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    Friday, January 17, 2020

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: January

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: January

    Champion Pool Megathread: January

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 01:33 PM PST

    If you need help with your champion pool, feel free to comment in this thread. Be sure to help out others by answering questions as well!

    There have always been lots of posts on /r/summonerschool asking for help with champion pools. Many of these posts amount to nothing more than "What champion will carry me?" while others are more detailed, such as "I am good at __this__, what should I play if I want to do __that__?"

    Ultimately, the only champion that can carry you is the one you are good at, and you get good by practicing. But some people have more success with some play styles than others. If you can't figure out your strengths and weaknesses, look no farther!

    If you have any questions about rounding out your champion pool or identifying your strengths and weaknesses, post a question! Feel free to include your summoner profile if you wish. Remember that the more detailed questions will get more fulfilling answers.

    Here are some guidelines for posting in this thread. You don't have to answer these questions, these are just for you to think about. Instead of just saying what champions you play, consider telling us:

    1. What are you looking for help with?

    2. Who do you currently play?

    3. Why do you play them?

    4. How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill?

    5. What are you good at? What do you want to be good at?

    Also be sure to check out websites like www.u.gg and www.op.gg to add some statistical basis to your judgements.

    Have you thought deeply about your champion pool? Still can't figure it out? Great! We are here to help. Comment below and let us know what you're thinking.

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    If you want to improve, understand that League will always be unbalanced

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 05:42 AM PST

    I've seen tons of bronze players saying they couldn't win because opponent picks are unbalanced. Of course, they lose because they don't play properly, but still I can't hide the truth about it.

    League of Legends is a wide game thanks to his variety of items, character combination and interaction. Also, it is constantly updated, giving more width to the game. This brings into situations where a certain combination of events creates a bad experience for one or more players.

    Rioters are trying to make their best, despite the memes where Rioters are called "bad" or "unable to do their job properly" from the community. They work full-time on the game and studied in the past the best way to do it. Just because your "change idea" looks nice to you and maybe also to some thousands of other players, doesn't mean that is right.

    If League is still a very played game since 10 years ago, this means Rioters are doing their job pretty well. The problem is that most people never experienced coding or data analysis, thinking that by saying to the machine "Fix Mordekaiser" it actually starts to fix it by itself. So please stop complaining about balance and play the game.

    P.S. : Change my mind. That's a post written with muscle anger, not brain intellect.

    submitted by /u/Haranee_CC
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    As an Adc Main I feel like winning the lane is 90% dependant on my support, what to do?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 05:45 PM PST

    When I play adc sometimes I get a support main that will punish enemy adc for every misstep, constantly trying to damage him and making some pressure. Those games feel like autowin. But sometimes my support is autofilled, alt-tabbed, idk, he will just stay screen behind me so every cs I take may result in an instant all in from enemies. How do I have more presence as an adc during laning phase?

    submitted by /u/katsuatis
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    Small guide on what the different roles are supposed to do

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 01:59 AM PST


    I'm a S2-S9 Diamond player and recently started to smurf a little in Silver-Gold and I noticed that people generally don't know what their roles are supposed to do. In fact, this even happens in Platinum or low Diamond still with supports, so I've decided to write a small guide and explain what the different roles are supposed to do whilst comparing them to football positions.


    Toplane is probably the most isolated lane. You are a sololane and usually want to pick champions which aren't prone to ganks and can live on their own. Now that dragon soul exists, most junglers will ignore you, so what is your role in general? Essentially, you can describe toplane as the +1 lane. You're the CDM in Football, you try to get your team that extra advantage. How? Well, through TPs, through roams to mid when you pushed your lane, through taking the enemies jungle, scuttle (depending on your own junglers pathing), getting first blood turret, splitpushing or defending against a splitpushed and tping in. You can basically be the one relieving pressure, or the one building pressure and setting up an attack (through minion wave management of the sidelanes, for example).


    Now, the jungle is probably the most important role. I'd compare it to a scorer, essentially you force objectives and take them down. Be it drakes, Heralds, turrets or whatever. Possibly buffs for your midlaner/toplaner, just anything that gets your team an advantage. Or for example when your teammates set up a lane so that your opponents are forced to overextend, then you can execute that assist and kill them. Also, try to constantly think 1.30 min to 2mins ahead, like how your lanes' waves are going to be then, where you path and so on. DONT UNDERESTIMATE FARMING! I see a lot of people only having like 70~ cs by the 15min mark and being 2-3 lvls behind. Don't waste time through standing somewhere to try to gank, every minute you don't get gold your opponent is expanding his lead.


    Midlaners are essentially the number 10, or the playmakers. You secure room on the map through warding river, jungle entries or even warding deeper than that. You help your jungler securing scuttles or even set him an invade up for a buff or a half clear of the enemy jungle by maintaining mid prio. It is important for you that you learn how to track the enemy jungle so you can always maintain mid prio and let your jungler shit on the enemy, or to let your support place deep wards to spot the enemy jungler.


    There isn't much to say about AD, you're basically your teams insurance, much like a defender, or like a big cannon minion. The longer the game goes the more important you get since you just deal a shitton of damage, so it is important for you not to die (because dying means you can't farm which makes u lose gold/minute) and just farm until you become useful. Small sidenote: When your bot turret got taken or you take the enemies bot lane turret, don't go bot again but rather check if you can secure top/mid turret with your support, or if you can take herald and turn that into a top/mid turret. In case dragon is spawning soon or is up, stay bot though until it got taken


    Supports are probably the second most important role. If your team knows how to play with you you're almost guaranteed a win. Your role is to basically set up objectives so your jungler can execute them or "score a goal". You also want to keep your ADC alive and protect him as much as possible. Just like a winger, you set up goals and also help your defense if the enemy is attacking. Your biggest weapon are wards. When a dragon spawns, always have the area around it warded 30secs before already and be there, this gives you a massive advantage. Also, keep the first drake warded immediately, because often junglers try to solo sneak it. Try to have 3 wards placed every time around crucial positions, look on the map and think which objective is easy to take. Place wards around it to protect your team from possible attacks or engages, or so your team can catch someone. When you placed 3 wards and still got 1 left, it's not bad to place a ward somewhere else in case the vision there helps your team more than your first placed ward. Also, when you have 0 wards left go back, you need to spam wards like a machine gun on the map!

    submitted by /u/Sottex
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    You have to stop jungling like you used to do.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 08:03 AM PST

    With the season 10 jungle updates a lot had changed. The priorities you have as a jungle has changed as well, hyper farming junglers simply don't work anymore with the new xp rates. The meta revolves around constant pressure on lanes, permanently counter jungling and forcing objectives.

    The main reason for this is the horrible xp you will most likely have obtained through early to mid game. I myself have found myself outlevelled significantly more than ever before. The solution is to soak as much possible xp from lanes whenever you can, this in turn makes you gank more often.

    Counter jungling is also more important than ever. By denying even the tiniest bit of experience from the enemy jungle you will see him struggling to get level 4 while you are already level 6 on most junglers.

    That's just my 2 cents from a low plat jungler. Good luck on the rift!

    submitted by /u/SamiSafari
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    How I got over ranked anxiety, becaome less stressed by the game and less toxic as a player

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 05:02 AM PST

    For me ranked anxiety was about fear of loosing LP and MMR, especially after I hit gold which took so much effort. I was so afraid of loosing that I was doing stupid things in games and loosing more as a result. I felt like I have to do more than I usually do to win so I overextended, played recklessly and overagressively.

    Here are few things I changed in my mindset and approach that made it completely 'stress free' for me to play ranked:

    First of all, you need to have a goal other than climbing. I switched from "I need to climb to plat" mindset to "I need to improve to Plat level". I watch a lot of educational videos from different YouTube channels, I even bought access to a site with such videos. Now, every time I queue up it's nothing more than a training session in competitive env for me. Even a realisation of how much you can learn about this game can make it less stressful for you ("Yeah, I made a mistake because there's so much to learn and I know only a little, I'll sure make progress with time if I keep learning. ")

    Before every game (in loading screen) I try to create a plan for this game, which I learned to do from said videos. After every game I ask myself "did I play well/bad in this game? What did I fck up? What decisions were good/neutral/bad? Was my plan good/bad? Did I succeded/fail executing my plan? Was I outplayed" etc. Game outcome doesn't indicate wheter your performance was good or bad. Sometimes you win by being carried despite you sucked in that game and sometimes you lose despite your godlike performance. You can help yourself with sites like op.gg or mobalytics/blitz.gg etc, they give you remarks of your games in game summary, sometimes with 'carry score'. You can see there were you placed in terms of performance in a particular game. Eg. op.gg ranks players in game performance, if you are top3 you can consider that you in fact won this game. This doesn't mean that you no longer need to improve, your performance in Silver/Gold may be best in this elo, but in Plat/Dia you would probably be 10th.

    I don't queue for ranked if I don't feel well rested. Sometimes I come back from work completely washed out and I know that my reaction time is probably worse than if I had five drinks. Just rest, take a break, play something else, normal, ARAM or another game. Maybe watch a pro stream or educational video. Maybe play another game, or, what would be best for you, go jogging/to the gym or do something constructive that will stimulate your brain. After 30 minutes of exercise and a shower you may be more effective than you believe you could ever be. LoL REALLY is a sport. It's not physically but mentally demanding. You need to make decisions in split seconds and plan ahead, you need to predict and guess what your opponent may be doing. It's like chess mxied up with fencing, you need your brain to be in top condition! You need to train and rest to improve. You won't improve quickly even if you play 16 hours a day simply because it's not how our brains work. It takes time and practice for new skill/information to become instinct.

    After a longer break I don't jump straight into ranked. I play few normals to remember what it was about. Sometimes I don't even get to ranked. If I didn't play ranked for a week I may play 2-3 normals and then only on the next day I would play ranked again.

    I started streaming. Nobody watches me, but it gives me incentive to talk about what I'm doing, why I'm doing it and what I'm planning on doing next. Also I say outloud what I think enemy may be doing/planning right now and assesing general situation in lanes/on map. It helps with autopilot and for me... brings more joy into game. I can comment on my mistakes as I make them making me realize it faster. This can be done without streaming tho ;)

    If you are climbing - I noticed that MMR takes time to catch up. So even if you win 5 in a row you won't be gaining much more LP, but if you wait few days you may notice that you gain more.

    submitted by /u/Yavimawa
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    How to play against Vel’koz

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 01:25 PM PST

    I recently played against a Vel'koz mid and was really struggling. Partly because I was getting camped but mainly because I was getting seriously poked out. I was playing Annie and trying to dodge out of his poke with my e and I got boots early on but somehow it wasnt enough. Is there anything else I can do in the future to be more present in lane rather than just responding to him being there and spamming poke?

    submitted by /u/SharinganWithTheWind
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    What to do as a splitpusher when you don't have TP?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 09:00 AM PST

    To give a specific instance lets say I'm playing someone like Fiora who doesn't teamfight very well, but splitpushes exceptionally.

    Baron is up, but I don't have TP available for a while. What is the right play to make in these scenarios:

    • Enemy sidelaner has no TP and you have no TP?

    • Enemy sidelaner has TP and you have no TP?

    submitted by /u/_ZooAnimal_
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    How to be a good teammate?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 12:35 PM PST

    So I'm learning the game. I come from a sports background, so I think about the game from that perspective a bit. One of the things I see is a lot of people playing very individualistically. But in my eyes, this is a team game. So it's important to me to learn how to be better at that.

    I play top. What I want to know is: how can I support jungle and mid the best I can? Ignoring having a numerical advantage in damage in lane or in a team fight, what can I do to be that dream top laner? I don't really tilt or call people names, so I think I'm ahead of the game there. I'm usually pretty good about not feeding, too.

    I think about warding properly and pinging correctly as that basic level of defense you can play, just like in sports. When those things are in place, your opponent can't make a play (unless they're amazing, which happens). I'm trying to learn more of that.

    submitted by /u/slabby
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    Transitioning from another MOBA, need help.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 09:29 AM PST

    So, I have decided to give LoL a try, I am a diehard fan of DotA 2(4.3k hours and top 5% ranked). But the problem seems to be that I have to learn everything again, all the items, all the heroes.

    So, I was hoping if you guys can guide me. I know the basics of MOBA's pretty well, but can anyone explain the following:

    -Role of top lane

    -Role of mid lane

    -Role of bottom lane

    What lane should I go? Out of my 4.3k hours in DotA 2, I would say I went mid in a good 3k+ hours. Is DotA's mid lane the same as LoL's mid lane?

    Also explain the role of jungler in this game please.

    Finally, recommend me good heroes for beginners (Mid lane preferred). Also is draven good for mid? What role is he? Is he a good champ?

    P.S: I installed this game about a year go because I love tyler1 and sold some heroes to buy draven, and got my first pentakill(Enemy was noob af) in 3 days, but haven't played much LoL since.

    submitted by /u/haiderhtz
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    Is leaving an inhibitor up to not give exp/gold to the ennemy an actual strat ?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 03:14 PM PST

    Hey guys,

    Hardstuck D4 here. For the 1st time in my league experience, I've met players who argue that, in some instances, you should leave the inhibitor up to not let the ennemy funnel exp/gold. I tried to ask them their actual thinking, since an inhib down gives us so much pressure for others objectives. Despite being called brainless, no one has ever actually answered me well.

    I met 3-4 players thinking this in the past week. Before that, I had never seen a team leaving an inhibitor up. Is this an actual new strat ? Or just simply dumb ?

    Thank you, and good luck on the rift !

    submitted by /u/Molson234
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    What do I do as an ADC in those games where EVERYTHING on the enemy team can and will kill you?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 08:37 AM PST

    I've always liked the teamfight advice of "pay attention to their big moves and always have a plan to play around them" so things like a Jax flash stun, Rumble R, Thresh hook, etc etc you just have to identify them ahead of time and have a plan for how to deal with them.

    What I struggle with is when the enemy team is (for example) two assassins, a burst mage, a hook champ, and something like Senna or Ashe as the enemy ADC who also has a disable.

    Like what do you DO against that?

    I literally just finished a game where the enemy team was Kled, Nocturne, Syndra, Senna, Brand (support, so limited gold, but still a stun and still a lot of damage)

    If I was EVER in vision at any point at all EVER then the Noct would ult me immediately. I think he maybe used two ults the entire game on someone that wasn't me. If we somehow managed to burst him down before he burst me then I'd be low enough that a simple point and click syndra would finish me off and there's nothing that I can do about it.

    We did actually still win the game, partially because their teamfight was so focused on killing me that they forgot about my Sett, but if the answer to this problem is "yeah, be the meatshield, let your team carry" then that feels REALLY bad, and "rely on your team" can't ever possibly be a good strategy for climbing ladder.

    submitted by /u/Randomd0g
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    Nautilus top/jungle viable in gold/plat?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 12:18 PM PST

    Hey guys,

    I am looking for some help. I am trying to one trick naultilus in season 10 in either jungle or top. Do you think it is viable enough. I feel like with shield bash it does SO much dmg. My friends are telling me he doesnt scale well and will not do enough dmg late game. What are your thoughts on Nautilus top/Jungle.

    Here is my OP.gg: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=ColonelFrank

    submitted by /u/Zmac122
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    I've started a video series covering basic league concepts aimed at new or returning players.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 01:36 AM PST

    Hi everyone, I've recently started a video series on my youtube helping people to better understand League of Legends. These videos are aimed at brand new players or people returning after a long break so there won't be any super-advanced techniques or crazy mechanical how-to guides. Just me calmly explaining things that I was too shy to ask when I first started playing. My first video is all about the season 10 changes to elemental drakes. If anyone has any suggestions for more topics they want to be covered let me know!

    League of Legends: Guide to elemental drakes!

    submitted by /u/sadfairygames
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    surprise surprise, youre playing against 5 other people with the potential to be better than you.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 03:50 PM PST

    it always makes me kinda wonder how some people can say stuff like "youre actually so shit at this game :)))))" or blame their team for dying in lane as if everyone expects the other to play perfectly. it almost feels as if every game is full of people who almost assume the enemy is a bot and therefor their team should always win their lane unless they are flat out bad at the game. this is simply not the case..... a challenger losing lane is still challenger, he just happened to play against someone who played better than them this time. if you or your team are getting stomped in lane, why is "my opponent played better than me" never a possibility? whats the point of pointing fingers? god forbid SOMEONE could POSSIBLY be better than me in my elo.

    and guess what? neither you nor i am challenger because there are people who are simply better than us, youre either good enough to climb or not, there is no inbetween.

    submitted by /u/Teminite2
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    65% Win Rate. MMR low?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 03:49 PM PST

    MMR Stagnant?

    Hey Reddit, Was just wondering if anyone else feels like the MMR this season as been pretty Stagnant? This is my OP.GG https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Ishuffleforher . I have been winning a lot of my games but only been getting 22-24 LP. In previous years I felt like I have been able to climb faster in the beginning of the season by getting 25-29 LP when I go on pretty good winning sprees. Any input on your own experiences ?

    submitted by /u/WannaBeCSMayor
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    Low elo macro problems

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 06:43 AM PST

    Hello! I am a silver mid main who is trying to improve and climb up, so I have been watching streamers, coaching vods etc to learn more about macro play. I think I am getting a pretty good understanding of how the game should be played. But I have a problem with people wanting to ARAM for no reason whatsoever.

    Every other game, I have teams that force fights when there are no objectives to fight over and there is free sidelane farm to catch. When I go to take them, I get pinged and flamed or worse, they don't even notice I am not with them and get caught 4v5.

    What should I be doing in these kinds of scenarios? Should I be following their call despite the fact that it's wrong, to prevent my team dying and losing mental? Or should I just go and do what I think best, then mute them if they flame too much?

    I also like to play lategame scaling champs, because I feel like I can carry more consistently with them. But games like these make it a lot harder to reach that point.

    submitted by /u/Minsc17
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    How to change your mental approach to the game?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 04:13 PM PST

    Even after a break from the game, I haven't been enjoying it much recently. My main struggle with the game is the champion direction heading down the route of abominations like Aphelios (who I honestly don't understand because there's absolutely way too much to memorize..). Apart from the balance of the game and the champion design direction I think it's great. With that in mind, is there any way I can change my mental approach to enjoy the game again? Or should I just have another break, or just quit potentially?

    submitted by /u/prodalucinor
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    Heal and Shield Power Question

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 03:05 PM PST

    Does the Heal & Shield power apply after AP ratios are taken into account?

    E.g Jannas Shield has 70% ap ratio

    At max it's 220 + 70% ap

    If I have 200 AP

    = + 140 Shield

    • 220 + 140 = 360

    Will a 10% Heal and Shield power apply to this new value after AP or apply to the base value ?

    360 + 36 = 396


    220 + 22 = 242

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/avauk12
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    As a support main, what are some things that I can do to make the game easier for my team?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 08:01 AM PST

    I know that support is more than just vision control and making plays. I want to do more than that. I want to be the support difference, but I feel like I doing it wrong.

    The problem that I have is that I play my way instead of trying to adapt to my team. I'm a roam heavy support. I don't like being in lane as often as others. I feel like I have more impact this way, but at the same time it leaves my ADC vulnerable. Making the game harder for them. Is this something that I should be looking to change? This year I want to take ranked more seriously than previous year, so any advice would help.

    As a side note: Would it be smart to add the ADC/Jungler that I liked playing with in certain game to have a duo? I know that communication helps a ton when you're able to speak in voice.

    submitted by /u/Usgai
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    Issues with low elo silver~low gold players

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 10:04 AM PST

    I am not high elo by any means and only finished my preseason rank in Plat4 with rengar. In order to avoid the chaotic soloq matching system early in the season. I've decided to play on my friend's account who was placed in iron last season. The account is currently placed in Bronze II and I get matched with people who are ranked high silver. There are a couple of common mistakes that I saw people make while playing in this elo, so I thought it would great if I can share them to help more low elo people to get to higher rank.

    1. Lack of awareness: This happens so often. For example, I've seen people are so caught up trading in lane or trying to get the perfect cs score but ignore what's happening in the mini-map. People still die to ganks even the wards have spotted the enemy jungle miles away. The best way to deal with this is to settle down with a champion. Trying to develop muscle memory for csing and executing combos, so that you can focus more on the macro perspective. One tricking or two tricking is the best way to do this. Stop trying to play 10 champs at a time while climbing. Only the pros who devoted their life playing this game have the ability to be so good at so many champs. If you only have a couple of hours per day to play this game, stick with one champ that you like the most and don't switch.
    2. Not building according to team comps and situations: I've seen many Fiora, Tryndamere and Yasuo players going full damage after going 0/4 in the laning phase. It happens when you play against someone who is better than you, or their champ counters you, or the enemy jungle camps your lane, whatever the reason is, you should always take team comp into consideration and figure out a different build path that provides value to your team. Going full damage while being behind will not magically give you a penta in a team fight and get you back in the game. If your team doesn't have a front line, build some tanky items, do the bruiser build on Tryndamere, don't try to go full crit.
    3. Your win rate matters, if your win rate is below 55% of a certain champ, please go back to check the recording of your previous games. Check to see what made you lose your lane. Did you screw up a trade? Was it a better decision to roam instead of trading with laner? Were you slow responding a 2v2 roam even if you have prio in lane? You should have a 55% + win rate and consistent positive KDA in order to carry to higher elo. Yes you will lose some games if your teammates int too much, however, eventually you will get to higher elo if you play more games. But first, you need to learn from your mistakes and make sure you don't make them anymore.
    4. Rotate to secure objectives with your jungle. I've seen so many players going base 20 seconds before the drag spawn. I understand if you need to buy or reset, but unless you are very low, you should always be around the drag area to contest it. If you base 20 seconds before, by the time you get back to the drag pit the enemy team already finished it. It's usually the team who gathered around the drag pit first will most likely get the drag. So group with your team 20secs before it spawns, don't go base.
    5. Stop flaming your teammates for feeding and claim that you've beat your lane but now you can't do anything. League is about trying to get fed yourself and going against whoever is fed on the enemy team. If you play top lane and you have crushed your lane. But your bot lane is doing very poorly, mid is even. Then this game is about you vs their bot lane. You have to build smart and play smart in order to win. If you are playing assassin top lane, prioritize on killing their bot lane so your team has higher odds of winning team fights. If you are playing tanky top lane, prioritize on getting Tabi and Armor items even if you are playing against an AP champ. Think of league as a chess game, not some autopilot simulator.

    In conclusion, if you play without using your brain, you will be placed with people who are in the same level as well. The same goes to everything else in life. I hope these tips can help you guys to get to higher elo. Feel free to ask any other questions if you have any.

    submitted by /u/Venisky
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    Should I duo?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 09:26 AM PST

    I'm (mostly) an ADC main. It's the role I play when with my friends in Ranked Flex, and I consistently outperform ADC mains tiers above me in SoloQ. Of course, my opponents could just be not taking Flex seriously, but I think that having a support duo helps me have a grip on the game and that I believe I really do perform better in Flex than in SoloQ. It greatly reduces the number of variables I have to worry about, my support duo has good chemistry with me and I can focus more on predicting what the enemy wants to do instead of my own support.

    However, I only queue solo in SoloQ. I have heard advice (I think from LS mainly, but also others) that I should not duo in SoloQ, because I could somehow be inhibiting my growth as a player by being too reliant on my duo synergy rather than solidifying my basics. There's also the fact that I will have an inherent advantage over ADCs that don't duo, and just gain elo despite not being a better player.

    My main goal is to be the best player possible, and my ultimate goal would be something like playing for an amateur team at as high a level as possible. Of course I also want to be as high a rank as possible in SoloQ, but not at the expense of legitimately improving. Should I continue playing solo? Does duoing significantly inhibit my growth as a player and artificially inflate my elo? Or is that BS and duoing is fine?

    submitted by /u/Swashbucklin_Ducklin
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    ADC Looking for Advice on How to Improve

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 06:31 AM PST



    I pretty much only play ADC with a little bit of support and jungle mixed in there, but I still feel like I'm awful at this game. I pretty much started last year in the summer as my first season and peaked at Silver 1, but maybe that was lucky. I really want to get better at this game. I'm like addicted to it. The rest of my friends have been playing this game much longer than I have, but I still want to catch up. I want to be just as if not better than them. I want to improve at all costs. I just don't really know what exactly to do or how to do it.

    What I mean by this is that I kinda know areas to improve in (farming, doing more damage, teamfighting), but I'm really sure how to go about improving that. Some of my biggest weaknesses include playing too defensively at all stages of the game as well as not having the best macro sense.

    I guess I try to keep too much in mind sometimes trying to calculate and predict abilities and I scare myself out of things a lot. I want to be bale to play intelligently, but I guess it's kinda messing me up. Like in lane I won't try to trade very aggressively due to there being a large wave or being afraid of the support's/potential jungler's abilities. Though in general, I feel that I'm fairly good at understanding my lane matchup and avoiding getting hit with most abilities; I typically don't really lose or get stomped in lane, but I don't ever really win hard either. And in teamfights, I try to play careful and watch for the dangerous abilities that can one-shot me, but then my friends and the rest of my teammates flame me for not being in there doing damage. It's just hard finding the balance between being useless and impactful. I hardly ever have the most or some of the most damage in game.

    For farming, I feel like I can manage the wave, but I don't really know when to employ pushing or freezing. I don't think I miss too many minions during laning phase, but after laning phase, my farm drops off pretty hard.

    I would really appreciate any tips that could help me improve. Thank you for your time.


    I want to improve as an ADC at all costs. Specifically how to do better in doing more damage, having better macro, and farming better. I want to be useful.

    submitted by /u/AttackOnTARDIS
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    How to Compensate for Mechanics Deficiency?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 02:39 AM PST

    I have pretty shitty hands. My nerves, aiming, and reaction times are terrible, and no matter what I do, I can't seem to stop from having a jittery play experience after like my fourth or fifth game. How can I compensate for my supreme lack of mechanical ability other than getting surgery to improve my finger and hand dexterity? What can I do to help out my team, if I can't play carries or farm in lane? I've played mostly support since s7 and try to play tanks since their only job is to die and soak up damage, but I never feel like I'm doing enough and am considering a role switch. Please help me!

    submitted by /u/Phofoe
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