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    Friday, February 7, 2020

    LoL Guide Diamond ADC Macro Guide

    LoL Guide Diamond ADC Macro Guide

    Diamond ADC Macro Guide

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 02:27 AM PST

    About me:

    I'm an ADC main since season 6 and finished Diamond II last season. My mechanics suck. I got to high diamond with macro only. I made a video version of the guide and also a text version if you don't want to watch.

    Video guide:


    Text version (works 95% without video):

    When playing bot lane, you start by covering the respective lower bot side jungle entrance, while your team mates cover the upper entrance. Should they refuse to do that, keep in mind that the enemy team could be sneaking up behind you. If you spot a five man invade, run to safety. Should the enemy invade continue, run again as soon as you see them. If they see you, be prepared to flash away if they flash to catch you. When you are safe again, hug this wall as you walk towards your tier 1 tower, so you can react to a potential ambush. In the laning phase, your most important warding spots are these bushes, depending on how hard you are pushing. Should you be completely pushed under your own tower for an extended period of time, place wards in the jungle next to you, so you can detect ganks from the enemy mid and jungle. Especially when the mid laner is missing and your own mid does not follow, you should keep a safe distance and try to preserve your health pool. Always make sure that there are no enemies behind you. Wait until they leave or until your team mates come to help. Should you be pushed in and your jungler or mid laner try to help, you can fight the enemy close to your tower. If you can't kill them quickly and they run, let them. Chasing would leave you open to an enemy countergank and also minion aggro might outright kill you. Never fight in an enemy minion wave. Should your tower fall, you can still collect minions in this area. If you extend any farther, you will die. Push the wave to this point and then join your team wherever it needs you. As soon as they start pushing the tier 2 tower, collect the minions, and rinse and repeat.

    When you have a rather smooth laning phase, your goal is to force your opponents to recall first, so you can push the minion wave into their tower and then recall yourself to spend your gold. This is how you build up an advantage. If you win lane and take down the enemy tower, push the minions past the river and then roam. Go base before that, if you have lots of gold or low HP. When a dragon is on the map, start pressuring mid lane to keep dragon control. When there is no dragon, pressure top lane instead. Rule of thumb: play very safe in top lane. If your support is with you and your jungler is in top side jungle, you can play aggressively. As soon as all tier one towers are gone, you should always push minion waves past the river and then group with your team. When you need to fight for objectives, it is okay to give up some farm to stay grouped.

    Level 9, you upgrade your yellow trinket to blue trinket. Being able to ward from a distance is crucial, as your most important job as an ADC is to always stay alive. Never face check unsafe territory. You see where you can walk safely by drawing an imaginary line between all of your remaining towers. If your towers get destroyed, you also lose parts of your jungle. Everything outside the area is no longer safe. Be cautious! And now you can also clearly see why mid towers are so important. Even when all side lane towers are there, you lose jungle control completely without mid towers. Without jungle control, the remaining towers are easily divable and you need to let them fall when pressured. To get back into the game, place your control ward just outside your safety zone, so you can spot and catch overextended enemies. Stay as safe as possible. You can keep an eye on baron and dragon with blue trinket, but giving them up can be necessary, if you are this far behind as a team. Your best bet is to hard engage as 5 under your inhibitor tower after provoking the enemy into a careless dive. If the enemy splits to bring baron buff to multiple lanes, hard engage as 5 in one lane and win the fight with numbers advantage. You are the ADC and therefore join team fights rather late, so use pings and chat to lead your team.

    In a more even game, you play around your fed team mates to pressure enemy turrets. Push mid and bot lane, if the next upcoming objective is a dragon, and push mid and top lane, if you need to prepare to fight over baron. Always put a control ward in the pit before you go for them. When you are ahead as a team, and dragon and baron are already taken, you should push the lane with the most enemy turrets. Doing this grants you more gold and more control over the enemy jungle. If they have two lanes with the same number of towers, push the lane where you have less towers, as pushing that lane will remove pressure from your inhibitor. When your team does not listen to you calls, it is better to stay grouped with them to help in fights. You normally stay with your jungler, support, and mid laner while your top laner creates pressure on a side lane. As the ADC, you are entitled to take all the lane minions and all the jungle camps, with the exception of allied blue buff. Some team mates don't understand this concept. Let them farm if they are tilted to prevent a rage quit. So during down time in the mid game, your team tries to extend the vision line with wards as far as possible, while you farm your jungle and collect minion waves that crash into your unattended side lane tower. The best spots for placing down your blue trinket are bushes just at the edge of the aforementioned safety zone. Here, they detect enemies trying to invade and give your team the opportunity to react to threat in time.

    If a fight is about to break out, you need to move towards your allies immediately. Fights are always more important than farm. Even if you notice the fight too late, you should still start moving. Late is better than never. Against enemy teams with champions that need to one shot you, always stay close to a team mate that can protect you. Sometimes, that team mate is just your closest tower. You go in aggressively when enemy gap closing and crowd control abilities are on cooldown. Taking down an enemy inhibitor before the next dragon or baron spawns is optimal, because they need to clear super minions and cannot fight you over the objective. From here, you again safely push the lane with the most towers, and then rinse and repeat. Or as I like to say: Take the free stuff, win the game.

    GLHF and happy climbing:)

    submitted by /u/MissFortuneDaBes
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    Why is soraka top lane being used again?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 10:10 PM PST

    I said again as in, she was there for a short time and disappear until now.

    Also what do you think about hashinshin opinion about top lane? Most of them sound like some rambling rant but some actually make me realize: the jungle difference is a huge problem + melee top laners isn't that favorable unless they have good teamfight potential

    submitted by /u/Lil_Shade
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    I made a Seminar on how to be a good League of Legends coach and thought that some of you might be interested

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:12 PM PST

    Hey guys,

    I know that this subreddit is mainly focused on giving tips to playsers but I thought that it might be interesting to provide some help and assistance to those who are or who want to become coaches.

    I have recendly done a seminar for the coaches in my discord server with the goal to give them some basic guidance when it comes to how to be a good LoL coach.

    This was an introduction to the whole area so I thought that some of you might be interested in it as well and maybe even try out coaching some day.

    Here are the Google Slides

    Here is the video: https://youtu.be/I9Rh0svxKG4

    I hope that this is helpful for some of you :) I would appreciate feedback a lot!

    submitted by /u/SwaggyBone
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    need advice on adc , what to play, how to avoid tilt.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 03:55 PM PST

    im kinda frustrated, im stuck in gold 3 elo, going down from 80% winrate to 52 %, i play soloq so i get alot of random supports, i feel like every game is a coinflip, sometimes i can get a win, sometimes when my top jgl is stomped i cant, i want to transition maybe to mid but i don't know what to play these are my 2 accounts, i just feel hopeless. Many times I face enemy adc who is worse than me but he still wins the game somehow, his teammates seem more impactful than he is. 1 small mistake costs a game and i feel most of my games i dont matter anyway ,neither is my enemy adc



    submitted by /u/fadedv1
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    Is ADC Low Impact This Season?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 05:51 AM PST

    This is not a complaint, and I've only played about 14-ish ranked games so far, so it could just be I'm trending in a weird way.

    Of those 12 games I think I'm 5 wins 9 losses. However, I feel like all the games where I was playing exceptionally well (i.e. 8/2/5 with 200+ CS in a 25 minute loss) have been losses, while in at least 3 of my wins I've been hot garbage (literally 0/9/9 in one case). In the 2 games where I wasn't hot garbage I didn't feel particularly impactful either, and just downright weak in teamfights.

    I tend to main Jinx. I'm used to having to ramp up a bit later. Last season I mained her solo to climb higher than I've ever made it before (from hard stuck Silver for years, to knocking on Diamond's door). nerfplz.com says she's one of the best to climb with right now too, which makes sense with how fighty the meta seems to be.

    So is it just a low sample size and I've been unlucky to how influential I can be? Am I somehow not seeing my impact after some time away? Or is ADC just not carrying the same swing power in early 2020 as it did mid/late 2019?

    submitted by /u/delahunt
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    I cant win/end games after getting a lead.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:00 PM PST

    Jg/adc player and I just cant end games this season. No idea what im doing wrong doing the same things I always have with an extra focus on dragons this season but I just cant win games. Feels like im trying to get objectives by myself with hopeless attempts at team work.

    Im currently s3 was gold 2 last season. And the seasons before that I have either been high gold or low plat. No idea if I just had a massive drop in skill but I just cant seem to win.

    When I get ahead as a jungle I focus on securing dragon/ Rift when dragon isn't up and mixing ganks/ farming inbetween. Focusing ganks on lanes that will gain the biggest advantage/snowball factor or lanes where ganks are crazy easy. (example immobile squishy with flash down)

    As adc if I get my tower ill keep bot wave pushed out to keep my tower safe and focus on either getting top tower or mid tower depending on dragon timer. When I get my champions strongest item spike as adc I call for my team to group and hard push on towers/baron.

    But at the end of the game we just loss despite getting ahead and I have no idea what I could change. Feels like im only winning when im not the solo carry but carrying with another player.

    submitted by /u/Cyathene
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    If i’m stuck in an elo is it because I need to improve somewhere?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 04:16 PM PST

    im kinda stuck in silver 2 and play kayn and shaco jungle. is it because i need to improve my gameplay? i was thinking in maybe switching to another lane and play something like riven top or maybe go adc with jhin and or caitlyn. i do like to use kayn a lot, but maybe my jungle pathing and warding is not enough for me to climb, or maybe i need to learn how to engage and be more aggressive since i play to passive. maybe i need to know how to initiate fights more, where to ward more, etc and this is all coming from rhaast the majority of the times.

    submitted by /u/slyphux
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    Rank 1 Annie World, 5 time challenger Player will do extended streams to promote improvement

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 06:30 AM PST

    Hi Everyone,

    First of all, thank you for the incredible reception and feedback regarding my previous post.

    " What being rank 1 Annie World and reaching Challenger as an Annie Main has taught me "

    Many of you commented, asked questions, gathered knowledge, were receptive to feedback and most importantly of all, challenged me. You did not just take my word for everything and questioned me so you could find what worked best for you. Ultimately, I hope you all took something out of it whether it be a bit of bants, a fun read or even poking fun at someone who claimed to be the best.

    I'm not the best. I am also still striving to improve, I lose games and lose my mind at times too.

    Many of you DM'd me to ask if I streamed or made content/guides. To put it shortly, my 'content' and 'guides' are useless at the moment and not even worth mentioning.

    However, my stream used to be a place where players could come for interactive game play and commentary. I had quit streaming but after the reception from the last post, I will be doing some extended streams with the pure intention of answering questions from you, improving any players who may be struggling, teaching you all to maintain strong mental and should any requests for vod reviews come up, I will be vod reviewing my wins or losses so we can hone in on opportunities to improve together.

    There will be no focus on winrates, it will be focused on finding ways to win even if you are losing

    There will be no focus on me being really good, it will be a focus on finding ways to get you to be better

    There will be no focus on flaming players, it will be a focus on lighting fires within ourselves to improve and crush our opponents into a fine dust

    and no focus on losers. We'll be winners.

    For those of you who may be interested. My twitch is:


    I hope to see some familiar faces, even if its a hi. I hope we can learn something from each other.

    Thank you kindly

    submitted by /u/HoityToityOce
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    How do I learn to hold on to my Skills/Summs?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 04:43 AM PST

    When I watch Pros or high Elo players play. I notice they always hold on to their Summs/Stun abilities so much and I'm about to pull my hair when I find them needing it much 5 seconds later.

    Is there a way to learn this skill. Some people told me to not pick Flash for a week to know when I really need it. Can this work?

    submitted by /u/omersafty
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    1 v 2 Botlane as ADC

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 03:43 PM PST

    Hey guys I am having trouble in the bot lane right now.

    My supports are permanently roaming and I cant figure out how to farm.

    I let the wave crash to tower but I usually get zoned off of the wave when their support walks up and threatens the dive.

    I wait until my minion wave arrives and I can collect 3-5 cs depending on what is left.

    My support is still not here so I have to let them push the next wave. When this wave crashes to turret I still have about 20 seconds before my minion wave gets there. So I back off and respect their engage range.

    By the time my minion wave shows up there is little to no cs left.

    This continues for some time.

    Am I doing the correct thing here? I am tempted to walk up and force them to dive me but It seems like I can trade 1 for 1 at best so the safe play should be to give up CS.

    I think I am still in exp range so I am atleast getting levels but now I am down about 3 waves of cs (and this assumes it only happens once.)

    Am I playing correctly or should I be doing something different?

    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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    Level 1 strategies for Clash?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 02:40 AM PST

    Curious what everyone's stance is for level 1s.

    Anyone have some kind of guide or video for what to do when you have stronger vs weaker level 1, or a hook champ.

    I think we'll be in tier 2 this go around, so probably nothing TOO cheesy will work. But level 1s in my opinion are always a good time. Anything beats sitting in a bush for 2 minutes!

    submitted by /u/nickel_face
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    I find myself losing lane every game, no matter how well I play the first ~5 minutes of the game.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 02:44 PM PST

    I have a problem where no matter how much I dominate the first 5 minutes of the game, I always seem to get outdamaged/outpoked by the other ADC which eventually leads to me having to try my hardest to stay alive and farm under the turret. I am trying to learn how to trade and manage waves better but I can't seem to ever win lane.

    I usually get around 40-45 farm at 5 minutes and have a considerable HP lead against my opponent. I try to shove the wave as fast as I can to back and get a BF Sword, but when I come back to lane, even if the opponent has less bonus ad than me, they always seem to outdamage me and the only thing I can do is try to freeze or farm under turret.

    When I am able to push, the enemy jungler always seems to hover around bot side so I have to concede control and let the wave push towards me again. I try to ask for help when they are pushed but my jungler is usually topside or taking herald. I don't think that I am very good mechanically but for the most part I don't play any mechanically intensive champs. (I play mostly Jinx and Xayah).

    submitted by /u/ItsDougOfficial
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    Hey i want to main top lane and i need help about matchups

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 02:34 PM PST

    I am EUW D2 mid main. I like to play kat,fizz,diana,zed and that kind of mechanical champs so thats my play stile. Recently i am bored of mid and want to play top with a fresh account. I already lv30 and want to start playing ranked but i dont know much about matchups. How can i learn matchups without practicing much. I will play against low elo players so it wont be much problem i just need basic informations

    submitted by /u/gwynmidd
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    Plat adc looking for tips for farming

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 02:30 PM PST


    op.gg: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Anub1s4hire

    My name is Anub1s4hire i am a season 9 plat 4 adc looking to improve. i believe my mechanics are okay and my game knowledge is okay but the thing that holds me back the most is my lack of farm or inability to properly CS and reach that 10 CS a minute mark. My farm within laning phase is usually standard, nothing amazing but still okay, but outside of laning phase i usually find myself at a gold disadvantage compared to everyone else and struggling to finish items when i need damage.Iif there are any higher elo adcs out there i would very much so appreciate tips on how to farm better outside of laning phase.

    thank you

    submitted by /u/Anub1s4hire
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    Mid lane help

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 02:27 PM PST

    I play mid lane as Diana and swain And I have issues where I have to back under 1100 gold

    if I am going roa build it seems like I get roa stacked at a later time eg 23 mins +/-

    Is there a time when I should drop building roa and go zhonya nashors instead?

    My cs when I am doing well floats around 7

    I'm also in low elo

    submitted by /u/John_boy_90
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    How does a Viktor Main become un-hardstuck in Silver?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 01:59 PM PST

    I managed to climb with like a 70% win rate to promos into S2 but now I seem to have just hit a brick wall where now it is at the point where each game just feels like a coinflip. I don't know how to make a map impact early on in the game where it matters as by the time my champ properly comes online the game seems to be decided. Does anyone know how I should combat this playing Viktor or should I just switch to a new champ all together?


    submitted by /u/Britannic45
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    Looking for jungle help

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 06:14 AM PST

    Hey everyone, Im a NA Silver 3 Jungle and mid main. I've played probably upwards of 40 games this season already (climbing from bronze 4). Currently focusing on the jungle right now. I took a 1 year break from league and was high gold before leaving. Im looking for someone higher rank that wouldn't mind coaching me. Either by going over old game VOD's or playing a smurf account with me. Im open to constructive criticism and just want to get better at the game. Also if anyone has any good tips or tricks for the new jungle please fee free to share them!


    submitted by /u/SwilleyGaming
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    How can you get 80% win rate in your games?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 01:39 PM PST

    Video can be found here

    Hello there! How are you doing today? I present you a video that is dedicated to what can you do with your gameplay literally in your next game session to start winning more games. However, this is not a typical "get gut" or "learn this strategy/champion" guide. In fact, this video is totally opposite: it is about how you can make your climbing more efficient with what you already have.

    I really believe in things that I suggest to do in this guide, because they already helped me in LoL and now, I successfully implement them in other game I play. In hindsight I realize that my previous successes in games also happened only because I unconsciously followed the things I'm talking about in this video.

    Why am I not pro then? Well, problem is that it is mentally hard to follow rules from this guide, but these emotional struggles forced me to learn a bit about how our brain works. So with help of a lot of books and lectures from actual psychologists I think I found a way to deal with them. I talk about it in this video too.

    This guide is probably the most throughout video I've done so far. I really tried to make its quality as high as I can possibly do right now. Now, when it is done, I see how I could've made it even better, but I put my body and soul in it, so I hope that you will like it. Enjoy!

    submitted by /u/LuckyGnom
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    Jungling as an assassin

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 04:03 AM PST

    Is it normal as an assassin to not have the highest damage on the team to champions? Many games I've carried and still lost in damage to adc. However my total damage is still the highest. Is this due to some mid game/late game errors or is it totally normal

    submitted by /u/COMING_THRUU
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    Why do you send the mid laner mid?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:24 PM PST

    I hear pros rotate their adc+supp rotate top at 8 mins or so so they can move pressure from drake to rift herald, wouldn't instead be smarter to just send the adc+supp to mid lane so they can pressure both at the same time, and then send a guy solo to bot lane? Is there any good reason to actually send only a single guy mid?

    submitted by /u/zwart27
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    How to Attack Move in lane?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:18 PM PST

    How to attack move in lane?

    I have my Attack move click binded to my left mouse button. But I notice that when I'm in lane, I'll start hitting a minion instead of the enemy. Is there a way around this? My most common champs are Xayah, Jinx and Tristana if that's matters. Any help would be appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/I-AM-NOT-THAT-DUCK
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    Is it possible to get better playing normal games?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:31 PM PST

    So, i'm tired of playing ranked because i care way too much to the LP's and divisions so i get tilted often, but i still like playing league and want to get better. I don't play normals very often is it possible to improve? I mean, people are just trying new champs and things like that or will i have some decent games so i can focus on my weak points and improving them?

    submitted by /u/dromq
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    Lulu: Exhaust or Ignite?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 02:56 AM PST

    Hello, Lulu one-trick here

    I find myself having control of the lane often because despite the relatively short range I feel like Lulu has every tool needed to win trades, mostly because I usually have matchup knowledge advantage over my lane opponents.

    I'm still taking exhaust even though we're not in season 5 anymore, mostly because I find it's good for catching people out, making it easier for my jungler to land CC on them and pseudo-extends the duration of my polymorph (making someone useless and slow). It definitely feels weaker than I remember it being in the past but it still does its job well enough. Should I really be taking ignite? I feel like if I play well then the extra damage from ignite isn't needed and Exhaust synergises more with Lulu's gameplan and scales well into making sure the fed enemy toplaner doesn't just run my team over in fights.

    The value I see in it mainly comes from the healing reduction because seemingly all the meta champs have absurd sustain baked into their kits, also in lane for securing kills even when the enemy flashes to safety because of the DoT. Is there anything I'm missing, or is it just common knowledge now that Exhaust as a summoner spell is just too undertuned?

    submitted by /u/taylortilts
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    Is DH better than Electrocute on Ekko Mid and why? Also, what is a good few items to rush on Ekko if you're snowballing?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 05:00 PM PST

    Since he's been a Jungler I haven't touched him. Now they nerfed his Jungle a bit, I decided to try him Mid. I won like 7/8 games of him and got mega fed in like 6 of them. I'm just a bit confused about his Runes and early Items.

    I've tried both Elec and DH and honestly can barely tell the difference. I've gotten fed so much it doesn't really matter but I'm not going to get fed every game so I'd like to know some reasons to pick one of the two.

    Also, I normally rush Protobelt but the item always feels really underwhelming. One item powerspikes like Ludens or Gunblade in Mid always feel stupidly strong when you can get them really early. Protobelt doesn't seem to do much more damage than Revolver when it's fully built. I don't feel like I can just steamroll my lane even if I am a 4 kill Ekko with a full item very early like I can with other burst midlaners. Are there better items to rush if you're ahead?

    submitted by /u/Fiesta_machine
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