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    Thursday, February 6, 2020

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: February

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: February

    Champion Pool Megathread: February

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:59 AM PST

    If you need help with your champion pool, feel free to comment in this thread. Be sure to help out others by answering questions as well!

    There have always been lots of posts on /r/summonerschool asking for help with champion pools. Many of these posts amount to nothing more than "What champion will carry me?" while others are more detailed, such as "I am good at __this__, what should I play if I want to do __that__?"

    Ultimately, the only champion that can carry you is the one you are good at, and you get good by practicing. But some people have more success with some play styles than others. If you can't figure out your strengths and weaknesses, look no farther!

    If you have any questions about rounding out your champion pool or identifying your strengths and weaknesses, post a question! Feel free to include your summoner profile if you wish. Remember that the more detailed questions will get more fulfilling answers.

    Here are some guidelines for posting in this thread. You don't have to answer these questions, these are just for you to think about. Instead of just saying what champions you play, consider telling us:

    1. What are you looking for help with?

    2. Who do you currently play?

    3. Why do you play them?

    4. How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill?

    5. What are you good at? What do you want to be good at?

    Also be sure to check out websites like www.u.gg and www.op.gg to add some statistical basis to your judgements.

    Have you thought deeply about your champion pool? Still can't figure it out? Great! We are here to help. Comment below and let us know what you're thinking.

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    One of my biggest problems in league as a support:

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:11 AM PST

    As a support, I naturally have to help people stay alive, right? But whenever I see a teammate going in a fight with an enemy 3 levels ahead of him that is absolutely impossible to win I tend to go help if I'm nearby .. but in 95% of the time, I just die with him. I feel « obligated » as a support, even tho I know that he's going to die anyway. Recently I started listening to my instincts and just let the guy get one shot... but then I get blamed for it. If I die with him, others might blame me for not running away. Maybe this is a low elo problem but I am trying to improve, I need tips on how to be effective without actually killing myself .. if that makes sense ?

    submitted by /u/braaindamaage
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    People over-complicate climbing the ladder. Here are literally all the tips you need to climb in one short post.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:18 PM PST

    1. Don't play more than a few champions
    2. Do not blame your team even when it's their fault. You will improve much faster if you assume everything is your fault.
    3. Look at the minimap, and place a ward in a place on the minimap that is important to you.
    4. Get a large amount of CS
    5. Play the objectives.
    6. Play a bunch of games

    I know this seems obvious, but I see so many posts that are 3000 words long that have a ton of useful information that really isn't as helpful as just focusing on the fundamentals. Play the fuck out of 1-3 champions (preferably 1 if you want to climb fast and you're in lower elo), learn them and their matchups inside and out, and then play a bunch of games. Good luck!

    submitted by /u/Dudeurdead
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    What do you do as an ADC against fed top/midlaners?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 04:22 AM PST

    Title really. I'm running into games where my toplaner goes 0/3, 50cs down and can't really have an impact on the game/is basically out of it until they can solo farm later in the game

    Which is fine, it happens to everybody

    But what do I do when a toplaner, 3 levels ahead of me comes to 1v2 me and my support and can just OS me and my support?

    Seems to be happening quite frequently and I feel kind of powerless?

    Not sure what I'm doing wrong


    submitted by /u/KaffY-
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    As a lane dominant champ like Orianna, how do I decide between following the enemy midlaner on roams and staying in lane to farm ?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:08 PM PST

    I am fairly new to the game and one thing I often encounter is the situation where for example the enemy Talon decides to leave midlane and roam to the sidelanes. Often times I am unsure whether I should stay in lane to shove the wave as fast as possible and THEN join, OR just loose the CS and assist my sidelanes immediately. Let's say I am Orianna, when should I follow his roam ?

    It obviously depends on what the wave looks like, but let's say I see a Talon leave midlane after shoving the wave into my tower, do I just follow or stay in lane to get the CS ?

    In general I struggle with the decision making on whether or not to join fights in jungle/river when they are kind of far away, especially when playing lane dominant mages like Ori and Ahri.

    submitted by /u/LorenzMatterhorn
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    A message from your Support to each lane

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 01:48 PM PST

    Hey, I'm a support main, playing mostly Zilean, Naut, and poke supps like Brand/Velk. Through my time playing, I've accumulated a decent few "helpful tidbits" aimed at the other 4 positions, in order to improve synergy and help me help you. I'll categorize this by lane, starting with Top lane, providing a bit of advice from a support's perspective.

    Top Lane

    • Don't be scared to TP down to help botlane. If you want to, you can even tell us to place a ward you can TP to, just give us a heads up. Something that's really effective is warding inside the alcove, it rarely gets swept and can let you TP in all stealthy like.

    • If you're losing lane, don't feel bad about asking for a lane swap. Often that can help slow down the enemy toplaner, as well as keep the enemy botlane pinned down.

    • If you can solo herald and bring it down to botlane, that's a huge help too, especially if we're already winning the lane. I've had several games where our toplaner who was a bit behind took herald, TPed after we killed the enemy ADC, and we got two towers off it.

    • Try to help us take dragon with our jungler. The more people taking dragon, the less likely it is to be stolen.

    • No, I cannot roam to gank you. A) because the fed darius will literally 3/4ths-shot me with his Q, and B) because it's just too dam far away. I've had a few toplaners turn to me after our jungler stopped ganking.


    • Be careful when ganking. If we're hard losing, you rolling up runs the risk of them just turning on you and blasting you. Plenty of junglers spend way too much time trying to gank bot. If the enemy has vision, I'll try to ping it to warn you off. Please don't gank when they can see you coming.

    • Good supports will ping ult. For ults like Zilean, Naut, Leona, etc, these are tools that can secure a gank, as they prevent bullet point 1 from happening.

    • I have wards for days. If you want something specific warded, let me know and I'll come with you to ward it. Same goes for camp stealing.

    • You don't need the entire botlane to come help with 1st/2nd dragon. I can help you just fine, don't ping the ADC who's taking the time to farm. If you can't quite solo it, I can help, but 3-manning it early on isn't really necessary and makes us lose CS.

    • I'll do my best to CC the enemy away from stealing it, but if multiple people show up, I can either int for the delay (sometimes worth if it's really close to smite range), or you can get off dragon and come fight them with me. It's okay to abandon dragon and let it reset (make sure it resets, don't keep attacking it while a fight's going on!).

    • By default, I always leash my jungler, as every jungler benefits from it. If you're playing a champ/build that doesn't need it, please tell me so I can go back to bot. I sacrifice some XP to help you.

    • If we're invading, be mindful of what I can do at low level. Zilean for example doesn't get his stun until lv 2, and his slow until lv 3. Soraka doesn't get either her heal or her silence until 2. Leona can't really engage without her zenith (E) or armor steroid. Etc.

    Mid lane

    • If you want me to roam, you need to set things up. I'm always going to be down levels compared to you and your opponent, so if I roll up at the wrong time, I'll get assblasted and basically int your lane. Please, keep a freeze on your side, and go in when I go in, or slightly before.

    • The same goes for the reverse, roam when we're shoved under tower, and you can quickly shove lane in yours.

    • Please keep enemy vision off of the botside river. Again, I can't roam if they can just collapse on me before I even make it to your lane.

    • Please come help with dragon if you can. It's a quite short walk, and the damage helps a lot.


    • Please mind CS, even if we're playing a kill lane like Leona Draven. If not, the enemy adc and support will just CS and eventually we'll lose even if we all-in.

    • You don't have to attack every CC I land. No seriously, it's not that hard/rare to land them, and often I'm just doing it to either scare them off (zilean bombs make people book it away so fast), or just to trade with arbitrary damage. I won't be mad, it's merely an opportunity. Know your champ and what you can get away with.

    • Let me execute cannons if I'm playing shoulder guards/shield-type supports. It gives us both gold, and is a lot easier to time.

    • If you're an ADC that also possesses CC (eg ashe, jhin, etc), try to combo with mine. The more CC is chain-applied, the more likely the kill is to happen.

    • If you're low health and running away, and I land CC, it's not a kill opportunity, it's to ensure they don't flash-auto-ignite you under tower. Continue running away. They want you, not me, but they'll take us both if you come back.

    • If we're getting ganked, objective #1 is to get you away under tower. Me landing CC at any point during the event, unless we're roflstomping lane, is entirely defensive. Typically, I'll land it on the most dangerous person (eg the jungler or the ADC), so use the time they're stunned/rooted to run past them to tower. Preserve your shutdown gold and life.

    • For wave control, I'll try to pick up on what you want the minions to do, but telling me always helps. Ping towers. Ping the enemy tower if you want help shoving, ping our tower if you want to freeze.

    • If you're alone, please stay very near tower and be careful, especially if the enemy support is there too. One misstep and you are 100% dead, I won't be there to save you.

    • Please don't walk through the tribush if you're on the west-side after leashing. One of the primary ways I cheese when I play pyke or other similarly initially strong support is to camp that bush for free kills. Walk around the long way, it just takes an extra 5-10 secs. If you absolutely must, ward it before you go to leash.

    Overall - All lanes

    • Assist me in clearing wards. Most support's AA speed is trash, so it takes us most of a sweeper to clear 2 wards. We can get a lot more with one sweeper if you help me AA them.

    • Buy control wards, at least one per back. A control ward is literally worth like 3-4 CS for permanent vision and vision denial. Place them and make use of them. They aren't just for supports. A deep control ward in the enemy jungle does so much, especially if it's in a high traffic area. Midlane can deny vision to enable ganks. Toplane can protect buffs/baron/heralds. ADC/jungle can protect dragon or river entrances. Etc.

    • Please don't engage fights without me later in the game, especially if I'm playing a CC support or strong enchanter. It's a big disadvantage.

    • Supports watch the minimap, it's one of our primary jobs, since we don't have to CS. Pay attention to pings, especially while laning with one. If they ping danger, back off, trust them, they've probably seen something.

    • Some supports do a lot of damage late game. Zilean is one of them, along with most poke support mages. Please don't rage at them for killstealing. 9/10 it's entirely unintentional and couldn't be helped. If I had an RP for every time one of my zil bombs/brand burn/ignite/etc finished someone and I got ? pinged for it, I could buy every skin in the game. I will do my best to not last hit the enemy, but if he's gonna get away, I will 100% secure it. Take your assist gold and CS differential.

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    Always played support have no idea how to play other roles, wants to learn to jungle.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 03:02 PM PST

    Hello! I've been stuck playing support for any and all groups I've ever played in. I was trying to learn other roles but I would get yelled at depending on who I was playing with. I had an ex that used to try to teach me to play adc but he quickly gave up after I got overwhelmed. I think I need to just be able to play alone now to be able to overcome the distress of letting everyone down. I'm worried that even in normals I'll get constantly yelled at by other players, but also worried that not games won't give me enough experience. Should I try to find friends to play with?

    For my main focus I would like to learn how to jungle. It's a role that I have avoided at all costs and now I am really feel that it could give me the aspects of the support I liked, but not be useless if the adc let's you down. What are some good beginner junglers? What main things are the most important to jungling and the least important?

    Tldr: I'm a noob and have no idea what to do, main focus is jungle.

    submitted by /u/mayodumpster
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    Jungling. To gank or not to gank?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:24 AM PST

    I'm in silver And trying to climb. Whenever I play jungle Its almost every game where someone will say they need you to gank them they have a tough lane. Is it actually better to gank these lanes? And try to gank someone that could potentially roll you in a gank or would it be better to focus on the mid lane thats having an easier time and secure more kills possibly?

    To go along with that if someone is losing lane, is it better to ignore them and hope they play safe and possibly work on a lane that still has a chance or is winning? Or try and stop the enemy jungler and top lane (who is fed) from wrecking top lane?

    submitted by /u/Steals_your_Jokes
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    Roleswapping from Top to Mid, Champions, Waves and tips

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:35 AM PST

    Decided this season is the season I try mid, originally a top main and have never played mid before. What should I be looking to focus on when I start? How does wave management compare from top to mid? When should I push and roam, warding routines etc?

    submitted by /u/hahakalol
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    Jungle is my worst role. How can I impove?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 03:39 PM PST

    I'm Silver 2 and I mainly play top lane and support. I'm trying to learn to jungle but I somehow suck at it. I play simple champs like Xin Zhao and Vi, but I somehow never seem to be where I need to be, while the enemy jungler seems to always be where he needs to be. I don't even know what I'm doing wrong. How do I determine where I have to be as a jungler?

    submitted by /u/UsedToBeRadical
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    Coming back as an ADC

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 12:53 PM PST

    Hello i'm an typical adc main. I reach gold II last season and sometime i have problem coming back to the game getting income so i could go online.

    When i lose lane it usually comes down to my "super farm" mode. When i focus on farming and try to avoid fight as much as possible until i reach my 2-3 items spikes.

    But the problem in low elo soloQ that sometime i never get to touch the minions waves. When my other team mate and jungler keep pushing it up. And it take a long time to hit the enemy tower and bounce back (because at low elo people don't really push but fight instead?)

    When it happens i go to the jungle and farm jungle instead. But as i observe, even when i have higher cs and maybe kills. I'm still have lower level and item compare to the enemy adc.

    So i think that jungle creep does not provide enough exp and gold for me with out the jungle item. So is my observation right? And how could i touch the minions waves before my team mate can. Please correct me since i'm open minded and ready to learn.

    submitted by /u/khangdchung
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    What's the difference between iron, bronze, and silver?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 12:37 PM PST

    I am stuck in Iron as a support main, and have been wondering what the difference between iron and silver is? I keep hearing from people that there are very little differences between high iron/low bronze and silver beyond mechanics. If I find a champion I have a good winrate with in iron, will I be able to climb up to gold with it? Or are there much re differences between ranks?

    submitted by /u/2plus24
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    How to rengar OTP to diamond or high/mid plat?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 10:50 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    I've been watching a lot of dekar's jungle rengar to challenger stream. And been trying to learn to bring my jungle cat gameplay to the next level. However, I do have a few questions regarding this gameplay and I hope to get some answers from higher elo mains:

    1. I realized that dekar barely go for the first two drags or heralds (even if ahead) but focuses a lot more on optimizing pathing and counter jungle whenever possible. Is this the correct way to play rengar? I kinda understand that early drags don't give much in return and thus might not be worth it. But early game herald = a lot of plate money pre 14 mins. Is denying the enemy jungle that much more important than getting objectives and gold?
    2. Daddy's dekar has about 8.3 cs per min. While I am only able to achieve about avg 6.5 cs per min. I understand the concept of taking enemy jungle right after the enemy jungler dies or a team fight worked out. And during the mid to late game, I spend as little time as possible to seige with team, instead, I path from camp to camp to lane and take all the cs to create pressure somewhere else on the map. I also counter jungle if I can beat the enemy jungle 1v1 if laners have prio. I still can't come close to his cs score. Is this the average cs score that you diamond + rengar mains have? Do I have to be on that level in order to climb into diamond?

    I've only peaked Plat 4 in preseason. And I'm looking to climb into mid/high plat by the end of S10. I understand there might be a huge gap between plat to high diamond. But I would still appreciate any tips from you guys to help me improve my gameplay. I've posted links to my op.gg if you guys are interested in taking a look.



    Dekar's op.gg just in case if you guys don't watch his stream.


    submitted by /u/Venisky
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    How the hell do you beat cheese bot lanes?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:07 PM PST

    So many variations but the one I just got destroyed by was heimerdinger/veigar. Literally can't do anything with the 10s cooldown veigar cage, easy-to-hit heim stun on an immobile adc with no boots (aka me), both of them have higher base damage than any ADC and most supports. Can't poke them, can't all in them, and they push insanely hard so if I just "play safe and farm" I lose my turret before 10 minutes and then they go mid and do the same thing. Jungler just dies if they try to gank veigar + heim + 20 minions. We die trying to follow up.

    Anytime anyone is any bit out of position the veigar cage comes down, they get a kill or force someone to back and take the easy turret. Don't even get started with drag - it's a no go zone.

    ADC late game insurance? Not when I can barely get any CS...and its not like veigar or heim are bad in mid or late game.

    Honestly bot lane just reminds me of starcraft...it's a handshake that people don't cheese or run 2-gate zealots but fact of the matter is that it works but isn't "meta".

    submitted by /u/Seaside877
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    Playing 'Carries' vs Playing Tanks

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 10:37 AM PST

    Hello all.

    So, recently in my early season ranked climb (I got to silver! :D) I've been experimenting with roles, champions and playstyles.
    I started playing jungle and found that I can't handle the flame I get from my teammates, deserved or not - it really ruins my mentality and spills onto other games. I was even target inted by someone two games in a row in my promos because I didn't gank him top lane - but that out of the way, I'm back to top lane this season.

    The question I have, put simply, is this: In Silver, would I be better off playing champions I can carry and snowball with (Fiora, Jax, Darius), vs playing Tanks / Bruiser I can teamfight and objective push with (Ornn, Mordekaiser, Yorick).

    I've been playing what I have because I tend to turtle my early game out against very aggressive top and jungle players, and come into mid game with dragon priority on my teleports / top splits respectively, and scale into late game as a teamfight tank or splitpusher, HOWEVER, this feels like it's not enough with some of the teammates I have been getting.

    I'm basically just wondering if I can play something with a bit more self imposed carry potential instead of tanks.

    Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/cadencematters
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    Questions about melee vs. ranged mids.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 04:22 PM PST

    I'm very use to mid lane being 95% long ranged casters from playing other mobas such as Smite and Paragon, but it seems like mid lane meta is all about assassins that can roam and snowball.

    I've been playing as Katarina and Fizz mid, and thinking about using Diana, but it seems like i'm getting poked out of lane ALOT when i'm against ranged casters like Malzahar, Zoe, and Veigar (which are more common in my lower elo). I'm decent at dodging with Kat E and Fizz E, but I can't dodge everything unfortunately, and if I finally get a chance to get in with my mobility tools while they don't expect it, they just use their blink away I get poked out of lane again.

    Is it just how those matchups are, or are there better ways at counteracting all the poking as a melee character against range? Do I need a pocket caster pick for mid for some of these matchups?

    Also would Cassandra be a good matchup against the melee dominated mid meta? Or is the ability to roam too important to give up?

    submitted by /u/Jigglybuff99
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    Any advice on what went wrong for red in this teamfight? (Gold 1)

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:18 AM PST

    Not really sure what happened here and what could have salvaged the fight. The worst thing that happened was that Diana got caught, but was there anything red side could have done to win that fight?

    From the looks of it, the Yi made a mistake focusing their Jax while he was in counterstrike, and the Vayne did a bad job 1v1'ing Mordekaiser. Was duking it out with Jax the best decision for Renekton to make, though? This teamfight cost the game and I was wondering if we could have saved it if the Vayne didn't die to Mordekaiser.

    submitted by /u/vicenicked
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    Why does it seem like no one talks about the Semi-Locked camera option?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 06:10 AM PST

    Sorry if the format for this isn't good, I'm on mobile.

    I've been using semi-locked since the beginning of last season and I feel like I have a wide range of vision while always being able to keep track of where I am (team fights specifically).

    Many people seem to say that you have to play with unlocked if want to get anywhere, but I feel like semi-locked is just as good.

    submitted by /u/mythicmaestro101
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    As an enchanter, how do I 'comeback' from a losing game?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 05:52 AM PST

    Not sure if it's just me but it feels like as an enchanter support, I often feel powerless to try stage a comeback. If I try to ward, I get instagibbed, but I often can't get anyone to help me ward. If I try to peel, oftentimes it's just not enough, especially in such a mobility and damage heavy meta. I myself cannot build damage, so carrying by damage is more or less out of the question. The way to gain gold leads is through farming (which is fine) and objective control, but objective control seems impossible when you're on the short end of the stick.

    What do I do? I really prefer not to need to resort to engage/hook/damage supports.

    submitted by /u/audiohectica808
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    Monster scaling infinite mana orianna build.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 03:08 PM PST

    So I have trouble managing my mana on ori at all stages of the game. And i usually don't get many kills early anyway. So I came up with this, tell me if it's bad or not.


    • Dark seal rejuvenation portion: Extra healing from potions. Prolly won't stack it much early, but later you can get mad ap if those take downs start rolling in. Dont gotta buy potions, instead buy control wards 100 extra mana for laning, that's 3 more qs early on. 10 ap is nice.

    • Seraphs embrace: once you get tear stay in lane hella long, can trade with q w and not go oom. Spam your short cd q for wave clear and to stack tear. At the end of it get alot more damage than ludens and a massive shield, for 400 less gold.

    • Morello + sorc shoes: 15% more damage to targets with less than 100 mr, real good. Tankyness with hp, and damage with ap, plus healing debuff.

    • Zhonyas/banshees: Self explanatory

    • Rabadons/void staff: Rabadons if they're not building mr, void if they are building mr.

    • Liandrys: Tankyness and damage to hp builders.

    Runes/ masteries:

    • Dark harvest: adds to your scaling. Easy to proc in team fights with qrw combo.

    • Taste of blood: early sustain in trades.

    • ghost poro: gives you more scaling, and I believe is superior to eyeball collection on ori for 2 reasons. The first is again you don't get kills early. And the second, you're a prime gank target so that extra minute of ward up time is good for laning phase, and you'll stack it more often because the jungler will prolly try to gank you alot and get spotted by the poro giving you more stacks.

    • ultimate hunter: if used optimally, ori has one of the most game changing ults in the game. Ultimate cd=more chances to change the tide of the game.

    • Presence of mind: I find myself running oom at the ass end of team fights and sometimes unable to pick up stragglers or get that last ew off to save an ally. Also spamming w to speed my tank up to catch somebody is tough on mana. And once fully stacked, 500 more mana= 15 more ap with seraphs.

    • Coup de grace: once you r, you're probably dropping every squishy you hit to 40% so it helps finishing off Low hp targets. Can also pair nicely with dark harvest.

    Played a few ranked games of this, my dark harvest ends up doing around 100~ damage per minute. And your getting 45~ ap just from your runes.

    submitted by /u/Strawhatkieth
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    AD Assassins's builds

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 05:11 AM PST

    Hi guys,
    I'm a low elo (gold IV) assassin main wannabe and I'm getting some trouble during the laning phase and during the transition into the mid-game. I'm having some doubt about the build order for ad assassins cause now that there are so many useful items, I'm seeing a lot of different results regarding the items sequence.
    I know the basics vs ranged match-ups and i know they should be played with caution and patience. The fact is: it is inevitable to fall behind sometimes or even to be unable to get lane prio if I failed something and now my laner has some kills.
    What kind of build route should I follow in those case?
    Let's saying we are in solo queue and my jungler can't babysit me, or worst his last gank was a total mess and we ended up giving one or two kills.
    My guess is to pick Draktarr when ahead to snowball even more, and when the lane is too much difficult rush Mobility boots and Yoomu in order to roam a lot and try to get kills in the sidelanes. The downside of the coin is totally giving up the lane, am I right?

    submitted by /u/DanteofSouls
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    Reasoning behind ADC builds?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:59 AM PST

    So some are obvious like Xayah feathers, Sivir ricochet, cait, jhin etc all scale with crit so will build it.

    But why do some adcs like Ashe, Luc, Vayne all go Botrk first? Whats the reasoning? Is it just good all round stats? Also why is manamune so niche? I get Ezreal and Kaisa needs her Q evolve but why not others? Also why Senna?

    Just general questions so i can understand why i am building what i'm building. What generally decides an adcs core items?

    submitted by /u/MattJobbers
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    Am I having difficulty due to high latency (ping), or are my reaction times just slow? (Earlygame aggressive vlad) (How does the game process my input)

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:37 PM PST

    I can never seem to pool certain abilities, notably Pantheon's point-and-click stun and Veigar R. This is very challenging, because I know I am reacting to them as best I can, by way of watching the enemy champions character; I am not simply distracted.

    I see high-level Vlad players not only pooling some of these abilities, but E-pooling them. Often times, I will try to E-pool but but the time my pool command is registered, i'm no longer able to cast it, and i've lost the trade due to their ability cancelling my E. I will go into practice tool, and unfortunately, I really can't tell if I am messing up my combo, or it's latency, because I seem to not have any trouble doing the E-pool there.

    I don't understand what this error means, or what I can do about it (see 2nd error in red in the corner)

    I'm playing on West Coast 70ms with Ethernet. It seems that it is possible to do consistently on <50ms, but I have no experience. The LPP internet cafe also has 70ms ping. Word of mouth says that 7ms ping is significant compared even to 30ms

    If you have any good reading on the comparisons of 70-ish to <50ms ping, or how I can adjust my playstyle to compensate, please share them with me. For the meantime, I feel like I can't play this champion effectively without early jungle pressure, and sadly, I feel like even in those cases my judgement is really jaded because my inconsistent hypercarry-or-feed 5 early solokills makes me distracted of any real positioning advantages vlad may offer.

    My penultimate question to this, is, what is Riots current stance on NA infrastructure? I understand that a few years ago, the server moved. Will there be a dual server, where players can hop from one to the other on-demand, to queue with players connecting to the same server, but with a unified League MMR system (unlike EUW/E)? I know this sounds quite entitled, but I say this, while having no clue whether there will be any developments of any sort in the future.

    /u/MrHereToStay (Riot Laslow)

    submitted by /u/Emma_sitting
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    What are situations where you would go for inefficient/ redundant items?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:33 AM PST

    for example going both randuins and thornmail (duplicate cold steel passive)

    or triforce cleaver (duplicate phage passive(?))

    i think i could see the latter being used by an irelia against a 2-3 tank team? but would that be good vs having trigage?

    and ive definitely felt situations where randuins (ie vs yasuo) and thornmail (vs raka/sona/vlad/etc) would be good as well.

    but since they share unique passives is it a waste of gold?

    submitted by /u/ynot269
    [link] [comments]

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