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    Tuesday, August 25, 2020

    LoL Guide The more I play a champ, the more I get bad at them

    LoL Guide The more I play a champ, the more I get bad at them

    The more I play a champ, the more I get bad at them

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    Sorry for any English mistakes. I started playing earlier this year and noticed this thing where the more I play a champ, the more I suck at them. I start learning a champ and I perform exceptionally good with them for the first ~25-30 games or so, having very high KDA, very high winrate (for some champs i would have 90-95% winrate for the duration) and just stomping everyone and getting S'es left and right. However, if i keep playing the champ, all my stats drop drastically. And it's not just about stats, I become so bad and washed up, I can't even pull a simple combo with the champ. While if i take a break from that champ (not playing them at all for a month or so), i perform good at them when i pick them up again. You may think my MMR increases in this period so i get harder matchups and that's why i start losing but this is not the case, because if I play another champ i perform good again.

    This happened with every champ i learned so far, I can't "Main" a champ and i don't really have a "champion pool" because i pick up a new champ every couple weeks. This is making me feel like i'm getting no where in the game and it's been months but i'm still trying champs and switching between champs nearly every game to avoid burning out more champs.

    I can't focus on learning the game itself because i'm still trying to learn champs' mechanics. Did this happen to anyone? Is it a normal thing? And what do I do in this case?

    submitted by /u/coffeehotcocoa
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    A case study of the win rate depression phenomenon across every role: using statistics to win more just by taking the right runes

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    A case study of the win rate depression phenomenon across every role: using statistics to win more just by taking the right runes

    Written patch 10.16


    There are three generalized categories of decisions that a player can optimize: (1) macro, which includes rotations, vision control, and wave management, (2) micro, which includes reaction speed, matchup knowledge, and mechanics, and (3) meta, which includes more theory-related skills such as runes, skill order, and itemization. Meta decisions are generally the easiest to optimize and improve because they don't require the nuances learned from playing hundreds of games. In this post, we justify and discuss the optimization of both keystone and minor runes using recent data from patch 10.16, sourced from Lolalytics.

    League of Legends' lead gameplay designer Riot Scruffy recently tweeted that initially, "[the balance team] thought Sona Lux were only OP as a combo." He then implies that Sona-Lux have just recently become individually overpowered when built optimally. However, someone who has been paying attention to win rate statistics would know that Guardian Lux support has been overpowered for the past year, even after she was nerfed back in patch 9.14. In fact, Guardian was Lux's best-performing keystone even at the peak of Aftershock Lux. With just a rudimentary understanding of numbers, you too can use win rate statistics to uncover "hidden OP" champions and get ahead of the curve to climb before Riot eventually nerfs them a year later.


    Suppose the champion Xasuo has a 50% win rate, and all Xasuo players take Conqueror. Now, consider the champion Yarner that initially appears balanced with a 50% win rate. Upon closer inspection, 50% of Yarner players take Predator and lose all their games, and the other 50% of players take Phase Rush and win all their games. Though both Xasuo and Yarner have the same overall win rate, Yarner is clearly the stronger champion. This is because Yarner suffers from win rate depression—many players are not taking the optimal runes, lowering their win rate. We measure this effect by computing a number called relative difference.


    How is optimal defined in terms of runes?

    A rune page is defined to be optimal relative to others if it wins the highest proportion of games assuming everything else is held constant. For Yarner, Phase Rush is called optimal since it wins the most, and Predator is suboptimal because it does not. Predator is also called detrimental because its win rate is less than Yarner's overall win rate, meaning players who take Predator are expected to lose more games than the average Yarner. An optimal rune page can also be thought of as the rune page a player would take to maximize their win rate if they had to use it forever.


    What is win rate depression?

    Win rate depression (WRD) is when a champion's win rate is lowered because of players making suboptimal meta decisions. For example, since there is a difference in power between the two keystones, Yarner's win rate is depressed by players taking the wrong keystone. WRD can also apply to other facets of meta like itemization and skill order, where building the wrong item or maxing the wrong ability will reduce a player's expected chance of winning.


    What is relative difference?

    Relative difference (RelDiff) is a measure of how effective optimization is for a given champion when compared to the average player. It represents the expected proportion of previously lost games that a player would now win after optimization. For example, the expected win rate of a random Yarner is 50%, but the expected win rate of a random Yarner given that they took Phase Rush is 100%, so RelDiff = (100-50)/(100-50) = 100%. If Yarner had a 48% win rate overall but the optimal keystone had a 54%, RelDiff would be (54-48)/(100-48) = 11.54%. If RelDiff is less than 2%, we say that a champion is solved, since if any optimization exists, it would have only marginally benefit their expected win rate. Note that RelDiff, holding the win rate difference constant, exhibits hyperbolic growth with respect to overall win rate (i.e., 99% to 100% win rate is a bigger increase than 50% to 51%), much like how cooldown reduction scales per additional point.


    This section uses rune shorthand notation rather than typing out the full names of runes. See the first question under Q&A if you aren't familiar with this notation.

    We will use data from Lolalytics, Platinum+, patch 10.16. As a general rule of thumb, sample sizes as low as a few thousand are high enough to analyze. When observing a potential effect, use previous patches or different rank subsets to check if the pattern appears consistently; if not, it might just be variance. If the difference in win rates or a sample size is concerningly small, use this z-test calculator to check for statistical significance (select 0.01 and one-tailed).

    The optimal rune page for a champion typically won't significantly vary unless there is a large systemic change in a patch. This may occur if parts of the champion's kit or the runes themselves are fundamentally changed in a rework or mini-rework. In that case, use data from and after the most relevant patch as a basis.


    Top: Darius - (Image)

    A solo queue menace, Darius hasn't been changed directly for many patches. Despite the nerf to Nimbus Cloak in patch 10.16, his win rate barely flinched, settling at 51.45%. However, Darius is much deadlier than he appears if you take the correct secondary runes.

    Nearly all Darius players take Conqueror and Triumph, but pick rates are split between Legend: Alacrity and Legend: Tenacity. Intuitively, these runes tend to be dependent upon matchup due to their nature, and we can test this by checking the rune win rate distributions of specific matchups. In this case, we find that they are. Next, about a fourth of Darius players take Coup de Grace when virtually all melee top laners should prefer Last Stand, Darius not being an exception.

    Despite the consensus of the primary tree, not everyone takes the same secondary tree. Over half take S320 secondary, citing the importance of movement speed. This is actually detrimental (albeit barely)—it turns out that R0x3 are the best secondary runes. Conditioning has the highest win rate of the three in its row, but it appears to be situational following matchup dissection.

    The complete optimized rune page is P42(12)3 R0x3 X213. Doing so increases Darius's expected win rate from 51.45% to at least 53.7%, a RelDiff of 4.63%.


    Top: Fiora - (Image)

    After the buff on Lunge (Q), Fiora's win rate increased from an acceptable 50.42% to a solid 52.29% win rate. Already the bane of many top laners, Fiora suffers from WRD in all three types of runes.

    In a vacuum, Conqueror and Grasp of the Undying have comparable win rates, but a look at the minor runes in Precision quickly refutes this notion. Immediately, Presence of Mind's 55.1% win rate reveals that Fiora is much stronger than her win rate implies. Then, about half of players take Legend: Alacrity when Legend: Tenacity and Legend: Bloodline appear to be better choices. We again check if these runes are situational by looking at matchup distributions, but this time, Legend: Alacrity's win rate is always lower, suggesting the superiority of the other two runes. Lastly, there's an about even split between Coup de Grace and Last Stand, the latter of which is predictably stronger.

    Looking at secondary runes, a full one-third of Fiora players take R130, which barely reaches a 51% win rate, meaning the runes are detrimental. However, Cosmic Insight has a massive 54% win rate. Despite its relatively low pick rate, it turns out that Cosmic Insight has been the highest win rate rune in Inspiration in every previous patch, so we conclude that I201 are the optimal secondary runes on Fiora.

    The Sorcery tree is also of note, but pick rates are scattered across the tree, making it difficult to assess the best combination of runes. Noting the high win rate of Manaflow Band, we can hypothesize the optimality of S210 and return to analyze this tree in the future.

    Finally, the majority of Fiora players take the Attack Speed shard when Adaptive Force is optimal. The complete optimized rune page is P43(23)3 I201 X113. Doing so increases Fiora's expected win rate from 52.29% to at least 55.1%, a RelDiff of 5.89%.


    Jungle: Hecarim - (Image)

    Recently buffed and then nerfed, Hecarim is a champion that's actually been overpowered for quite some time, assuming you took the correct keystone. In patch 10.16, his 51.35% win rate rocketed to a massive 53.91%. Already absurdly strong, Hecarim can be made even stronger after optimizing runes.

    Riot remarks in patch notes 10.17 on "Hecarim players picking up on his synergy with Phase Rush;" the pick rate has since quadrupled since patch 10.15. Also notice that the buffs to Phase Rush in patches 10.4 and 10.7 correspond to increased interest in Phase Rush Hecarim. Looking at the numbers, there's no doubt that Phase Rush vastly outperforms Conqueror, still the most popular keystone by far.

    Sorcery secondary is the most popular tree, but this is not unexpected since most Conqueror users still recognize the value of movement speed on Hecarim. I201 has a modest pick rate and a very high win rate, so we prefer that instead.

    Recall the optimality of I201 on Fiora; this is a common theme of the optimal rune pages of many top laners like Riven, junglers like Kha'Zix, and even some mid laners like Zed. We note the high win rate of P2(12)0, but due to the low pick rates and the fact that this effect is not consistently observed in previous patches, we cannot rule out variance and shelve this tree for reinspection at a later patch.

    There's nothing unexpected in the shards besides the viability of adaptive force instead of attack speed, so the complete optimized rune page is S3322 I201 X(12)12. Doing so increases Hecarim's expected win rate from 53.91% to at least 56.2%, a RelDiff of 4.97%.


    Jungle: Skarner - (Image)

    Next up is Skarner, another recently buffed champion known for his low pick rate. However, despite the fact that he is played mostly by mains of the champion, data on Skarner's runes tell a very disheartening tale: even mains don't know their champion's optimal runes. Needlessly buffed in patch 10.16, Skarner went from an even 50.05% win rate to a respectable 51.76%.

    The three most popular keystones in order of pick rate are Predator, Phase Rush, and Conqueror. Though Skarner has nearly a 52% win rate, Predator's win rate is an abysmal 50.4%. Predator is clearly a detrimental keystone, compared to Conqueror and Phase Rush, which have 52.0% and 52.8% win rates, respectively. Like Hecarim, S3322 is a great rune page for Skarner, but it turns out that Transcendence is better than Celerity, with a 53.7% win rate.

    Looking at the numbers, the secondary tree is obvious. Though Sorcery primary is optimal, Sorcery secondary is detrimental, but this is in part due to the fact that it is taken with Predator, which is a terrible keystone for Skarner. I201 (again) is the clear winner.

    Lastly, the cooldown reduction shard performs much better than adaptive force or attack speed. The complete optimized rune page is S3312 I201 X31x. Doing so increases Skarner's expected win rate from 51.76% to at least 54.0%, a RelDiff of 4.64%.


    Middle: Cassiopeia - (Image)

    Cassiopeia was buff-adjusted out of the blue in patch 10.12 and then nerfed the subsequent patch. In patch 10.16, she held a slightly above average 50.70% win rate.

    Cassiopeia mains advise Phase Rush in "dodgeball" matchups against control mages like Orianna, Syndra, and Zoe. This advice generally holds true; S31(12)3 is good against such champions, and notice that Nullifying Orb is superior to Manaflow Band. In other matchups, Cassiopeia usually takes Conqueror. Most players take P4321, which works well enough except for the last rune—Last Stand performs better than Coup de Grace.

    Secondary runes lack debate; D201 is optimal.

    We see that the cooldown reduction shard is optimal, showing how simply switching a rune shard can make a champion go from above average to strong. The complete optimized rune page is P3323/S31(12)3 D201 X313. Doing so increases Cassiopeia's expected win rate from 50.89% to at least 52.5% for the Conqueror page and 53.7% for the Phase Rush page, a RelDiff of 3.48% and 4.09%, respectively.


    Middle: Karthus - (Image)

    The champion that deals the most magic damage on average in all three of his roles, the Karthus nerfs in patch 10.16 dropped his win rate to a still-decent 51.52%. Despite the nerf, Karthus remains in overpowered territory with a switch of just two runes.

    Dark Harvest is the keystone of choice. Cheap Shot and Taste of Blood seem equally viable and Eyeball Collection is uncontested, so the question boils down to Ravenous Hunter or Ultimate Hunter. We see that Ultimate Hunter is a detrimental rune; Ravenous Hunter wins with a 52.3% win rate.

    Presence of Mind is the obvious move, but there is a decision to be made between Coup de Grace and Last Stand. Last Stand is absurdly good at a 53.9% win rate, likely because of how it works with Karthus's passive, giving a massive 11% damage bump for 7 seconds. However, Last Stand is in the minority, with 50% more players taking Coup de Grace. This also applies to Karthus's other roles like jungle, where only 13.3% of Karthus players are making the correct choice of Last Stand.

    Nothing interesting appears in shards, so the complete optimized rune page is D3(12)31 P303 X113. Doing so increases Karthus's expected win rate from 51.52% to at least 53.9%, a RelDiff of 4.91%.


    Bottom: Kog'Maw - (Image)

    A champion that has not been seen consistently in professional play for a long time, Kog'Maw is generally considered a weaker ADC despite his 52.23% win rate in patch 10.16. However, this is not the case. Especially with the Lulu buffs that appeared in patch 10.2, Kog'Maw has been one of the better ADCs. A champion that suffers from WRD in runes as well as itemization, Kog'Maw is a pick that people are sleeping on.

    A large proportion of players take Arcane Comet, presumably building AP and playing as an artillery mage. It suffices to say that this is not optimal. There isn't much to say about primary runes, and this is true for most ADCs in general. P221(12) are the optimal runes.

    A glance at secondary runes reveals where most of Kog'Maw's WRD appears. A good half of Kog'Maw players take S303 when I230 is a much better choice, but that's not all: D201 is crazy good with Ravenous Hunter having a 55.4% win rate.

    The first two shards are definitely standard: attack speed and adaptive force. Though the scaling health shard tests significant against armor, this effect does not appear in previous patches (nor in other carry champions), so we ignore it. The complete optimized rune page is D3(12)31 P303 X113. Doing so increases Kog'Maw's expected win rate from 52.23% to at least 55.4%, a RelDiff of 6.64%.


    Bottom: Vayne - (Image)

    One of the flashier, mechanically intensive bot lane carries, Vayne was not among the several ADCs buffed in patch 10.16. Her win rate only slightly decreased, sitting at an unassuming 50.82%.

    Press the Attack is the go-to keystone, but everything else in the Precision tree is a situational choice between two runes. There's not much notable for Vayne's primary runes.

    For secondary runes, about half of Vayne players take S303, but this is detrimental. A small but meaningful amount of players exchange either Nimbus Cloak or Gathering Storm for Celerity. Though it performs above average, like Kog'Maw, the best secondary runes are actually D201 with a 52% win rate.

    Once again, there's nothing unusual in the stat shards. The complete optimized rune page is P1(12)(13)(12) D201 X212. Doing so increases Vayne's expected win rate from 50.82% to at least 51.8%, a RelDiff of 1.99%. This shows that Vayne is solved with respect to runes, meaning her win rate is more or less an accurate reflection of her true strength in the current meta.


    Support: Bard - (Image)

    Aside from some unusual hitbox interactions on Cosmic Binding (Q), Bard is seen as a high skill cap champion that isn't very unfair to play against. With just one damage ability but boatloads of utility, Bard crept into the professional meta and has been a top 5 support in terms of presence for quite a while. Even after his last nerf in patch 10.16 bringing him from a 53.29% win rate to 52.07%, Bard remains a very strong champion—assuming, of course, that you're taking the right runes.

    Last season, Electrocute on Bard was nearly universal. Since then, Guardian Bard (AKA "Bardian") has shot up in popularity as more and more players realize that it is the optimal keystone. Nowadays, only a stubborn 20% of Bard players still take the inferior Electrocute. Indeed, flipping through data from previous patches reveals that despite Guardian's 55% win rate throughout the end of season 9, the pick rate did not reach 50% until Guardian was buffed in patch 10.12. Bard players take Demolish, but in general, Demolish is not statistically a good rune compared to Font of Life. Then, every rune in the third row of Resolve is situationally good and Revitalize is the best rune in the last row.

    Secondary runes are all over the place, but in a rare occurrence, the most popular D013 also turns out to be optimal.

    Both adaptive force and attack speed are situationally viable for the offense shard, but the flex shard is weighted in favor of resists, perhaps because Bard has minimal scaling with AP. The last shard is the standard armor rune. The complete optimized rune page is R32x2 D013 X(12)22. Doing so increases Bard's expected win rate from 52.07% to at least 53.3%, a RelDiff of 2.57%. Compare this to pre-nerf Bard in patch 10.3, where Bard with a nutty win rate of 54.10% had an optimized win rate of 57.1%, a RelDiff of 6.54%.


    Support: Lux - (Image)

    Lux support has recently emerged as the best support (and arguably, champion) in the game. The Sona-Lux duo popularized in patch 10.15 approached Master Yi-Taric funnel levels of win rate and was not nerfed until patch 10.17. Even discounting this duo win rate inflation, Lux has been overpowered for a long time and remains strong despite the recent nerfs.

    Even after the popularization of Guardian, nearly one-fourth of players still go Arcane Comet, which despite having a win rate above 50%, is detrimental due to how overpowered Guardian Lux is. Summon Aery is much better with a 52.7% win rate, but still fails to come close to Guardian's win rate at 57.1%. Assuming every Lux playing Sona-Lux takes Guardian, its win rate would still be 55.5%, which is close to what we see in patch 10.14 and earlier.

    Next, both Font of Life and Shield Bash are good on Lux, but the latter is optimal. Then, like Bard, the next row seems to be situationally viable. Though Conditioning has the highest win rate by a long shot, we do not observe this effect in non-Lux-Sona patches, so we can't say for sure that it's the best of the three runes. Lastly, Revitalize is unsurprisingly optimal.

    For secondary runes, though I201 and S310 have high win rates in patches 10.15 and 10.16, they are not historically good, whereas D013 has been consistently good before Sona-Lux. This means that the win rates of I201 and S310 are potentially inflated by Sona-Lux. It's hard to tell since Guardian Lux support was not very popular before the introduction of this duo, but previous patches tell us to go with D013.

    Adaptive force is the best offense shard, but the data tells us that resists are better than more adaptive force. The complete optimized rune page is R33x2 D013 X123. Doing so increases Lux's expected win rate from 54.68% to at least 57.1%, a RelDiff of 5.34%. Compare this to when Guardian was buffed in patch 10.12 and Lux support had an insane RelDiff of 11.94%.


    How do you read rune shorthand notation?

    Most Yasuo players take P(34)21(12) D201 X213. This means Precision primary: Fleet Footwork or Conqueror (3 or 4), Triumph (2), Legend: Alacrity (1), and Coup de Grace or Cut Down (1 or 2). Then, Domination secondary: Taste of Blood (2), nothing (0), and Ravenous Hunter (1). Finally, X is for rune shards: attack speed, adaptive force, and magic resist.

    The defense rune shard is typically based on matchup, but we put 3 to show that Yasuo has a significantly higher win rate in AP matchups. Junglers usually take armor for a healthier clear, but some junglers can take magic resist if their clear is good enough and they plan to fight enemies who deal primarily magic damage in the early game.

    If every rune in a row is equally viable (or situational), we denote this with a lowercase X (e.g., P3x32).


    Which League of Legends stats sites are useful?

    Lolalytics is the most complete site; use this the most. It's crazy how good this site is. It contains many rank and time period subsets and conditional distributions, something no other site has. The site is also periodically updated with user-requested functionality.

    The second most useful stats site has a paid option so it cannot be named (rule 9). It is homonymous with a brand of boots. It doesn't come close to Lolalytics in terms of completeness, but it has a few features Lolalytics doesn't yet have, like duo statistics (e.g., gold difference at 15 minutes).

    League of Graphs is useful for trivia stats, like win rate of blue side vs. red side or surrender rates by tier. Other than that, it's not too useful.


    What League of Legends stats sites should be avoided?

    Avoid Champion.gg because it's missing a lot of important stats, and the stats it does provide lack context and thus may be misleading. Avoid using op.gg for stats because it only pulls data from the Korean server (but the site's other functions are great). Avoid Probuilds because pro players make suboptimal meta decisions all the time.


    How can you know if a keystone is the best for a champion without actually playing many games on them?

    Champion expertise isn't the most important thing when considering optimal meta decisions. Otherwise, all League of Legends analysts would be out of work—even pros don't always take the right runes, max the right abilities, or build the right items. Nevertheless, though win rates are the quintessential (and realistically, the sole reliable) indicators of strength, they alone do not provide a mechanism to justify why something is optimal; this is indeed something that may require champion expertise.


    Can keystones be situational? For example, many Kassadin players take Fleet Footwork in certain matchups.

    Yes, but whether or not something is situational is easily testable by checking data from conditional distributions, which for most champions will show that the overall optimal keystone is still optimal in the majority of specific matchups. Besides, most players on most champions take the same keystone regardless of matchup. On the other hand, minor runes are often situational. For example, for Darius, Second Wind is good against Teemo and Bone Plating is good against Renekton.


    Can some runes be taken by smurfs, inflating their win rate? For example, smurfs might take Dark Harvest since they plan to get a lot of kills.

    If the smurf effect existed in runes (as opposed to itemization), it would be negligible. Dark Harvest is not really the smurf's version of Electrocute. There are champions where both of the keystones have high pick rates, but Electrocute has a much higher win rate. If the smurf effect were prevalent, Dark Harvest would have the higher win rate all the time.


    This about wraps up the post. The big takeaways are: even dedicated mains don't always know the best rune page for their champion, and that "hidden OP" champions are everywhere if you know where and how to look. I hope this information helps you climb in the last split of this season.

    Disclaimer: before diving into ranked with a brand new rune page that isn't similar to the one you already use, do some research on champion-specific subs and statistics sites or play a normal game to see how you need to adjust your playstyle.

    submitted by /u/gkhsieh
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    How do I deal with Urgot?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 12:18 AM PDT

    He hits W and wins lane. I spend 20 minutes AFK farming under tower then everyone ARAMs and he hits W and 1v3s. He also crushes every single dragon fight. Is there anything that can be done as a melee champ? He seems like such a massive stat check champion.

    I've fought him mid as Kat/Yone/Kassadin and top as Garen/Jax/Teemo (who apparently wins but I'm not sure how when he charges me and I can't get him off). Lose pretty much every single game I play against him.

    submitted by /u/EonXII
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    Really struggling with Jungle invades...

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    I mostly main jungle while playing Eve, Trundle, and Sett and i have noticed that when i am being constantly invaded my game play goes way, way down.

    What are some tips to combat invades? How do i go about pathing if my buffs are being taken?

    Any and all tips are welcome.

    submitted by /u/Joe_Bangs
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    How Important is Grievous Wounds Against Heals?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    As an ADC, when should I be building Executioner's Calling when I see that the enemy has a Soraka (or, as a matter of fact, any champion that has healing)?

    Should this be the first item I am buying? Should I look to build it after I have finished my two core items? How long should I sit on the Executioner's Calling before upgrading it to a Mortal Reminder?

    Or, should I tell my team: "they have a Vladimir, build Grievous Wounds"?

    submitted by /u/PhosphorusElement15
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    Why Does Yasuo Go PD -> IE and not Zeal -> IE -> PD?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    Yasuo already goes zerker boots first which gives MS and AtkSpd, then Zeal by itself gives the same crit chance as fully built PD. Wouldn't it be better to sit on Zeal, build IE, and THEN finish PD? That way you get AD earlier, which seems more valuable than the lifeline shield in most situations. It's 1200 gold to upgrade from Zeal to PD, which is almost a BF Sword. Somone tell me why PD first is better. I play Yasuo bot lane if that makes a difference in preferred build path. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/PersonalSherpa
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    As jungle...are there just some games where you just can’t do anything at all?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    Everyone says jungle is easy role, most impactful, etc. I have been trying to learn it lately and it's going okay but what's really bugging me is that there are some games where I just can't do anything at all.

    For example this last game as khazix. I start blue, path to top for level 3 gank and before I can get there, he dies to level 2 gank from enemy jungle.

    Ok no big deal. Path to mid and see if I can gank. As soon as I even look, my mid is solo dead to the enemy lane.

    I get bot side scuttle and look bot and they're just totally pushed up autoing the turret and poking enemy bot down. I give them vision and look to countergank but guess what my mid just died again this time to a gank from jg.

    At this point both top and mid are so behind that they can't do anything even with me near and bot refuses to stop suicide pushing until finally they get dove 4 v 3 (their jg and mid come bot and I try to help) but mid and jg on the enemy side are just so far ahead.

    I try to farm but their mid roams into my jg with their jg while my mid is stuck farming under tower.

    I know this is "only one game" but it seems to happen a lot when I'm playing jungle. It's incredibly frustrating and makes me want to give up on the role because at least if I am in a solo lane (I usually play mid or top) I can hold off the game and stall and farm and maybe win. But when I play jg it feels like if just a few things go wrong there is no way for me to come back and be relevant again.

    submitted by /u/tbu720
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    Afraid of the flame?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 10:41 PM PDT

    Imma be real with this post, i can't bear no more this situation i live in 70% of my games, i feel conditioned by what teammates can think about me and everytime a teamfight, a normal play, a trade in lane, a gank everything arrives i just do shit so i feel a bad player, i dont want to blame the flame that these people make but, idk being flamed just makes me feel bad, amd into everygame i play i see flame. For about 1 month pings and chats are disabled but i still think people flames me when i miss up maybe just because i auto-judge myself but really... i want an improvement as player, i see videos about league, i try to understand how mechanichs work but everytime i try to train these things i do shit, because i just forget about the main objective that is training things and i forget the other things i do automatically, for example going jungle i train enemy jungler tracking but if i fail i feel like an idiot and my game is fucked, i have 1000 rankeds and i dont feel improved, and also today i must hear that im an hardstuck trash who cant climb. And that's maybe true, i think im just bad and i should uninstall, idk hope in some good comments below

    submitted by /u/mikey981276
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    Stop Surrendering Because You're Losing. The Enemy Team Is Just As Bad As You!

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    The enemy is just as good as you are AND just as bad as you are. Losing is a part of the game just as much as winning. Way too many times teams want to quit just because they are losing early. I cannot tell you how many times I've fed my ass off early and was able to come back mid-late game because I understand objective control and wave management.

    The reason why people are Challenger isn't luck, but because they learn from both their wins and losses. I normally surrender games when there is massive infighting on the allied team and we can't cooperate enough to form some sort of strategy. Or when the allied team either afk's or literally ints repeatedly because they dont wanna play anymore.

    Stay strong, understand when your champion spikes and is at its strongest, and finish your games!

    submitted by /u/Syphorce
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    leaderboard dota = iron in league

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 01:38 AM PDT

    my ego is so bruised from this placement, can anyone review this replay to see whats going wrong 3549261072 I am blitz

    i am support player so im fine if u flame my macro also i know how to lane well as a ranged but if you have pointers for playing melee supports that is appreciated, I am a trader but it feels like you don't really trade as melee in this game, you either manage equilibrium or pressure by afking in bush or look for all ins

    submitted by /u/Walrusasauras
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    How to improve macro management?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    I'm a shitty bronze player and every time i watch my favorite challenger youtubers i realize they have something that i don't : macro knowledge. They somehow always know the enemy jungler's position , can calculate if they can dive or not , can literarly track the jungler by their CS , know where roaming enemies are heading , look at the map 50 times while doing gromp , etc. My brain blows up if i even think about it , how do i improve at this stuff?

    submitted by /u/liviu506
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    How to smash assassins and pick up a new champion for top?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    I'm a midlaner usually ending season in high gold /low plat. When it comes to assassins or lane bullys I can almost always hold my own or even slightly win lane. They realize this and roam and get fed. What I want is to smash midlane where they don't even have the gold to roam and kill someone.

    I know Renekton, Irelia, and Urgot are all good into assassins and was wondering which one would be a better pick to learn not only to play against assassins mid but also just learn for toplane.

    submitted by /u/Thebelighted
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    How to know your matchups?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    I know the overall answer to this is to just play the game more, but is there any quicker way to learn which matchups are strong for you and which aren't? For example, if I am playing Talon I know that I get a powerspike at level 2. However, how do I know if my level 2 spike will allow me to win against another champ, such as akali?

    submitted by /u/devinh7
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    how to climb as bot duo (S10)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 01:41 PM PDT


    me and my adc are playing botlane together for like 2 years now but we don't manage to escape from gold. (Currently gold 4/3)

    I play mostly Leona/Alistar or Soraka, depends on the team. We almost win everytime our lane or go even/slightly ahead (with soraka), but in like 3 of 4 games there is everytime a fed top or mid but extermely fed like a 12/2 cassio or a 7/1 yone. We don't really know how to win games in this case. We always try to take turrets (if we go cait leo for example) or we play around drake/herald

    I also improved significantly in warding and map awareness (I setup objectives like dragon correctly etc.) but then our team just decides to fight random or stuff like that and the fed opponent just kills everyone.

    I have the feeling that a fed botlane ist not that strong like a fed mid or top (even with a 3 item cait or smth like that) they can always single handly win games but we need a team and setup. The rest of the team just dont follow calls

    I recently played a lot with a mid duo and with him I won more games. He is not insane but he don' int his lane or feeds (silver 2). Of course my adc plays bad but I somehow manage to not to lose the lane hard (with soraka its easy) and after laning phase I go with my mid which has way more impact than an adc. And with a fed azir or yone we win easy (also somehow a gold team is more likely to follow a fed mid than a fed adc)

    Do you have any tips what we can do? We also tried some tactics to go down bot as 2 or with the help with the jungler (who doesnt really do it correct) but the enemy team reacts on that or the rest of our team dies and the enemy team pushes as 5 mid.

    submitted by /u/brotsuppe2002
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    How do I get better at mid game cs in the jgl?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    I play gragas and graves, and I find that early I get a large lead but in the mid game as the game gets more skirmish heavy and there's more fights around the map I forget to farm my jungle and the other jungler starts taking a cs and level lead. So i guess my question is, how do I balance farming with fighting?

    submitted by /u/arealdragonmedhelm
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    What are your recommended bans for an adc main??

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    Hello summoners !! I'm 90 % always an ADC so i'd like you to tell me what to ban in draft picking , I'm still new to the game so if you can elaborate I'd appreciate it.. -what's the most annoying champion to play against in bot lane ? -which one is better for low elo(bad teammates) ashe or caitlyn? , i can't decide for myself Bonus : is there any other good adcs for beginners and still meta ?

    submitted by /u/Kayoum1337
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    What happens after the Laining phase ?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    So I'm really new to LOL and MOBAs in general and from what I understand is that the match is divided in 3 parts (early game, mid game and late game) and early game is basically the laining phase where each player go to their specific lane while the jungler goes to the jungle, but what happens after do the whole team group and take out selected targets together and organize ganks ?

    submitted by /u/MRIT03
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    Giving up cs due to support’s posture

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    How much is too much?

    I'm playing in Plat 3 and I still have a lot of supports standing behind me.

    I know from corejj's video that the duo should stand in a parallel line. Although this is the support's job he said it goes both ways.

    I am wondering how much CS should I give up to maintain this parallel line.

    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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    What do I do against Veigar?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    So I was playing Senna support , and my adc was a Kai'sa. The enemy bot was Veigar for carry and Orianna. I got killed pretty early on , and my jungle died to them a lot too. At that point Veigar could one shot my adc. I picked up mercury treads, but nothing. The Veigar got 5 kills and could oneshot the whole team. Jg called bot diff and Veigar just got 30 kills and won. No counterplay at all, no idea what else to buy. What do I do in those situations?

    submitted by /u/_TheGreekQueen_
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    Need help on maining an assassin

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 04:18 AM PDT

    Don't know if I can post this here, but oh well.

    Hey guys, I've playing for six months and just now trying to find my mains. I used to main Neeko, but due to her being in an awkward spot she's now my pocket pick. Right now I'm getting used to Lux and Ahri and going to main them (like their kit), but I want to main an assassin, but have trouble on deciding on whom.

    Here's who I have right now: Ekko; Qiyana, Akali.

    Tried Katarina in practice tool, but I didn't like her kit. Also tried Zed the same way. Hate his kit about as much as Yasuo's.

    Don't have enough BE for Talon or Fizz either.

    Any suggestions would help. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Embers91
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    Best way to learn attack move click?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    Been trying to learn adc recently (I main top), decided I'd finally learn how to attack move click since it makes kiting and fighting so much easier.

    Was wondering if anyone has any tips to help learn cause right now it feels very clunky (obviously). I've been just booting up practice games against a bot and using attack move click to cs and everything.

    I'm getting better at it but it's pretty stressful on my ring finger, and it feels like I need to press more buttons than before since I need to press A whenever I auto, making combos/abilities and stuff a little harder (I play vayne kaisa and ez though I don't think it's necessary for ez).

    Dunno if it's supposed to be like that or not. Any tips/ suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ieatcheesecakes
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    Is lee sin still worth playing to this day?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    I feel like lee sin might not be worth it anymore, I'm a former lee main myself and a year ago or so you were so strong you could 1v1 almost any jungler and have way more impact. Right now you can't 1v1 not even an early game kayn and the impact i make is way more tied to the skill of my laners, i feel like i need their damage, peel and cc.

    What do you think about the current state of lee in the game? And if you think I'm wrong: what can i do to make him work?

    submitted by /u/Skydog1606
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    Maokai Help

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    So I saw a clip of Maokai dealing like half of Ashe's health with one sapling toss, and I want to try playing Maokai as more of a damage dealer than a tank. What runes and items would you suggest for this? (Sorry if this is a dumb question lol I'm new to the game). Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Arjun78910
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