• Breaking News

    Monday, January 18, 2021

    League of Legends Megathread - EUW/EUNE Login Issues

    League of Legends Megathread - EUW/EUNE Login Issues

    Megathread - EUW/EUNE Login Issues

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:09 AM PST

    Hey there,

    We're seeing lots of reports of people strugging with logging in on EUW and EUNE. Riot's official status site does not yet list any issues, but we're creating this megathread to consolidate the discussion of the issues. We'll keep this thread up at least until Riot confirms the issues.

    Some users have reported that using a VPN allows them to log in properly. If this works for you, consider leaving a comment describing your steps to help others.

    submitted by /u/molenzwiebel
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    I went for one of those support plays, and I missed, everything

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 10:56 AM PST

    Draven and Darius brothers forever

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 07:21 AM PST

    Didn't expect a 2v2 in the Death Realm

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 10:10 AM PST

    KIA x LEC: The best idea!

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:07 AM PST

    Knew it was coming so went into the side, didn't plan ahead

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 02:47 PM PST

    2 reasons why I play Poppy

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:38 AM PST

    Jensen on C9's changes: 'I thought that it would be a downgrade for them in terms of roster. Nisqy really enabled that team very well and I don't think Perkz can replicate the same thing as Nisqy.'

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:10 AM PST

    I hate when Kayns kill me in my JG as Ivern then fly past my team and get away, so I decided to do some role reversal

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 10:26 AM PST

    Impact on Evil Geniuses' first week in the 2021 LCS Lock-In, why he still believes he is the best NA top laner: "I only feel a sense of respect when a player makes a play I wasn't able to think of. And there are only very few players like that out there. It's TheShy and Nuguri and [Kiin]."

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:31 PM PST

    Lolesports fans: Why don't you watch LPL?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:36 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    Munch here from the LPL. Wanted to ask the esports fans in here, why don't you watch the LPL?

    If there are things I can do content or broadcast wise to improve viewer experience and make the league more accessible, I'd love to help more people get involved!


    Edit: This blew up while the games were on! I'll work my way through responses and questions now, but there are a lot so please be patient!

    Edit 2: So to group a lot of the answers together, conclusions seem to be that you guys want to know more about the players themselves so I'll do my best to bring that to the casts and content.

    I'll also try and start tweeting out / creating content around which series to watch each week so you guys have a good idea of when the best teams are playing and when matches should be close!

    Final Edit

    Gonna stop replying to comments now, (almost 700 is a little more than I bargained for not gonna lie) but thank you so much everyone for your thoughts.

    I'm going to try and tweet each week with hype matches that are coming up for the week and will try and produce some content over the next week or so to help clue people in on the teams! https://twitter.com/HeyMunchables and my youtube is where you'll find it all. Cheers guys!!

    submitted by /u/Munchables_
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    Ranked Solo/Duo LP gains forcing a stagnate

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 02:05 PM PST

    Edit: here is my op.gg https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=cheese+top

    Let me start off by sharing my league experience.I tend to get excited by a rework overhaul that dramatically changes how the game is played. Season 11 has been very fun for me on my favorite champion, Aatrox. I have been doing incredibly well for myself ( Always been a low gold player barely making 50% win rate). I have started off going 6-4 in promos and placing gold 4. Great.

    However, the more I have been winning, the less LP I win and the more I have been losing. It has gotten to the point that I am at a 66.66% win rate over 75 games, winning two games for every game I lose, and my LP gains are forcing me to net lose LP still. I have gained as little as 9 LP and lost 21 LP.

    You would imagine that repeatedly winning, without a duo throwing off MMR or some other extreme situations, that winning twice as many games as you lose would result in a fast climb, yet now if I continued to play at this level I would lose LP by maintaining a near 67% win rate.

    I understand LP is tied to MMR, but it can not feel good to anyone who has had a breakthrough in their success to not see any reward by the LP system or MMR system.If anyone has similar experiences I would love to hear it, or better yet if anyone can explain exactly why this is happening I would love to know as well.

    TL;DR: 66% winrate over 75 games and maintaining such a win rate would lose me LP if I continued to play (+10 - 21 w/l Lp differential)

    submitted by /u/Bzimmy
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    Meet the on-air talent for LEC 2021!

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:07 AM PST

    I've created a spreadsheet of optimized clears for every jungler in the game, fully updated for Season 11

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 08:43 AM PST


    Hey everyone. Some of you may remember my post from last season. I've been working hard over the past month to update my spreadsheet for the Season 11 jungle changes, and it's finally in a presentable state.

    For those unfamiliar with the spreadsheet, it's a list of the most optimized leashless clear demonstrations available for every jungle champion, mostly performed by myself or pulled from high ELO mains. This is not a list of the "best" or only paths you should use for each jungler - every jungler should have multiple routes to choose from. These are just demonstrations of how to clear properly, optimized for both health and speed, using common or viable routes.

    The runes used are generally the most standard runes for each champion used among high ELO and pro players. Any cases where Conditioning, Gathering Storm, or Magical Boots are among the standard rune choices are switched out, as the game timer in Practice Tool does not reset.

    If you'd like to contribute clips of your own for champions and paths not included, or if you have a better clear than one I have included, feel free to DM me the link and I'll update the spreadsheet. As the season progresses and I find more time, I'll continue to update the spreadsheet with more paths for each jungler. If you have any junglers or paths you'd like to request, feel free to comment below and I'll try to find time to get to them.

    That's all! I hope some of you find this useful for your Season 11 climb.

    submitted by /u/phylaris
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    Got bored and decided to farm stacks on Cho'Gath in practice tool... this monstrosity is the result.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 02:15 AM PST

    The Preseason Special | Newsflash | Spring 2021

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 09:13 AM PST

    Drawing - Viego, the Ruined King

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:08 AM PST

    I made a new character for League of Legends with its cinematics

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:32 PM PST

    Neeko dragon steal in yesterday's Clash

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 12:04 AM PST

    A Duskblade Senna in Aram after watching "Jaws"

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 09:23 AM PST

    CaptainFlowers is the best caster

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 10:34 AM PST

    The dichotomy between his chad apperance and having the name 'CaptainFlowers' is just hilarious and makes me laugh out loudly every time I see his face cam. He always says such over-exaggerated things which makes for some semi-cringe-induced laughs. Truly an S-tier caster.

    submitted by /u/jiiRaa
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    Lehends talks Afreeca Freecs' current performance; why he plays Seraphine when no other LCK support does; the one time he went out drinking with Faker, Viper, Tarzan, Bang, Untara; a "heartfelt" message his ex-Griffin teammates Tarzan and Viper

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 07:58 AM PST

    Refusing to destroy an open Nexus just "for fun" makes you just as much of a griefer as refusing to help your team when losing

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 02:38 PM PST

    A lot of people don't have a lot of time during the day to play League of Legends and having people refusing to end the game because they want to add more kills to their score is just as much of a griefing thing as someone who refuses to cooperate and help his team when they are losing. By doing that you're just wasting 4 of your teammate's time when it could be spent being in the next champion select and squeezing one more game into their free time. Just end the game and move onto the next one, don't drag them out for your own amusement.

    submitted by /u/AtreusIsBack
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    Ultimate Hunter and Cloud Drakes CDR have been nerfed by more than half of their Season 10 Values

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:53 PM PST

    The math is complicated so I'll explain it at the end. For now I will compare what old ultimate cdr and cloud drakes gave compared to what they currently give. UH=Ultimate Hunter CD=Cloud Drake
    40% cdr + fully stacked UH + 0 CD= 55% CDR = 122 ability haste
    40%cdr + fully stacked UH + 1 CD= 61% CDR = 157 ability haste
    40%cdr + fully stacked UH + 2 CD= 67% CDR = 200 ability haste
    40%cdr + fully stacked UH + 3 CD= 73% CDR = 270 ability haste
    40% cdr + fully stacked UH + 4 CD= 79% CDR = 376 ability haste

    Currently taking the 8 ability haste rune and getting 60 ability haste from items will give you the equivalent of 40% cdr.
    Currently Ultimate hunter only gives 31 haste at max stacks and clouds only give 12 per dragon.
    68+31= 99 ability haste 23 short of what the previous season gave.
    Even if you take ulti hunter and get 4 clouds 68+31+48=147 you're still 9 ability haste short of what you wouldve had in previous seasons with ulti hunter and only 1 cloud drag.
    Both Ultimate hunter and Cloud dragon were for the most part seen as inferior to their counter parts in previous seasons, and now they are a fraction of what they used to be.
    Realistically to even have close to the same power Ultimate hunter would have have its stacks per kill doubled to 10 and Cloud would have to be tripled to 36. Even then in most cases they would be weaker than season 9 or 10, but at least they would be able to somewhat compete.
    Maths: So UH stacked multiplicatively to cdr on the old system so figure out your ultimates cdr you would have to take the 25% from Ulti Hunter and multiply it to the 40% from items and it would look like this .75.6=.45 Then subtract that from 1 to get .55 or 55% cdr
    Now clouds combined with Ulti Hunter additively so lets say you had 2 clouds, 20%+25%=45% then you multiply that 45% to the 40% from items to get your ultimate CDR .65
    .6= .33 and subtract that from 1 to get .67 or 67% CDR
    And for those who don't care about math here is a post about lux with a 8.4 second Cooldown https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/j5090m/8_sec_cooldown_on_luxs_ultimate
    Tl:dr Ultimate Hunter and Cloud Dragons are grossly under powered compared to previous season and in general.
    Edit: formatting

    submitted by /u/spyborg3
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