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    Sunday, February 9, 2020

    LoL Guide I want to learn how to jungle. Where should I start?

    LoL Guide I want to learn how to jungle. Where should I start?

    I want to learn how to jungle. Where should I start?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 04:00 AM PST

    I'm a shitty mage support/mid main with no mechanical skill or reaction time but decent macro/game knowledge. When I've tried to jungle, I just get destroyed every time (getting outpathed, counterganked, dying to invades/scuttle fights, dying to enemy laners while ganking, etc). I used to be fine at the role when I mained it in like s4-s5, but it feels a lot different now and I don't really know what I'm doing.

    What are the most important things for me to learn? What champions would be the most helpful to learn? I used to be an eve one trick, but I haven't played her much since the rework.

    submitted by /u/brainjellyfish
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    Tips to do rift herald faster

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 07:51 AM PST

    After taking damage, rift herald charges toward the nearest champion after a windup. Always dodge the charge as it saves you from taking damage and knockback.

    Try to manipulate where the herald charges. If enemy has scuttle, make it charge towards the back of the pit so they don't see you do it. Are you doing it solo? Make it charge to the front because in an open area, you can fight it more effectively.

    The herald will spawn a purple eye on it's back every 5 seconds. If it takes damage from the back, the eye will pop for a HUGE amount of damage(About 1000). Walk behind him and attack it.

    Every few seconds, the herald will wind up a swing for huge AoE damage. It is crucial that you and your toplaner/midlaner do not stand together. Note that when it swings, it's back is exposed at the front, so you still pop the eye every once in a while even if you don't walk around.

    Most teammates in my elo dont even know this and they just stand in front of herald to auto attack it. This is fine, but please position yourself in a way that your jungler can actually hit it's back, don't make it's back face the wall, just don't.

    TLDR: Dodge the charge, hit him in the back when purple eye comes up, don't stand together like idiots.

    submitted by /u/DoughnutFeel
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    Why nobody uses Elixir items?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 06:53 AM PST

    I never saw any player using a Elixir. Why? Are they bad? Is it worthless spending 500 gold on a 3 minute buff?

    If anyone uses them, what situtations are they good?

    Elixir of Iron looks more suitable to Tanks because they normally are in frontline and it gives teammates a boost of movement speed. Also health and tenacity to the user.

    Elixir of Sorcery is maybe better for AP splitpushers (Ahri, Teemo, Ryze...) because attacks on turrets deals to them bonus true damage.

    Elixir of Wrath for champions that depend on they healing (Aatrox, WW...).

    submitted by /u/Kard_L7
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    Plates vs roam?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 07:12 AM PST

    Hello! I was looking for some tips on when to stay and take plates or when it is better to roam? Specifically speaking from mid lane.

    I play mainly melee mid champs so I can't siege towers. So I'm speaking more about in specific situations of: taking trades which makes them back/killing enemy laner, when they roam to a side lane and you want to punish their roam, taking advantage of a tempo mistake.

    Right now, I either roam, or just try and place deep vision if possible. I say 95% of my games I don't stay to take plates unless it's super free, am I doing this wrong?

    Would love some tips/tricks/habits on some decision making during this point of the game, thanks!

    submitted by /u/DaFeenicks
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    Could anyone provide advice on how to lane against Darius top?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 08:28 AM PST

    Gist's in the title.

    Every time I lane against him, I get my teeth kicked in. If I'm not a ranged character it feels literally hopeless to have to lane against him; the bleed and heal seem to auto-win all trades for him.

    What are you supposed to do beyond the obvious - dodge the pull, the spin? I get those things, but it feels like Darius can still just walk at you, mash his keyboard, and kill you.

    submitted by /u/kirinai
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    I play worse when I don't play solo.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 01:50 PM PST

    I play in dia 1 euw and usually soloq. On toplane I can often carry and now I play in a more or less 4 fun team but we would like to win some tournaments too. However when I play with them I play significantly worse. Our opposing teams are usually lower than dia 1, mostly platinum so I feel really bad that I can't win us most games. This also happens when I play duoq and when I stream with commentary. As duoq you should have a big advantage but I still lose most of the time I duo...

    I really don't know what the problem is. Maybe I'm less confident when someone is spectating? Maybe I can't focus properly when I talk? I'm not sure but I need to fix this problem immediatly because duoq is freelo and I'd like to perform well with my team.

    Please give me some ideas or tips regarding this problem.

    submitted by /u/Revil0us
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    Now that we are a couple patches into the new season, what are some new/recent unranked to diamond-challenger streams?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 10:22 AM PST

    Basically title, I remember there used to be some people who did lots of streams going from unranked to challenger, or 24-48 hour challenger streams, or maybe even videos/playlist. does anyone know someone that has a recent series like this I can learn from?

    Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/NaiveJump
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    Is Yorick really that strong in low ELO?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 01:41 PM PST

    I'm Bronze trash. Got 5 towers and went 9/1 in ranked after 2 games of playing him. Pushed all the way to inhib top on both sides of the map. Was it a fluke or is it just stupid strong in low ELO?

    I never see anyone pick him but I see him at the top of S tier for tier lists in low ELO.

    submitted by /u/Danyulz
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    Why do some ADCs "not scale well with Crit?"

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 03:39 PM PST

    Basically the title. For some non-Crit ADCs it's pretty obvious; 50% of Ezreal's damage comes from his Q which can't Crit and Kog'Maw is basically balanced upon his max HP on-hit. Most ADCs who "scale well with Crit" don't have inherent Crit scaling in their kit, such as Lucian, or Trist. If I were to go by this "scaling with Crit" logic, only Kindred, Ashe, Caitlyn, and Xayah should build Crit since they have abilities that scale directly off Crit.

    A prime example of this is Varus. He doesn't really have any inherent scaling on Crit, but people like building him on-hit because of his W and passive AS. This doesn't really make sense to me because his main damaging ability Q has great AD scaling. On the other hand, Trist doesn't have any inherent Crit scaling either, has a great AS steroid on her Q, and her main damaging ability is her E which also has AD scaling. Is this 21 on-hit magic damage on Varus W passive (at max rank, so you won't actually have that 21 damage until Level 13 which is when people usually max W) great that Crit is completely disregarded until your 3rd/4th non-boots item?

    Edit: Attempts to Grammar

    Edit 2: Lucian actually does scale cuz of his double shot passive

    submitted by /u/Dank_Magic
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    Beginner help

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 11:01 AM PST

    I'm a complete beginner and I don't know what to do in the early game. I see my opponents getting levels really fast, whilst I find it very difficult. Should I try getting kills on my opponents or should I try going into the jungle and killing stuff there? Or do I attack the enemy minions and turrets?

    I also don't know about which lane to go in, I heard that mid is for mages and assassins and bottom is for adc (idk what that is). I'm trying to play Master Yi (i don't know what type he is) and a support type ( I'm trying Janna rn) but I don't know any builds. Are there any websites or youtubers which are good?

    submitted by /u/StarlessVoid27
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    What to do against Zhonyas

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 10:29 AM PST

    I just played against a full ap team (Teemo, Gragas,Viktor,Morgana and Swain) where by the 25 minutes 3 of them had Zhonyas and I was master Yi. I was just wondering what I am supposed to to against it when it is on that many champions or should I just split push and never fight them?

    submitted by /u/Mattzcool1
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    How to get a lead without killing your opponent.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 08:34 AM PST

    Hello my fellow summoners.

    lots of people struggle by not being able to kill their laners.

    So i created a short and informative clip on how to get a lead without killing him.

    I hope you guys can learn a lot from that and feel free to ask questions.

    The clip ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40F6t5iyjUw

    submitted by /u/PrototypeRiven
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    Jungle tracking as ADC. Any further tips and advice.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 08:25 AM PST

    TL;DR: Aftering getting familiar of basic pre-6 jungle tracking, how do we track jungling after 7mins (when jglers hit level 6)? How does it cycle when small camps are half the time of buffs? Are there any tips and knowledge about jungle tracking as an ADC. Thanks!


    I would like to think that I'm quite knowledgable on when a trade or an all-in is winnable and is consistent good positioning in teamfights. But I've realised that these traits have only pushed me up to Plat 3 (last season) and this has encouraged me to finally look deeper into wave management and jungle tracking.

    While wave management gets very scenario-wise, jungle tracking, oh boy.

    I've being completely ignorant of jungle tracking as an ADC for all these years.

    All I tried to do first was remember that (in most cases):

    • 1st gank comes around 4:00-4:45 (bot lane), jungler's first gank is around 2:30-2:45
    • Junglers are at their buff respawn at 7:00 which gets them level 6 for a gank
    • If they gank a lane, they most likely would gank another lane in the next 30 seconds.

    This may seem common knowledge for junglers or other laners or for everyone else. But for me, I've never even thought about these timers. I've just been warding when I think I'm too deep in the lane and relying on jungle wards to track down where they are. Pretty much autopiloting when it comes to vision and preparing for ganks. And after applying this into more games, I've noticed how the quality of my games have increased, especially each game's early game. Furthermore, I've noticed how most laners in my elo are still unaware of this.

    After remembering these points, I've been pinging top to back off at around 2:30 if they're too deep in the lane, (and I think they assume I saw the jungler approaching) and as they back up, the enemy jungler indeed shows up and spin around back into the fog.

    I now place wards much more smarter and prevent alot of ganks that were just me and support being dumb. I've counter-jungled blue buffs at the 7:00 mark knowing that a buff is there when the enemy jungle went to gank instead.

    What's troubling me now, is that I'm not quite sure what happens after 7 minutes. I'm assuming that the junglers are at their buffs each 5 minutes, but other than that, it feels random to me again. What happens after the first clear? I know it's very situational, but a general idea would be great.

    Any advice on this topic is great! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/AnxiousWar
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    How can I become a better Mordekaiser player?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 01:20 PM PST

    I main Mordekaiser and I typically do well on him, I smash lane consistently and have a pretty good time. My problem is that I feel like I don't have enough impact from the top lane, I always wish I could participate in taking a drake. Also, ADCs are pretty annoying to deal with, especially Caitlyn with Stormrazor.

    Should I be focusing on Rift Herald more or teleporting to a dragon fight? What to do after securing the top lane tower? Is Randuin's Omen a viable option against said ADCs and if not, what defensive items should I be taking? I also want to know other people's builds, what you guys think works best on him.

    submitted by /u/-BlackMail-
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    I analyzed all of the LJL yesterday, here is the playlist!

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 03:06 AM PST


    I'm Acclaimed, or previously Licorice(Curse you, C9 Licorice, for robbing me of my online username!), an aspiring analyst and coach, and I usually do coaching for learning fives, or other teams. By pure chance I was looking around at minor regions for some inspiration on how "worse teams" were playing, and I had a hard time finding a lot of analytical work for these, so I choose to take the task upon myself. I choose LJL as it is arguably the weakest minor region at the moment, but also has several familiar faces. So I choose to wake up at 4:30 am to prepare for the stream, after only 4 hours of sleep, I sat through and did analysis for over 10 hours.

    Here is the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYJhfQOwjAY3NvODcO0J9DVSSxVTH8WBE

    Here's the uncut version: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/548578941
    Uncut version includes prediction, future insight on how they stack up against each other(outside perspective).
    Here's the sheet that I was using, public to view: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1W8VDtT3RsRLaiz-B7lk3u62znx77ZwD4JYDc90evFnE/edit?usp=sharing

    Most things I took away from watching the region, both yesterday, and vods from previously:

    • They played 43 different champions in 8 games, meaning there was on average 5,375 new picks each game!
      *They have similar priorities in draft to LCK, with the most notable difference is lower priority on leblanc, and more pocket picks like Karma/Heimer(Ceros)
    • Elise, Sett, Akali all remains as 100% p/b
    • Sett and Akali was seen as the highest priority picks, being picked over all other options 100% of the time they are available.
    • Lucian had 6 bans, but 0 picks, so even if he was open, he wasn't picked.
    • Coaches seem to have only the most basic of drafting knowledge, and don't seem to have taken the step further in drafting theories.
    • Their jungle pool is probably the weakest of all regions, and are lacking the most basic of pathing principles for the meta at time, exception for 3 or so of the junglers.
    • They tend to not be mechanically gifted, with a lot of minor mistakes that costs them kills, or even gets them killed.
    • Due to weak jungle pools, a lot of games were sloppy, but very low action, making it a very alike to slow soloq games.
    • The value of neutral objectives was polarizing for teams, with some willing to fight for it, while some absolutely refused to.
    • Yuhi is pretty cute

    And many more points, please check it out and tell me what you think!

    submitted by /u/licorices
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    Silver for 9 years.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 08:46 AM PST

    I have played LoL on and off for 9 years now. I know I am not the greatest player but I will say I at least deserve to be Gold by now. LoL is the only game where I have played for a very long, extended time and have not been able to progress. I have tried every roll extensively except mid. I have been to my Gold promotions over 30 times. Failed every one of them including the ones where I even got a free win. It doesn't matter if I win streak my way (10+ wins) to my promotions, I always fail. Whether it be my fault, team trolls or teammates DC or rage quit. Worst case was when an enemy teammate DCd and it was a sure win. However like usual, my team decided to troll around, not get objectives, tried to 1v3 and guess what? We lost.

    This current season, I started off as a Jungle main and did very well. Cruised from Bronze 4 to Silver 1 easily. Then I would go on a losing streak and de-rank usually back to Silver 2 or at worse, Silver 3. Currently playing ADC with MF / Trist and I'm doing really well, sort of. I have a 75% W/L out of 40ish games with MF so far. Yet I still can't progress. Typically I am carrying the game with a big k/d ratio attached. However, we usually end up losing cause I can't do anything against their one or two fed AP who just one shot me regardless. Even worse is when the team doesn't listen to my calls such as dragon and or getting caught 1v5. Or I just win streak my way to promotions, lose the promotions and have to start over again. Rinse and repeat.

    I am honestly baffled how I cannot get out of Silver 1. Just last night I win streaked to my Silver one promotions once again and even got a FREE win. Lost both games because game one, two people disconnected. Game two, our fed Talon inted and rage quit. What am I to do honestly?

    Just recently I have decided to mute all kinds of chat because I get really tilted really fast if I have the ability to type to people. It has seemed to help a bit. I'd love some tips to help get me out of silver once and for all.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/dmisc
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    How do I beat Fiora?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 07:11 AM PST

    How can I beat Fiora in the top lane? I play Darius, Jayce, Sett. The only one who stands a chance against her, in my experience, is Sett, but I have a feeling that he would lose to a really skilled player. The Fioras I have encountered so far as Sett didn't play it very well. I don't know how to beat this champion. It seems impossible unless they're a bad player.

    submitted by /u/HellenicLady
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    I increased my CS by over 1/min on ranged champs just by standing closer to them before I AA. With that in mind: what is your stupidly simple, yet easy to overlook, mechanical tip do you have to offer players?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 03:45 PM PST

    It was just a comment in a random thread, I do not even think it was a highly upvoted comment and it was actually talking about Mid lane when I am an ADC main... but as soon as I read it, it made so much sense and I felt really stupid for never realizing that the travel time between my AA shooting and the minion dying was causing me to miss way more CS than I needed to. That little piece of advice also has me paying more attention to the travel time of the ranged minion attacks too, which was something else I had not been factoring as much as I should.

    What are other things like this that seem really small, but is something that a lot of people have probably never thought about?

    submitted by /u/Buuramo
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    How to dodge? (bug)

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 06:54 AM PST

    This is not your typical "when to dodge" thread, because I know perfectly well when to dodge and I do it multiple times a day, but it's bugged out, atleast on my PC.

    My question is literally how to dodge. How do you guys quit the draft succesfully? I force quit League, turn off my internet, turn it back on after 1 minute, log in, and then around I would say 30% of the time I still get into the game. What am I doing wrong? Super frustrating to be forced to play 20 minute lost game with 4 autofills and garbage comp when I quite literally dodged the game.

    Anyone else having this problem?

    submitted by /u/Marquinh0z
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    Viktor R cancels channeled abilities

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 07:52 PM PST

    For some this might be a no brainer, but I just played into a Viktor as Katarina and wondered why my ult kept getting canceled when I wasn't in his W. My team started flaming me claiming that Viktors ult doesn't cancel my Ult, and thought I was just standing in his W, but as it turns out, it does. It also will cancel Herald spawning, Fiddle channel, VelKoz R etc. I think it only cancels on cast but someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

    Edit: We lost the game, they also had a Soraka and Shen so I was useless the rest of the game. Lesson learned: Don't FP Katarina

    submitted by /u/Our-Name
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    Why are top lane champs not played more in mid?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 03:26 PM PST

    I know some champs are played in mid and top often (Such as Irelia, for example) but is there a reason why top liners aren't played mid more? As a Katarina main, I get demolished whenever they bring a Sion or Sett to lane against me since they do about as much damage and are so tanky.

    They end up always winning lane against me, so why do people tend to not bring someone like Renekton, or Mordekaiser to mid lane more often?

    submitted by /u/L1ghtning6289
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    Vladimir; Mid or Top?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 01:29 AM PST

    Hey guys, I play Vladimir a lot, but there is something I've always wondered. Should Vladimir be played mid, or top?

    My opinion: Vladimir mid has more opportunity to get kills/impact the map early on which is his weakness, while still being able to farm up safely in most match-ups to scale if needed. At level 6 there is usually kill potential, and there is always the possibility to get kills at dragon fights or roaming bot occasionally. When I play him top, I feel like all I can do is farm, because I do negative damage to the enemy top, and if I make one mistake or push up too far, I can be ran down or ganked easily. I don't feel like there's any kill potential at 6 for most match-ups, especially solo. And I feel like I have no impact whatsoever on dragons, or bot lane.

    This is how I view it and it makes sense in my head, but I've seen many, many people say Vladimir is MUCH better top, so I can't help but question myself.

    I know a lot of you may be thinking, whichever lane you are better at play him in, but I want to play him in the more effective lane, it isn't too late for me to switch if needed. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/vladplayer69
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    Is there any website that says who wins a 1v1 at different levels?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 10:38 AM PST

    One of the most difficult things about this game is that there are so many variables to calculate. Even in a single match up there are different level power spikes, item power spikes, junglers etc etc. I was wondering if there was a website that could talk who wins match ups at different levels. For instance lvl 1 tryndamere beats renekton but lvl 3 renekton beats tryn.

    submitted by /u/Avftomat
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