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    Wednesday, September 9, 2020

    LoL Guide The Summoner spell Heal is a targeted ability

    LoL Guide The Summoner spell Heal is a targeted ability

    The Summoner spell Heal is a targeted ability

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    We all know that Heal affects two people, but TIL you can hover your mouse over the specific ally you want to heal when using it, and it will heal both you and the selected ally

    If no one is under your cursor, it will just heal the lowest ally in range as usual

    I learned this by reading the tooltip description - never bothered since I've been playing for so long and thought I knew what heal did

    submitted by /u/BlitzcrankGrab
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    Are you a low ELO jungler? Here's a tip for you.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    If you're in silver or below, and you're jungling, you're missing out on all sorts of hilarious misplays by the enemy because you're not ever looking at the lanes. You are spending too much time looking at the camp you're taking, and not enough at each lane, I guarantee it.

    Yesterday, I watched a Vayne top flash Forward because Darius was low, then get Q'd and ulted to death. Hilarious.

    I watched a Blitzcrank charge forward, miss his hook, then get hit by a morg stun and get trapped by Cait. Also hilarious.

    I watched a Ryze ult under the enemy turret to try and get a kill on the recalling syndra, only to die stupidly. Another cackle moment.

    But, more importantly than all this, instead of looking at the Krugs camp I've taken a trillion times I used my "F" keys to check my teammates, look at their wave states and positions, and I knew when and where to gank. Sure, watching people make hilarious mistakes is great, and pinging the enemy flash is important for me, but mostly I knew now that when they respawned and returned to lane, tilted and frustrated, I could be there, ready and waiting, to send them right back to the grey screen.

    Now, for some junglers this is much harder to do. The AP Shaco's of the world know what I'm talking about. But if you're Amumu, and you're on raptors, feel safe to just slap E and check your lanes real quick. It will make your life a billion times easier, trust me. If you're worried about your camera getting lost, just slap the spacebar and it'll centre back on you. Good luck out there, my low ELO friends, and I hope you see a lot more of your map this way.

    submitted by /u/squeakypeeky
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    [TIP] While playing ranked, go in there with the mentality that you're playing a competitive real-life sports.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    My reasoning behind this is:

    I prevent tilting and flaming with this mentality. League isn't a normal game anymore, it's arguably a form of sports. If you're on a soccer field, sure you'll get frustrated with your teammates sometimes, but you're not gonna spend your time insulting them expecting them to play better. And that is something you need in League too.

    If you're teammates are flaming each other, tell them something like "it'll be fine, we can win. Don't spend all your time writing". De-escalate the situation, if they know there's such a positive person in their game they might try to win again instead. Also never say "Just mute each other" for some reason although this is an easy solution for them, they won't do it even if you say it and might even make it worse.

    Most off all, don't get mad at the enemy. In all honesty you should just mute the enemy if you'll tilt off of something like "lol, get rekt" or "ez". However think of losing not as something bad, you should never get angry with the enemy, I see people saying "Lol you're so fucking lucky", "You're honestly so shit, just fed" and stuff like that just wasting energy disrespecting the enemy.

    You should respect the enemy and your teammates. And think of it as a learning experience if you lose. If you think of it all as a learning experience where winning or losing doesn't truly matter you'll tilt way less.

    TL;DR Don't think of losing as a bad thing, and stay positive to your teammates. The more you feel like losing is a bad thing the more painful it will feel and thus losing will hurt much more, than winning feels rewarding. It's such a harmful mentality if you find losing more painful than winning feels rewarding.

    submitted by /u/Setflus-YYZT
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    A little guide for ADC players in every elo.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 04:54 AM PDT

    Heya!ADC player here who "retired" from jungle 3 years ago.

    Here are some tips that help me climb and hopefully can help you climb too! I am gonna do my best.That's my first time making something like this so don't go too hard on me :C.

    1.Income-this is the most important thing to an ADC, always go for atleast 7.5/8 cs per min(10 cs/min is too hard for solo q so don't ignore drake calls that could cost you the game).You should be farming most of the time and most of the time look for solo exp(look at the map before taking a wave alone,cuz you don't want the 0/10 enemy assassin one shot you).Avoid sharing farm with your midlaner, cuz you both are the key to win later into the game.

    1.5(?)-Read the map- If you think a river fight is a bad call, try red pinging your team, cause if let's say there is a big wave crashing at you that's worth the gold of couple kills you wouldn't want to miss it.

    2.Spikes- Always play for your spikes.Let's say you play Ezreal, you should be looking for that big Trinity/Gauntlet(?) Manamune spike or 3 items for crit ADC's.Try avoiding unnecessary fights till then.

    1. 3 or 4 man bot- Nowadays even in lower elos it's common for everyone to look for that 4v2 dive onto the botlane to grab the drake and/or plates to get an early lead.Again look at the map and your jungler and make a decision whether or not you should back off the turret or try to fight it.

    4.Wave control- For this it's important to know what champion the enemy jungle has picked and what kind of support the enemy has(be it engage/poke/ehancer).I usually avoid hard pushing unless the enemy team has made a move onto the dragon which we can't contest or backed off.Set up good freezes so the enemy ADC loses income( most important thing as mentioned in 1.) and get potentially ganked.

    5.Position-Late game is a mess in every elo, but you can gain control of the teamfight by proper positioning.Always keep track of the enemy assassin( If he is not shown on the map then he is 100% looking to kill you.).Usually you should sit right next to your support and do as much damage as you can in a teamfight, cuz let's be real in 2020 everything can kill you as ADC.

    1. Call it a day or week if you are tilted.This has been said so many times in so many guides, but please avoid playing while on tilt, cause you are not playing for improvement, you are only playing for LP which is something you shouldn't do outside of high challenger let's say.Mentality is the key to climb and improve.

    That's for now. You can always reply or message me to point out something that i have missed(I ususally miss a lot of stuff so hopefully i did not miss anything too important here :D)

    submitted by /u/Exillum
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    Responding to roams when shoved into lane?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    Hey guys, A mate and myself had a disagreement last night about my decision in not following a roam last night and im after some opinions.

    To give some context: I was Yone mid against a Rumble I was 2 deaths down by 15 minutes but up 20 or so cs, eventually 50 by roughly minute 20

    Throughout the game Rumble would constantly push the lane and look to roam, and as Yone thats behind I couldn't really stop him or slow him down. Now i did late call an mia which resulted in a kill for him which I know is my fuckup, but there were also other times where I called it early. My response to all these roams were to push and get plates as following wouldnt be possible unless I lose the wave that was just shoved under tower and Yone power spikes at 2 items.

    This is where we disagreed with each other. My mate was playing Pantheon support so was rather aggressive and he was telling me that I should have followed and left the minions at my tower. I do understand that following a roam is the best thing you can do. But is it really the best thing if you are going to lose a wave and show up late anyway?

    This is gold-plat elo btw so if anyone is better than average at the game and plays mid, I would love to hear your opinion

    submitted by /u/Mueatv
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    Why Baron is so important

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    I searched for this but couldnt manage to find something about this in r/summonerschool.

    I was playing some games in low plat recently and I noticed that you guys know Baron is important but don't understand exactly why. Baron Nashor decides if the game can be closed or not. Imagine the following situation:

    You are 30 minutes into a game and your team has 3 Inhibs down which are about to respawn. Baron is up. Would you rather sit in base and defend inhibs or take Baron Nashor?

    If you take Baron Nashor it doesn't really matter the enemy trades it for 3 Inhibs. First of all you get 1500g for your team, 300g each. Next thing is Baron spawns in 6m and your Inhibs in 5m.

    Not just that, but the enemy wave is granted to push into your base (2x Superminions per lane). With Baron Buff you can defend your Nexus Turrets. Baron Buff lasts 3 Minutes, Superminions 5 Minutes.

    That means we have a window of 3m to get a lead over the enemy. 3 minutes or 6 waves. Each wave has 2x Superminion 3x Meeleminion 3x Casterminion which are worth around 243g in total at this point. Thats 1.458g per lane over the next 3 minutes or 4.374g for your team. Not even mentioning xp. This should give you enough of an lead (5.874g for your team) to prevent the enemies from destroying your Nexus for the next 2m.

    Lets calculate this in waves again. 2m are equal to 4 waves. 2/4 waves are Superminion-Waves. The others are Canon-Waves. The Canon-Waves are worth 153g each. 306g from Canon-Waves + 486g from Superminion-Waves (per lane). Thats another 1.404g for your team.

    I have good news.

    1. Your team just got 7.278g while the enemies should have missed a lot of lane minions + xp
    2. Your Inhibs are up, Baron spawns in 1m and your team should be ready to win fights again.

    Sorry for any typos/grammar issues.

    submitted by /u/746F6F72
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    Which champions are better for ARAM blindpick 1 vs 1?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Which are some of the best champions for ARAM blindpick 1 vs 1?

    So i decided to join a tournament this weekend which is very similar to the all star 1 vs 1. ARAM map, blindpick and the rules are first blood, 100cs or first tower wins. Which champions are better for this and why?

    I mainly play toplane and jungle but can play other champions from other roles. Problem with toplane is that most champions get poked and outranged

    submitted by /u/DS3_RedditUser
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    New items rework discussion

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    I want to know what your thoughts/feelings are about the full items rework.

    I have a lot of confidence in Riot but man this one seems like a stretch. This could go wrong in a LOT of ways and it's pretty close to altering the heart of the game.

    Which ones do you think will be broken? I think the free jungle item upgrade will be insane on champions that don't need to build a jungle item like Hecarim and Tryndamere. Cursed Demonhelm will be very hard to stop people from abusing.

    The change to tenacity is so strange to me and seems to put a unique focus on knockups in particular. Why is knockup so obsessed over, it seems like an oddly specific mechanic to add a new stat for.

    submitted by /u/3kindsofsalt
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    Why are tanks so strong?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    So I played a game of Riven vs Volibear toplane. I have a really good start when Voli and their jg Vi came to gank me in a huge minion wave and I got a double kill. So then I reset and I go back to lane with a Caulfields and Phage and he has a Bami's cinder. I am barely able to kill him with ult even though I have a huge lead on him. Once he finishes Sunfire Cape I am not able to beat him even with my pretty big lead. Him and his jungle 3v2 us and we eventually lose. Why does he beat me even though I have such a big lead?

    submitted by /u/C00kieM4st3r
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    How to have a better vision score as a single laner role?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    Title pretty much sum up my question. Recently when I am playing with my friend, my friend always points out that I have a very low vision score. I did put those free wards system give as much as possible and sometime even put one or two control wards . Despite this, I still have a much lower vision score than other players in my team most of time. The only time that I got a very good score was a game that I ran oracle Len on Zed and I put like at least 6 control wards on map, but I feel like it kinda slow down my item progress. Is there way to improve my vision score without buying too much control ward?

    submitted by /u/edisongg132
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    How to win a lost lane?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm an adc main who managed to make gold this year but unfortunately lost it mostly through losing a lane and not knowing how to recover. What is the best tips to help recover a lost lane? I understand playing safe and farming is a good strategy, and I've been working on my wave management, but what are the other ways to get back into a better position during a game you are fairly far behind in?

    submitted by /u/200_LQ
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    Sometimes it’s correct to flash away to avoid a terrible trade, not only because you’re going to die

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    Small thing that has improved my gameplay. It especially applies to solo lanes, and especially when you don't have teleport.

    Sometimes, when you find yourself in a bad trade, it is correct to flash prematurely away, even if you think you're going to survive. This does a few things: -It keeps you in lane. Your opponent doesn't get plates, you get CS and xp. Yay! -On some champs, it means you get to maintain kill threat on them by keeping your health high -Especially in low Elo, people don't think things through and will mindlessly flash after you - likely into your wave, making the trade worse for them.

    I do this particularly on champs like Irelia and Jayce, who both have a lot of kill potential on other champs AND can be killed by a lot of other champs. Say, for example, I'm playing Irelia; I go to E-Q in, but I miss my E and put my Q on cool down. Disaster. 4 stacks, no Q, I'm losing the fight. Flashing away means I get to stay in lane and get my cool downs back, meaning I get another chance to not mess up, AND I might get their flash for free, get them to chase me through a wave, etc. Doing this occasionally has really improved my top lane gameplay. I hope some of you find this useful.

    submitted by /u/Empedokles123
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    Seriously. How the hell am I supposed to beat Illaoi?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 09:46 PM PDT

    I hate Illaoi with every inch of my being but I cant bring myself to ban her because her playrate is so low. But every time I play against one, I have no idea what to do. I buy grevious wounds, I try to dodge her e, but she just pushes in the wave with her massive amounts of waveclear and e's me when I try to grab cs under tower. Then I either have to take half my health or give up waves of CS. If my jungler ganks, we both just die to her stupid ult. I always end up down 50 cs by the end of lane even if I manage not to die 5 times. How the hell are you supposed to beat this champion?

    submitted by /u/wasianpower
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    How do i play Twisted fate better?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    More specifically, the w feels so clunky. I know that there's a bunch of factors that go into which card is drawn first but it seems so random. Feels like it takes me a while to get the right card and sometimes it takes me a few rotations to pick the right one

    submitted by /u/Noodles_fluffy
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    How to win a game when the opponent is constantly putting pressure on the map?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    Here's a little insight on the game: I was velkoz mid I was fairly ahead and my team was doing good but we were really behind on towers since no one in my team was clearing their waves so tf and jax were constantly splitpushing getting our inhibs and more constantly while the rest of the team was doing objectives. We ended up getting baron and elder but my team wasn't forcing fights or doing anything to push. We were getting a lot of picks but ended up losing to tf backdooring the nexus.

    I have no idea what I couldve done cause if i was defending my team was gonna lose the team fights it pretty much came down to our shen not defending the base since he had both tp and ult but he was pretty bad. Still im curious how can I deal with this kind of playstyle where 1-2 enemies keep putting pressure by splitting while the team gets drakes and barons.

    submitted by /u/GodLordx
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    Help with Diana

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    So I've been playing for some days now and Diana was one of the champions I liked the most and she's my go to midlaner. So I want to learn playing her as much as possible, and YouTube doesn't have the most up to date guides so I figured I would ask around here.

    My main problems in the midlane are characters who disappear while using an ability like Zed or Master Yi since they can deal damage to me while I can't and I can't have no escape since my flash won't do much, also since I have no escape I tend to struggle with being ganked, if I get ganked I have nothing to do but Run away or die. Now while Ganking I also struggle while helping top lane because tanks like Garen and thresh can run away easily or tank all my bursts if they're above 50% or even kill me with their own bursts.

    Since I am still a beginner I don't give items and runes a lot of thought, I just buy what is recommended to me, And same with abilities, I mostly go Q then E then W and R whenever I can. Is that okay to do or should I be more involved in these ?

    Also I would like to know basic matchups, like who Diana counters and who counters Diana. And generally when I should pick Diana.

    Any guide of any kind would be helpful (but up to date) and any tips and tricks would be lovely although I should note that I know the basic Q W E combo and the triple E combo. Also I wouldn't mind learning about Diana in Top or in Jungle.

    submitted by /u/MRIT03
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    When/how should I use the summoner spell teleport?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    Lately, I have been playing a lot of top. I take teleport (because I saw that toplaners take it). I usually use it to get to lane and get cs if the enemy laner is ahead, but I heard I should use it in other instances, too. When should I use my teleport and when should I save it?

    submitted by /u/sceptile4llife
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    Struggling to find resources to learn jungling.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    Hey, I'm picking up the game again after years (last time I played league seriously was like 5-6 years ago).

    I wanna learn jungling and I know it's one of the hardest roles in the game, but I'm up to the challenge.

    However a concept as simple as jungle pathing seems overwhelming. What I understand so far :

    - Buff + Gromp / Krugs + any camp will grant you level 3, so that might be the core of any jungle path I guess ?

    - Machete junglers run more single-target camps, while Talisman junglers like to run AoE camps.

    - Rift Scuttler spawns at 3:15 and is extremely valuable and should be something to aim for at the end of an initial jungle route.

    But here's the struggle : understanding timings and decisions for a jungle route.

    - I don't really know if I should start red or blue. Bottom side offers a leash, but red also gives an healthier clear overall with burn damage and HP regeneration.

    - I don't have any idea what the opposing jungler is going to start either. So I don't really know if invading is worth considering if the opposing jungler just isn't there and cleared his camps. I know there's some kind of trick about warding the opponent's red buff, but I had a hard time pulling it off because there are just people standing there at game start.

    - I don't know if I should go 3 camps (2 buffs), 1 quadrant clear (1 buff) or just a full clear before ever moving to the river to either gank, invade or contest the Scuttler.

    - I don't understand the "sequencing" aspect of jungle farming, what do you do basically to optimize farming as a jungler.

    If you have any useful tips on these that would help me a lot, because right now my decision making is rather... on the fly and kinda random.

    Also (because that might change the way I play the game) my go-to junglers are Nidalee and Hecarim. I might also start playing Nocturne.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Taphel_
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    Dragon spawn and the Junglers who can 1v1 dragon

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    Hello, I am new in general and especially new to the Jungle role. As far as I know the dragon (or the drake?) spawns at 5th minute. I have a question regarding this.

    -Can junglers 1v1 a dragon as soon as it spawns? If yes, which one?
    -Can junglers 1v1 a dragon after doing a full clear + a scuttle, reset, buy items?
    -If none above is possible for some junglers, which ones need more items? Do they need at least 2 items?

    submitted by /u/TheProuDog
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    Playing as a Yuumi, what should I have done in this situation.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    I was playing with a Yone, Caitlin, Karthus, and Ivern. THe Yone was the hypercarry, so I afk stuck on him because he was the winning condition. We lost the game, so I want some insight.

    The Caitlyn and Ivern were 0/12 with some of the shittiest mechanics I have seen. The Karthus was brain dead in reaction time.

    So I afk on Yone because he was the beffiest, had 20 kills, and was our win condition.

    Thinking back at it, should I not AFK on Yone? The other members were incredibly squishy and was dying left and right. As a Yuumi, I am very vulnerable if the person I am attached to dies.

    submitted by /u/GlitteringTomas
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    Why am I such a terrible player, and how can I improve?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    I'm a silver II top laner, I actually just got demoted from silver I. I play mostly Garen, mord, and Shen. I unintentionally feed almost every game, and I really don't know how to fix it, it gets really frustrating. I'd love to improve and be able to hold myself in games, but unfortunately the only way I have any wins is because of my team mates getting fed and carrying me :/. As unhealthy as it is, I spend most of my free time playing league, and since I spend so much time on it and still underperform, it's starting to affect my mental health, and I would stop playing to prevent it from getting any worse, but there's always a chance to improve I think!

    But to get to the meat of the topic, I'm not too good at analysis but from what I can see, most of my feeding is due to playing overly aggressive, and taking fights that I think I can win but in reality, can't. And just behind that, I think the second most common cause is just simply getting outplayed, whether it's in a 1v1 or getting ganked. What are some things that could help me with this? Are there things I should take into account when trying to figure out if I can win a fight, that I'm likely missing? Also, should I be playing the champions I've picked? Or are there better options for me to learn and improve on? Thanks for your time! Anything is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Accorelli
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    Items on Senna ADC?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    Hey all, just picked up Senna and have been playing her with some success in ranked (Plat 1-2). I'm not sure how to itemize her though - on Probuilds, everyone seems to go different items on her. My problem is that I realize there may be different ways to build her, but I don't know when to build what item.

    In my games, I've gone Manamune>Black Cleaver>RFC>IE. I always just default to Black Cleaver as item #2 since it just seems like the most versatile choice. I see people go Ghostblade or Duskblade second item as well.

    Any Senna players (preferably Dia+) have any insight on how to itemize her? What's your thought process when building items? How does each different item you build affect the way you play her?

    If anyone knows of a relatively up-to-date high elo Senna ADC guide, whether in video or written form, that would be super helpful.

    Thanks a bunch!

    submitted by /u/mmmsocreamy
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    How to know that I've improved in league?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    So I started playing league about the beginning of season 9 and have been trying to improve since then. This season I have climbed from iron 4 to bronze 1. From an item/rune building standpoint and understanding what every champ does I believe I've improved drastically. The thing is, I have no idea if I'm actually better at the game mechanically or not and I'm not sure how to tell...

    submitted by /u/kaizrblade10
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    How to ward?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    Hey guys recently started playing ( level 19 ) first account playing only support really and wondering how to effectively ward? I know it's a broad question just need help on understanding the intricacies of it all. It's abit overwhelming.

    Happy to post opgg link if that helps. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/JayWolf06
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