or Electrocute for 3+ hits) or Kayn (Rhaast) for Conqueror.

    For both of them, I just spam Q and as a result, I don't trigger Conqueror as quickly, or end up doing as much damage as I could be doing.

    If I ever played ADC or a champion that's ranged like Kindred, I can sit there and play it safe, and AA all day long. It's the melee champs that I tend to shy away from using auto attacks.

    My damage tends to be a lot lower as a result because of this. Any suggestions on how to get over this? Just suck it up and play more to learn limitations?

    Thanks. :(

    submitted by /u/xtcz
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    When should mid laners split push instead of grouping?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 09:05 AM PST

    basically title, when should mid laners (like: Zed/Irelia/Twisted Fate/Ahri/Talon/Yasuo/Kassadin/Vlad/ect) go splitpush instead of grouping/staying mid and teamfighting? Saw it on Youtube Videos like..from LL Stylish (Zed)/Elite 500 (Vlad), any tips? Any help is appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/FabioSxO
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    Am I playing too passively?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 05:43 AM PST

    If you look at my op.gg profile, you will notice that I have terrible overall damage stats and kill participation in the toplane. First I decided to play support because I won't be judged based on my damage, but then I went back to top, playing Irelia, Pantheon, and recently Renekton.

    That was when my problem started. My vision score is pretty good (compared to other low-elo plays that I normally get matched with), because I brought my vision game knowledge from playing support, but if you look again you'll see that I nearly always have the least amount of damage among all the other players. Now, if that's the case, it probably means that I'm bad at playing. Then, I looked again, and it seems like that most of the time, my enemy laner also deals as much damage as I do. So here are my questions:

    Is this play style wrong? How often should I go in for trades? Are solo kills worth investing my own life into? How can I increase my overall damage? Do you think me having consistent 160ms ping contributes to the making the issue bigger?

    I have another question that I think doesn't deserve a thread of its own, so here it is:

    As champs like Renekton aren't very good at teamfighting, should I normally ignore my team grouping and try to splitpush? How do I minimize the problems that occur from me playing champs that fall off late game because of all the teamfights that happen during that time?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/hossein81
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    Running Mobi Boots as Evelynn?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 12:04 PM PST

    So I'm a top main getting into other roles to have just in case top gets picked. The game usually put me in jungle and support more when auto filled. I chose jungle as my secondary as I do well in it more. I started to play Evelynn and I feel like I do pretty well as her than most other junglers. When I was given advice from my diamond friends, they said that I should run mobi boots instead of sorcerer boots. He said that it should allow me to walk through lanes faster, but I prefer the extra damage over speed. I don't feel like I'm gank-heavy as I don't run through lanes to gank more than to farm. And I'm very sure that mobi effects with disappear when I charm. Is it worth getting mobi over sorc as Evelynn, if so in what situation?

    submitted by /u/ethan125
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    Losing games before I can scale into late game as ADC

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 06:44 AM PST

    In my recent ranked games there has been a trend I've noticed where I do well in my lane but the solo lanes will feed/not do so well, causing the game to be in a much worse situation by the time my champ becomes strong and able to impact the map (to my knowledge). Is there a way I can help prevent this?

    any other tips are welcome


    submitted by /u/SlyySam
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    Champion Discussion of the Day: Zyra

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 01:34 PM PST

    Hey everyone! Just want to inform you that tomorrow is the last Daily Champion Discussion where we'll go over the new champion Senna.

    Link to Wikia

    Link to u.gg

    Link to Probuilds

    Link to League of Graphs

    Champion subreddit: r/zyramains

    Primarily played as: Support

    What role does she play in a team composition?

    What are the core items to be built on her?

    What is the order of leveling up the skills?

    What are her spikes in terms of items or levels?

    What are the most optimal rune/mastery setups?

    What champions does she synergize well with?

    What is the counterplay against her?

    submitted by /u/Balondis
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    tips for adc gold 1 hardstuck macro

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 09:11 AM PST

    Hi , i play league since 10 years now gold 2/1 on 2 accounts , im adc main i mostly play solo and i have few questions about playing macro game as adc.

    - i win lane, i want to go top or mid but i see that enemies on bot are pushing, my jgl is on other side of the map. Let them push our tower and rotate or stay . Many times i win lane but i dont transist it to other lanes, i just go back with my support to farm and keep pushing .

    -i lose lane, enemy botlane rotates top/mid , do i stay bot to farm more cs or join the team to help even when i dont really have items to do anything.

    -early game : my lane is pushed towards me, i have big wave of creeps coming, my jungler decides to invade their blue/ or do dragon ( happens very often ,even when i ping him to not do this ) . Enemies spot this and go to after him . Do i join this and lose all the cs or let him die and take this minions. Considering im already behind in items , ofc he will flame me if i dont join his invade/ drake . Very often its just botlane + jungler killing my jungler .


    submitted by /u/fadedv1
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    Katarina Help

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 03:31 AM PST

    I've been playing alot of Katarina in normals to get her ready for ranked and I'm currently at a 41% win rate. I found that even in games where I am fed, It's hard to close them out and the win conditions aren't really clear. I end up winning a bunch of games in a row then loosing a bunch of games after. My early game is my strongest point but around mid to late I have no idea where I should be to help the team win the game. If I try to team fight I get stunned and end up dying and if I try to split the other team realizes the 4 v 5 and engages on my team. How should I be playing her mid-late.

    Heres my OP GG


    submitted by /u/BossTheKid
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    Help/Suggestions for Season 10!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 03:58 PM PST

    Hey guys! I'm gold 4 who's been playing since season 6, and I'd like some guidance/suggestions on where to begin for the new season between a few roles. I peaked at gold 2 in placements towards G1 this season; but since have slumped down to high g4 and bounce back between g4 and g3 pretty regularly. My primary roles are mid/support, with some jungle sprinkled in. I want to dedicate this upcoming season to one role and really dive into the inner workings of it and become way more proficient with multiple champs, because currently I have 2-3 comfortable in each role and bounce around depending on how I'm playing. Let me know what you think and why!!!

    submitted by /u/Chambers68
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    How the hell do you deal with kayle?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 03:23 PM PST

    At this point I have only been able to win vs Kayle as AP malphite just because he kills her before she can even ult most the time. Although as any other champ I truly don't know what to do. I have tried to play a couple of her counters some of which I main and I cannot beat her once she gets 6. I try bully her out lane but since she has 2 ways to farm from range pre-6 then she just becomes ranged I pretty much have to kill her 3 times before she gets her hextech gunblade and runs me down with 2 slows. With the current state of kayle I feel like I have to permaban the champ until riot finally removes klepto.

    submitted by /u/69Spaghetti69
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    Cold hands?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 08:01 PM PST

    My hands get very cold when I'm playing League, especially my mouse hand. Like sometimes I will just start misclicking like crazy when I have high attack speed because my fingers are numb from the cold.

    I was wondering what do you guys do to keep your hands warm?

    submitted by /u/Xhillia
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