LoL Guide A Beginner's Guide to Proxy Farming for Top Laners |
- A Beginner's Guide to Proxy Farming for Top Laners
- Be very careful with roaming until 14:00. Do NOT leave your turret exposed for too long.
- How do I get better at graves later on in the game? I really struggle to teamfight with graves
- Play selfishly as the jungler
- Mindset and confidence tips that can help you in the long run
- Why do my ranked games feel like a coin flip?
- How to deal with split pushing
- Anxiety on LoL
- How do I know when to split push v. group with team as a top laner?
- Tips for Graves jungle?
- How to get better at avoiding the low elo ARAM?
- [question] What makes the dragon important?
- How to fix attention span?
- Bramblevest
- Weirdest thing I ever discovered as a bot/support.
- Does vision score even matter?
- Top 5 tips to climb without any in game help
- Should I buy brand or Bard?
- How do I cope with bruiser toplaners?
- Lost touch with normals, can't solo queue or even norms anymore
- Best Junglers Against Tanks & Bruisers
- How to stop snowballing
- How vital is it to complete/enchant my Jungle item?
- Wave management: How do I freeze a lane if the enemy doesn’t even attempt to hit minions? And what to do if you’re losing lane?
A Beginner's Guide to Proxy Farming for Top Laners Posted: 16 Oct 2020 06:31 AM PDT What is Proxy Farming Proxy farming is clearing an enemy wave behind the enemy turret. This is usually done between the first and second outer turrets on the side lanes, since there is more space to safely farm between the turrets. By doing this, it forces the opposing laner to make a choice: either receive your minion wave (under the tower or by tanking it so it doesn't hit the tower), or chase you down while you are away from your turret at the cost of potentially losing gold and XP. Proxy farming can be a great tool for creating lane priority and map pressure in the early-mid game. Not only can it free yourself for roams to other lanes or taking objectives, but it can also draw aggro from the enemy jungle and/or mid laner, allowing your team to potentially take objectives or set up plays on the other side of the map. It can also be used to set up better recalls for yourself, keep your opponent in lane if they are a potential roaming threat, or make the enemy laner lose gold if they struggle to CS under turret. It's not a strategy without risk however. Done incorrectly, you are leaving yourself vulnerable to getting caught and killed by your enemy laner away from the safety of your own turret, and opening yourself up to ganks from other enemy champs.
Considering this, there are quite a few requirements for a champion to effectively proxy farm:
The number of champions who can employ this strategy is limited. Singed is the most popular example of a champ that can utilise proxy farming since his kit is perfect for this. He clears waves quickly with his Poison Trail, can get away easily because of his CC/Ultimate/Ghost, and what is the number one rule of LoL? You don't chase a Singed. It's not just Singed who can do this however, some toplaners can also fit these criteria, with or without the help of wave clear and lifesteal items like Tiamat and Vampire Sceptre. Examples are Renekton, Tryndamere, Riven, Fiora, Kled, and Camille.
When can Proxy Farming be useful?
There are a lot of things to consider when commiting to proxy farming, again it NEEDS to be a concious decision. Because of the greater risk of dying, it takes much more though that standing in the lane and placing the occasional ward in the river bushes.
Here's a checklist of things to consider whether or not proxy farming is the correct action:
Proxying waves after the laning phase Proxy farming isn't just limited to the laning phase. For example, a more advanced use of proxying waves is to kill enemy caster minions while leaving the melee minions. Since the enemy wave wlll do less damage to your own minion wave, it creates a 'superwave' of allied minions which can either do massive damage to a T2/T3 tower, or forces an enemy champ to clear the waves. If timed correctly, you can end up with a man advantage for objectives and teamfights, or push two lanes at once by yourself. Another example which has helped me in some matches is to proxy farm a mid lane wave behind the enemy team while they are ARAMing or sieging a tower. This is especially useful if your team is under major threat of being dove under tower, your team loses in a 5v5 team fight, or if they have baron buff and they are looking to end in only one lane.
I have only just reached Platinum in my first season of ranked playing Tryndamere. Learning how to proxy farm, which at first involved a lot of careless deaths, but then being able to implement it correctly has helped me climb and carry games from the top lane. It's allowed me to snowball and gain leads even in games where my jungler completely ignores the top lane, or when the enemy laner rushed tabis and armor, essentially preventing from killing them (or even outtrading me). I hope this guide helps you climb and teaches you a new option for top lane wave management. [link] [comments] |
Be very careful with roaming until 14:00. Do NOT leave your turret exposed for too long. Posted: 16 Oct 2020 09:46 AM PDT Even if you get a lead early on and want to snowball it by invading enemy jungle or going for 4 man dives bot, be extremely selective about roaming until the tower plates fall. Just remember that all 5 plates = 800 gold, almost 3 kills. A bad teleport gank bot or spending too much time roaming trying to do stuff around the map and ignoring top lane will not only give them safe access to farm, but also straight up get them back into the game if they can push towers fast. While that doesn't mean you should sit in your lane until 14 min and do nothing, also be careful not to give your opponent a chance to get back into the game. It happens more often than not when like a Fizz gets a quick two kills in lane then leaves to wreak havoc top and bot, but then the Yasuo pushes fast and gets 5 tower plates then proceeds to murder fizz despite having been set back enough to be useless the entire game. Even if you manage to get their 5 tower plates first, it's important to not let them take yours. Your advantage will then go down from like 1200 to 400. Preventing them from taking tower plates will then mean 800 gold is completely gone that they can never obtain, which places a permanent advantage on your team. TL;DR - Don't forget that your lane opponent can still catch up to you if you ignore them to get free tower plate gold. [link] [comments] |
How do I get better at graves later on in the game? I really struggle to teamfight with graves Posted: 16 Oct 2020 05:56 AM PDT Often times they will have a tanky frontline, which I do no damage to, even with black cleaver and MR. Even if I manage to get onto the adc, I can never burst them down quick enough if there isn't a wall there until I get CCed and then melted by the adc. Could I have some tips on how to be a better graves player in the mid-late game [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Oct 2020 02:20 AM PDT In solo-queue, I often see junglers go out of their way to help their lanes or get a certain objective when they have a ton of camps up. But you should always prioritize yourself, if you have more than 3 camps up, take those before looking for gank opportunities unless it's incredibly free. The more often you clear the camps you have up, the less open you are to being invaded and it levels up your camps, meaning more gold and xp for you. The only exception to this is if you're playing a jungler with no carry potential whatsoever. [link] [comments] |
Mindset and confidence tips that can help you in the long run Posted: 16 Oct 2020 11:02 AM PDT I'm continuing my streak of posts about mentality, and today I will talk (write ?) about confidence. This is such a common issue, but it's often overlooked and that's why I think it is crucial to understand how your behaviors towards yourself can be extremely toxic. This post, with my last two about red flags and mentality form some notes about the right mindset to have while climbing and how to stay focused. Now, let's get into it.
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Why do my ranked games feel like a coin flip? Posted: 16 Oct 2020 10:42 AM PDT I've decided to try and climb out of bronze at the end of the season after not really playing ranked all year, and in my 5 games that I've played today the same pattern happened over and over. It goes something like this
Like... this has literally happened EVERY time. One player is just HEAD AND SHOULDERS better than their lane opponent. One time that player was me, and it felt great, but I knew nobody else on the enemy team was having fun. Is the matchmaking just not good when you're this far down the ranking? Because honestly it feels like the game is decided by about 3 minutes because SOMEONE will be way too skilled for the game and/or SOMEONE will be way too bad. I know that the "advice" is just "optimise your own play, don't worry about it, you'll climb eventually :)" but games like this aren't fun, I'm not learning anything, and frankly if this is what the ranked experience is going to be like the whole way up then I'm not even sure I can be bothered? Does it get better? Is there anything I can actually do to avoid or mitigate this from being the deciding factor? [link] [comments] |
How to deal with split pushing Posted: 16 Oct 2020 12:16 PM PDT Howdy guys, I'm a poppy otp top lane and love nothing more then destroying jaxs and aatroxs all day long. What I dont like is when team fights start and I try to get involved and have fun only to be forced back top and baby sit my towers because me jax me hit tower me type gg ez. It's so endlessly frustrating to try and fight for dragon looking at the mini map knowing I have to tp or back soon otherwise we lose inhib just wondering if anyone had some tips to counter these pve players, cheers lads. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Oct 2020 05:08 AM PDT I've come back after not really playing since 2013. Many things have changed and I'm feeling that I can't focus on things that are happening. I definitely tunnel vision. And my hands shake sometimes when I'm playing and its out of my control. I am not scared of losing or anything necessarily it's just what happens because I get confused and my brain isn't connecting dots quickly enough like it used to 7-8 years ago. Will this go away? Is playing more the only way to build up some confidence or is there more I can do to stop feeling like I have no idea what's happening. Its strange but it now feels as though games can't have comebacks like they used to and I die/get bursted quicker? [link] [comments] |
How do I know when to split push v. group with team as a top laner? Posted: 16 Oct 2020 10:51 AM PDT When should I split v. when do I group with team. I play top so I'm usually splitting opposite lane as the objective that's most important so drag is up split top baron is key objective split bot right? So say I'm splitting bot and my team picks a fight should I tp right in. Should I split when tp isn't up even if I want to draw 2-3 to me to initiated a dragon or baron? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Oct 2020 12:48 PM PDT Hello, First off just want to wish everyone a happy rest of their day. Next, I just started playing jg again and I picked up graves jungle as my main and Evelyn as my secondary. I was just wondering if anyone can give me some tips for graves here or point me in a good direction or tutorial that I can learn the clear and other info I need to improve and succeed on him. Thanks [link] [comments] |
How to get better at avoiding the low elo ARAM? Posted: 16 Oct 2020 10:32 AM PDT I find it simple enough to avoid fights/ARAM when there is no objectives up or waves will be needlessly missed but how do I improve at avoiding generally bad fights and 50/50s? Outside of frequent scoreboard checking, does it simply come down to learning individual champion powerspikes and match ups, 2v2s, 3v3s etc? Is the best way to learn this simply by analysing replays and breaking down each step of the fight? Thanks, Evrae [link] [comments] |
[question] What makes the dragon important? Posted: 16 Oct 2020 03:46 PM PDT Asking to understand all the layers of the dragon. It feels like when i watch worlds the commentators sits on a whole different knowledge of what the aqtual importance of the drake is and means. At the moment i know drake is an important objective and what each dragon does but that's it. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Oct 2020 09:26 AM PDT My attention span is so bad that I died in mid lane, ran back from base, got so invested watching a fight happen top lane I proceeded to literally run it down mid lane and die to my laner again without even having my camera on my guy. I don't know if I'm just that stupid or if my attention span can be improved? lmao Any advice would be greatly appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Oct 2020 03:55 AM PDT When fighting an auto-attack based champ, specially when it can heal, buy bramble. It will win you the lane. This advice is focused on the toplane most of the time. This can be hard to try when you are going with a champ that is suposed to buy damage (like renekton or mordekaiser) but if you consider the damage you are pasively dealing by reflection and the healing you are denying, champs like Fiora, Tryndamere etc will not stand a chance. This is mostly recomended with tank/bruiser tops. Thank you for reading. [link] [comments] |
Weirdest thing I ever discovered as a bot/support. Posted: 16 Oct 2020 01:30 PM PDT So you know how sometimes your jungle doesn't need a leash, and isn't in the offensive jungle so you can be exposed? A lot of players use this chance to gain a bunch of lane prio and hard shove bot lane, making their opponents have to cs and not shoot back for a while. I discovered something a little more cheeky. So you know how mid lane gets there about 10 seconds before bot lane does? Just show up in mid lane as the minions push toward their tower and get some stupid pot shots off on the enemy mid. Leech a little exp, and resume going to bot. This makes your mid lane's enemy down about 30% health and missed some exp/gold. After collecting 3-4 minions of exp, just hoof it down to bot lane. I haven't had a mid lane lose that I did this trick so far. [link] [comments] |
Does vision score even matter? Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:47 AM PDT I just started playing ranked yesterday and i'm around bronze 1 elo and i was playing nautilus. My ADC kept flaming me for my vision score. I think i have an idea of what it means but does it really matter that much or was my teammate just being toxic. He was also saying that supports should have a way higher vision score than anyone else, why is that? [link] [comments] |
Top 5 tips to climb without any in game help Posted: 16 Oct 2020 09:32 AM PDT I've been looking at this sub and have mentor'd a fair few people from it so i wanted to make a vid about the things i commonly have to tell people when i am coaching them. In this video i go over the top 5 tips to climb without any in game help needed. These things are universal and will help you out. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Oct 2020 06:30 AM PDT I'm just starting out in the support role, my normal main is kindred. I've tried bard out in PBE and it was really fun but he seems a bit too hard to be my first support champion. On the other hand, one of my friends told me that I could start out with brand, who I really like too but I'm not quite sure on his difficulty. I really don't want to get a champion that's extremely easy to use either. (I can currently buy only one of the two) [link] [comments] |
How do I cope with bruiser toplaners? Posted: 16 Oct 2020 09:54 AM PDT Hey everyone, I'm a mid main, ranking around Gold II. I usually play mages (Syndra, Ahri, Orianna, Zyra) and find I can often win my matchup midlane. I try to roam to both top and bot as frequently as possible, and just try to be as present as possible on the map. Recently, I've been losing more and more games due to toplaners that feel absolutely unkillable, think Urgot, Fiora and Garen. They often join teamfights when they've got a small lead and just seem to roll over my entire team. I've tried building more magic pen and a morellos to reduce any healing, but I still struggle to dent them in the slightest. Do you guys have any tips I can implement to combat this? I have thought about just constantly roaming top and making sure the enemy laners cannot get a lead. Any pointers are highly appreciated :) [link] [comments] |
Lost touch with normals, can't solo queue or even norms anymore Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:58 AM PDT Ever since around July, I had a big falling out with my main friend group at the time and we all used to play league regularly together and after this whole episode I didn't have anyone to play with and so, Ive just ever been playing bot games with the occasional normals game whenever someone does invite me in. I've been trying to transition to playing normals and even solo queuing after this phase and it's been really difficult, it seems that my gameplay is deproving/stagnating and it's been frustrating to play now. My confidence has been completely crushed in terms of playing PvP and it just seems that I can't play the game as I could previously. It would be nice if I could get some advice on how to move forward, as well as tips on how to begin improving as well as making the swap from support to mid main a bit easier (as I'm changing my main role). Any advice would be appreciated, hopefully I can put them into practice. [link] [comments] |
Best Junglers Against Tanks & Bruisers Posted: 16 Oct 2020 01:31 PM PDT Edit for those wanting a quick answer:
I'm OTP kha'zix right now (Bronze) and I really like the champ against squishies. My problem with Kha is when I go against tank/bruiser comps and I have to play Conq Kha. I really dislike the conqueror play style and would rather switch to another champ when I'm last picking against these comps. What are some of the best champs against tanks/bruisers? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Oct 2020 09:31 AM PDT Hi, I've been trying to play League of Legends for a while now about and nearly every match I end up getting killed once and getting snowballed to 0/12 or even higher. Trying to focus on farming and then I get all-in'd and die. I couldn't do anything. Please help me. Thanks [link] [comments] |
How vital is it to complete/enchant my Jungle item? Posted: 16 Oct 2020 09:18 AM PDT Once I've built my combo Skirmisher's Sabre or Stalker's Blade, how important is it that I build an enchantment into it as well? Say I'm playing Kayn, e.g., and I want to instead start building Black Cleaver or tier-2 Boots asap. Are there any particular synergies or stats I'm missing out on by just finishing the Sabre/Blade and then moving on to other stuff aside from the stats shown in the tooltip? Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Oct 2020 04:35 PM PDT If I last hit the minions that extra bit of damage builds up and the wave gets pushed more and more. What should I do if I'm winning lane hard and what should I do if I'm on the losing end in this situation? Not hitting the minions seems to be the answer but in this case I can't catch up when I'm losing and I can't get further ahead while I'm winning, are there any better solutions? Are there alternate solutions when you're losing lane? When you're winning you can shove and roam, but roaming when losing can result in losing tower plates leading to a further gap. [link] [comments] |
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