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    Monday, June 15, 2020

    LoL Guide From Silver to Challenger in 5 Years - What I Learned Along the Way!

    LoL Guide From Silver to Challenger in 5 Years - What I Learned Along the Way!

    From Silver to Challenger in 5 Years - What I Learned Along the Way!

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    Hey guys! SimbaADC here. I made a video going over the main takeaways from my 5 year League journey. The video briefly mentions the classic points (play a few champs/dont flame in chat etc), but focuses mainly on the things that i notice hold players back from climbing and improving.

    Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC-UNy8842c&feature=youtu.be

    I hope you guys enjoy the video, any feedback you have is appreciated loads <3.

    submitted by /u/TheMasterYak
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    My DECLASSIFIED CLIMBING GUIDE (How i went from Iron 4 - Gold 4 in ~2 months)

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    Hey Everyone,

    This is my first post so be gentle. I rejoined league from a ~5-6 year hiatus (Last i played was season 3/4ish) due to the quarantine. It was extremely difficult to get back into because of the vast changes and the amount of new champions that i had to learn to counter/play in order to excel in the game. After some brutal normals i bit the bullet and went into ranked, went 4-6 in placement and landed in Iron 4 instantly. I started iron 4 (April 10) and hit Gold IV on June 13th.

    Below i have compiled both a "What i started doing" and a "What i stopped doing" list that i GUARANTEE you getting the hang of lower elo.

    What i started doing:

    - Learning "braindead" champions: What i mean by this is picking champions that offer simple yet effective kits, and who's kits allow mistakes to happen such as mis-positioning, mis-engaging and more. These champions ALSO automatically offer easier CS potential because you no longer have to focus on complex positioning and skill shots and can use that to focus on your CS and trades. Examples of these champions are: Garen, Malphite, Sett, Annie, Veigar etc...

    - Take advantage of the minimap!!!: Seriously this is the most OP thing to learn it will lead to so many more victories. You MUST ASSUME YOUR TEAM IS BLIND. If you are top lane and you see the enemy ezreal and sona going into river its safe to say they are going to either drake or all-in on your mid. In that case spam ping that area because chances are your teammates have no clue and havent looked. If you saw the enemy jungle fail a gank on mid lane and retreat back into their jungle, ping for YOUR jungler to know where he is so he can better track them and you can play accordingly. Honestly this is the most important tip

    - Watching youtube videos: Now this may be a broad idea BUT the videos i found work best are those that explain HOW to lane against a counter (Eg: Garen vs Teemo), HOW to lane when you're in the lead (Roaming, transitioning your lead, objectives), HOW and WHEN to ward efficiently and safely. THESE ARE ALL EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! This is because although this is a team based game, your decisions are what influence the entire rift and even a bad start can be easily reversed to a win with knowing these things. After this you can then move on to watching champion specific videos

    - Learning how to control my temper: Now im not usually a rager BUT everyone including myself has those moment where you're 9/1/6 and leading the game but your 0/12/3 Lee Sin Q into their theyre entire team thinking he can flash R the enemy Volibear into your fountain turret, and you just want to type in chat and go off at him. The way to combat this (im sure everyone has heard it) is to either /muteall ingame OR what i learned works better is turning off chat in the interface settings. IF YOU DO RAGE PLEASE DO THIS: During death timer just look at your phone or something and take 5-6 deep breaths and focus on something for a bit before rejoining. It WILL help.

    - Learning how to lose: Its going to happen you are going to lose, you will lose games HARD and you will sometimes lose games you should of won and you need to know what to do when you lose. If the game is far gone with no return (they have fed hyper carries like yi) then you have to accept the game is over and mentally prepare for the next game. ASSUME that same Yi from last game will be in your next one and start thinking about what you need to do to shut him down so it doesnt happen again. The best of the best go on losing streaks so of course we are to. Its okay to get upset but theres only room for 30 seconds of sadness before you need to gear up again and dominate your lane!

    What i stopped doing:

    - DO NOT i repeat DO NOT counter pick if you have little-no experience on that champion. If you are in champ select and your enemy laner picks a vel koz, DO NOT PICK yasuo just because you know his W will negate his damage. Even if your champ has a 70% winrate against your enemies they could still decimate you just by having more knowledge.

    - Prepare to be Autofilled: Yes it is inevitable, stop whining and do something about it. Go into normals and learn how to jungle/support (dont need to master it, but become average) so when the time comes in ranked soloq that you get autofilled you wont need to dodge and lose LP and may even increase your win%

    - Do NOT tunnel vision: Dont lie we have all done this. We see a 140Hp Annie running river and decide to tunnel vision chase her right into her unwarded jungle where her entire team is waiting for you like on the casting couch. If you can secure a quick kill without chasing go for it, but if you cannot and you need to burn a flash in a sketchy area most times theyre either baiting for their team or to all in you with their kit.

    - SET goals and do not push them: See this as gambling, most times its good to leave when you're ahead. What i mean by this is if you login and you are at Bronze 2 45 LP and set a goal of reaching Bronze 2 100lp. Warmup, play your games and then decide if you want to continue... Did you reach 100lp? Great! Maybe lets take a break until tomorrow or just go to normals. Are you in the negative and lost a few games in a row? Take a break and play ONLY 1 MORE GAME if you lose that one too its time to get off and give it a rest until tomorrow. Trust me i have seen people Go from Silver 2 back to Bronze 3 within a day just because they dont know when to call it quits.

    I really appreciate you guys reading this and if theres anything you guys think i should add, just comment below and i will make an edit!

    Edit: Added minimap usage

    Edit 2: Added how to lose (THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT THIS RLLY BLEW UP i love helping people)

    submitted by /u/BLKdaniel
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    6 years challenger Azir main teaches you everything about him. All matchups + builds explanation

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    Azir is S-tier and he works great in competitive and soloQ if you know how to play him (MY OP.GG)
    He has 47% WR even for newbies, and 56% for mains on average making him worth to learn if you like

    • playmaking
    • no hard counters
    • not banned often

    MAIN GUIDE 1 year old guide, but still relevant.

    BUILDS GUIDE - Mathematic explanation of the best builds.

    MATCHUPS PLAYLIST - VOD reviews of best Azir players

    submitted by /u/erenLoL101
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    How could I get a good CS/min with Ivern ?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    Firstly I'd like to say that I am a Midlaner who tries to learn how to be better as a Jungler. I'm currently playing Ivern because I really like the champion. But the problem I got is that, I dont know how to get a decent CS/Min score (around 6-8CS/Min would be good for me). In early game I can farm normally but the more I get into the game the less I farm. The fact that I have to wait (in purpose to farm in the jungle) is also really hard for me in late game because I always see something to do instead of waiting at least 10s to get some CS. I hope some of you can help me. Thanks

    submitted by /u/PierrotLeFour
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    How to play Xayah against poke heavy matchups?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    I struggle against almost all poke matchups, such as Senna, Soraka, Ezreal, Varus, Kai'Sa, Caitlyn, you get the idea. They can do damage to me from afar, while I cannot do anything about it. It usually leads to me losing lane and being forced to passively farm, which delays my items. What should I be doing against these kinds of matchups?

    submitted by /u/Kontorted
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    How can I consistently be mindful of the enemy jungler?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    I understand the importance of knowing where the enemy jungler is. But after the initial 5 minutes and wards die off I kind of forget to think about where my enemy jungler is. What are some tips to being able to play around an enemy jungler?

    For example I play Warwick, in the beginning of the game I have both sides of the map warded and can usually know where the enemy jungler starts. After the game progresses and people die, etc.. I lose track of the enemy jungler and kind of guess where I should be going.

    Any tips on this?

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    Quinn noob here

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 01:27 PM PDT


    I am top main and i always play bruisers and tanks. Sett, malph, ornn and illaoi. I really struggle against urgot. I just cannot fight him and, in my opinion, his unfair ult. I thought that maybe quinn is the aswer to that. I was wrong. I just cannot get rid of a feeling of being too sqiushy and irrelevant. I tried build with bork and tried crit build but i cannot harm him. I always get a feeling with quinn that when i mess up positioning i am already doomed. Does quinn outscale him? I really like the mobility and possibility to dive quickly on other lanes but my early on quinn is terrible.

    submitted by /u/LisKungFu
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    How to not constantly push as Draven?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    I've been trying to OTP Draven for a while now, but theres one thing I still can't figure out on him, to keep two axes up all lane you have to constantly hit things, but if you hut minions the lane will push. Is there a way around this? Any help appreciated.

    submitted by /u/krono223
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    Toxic duo partner (also IRL partner)?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    warning: bad grammar, english is not my first language.

    I play LoL with my real-life partner. He mains support and I main ADC. We hardly switch because my partner claims that he "forgets to press heal". Years ago, he was extremely toxic, the type to go "GGEZ" and flame people, or accepting that our teammates make mistakes. Like what a supportive partner would do, I tried to teach him that it is not worth being toxic to the enemy or teammates, and mute people if they start flaming you. I would tell him to stop whenever I hear him start typing rapidly on the keyboard. There are times where he would slip up, but still I hoped he would get better. Sadly I don't see any progress, despite he claiming that he has improved, because after a game session I would be very upset, and both of us won't talk to each other.

    He has an enormous ego. If he dies, he would yell "Oh I killed ___!!" even when said champion is not dead, which confuses everyone all the time that we have to check the map. Even one of his friends asked me how I deal with him, or to please gag him because of this.

    He just affects my mood negatively, like he is trying to preserve his fragile ego here. Today, I tried to point out that his deaths were avoidable (Pyke E deeper into the enemy, no attempt to sidestep etc.). Whenever he points out my mistakes, I am okay with it. But when I tried to give him advice on how to avoid a death, he would tell me to "calm down you are acting up". What a hypocrite.

    I genuinely enjoy playing with him, there were fun times, and in fact he got me in to the game (heck, Jhin was my first tattoo). But I am worried that this is going to affect our relationship. We both enjoy playing LoL. I had MANY MANY talks with him about his behaviour. He would tell me that he has changed, then I give in leading to more hurt. He even went on to climb without me, even when he says that I am his best ADC.

    submitted by /u/batoura
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    When to lane swap with bot lane as a mid laner?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    I know that typically the first bot tower falling triggers a lane swap between mid and bot lane. To my understanding it's for the following reasons:

    - ADC and supp are better at sieging the mid tower if it's not already down
    - mid lane is generally a safer lane, allowing them to farm safer.
    - Having ADC and supp in mid lane generally has better map presence then, having the mid laner there.
    - As mid laner, you have EXP advantage and are going to have an advantage side laneing

    I tend to play a lot of mid laners with good wave clear (Viktor and Anivia). If the enemy team gets bot tower first and their botlane rotates mid is it optimal for me to stay mid if I can wave clear and defend the turret, or is it still better for me to give up mid lane to my bot lane, assuming their behind?

    Also, are any of my reasons explaining the reasoning for the ane swap incorrect or missing something? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/KneroTH
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    Small question about the rank/ elo system

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    New to league here and I've just been ranked up a tier for the first time after winning 3 promos. One thing I'm unsure about though is what happens next after you rank up.

    Let's say you're Silver 1 and you win your 3 promos and you get into gold 4 (I believe that's the lowest division of each tier?). If you start gold 4 at 0 LP at the bottom of the division, if you lose your first game after ranking up, do you get demoted immediately?

    Apologies if this information is searchable, I've tried to find it on some of the ranking system information pages and couldn't find anything, and I don't know how to phrase the question in a search.

    submitted by /u/ElZed-
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    Resource's to Learning ADC

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 12:00 AM PDT

    I'm looking for insightful resources and directions to learn ADC, A lot of people complain about the role but I want to take mine to another level and finally take the time to throughly learn it. I appreciate any videos VODS and so on that you might have found helpful to learn ADC.

    Especially I'd love some food Broxah videos guides VODS so on.

    submitted by /u/MyChuunibyou
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    How to play vs Poke Bot Lane? (Low Elo)

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    Bronze 1, about to hit Silver Twitch main here.

    So i usually win lane in my ranked games.Theres 1 exception though.Poke lanes are so damn annoying.Everytime i go vs a Caitlyn with a Zyra support or something like that i get bullied out of my lane.I lose tons of cs and i usually can't get back into the game.It's even worse when my support ints.Had a malphite who just straight up walked into both bot laners at lvl 1 even though they were lvl 2.After that, he died twice again before level 6.I just hugged tower til we hit lvl 6, and once we got it we couldve won but their jgl decides to be at bot everytime we engaged.So i went 0/1 and just focused on farming.Problem was, i couldnt get alot of CS because my whole team was on different lanes, and top and mid also fed a little bit so it was really hard for me to get to my 2nd item.Of course, we ended up losing the game and that's why i'm asking for advice here.Games usually go like this if we face an poke lane even if my support doesnt int.

    What did i do wrong? Should i have followed up on Malphite?

    Any tips?

    (Edit: Couldnt take jungle camps.No jungle control since mid tower wasnt there and we had no vision.Probably would have been int.)

    submitted by /u/snanwich
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    How is Annie easy?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    I get that her kit is very simple, nut her gameplay is atrocious. She has absolutely no movement to speak of, a stun only every 4 abilities with long cooldowns. Her entire kit revolves around flash>tibbers>stun. Without any of that, it feels like she's practically useless.

    submitted by /u/Madrigal_King
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    What makes a bot lane so 'coinflip'?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    I'm sure everyone has heard of this term of a 'coinflip X role' but I feel like it's just so much more prevalent and obvious in the bot lane specifically. I experience it first hand every single game (Gold 1), and it honestly always decides the game. Either you get the botlane that hard destroys and carries, or you get the botlane that's 2/10 in 10 minutes. There never seems to be an 'in between'.

    I understand that it's a more 'snowball-y' lane because it has 2 laners instead of 1, however I never understand why it always seems like there is an apparent skill gap in the bottom lane.

    Any input on this?

    submitted by /u/Crimson_talon
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    What to do if I'm behind in the mid/late game?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    I'm quite new to the game but I do feel like I have most of the basics down.

    Today, I played Lux support with a few friends and got absolutely stomped in the laning phase. Even though my Ezreal was doing fine, I got out 0 - 8. I know that is very bad but at least I was kind of useful for my adc. I was constantly trying not to die even more later in the game, so I stayed back relatively far by my team.

    I wouldn't really have minded this game. I have never raged about the game. Then, they said: You are not useful, hit your q then you are the most useful team member, Poke them with your e, Take oracle lens since you are support, We have no vision.

    Stuff like that. We lost that game. Don't get me wrong, they are great guys.

    They had a point, I know, but I was too scared to step away from my team for 5 seconds when I was lvl 14 and everyone else lvl 18.

    Thank you for sticking around to read my silly story, basically all I want to know is:

    In the mid/late game, when I'm behind, should I try to go on the map more, or was playing passively the best thing I could do?

    submitted by /u/janzen-
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    How can you recover from early losses and clown fiestas as a (mostly tank) jungler

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    As an old returning player I've decided to get back into ranked (despite my previous seasons low ranking dooming my placements) and I've sorta stuck with jungle playing mostly Voli (old and now new) Poppy and a few games of jax and while I've had great successes I've also had a lotta games where my lanes have low priority or my opposite jungler has gotten ahead early and I'm forced to try and balance babysitting for 2v2s and trying to stay in the game farming. But despite this whenever we start to hit mid game I seem to end up so underleveled and have to chose between being essentially a weak meat shield in objective fights or farming to get back in the game.

    submitted by /u/Feraligatrr
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    How to deal with unfair matchups as a new player?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 04:41 AM PDT

    My husband and I have been playing LoL a lot in the quarantine and we're currently ranked Bronze III/IV. I main ADC (Caitlyn, Ashe and MF) with my husband as support although nowadays he likes to go top because he's so bored with support. Our placement matches were a major pain in the arse, although we learned a lot in the process.

    We find that even in low Bronze/high Iron there's plenty of OTPs who have been playing this game for years. They must be low elo for a reason but they obviously beat us in champion and macro knowledge. There's no way we can match a seasoned player even if they are in the same ranking as us (or even lower).

    We also tried playing normals instead but they are full of trolls, smurfs or premades dicking around; just doesn't have the same feel as ranked anymore. However, I find it very hard to keep playing this game if I'm going 0/5+ in my lane with less than 40 cs in 10 minutes because the enemy bullied me out of the lane from the beginning and now the enemy jungler decided to camp in bot for easy ganks, not to mention all the flame for "hard inting".

    What is the solution for all this madness? Just play normals anyway until we're hard carrying 70%+ of the matches? Or /mute all and keep spamming duo ranked?

    submitted by /u/Ratach
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    Is it better to queue with higher ranked friends in solo/duo?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    I have a friend who's gold right 3-2 right now and he's been queuing exclusively with my platinum friend. He's definitely below his true rank (he hit diamond 1 in season 7 then quit for a couple years) but he still wants to climb as fast and efficiently as he can.

    Right now we have a lot of other friends who are around gold and silver and I was just wondering if he's better off queuing with lower ranked friends?

    How does this affect his mmr and lp gains long term if he starts duoing with silver/golds?

    submitted by /u/Nut_Flush
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    Put together a video on ALL the ways you can counter Yuumi!

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    Hi guys, Yuumi's has been getting a TON of controversy lately, even more so than usual, and I thought I'd make a video showcasing all the possible ways for how to counter and win against her.

    Video link here: https://youtu.be/tnOpPIJYUtY

    Let me know what you guys think!

    submitted by /u/Tinfan
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    Friends want me to play TOP LANE for Clash. I suck at it. Desperately need advice/suggestions/tips please!!

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 10:58 PM PDT

    So my friends want to try out clash this next weekend and I've basically been "autofilled" into the top lane spot since I'm weakest among them. They told me as long as I dont feed, it should be ok. Thing is, I realllllllyy suck at top lane. I would appreciate any advice and suggestions that I can work on this next week so that I'm not a liability.

    I'm usually play ranged support (sometimes adc) so am not very comfortable with melees. Additionally, I play on a server outside my country so my ping is usually 100-300, sometimes stable, sometimes not. Because of this, the other times I've tried playing top I usually get bullied hard and always under turret. If I am able to walk up and cs at all, I still miss quite a bit due to my ping and just mistiming the autos. In the past, I've played Malphite when I play with them or occassionally something like morg or trist top) and I just sit under turret, farm as much I can and look for a tp play. But I'm usually at least 50 cs down by mid game and my turret goes down first. My current rank is plat 4 and my friends accounts are also plat/high gold (but with high win rates since its their smurf accs), so I'm worried I wont be able to keep up against a real top laner at this elo.

    Some champs I'm sort of comfortable: Malphite, Pantheon, MaoKai, Nautilus

    Champs I've played before (but havent played in long time): Quinn, Kayle, Teemo, Shen << might not be all I've played, just whatever first coming to mind.

    Most people in this server usually play Darius (95% of the time), Malphite, Fiora, Renekton, Vayne. So I'm looking for a few champs that would be generally good into these, but not too mechanical since my ping is high. I'm kind of leaning toward focusing on Jax (been watching lots of tf blade), maybe kayle and quinn. Any tips or other suggestions for how/what to play/guide to watch/counter cheat guide/anything (god help me)?

    Please guys, any tips. Save me lol. I actually hate top lane, but we doing this so I at least wanna be somewhat useful.

    submitted by /u/redlotus5
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    Can someone explain how to do proper wave management?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 12:18 AM PDT

    I've always wanted to know how to freeze lanes, and how to slow push to get bigger waves pushing towards turret but I can never seem to do it right. I'm a jungle main by trade of course so it's never really an issue, and same when I play top lane, I always play aggressive and I don't need to worry about the wave management, but when I play mid lane or adc I can never do it right and I just need a little help on it. Is there anything I can do to improve on it other than just last hitting the minions of the enemy wave?

    submitted by /u/StarryWolffy
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    What do I do when my opponent itemizes against me?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    One of the topics that gets thoroughly covered is itemization. I've got that part pretty well nailed down, it's easy to look at matchups and consider what items I'll need.

    But I never see anybody discussing what to do when your opponent itemizes against you.

    Example: Quinn vs Tahm Kench. I've only played this matchup once (as Quinn) and it totally threw me for a loop. Kench went and got himself a bramble vest, tabi, then thorn mail. As Quinn is an auto attack champion, makes perfect sense to me. On my end I figured I should get a botrk since Kench stacks a lot of health and follow up with lethality, but the more damage output I got as the match went on the more I dealt more damage to myself than Kench.

    There's plenty of times similar situations occur. Whether it's someone purchasing QSS against Mordekaiser or anything else, what do you do? Do you just play safe and avoid confrontation with that champion, and hope your teammates come with a gank assist?

    submitted by /u/FriNoggin
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    How troll is it to upgrade QSS on an AP champ?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    Yes, it's likely the stupidest question you'll ever see on this subreddit but I really want to know.

    Basically, I was playing a draft game as a Neeko against a team with very heavy cc, so I built QSS and went on with the rest of my build. The game went on for a real long time and I completed the rest of my build. Since I finished my build and had money sitting around I decided to upgrade QSS to Mercurial purely because I thought the extra stats wouldn't hurt and I built Lich Bane so I was AA-ing a lot. My entire team pinged the item many times and flamed. So is it really troll to upgrade QSS for stats even if I needed the QSS?

    submitted by /u/MrEggsBenedicr
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