LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: October |
- Champion Pool Megathread: October
- How do I turn early advantages into lane wins and game wins
- How to bully in lane as Lucian?
- What is more impactful for solo que climbing, a strong "carry" support or an adc?
- How do I play vs Illaoi as Nasus?
- How to transition from support to a solo lane?
- Helping someone to get into league.
- this is how i lane, can i improve it?
- Has coaching helped you, and if so, what kind of coaching? (hardstuck bronze jungler)
- As a Top laner, how do I improve at tracking the enemy jungler?
- Decision making [In game]
- Champion Discussion of the Day: Vayne
- How to deal with draven?
- I don't think I understand trading efficiently as an ADC
- What to expect when aiming to get better
- Agency of Adcs
- How do you deal with talon?
- how can i improve my damage to champions in the jungle without losing out on farm?
- Is it possible to get to gold without "skill" but tactical/strategical knowledge?
- How do I trade effectively
- How do I practice macro related concepts in an actual game?
- ARAM or Casual games to learn?
- What can i do as a jungle when all lanes are losing?
- I don't know which fights to take / don't know when the power spikes are.
- Warding with Aphromoo
Champion Pool Megathread: October Posted: 01 Oct 2019 04:36 AM PDT If you need help with your champion pool, feel free to comment in this thread. Be sure to help out others by answering questions as well! There have always been lots of posts on /r/summonerschool asking for help with champion pools. Many of these posts amount to nothing more than "What champion will carry me?" while others are more detailed, such as "I am good at __this__, what should I play if I want to do __that__?" Ultimately, the only champion that can carry you is the one you are good at, and you get good by practicing. But some people have more success with some play styles than others. If you can't figure out your strengths and weaknesses, look no farther! If you have any questions about rounding out your champion pool or identifying your strengths and weaknesses, post a question! Feel free to include your summoner profile if you wish. Remember that the more detailed questions will get more fulfilling answers. Here are some guidelines for posting in this thread. You don't have to answer these questions, these are just for you to think about. Instead of just saying what champions you play, consider telling us:
Also be sure to check out websites like and to add some statistical basis to your judgements. Have you thought deeply about your champion pool? Still can't figure it out? Great! We are here to help. Comment below and let us know what you're thinking. [link] [comments] |
How do I turn early advantages into lane wins and game wins Posted: 17 Oct 2019 06:13 AM PDT I normally destroy my opponent level 2/3 as Camille because they underestimate her trade/ burst potential at low elo but towards level 6 I stop being able to easily trade. I am usually able to win lane but struggle more than I should and am never able to get fed unless my opponent is Abysmal but feed during team fights. When I catch people off I usually kill them but when people are grouped I can't do anything. Any tips? Silver 3 btw [link] [comments] |
How to bully in lane as Lucian? Posted: 17 Oct 2019 02:39 PM PDT I'm plat 4, not really a starter, I know how to play the game and I win lane more often than I lose lane. but I keep hearing people refer to Lucian as the "lane bully", and I don't understand how can I effectively bully my opponents in lane. I'm trying to chunk the enemy adc out whenever I can, but for some reason I can't transition it into a health lead - it's either not enough damage or too risky and I get out-traded. How can I Improve on that? I know winning lane as Lucian is critical. [link] [comments] |
What is more impactful for solo que climbing, a strong "carry" support or an adc? Posted: 17 Oct 2019 06:48 AM PDT I'm curious what ya'll's thoughts were on this. As an adc, a bad support can cripple you; you can play around it, but it's obviously a hard mountain to climb. Conversely as a carry support you increase the likelihood your adc can get ahead, team vision becomes better and you are a relevant threat. But obviously you are gold starved and not at potential. If these were your main two roles to climb with, which would you prefer? [link] [comments] |
How do I play vs Illaoi as Nasus? Posted: 17 Oct 2019 05:55 PM PDT I'm terrible against Illaoi. I lose every laning phase against her. Especially when I play Nasus. My team always flames me and tells me that Nasus counters Illaoi but noone tells me how to beat her. I know to farm stacks off the tentacles and just farm under tower but she always out pokes me and eventually dives me behind the tower when i try to go b. [link] [comments] |
How to transition from support to a solo lane? Posted: 17 Oct 2019 05:09 PM PDT I'm a support main, around low Gold elo probably (I don't play ranked, but I seem to get matched with people around gold/plat when I solo queue, so I'm sort of just assuming). I like playmaking supports - Thresh, Morg, Pyke, and Rakan are my most played champions. I enjoy playing aggressively and asserting myself in lane, and I've cultivated a pretty decent feel for when I can go in, when I can trade, and how bot lane power spikes work. However, I'd like to branch out, just to have a second role to play, and I settled on playing mid. I enjoy pretty much everything from assassins to control mages, but that's besides the point. When I play support, I'm very comfortable with the rhythm of the lane, when I can press and when I need to be patient. In mid lane, I don't have that luxury, because I'm thinking about other things like CS and watching the map for roams and ganks. I find myself playing extremely safe and giving up CS/pressure/priority for free, so I end up down 30cs and farming under my tower while the enemy assassin roams free. What's the best way to get used to the cadence and trade patterns of mid lane? How do I stop playing so scared? Should I aggressively and see what happens? [link] [comments] |
Helping someone to get into league. Posted: 17 Oct 2019 04:53 PM PDT Hi. I started playing League this summer and am currently lvl 44 playing mainly adc's. I recently got a friend to play the game too but she's struggling to play a throughout constant game. What are the most basic/beginner tips I can give to her? Thank you all in advance. [link] [comments] |
this is how i lane, can i improve it? Posted: 17 Oct 2019 05:27 AM PDT let's say i riven against darius, i know he is an early champ, i try safe farm, letting him constantly pushing wave, level 3 i start trading : i look at the map, warwick is bot or ganking mid, i wait for darius to use q, e or any ability on farm, and i insta trade (prob kill him there with ignite), then push wave so what i used is : wave control, checking jgl path, kind of baiting abilities. what else can i do, i see challengers like tf blade getting like 15kills in 10min when smurfing and i get around 4-6max in 10min, how can i lane better? [link] [comments] |
Has coaching helped you, and if so, what kind of coaching? (hardstuck bronze jungler) Posted: 17 Oct 2019 07:33 PM PDT Hey all, Did coaching ever help you make a breakthrough? I started the season at Iron 3 and have made it only to Bronze 1; it doesn't feel like I'll be going any higher this season, not just because of the LP level-off, but because I'm feeling more than a little helpless in many of my games. Something's wrong with my macro and strategic thinking: I feel like I'm never in the right place at the right time, never snowballing my winning lane (if I have one) to take pressure off the inevitable disaster in one or both of the others, never in a position to set up and win team fights. And my opponents are frequently not very good, so the problem's all me. Is a coaching session the kind of thing that can take one out of a bad macro rut? I'd like to make it out of bronze, I want to be useful and not feed when I group queue with gold-elo friends, and shit, I'd like to be able to pick up the carry backpack when necessary. What have your experiences been with coaching - whom, how, what benefit? Is it ever like a whole new perspective? And who (in the jungle) is good with crap players? TY, Gnomon [link] [comments] |
As a Top laner, how do I improve at tracking the enemy jungler? Posted: 17 Oct 2019 03:41 PM PDT Hi summoner school. I just want to get the basic idea of how to know how a jungler will path. I usually play Jax so I'm somewhat easy to gank. I can lane fine in most matchups but end up dying if I solo kill a laner from staying too long misuse of early wards. I usually want to push the lane in after a kill but the jungler is almost always there. What can I do about this? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 17 Oct 2019 01:14 PM PDT So i just got into ranked play. I am still trying to learn the macro play of League of Legends, and am afraid that my judgement is off sometimes. I just had a game where i was matched up as a bronze 1 with an iron 2 jungle. I don't blame him for losing the game, but it did have an impact. Now the situation start near the late game. Our support, ADC and jungle get collapsed on by the enemy team near the second bot turret. At that moment i was splitting top. Now my judgement was that me, Talon, had no way of defending base by myself with a squichy tristana top, so i decided to trade one turret back (second top turret). After the game that tristana flamed me for it, even though i thought i was right. Is this the good decision? How do you make the right call in these situations? I am kind of struggling with that aspect of the game. match stats: I've seen people request replays, i would be welcome to post them, but dont know how. [link] [comments] |
Champion Discussion of the Day: Vayne Posted: 17 Oct 2019 01:46 PM PDT Champion subreddit: r/vaynemains Primarily played as: ADC What role does she play in a team composition? What are the core items to be built on her? What is the order of leveling up the skills? What are her spikes in terms of items or levels? What are the most optimal rune/mastery setups? What champions does she synergize well with? What is the counterplay against her? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 17 Oct 2019 02:36 PM PDT I'm around plat 3 rank and it's so frustrating to deal with draven. I play a few different adcs and they all feel completely useless vs him: jinx, Caitlyn, xayah, Ashe. I legitimately don't know how to deal with him. If I play completely pacifist vs him he just cashes In a huge gold pile midgame and if I try to lane at all vs him I just get destroyed. I feel so helpless just sitting under tower waiting for my team to do something around the map. [link] [comments] |
I don't think I understand trading efficiently as an ADC Posted: 17 Oct 2019 12:46 PM PDT And I play Caitlyn... My biggest issue is every time I go to trade, obviously I get hit back too, but I always seem to get the worst of trades to the point where I'm afraid to trade at all because I end up taking multiple hits from both the enemy ADC and support. I know I have the most range as Caitlyn, but I'm at the point where I don't think I fully understand how to utilize her range efficiently. Any tips at all for me to get better at this or rules of thumb I should follow? [link] [comments] |
What to expect when aiming to get better Posted: 17 Oct 2019 04:15 PM PDT Salutations fellow summoners! I really want to hit diamond, In fact i have really been putting alot of elbow grease into it recently. I hit plat a while back but feel really stuck. What are the things i should be expecting going forward? is getting diamond a high enough goal to warrant a coach for example, and if so what sort of coach and of what quality? other things aswell such as a reasonable timeframe to work with. Any and all advice is deeply appreciated! Sincerely, CheeetahJenkins [link] [comments] |
Posted: 17 Oct 2019 09:17 AM PDT Hey SS, I've been picking up League after a big break and I'm mainly playing for fun. Which means I'm playing new Champs and new roles. I'm not even playing ranked. Doesn't mean I'm not aiming to perform and learn. I've been playing botlane recently, Jhin, Ashe, Ezreal, Varus the ones I have fun on. I honestly have decent mechanics and am rarely miscalculating damage or getting stupidly ganked. However, I feel like I have absolutely no impact and most importantly no agency. If I get turret fb or am one, I aim to swap mid or do a neutral obj. If mid/jungle don't roll with it, I can't play. Even as a fed adc, I can't lane without the safety of tower. If my support dies in lane and I don't, I often feel that I have no way of staying even in lane by my own. The overall feeling is that of all roles I can't make any call due to lack of engagement/zoning tools, and I always feel late to plays because of how extra cautious I must be by taking long routes and such. As soon as the landing phase is over, I often don't see my support again. How do you adc mains manage to take over games or dictate the pace of a game, fed or not? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 17 Oct 2019 07:18 PM PDT How do you deal with talon? He has good waveclear, he just shoves all the minion under my turret and then roams. Gets all my teammates behind, and if I try to get him with my jungler, he just jumps over walls. Pinging mia doesn't work because I'm in low elo... Every time he's in my game, my team just gets tilted. Not sure what to do [link] [comments] |
how can i improve my damage to champions in the jungle without losing out on farm? Posted: 17 Oct 2019 07:05 PM PDT i'm a s4 jungle main (xin zhao, j4, sej, kindred, and evelyn are my go-tos) and while my farm hangs at around 6/min (where my coach said is good for junglers but i still would like to improve), my damage to champions is always stupid low. i get early ganks off really well and i am very objective-driven, but i don't know what else i can be looking for to bring up my damage. myself and my team look to avoid fights when there is nothing to fight over, but even then, i'm usually hanging at around 6-12k damage for an average game where my teammates (-support) hit 20-30k easy. does anyone have any tips for fixing this? [link] [comments] |
Is it possible to get to gold without "skill" but tactical/strategical knowledge? Posted: 17 Oct 2019 06:26 AM PDT First of all: you'll just have to trust me with the given data, since my history is just full with normal, casual games with friends. I'm playing league since the end of season 2, but rarely play ranked because getting below gold is worthless to me since you dont get the victorious skin (only motivation for me to play ranked). So far i already tried 3 times to get to gold, only with skill though and no strategical/tactical knowledge/thinking. I did not really succed, but also gave up after a few games. I usualy got initaly to silver II. Now that I'm older I definitely lack skills like very fast reflexes or "outplays". Sadly I don't really know how to describe my lack of skill. Luckily, as you probably already guessed, my tactical/strategical senses got a lot better. Like 1000 times better. My question now: Is it possible to get to gold with this set of tools, especialy with not a lot of games needed. Eventualy im pretty sure i could get to gold. Some info: I can play every lane exceot for top, and I play many chanos rather than "one tricking" only some. I use this by picking champion counters agains the enmy laner rather than just picking my main. Technicaly the lane im best wmis bot, with smy support game being stronger than adc. I probably forgot a lot of info necessary, so just ask right away, if any piece of info is required to answer/assist me. EDIT: typo and additional info [link] [comments] |
Posted: 17 Oct 2019 12:50 PM PDT This is specifically for top lane, but any advice on other lanes that may carry over would be appreciated. I find I tend towards late-game champs because my early dualing is really bad, even in trades I know I should be able to win (perhaps on Renekton, for arguments sake). I know the combos I should use, but I still always end up taking more damage than the enemy laner. I check the minion wave, and it's always, at the worst, even. I don't get ganked, and I typically have this problem before either of us have reached the point of a first back, when items would matter more... any ideas? [link] [comments] |
How do I practice macro related concepts in an actual game? Posted: 17 Oct 2019 06:00 PM PDT Atm, I'm following the league pyramid and trying to improve my farming. I've taken a ton of notes and want to start practicing some of the concepts that I've written down but how do I do that exactly? Lets use the notes I've written down as an example:
How do I go about practicing something like this? I feel like this isn't really something that would be worth practicing in an actual game since it's super easy to do and would be a waste of time. Here's another example:
Again, how am I supposed to practice this? Hard shoving a wave is by no means a hard concept or a hard thing to do in game. I can literally go into the practice tool and do this no sweat. How do I get better at these concepts since most of this stuff are things that you have to remember to do and is more Macro related than Micro. Here's the full list of notes if you're interested. [link] [comments] |
ARAM or Casual games to learn? Posted: 17 Oct 2019 09:00 AM PDT I'm coming from other MOBAs (AoV) and trying my best to learn the game, champs, pace, etc. After playing some casuals I realize I'm struggling in lane with just not knowing what some champs do when I'm against them so I end up falling into spots and getting caught out and killed. Is it more worthwhile to play ARAM to get a better knowledge of the champs or just keep playing casuals as learn as I go sort of thing? [link] [comments] |
What can i do as a jungle when all lanes are losing? Posted: 17 Oct 2019 05:20 PM PDT Last couple of games i felt completely useless playing as Elise because all 3 lanes lost, they pushed to the towers with no vision and died to the enemy jungler or to a roaming laner. I couldn't gank because all lanes were pushing, i got the 1st dragon and did a successful counter gank, but all lanes were ruined by that time. They kept pushing to the towers and dying or getting solo killed by the already superior opposing laners. [link] [comments] |
I don't know which fights to take / don't know when the power spikes are. Posted: 17 Oct 2019 08:33 AM PDT Long-time LoL player, but since season 4 I have been Gold. My peak was 2 seasons ago when I was in plat promo twice, but I feel that I have been declining since then. My big problem is what the title says. For some reason, I don't recognize when to fight. Of course, If I'm ahead I usually win my lane, but when things are somewhat equal sometimes I just go in and die, because I miscalculate the dmgs. How can I improve? Should I memorize the dmg numbers and ratios? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 17 Oct 2019 03:53 PM PDT Warding super odd spots with Aphromoo and a lot of normal ones...I think there should be more guides like this out there :D .....I personally like seeing how and why pro's ward where they do and it is sometimes hard to find examples or explanations.....what does everyone else think? Did this video help you at all? Why or why not? [link] [comments] |
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