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    Monday, January 18, 2021

    LoL Guide I've created a spreadsheet of optimized clears for every jungler in the game, fully updated for Season 11

    LoL Guide I've created a spreadsheet of optimized clears for every jungler in the game, fully updated for Season 11

    I've created a spreadsheet of optimized clears for every jungler in the game, fully updated for Season 11

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 08:44 AM PST


    Hey everyone. Some of you may remember my post from last season. I've been working hard over the past month to update my spreadsheet for the Season 11 jungle changes, and it's finally in a presentable state.

    For those unfamiliar with the spreadsheet, it's a list of the most optimized leashless clear demonstrations available for every jungle champion, mostly performed by myself or pulled from high ELO mains. This is not a list of the "best" or only paths you should use for each jungler - every jungler should have multiple routes to choose from. These are just demonstrations of proper clearing, optimized for both health and speed, on common or viable routes.

    The runes used are generally the most standard runes for each champion used among high ELO and pro players. Any cases where Conditioning, Gathering Storm, or Magical Boots are among the standard rune choices are switched out, as the game timer in Practice Tool does not reset.

    If you'd like to contribute clips of your own for champions and paths not included, or if you have a better clear than one I have included, feel free to DM me the link and I'll update the spreadsheet. As the season progresses and I find more time, I'll continue to update the spreadsheet with more paths for each jungler. If you have any junglers or paths you'd like to request, feel free to comment below and I'll try to find time to get to them.

    That's all! I hope some of you find this useful for your Season 11 climb.

    submitted by /u/phylaris
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    3 Tips to Get Better Macro Instantly

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 10:41 PM PST

    A heuristic is a general rule that you follow in order to make better decisions consistently. It also helps you understand when someone else is making a mistake. Knowing and using heuristics is one of the reasons high elo players are able to get to high elo consistently, year after year. League is, despite everything, still a game of decision making. Here are three heuristics that will help you climb.

    1. Take every tower in order. This is sometimes called the lawnmower method. Take every tier 1 tower, and then every T2, then T3 and inhibitor, and then the nexus towers and nexus. This allows you to open up the playing field gradually and keeps you safe because you have avenues to retreat. A lot of low elo players tunnel, having taken inhib at 18 minutes, they then keep ramming down, say, top lane and dying to ganks or rotations and have no idea how to end. There are some situations where this isn't a good idea, like if you have a snowballing comp versus a scaling comp. Then you can just bulldoze two lanes and end off a two lane advantage, but even that can be risky.
    2. Respect turns. This is an idea of tempo. Treat league like a turn-based game. If you have killed the enemy or forced them to back, you have earned 1 turn. You then use this turn to push the lane into the tower, take enemy jungle camps, or take an objective. Then you back and reset. A common Korean lol idiom from the youtuber 웅뇨 is "never take two turns." Never get a kill or tempo swing and then stay on the field, since it leaves you open to getting killed in return. Think of backing as saving the game. Save, and then move on to the next objective. Low elo players will earn a turn through a kill, take enemy raptors, ward dragon, and then roam top with 1400 gold in their inventory and a 350 gold bounty. Their roam goes wrong and the enemy Darius kills them and their toplaner. They took 3 turns when they had earned 1.
    3. When you kill an inhib, back and reset. This applies to 90% of games. There are always some games where the score is 27-3 and you have rift herald smashing down nexus towers. This isn't about those games. In 90% of games, you won't take an inhib for free. That means you won a teamfight, you have a lot of gold and are half health or less. The enemies will respawn long before you do any real damage to the nexus towers. Staying is greedy and losing a second teamfight (taking two turns) will throw the game as your team might have significant bounties. Instead, take the inhibitor, fall back, and take every enemy jungle camp that you can, and then base and spend your gold.
    submitted by /u/dnkdnkdnkdn
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    Big List of Tips

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:03 AM PST

    Pre-Game Info

    • Tier lists?

    Use their guides as a starting point, You dont have to choose the exact same runes they do. Dont be afraid to change something or do something different that fits your playstyle better.

    But, when you find a something that works for you make sure to change it up based on different circumstances. Picking the same runes, items, skill advancements every single game isnt always the best.

    • Keep track of your games.
    • Dodge if needed

    I cannot stress this enough, if it looks like a bad comp trust your gut. Sometimes weird comps work, sure. But most of the time Im looking at the Defeat screen thinking, "I knew I should have dodged when I saw our comp." If the other team has tanks and your team has none, Im out. If we have an adc mid, top and bot, usually Im out (funny though since I go Quinn top) 75% of the time, if someone bans my main or picks them Ill dodge but it depends how confident Im feeling with my back up champ.

    • CS! Practice!

    Go into training, bots or something with your champ and practice last hitting:

    Easy Mode - buy your starting item Medium Mode - Do Not buy a starting item Hard Mode - Do not buy a starting item and do not take a rune page. 

    The idea behind the modes is to get more in tune with your champ. The less stat boosts in play give you an understanding of your champs base stats such as Attack Speed and Damage. Learn how much damage you do with your attacks and how long it takes to do those attacks. Miscalculating your champs auto attack speed can lead to a lot of missed CS especially if youre miscalculating your damage, too. If you can last hit well on Hard Mode with your champ then it should be cake for you to last hit with runes and a first item in a real game.

    In Game Info - Starters

    • Vision!
    • Dont flame.

    Dont take things personally and don't let other players get to you. If your jungle doesn't gank your lane don't quit because you think its because they secretly hate you or some shit. Dont let one thing someone said about you in chat drive you to flip out. If you are getting actively flamed you need to ignore and not respond, mute if you have to. Flaming back and tilting is not helpful to anyone.

    Don't let chat distract you. I'm not saying mute everyone but be mindful. I have died many times trying to type a dumb message and getting caught doing so.

    Dont be looking at store when youre backing, I have died plenty of times assuming I'm safe to back, pulling up the store prematurely and getting caught.


    • Objectives>Kills.
    • Ping like life depends on it.
    • Dont repeat mistakes
    • Be aware of your levels vs theirs, Your gold vs their gold, your items vs their items.
    • Be VERY aware of your map position and everyone else's.

    I always think in this order: Where am I? Where is my team? Who can I see of their team on the map? Who can I not see?

    All of this information is vital in determining what is the best thing I could be doing right now to win? I am always checking the map and asking myself that question because frequently the answer I arrive to is "I should probably be somewhere else or doing something different than what I am now"

    • Learn what to do when youre ahead, even, or behind.

    Stick near your tower, make it as hard as possible for the enemy team to kill you. Depending on how behind I am, I try to fight as least as possible until I catch up. Obviously you cant always avoid one, but at some point you become more of a liability if you don't catch up. And since us low elo folk tend to resort to ARAM at some point, if youre not caught up by then youre gonna have a hard time since you will be sharing exp and gold with 4 other people.

    • Know how to take advantage and end the game

    A big thing I noticed (and still see occasionally) is nobody taking advantage of winning a teamfight. If you ace the enemy team and immediately back, why? Think about it, no one on their team is alive to kill you, their towers are free to siege but yet you back? By the time you get back to lane the opportunity you had is fading or wasted.

    You guys kill their star player? Take advantage of it! You win a team fight with a number advantage, do something with it! Always get a tower when you can and don't waste opportunities.

    Iron and Bronze like to fight, reset, fight, reset and so on until the respawn timers are so high that a team can win a fight, run to baron, then dragon and finally siege the base while you sit and watch. Don't do this

    Always ask yourself, what would be the best thing we can do now to get closer to winning the game?

    If you're confident you know the best thing to do, ping away and head there! The more insistent you are the more likely that people will follow you. Sometimes you get into ping wars with other players wanting to do different things. This usually sends part of your team one away and the other part another way. Ideally it is best to avoid this IMO. I try to follow the majority, and if the majority is not in my favor then I will join the rest of the team despite disagreeing with the call. Its easier to work through a bad call together than it is to try to clean up after a bad call that turned worse.

    • Random offshoot on the subject, know when to baron/drag vs take towers or inhibs. I always suggest that if you win a teamfight dont immediately run baron, push a tower or preferably get an inhib THEN baron. Sure you can push easier with baron but then the other team will respawn making it more difficult in the long run. If you get their tower (or pref inhib) then go baron, when their team comes up they have to deal with the minions pushing their base which gives you time to baron without worrying about their team coming to contest or steal.

    BIGGEST POINTS (Kind of a TL;DR)

    • Dont give up, for real though, I can not even explain how many games I have won that seemed hopeless and have been on the very edge of game over. If things are looking bleak and you leave base with the mentality that the game is over and there is nothing you can do, then yeah you're gonna lose. In League, The game isnt over until its over, this is ESPECIALLY true in Iron, Bronze and Silver. Until the game over screen I PROMISE you that you can still turn things around because there are ALWAYS mistakes that can be capitalized on.
    • Learn to make calls. Some games are lost simply because there is no coordination. Be the coordinator.
    • Adapt your build, runes, playstyle, everything! Do what is best for each situation rather than the same thing every time.
    • Watch your map religiously and keep it lit up as much as you can with wards.
    • Know how to end the game.
    • Always ask yourself, what would be the best thing I/we can do now to get closer to winning the game?
    • Always ask yourself, what could I have done better?

    I hope this helps! Feel free to ask any questions, comment, and discuss! Good Luck

    submitted by /u/zeroblackzx
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    If you want to improve your macro, first improve your micro

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 06:56 AM PST

    This is an idea that I had after playing a year in ranked and learning from posts in this subreddit, watching pro leagues and streams. I feel like macro and looking at the map is not something you can pick up instantly. It's a bit like driving a car. I remember for the first month or two, when I learned driving, I wouldn't look at the rear view mirrors as frequently as you should be. That was because most of my attention went into looking forward, making sure I was going straight and in the right gear etc. There's only so much your brain can concentrate on and when you get a handle of how to drive straight, it opens up some time to look at the mirrors. I'm sure that would be something a lot of people have experienced. This is the reason why people generally say you need to one trick a champ to climb. Because learning when you can last hit minions, combos, how to duel etc takes time to learn and consumes attention. You're not going to look at the map when you keep missing cs or if the enemy laner is whooping you because you don't know the matchup. So work on those basics first and then once you're confident in that, it opens up more time to look at the map, understand what you need to do, respond to pings, do those flashy tp plays etc.

    I hope I was able to communicate clearly. Feedback is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Arthur2_shedsJackson
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    Who could I one trick for top lane?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:59 PM PST


    I have been looking for a while now for a champion to one trick. I have tried many different champs in jungle, and support mainly and all of them I have gotten bored with after a bit of time. I know one tricking isnt ideal and it is better to have a champion pool but I just want to find that one champion that I never get tired of and can master mechanically over time. This means I am looking for someone who has a pretty high skill ceiling most likely. I am resorting to top lane cause I think I would like the 1v1 environment without having to worry about ganks and roaming bot lanes 24/7 like mid lane.

    Can anyone suggest some good one trick top laners? If not then what should I do to find someone who I could never get tired of? How do I think that one champion?

    submitted by /u/Madxj
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    Can Kai'Sa build Zhonyas last with no other AP items or is nashors for w evolve needed?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 10:58 AM PST

    Basically the title, up to this point I've assumed that the ap scaling would be fine for her but no actual idea if that's the case or I should just turn stopwatch into a GA. Obviously zhonya's active is much better than GA but if it hurts ur stats/scaling as last item maybe it's not worth it.

    submitted by /u/SpicyAsianBoy
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    New player wanting to learn mid.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 09:46 AM PST

    I'm pretty new to the game, I've been playing jungle but not enjoying it as much now. I have started to try play mid so I was wondering who would be a good champion to play to improve as a mid laner and not turbo int my team. What are the key essentials I need to know when playing mid and who are some of the easiest mid laners who have a good impact for the team.

    submitted by /u/TLL440
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    How to play around getting invaded?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:57 PM PST

    Let's say my team is red side and we get invaded level 1, do I ping my jungler to go for the other team's red? What about kills/xp? I'm in low enough elo where it's rare that top laners will bring TP > ignite, but let's say my laner gets first blood and gets to TP back after spending that juicy first blood gold, do I need to respect that difference in stats (maybe a long sword?) or could I be more aggressive if they blow summs. Who will hit level 2 first in top lane? The laner that got the kill off the invade or the one who stayed in their lane?

    submitted by /u/ynot269
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    Is GP worth learning/Mastering at low elo?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:30 AM PST


    I'm a top lane main at low elo (I think, I barely play ranked) and I'm trying to improve at the game, and I was wondering if GP is a good choice.

    I have ~60k mastery on him and I usually win lane, but I can never carry the games due to my own lack of skill with the champ and my teammates don't know how to play around me.

    Is it even worth it? Would I just be better of going back to playing tanks and just supporting my team? I tend to get bored of characters really quickly so I have a hard time playing 'easier' characters but if I should then I will

    submitted by /u/Horsheen
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    I seem to be terrible at this game and no matter what I do I never improve, should I just quit the game, quit the game for like a week and come back to it or just keep trying?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:22 AM PST

    I currently am an Unranked Ahri/Anivia/Ziggs mid laner and exclusively play normals, despite that I do play seriously and want to improve as I intend (or depending on the outcome of this post, intended) to learn a couple champions and get a good roster so I can eventually start Ranked off strong and, hopefully, not get stuck in elo hell.The issue I am encountering is that no matter what I do I never, ever improve. My games are either I play terribly or play average and I've tried near everything to stop that. I have practiced csing, watched tutorials, watched streamers / esports and even hyperfocused on the game (i.e. turning off everything) but nothing has seemed to work. I know what I need to do, I know what I aim to be and, hell, I sometimes think I am playing as well as I want to be but on looking back or on some days I just go on a 3 loss streak and give up for the day.I am contemplating just outright quitting this game, I love the game and it's mechanics and detail as well as the world of Runeterra behind it and, hell, even the community but it just makes me hurt inside whenever I see the "DEFEAT" screen at the end of a match and know that I was, most likely, the reason for that loss.

    For people that play Ranked in high elos, I have a couple questions. First, how did you achieve your rank and do you have any methods I may have not tried before that helped improve your gameplay. Second, should I just outright quit the game and focus on another one instead that I couple maybe be better at (I seem to not be too bad at CS:GO) or should I do the common thing some streamers/ranked players do and just quit for like a day or a week and come back to it with a fresh mind.

    Edit: Just in case anyone else is curious to see my games, https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Gr8Scot.

    submitted by /u/Gr8Sc0tsman
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    Learn to Get Out of Your Own Way

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:17 AM PST

    As the title says, one of the biggest skills that league players of all levels can learn (I see this watching players in Iron all the way up to Challenger) is to learn to get out of their own way when playing League. What I mean by this is to learn when it is not your time to be the focus in the game, and equally importantly, learn to recognize when that is happening on the fly. I'll give an example:

    [For context, mid-plat player for 3ish seasons who has been playing since season 3. Also, my teams went 6-0 in clash this weekend (not really relevant but it was my first clash tourney win and we got two so using this space to brag) TheGreatGatzB - Summoner Stats - League of Legends (op.gg)]

    In game 2, I was playing Kayle and had been bullied by the Yasuo during the early game so I was behind. I was nearing my power spike when a fight broke out between all members of both teams. I ulted myself and flashed away, surviving, but we lost the fight. The problem? I had a 10-3 Tristana on my team at the time who, had she survived (a.k.a. had I ulted her instead), almost certainly swings the fight in our favor. After the fight, ADC says "I think it probably would have been better for you to ult me there". Absolutely reasonable and in no way flaming, but for some reason irritating me. Still, I did at least listen, ulting him in the next two team fights and we win shortly after.

    After the tournament, I started thinking about the games and was wondering why that commented had irritated me so much, and finally it struck me. It was because I went into the game knowing that late game Kayle should be the carry, and as I had been nearing my power spike, it had been my intention to carry the rest of the game and his implication that he was in a better position to do so felt like an insult (it wasn't and he was 100% correct). This is where the lesson lies. Learn to make adjustments on the fly. Continuously be taking stock of game state and the state of your teammates and reevaluating what it is your role is at that particular point in the game. Too often, people try to force their intended role rather than the needed role and it costs them games (and probably would have cost us the game had he not said something).

    submitted by /u/Gatnyr
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    Support main low elo champ pool help!

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 04:29 PM PST

    Hello summoners im a support main here in bronze 1 and aiming for gold by the end of the season. Im having trouble picking my champ pool for the season still. I main zyra as my blind pick and good with - brand/thresh/rakan/soraka/sona/pyke/bard. I want to make a champ pool that involves only 3 of that selection with zyra been one of them. I get told to play lulu and janna vs assassins but i just dont have fun playing them at all and because of that i dont do well with them. Is the any way round that?

    submitted by /u/Lolsupportjukes
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    Can you kit as a melee ?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 07:40 AM PST

    Is it possible to kite as a melee, without having range spell that can replace basic attack ?

    If we define kiting as the action of dealing dmg to an enemies while staying at a safe distance or in a safe position. (Or at the end having a worth trade)

    How will it be possible to win a trade by only kiting as a melee ?

    If I don't understand kiting, I apologies, and some explanation would be very helpful.

    submitted by /u/Alexdelia_Del
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    Lost any hope for ranked

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 04:18 PM PST

    I have currently given up on ranked, due to it being impossible to climb out of silver. I always win lane just to have either someone on my team feed so hard that the game becomes uncarriable, or the enemy team has a champion like jax or some shit like that, that will just become an unkillable spreader of death and destruction no matter what we do, and somehow riot still manages to always fail at nerfing the champions that actually need a nerf. Literally every game that i win its because i carried. If i cant carry, we just lose. Its impossible to climb like this.

    Tl;dr if you get placed on silver than just give up and try again next year.

    btw i was diamond 1 last time i played ranked (2019) but i'm on a new account which is why i got placed on silver.

    If any of you managed to climb out of silver, 1 i congratulate you to enduring the shitshow that is silver, and 2 how in the fuck did you do it?

    submitted by /u/VamPiet4h
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    How to position as Ryze ?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 07:31 AM PST

    I wanted to add Ryze to my main champions but in s11 he became so squishy that anyone can oneshot him so i want to know how to position myself better and carry my team and want to know how to get that much cs per min cause i only get like 5 or 6 per minute while seeing people getting 10 cs per min

    submitted by /u/Akali-Main2021
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    Hard stuck bronze 1, Viktor main Need help

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:55 PM PST

    Hi im hard stuck bronze 1, I been really enjoying him but i really suffer, Im not quite sure how to play him like top tier but I do have something figured out.

    My Struggles are CSing and Getting early kills and roaming. I know Viktor isnt a super good champ early so sould i not go for kills without my JG? Also i Sufffer form being ganked a lot, anyone that can help I'd love ty ty!

    submitted by /u/AthenStars
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    How to learn new roles

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:46 PM PST

    Transitioning into a new role, especially a difficult one like ADC, seems horrendously un-fun. Because matchups are based on account MMR, not performance in assigned position, someone who's decent enough at mid/jungle (like me) and plays mostly fighter champions is so far behind the curve on marksman play style that playing ADC invariably leads to hilariously bad 2/11 50 CS throws.

    Once the enemy bot lane realizes you don't know what you're doing, it's tower dives and cheese strats all the way down, so learning anything seems impossible when you just get steamrolled any time you try to do anything at all.

    Should I make a new account to play new roles? Should I try marksman champions in a solo lane (vayne top, for example), before trying to move to ADC? I might honestly just abandon it all together and run back to the jungle lol.


    submitted by /u/hanotak
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    Diana: Electrocute vs Phase Rush vs Conquerer?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:30 AM PST

    I used to use Conquerer on Diana in Season 10, where I'd build ROA > Nashor's Tooth > Lich Bane > etc.

    In Season 11, I'm seeing a lot of people use Electrocute on Diana or Phase Rush and building Night Harvester > Lich Bane > Zhonya's. I've tried both, had less luck with Phase Rush, and have ultimately reverted back to Conquerer and building Nashor's > Riftmaker > Zhonya's.

    I know I should be using Electrocute against a squishy team where I can be an assassin, then Conquerer against a tankier team where I'd be a bruiser, but I feel like Conquerer just works better for me regardless of their team comp. But then I look at pro builds and everyone is using almost exclusively Phase Rush.

    Basically, should I be using Phase Rush? When would I pick Phase Rush over Electrocute, and is it actually worth using Electrocute/Phase Rush over Conquerer?

    submitted by /u/jiskaviska
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    Playing Against Vi

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:13 PM PST

    How are you supposed to play against vi? Everytime I play against her no matter how much armor I build she one shots me. No matter what champ I play I feel I can never fight her in the jungle at crab if she takes hail of blades. And it just gets worse as the game goes on the only champ I seem to be able to fight her on post 6 is olaf and hecarim otherwise she will press r and proc hail of blades and one shot you. Does anyone have any tips or advice? Any is much appreciated <3.

    submitted by /u/redplatypus84
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    Support Leona

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:08 PM PST

    I've seen a post or two in here about playing a more damage heavy Leona.

    Is it possible to start relic shield/shoulders, first item build Triforce instead of Locket (if the former is mythic) and then build support items after?

    I really enjoy going all in the with Leona but wish there was a bit more damage to deal once I'm in there.

    I know going in is how you play Leona but would my query hold up in a proper match?

    Thoughts welcome :)

    submitted by /u/SomeNicePC
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    I'm developing an ADC training game.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 06:55 PM PST


    The idea is it trains kiting and eventually teamfight awareness. It's in a very early stage at the moment. Please try it out and let me know what you think.

    Right now left mouse button and almost all keys perform Attack Move Click. You can center the camera using 'Y' or F1. You can flash using 'D' or 'F' but this was added for eventual malphite ultimates.

    The game goes to level 100 then repeats.

    submitted by /u/expandacus
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    Snowballers and Scalers

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:13 AM PST

    Is there an exhaustive list out there that shows which champions you can expect to be strong early game and who will want to close out early with their snowball, vs those that will scale late and destroy late game?

    What I know so far is scaling:
    Master Yi

    Lee Sin

    submitted by /u/HighRulean
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    Share your S11 Goals & Commitments and Adopt the right mentality to Climb!

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 07:31 PM PST

    Hey Fellow Summoners,

    On this cold and dark night of 17 of January, I invoke you summoners to dare to commit greatly, and adopt the right mentality to climb!

    Well, we all have goals and dreams for a new season. Some of us want to become Plat, others Diamond, others Challengers...

    And when the end of the season arrives, we all find a good reason for not making it (jglers are too bloody strong, RIOT matchmaking is BS...)

    Time has come to stand up and put your goals out there! Some of us will fail, some of us will succeed, but what matters is to dare to commit greatly! :)

    You might find yourself vulnerable doing it - "you are bronze and want to reach GM this season?" Well what is wrong with that? do it brother - leave no stones unturned :) People here will support you!

    Here is mine:


    I just moved to NYC from France and it will take me about 6 months to get a Work VISA. Well why don't I share all the knowledge I gathered in the past 5 years playing LOL (3000+games and plat 1)?


    1. Unranked to Diamond playing only Jax (went plat1 in EUW playing casually - lets hit diamond god damnn it :))
    2. Unranked to Diamond playing OP/Meta champ TOP (Garen/Shen/Malphite) and compared WR with Jax
    3. Unranked to Diamond playing support (fuck it lets try it :))


    1. Share what I know and what I will learn! Do as much guide + videos to share knowledge with others (post at least 1/week here - See my previous guide - https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/kicmmx/how_to_win_lane_in_the_first_3_min_before_lvl_3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)
    2. Help Others - Please add me (IG: rimand or discord: Jean -#8136) and happy to play with you whatever your ranks and whatever the reasons (just have fun, advice, or want to know France haha)
    3. Start Streaming from 18th of January onward (approx 10am til 10PM)

    Please feel free to use the above template to share your S11 Goals & Commitments!

    Adopt the right mentality to climb:

    1. You will lose a lot of games and it is fine! Febiven (EUW MID pro players) had a 53% WR in Diamond a few years ago. At the time, the guy was probably one of the best midlaner in EUW and still losing 47 games on 100 games. Crazy no? OK even if he tries hard and reach 60% WR, it will still take him hundred of games before reaching Master+... And he might have downstreak of 10 games from time to time. Therefore, accept that you will lose!
    2. Focus on your gameplay and mistakes and not on others. We all know the vicious circle, the jgl comes and feeds your opponent, you type in chat, your jgler int and you end up inting. There is no point in highlighting others' mistakes, they will troll and int your games!
    3. DO NOT TYPE except if it is to provide information or help. All the other stuff will trigger your team. Again, you play 1 game with this team, you won't see them again very likely so no point telling your adc how to play adc.
    4. In the long term - everything balances: My botlane is always losing or I have all the time afk ppl in my team. If you play more than 500+ games during the season, the probability will balance. In other words, you will have 50% of botlane losing and 50% winning. Today you had 100% of losing botlane, do not worry, in the long term, it will balance.
    5. Do a quick overview of the bad and good things you did after your game before queuing another one please (watch the record if necessary) - no point to keep queuing if you don't learn from your mistakes!
    6. Do not focus on the result of the game but on what you did. If you won lane and did a great mid/late game and lose - Consider it a win, and you will win eventually if you keep doing that job - forget about the loss!
    7. If you are literally close to mental boom or getting crazy at your teammates even without typing - just stop playing. It is normal, it is human - do a break before queue up because you will lose it and int your games.
    8. Last but not least - Have fun, meet ppl, and enjoy the process of learning :)

    Best of luck on the rift,


    submitted by /u/JeanTryHard
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    One-Tricking vs. Playing Meta vs. Comfort Champions as an ADC Main

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 08:45 AM PST

    So, the new season started a few weeks ago and I after I am done with my exams, I want to play more league, ranked specifically. I have always questioned myself which champions I should play in ranked, as I mostly play normals with friends where I can pick whatever ADC I feel like playing. Usually, pros and high elo players tell us, to play fewer champions, so I came up with three ways to narrow down my champion pool:

    1. One-tricking: This is pretty simple and straight-forward. Pick one champion and only play it. It will help me focus on macro and other things that go on during the game, so I don't need to focus on champion specific mechanics as they come automatically.

    2. Playing meta: This means that I should adjust my champion pool to the current meta and play what is in the S-Tier and A+ Tier. Right now this means playing Kaisa and Jhin for ADC as they are doing pretty well right now.

    3. Playing comfort-champions. It's the same as one-tricking, just that I expand the champion pool and play 3-4 champions in my role instead of only one. The goal is to be comfortable enough with 3-4 champions, instead of only one, which will give me flexibility in draft and open up better synergy with my support.

    I played in Silver/Gold Elo last season. However, I did pretty well in my placements last year (9 wins, 1 loss), which ended up in me playing in platinum elo and later on smurf queue. I have to add that I barely played ranked the last seasons, as i spent my limited free time on playing normals with my squad. The game probably assumed that I am smurf with that winrate in placements and the low amount of ranked games played overall.

    I kindly ask you for your opinion, about how I should narrow down my champion pool. For one-tricking, I would probably go with Twitch, as I already gathered some knowledge about him and he was my most played in normals games last year. The problem I see with one-tricking are tough match-ups and bad syngergies with my support. On top of that, I am getting bored quickly from playing the same champion over and over.

    Having a comfort champion pool of 3-4 champions would probably be the best option in my opinion, as it just slightly worse one-tricking, but with better flexibility, as I mentioned before. The problem I see here, is the meta. The champions I feel most comfortable on have a low ceiling. There is only so much I can do with Ashe, Mf and Sivir as opposed to Kaisa and Samira, who will allow me to reach a higher ceiling nd allow me to have more agency as I climb up the ranks.

    Personally, I would go with option 2 though. I believe as an ADC-Main there usually isn't a lot of meta-variation throughout the season. Last year we went from Aphelios/Senna/Ezreal Meta into Caitlyn/Ashe/Senna/Ezreal Meta. If i was comfortable with Ezreal and Senna, i would have used those strong meta picks as comfort champions throughout the season.

    In conclusion, I would personally go with Jhin and Kaisa for now and get myself comfortable on them before I start my climb. Having a a small pool of champions that I am comfortable on AND who are meta as well, should combine all three aspects I mentioned above. This would require me to get comfortable with a new set of champions each time the meta changes, but I don't see that happening with the ADC role, which usually only has 2-3 S-Tier champions.

    What are your opinions on this? Should I go with that strategy into ranked or am I better off otherwise?

    My op.gg for reference: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Odair

    submitted by /u/Ryokha
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