LoL Guide About the 10 cs/min myth |
- About the 10 cs/min myth
- How do I break my tunnel vision habit?
- I have over 7k games of ARAM, but only about 200 of SR. The latter overwhelms me but I want to start playing it more. Where do I go from here?
- Should I stop playing ranked?
- Every ADC complains about getting 1 shot, why not use exhaust rather instead of heal more often?
- ADC Streamers and Youtubers
- I know Gnar is a 3 rated Difficulty Champ but as someone who's interested in him, is he simple enough to play and do well?
- How do i play against renekton?
- New to game (lvl 30) - constantly get 1v5'd by random yasuos
- What to do with split-push/1v1 focused champions when split-pushing isn't viable?
- Guide to dragon control
- Help me decipher toxicity?
- Challenger Peak Fizz Main Explains How to Carry in Silver/Gold Elo
- Brand new to ranked - Currently 33% winrate. Looking for some tips regarding cs, roaming, and mindset
- Mid Lane Itemisation
- How do I properly play the jungle role with Ekko
- Just got to platinum playing top what should I focus on to keep climbing?
- How to deal with negative thoughts?
- Idea for bronze and iron divisions
- Ranking down?
- How to get better at knowing where the enemy jungler is ?
- Is ARAM a good way to learn mechanics?
- Re-learning top lane
- When should I go red smite and when blue smite?
Posted: 27 Mar 2020 11:45 AM PDT If you look at challenger data 10 cs/min isn't a thing. So you have players who get 6 cs/min think they are doing 40% worse than the mythical 10 cs players. People regurgitate the 10cs/min because of cs drills in practice mode. It is useful for increasing cs in game and learning to last hit but it's not something to reproduce in a live game. It doesn't take into account environments. A big factor in lower elos is a lot of fighting that makes catching side waves go to waste. Its not unusual to have lower elo games have much more total dmg done then high elo for example. Compounding on that you'll have inevitable 3+ people in same lane farming same wave. Then you have the champ you're playing be a role. E.g. if you're playing Talon and you aim for 10cs/min you're doing something wrong. Highest Talon players on server rarely go above 7 cs/min in their best games. Irelia if I recall correctly is the highest Cs champ in game. So if you're split pushing with her , it's part of your expectations to have a higher cs/min. That's a win con behaviour. And when it comes to pro play - solo laners/adc tax their own jungle to the maximum. Their Cs is inflated not from minions but from voluntarily taking away resources from their own jungler ( which doesn't happen until much later in solo q ). Also why you'll occasionally see 11cs/min etc. But you take the same pro players and watch them in solo Q and their CS is more in the 7-8-9 . Usually 7-8. Be ause they dont funnel jungle resources. And yes it's a bit less coordinated. TLDR ; 10 cs/min has always been a bad metric and milestone to achieve because it lacks environment data. Aiming for +- 7 cs/min depending on your champ is the milestone. After that focus on other factors to improve your decision making. [link] [comments] |
How do I break my tunnel vision habit? Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:26 AM PDT I have been so focused on keeping my farm up while bullying my opponent I lose track of my mini map and thus get easily ganked a lot early. I have worked on wave management and can play from behind, but I need some help with how to work on my map awareness. Any tips? I also main mundo. I can become a late game terror but early game is terrible. When playing with gold 3 to 2 players I seemed to just get countered every time. Should I switch to kled, urgor, or learn a new champ like wukong? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Mar 2020 05:01 PM PDT I'm currently learning mid with Diana, Syndra, Annie, and sometimes Zoe. I have basic concepts of objectives and warding, but I get completely overwhelmed by the laning phase. I average maybe 6 to 6.5 CS a minute. I can't keep track of the jungler either. As in, I have no idea what paths they follow and where they should be on the map. Oh and speaking of map, it's rather hard for me to actively remember to look at it. I feel stronger in a 5v5 setting because of my 3+ years of almost exclusively playing ARAM. Do you guys have any tips for me? What do I focus on? Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Mar 2020 08:36 AM PDT Hello all, I recently started playing League and I am having trouble in ranked. I am currently in Iron 1 but I lose mostly all the games I play in ranked or get carried. Sometimes when my support is good I can also play good but thats quite rare. This situation is quite the opposite when I play normal games. I do most of the damage and I end with most cs. I feel like when I play ranked all the other players are better than me. I can also see this in the loading screen. Other players are all like 100+ level, which leads them killing me and my support before 15. minute multiple times. Should I just stop playing ranked or something else? What are your advices? I hope this is the right place to write this, I am sorry if it isn't. Thank you all beforehand. [link] [comments] |
Every ADC complains about getting 1 shot, why not use exhaust rather instead of heal more often? Posted: 27 Mar 2020 11:41 AM PDT I'm going to begin this post by saying I permaban Malphite. I don't like getting 100 to 0 none of us do. So why is the meta not taken over by exhaust right now. Maybe with a peel support you can use heal but I don't understand why exhaust isn't picked more often? And stay inside and healthy! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:42 AM PDT Hi guys. I main ADC and have watched all of xFSNSaber's content. I still watch his streams. But I would like to see some different ADC content so I have some variety. What streamers/ youtubers would you recommend to an ADC that is still learning? Or are just fun to watch. Thanks in advance! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:06 PM PDT Like from what I've heard Gnar is quite a simple character and the only tough things are managing your rage meter to change forms at the right time (Is it in Teamfights, when your trading or both) and knowing about your boomerang trajectory. Considering he's some of the Champs in Top Lane with projectile AA Range, he'll might be alright to go around the basics other than picking someone like Sett or Darius. Any Advice? [link] [comments] |
How do i play against renekton? Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:03 AM PDT I'm a level 110 silver player that mains shen (top and jungle). I have a fairly good win rate, and have played a lot of SR ranked in the last couple of months. My only problem is that there are a few champion matchups that no matter how well i am playing, or no matter how good my opposing laner is, they will always beat me in lane. The worst of these champions is renekton. I dont think I have ever won lane against renekton while playing shen or any other champion for that matter. he seems to have unlimited dashes and health and do more damage than me, but what makes it even more annoying is that when i try renekton he doesn't even seem that good. Are there any good tips for laning against him? does he hard counter shen and thats why i cant beat him? am i just bad? please help :) [link] [comments] |
New to game (lvl 30) - constantly get 1v5'd by random yasuos Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:10 PM PDT so i'm somewhat new to the game but have reached lvl 30 it seems that whenever there is a yasuo in the game he plays middle and just outlevels everyone and ends up 1v5ing our entire team basically. it's a very frustrating problem that only happens with yasuo and no other champion it doesn't matter the guy who's playing yasuo, it's a different person everytime does this happen to anyone else or am i just doing something wrong? [link] [comments] |
What to do with split-push/1v1 focused champions when split-pushing isn't viable? Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:45 AM PDT Hello, so I feel like certain champions in the game (especially in the top lane) are very focused on split-pushing and/or 1v1ing. I would say this includes duelists like Fiora or Tryndamere, or certain juggernauts like Yorick or Nasus. Some of these champs can team fight better than others, but a lot of the time when I'm playing these types of champs, I find myself having no idea what to do in the mid and late game. I've read guides about split-pushing, so I have an idea of when split-pushing is a good idea. But what the guides don't say is what to do when it isn't a good idea. So on a champion where you don't contribute much when grouping with your team, what should you be doing during times in the game when split-pushing is too dangerous or not useful? EDIT: I'm in low Elo if that affects your answer. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:50 AM PDT Hi, does anyone know of any (recent) links that explain more in detail how to play around dragon, or that could explain it more in detail? I'm trying to up my macro game and I seem to have trouble with dragon. Context: I'm a low gold ADC main. Here are some questions I have: 1- When to make a dragon call? If it's a 5v5 but we have a slight lead? Or is that too risky? (note: I know this is a question of risk vs reward, and there's no perfect answer here) Also, I have trouble keeping control around dragon for first drake. It seems like in most games its a coinflip as to who will get it, except if we manage to force a back on botlane / win a 3v3 skirmish with junglers and kill/force all backs. Sometimes enemy junglers can also solo it uncontested and I feel quite useless in those instances. Is it the junglers job to prevent that from happening? 2-Which drakes/souls are more important? I often feel like inferno soul is pretty big, whereas cloud is pretty meh. How true is this? If enemy has 3 drakes and are attempting to grab soul, should we always contest or does it depend on the soul? 3- How much is dragon worth compared to other objectives if we need to make a quick trade (inhib, baron, towers) (kinda linked to question 1) How about elder vs baron? Often times when enemy is doing elder the other team can get baron uncontested. 4- Steals. I know this is pretty much out of my control as an ADC, but is there anything I can do to prevent drake from being stolen by the enemy jungler? Thanks in advance! [link] [comments] |
LEAGUE OF LEGENDS TIER LIST TOP Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:30 PM PDT I always read tier lists and find characters in certain tiers and my friends always find completely different lists. For example in 10.6 mobalytics considers wukong god tier top; one site he doesn't even list wukong for top. I don't see wukong being God tier top lately. I feel like I'm getting incorrect information. Every site seems to have completely different tier lists and builds for the same patch. I don't see how sites like mobalytics, and can have such different lists when they all try to go by the actual champ stats in game. I know this all can change and depends on the role but I'd like to know where to get the overall best builds and tiers. always seems way off on the meta but I may be wrong. Which site is closest to the actual meta mainly for tops. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:40 AM PDT I'm a former support main turned bot main, and lately I have been learning kaisa. I follow sneakys build (ER>Nashors>guinsoos) and I just got flamed by a Yasuo on my team who stated nobody else on our team had ap so why would I buy that item. Then he called me brain dead and so on. Any idea what he might have been talking about? I have been playing for 7 years and read the patch notes and surrender at 20 every update there is, so I'm very familiar with the items. [link] [comments] |
Challenger Peak Fizz Main Explains How to Carry in Silver/Gold Elo Posted: 26 Mar 2020 05:59 PM PDT Hey guys, Lobex here. I'm a current GM Fizz/Kass main and peaked Challenger. A viewer asked me today: "how do I ACTUALLY carry in my elo?"(Silver/Gold). So I showed him in detail how to carry in his elo and I thought I'd post it here for you guys too. (It helps that the game was played from behind so it was a really good example of how to win from a bad start) This should make your climb easier boys, hope you enjoy it :P The video: [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:31 PM PDT Hi all, I am a level 36 who just started doing ranked in solo queue last week. These are my summoner stats. I placed in Bronze III but since then have experienced a loss streak completely unlike anything I've seen in normals. I have lost 9 of my last 10 ranked games. I've identified some areas I struggle with and am looking for some tips. 1) Cs. My cs is abysmal. Sometimes I can keep up with my enemy laner early game but the moment the roaming phase starts I get outfarmed. Additionally, early game I often get outfarmed a bit too. I have practiced last-hitting quite a bit and feel decent at it, as well as farming under tower, but my enemy laner often trades more successfully with me and pushes me back to where I can't farm without risk of feeding. I rarely reach 100 cs by the end of a game, and if bullied particularly hard sometimes I don't break 50. But in bots or normals 100 or even 150 is no problem if I focus on it. 2) Roaming. How do I recognize opportunities to roam? I am working on building map awareness and trying to use more wards and such, but I still really struggle to know when I should leave lane to go help another or gank. As someone who really likes Pantheon I know this is even built into his kit with his ult, but I feel that I miss a lot of opportunities, or otherwise roam when I shouldn't. 3) Mismatches. I'm a Bronze III and level 36. I'm finding I am always the lowest ranked player on my team, which usually consists of Silver I-IV and even once or twice a gold. I'm also finding my enemy laner often is level 200+ and several times has had a diamond border from a previous season or other such mismatches (at least I think. It could be a prestige border I am mistaking for a ranked one). Why is this happening, and how can I approach this situation? 4) Mindset. I've won 1 of the last 10 ranked games. I'm by no means particularly upset but I am a bit disheartened. I had expected matchups of relatively equal skill and close to a 50% winrate, not a 33% winrate. It's particularly troublesome when my teammates are all better than me and calling me out for low cs and such. Is this normal and what can I do to deal with it? Any advice you can give is much appreciated. I'm currently just seeking to improve myself. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:04 PM PDT I've started getting back into the game after a rather long hiatus and could use some quick pointers on the "meta" items for mid lane. (It used to be standard to go chalice/morello -> 2nd ap item -> cap for AP for example) What is the current item meta for AP / AD mid champs? [link] [comments] |
How do I properly play the jungle role with Ekko Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:14 PM PDT I feel like I'm not playing as good as I can in the jungle and I feel as I if I do not understand it very well. I'm a new player to league of legends and would want to play mostly jungle and some mid lane with Ekko. Do you guys and girls have any tips to help me understand and utilize the jungle better with Ekko? Thanks. [link] [comments] |
Just got to platinum playing top what should I focus on to keep climbing? Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:23 PM PDT Here come other things I wanted to ask: 0 . Just got to platinum playing top what should I focus on to keep climbing?
[link] [comments] |
How to deal with negative thoughts? Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:32 AM PDT Hi, everybody. I translated the explanations of a great Russian scientist. I hope you will find it useful. There are 3 types of irrational thoughts that are responsible for our negative emotions. The first type is predictions. What is the predictions? The fact is that we need to predict the future. Otherwise, we won't know what to do now. In order to predict the future, we must rely on our life experience. There is simply no choice. Of course, first of all, negative events are remembered. It turns out that we constantly project negative expectations from our past experience to the future, which leads us to a state of anxiety. to cope with anxiety, we need to replace our famous predictions with planning. Planning is what you will do. whenever you have been acting on the idea that you want to go somewhere in the future and get scared again, just ask yourself: "what am I going to do?". Answer and act! In addition to anxiety, we also have irritation, aggression. We often don't notice them. We are irritated, we think that everything is ok. At the heart of this our annoyance is an irrational thought that can be called as expectations. We expect that other people meet our expectations, they don't, and we get annoyed. We require from life that it meets our expectations, it is not what we would like. Even from ourselves we constantly demand something, we do not cope with our own requirements and irritate ourselves. In order to avoid this irritation that destroys us inside, replace the requirements with acceptance. Accept other people and yourself Third type of irrational thoughts that cause our negative emotions is the explanation. This may sound strange but it is true. In addition to anxiety and aggression, we often experience feelings of depressed mood and depression, melancholy and despondency, and there are always explanations behind this. We explain to ourselves why the world is bad why other people are not good, why we do not get something and we burst into these endless explanations and walk in a closed circle. A vicious circle cannot lead to new good experiences. of course you will be depressing. And to deal with this, change the explanation to factual. Don't make up stories about why things are so bad, just look at the facts. And the more facts you collect, the more objective your picture will be, and the mood will be better. (original in Russian lang: ) [link] [comments] |
Idea for bronze and iron divisions Posted: 27 Mar 2020 01:14 PM PDT Volunteer high rank spectators with the ability to speak in chat. Essentially a coach, completley voluntarily, both teams must have a coach or it's just a coachless game. Too many times I completely mess up or rotate etc at terrible times and eventually contribute to a loss. I feel like us low ranks could really benefit from guidance and pushes in the right way. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:06 AM PDT Just curious if anything has changed on the rank system. I've never been serious about ranking up in league, but I wanted to try this season. I climbed quickly out of iron, hit bronze 4. Now with a streak of bad luck I have lost NINE games in a row at bronze 4, 0 LP. And have yet to go back to iron. I remember in previous seasons you got three loses at 0 LP, before you got ranked down. Has riot changed something? I can't seem to find anything. I'm not complaining in anyway lol I'm glad I haven't gone down. Just generally curious. [link] [comments] |
How to get better at knowing where the enemy jungler is ? Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:07 AM PDT I am a main jungle in gold, the first camps I exactly know where my jungler is but after the camps respawn again I mostly dont know where he is and how my thought process should be. What should I keep in mind and what should my exact thinking process look like ? [link] [comments] |
Is ARAM a good way to learn mechanics? Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:59 AM PDT I'm fairly new to LOL, I understand basic macro but my mechanics are absolutely terrible especially when it comes to fighting. I get so overwhelmed by the amount of spells and abilities that I forget everything when under pressure. Then my teammates tell me to kys and report me for feeding... [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Mar 2020 01:28 PM PDT So recently I've been pushed back into the top lane. My team needed someone to play it for Clash and I was the only one willing. I used to play a lot of top lane back when the poppy rework was released (I don't remember how long ago that was); But I've rarely touched it since. I've been practicing it over this past week and I mostly find myself out of touch with just about everything. My games have either been complete stomps, or me getting my shit pushed in. I would really like to find a middle ground especially for clash. What are match ups like currently? Best and worst top laners? When behind, whats the best thing to do aside from stay safe and cs? How do I get my advantage back? Best uses for TP when behind and ahead? Just any other tips you guys could give me would be greatly appreciated! My champ pool currently consists of the following from best to worst: Poppy, Shen, Malph, Morde, Nasus. [link] [comments] |
When should I go red smite and when blue smite? Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:25 PM PDT So, I watched one streamer's stream the other day and he played Lee Sin (he actually always plays Lee Sin, he's a Lee Sin one trick, and every time when Lee Sin is banned or picked he dodges). The first match he went blue smite, but second match for some reason he went red smite. I checked his match history and saw that like 40% of his games he goes blue smite, and 60% of his games he goes red smite. Could someone please tell me when to go red smite and when to go blue smite? [link] [comments] |
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