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    Friday, October 18, 2019

    LoL Guide How to be a more positive player? (Prevent tilting)

    LoL Guide How to be a more positive player? (Prevent tilting)

    How to be a more positive player? (Prevent tilting)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 03:13 PM PDT

    I just had a game which was fun at first and then became more and more frustating due to a personal mood swing. In this particular matchup I was a Pantheon jungler and helped out Mid substantually turning it into a winner lane. Then Cascading with Mid unto our bot to even out the team disadvantage. We had full vision on bottom deep wards and everything it went real good we were winning. But then everything changed as mid asked for a tower dive in which she didn't follow herself. I felt so betrayed and I knew it in my heart in this moment we lost. I mean it was not unwinable I just knew I wouldn't have the same kind of fun anymore. It's like the Fun died with my champion on the Solo Dive and I just coulnt't convince myself to tryhard.

    submitted by /u/Mando_Brando
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    Looking for highschool LoL team coaching advice

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 11:26 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I have been asked to be an advisor/coach for a league of legends team for a local highschool that I work at. There is a highschool league of legends league that students can participate in.

    I have been played 5v5 from seasons 1-3, then transitioned into mainly aram until now. I watch pro play and follow the scene loosely.

    I did some googling, but I also wanted to see if I could be connected to some resources in coaching league of legends.

    So far my big learnings are: - watching replays of the players games to analyse - watching professional play and discussing why and how they play well - practicing mechanics in custom mode - having a growth mindset, making sure they have fun, and build relationships with each other

    I would say that my main objective is to teach these students that they can make progress and improve mastery in challenging situations.

    Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/yug2000
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    Smurf detection when teaching a new player

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 02:58 PM PDT

    So, a friend is trying to get into LoL and I want to play with him, but I also want to avoid at all cost ending in a smurf queue where he feels outclassed by everyone. Obviously stomping and farming champions like minions is a no go (not only to avoid detection but also because that would be an assholey thing to do), but does anybody know what else can make me be detected as a smurf? Does the algorithm track CS? APM? (wouldn't that be triggered by DOTA or HOTS players?) Combos? Time in shop? Macro and pathing? Reading descriptions? Am I going to have to play turret-like adc and avoid kiting?

    And no, playing bots is a no go, we want to actually play the game, not just level an account.

    submitted by /u/YetAnotherIdleSCV
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    Should i just give up being an ADC?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 04:21 PM PDT

    Since i friend of mine mains sup o decided to give up to the rock-paper-scissors that was top and tried to learn jinx, im actually making progress, getting good at farming and etc.

    The thing is, im always 2 hit by every almost everything, It fells as if i need to hope i survive to the late game without even beign touched by the other enemy laners to be able to try doing something.

    And now watching worlds and seeing the announcement that bot will now be a level lower in mid game than it already is compared to the other lanes I fell as there is no reason to play a lane that only can be useful when the game is almost over and there is little you can do.

    Should i just give up ADC before I start my climb and get stuck at iron or is there any hope for this lane other than just learn to play kaysa and xayah?

    submitted by /u/wizard323
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    How to recover from a bad start when jungling?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 07:03 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong place or something like that, I don't really use reddit and it's my first time asking something on this subreddit.

    I'm a new League player and I love playing in the jungle, my friends didn't really recommend me to main this role as a begginer player, but I just have a blast everytime I'm playing there.

    However, recently I started having a big problem in the jungle, as I leveled up I started to play against junglers that are way better than me, I just can't keep up with them and even if I get a lead they catch up easily.. but the most frustating thing is when they get a lead, they just keep stealing all my camps and I can't even play the game. If I'm playing with my friends they help me keep up or just straight up carry me, but when I'm playing alone I really don't know what to do..

    I'm not blaming my team, that would be just running away from the truth that I'm not a really good jungler/player. Can someone help me get better at punishing an enemy jungler and recovering from a bad start? I'm starting to feel like I should just give up the idea of playing on this role since everyone is just better than me..

    submitted by /u/Aodk
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    Is there any hope?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 10:55 AM PDT

    I've been playing the game for a while now , I'm currently D4. However I'm in a team with higher elo players, and they "flame" me saying that I should've done X and Y, and when I look back it was such an obvious play and I get angry at myself for not thinking about it.

    It just seems that I just play the game, reactively, I dont seem to be constantly asking myself questions during the game, I just kinds go through the motions, only looking maybe 2 steps ahead of a play that's usually pretty self evident.

    My Q, how can I practically practice this whole concept of " constant weighing, questioning and thinking " of the plays and elements in a game.

    submitted by /u/Freddy_Wisch
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    Getting back to the game and being a useful top laner again

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:56 PM PDT

    Hey all

    I haven't been playing much league in a while (4+ months) and I'm trying to get back into the game. First game I played was awful from me because I had no clue what the meta was and my cs was absolutely horrible. I really want to make myself a useful top laner; I don't mind not getting kills just wanna help the team win. Such questions I have are "when to split-push?", "when to engage?", "how can i cs effectively against poke champions?" etc. I tend to play more tank top laners such as darius and less of poke champions. How can I reach my potential as a decent top laner? I'm trying to reach at least gold.

    If you think my information give is unclear you can ask me below, and I can be more specific!

    submitted by /u/MysticKrat
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    What are the differences between the ADCs?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:39 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm new to playing ADC in particular and don't really know reasons for picking between all the different marksmen. IS there a breakdown anywhere that shows why each adc is strong and in which situations they are most viable? I understand that there are hypercarries, lane bullies, and that would be about it. I've tried to look for something explaining ths on my own but I didnt have any luck

    submitted by /u/ImTonay
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    Wanting to play ranked.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:28 AM PDT

    I have play 3 ranked games. Sucked in every one and flamed for it. I have watched videos and read guides but not really sure what I'm looking for. Watched a lot of TF Blade and like the idea of top lane. What information do I need to know to get better? What are they key things I should be trying to get right? I have enough points to unlock a new character, who should I try?

    submitted by /u/Edmenz
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    What am I supposed to do as Ezreal against Caitlyn in lane?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 07:26 PM PDT

    I've played this matchup so many times and I just cannot figure it out for the life of me. She just perma-shoves me in to turret and pokes me out to death while also getting free damage on tower and plates, and I can't push fast enough to stop her, nor do my junglers gank early on when she is vulnerable. By the time they do gank it's always when I have a massive wave at tower or have been thoroughly poked out of the fight before hand. I see no differences in the supports that I get, as engage supports just get poked alongside me and mage supports can't stop the bleeding either.

    What am I doing wrong? What am I missing here?

    submitted by /u/XcessiveAssassin
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    How do I counterpick support matchups?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 02:15 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm a support main who enjoys playing Swain and tanky hard-engage supports. However, I have a touch time deciding which one to pick when. Personally, I feel that supports vary far more in playstyle than ADC's, so I feel I should pick my support to counter theirs. Thus, I'd like to get a better general understanding of which types of supports counter which. I generally split supports into a couple categories: Hard-engage (Leona, Nautilus), Poke (Brand, Ashe), Hooks (Pyke, Blitz), and Enchanters (Lulu, Nami). Is this a good way to group supports? If so, can I get some advice on which types generally counter which?

    submitted by /u/Peaches_9
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    How to farm in Mid-game

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:44 PM PDT

    So in early game I reach an 'acceptable' number of cs (between 5.5/6.4, not great but considering I started playing 2 months ago I think it's ok) but during mid-game when I lose or the enemy loses the first tower I tend to stay behind because of the fear of overstending and getting caught. Is there something I can change about my playstyle or I just need to try to not lose farm?

    submitted by /u/Purpl3_Haz3
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    I feel like I am climbing but as an AD I feel like I am not doing enough in my games to be the reason I am winning.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:38 PM PDT

    Here is my op.gg https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=tytheleguid

    I am in ad main and my pool of champions is Kai'sa, Cait, Lucian, and Ezreal. Sometimes it feels like I am just not doing enough damage or I am just waiting around in lane until something happens. I think my midgame is where i lack the most play after I break first tower. After that I am just running around maybe catching a wave or two then doing nothing. Anything I can do midgame to be more proactive?

    submitted by /u/FirstTvke
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    When do you leave your ADC for a new carry?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 01:05 PM PDT

    Been playing League since Season 5 primarily support and jungle peak season 6 diamond.

    As anyone who has played support for a while you can sense someone in the carry role who can not carry.

    My game plan is generally fuck that guy and roam if his:

    1) flaming and using me as scapegoat for his mistakes such as eating hooks.

    2) fails to help in trades or even trade at all.

    3) all above and can't cs well.

    I try to be a secondary jungler with deep vision, constant vision and ganks in the mid lane.

    I am generally an aggressive player and will not hesitate to flash to set up ganks.

    However there are cases that are not that uncommon when there are no carries in your team such as a losing mid who won't roam or help with gank I'm about to preform.

    What do you do when your main carries both suck?

    Is what I do a good method to ensure someone who has carry potential is given a good lead?

    Is it ever okay to say fuck it to the 0/4 Xayah who is 30 CS behind?

    I just want feed back and someone thoughts bounced around.

    submitted by /u/zileanEmax
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    Focus And Its Importance

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 04:38 PM PDT

    Something you won't often see talked about when it comes to importance in League is focus. Focus is absolutely key when it comes to playing a game. Often times, the level and quality of focus we have when playing is actually at a pretty poor level. A lot of this is due to our attention spans and the effects from the introduction of smart phones, which have impacted the quality of most people's focus a lot more than you might think. Focus is like a muscle, and is something you can fine tune over time. If you're a person who uses their phone for more than an hour each day, or you just have trouble giving things focus often, this read is perfect for you. In my coaching sessions for players, I realized something that was super common amongst most of them wasn't that they were bad players perhaps, but that they weren't thinking properly in game because they either aren't fully focused or their ability at focusing was poor or worse. Focus applies heavily towards League, and plays a fairly large role in how you might play. I'll go more in depth in what this means exactly, and what steps you can do to improve your level of focus.

    Our focus is constantly fighting distractions. Whether it be checking your phone between death timers, something else opened on your computer, or even music sometimes. All of these things have the possibility to take your focus away from the game. If you truly care about becoming better at the game, or at climbing, you need to be giving the game your entire focus. This means fighting off any outside distractions you might have. This means giving the game your full focus. This means not being lazy. It's hard to do if you aren't already in the habit of it, but each time you're in a game, you need to be constantly thinking about the game and giving it your full focus the moment it starts. The game doesn't start when minion waves hit towers, but it starts in champion select. From that point on, you should be fully focused and have your thoughts on the game. Think about what champion fits best in your team comp, or what is best against the enemy team. During loading screen, try to understand how the game will be played out, or what your win conditions are gonna be. Think about item builds, what your personal goal that game is, or anything regarding that game really. By giving the game a consistent, meaningful focus, it makes a really incredibly difference many don't see. Many players fall into the habit of playing mindlessly, or getting distracted by the millions of distractions that surround us in this current age. These are plagues that can ruin the quality of your games, and if you're looking to improve, definitely something you want to get rid of.

    So, what are some things you can do to improve your focus? While this extends heavily outside of League, the things you can do are to follow what I previously said above. Stay away from your phone or other distractions, and do your best to constantly be thinking about the game. By doing this, I guarantee you already have a huge advantage over your opponent, as most of them surely aren't thinking as much as you will be. As you start to build this habit up, you'll notice that most other players are rarely thinking actively while the play, and are just mindlessly thinking (also known as playing on auto pilot). It's a really interesting thing to see.

    If anyone is interested in a good read about this very topic, "Focus" written by Daniel Goleman is a phenomenal book that touches heavily on focus in modern day.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope you guys enjoyed the read and got a little something out of it. I love writing educational articles on League, so if I help even one of you please let me know! It means the world to me. Feel free to leave a comment down below or to DM me as well, I respond to most people. Cheers guys! :)

    submitted by /u/visceralesports
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    trading stance questions

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:19 PM PDT


    been trying to put this video series into practice but already ran into problems.it was ahro vs oriannna matchup. i been standing on my dying minion and tryna trade. but ori just basically ignores that shit and hits me and gets the cs with her cheap cost long range q. then once i retreat. q and w' s me . i lost lane. i found more success in the past just csing from afar as ahri and only trying to punish mistakes. am i doing this wrong ??

    submitted by /u/Uttoktu
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    How to carry 2 lost/stomped lanes as a bot lane duo?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 09:34 AM PDT

    So my duo partner and I are returning to league after a 10 month hiatus. We found that we still havent lost our edge in lane and we stomp the enemy literally 9 times out of 10. I mostly play really aggresive supports (Blits, Naut, Zyra, Leona, Thresh, Pyke, and sometimes Braum or Rakan) while my partner usually plays Varus, Trist, Jhin, Kaisa and Lucian.

    Though we usually destroy bot tower first and get early drags, our problem is that when the rest of our team loses or are having a bad game, we find it really hard to carry even with a huge lead in bot. We are playing our placements at Diamond right now.

    Whats the right way to transition out of laning phase to salvage the game and carry stomped teammates using the advantage we have from bot lane?

    submitted by /u/NebulaGray88
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    Champion Discussion of the Day: Veigar

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 01:55 PM PDT

    Link to Wikia

    Link to u.gg

    Link to Probuilds

    Link to League of Graphs

    Champion subreddit: r/VeigarMains

    Primarily played as: Middle

    What role does he play in a team composition?

    What are the core items to be built on him?

    What is the order of leveling up the skills?

    What are his spikes in terms of items or levels?

    What are the most optimal rune/mastery setups?

    What champions does he synergize well with?

    What is the counterplay against him?

    submitted by /u/Balondis
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    How to Convert Lane Wins on Kayle Into Victories?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:51 AM PDT

    Although there are a lot of similar posts that are more generalized, I feel like Kayle is different enough to warrant asking about specifically, as several of the more common answers don't really work for her.

    Splitpushing is suicide as an immobile squishy without hard CC. If you step up too far past river it doesn't matter how behind the enemy laner is, they'll just 3-man run you down.

    Trying to gank and snowball your other lanes is similarly not great as you don't have any real engage or CC to get onto or lock down your target, and you're giving your lane opponent free cs while you walk down to try to make the play.

    At this point there aren't really any teamfights to join, so outside of shoving my wave and then wandering around uselessly for 30 seconds until it bounces back to me, I'm not sure what to do after taking a 14 minute first tower on Kayle.

    submitted by /u/SkjaldbakaEngineer
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    How to transition a lead top to a win?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:17 PM PDT

    So here I am, a 3/0 gold urgot main taking first turret top at 15 minutes, backing, and then noticing that my team is behind. What can I do to help my team come back into the game and win? Most of the time I split and hope my team does their best defending. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/drbin
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    New Ryze seems impossible to lane against?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 07:26 AM PDT

    Can someone please tell me how I'm supposed to lane against the new Ryze? His damage seems absurd from the very start of the game (and scales after first item insanely), he doesn't really seem to have any mana issues anymore (especially after his first back), I can't stand near the wave without getting hurt due to his flux thingy being guaranteed now, his root almost guarantees a heavily lost trade or even a kill for him, magic resist doesn't even seem to stem any of his damage for some reason, and with phase rush you just can't catch him. What are even his weak points in the game? I've tried several champs and he seems disgusting to lane against on all of them.

    submitted by /u/Leafmann23
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    Help with playing Zoe

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 12:46 PM PDT

    Hello everyone! I'm a midlaner with a pool of mages (Orianna, Lux and Neeko being my main champions on ranked). I really love the concept of the whole class and I think I'm ready to start learning the more mechanic focused champion on that niche, that one being Zoe. Is there any tips you guys could share, like some must-know tricks, mostly for a proper usage of her Q but I'm open to learn anything!

    submitted by /u/BenevaUwU
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    How to Improve as an Adc

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:50 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! Returning player here. I didn't play league for 4 years and i recently played. My favorite lane is bottom but i am playing badly as of a moment. I mostly lose my tower first and opponent mostly have farm lead too. Even though i can win early game i cannot snowball it. My end game damage is mostly low, though the games i have been in to my team mostly composed of assassins so there is no one defending me against enemy team. Even though i win in my lane i cannot carry my team to victory. As of a champion pool i have every adc except Jhin and Kai'sa. At the moment i am sitting 6w-15l Silver 2 Flex. How can i improve and is there even a chance that i can reach Gold before this season ends? I am not playing Solo-Duo que cause i have an essential tremor and i do not feel i am ready for it. As a side note when i look my opponents, game matchmake me with mostly gold and plats, i do not even now why. I mostly play solo by the way. Thanks for your time and sorry for my English.

    submitted by /u/Siewlede
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    Patch 9.20 ap or ad shaco? (Jungle)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 05:05 AM PDT

    I have played couple of matches with AD and AP shaco on jungle. I think both are good but i don't know wich one is better to climb on rank im silver 2. So im noob and canno't climb more. And wich runes should i take (Electrocute or Dark Harvest) and what build i should take.

    submitted by /u/Paarmo
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