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    Wednesday, December 25, 2019

    LoL Guide Playing ivern, teaches a skill. How to be useful no matter how hard you lost lane.

    LoL Guide Playing ivern, teaches a skill. How to be useful no matter how hard you lost lane.

    Playing ivern, teaches a skill. How to be useful no matter how hard you lost lane.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 01:47 AM PST

    I've played the game on and off for 6 years now with multiple accounts, ranging from playing to reach a fair elo (hovered around low diamond) to playing casually with friends. ( ranging from Silver to plat)

    One thing remains the same. Hardly anyone in this elo and below understands how to play from behind. Me until recently, included...

    After picking up ivern, my mindset has changed on how to play behind. Now knowing, no matter how far behind you are. You can ALWAYS be useful for your team. The majority of champs have some form of hard or soft cc. With this is in mind, now you as a player who is severely behind; have one job. CC bot or peel bot for your team.

    Ivern as a champ doesn't do tons of damage, also when he gets out behind (far more than often) you really have to concentrate on ur pathing/ decision making for two reasons.

    1. To ensure you remain relevant and be the shield and stun bot your team needs.
    2. Being a sweaty nerd when you're pathing so you don't continue to feed the enemy rengo jungle.

    After having stuck to this play style for a couple of months. It has now transitioned back to every other lane I play.

    There is always something you can do to remain relevant. But it takes a lil bit of mental training to get you there.

    Find someone to peel, shield, heal or just meat shield for. It's the art of letting go of your ego, letting someone else carry and always searching for a way to be useful.

    submitted by /u/catch-here01
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    Hail of blades feels very strong on Nocturne

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 01:33 PM PST

    I have been spamming Nocturne mid and currently on a 14 game win streak (gold Elo) I've looked at guides and op.gg and probuilds and they all use either Electrocute or lethal tempo but to me Hail of blades feels much stronger and for a 2 second window it is unarguably the highest dps mastery. To proc electrocute you are going to have to be in meele range anyways and when ulting a squishy you usually only have 2 seconds anyways so lethal tempo is inferior there. It also enables very strong trades/all ins in the laning phase.

    So just wondering what I'm missing or why no one else is running it

    submitted by /u/247noc
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    Jungler as 1st main ever

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 10:54 AM PST

    So, I'm still new in the game (started 1 month ago). Since then, I've been playing as many champs I could and trying all roles. Last week, have been thinking on what role I'm going to main. I was undecised between Top, Mid or ADC because might be better to main a lane first as new player. But after some bad games, I said "F*** this! I'm going Jungle!".

    Since the begining, I always felt I belong to Jungle...can't explain why. I enjoy way more the game when I play as a Jungler (even if goes wrong) and kinda feel I can focus much more playing on Jungler. Also, my top 3 favourite champs are Rammus, Lee Sin and new Diana...all junglers. Yeah, I heard that it can have a lot of pressure, but to be honest I feel way more pressure on laning with CS and trading.

    I wanted to main jungle in the future after maining some lane, but why not now? So I followed my heart and decided to main Jungler.

    Right now, I'm focusing totally on studying jungling. Still haven't played any ranked game, but might play when season starts (dont know yet).

    Anyone here had Jungler as first main ever? What tips do you recommend to me?

    submitted by /u/Kard_L7
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    Started playing ranked and I'm questioning if I'm too kind with my teammates

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 01:30 PM PST

    I started playing LoL nearly a year ago, I'm fitting quite well as a support but since I started doing ranked match I keep questioning about a thing.

    First of all, i placed Bronze 2 with my first placements ever but climbed with ~30 LP each win to Silver 2 and playing against golds right now.

    As you'll acknowledge I'm obviously still not good at this game (and I make many mistakes) but having an helpful and positive behaviour, for example sometimes i tend to bait enemies on me giving my teammates enough time to disengage. But when I do this I see my teammates literally turning back on the enemies and then being steamrolled in a matter of seconds. Always.

    How can I deal as a support when my team keeps (desperately) searching for fights without being able to handle them? Should I follow and try to avoid as many deaths as possible as I'm already doing or is it better having another approach?

    Should I consider to increase my rank playing (as autofilled) another role and then get back to supports when I'm at a certain elo?

    Ty in advance and happy holidays :)

    P.s not a rant, I'm actually not sure if I'm doing well like this. And sorry for the (probably) dumb questions XD

    submitted by /u/WerewolfHamster
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    Should i use attack move?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 11:17 AM PST

    So im a fairly new player, Not a newbie but ive only been playing for around 6 months or so, by no means experienced, and this is my first moba. I have used right click to attack the whole time I've played, and i tend to play on the euw server as an na player due to friends. Now recently, i have noticed i cancel auto attacks often due to spam right clicking people, and I'm wondering if i could negate this with attack move (I believe it is the a+left click?) And, if so, what is the difference between just right clicking and doing attack move?

    submitted by /u/Cowpancakes
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    A few questions from a new player

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 09:51 AM PST

    Hi, I started played league a few days ago, and I have a few questions about the game, which I couldn't find on beginner guides and such. Some of them are general questions about league, and some are about Yasuo, who I started to main.

    1. If I am down in more than two levels than my opponent, as yasuo how do I remain useful to my team? If I stay in my lane, I'll continue to get killed, but if I leave they'll plow through my towers and get even stronger.
    2. When I am playing mid, occasionally I get ganked, and I know that that's regular for mid laners. But how do I deal with the jungler camping my lane, and my jungler doesn't come to help me? Often I chose to try to camp underneath my tower, but sometimes that doesn't help at all.
    3. When I build the grievious wounds item, should I complete the full item or am I only looking for the grievous wounds effect?
    4. There are so many matchups that are hard, or many characters who I don't even know what they do and how to counterplay them. Should I go and learn all of the characters abilities and such, or should I just continue to learn as I play?
    5. Yasuo is relatively hard, but very rewarding when played right, and that's why I picked him up. However, there are many games where someone else called mid and adc, and I just don't know who I should play. Are there any characters who have that same feel of high risk, high reward that fulfill other roles on the team (not Draven because I tried and he is too much for my brain)?
    6. It is my understanding, and partially my experience, that the mid lane often gets ganked after the junglers have farmed sufficiently. But so far, only one of my jungers bothered to gank the other mid lane player. Is it something I am doing wrong, or I am just unlucky?
    submitted by /u/omerbballin101
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    What do y'all do when League starts taking a toll on your body?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 08:59 PM PST

    I'm probably closer to carpal tunnelling than I ever was before. This is probably due to me grinding 10 hours of ranked a day for like 2 weeks before the ranked season ended, but it hasn't gotten any better even though I barely played any league after the ranked season ended. So, aside from not playing, what else can I do to keep my wrist (and shoulders/back) in better shape? And when I do play again what is there to do to prevent or at least negate some of the damage done to my body? Thanks ^

    submitted by /u/Ahristotelianist
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    Helpful Videos for Midlaner?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 12:15 PM PST

    Hello everyone! And merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates (happy holidays to those who don't)! I have been playing norms for a couple of years and have only recently started playing ranked. I'd like to find a YouTube channel or series of videos that can help get my skills up. I'm a midlaner that mainly plays mages (Zoe, Heimer, Swain) and I know that I have a lot to learn. I'd mostly like to focus on how to lane better as well as develop map awareness but anything at all helps. Thank you!!!

    submitted by /u/paralelipipido
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    As a jungle main, should I be giving my camps to my landers?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 12:14 PM PST

    I often find that my top and mid will take my Krugs and raps a lot, putting me behind as a jungle. Sometime they even lose 1-2 waves of minions as they take the camp (mainly for krugs) Im fairly new to league and was silver last season. Is it more beneficial for the laners to take the camps compared to a jungle? And when this happens what's the best way to get exp/gold as jungle? Counter jungling and sitting in a bush is what I've come up with. Thanks for the help

    submitted by /u/Stickydrip28
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    Velkoz ult inconsistent?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 09:04 AM PST

    Hi fellow Summoners!

    I was practicing some Velkoz in practicetool, when i noticed something weird: a lvl 6 Velkoz with just a Haunting Guise (so 35 ap, no pen) doesnt deal consistent damage to practice dummies.

    I used 3 dummies, one to stack up madness, and the other two for ulting (so they were not researched for true damage), and the ult usually did 451 total damage, but sometimes only 434, and sometimes 489.

    at lvl 6 with 0 ap the damage is either 367/385 or 419.

    What can cause the difference?

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    Where can I find the "Jungling for Dummies" book?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 03:46 PM PST

    I've tried watching guides and tutorials on how to jungle but they're full of intermediate and advanced techniques on how to be an efficient jungler.

    It's almost like it's difficult for my Silver brain to understand. Obviously, jungle is a more knowledge-of-the-game based role and I'm trying not to think of it as "kill the red, kill the krugs, gank bot, get a kill".

    It's difficult for me to find a video where I can find

    • What champions to jungle with as a beginner
    • What basic paths I can take
    • Mid game macro
    • How to dragon/baron steal (probably a more advanced concept)

    I want to learn it to the point where if I get autofilled to jungle, I can at least take a stab at it and try my best. I am comfortable playing every other role but words fail me when it comes to jungle and my brain shuts down.

    submitted by /u/Danyulz
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    What are you supposed to do late-game with Olaf?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 08:38 AM PST

    I know that Olaf is a very early/mid game dominant champ, and falls off HARD late game, but what can I do to help my team? I contribute basically nothing in team fights and get destroyed instantly after the 20~25 min mark. Should I be just going for objectives??

    submitted by /u/Sporking_
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    Spirit Visage Questions

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 12:54 PM PST

    I've been learning Darius right now as he's pretty strong and I have some questions about this item.

    Is it ok to build it against a heavily AD team?

    Should I build it after someone gets a grievous wounds item?

    Should i build it against an AD team that has grievous wounds?

    Should I build it against an AP team with grievous wounds?

    submitted by /u/nefariousxd
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    Fed Tanks

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 07:14 AM PST

    I recently played a game as a jungler, and the top lane enemy Mord got semi-fed and was just unstoppable. He built tank and AP, and it either took a 3v1 to kill him, or he would just be massive pain in the ass in the front line, preventing us from getting to the ADC. Our top (trynd) didn't feed, but did lose lane. I tried to gank a few times and just wasn't able to really get the right angles/approaches.

    My question....

    Whats the best way to deal with a fed tank. One that is not only a tank, but also deals out some damage. Focus him and try to get him out of the team fight? Try to flank? CC him to death? Blow our cool downs? Just wondering.


    S4 player. Warwick and Hecarim 2 trick

    submitted by /u/prynce06
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    pta lategame bad?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 10:44 AM PST

    So I really like going pta on bruisers such as camille. But people keep telling me conq is better, main reason late game and tanks. Why is pta lategame so bad? Like isnt the "exposed" damage really good on tanks? Becaus they take more damage from all sources?

    so my question is why are people saying pta falls off lategame? I mean almost all adc take it...

    submitted by /u/Plastic_water
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    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 06:50 AM PST

    I am very wierd in how i play this game according to friends.

    Ive been playing for abit more than 4 years and and i really cannot seem to stay in one lane or play one champ for more than 10-20 games because it bores me and i need variety and i dont have a clear main although my Zed is M7 before i then switch to the next lane or champ.

    Personally i feel this has made me better to expect when junglers gank, top roams, mid roams and just map awereness.

    Is "multilaning" something that is okay to do or is it better to stick to 1 or 2.

    Edit: i am in silver 2

    submitted by /u/RealityZz
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    Omnistone might actually be way better than conqueror on Jax

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 06:22 AM PST

    How do I lane as Yasuo or Irelia vs LeBlanc?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 07:23 AM PST

    She usually just w's onto me and kills me and I cant really fight back as I get outdamaged and chained. After she's killed me once its extremely snowbally and she can just freeze the lane and all in with her w if I walk up.

    Often times she will hit a level before me, like level 3 or 6, and just all in. If she hits her chain Im not really able to survive in any way because I don't win if I fight back and I cant escape either when Im chained. Is there at least some way I can be prepared that she might or probably will get a level before me? So I can be prepared for an all in.

    Would really appreciate any sort of advice.

    submitted by /u/Peacemark
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    How can I learn to be better without ruining people's games?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 12:30 PM PST

    I am fairly new to the game and have been enjoying it mostly in the mid lane. Problem is that I am bad and feel horrible for ruining people's games. I used to use twisted treeline to better practice laning and stuff but now that that's gone I have no way to actually learn without being yelled at by everyone. I can't really use the co op vs ai because those don't really reflect how actual games work out. I want to get better but don't really have a chance especially when I want to try out different roles.

    submitted by /u/Grizzelss
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    6 examples of in game decision making you might find useful

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:01 PM PST

    Hello, I am commando yi and i make macro focused league videos


    In this video you'll find a series of clips where we explain the decision making that goes into the plays that unfold, hopefully giving you some ideas that you can use in your games

    0:03 - Tracking enemy jungler

    1:06 - Map awareness dives

    3:12 - Tunnel vision counterplay

    4:53 - Map awareness dives

    6:03 - Map awareness bait

    7:55 - The difference one player makes

    submitted by /u/CommandoYi
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    What should I have done as JG Kayn?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 03:07 PM PST

    It was about 30+ minutes into the game. I was Kayn jungle (rhaast) and going tank (besides core items)

    Enemy team had our mid inhib and a wave was pushing to our side. They also had baron buff.

    We had three dragons, while they had one. They wanted to contest for the next mountain dragon, however, our Naut's Hp was chunked to 35% by enemy Syndra combo, and we didn't have vision of their Twitch, who was a big threat.

    I had a really bad feeling that if we lost this contest, it was really over. So I spam-pinged danger to back away and pointed out the missing Twitch who could possibly flank us. My pings were ignored and

    Our Ziggs ulted to steal drag, team went in and I went in to smite, but failed (my fault, bad timing) A team-fight followed up and we lost by a mile. (Got aced)

    Enemy team then pushed in and ended the game, after taunting us and holding us hostage (sigh) and also our feeding Riven was spam-pinging my smite, angry that I missed.

    That really frustrated me to the core.. What should I have done in that situation? I think it was bad to even try to contest for dragon, even worse when our Naut was already low. If I'd backed away, my team likely would've gone in anyway, then flame and report me after that hmmm. I would be the only survivor, and wouldn't be able to defend. Game lost either way.

    I genuinely do not mean for this to be a rant, though I AM frustrated and I want to know what others would've done in that situation. Could I have influenced my team to back away?

    (I was silver 3 last season)

    submitted by /u/krissmgray
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    I am very bad at this game help.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 11:09 AM PST


    I've been playing since s3 but even then i didnt know that killing minions gave you gold and what champ goes where and i kept playing teemo so anyways.

    I started playing this summer again and got banned (reached level 70) and now i'm on a new account and im getting beat by anyone any lane.

    Idk how to support,how to farm as adc, track enemy jungler/gank/farm as jungler. Top is tanks and i dont like playing them and against them and mid i suck purely at it.

    I tried picking up annie but i went 1-4 against j4 mid and she is a simple champ,not roaming without vision or that stuff or try to fight if im behind but i couldnt kill anyone besides j4 at level 4 and i had to flash since i was 1 aa from death. I died bcs i purely suck not outplayed. The only time im having success is playing akali top but i cant play it all the time since she could be banned /picked or have a tank matchup. I just suck at everything and idk why. This summer i was doing great but idk what changed and i didnt take a break.

    Idk how to play against zed (only thing i know is rush seekers armguard), rengar, annie,idk how to play annie. So what do i do? Im not new to this game but i started taking it seriously this summer only. Cant even play mid cause i have to complain about something:annies stun and safety and how i played diana and went 3-5 (2 kills from bot lane), zed burst, leblanc mobility and burst, poke mages safety. Im just bad ik but idk what to do,what champ or role to play.

    TL;DR: Cant play simple champs, suck at macro,itemization,outplays, positioning,playing almost all champs, playing against most champs. I only win lane/games if my opponent does a mistake.

    I need something easy that doesnt require complicated stuff like positioning etc, maybe even splitpush since i dont want to teamfight ( i only know how to kill the adc in teamfights)

    submitted by /u/DeadGAT0R
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    What do you do against Vladimir?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 10:42 AM PST

    I have played as and against Vladimir a bunch but i still dont understan what is his weakness, he has super safe earlygame and after first items he beats a lot of champions, can stay in lane forever and he scales to become a monster.

    In my experience playing as him you can autowin if your team doesnt int and they done have good disangage and ony really strong laners with mobility like Kled can beat him.

    Any tips¿?

    submitted by /u/EmilianoR24
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