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    Thursday, January 28, 2021

    LoL Guide Where does Zed appear after his ult? Where do enemies appear after a teleport?

    LoL Guide Where does Zed appear after his ult? Where do enemies appear after a teleport?

    Where does Zed appear after his ult? Where do enemies appear after a teleport?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:46 PM PST

    I'm having trouble understanding where enemies appear after their skills:

    When Zed ults an enemy, where does he land? I imagine its the same place every single cast.

    Where will enemies or allies appear after teleporting to a minion? To a turret? Do they appear behind and to the left or behind and to the right?

    Understanding this will help me place proper skills either to attack or defend players as a support.

    submitted by /u/Apprehensive-Star-13
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    Do you change your playstyle to fit whatever elo you're currently playing in?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:13 PM PST

    I didn't play the game for a while but after placements this year I ended up in low silver. I've been to plat before and found it super confusing when I pretty much had a 50% winrate. I found that the problem is that I need to play ''worse'' to win games. Games where I counterpicked a match up, froze the lane and denied cs, focused on objectives and staying close to 9 cs/min, played to our scaling comp or something else like that were still a coinflip win or loss.

    Then I decided to play it differently. Instead of TF mid with phase rush and ghost I went electrocute + ignite. Ignored minion waves (hurts) to just roam and roam. No one checks the map or cares about the ult cooldown. Every ult is a guaranteed kill.

    Phase Rush Vladimir top? No what apparently works is ignite electrocute. Because after the first death enemy Riven instantly fight me again. Backing to play it safe and scale by farming now? No I can just push for the enemy turret. And then the next turret. Because the enemy teams other players doesn't come to help. All they do it sit in their own lanes and flame the Riven.

    I really dislike these fiesta games. No matter what lane or champion you play, just pick ignite and go balls to the wall from minute 1 and you'll probably win the game. The enemy will just keep picking fights with you even though you're 4 levels ahead and probably 4k gold as well.

    And what takes the fun out of the game is that gridining up to platinum again will probably take ~100 hours or something.

    submitted by /u/Regula96
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    How to play Bruisers? (especially Darius and Mordekaiser)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 11:00 AM PST

    Ok there are a lot of questions.

    I have been playing top lane with relative success now, and I can play not a small amout of champs, maining Illaoi, Yorick, wanting to main Shen next and I play a bit of Sett and Ornn, hell, I even played Vayne and Quinn with some success despite not wanting to admit it, but for some reason I just wasn't able to do well with Darius and Mordekaiser, the supposedly very strong picks.

    I feel so weak in lane and feel like I am constantly poked out by the opponent while not really able to poke back to then, which is weird because when I am laning against a Darius or a Mordekaiser, they do stupid amount of damage.

    I don't do worse cs then them, so it doesn't feel like there is that much of a gold/item difference. I build Conqueror for both of them following the most popular build and items. Am I overestimating their power or are are they not as oppressive as I thought they are? I need some pointers about them.

    Like when to actually pop ghost and run the enemy top laner down, because when they do it lvl 3, I die, but when I do it, they just run away to safety. Is there a specific combo that they are doing, or am I just too afraid of the tower(which lead to questions about tower dives)? Also, I have had games a big cs lead with Darius and I still feel like I can't do anything. Is Stridebreaker really that good? It feels kinda jank especially when all my other champs don't use it. Is there any other items that also do ok? Do I still go in of I missed my hook?

    Same goes with Mordekaiser. I understand him more than Darius, with the combos and stuff like auto Q auto and such, but it feels like I all I do is to poke but not kill. Also, I build Riftmaker and Demonic Embrace and such, which gives me health as well as ap but is Mord supposed to be kind of squishy? Also, I feel like 30% of the time, putting someone in the death realm is screwing over myself.

    So yeah, this is more like a "hmm thats weird" instead of a "Ah I do this instead of this" moment when I play these champs. Maybe because all I used to play are face-tankers and not actual bruisers like them but I am not sure.

    submitted by /u/blackcolorsifi
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    How to determine if your main is good for improving (Or how to find one)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:11 PM PST

    If you're aiming to reach high elo, then you need to get better. And if your goal is to get better, you need to be playing a champion that will help you with that goal.

    To tell you the truth, its possible to improve and climb with any champ in the game, but some champs are better for this than others. I'm sure you've heard people say that if you want to get better, you should just become an Annie or Malphite OTP but lets be real, no one wants to go that far just for a bit of elo.

    So I've made a quick little video guide that goes through the characteristics of what makes a champ good for climbing/improving, so you can main a champ that you actually enjoy, while still improving.

    Here's the guide

    This is also the third episode of a series I'm making called 'League Lab' that will teach you the fundamentals of the game to help you reach Diamond. Any feedback is appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/Businesskong
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    Are Energized items still viable?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 11:22 AM PST

    Before, I used to build full Energized kit and it was great. But now with the item update, there seems to be no reason to buy Energized item anymore.

    Before season 11, it used to give great aoe bust damage and slow. But now, it lost the aoe from SS and RF no longer increases charge generation rate, and lost 1/3 of the damage. So you end up getting just a one-a-combat 240 single target damage bonus. And without the aoe you can't really farm either. You can build Runaan but then again there are other items that synergize with it so why bother with Energized items.

    With so many other options for either damage or teamfight utilities, there's really no point in building RF and Stormrazor unless you're stomping hard, or you are Jhin.

    submitted by /u/hsm4ever10
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    Avoiding/dealing with tilt

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 02:28 PM PST

    I have been an ADC main for some time now. I took a long break for a few years between s7 and s9.

    My question is, how do you guys deal with tilt? Moreso I guess to other AD mains. I see supports constantly miss cc and it just eats at me every time. I'm not a naturally angry person so I'm not even sure why I get annoyed by it but I'm 100% certain it's affecting my play.

    I've tried muting all but every time I see a support miss a skillshot (consistently, and not every now and then).

    Any help on feeling less toxic would be brilliant.

    submitted by /u/Tonyladas
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    How can you climb without having a main?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:58 PM PST

    Maining a champion is the best way to climb through the ranks. This is, because once you understand champion's micro fully, you can just focus on macro and you learn stuff way quicker. You also know how to play every matchup and it is just the best way to climb.

    But for me and probably many others there is the issue, where after I play a champion for a certain amount of time, it just becomes very boring to play and thus I often switch playing champions.

    For example, I'm a mid main, and in my last 20 ranked matches, I have played 7 different champions (Galio, Fizz, Yone, Sett, Riven, Pyke and LeBlanc), because for me, the variety makes the game far more enjoyable and one tricking a champion takes that variety away.

    So is there a way to climb without actually maining a champion?

    Edit: Reading through your comments, and there's a lot of good advice out there. Here is my personal plan to fix this issue I'm having and I'll maybe update it in about a month to tell my experience for others who have the same issue:

    I am lvl 100, but I often play normals with friends who are around lvl 30, so I usually just pick a random champion there depending on how I'm feeling, but I think I'll try to stick more to a champion pool of 3 or 4 champions. I'm thinking of Galio, Yone, Pyke and LeBlanc to get a good variety of playstyles, while still getting to know a lot of matchups and micro details. I also think this pool great because they all counterpick different champions because of their playstyles and it still brings a lot of variety in my games. Thanks for helping out!

    You can of course apply this to any role. Let's say you are a support main, you can create a champion pool existing of Thresh (Engage), Bard (Roams), Nami (Enchanter) and Pyke (Hypercarry). Just make sure you mix different playstyles in and you're good to go.

    submitted by /u/DarkDjool
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    How to lane against a Yasuo?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:05 AM PST

    Hello Summoners, I started playing midlane a lot and I love it! I will admit I am not entirely confident in certain matchups. The worst ones are Yasuo and Fizz. I usually always ban Fizz - as i find them in my elo (silver) to roam a lot more and snowball. Yasuo usually stays in the midlane.

    Yet I can almost NEVER beat him. I play Qiyana and Zed mostly but I can also play Orianna and Ziggs. I can often not int towards him, sure. I can Q farm and survive, even kill him once or twice but he always just gets free farm for that and I am pinned to defend my turret.

    How do I deal with him?

    submitted by /u/BreadGotten
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    Is it bad to kill jungles if i'm not the jungler?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 07:22 AM PST

    The question is: is it forbidden for any other players except for the jungler to do/"steal" jungle camps? And i mean your sides jungles not the enemy ones that's obvious. My jungler always complains and whines about other stealing the jungles even if he's fed, and i'm not talking about early game when it's okay to say that, but mid or late game. Are there any situations when it's okay to share jungles with others? In my opinion jungles are like lanes more or less, so once you don't play the lane phase anymore and join others in other lanes and eventually farm there, it would be the same thing with jungles. Am i right? Wrong? Pls give some suggestions

    submitted by /u/WakozType
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    Evelynn Troubles

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 02:04 PM PST

    So I'm like summoner lvl 31 with a m7 on lux. Evelynn is really fun to play but is quite different from lux, with no cc or anything. I've managed to learn her pretty well. I could be like 5/0 in the beginning if I do good enough, help some laners, get a drake, and then still loose the game. I literally loose every Evelynn game it feels, no matter what my kda is or how many items I have. It's like a 10-20% win rate and it's bad. I can't carry the laners like some more experienced players can, but how can I make sure we get closer to winning. When your playing jungle, how do I have a little more control over what happens. I could have a great beginning but by the time it's mid game and laning phase is over, I'll die like 8 times if my team isn't ahead. I've tried other junglers like Lillian and still have the same type of results.

    submitted by /u/honeymintyx
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    Tips on Map and Gameflow Awareness?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:30 AM PST

    Hi All,

    I'm new af to MOBAs so Plastic V rank question incoming: I can handle myself in lane, but how do I get good at keeping an eye on the overall gameflow?

    How often should I be looking at my minimap? What game cues should I be keeping an ear or an eye out for? How do you keep track of their jungler, or know when to wander yourself? What's the optimal opportunity to take neutral objectives and, conversely, what reads do you make to assume the enemy team is going to try and take them?

    I come from competitive FPS games, which as a genre at least allows you some semblance of forgiveness if you target only one thing at any given time, so I tend to tunnel in to timing my LH for farm (harder than it looks to do it efficiently for someone so new). Before I know it, our midlane is getting collapsed on beside our bottom buff by their jungler and their top laner. By the time I rotate it's a 2v4 with their ganks being successful.

    submitted by /u/TheSkrillanator
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    How do I deal with Yasuo???

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:32 PM PST

    Im in Silver and Im struggling very much against certain Yasuo players. I mainly play viktor and Twisted Fate. Yasuo just constantly keeps using his e to dash around shove in the wave and I cant even trade because he just keeps dashing and when I step too far foward he chunks me for half HP. Playing Viktor against him is especially hard early game because he is weak early. Yasuo ends up getting 9 cs per min and my tier one tower and then the game just snowballs. I read somewhere that im supposed to let him shove the wave so that he has no enemy minions behind him to use his e with. is this true??? What am I supposed to do?

    submitted by /u/Sageweeb101
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    How do I influence botlane from top?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 10:15 AM PST

    Hi, I'm currently in low gold, Playing mainly top, my secondary is now mid. I play Fiora, Irelia and Yone (used to play Akali but she's shit now..) The question is: How can I influence my botlane so they don't feed their asses off. I noticed that in my recent games, I won majority of lanes and my bot lane usually fed. I know that this could be just unluck, but what I could be doing wrong and what I can do better?

    submitted by /u/Truepeak
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    Feeling totally lost in the new season. Please Help

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:51 PM PST

    So I checked the rules and the megathreads and I am pretty sure this should be a standalone thread, please let me know if I should put it somewhere else.

    So I have played league consistently but casually over the years and finally felt like in the last year or two I understood the game. I was at a point where I didn't just rely on the guides and felt confident enough in my role to adjust both runes and builds because of match up and was seeing an increased level of success.

    Every year, preseason added a new wrinkle and a bit of relearning as well as a new facet of the game to learn and that was great, I really felt like it was keeping the game fresh and fun while not forcing me to start over.

    My Job and life situation meant that I have had almost no play time since preseason started but am now getting back to a place where I will be able to play but I feel like all my game knowledge is gone. The item changes have altered things so fundamentally I have no idea what to build or what runes to take, and it feels like everything is the same all the time. I don't know if that is just my ignorance.

    I could use some help. Are there any guides I can read about how to think about or learn these new items? Is it always right to build the mythic first? How do I get back into the game? Do the new items feel this game changing and alienating to everyone or just me? I am finding myself bouncing off the barrier to entry which is weird after having played a couple thousand games between all modes (over the years, not this season). Please help

    submitted by /u/Mtgfollow
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    Soloq vs, duoq

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:09 PM PST

    Would you say you learn and improve more from playing soloq, duoq or is it the same? Personally I'd like to think that I learn more from duoqing, since me and my duoq partner can help eachother point out eachothers mistakes, but also teach eachother things. Let's say one of us is really good at crowd control, then that person would be able to teach the other person, while in game. This results in "learning by doing" which I'd say probably is one of the most effective ways to learn new stuff. What is your guys' opinion on the matter?

    submitted by /u/L_Schultz
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    what an adc should do if he win the lane and get the turret? (in ideal world)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 08:19 AM PST

    I think that the idea is that you swap with top laner and get top turret because if you won adc+sup bot vs adc+sup bot you can win adc+sup top vs adc+sup top.

    but what if enemy top laner stay top? i don't think i can kill enemy toplaner even with my support.

    what usually happens is that enemy adc+sup stay bot and push fast so that someone have to go there to stop them.

    if i go in mid they follow so it becomes "aram" 3vs3 and even if i won lane i just can't take their tower if they sit under their tower defending it.

    same question is when i play mid but i usually play mid and as midlaner i have easier time figuring out what to do.

    when i play adc i have no idea what is the best case for me as a winner or me as loser adc.

    submitted by /u/aluxmain
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    Keep going on win/loss streaks, how do I stop the next loss streak?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 10:13 AM PST


    If you look at my last 30 games, it's just win/loss streaks. Based on the pattern I'll win my next 2 games then lose 3-4 lol. Idk what I can do about this to hopefully just win more games. The loss streak I just went on... all 4 games felt unwinnable. Got hard inted by the same top/jg duo twice in a row, had a 0-11 jungle that was constantly fighting with mid and then the 100% kp elise game which just doesnt need explaining.

    submitted by /u/zodiacez
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    Adc looking to improve

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:57 PM PST


    This was an ashe game that went really well, managed to get s. But I was wondering, what could I have improved? Any advice is greatly appreciated :D

    PS: this was a G3-G2 game.

    submitted by /u/spressocake
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    Question regarding tp usage?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:31 AM PST

    First, a short summary of the situation:
    -Soloq, so no good communication
    -Pre min 14, platings still up
    -We are behind 4k Gold
    -I Freezing the wave just short of my first tower
    -I play Vlad vs Ire, farm is even, both 0/0
    -She has finished Bork, im sitting on boots and Component items.
    -Both tps are up, team wants to do drake.

    If i dont tp, my team looses the 4v4 and drake.

    If i tp first, irelia will follow, and since shes way stronger im pretty sure we will loose the fight.

    If she doesnt follow, she gets 3 platings and 2 free waves, if i die in the drake fight maybe even the whole turret, resulting in her snowballing hard.

    If she tps and i dont, my team is 4v5 and looses 100%.

    I decided to ping my team away because the chance we win this are pretty slim imo.
    My team decided to fight, Ire tped, i didnt. My team managed to still get drake somehow but all died in the process.

    I think my decision to stay top and farm was the right one, since the chance that we would have lost anyways seemed pretty high.

    But if i think im always right im never gonna improve.
    So, what is the right thing to do in situations like this.

    Do i tp if my team calls for it (regardeless of situation), even if i think its a horrible call?
    I know its a teamgame, but it feels like you have to play egocentric in soloq most of the times.

    submitted by /u/dododome01
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    How do you play against Kayle top?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:24 AM PST

    I was playing a melee champion against Kayle top. Pre-6, I made sure to freeze and make sure I have the cs lead. Neither jungler ever ganked the lane. Kayle, after reaching level 6, gaining her passive, was able to zone me off of farm for the rest of laning phase. I wasn't able to engage on her because she would ult and kill me. I tried to build magic resistance, but it did not help with the damage. When I jumped on her, she'd w and q and easily walk away. And after this, the game was already over because my team fed, but how do I deal with her in lane?

    submitted by /u/Chynv
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    How to imrpove after 1 month break and get skill back ? with only 3-4 hours a day

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 10:52 AM PST

    So the last season i ended up being plat 4 (reached plat 3 at preseason) and took a break for 1 month because mental issues that the game has caused me. I stopped completly no videos no nothing about it for 1 month . Now that im better mentally i decided to go back into the game but my skills are kinda gone not fully i still play as plat player or gold but i've forgotten stuff for example before when i matched vs diamond player i've beaten him on lane and kinda carried the game now i can't even beat a gold player. Before i played the game nonestop all the day , everyday now i play like 2 or 3 maximum cause i have others thing in life that was one of the main issues to quit. So any tips to return back my skills and improve my goal is to reach diamond but not nolifing over the game all the day and ruining it , but through effecient pratice

    submitted by /u/teddo23
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    Does changing the Resolution in the Graphics settings change the size of Champions ingame?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:54 PM PST

    If I change my video settings, will that also change the view ingame?

    If these settings change how much of the play field I see, or if the size of the champions change, then maybe landing skill shots will be easier on lower resolutions? or spotting enemies at a distance will be quicker on higher resolutions?

    submitted by /u/Apprehensive-Star-13
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    Why cant i win?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:38 PM PST

    My win is the same % that herobrine spawns in my minecraft world

    Last season i had 54% winrate with 1200 match ( gold :) ) because i tried to climb as fast as possible because i had friends who got plat and i wanted to be in plat too because i knew im good enough to get plat 4.

    On mid: I try to win but my teammates wants to lose the game etc even when i start with 2 kills they want to ff after 5 min because they die. I roam whole game too, but when i back or push the wave on mid they die ( or when i go roam from base ). I join almost every fight early game with kata and it works

    Example: I roam bot after cannon wave ( enemy jungler is on bot ) i get a triple i have a lead i take the wave, i roam bot again i check the scoreboard our top is level 5 ( i'm level 6 ) enemy top is level 7 and my top is already 0/2 then when i roam top we both die. I stop roaming top and try to kill enemy bot lane ( or try to give kills to my bot ) Enemy top keeps leveling and getting more fed and then all i see is that im level 14 enemy top is 15 or 16 my teammates are 12 and 11 ( I tell them that we can win if we scale but they keep forcing fights )

    In jungle: Whenever i gank my teammates push the lane when i tell them to don't push, don't scare ( sometimes when it works we mostly win. When i get 5 kills early on eve it's like a free win but we still lose. I camp their jungle, camp bot, camp top, take heralds when im fed but i can't because enemy jungler is running lane to lane getting kills even when i ping them to back, or tell them that enemy jungler gonna babysit them they dont listen to me and push then die back to back.

    They are just saying jg diff because they push the wave then die when i tell them that they gonna get ganked or i ping them.

    Example: There is a DH kayn i tell bot that he is gonna babysit them my bot pushes it i can't gank enemy kayn ganks and it happens a few more times.

    my op.gg https://eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=Criixy

    I used to have a 54% winrate in last season. Somehow i managed to climb to gold 1 80 lp then lost myself to gold 2 20 lp

    submitted by /u/Criixy
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    Wave management botlane (Low Gold)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 02:41 AM PST

    Recently when i came to the subreddit my first question was: "What's my purpose as a marksman''
    To which most replies were: "Farm up through out the game, Group up to put your DPS down on important objective such as dragon, Towers and barons'' So i thought maybe a good first place to begin was learning how to controll waves and ow boy was i not prepared for the headache incoming for the next couple of weeks.

    So far this is what i learned:
    *You can push your wave under the enemy tower to create a slow push towards your own, Or you can lead minions towards a bush to have them stop near the enemy tower. If the minion wave have equal amounts of minions it will always push towards the longest end of the lane.
    *You can freeze a lane by holding a +4 minion advantage near your tower. Could be more but any less and it will eventually push back.
    *If you have your lane freezed this allows you to stay save from enemy ganks and force your oponent to risk their important spells for CS or to correct the wave. It also opens them up for ganks. Even if they ward if the're standing this close to your tower it's hard to escape a gank.

    Here's what goes wrong:
    *Relic shield support killing half hp Cannon,
    *A good freeze destroyed by the support to use their relic.
    *Enemy laners are too agressive to fight off the frozen lane.
    *After a succesfull gank the mindset between me and the support differ too much (While lane is frozen). I want to slow push the wave. Stack about 2 or 2.5 minion wave and then back. Support wants to hard shove and emidiatly base.

    I for sure wasn't prepared for how difficult minion management can be already on its own. I've been practicing in the training tool now for a couple of days for a hour on average. When i wanted to put my new knoweledge of the game to the test i was blown away by the amount of things that could and went wrong. I'm not blaming anybody for what went wrong but this is a great oppertunity to look at myself and improve on this department.

    My question now is what can I do (As a solo queue ADC) to get on the same mindset as my support. Should i change my playstyle to fit that of the support? Should i stop focusing on wave management and focus more on making kills/plays? Or should i continue improving my wave management skills? As an ADC main that primarily plays low ranged ADC (Kai'Sa/Samira) is wave management the main thing i should focus on?

    Please any help will be greatly appreciated. I am right now at a dead end and i am just not sure what to do. I can not control which support i get however i can control my own playstyle/Decision making and i really think i am looking into the right direction of improving out of my low Gold Elo. Thanks for any advice in advancement.

    submitted by /u/Denzelrealm
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    Advice for new players

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:36 PM PST

    Hi guys. I find farming is very hard in bot especially for a new player (lv. 22) like me. I find myself under a lot of pressure while farming or taking trades and it ends up losing lane every game. What should I do? Some players advised me to start top because it is easy to learn farming and trading. So what do you think? What lane should I start to learn the game?

    submitted by /u/Blood_Born11
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