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    Wednesday, August 12, 2020

    LoL Guide Don’t rely on your teammates if you’re low elo.

    LoL Guide Don’t rely on your teammates if you’re low elo.

    Don’t rely on your teammates if you’re low elo.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 04:23 AM PDT

    You've probably heard tons of people say "rely on your teammates, yadadadada" I'm currently in high diamond. When I was hardstuck high gold/low plat I tried to rely on my teammates too much. Little did I know being a Cassio one trick back then, made it a little bit too hard. Constant flame, jungles AFK farming and ganking the 0/7 Botlane and dying themselves. Feeding their ADC a little bit more.

    I started playing league back in season 3, it was only in season 6 I was able to reach high plat before I took a long break because of school. I started playing again after a long hiatus, now in January. I reached diamond for the first time in May. Little did I know the reason I wasn't reaching higher ranks at first was because I felt too reliant on my teammates. If you're low elo, don't try to rely on your teammates. You shouldn't have any problem with muting all of them if they start flaming and saying "TOP DIFF, FF 15". They're tilted, they'll flame feed and feed a little bit more and make the game harder for everyone. Mean while you're playing mid and going 4/0 and doing quite well until a 10/0 Draven comes mid a three shots you.

    Just because you don't rely on your teammates doesn't it mean you should ignore them. You still play with your team, but don't except them to make any special plays. Don't except anything from them.

    submitted by /u/golden-Guru
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    Tank junglers don't buy utility items often enough.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    Knights vow.

    Locket of the Iron Solari.

    Why don't junglers buy these more often? They just seem like such a great idea when you're stacking health early anyway with cinderhulk + DMP, Spirit Visage, or titanic hydra. Especially if you're in a game where an enemy assassin gets fed early.

    Enemy zed comes out of lane 4-0, and is just running your ADC down in fights -- boom knights vow + locket, plus your ADC buys GA. All of a sudden zed can't kill your ADC anymore. All of a sudden you're tanky as balls because you're healing from your ADC's damage. Zed's worthless, blows all his cooldowns, all of a sudden your still VERY MUCH healthy ADC and this all of a sudden UNKILLABLE tank are just running over their team.

    It turns games around. Its insane. It just seems ludicrously powerful into games like this where an assassin is a pain in your ass and you don't know how to deal with them, and you're really relying on one of your carries to...uh...carry.


    I don't understand why nobody does it!! You buy locket + knights vow, and your carry buys zhonyas or GA -- all of a sudden its not your problem anymore, now its the enemy team's problem.

    Because players are stupid, if they oneshot your carry once, they'll just keep trying to do it. Especially in low elo, nobody ever hits tab to check items. Never. Not in a million years. That zed or akali or whatever is just gonna keep diving your carry over and over again once they get the taste of blood. Once you build these items, all of a sudden they just start inting shutdown bonuses and their 3000 gold lead turns into your 3000 gold lead.

    Please consider adding these items to your build paths in your jungle games!

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    Why is everyone so rude??

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    In this subreddit, there seems to be an ongoing problem with people asking for advice, saying something out of ignorance as a new player, or just making a mistake. Every time someone says something that might be considered "wrong", there seems to be a dogpile of people saying "you're an idiot" "you're playing the game wrong" "you deserve (insert low rank here)", etc. Even the people who give advice in posts of their own are really rude about players that might not know any better, or it seems like a projection of their own lack of abilities instead of a fundamental problem with League or its players. It makes me uncomfortable the way some people talk obsessively about rankings, and view low-elo players as "less than" or unskilled. It's unfair to those who are new or trying to learn. There is no patience or regard for those who wish to learn from the beginning and that just makes people more likely to make the mistakes that get them shot down here.

    submitted by /u/asra_fox
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    I keep misclicking

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    I main ADC and I feel like me misclicking pretty frequently is holding me back mechanically. Like one example when kiting I would click next to the enemy instead of on so I would walk closer to them and die. Even on other roles I would sometimes auto a minion instead of the champion. I don't like using auto attack move because it's hard for me to hold down a key and click at the same time. Is there anyway to practice specifically on improving this?

    submitted by /u/Nebula918
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    Challenger/Grandmaster players, what is your tip for d1 stuck players to hit high elo?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    Ive been d1 stuck for like 3 years now, sometimes I hit master than just fall back immediately. I know a lot of people who also just get stuck at this elo for multiple years and they dont seem to get better. I dont think I deserve better, I just suck for high elo but I dont want to give up. If there is anyone who can give useful advice, I'd appreciate it a lot.

    submitted by /u/Nyo99
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    I feel like I have no impact in my games

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:24 AM PDT

    I play wukong top and right now I have a 62 percent win rate in silver 4. I do only have 30 games with wukong right now.

    However whenever I win it seems like every single lane wins and my jungler goes 16/2. At that point it seems like it wouldnt have mattered if I went 0/6, my jungler or my other lanes would have carried me.

    What do I need to do to carry my games from top lane?

    submitted by /u/Mikel67o
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    How to Outplay: a Guide to Micro

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    Hello there fine summoner do you need help with mechanics? Worry not for I am here to break down how to make those sick highlight reel plays to show your friends.

    Let's begin

    Micro an Overview

    What is Micro? Micro AKA mechanics is the movement and clicking involved with playing the game. Whereas macro gameplay emphasizes map movement/rotations, and broader strategy. Micro emphasizes speed, speed, and more speed. How fast you can click, and how accurately and correctly you can execute combos and move is the "micro" aspects of a moba game like League of Legends. Many players believe that macro can be taught and that micro is based on innate talent, but this is wrong. Micro just like any fine moter skill can be taught. You learned how to write you can learn to be a micro master.

    What goes into Micro

    In my opinion micro can be broken down into three aspects




    Now what does that mean? I recommend watching this video of TSM Doublelift's outplay over Cloud9 widely considered one of the best mechanically well executed pro plays.

    Reaction is simply your raw reaction time. in the case of this clip it's Doublelift's reaction to heal to dodge an gnar's ability.

    Execution is your ability to make combo's, and move correctly basically how well you can execute mechanical plays. In the clip the execution is Doublelift's ability to combo Lucian's abilities.

    Intution is your knowledge and ability to turn a situtation, and predict the moves of your opponents. When it comes the Doublelift's play, it's his knowledge to use his ult on key squishy targets intead of using it immediatly.

    The good news is that two of these can be taught, reactions is the only thing that can't be taught very well since a lot of it is genetic.

    Sidenote: Admitedly, initution is a bit more intangible to teach but we shall do our best in spite of that fact.


    Now how do we learn how to execute plays. This is very easy. First you need to know your champion. What they can do and how they can combo. This is highly champion specific, but there are some key pointers to teach you.

    1. Bread and butter combos over flashy combos, I have over 1 Million mastery points on Vayne. While condemn flash is a cool play for highlight reels it has very little practical use, except in some 1v1's. The combo I practice the most is AA Q->AA into AA silver bolts procs. This is my main trading pattern and being able to safely execute this combo in lane gains me infinitely more advantage than practicing condemn flash which I use maybe one in ten games.

    2. Mouse accuracy, many of you especially those who've played this game for a while will be surprised to realize they actually aren't very accurate with their mouse movement. Hitting and dodging skillshots (and orb walking for ADC mains) can be optimized. Being able to dodge at a 90° to skill shots requires accurate mouse movements. If many if you are placed into an FPS with low TTK like csgo or valorant you will find you are very inaccurate. This is because league has very generous click hit boxes. Being fast and accurate with mouse movements can be trained. I recommend aim trainers like Kovaks or a free aim trainer called Aim Lab. I recommend speed and flick based training. You don't have to aim like a CSGO pro but at least being quick an accurate enough will suffice. another quick tip is when moving to always click close to your characters it will allow you to react quick in case you need to make a drastic movement change I.E. dodging a skill shot.

    3. Hitting smites, kiting camps, orb walking, csing, etc can be easily practiced in practice tool and this helpful site for smites. Orb walking should be practice at low and high attack speeds to adapt to all scenarios from early to late. Jungle clears should be practiced to perfection to optimize the first clear.


    Now what is intuition?

    Intution is making the correct play/correct move for a given situtation. There a limits to champions, even the best mechanical players will still die. Scripters still die despite being able to dodge every skillshot. That is because there are scenario's in which you cannot outplay. Mechenics allow you to break the rules of macro, but even some rules are immutable. For example, there is no way you can outplay a flash Malzahar ult without a quicksilver sash.

    Knowing intutively how much damage your champion does. How quickly your combos will execute, is key to playing within the limits of macro play.

    Sometimes you will not be able to execute a combo because it is too long to execute. This means that you need to optimize the DPS you can do in the certain time period This clip exemplified it Lee sin does not wait for his Q to his land and instead flash once he gets into range to try and insec lucian because waiting for his Q to land and do damage is a waste of time and gives more time to react.

    Knowing what the correct play is a matter of game knowledge and experience. Your mechanical skill does not determine what you can do, rather your opponents composition determines it. You cannot walk into space a control mage is defending. You simply will not be able to dodge that many skillshots. This is what I call the "theoretically possible" and the "actually possible". There are some plays that are theoretically possible if you are a god gamer and some plays that are actually possible based on your skill level, knowing the difference is important and is key to playing to your limits.

    Now obviously you're not playing vs training bots. You're playing vs real live humans who want to win as much as you do. That means you need to enter the pyschology of the player. For example, a good thresh player will learn how each and every player in the game dodges, whether they dodge up or down or if they dodge at all has a strong effect on which angle they will throw a hook. To go even deeper, is the mechanical mind games. A classic example is the Malphite dilemna, in a teamfight a malphite player is winning the correct play is to hold ult to zone an adc main away from the fight. This leads a a damn if you do and a damn if you don't scenario for the enemy ADC. Even deeper is micro misplays slight misteps and misplays, having the sort of killer instinct to know when something has gone critically awry. Maybe you insta turn the moment an enemy misses a seemingly harmless skillshot, things that seems like very small mistakes being able to punish them is what separate good mechanical players from the greats. Things like starting a teamfight when a enemy zed waste W, something that seems small but ends up mattering a lot.


    To get an estimate of your general reactions I recommend this link, it's a fun little test that shows you're reaction speed. Since most of reaction speed is genetics, we need to explain why this numbers matters very little in the grand scheme of things. Raw reaction speed is good but, only really matters when it comes to certain plays that need to be done. I.E. flashing a malphite ult, stop watching zed ult etc. Know what needs to be reacted too is a matter of intuition which is why raw reaction speed is less important compared to knowing the right play.

    Concluding thoughts

    Now are you Faker after reading this. Fuck no(you still have to practice anyway), but I have given you some tips to being a better mechanical players. Do not think that because you are mechanically weak right now means you will be mechanically weak in the future. It's not about how fast you can click, it's about how correctly you can click

    Good luck with the climb!

    submitted by /u/Newfypuppie
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    [Request] Senna soul benchmarks (ADC Farming)

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:09 AM PDT


    I was wondering if anyone can provide soul benchmarks that I can compare to in my games.

    Example: I backed after 875 gold for pick axe and had 17 souls against a Vayne. I know that number was really good because I was just constantly farming souls in lane.

    Other times I walk out of my first base with 7 souls.

    What are some benchmarks I should look for at 5, 10, 20, 30 minutes.

    I find that in games where I am fed I can hit 100 souls in 30 minutes.

    Games where I do not do so well I have 70 Souls at 30 minutes.

    I really only notice that benchmark (the 30 minute benchmark) in my own games and would like some reference for other time stamps and not just my own games.

    Thanks for your help!

    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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    How Do You Handle Garen?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    So, I'm what the Grandmasters of Reddit would call a "low elo noob." A Kindred OTP who's just climbed to my Silver promos, and got booted back thanks to a Garen mid who was far from fed eventually reaching 20+ kills and stomping the game despite our enormously fed bot lane. Nothing I tried could stop him - armor pen, % health, he ran me down all the same. Plus, his silence denied me any ability to kite him AND deprived me of my ult to counter his. I know I shouldn't be engaging a juggernaut 1v1, but waiting for a teamfight just meant he ran in with W and E to completely dominate it.

    Are there any general or specific tips I should know for taking him down?

    submitted by /u/we_have_an_urgent
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    As a low elo player currently sitting in his G4 promos, I kid you not when I say that the mute button will be the reason you win more games.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    Here's my profile for proof: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=NickColaTesla%20

    Yes, I'm not even in Gold yet. Yes, I'm only sitting on 0/5 promotion games played.

    EDIT: Just won my G4 promos by muting chat and essentially being the win con. Check them out.

    But, let me tell you something. From a person who refused to believe it (I am a VERY hard person to persuade), from a person who has seen toxicity greater than the 2014 E-bola Zaire Epidemic, and from a person who has also tried to encourage my teammates to not tilt; do not waste your time playing into their tantrums. The moment the client opens up the champion select screen, just mute your teammates. There is no good which will come from it. From the longest time, I spent my games fluctuating somewhere in S1, never being able to reach promos until I started muting the games chat.

    Ask yourself. "What can I type to a teammate which I can not communicate with two pings?" Nothing. You do not need to see the chat, and you most certainly do not need to use it. At the very least, if you absolutely need to say something, just type a quick blurb in chat. Muting your teammates does not affect their ability to see your chat message.

    I promise you, muting chat in low elo is like taking a breath of fresh air. Why? These are the type of players you will experience:

    1. That one teammate who has been "hardstuck" in their division for 500+ games, and will be very prone to tilting when the gamestate doesn't favor them.
    2. Your bot lane ADC who begins flaming his or her level two support for not being able to do anything against a level three all-in, or because their Lux support is turning into APC Lux from KSing.
    3. Your bot lane support who begins flaming his or her ADC for any similar reason.
    4. Jungle mains who think everyone else's roles throw the game aside from theirs.
    5. Players who will literally refuse to play the game after a mistake.

    When you seriously factor the amount of opportunities your teammates have on ruining your experience, there's always going to be at least one of these players on your team. Muting the chat has been the reason for me winning more games and improving my winrate, and I have no doubt many will agree with me.

    submitted by /u/Legoman7861
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    Using rift herald gives a free trinket use before refreshing

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Let's say you have a sweeper and then obtain the rift herald. As you're putting it down, mash the trinket button. As soon as the animation starts you'll have your sweeper around you and it'll refresh shortly after. A neat little trick that can really help your vision control.

    submitted by /u/AngusBoomPants
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    How to not be a passive support? Tips for a newbie that is playing with high elo friends

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    Hi!! So I started playing league one year ago because all my friends liked it and thats what was going on our discord server most of the time. I wanted to play supp because I can "hang out" with someone on lane, I just dont like being alone or farming so supp was the best choice for me.

    So... In the past year I played maybe once or twice a month because after trying it I feelt meh, since my friends were very high elo and it was very difficult for me to keep up with our matches. But! Recently, thanks to the spirit blossom and nexus blitz I am really enjoying it so Im basically playing at least 2h a day, I have a lot of fun in nexus but when we switch to normals I feel that I don't do much as a Support... Because I dont really know what to do past lane phase? I just tend to stick with my adc and guard drakes and other creatures, and if there is something going on at jung or mid I go there to help. But I always get flamed no matter what I do and this makes me belive i am a bad player, I dont know if im doing something wrong or is it because im getting paired with silvers and golds when im lvl 34 because of my high elo friends. Sooo any tips? I want to get better since Im starting to really enjoy the game.

    Ps: I dont think Im that of a bad player?? Just today I played a couple matches alone (getting paired with people my elo) and I went 2/3/27 and 10/3/11, getting an A- and an A+

    Ps 2: my fav to play is Lux! But I also like Leona, Thresh and Janna... Tried Rakan too but its not fun if im not playing with a Xayah. Any more recomendations of what I might like or what should I try?

    submitted by /u/Hana_Princess
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    What is the best way to play adc?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    I'll go straight to the point.
    I'm in a very bad mood in adc (which is my main role), and i adopted to just change my playstyle.

    I was used to just play really aggressive. Whenever i had the possibility to engage the enemy adc, i just to do it.

    Now, i'm just trying to stay in a really safe laning phase, and absolutely never engage except when it is pretty much a free kill or the jungler ganks.

    My question is: which playstyle is actually better? I really don't know if i'm doing good at this point.

    submitted by /u/deiched_
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    Some adc related questions

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 02:18 AM PDT

    1. How to practice kiting in practice tool?
    2. What is easiest way/keybinding to attack move and attack move click ?Which is better at high ping?
    3. How to protect oneself from assassins who can one shot you while farming in mid game and in team-fights?
    4. Is kiting possible on the ping I play ?I play at consistent 100 ping .
    5. Finally any youtubers/guides on adcs I should watch?

    Thank you for your support. I want to main Ezreal btw. Tips would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/ryokunintai1
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    Your way of playing the game is okay

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    Hi :)

    I am a Diamond 1 support main, one tricking Bard. My playstyle is VERY roam heavy. Sometimes i stay bot for as little as a few minutes per game, starting the roams after level 2 or 3. I usually spend most of my time in the top lane, ganking and getting my laner ahead. I am constantly inside the enemy jungle, getting vision, etc. I currently go Hail of Blades on him, and get Deaths Dance as a third item after boots and Deadmans plate.Oh yeah, also I play with LOCKED CAM (Unlocking it often, but it is mainly locked)

    What i wanted to say with all this, is since there is so much focus on playing the game "correctly" in terms of build, meta, laning etc, I wanted to come out and tell people that if you really enjoy playing Udyr mid, or think that Jinx full ap is the most fun you have ever had as an ADC, i suggest you play it. Okay, these examples might be a bit out there, but my point is that playing the game in a different way than the majority doesn't exactly equal bad. Will, i ever get Challenger with me deaths dance Bard? Probably not. But it is so much fun!

    Hope you have a great day :)

    submitted by /u/MarcuaBard
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    Support main trying to go mid and having bad farm

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    As title said, I am trying to learn mid, but am having trouble getting a high farm (trying to get a minimum of 5.0, while the very best I can do by now is 4.4 at the end of the game). This is especially hard when I need to trade with the opponent and contest his farm and when the lane phase ends. What should I do to improve it, besides watching videos?

    PS.: I play Vel'Koz (been using it as support), Zoe and Ahri, all of them can be lane bullies and I'd like to exploit their potential.

    submitted by /u/vitgarcia027
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    Does the advice even work in Low-Elo?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    This might get taken down for repetitiveness but- I've made multiple accounts, tried multiple roles, watched Youtube videos, rewatched my VODs, looked for Duo teammates in Leauge discord and tried just about everything to to ATLEAST get to/stay in Silver and it doesn't seem to work. When I first started playing this game I was a support main. Then I realized that support would never help me climb awesome to rely on my teammates. So I tried flexing into other roles and trying out different champs. I even tried keeping my champ pool small as thats advice i've heard many times. Sometimes I carry games, sometimes I'm the one that ints. Other times my team ints beyond comprehension to be able to climb. Theres no win trading in low elo so I can't blame that other than the fact we are all just bad. This game is fun, I enjoy playing it don't get me wrong. But I am a competitive person, and I would really like to climb or at least make some progress at all. I guess what I'm asking here is, in low elo am I supposed to be the one always carrying in order to climb at all? How to streamers or boosters do it? Do they end the game very quickly in order to climb and carry? How do they win games despite the fact say someone runs it down with the intent to lose? (Even if this was not the case, they just play so badly it seems like it) How does one go on a winstreak when all these low elo games seem so RNG on who you get placed with? Or maybe the truth of the matter is this game just isn't for everyone to play competitively and I should honestly give up on that goal and just play draft? Is it just a talent to be able to climb?

    submitted by /u/Lunaxolotl
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    Side lane vs grouping as Malz?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    I tend to go to sidelanes and push with Malz, but when I do, I feel like I'm not utilizing his pick potential well enough.

    But then if I group it just turns into ARAM (especially in low elo) which I don't like doing, but Malz R really helps us win those.

    Should I be playing malz in the sidelanes or prioritize looking for picks with team?

    I think I play Malz like TF, who I'm considering picking up as another main champ.

    submitted by /u/Malibu_Snackbar
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    What do you do vs a champion perma pushing the wave under turret while you're low?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    Its sometimes a problem for me when I play melee mid champs like diana or yasuo, and i get low taking an unfavorable trade and then they just perma push the wave, poking me out of i try to walk up for creeps under my own turret with autos or their spells. It was an issue I forgot about for a while, but just earlier trying to learn Irelia in a custom game vs a bot garen, I get low while garen is full, and he just continuously pushed the wave into turret. What do I do? If it was a real scenario vs a real player I would lose XP and whatever creeps i could manage to get under turret, and they'd take plates or even flash to kill me under turret.

    So what do you do vs someone pushing under turret while you're like 20% hp? Are you just supposed to give up creeps, xp and plates just to back and get back to lane full hp for a chance to reset the wave?

    submitted by /u/SlavSaka
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    Does MF's Q hit a predetermined target after the first, or is it fixed/can it miss?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    Just wanting to confirm how MF's Q works - if you're in the cone when she shoots, does the second shot automatically hit you? Can you move out of the cone before it hits its first target? Can you walk behind another minion and avoid it?

    My understanding is that she targets her first target and after it collides with that target, it has a predetermined destination. The opposing view of the person I'm discussing this with is that you can still dodge it at this point.

    submitted by /u/Underpaid-Mom
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    What do I do late-game versus a Teemo?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    Even if I stomp Teemo 6/0 in lane, he'll just stay top the whole game and farm until he has enough AP to just drop land mines across the entire map and blow fungus shrapnel into my whole team. After around 20 minutes I'll just pick up an oracle lens but the problem is that one shroom will do like 40% of my HP without Teemo even being near me and my teammates walking on them and triggering them even when they're marked with my lens so that they blow up in my face too.

    submitted by /u/PlazmaHawk
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    Autopath question

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    Hey guys, Is there an option so that when I click near a wall to try to get as much close to it as possible the autopath doesn't make me go all around it? It's kinda annoying tbh. I don't know if I explained myself good enough for you to understand. Let's say that I'm playing Caitlyn and I want to attack drake/baron from behind the pit; I click near the wall so that I can get close to it in order to aa drake/baron, but Caitlyn starts walking towards the pit because of the autopath. How can i solve this? Sorry for bad english

    submitted by /u/Yspilon
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    Itemisation when accidentally super fed as a tank

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    So I had a game today where I was trying to donate kills but due to the poor co-ordination in solo Q or my carries dying before the enemy, I ended up 7/0/6 on Ornn. In this scenario, after my core cape/mask combo, what should I build?

    I built Warmog's so that I could soak up even more damage, but after I figured something like a Locket would bring more use to my team than more tank items, especially since my ADC was behind. Should I ever build damage items in these kinds of scenarios? Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Evrae_
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    Is Deaths Dance Sleeper-OP On Champs With ARAM Damage-Taken Buffs?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:00 PM PDT

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