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    Tuesday, November 19, 2019

    LoL Guide Why do challenger players consider lane won at such a small advantage?

    LoL Guide Why do challenger players consider lane won at such a small advantage?

    Why do challenger players consider lane won at such a small advantage?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 01:51 AM PST

    Hey guys, I constantly hear challenger players say things along the lines of, "I got a kill on my lane opponent so lane is over now." Why is this? It does not seem like a huge advantage that automatically wins trades. How is it that challenger players can hard win lane off such a small advantage? I am asking specifically for mid if that helps.

    submitted by /u/Rabdom9190
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    Quick way for ADCs to improve gold diff in lane

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 08:13 AM PST

    currently leveling up a smurf and playing sup with some low skill ADCs

    nearly every single game the ADC feeds 1 or 2 kills back for no reason other than they stand up in the minion wave trying to farm 1v2 while im warding or roaming. this is usually followed by flaming me.

    i have some very simple advice that you should etch into your brain: it's your responsibility to not die 1v2. if you can't safely CS, you can't.

    it doesn't matter that you think it's unfair that your support is roaming. it doesn't matter that you think he needs to be in lane to help you. in my case im off doing things way more helpful than securing you 1 wave. maybe some of your supports won't be smurfing and they'll just actually be wasting time and losing you a wave or two straight up.

    regardless of whether u have olleh's smurf or the world's biggest troll supporting you, the correct play and the only play is to back off the wave and not die 1v2. it's not your supports responsibility to be in lane 100% of the time so you can get every single creep. a good support will establish vision in the river and enemy jg, and basically win jg and mid as well as bot. and to allow this, it's your responsibility to back off and maybe lose 6 CS when you're 1v2 and you can't safely CS.

    feeding the enemy bot laners a free 400+ gold every game is a sure way to lower your win rate and slow or end your climb. just don't do it.

    edited for weird phrasing.

    submitted by /u/tftguiklihbj
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    Autofilled: Five Exceptional Support Picks for When Your Time Comes

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 12:20 PM PST

    Hello everyone! Presteej here!

    It's been a while since the last time I came to you guys with another insightful article, but here I am.

    With Preseason coming up, you can expect my future writing to be more tailored towards how to adapt in that regard, but this time around I figured I would try to tackle the issue that is autofilled supports by giving my own little anecdotal advice in terms of what to play. I take into consideration things like cost (in Blue Essence), time needed to master, skills and assets brought to a team/fight, and entry level skill requirement (hint: all of these champs are relatively easy to pick up). After reading this article (assuming you have the necessary BE), there should be no excuse as to why you "have no supports" to play in ranked after getting autofilled unless you genuinely just want to troll your team.

    You can check out the article here.

    I'd also like to leave a question- sort of a poll, if you will: Of the triangle of supports (damage, enchanter, tank), which is your favorite to lane with? Have on your team? Play as? Why?

    As always, thank you for your continued support, and I can't want to provide more and more content for you guys along the way.

    submitted by /u/-Presteej
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    Why is “meta” meta for specific champions?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 06:51 PM PST

    Hello everyone, I just had some questions about the meta. There aren't very many thorough guides explaining why to do certain things a certain way.

    For example, WHY should I start red with certain junglers? For this case let's use Ekko. Who decides why his clear should be full red side then blue then scuttle? Why is it red, Kruger, chickens and not red chickens Krugs? Why not blue first then red side?

    This applies to the items you buy too. Let's say for Darius. Why do you buy Triforce to black cleaver instead of some other item that has similar stats? I'm just looking for a youtuber that explains things like this. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/D1ll0n
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    Trying to Figure Out Akali

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 08:31 AM PST

    I'm currently hovering in mid-plat, finished playing Ranked a few days ago as I'm satisfied with my rank and the season is ending, so I've been playing normals trying to learn new champs.

    I'm having some difficulty with Akali. I'm playing her mid. The main thing is that she's so damn squishy, has pretty good dmg but she isn't exactly a one-combo burst assassin like Talon (at least until lich bane), but she clearly is an assassin, yet her ability to roam doesn't seem as good as Talon/Qiyana.

    Her reliance on Gunblade makes me feel a bit weak early game as I need that item to contribute to early skirmishes / roams the same way other mids can contribute with just Lost Chapter.

    In teamfights I find myself getting a kill but dying after, which if it happens enough, leaves my score to be like 5-5-0 or something similarly mediocre by the end of the game. Also, I find it really difficult to hunt down the enemy ADC in teamfights like other assassins do because I'm so squishy, one caitlyn auto might chunk me for 40% of my hp and again my burst isn't that great, I need to get multiple Q + empowered autos off to really do dmg, and those split seconds outside of my smoke bomb can be enough for me to just straight up die.

    Her ultimate is powerful, but the cooldown is sooo long, and without it I don't feel like I can 1v1 someone who also has high dmg.

    She seems strong in the right hands, and I'm starting to get used to her playstyle, but I figure maybe someone here can help me understand why she feels so mediocre to me? Is she simply a champion that requires many games played in order to excel with?

    submitted by /u/filthyfatheroffive
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    Questions ask by a newbie jungle main

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 09:13 AM PST

    Hello summoners

    As the title says i'm basicly a noob, I just started playing league about a month ago (already lvl 35)and i'm a jungle main. I mainly play kha'zix and kayn as well as a little of zac. I'm also planning on playing jax during preseason and season 10.

    I think I do anderstand the most importante aspects of the game such as vision control, counter-ganking, focusing on objectives, when to engage/ disengage. But I still have a few questions :

    -how do you turn an early advantage into win (for exemple as khazix if I have 2 early kills against mid and top, how would I turn this advantage into win against a nocturn ? ) -how to finish a game fast ? -would you add a champ to my champ pool ? If so, which ? -what to focus on in early game ( is it kill to setup objectives ? If so then top, mid or bot ? or try put deep ward ? or invade jungle ?)

    Hope this isn't too long or stupid, Sorry for bad english, I'm not native Thanks for your answers !

    submitted by /u/Qu3nt1
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    What champions have the fewest counters or rough matchups? What champions have a win condition that is hard to deny?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 03:21 PM PST

    For laners or junglers, which champions have the fewest counters? I like Garen, but he has some really rough matchups. I want to have a narrow champion pool, but I HATE getting bullied in lane. A similar question is who is a champion with a win condition that can't be easily denied?

    submitted by /u/bamalinger
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    Playing season 10 provisionals

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:03 AM PST

    Hey guys, as most of you know season 9 has come to an end. I hope all of you have reached your desired ranks and have had a fun season.

    However, I'd like to touch on a specific topic so that I'd go into this next season with more knowledge and a fresher mental.

    Most of you know that playing your provisionals (the first 10 ranked games you must play which ultimately decide the rank you start off with) is quite the stressful mission, so I wanted to ask what are some things I need to take into account before playing my season 10 ranked provisionals?

    -Should I wait a couple weeks or a month before I play? -Should I only duo? -Should I just not play at all? Haha

    I'm excited to hear your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/Skyopath1
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    Are there already some predictions on how the changed/new runes will impact the meta?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 11:57 AM PST

    9.23 Patch Notes.

    The big one is the Conqueror change.

    Current Conqueror New Conqueror
    At 5 stacks it deals 10-30 adaptive damage damage and fully stacked it deals true damage for the same amount and heals for 8% of your damage dealt when fully stacked. It stacks up to 10 times now but melee champions get 2 stacks instead of one per attack. Now it deals 20-50 adaptive damage and heals for 15% of the damage dealt when fully stacked.

    Is the new Conqueror bad? It seems to be stronger early and good for champions that autoattack or spellcast a lot to really benefit from that sustain. Sacrifice true damage for more adaptive damage and more sustain.

    Im more interested in the Kleptomancy replacement : Prototype Omnistone. Who do you think will benefit the most from the keystone roulette?

    submitted by /u/NewArtificialHuman
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    5v5 competitive strategy

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 04:04 AM PST

    I am in a league of legends league with 6 teams in a competitive setting. I am looking for resources to better learn coordinated Marco play, how to play different team comps and warding guides for after landing phase and in the late game. Anything helps. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Harri_J
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    Toplane/melee vs melee - How to carry with straight fundamentals into high elo

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 06:43 AM PST

    Youtube video link: Toplane basics to high-elo + Melee match ups guide

    Top lane coaching VOD covers the following:

    • How to trade in top lane through cooldowns
    • How to trade in top lane/melee through minion advantage
    • How to out trade and duel through superior movements
    • Bush control and managing aggro while putting the enemy in a difficult position
    • Jungle tracking and warding basics
    • The mentality for solo queue and top lane
    • Micromanaging auto attacks vs. Farming
    • Basic & advanced wave control
    • Teleport usage


    submitted by /u/ZenCoaching
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    I am getting started in League of Legends

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 12:23 PM PST

    I am a fairly new player in League. I started playing it when a friend of mine introduced me to it at the end of this summer. This friend of mine has been playing the game for almost 4 years now and he just got promoted to platinum, while I can't even play ranked yet. My biggest (game related) fear is that I will never be able to play ranked matches with him, because I think I'll never catch up with him. Do you have any piece of advice so that i can practice effectively and to be, maybe not as strong as, but at least comparable with this friend of mine in the future?

    submitted by /u/SharpLorren
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    How do I improve my vision score?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 03:49 PM PST

    New player here (level 30) and I usually play mid. I've been finishing games with A's for the most part even if I have high kill contribution, high cs, and only a couple of deaths. After looking at my match history and stats I've noticed that my vision score is far below average. As a mid player I usually ward the pixel brushes in the river to watch out for ganks. I've recently started to pick up control wards too. Can anybody give me some insight on how to improve my vision to help not only me but the team as a whole?

    submitted by /u/cmacy6
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    What support champions will be OP in preseason/season 10?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 03:45 PM PST

    Hello summonerstudents,

    I just read the preseason patch notes. I was wondering what champions do you think will be god tier during preseason/season 10? I'm a support main and I want to climb to Diamond next season and make my MMR higher before the season starts.

    submitted by /u/dragonbreathingfire
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    Jungler looking for help

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 09:30 AM PST

    Im a decent jungler but that was my main role a year ago when i was really playing ranked, i climbed up to gold 3 by myself and i had a small champion pool (warwick, yi, amumu) and now im having trouble getting back to that level.

    I was placed iron4 and climbed to silver 5 in a couple weeks playing kayn mostly before the season ended. And im wondering what champions are going to be effective in the next season. I would like to stay with kayn or that playstyle.

    Also, I feel like im not providing enough support for lanes that need help so i wanted to know when i should focus on farming vs helping losing lanes.

    submitted by /u/realdeuce152
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    Senna, what am I doing wrong?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 06:40 AM PST

    First of all, english is not my first languaje and this is my first post here, so I apologize in advance for any cavemen sentence or horrible spelling mistake.

    I´m a low gold player who after almost 6 years of playing has never really got any better, I do play a lot but I don´t know how to learn from my mistakes (or spot them).

    I usually play ADC but every time I get tilted I switch lane and champ to start over, and this time it´s Senna's turn!

    the thing is, it doesnt matter if I use her ADC or Support, I can't deal damage, and I also die reeeeeally quick.

    when I play against another senna (as any ADC or Senna) they can take half my HP or more with 2 AAs and a Q, having like 15 stacks in the passive and a doran´s blade, but when I use her I try to punish their CSing with autos or Qs (AA then Q, so I grab the mist), I deal little to no damage, and they can punish me right there, taking half my HP again.

    What could I be doing wrong? is there something about her that boosts damage without me noticing? It´s because of my runes? how do I get good?

    I take my runes and builds from the app LOL Catalyst, using the "guides" tab (basically taking them from mobafire)

    Thank you very much!

    submitted by /u/Archsty
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    As Support, what should I do when my ADC abandons lane early and never comes back?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 06:39 AM PST

    Hey guys, quick question about something that's happened a few times recently. I've noticed sometimes my ADC will start to roam very early and never come back. I'm talking like 10-12 minutes in, not even in a losing lane, and my ADC just decides to go mid and top.

    Meanwhile enemy bot lane is still pushing. If I leave to go follow a carry then they will just push bot to the inhibitor. So usually I just stay and become sort of a solo laner until someone answers my assist pings.

    This is annoying because I usually run Spellthiefs and I can't proc it without a teammate in lane. Do I continue to defend bot when this happens or should I roam and just concede lane?

    submitted by /u/BluePantera
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    New Conqueror on ADCs?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 05:16 PM PST

    In Season 10 Conqueror will be changed to 10 stacks, and the true damage will be removed. The stacks last 10 seconds for both melee and ranged now, but melees get 2 stacks per auto while ranged get 1 stack per auto, and spells always grant 2 stacks. I've been thinking, will Conqueror be viable on any ADCs? MF could maybe use it to power up her ultimate, and Varus can proc it with his pre-6 combo (AA x 3 - E - AA x 3 - WQ). I'm not sure if Ashe can still near instantly stack it with her Q empowered autos, but if it can then it should be good as well.

    What do you all think about the new Conqueror on ADCs?

    submitted by /u/Dank_Magic
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    Is there any counterplay (Items?) to Teemo's blinding dart?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 02:28 PM PST

    I was playing a game as ADC last night, and the damn teemo was near impossible to deal with myself due to his dart just... persistently blinding me. Is there an item to deal with this, or am I just monumentally screwed as and ADC if he decides to target me and my team doesn't see it.

    Feels rather oppressive.

    submitted by /u/Dudist_PvP
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    When am I supposed to farm as a jg during mid-late game?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 02:20 PM PST

    I'm a adc main but I started going back to my role "jg" more frequently lately and what I happened to struggle a lot with is farming during mid-late game.
    So what happenes is, we take a fight, we win it, take available objs and then reset. What I have heard is that I'm supposed to farm while my laners are going back to their lanes but that's the time when I'm also going back to my jungle?, also once they reach their lanes the fiesta starts all over again and I find my self stuck between deciding whether to farm my camps so I don't fall of xp or help my lanes - setup fights, and whatever desicion I make has consequences, but they seem pretty random, if I decide to farm my camps and my laners don't happen to fight then congrats ! I farmed my camps and I will be there for fights, if I decide to stick around same happenes, it all depends on whether they take random fights or not.
    So how do I manage to stay relevant in terms of xp - gold while not missing out on too much fights?

    submitted by /u/MeBo0i
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    What do I do when my team is grouping too much and unnecessarily?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 09:47 PM PST

    My team when we lost:

    "StFU yOu nEVER GrOuP"

    When I'm casually farming top, getting some turret plates, everyone decides to ARAM mid and spam 20 pings at me when they lose a 4v5. Or when they're trying to contest baron with 2 teammates down. Whether it be them knowingly fight a 4v5 and decide not to wait for me, or just roaming looking for fights non-stop.

    I decide to do it their way, we somehow stumble onto the enemy jungle and have small engagements. 2 minutes later, I decide to back off because we were doing nothing other than walking around in circles. Enemy Blitzcrank q's my Leona, another teamfight breaks out, they lose the 4v5 and the enemy takes Baron, lose the game, I get blamed. I would also like to add that we were 40 minutes into the game, our team had an average of 100-160cs while the enemy team was around 250-300 cs.

    What should I do to stop team mates from going in when another one of my team members are gone, or I myself am gone?

    Edit: I was playing as Fiora top btw

    submitted by /u/PeinerWeiner
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    Can you give me some examples of good and bad decisionmaking when playing jungler?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 01:43 PM PST

    The new season is coming in and I want to switch my role from toplane to jungle so I can help any lane that needs it, however the jungle is the role that I almost never play (and I play since season 1 or 2).

    Probably most of my knowledge about jungling is now obsolete, or judged based on imagined factors, I did not play enough games to see whats good and bad in general.

    submitted by /u/Hell4Ge
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    How do I keep my cs high when I'm fed?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 01:35 PM PST

    I'm a plat player who mains mid lane. My mains for the mid lane are Katarina, AP Cho'gath and Swain. All of which can snowball pretty hard if you get ahead.

    I struggle to keep up in cs with the top laners/adcs when I pop off. Often times I'll play very agro and kill the enemy laner the second they walk up to cs or step out of position. I'll then shove the lane into tower and back to buy or i'll roam. On swain I'm usually oom after I kill them and on katarina I'm usually too low after killing the enemy to stay in lane without fear of getting killed by the enemy jungler.

    How can I stop finding myself even or very slightly ahead in cs with the enemy laner and 20-30cs down from the top laners despite being 4/0?

    submitted by /u/BiologyIsFknLit
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