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    Monday, February 10, 2020

    LoL Guide Mentoring Thread: Patch 10.3

    LoL Guide Mentoring Thread: Patch 10.3

    Mentoring Thread: Patch 10.3

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:26 AM PST

    Please do not reply directly to the thread.

    Coaches: reply to the regional comments with the application format below.

    Students: contact coaches (PM/reply) before adding them in-game.

    Respect our Golden Rule. If you find that certain teachers/students are disrespectful, send us a message here.

    For all the previous weeks: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/archives

    Format for replies|Only Teachers should directly reply to the distinguished comments

    :--:|:--: Copy paste this and fill it up in your responses.


    Summoner Name:

    **League / Division**: **Areas of expertise**: **Champions**: **Languages Spoken**: **Duration of Mentoring**: **Preferred Methods**: **Other Info**: 

    Previous Week Threads: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/archives

    General Guidelines for Students

    • You will be making the first contact by sending a PM or replying to the mentor of your choice.

    • Come prepared. What do you want to take away from this? Is there anything the mentors can review?

    • Know your issues: In which areas do you struggle?

    • You must understand that getting better is all about yourself. Bring your best attitude.

    • Be motivated. The results are proportional to the amount of effort you put in practice.

    • Mentors are here to assist and help you with the difficulties you encounter. This is not a way to find high elo Duo Queue partners.

    General Guidelines for Mentors

    • You will accept players of your choice as students upon receiving their messages. The responsibility to make further contact and set up times falls on you.

    • Be clear as to what you want to do for your student(s) in your description: Review replays, lane together in normals, experiment and practice in custom games, simply answer questions/discuss, etc.

    • Try to organize your sessions by having specific themes. You do not want to overburden someone with too much information at once.

    • Give yourself discussion prompts to avoid losing your trail of thought. Slow down, clarify your opinions and make sure the student understands.

    • It is important to always promote a positive attitude and mentality towards playing and improving.


    submitted by /u/Botkwai
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    This year's second top post is "Don't give silver players diamond tips. Give them gold tips." What are some quick tips for each division?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 12:35 AM PST

    Post I mentioned

    Listed quick tips stick with me so much better and I'm more likely to take a quick look at them to remind myself and I think there must be more people like me. So if we could put together tips in a format like this would be really useful:

    Bronze - Yada yada yada - Yada yada yada

    Silver - Yada yada yada - Yada yada yada

    Either comment or if someone wants to put more time into it they can make a separate post as well I think that'd be pretty cool.

    submitted by /u/Cruciattus
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    Being a top tank isn't working out for me in soloQ, some tips please (gold)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 05:15 AM PST

    I play tanky and sticky champs like Shen, Mao, Ornn, Poppy and very very occasionally Quinn.

    I feel like I've hit a hard point where if a carry lane isn't fed I'm left redundant and just peeling for someone that is playing with one hand during team fights or skirmishes.

    During laning in most cases it's not in my favour so I am always 20 - 30 cs behind by the time lane phase ends, I also try to roam mid when I can during lane phase.

    I've adapted to saving my tp for first or second drake whenever I can otherwise it doesn't get secured.

    Am i just hot trash on tanks and should be playing differently? Or give up the idea of playing sticky tanks and play to win lane by learning 1v9 champs like kled or darius? Any and all tips are appreciated, especially for just general know how of top lane :)

    My op.gg if it helps; https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Swiftwisp

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Swiftwisp
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    How to REALLY Improve in Season 10?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 05:59 AM PST

    With the season starting out I wanted to give you guys a head start by summering up 3 key elements that will help you start improving effectively at league and will help you climb to a higher rank this season 10.

    I've compiled all the info I learned coaching players during 2019/2018. I've realized that most of the player base doesn't know how to practice effectively. They just hop directly into game or they practice only with a general idea of what they want to improve.

    But that only works in the beginning, when you are just barely learning the game. Once you passed that level, you will need to actively find key mistakes in your performance and address them one by one with a training program and some sort of feedback on how you're doing.

    I've made a video compiling 3 key elements that have worked for me and my students to improve at league effectively.

    Link to the video: https://youtu.be/p-EcA-9WV24

    I really hope with this info you can make great improvements in your play and get to a higher rank in this season ^^

    submitted by /u/Iam_Blink
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    [Jungle] How to avoid getting killed by invades

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 09:02 AM PST

    So lately I've run into a frequent problem of enemy junglers getting fed early game while I'm still playing a relatively weak early game jungler and then getting killed. This is a pretty big problem when I play Junglers like nidalee, evelyn and sometimes Ekko. Like a couple days ago I was playing Ekko jg and Vi got two early kills and then constantly invaded.my jg and killed me like 5 times. I couldn't escape any of the ganks unless I had flash. What's a good way to counter enemy invaders aside from setting up deeper vision and then getting set behind in farm?

    submitted by /u/Ashaps2001
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    Can rumble actually be penta-flexed?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 05:16 AM PST

    I seem to recall LS saying once that in theory, rumble could play all roles reasonably well. Top and mid are easy to confirm, since he is actually played there. I could also see him going jungle with talisman, sustaining on aoe camps with his q. Support could also work semi-tanky with relic shield giving ap. Adc position seems a bit weird, but together with an enchanter support they could have insane gank setup and sustain post 6. So my main question is if rumble actually is able to be flexed in all roles, or if it is another LS meme

    submitted by /u/UwUsophieUwU
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    Getting demoted from a division

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 07:24 AM PST

    hello fellow summoners, this is probably the wrong place to post this but does anybody know (preferably someone thats experienced it themselves) how many losses in a row it takes to demote from plat 4 to gold 1? and does it give you the 'demotion shield'? im not on 0LP but im on a bit of a loss streak. i dont mind getting demoted, i just dont want to go through 5 promo games again lol

    submitted by /u/maddestlad69
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    How to know which champions are scaling champions?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:27 AM PST

    I'm taking about champs like Vayne who are very dangerous late game but aren't a big threat in early. As a support I never know if I should trade a lot then all in with my ADC to get the kill or more like zone out the enemy and stay safe because my ADC is not really good in early. I often all in after lowering the enemy's HP, my ADC follows but we don't manage to get kill or it even turns againt us.

    Do I just have to keep training or is there actually a way to just tell?

    submitted by /u/Nimyron
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    You got some drafting tips?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 09:55 AM PST

    I wanted to ask wether you guys got some general tips regarding drafting.

    Here some questions I got since like forever:

    • When to pick blue/red side?
    • In which order do you want to pick when?
    • Are there more "base comps" than teamfight, pick and split?
    • Are late game comps easier to execute?

    By now it's propably clear that I'm pretty new to this subject so if you have any good videos, articles, etc. that explain the basics that would be appreciated.

    I also was wondering wether there is a discord or subreddit dedicated to drafting advise and exceptially feedback on a draft.

    Any input is appriciated. Might also help some people for upcoming Clash or other players getting into competitive play.

    submitted by /u/Rwary
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    Silver shaco jg main looking for advice on how to snowball mid game

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 11:56 AM PST

    Been struggling mid game with shaco. I find it really easy to get first blood and help snowball one of my lanes but because it low elo I find that half the time the lane I snowball just throws there lead give them. I know I should be looking for neutral obj to snowball but I find it hard to solo herald or drag pre 6. And ask your lanes for help is almost never heard. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/maaybay
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    Choice Paralysis is preventing me from playing

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 11:46 AM PST

    So i struggle with Choice Paralysis in many games, especially MMO's where i tend to reroll constantly.

    Now league seems to amplify this to 1000% because the game has so many champs.

    • Constantly obsessing about Tierlists. If a champ is S+ i wont play him but if the champ is below 50% WR i wont play it either

    • Always questioning the viability of any given champ

    • Constantly wondering if my champ is "too easy" meaning hes gonna peak fast and then drop of the better i get because there is no outplay potential.

    • Extreme dislike for "Meta" or "OP" champs since i fear they get gutted to the ground like in most other games. It also feels cheap to win.

    • Constantly thinking about counterpicks. I play Toplane and without exception if i pick first i get hardcountered every single match. I assume apps such as Blitz enable this.

    I played a wide variety of champs, found some i like and do good 1-2 matches and then either lose interest (yes it happens that fast) or feel like im making the wrong choice. This goes as far as me never looking up guides or actually trying to properly learn a champ because i think hes gonna get nerfed or become OP and then i have to start over on a new champ. And there are just soooo many. I know a way to overcome this is by just picking ONE champ and sticking to it but i cant settle for one.

    I liked Teemo the most because of his shrooms but every single time you play against someone with a brain you just get camped under tower the entire match. I tried playing Fiora, Riven and Camille but every time i pick these i get counterpicked and cant learn the champs since the enemy toplaner just picks ranged and forces me to go afk, literally. I also really like Lux and Morgana but i hate playing support so thats of the table.

    Also an unrelated question; Is it normal that EVERYONE is so much higher level than me? I am just level 34 now and every single match (normal, not ranked) has people in level 60-200 which just completely steamroll me.

    submitted by /u/Shnappu
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    A critic on "How to climb fast" videos

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 05:45 AM PST

    I feel the need to share my thoughts on this subject with you all and I'm sorry if this is not informative for many of you. Of course, I'm talking about this kind of videos, "promising" that climbing is very easy if you follow 3 simple tips and, hey, pro tip: it's not.

    My main issue with these videos is that they misslead low elo players in a harmful way. I can see the frustation in someone trying to get better, watching those videos and realizing that they are still hardstuck or not improving. Don't get me wrong, the ideas shared in the videos may be right, maybe they will make you better, but not from one game to another, it will take you time and effort.

    I do understand it is the way for many Youtube channels to grow and make people click the video, but I think many (new) players can feel bad when trying to apply those "3 easy tips" and seeing no improvement.

    My goal with this post is to reach low elo and new players who are watching these type of videos looking for ways to climb and I would like to recommend to them to keep watching those videos and learning, but to also be patient and to understand that League is a complex game and there's no formula to climb faster, more than learning the game and getting better at it. No special champ will get you out of silver and no special trading technique will get you out of gold. Those things will help you achieve your goal but, again, it will take some time.

    submitted by /u/sojanlol
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    How important is it to learn wave management in low ELO?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 12:25 PM PST

    Hello summoners! I am a long time on/off LoL player (started in season 2 and played on and off to present) and would like some advice. I've never been one for ranked play. I did my provisional games out of curiosity in the past and then just stuck to normals. This year however I am determined to get better and climb through the ranks.

    My goal is to hopefully make gold by the end of the season. The highest I've ever been was silver 2 (back in season 3). This season i started in iron 2 and have climbed up to bronze as an adc. I've gotten things like cs, warding, objectives and the like down and I'm not the least competent ever. But when it comes to the concept of wave management and "freezing" the wave I am lost. How important is it on the way to my goal?

    How can I learn/improve myself in this regard? Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/LordWayland
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    How to win lane hard as adc? (high gold low Plat)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 05:09 AM PST

    In all threads that ask how to climb as adc, I constantly see comments saying to get enemy tower early and rotate to give the rest of your team a lead. Whenever I try to play a strong early game / lane dominant adc, I would out push and gain a CS lead by zoning and poking the enemy laners, but it's too often when I end up trying to get turret plates where, despite river bush wards, I would get ganked by the enemy jungle through lane, through a quick blast cone, or completely behind us through our jungle. We can only place so many wards so we end up having blind spots. More often than not we would end up dying and throwing our lead. And more often than not, our jungle would not be doing much of anything (cause it's low elo). Or sometimes I would have a support that does not understand our win condition in lane and just stays back or constantly gets hit by cc like Leo or naut or just gets one shot by a brand or some other burst heavy support.

    In cases like this, would simply stomping lane and getting bot tower early be the only way to climb?

    Bonus question: if I do end up getting behind or getting hard camped and 4 man dove at tower consistently, is my best option to just leave bot lane and try to find objectives elsewhere, even when it's only like 15 minutes into the game? Or should I still stay bot and hope my team does something when we get camped and dove? The latter doesn't really seem like a consistent method to hard carrying games.

    submitted by /u/a2242364
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    How do you stay Motivated?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:49 AM PST

    I'll keep it short.

    Start league, be awful, practice a lot, follow Pro's/LCS eventually get to D2. Realise that D2 is just like mid gold and every games a disaster BUT teams know how to push their leads a little more, less champions become viable.

    Linger around in plat for a few seasons. This season sat in gold, can't win because I can't motivate myself to try because I know the higher elo is very similar.

    So I constantly just pick random shit and lose because "I know if I try I'll get to diamond and that's my peak". I dunno, I just load in and recently can't get motivated to play the meta and bark orders out and shot call etc, do all the little things you need to do to win.

    submitted by /u/PenPaperShotgun
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    Best Bans?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 03:59 PM PST

    There used to be a site that would look at your ranked data and determine a ban best suited for you based on your win/loss against that champion. I believe it was http://bestbans.com/

    However, the site isn't working/updated anymore? It says patch 7.9 and the custom bans feature isn't working when I search my summoner name. Is there another website that I can use to find out whats my lowest win % vs a specific champion?

    submitted by /u/nevershoutunicorns
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    How do I escape iron?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 03:47 PM PST

    This isn't a joke I straight up can't get out. I started playing near the end of last season "maining" kat and placed bronze 2 I think. This season I was trying to play Sylas jg in my placements after his rework (not sure what I was thinking), got terribly tilted, did horrible every match, and was slapped at the bottom of the pit. Iron 4. Now I'm stuck with trolling smurfs and teammates so bad there's typically 2-3 people that are crazy fed every match before midgame and everyone wants to ff 10 minutes in because they lost lane. Is my only hope to just forget about climbing and focus on getting better until I can just hard carry every match? Should I stop playing mechanically difficult champs until I learn macro? What do I need to focus on learning as my top priorities?

    submitted by /u/Shabix
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    FREE COACHING for all members! All roles and lanes welcome!

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 09:41 PM PST

    Hey guys! Its OBubby and I just wanted to let you guys all know I started doing free coaching on my twitch 5 days a week! I have experience coaching all elos from Iron to Challenger players so all are welcome! I don't ask for any money or subscriptions, I just love doing it so come by and have fun while I show everyone how to improve. I do VOD reviews, champion insight, and personal in game coaching! :) I can coach on NA, EUW, and OCE!

    Come join me at https://www.twitch.tv/obubby/ I look forward to seeing you guys and gals there!

    Edit: Stream schedule is sunday-thrusday 10:30pm PST -6am PST

    submitted by /u/OBubbyTTV
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    [ADC] What to do when transitioning to mid game?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 01:05 PM PST

    After laning phase and moving into mid game it seems like I have no idea what to do next. My team is usually spread out and my lane is pushed enough to where I could get caught out for staying too long. Usually Ill look to get gromp/krugs to past the time and not lose CS but is there a better option? Im iron/bronze but climbing relatively fast

    submitted by /u/ImaFireball
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    I'm struggling with instinct, consistency and "play more"

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 12:31 PM PST

    Hi guys, I want to ask a bit of a different question from the usual "What champ do I play" and "How do I beat tank meta?"

    My question today is about instinct, consistency, and ultimately, "What happens when one tricking and playing more isn't enough?"

    Let me give you some background - I've been playing on and off since Season 2 and have been consistently hardstuck Silver. I started a "smurf" account to get re-placed with fresh MMR and that was hardstuck Silver too. I blame myself for this - most of the games I lose are games that I lost specifically in ways that are obvious in retrospect but never seem like a bad idea in the moment.

    I've experimented with different roles at times (mostly because I think playing a champion is the best way to understand how to fight them) but I consider myself a Top/Support main, and specifically Wukong/Thresh. I'm fairly comfortable and confident with a handful of others but those two are my bread and butter - when I play them it's like the combos flow straight from my brain instead of my hands. However - there's a few things missing:

    • Instinct. There is always a right play and a wrong play, and I pick the wrong play too often. This should be obvious given my rank but I feel like I often know what the right play is, but either I don't think fast enough or far enough ahead to make it.
    • Consistency. Often times I'll have a common matchup - say Vayne into Nasus. I know he can't touch me without his W slow, and I know if he Ws I can get an auto-Q-auto off for %health true damage before hitting condemn to create space. I might do that 2/3 times at first then revert to just hitting E as soon as he slows because I lost track of my strategy as the game progressed. This happens also with item builds, or with rune pages, or with team fight strategies - I see a winning formula in one game and forget it by the next.
    • Play more. Maybe I just haven't reached the hypothetical golden limit. I've played hundreds of games on both my "core" champs. I've played thousands of games of League in general. I like to think my macro is pretty good. I haven't mastered the game by any stretch, but I like to think I've accumulated a better overall understanding of the game than the average silver player. Still - I regularly get embarrassed by Silver and even Bronze players. Sometimes absolutely unforgivable mistakes. I know most of these people haven't played the game as long as I have. I know most of them haven't played their champions as much as I've played mine (or theirs). It's like if Cardi B showed up and sang "Let It Be" better than John Lennon - it shouldn't happen, or at least it shouldn't happen so easily.

    So, yeah, I don't know what my problem is. Bad habits? Dumb old man brain (32 this year)? Wukong trash tier? Every opponent is smurfing? Riot ruined the game by releasing Sett?

    I hope this post doesn't come off as too sarcastic or too "Why am I in ELO hell?" - I know there are plenty of things for me to improve on, and I really do want to improve on them, I'm just having a really difficult time nailing down what those things should be.

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/xylotism
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    I have a couple of broad questions regarding the game.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 10:51 AM PST

    I've been playing for a a little over a year now. This is my first ranked season and I am in high gold/low plat MMR.

    1. I understand that I should punish the enemy when they go for CS since I can predict where they will move to last hit a minion. But what do I do when the enemy laner does this to me? I stand opposite of the enemy and away from my wave so they have to chose between hitting me or the wave. But what do I do about someone like Leblanc simply using her W on me when I walk up to last hit a minion if I'm playing something like Sylas?

    2. Should I even bother split pushing at this level? I always tell my team not to fight unless the enemy sends 1-2 players for me, but my team gets caught out or looks to fight for no reason (no objectives to take) before I get anything done.

    3. Is being a meta slave a good alternative for someone who gets tired of playing the same champions over and over? I end up switching between top and mid so much because I want to play different types of champs. I understand that a small pool is the best way to climb. So has anyone had success playing 2-3 meta champs at a time?

    4. How do I play against champion that can all in me from range, like a Malphite with ult? If I don't have flash I feel like I can't even CS because he can just ult me if I walk up and I'm dead. Same goes for champions like Zed or Fizz.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/c_cc_
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    Can we stop playing senna ADC in low elo?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 01:37 PM PST

    Or maybe I just don't understand what its supposed to be for. Since this champ has come out I've only ever seen it pop off once. Now that 1 time won the other team the game, but generally it loses lane hard and remains irrelevant throughout the game. When its on my team it feels like playing a man down, they tend to contribute 3 AAs and several whiffed abilities per fight. I feel like its supposed to be a strong hit and run type, but in my games adcs rarely understand spacing or they're blind picking it and the other team just plays vayne. Nice easy lane for vayne, much more relevant late.

    Can someone explain to me why this remains such a popular pick? is it just the implied safety from distance? There doesn't seem to be room for it as support with all the engage supports being played right now, and as adc you can basically ignore it.

    submitted by /u/r4yz4r
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    Struggling mid lane vs assasins. Any advice?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 09:38 AM PST

    I've been between low diamond to plat since 2013 and have always had a struggle fundamentally vs assassins like Diana, Talon, Kata and Zed.

    I mostly play champions like Veigar + Annie and also Kassadin. What I struggle with the most is that in my eyes (and I'm most likely wrong, which is why I'm making this post) I either have to choose between sitting back and farm the best I can under turret while either the turret slowly chips down and I lose some CS to it or I let them roam around the map while pinging it and hope for the best.

    In other match-ups I have a pretty strong (relative to my rank but obviously not overall) sense of lane knowledge and positioning/trading. I usually know which pockets I can stand in, which minions I can safely take, when I can safely trade and apply pressure and so on but it feels like even though these assassins are melee, they will out-trade me and if I trade once I'm now in an HP range where I can die to a combo with ignite.

    Sorry for a wall of text but I figured if I give you more info it would be easier to give detailed answers.

    submitted by /u/teheecx
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    Tips for a new Toplaner

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 11:01 AM PST

    So basically what the title says.

    I've been playing for almost 5 months and i just started ranked. I was bronze for a while but i dropped to iron 2 and i just cant climb. Its not like im feeding im playing semi-good usually i have a positive kda.

    Any tips om how to carry from toplane?

    Edit: This is my op.gg for whoevers asking


    submitted by /u/AbdiKing2502
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