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    LoL Guide Basic champions to understand every champion class in League of Legends.

    LoL Guide Basic champions to understand every champion class in League of Legends.

    Basic champions to understand every champion class in League of Legends.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    Currently there are 7 champion classes, most of which are split into 2 or 3 subcategories - Controller (Enchanter, Catcher), Fighter (Juggernaut, Diver), Mage (Burst, Battlemage, Artilery), Marksman, Slayer (Assassin, Skirmisher), Tank (Vanguard, Warden) and Specialist.

    Controllers are there to protect their teammates and create opportunities for their teammates.

    Basic Enchanters to understand the role are Sona, Soraka and Lulu - you will learn how to manage your mana pool, how and when to effectively use your important cooldowns (Crescendo, Wish or Whimsy) and when it's safe to leave your lane partner to build vision.

    Basic Catchers - Blitzcrank, Morgana or Zyra. Those champions help you to understand how important landing skillshots is and how to apply pressure in lane by "using no CC as CC" (credit to u/imls).

    Fighters are there to get behind the enemy lines and wreak havoc to take focus away from their teammates.

    Basic Juggernauts - Darius, Garen and Sett. Those champions will help you understand durability, itemization and target priority in teamfights.

    Basic Divers - Jarvan IV, Olaf or Warwick. They teach you basically the same thing, but contrary to Juggernauts, they have a way of getting into the backline.

    Mages are there to wither down their opponents using powerful spells.

    Basic Burst Mages - Lux, Annie and Veigar. Those champions will teach you about mana management, damage foresight and importance of crowd control.

    Basic Battlemages - the only battlemage I'd recommend to beginners is Malzahar. The class is pretty difficult to play properly, because you have to be constantly moving and trying to deal as much Area of Effect damage as possible without getting hit yourselves.

    Basic Artilery mages - Ziggs. Artilery mages thrive in poking down opponents making it easier for their teammates to finish them off. This is the best class to understand the mana management.

    Marksmen are there to deal as much damage as possible without getting hit themselves. The basic marksmen to understand the role are Ashe and Miss Fortune. Playing marksmen teaches you about importance of proper positioning, tracking big cooldowns (engage abilities on the enemy team) and itemization.

    Slayers are champions capable of taking down enemy champions quickly, even in a 1v2, 1v3 scenario. They're those huge damage dealers that require a lot of expierience on them to play properly.

    Basic Assassin I'd recommend to beginner players is Talon. Playing assassins teaches you about understanding damage foresight, roaming, vision control and flanking.

    Basic Skirmishers - Jax and Master Yi. Skirmishers get strong with items, so it's important to understand your level/item power spikes. Skirmishers are one of the best classes in the game in the late stages of the game.

    Tanks are there to apply crowd control and soak up as much damage as possible for their teammates.

    Basic Vanguards - Leona, Amumu, Rammus. Playing Vanguards teaches you about importance of saving up CC for priority targets, about durability and about peeling (taking focus away from an important teammate onto yourself).

    Basic Wardens - Braum, Shen. Wardens' main goal is to protect their teammates. Playing them teaches you about peeling and about durability.

    Specialists, as the name suggests, are very unique champions that specialize in certain things. Every specialist champion is very unique and each one of them can teach you new things, but it's very hard to simplify those champions, so I'll let you discover them for yourselves.

    Bear in mind that those are just my subjective opinions. I hope it will help someone and maybe motivate some of you to try out different playstyles, because understanding them all is a key to becoming a well-rounded League player.

    submitted by /u/IWasVennBackThen
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    How do I counter Garen? He seems OP

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 12:09 AM PDT

    I'm having trouble lanining against him

    The fact he has so much healing and his E does so much damage looks crazy to me.

    I feel like poking him is useless because he will just heal up again

    I've notice that stuns don't work on him sometimes, I've noticed that when he is E'ing, a riven stun doesn't affect him.

    How do I counter him playing as a bruiser/melee champ, he seems so broken and braindead

    submitted by /u/Bare_the_Bear
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    There are 2 junglers in every game.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    The biggest misconception about jungle I see everyday is that ''jungler can solo win the lane and it doesn't cost anything''

    Everyday I see even challenger streamers saying stuff like ''just gank my lane once or twice and we win'' etc.

    There are 2 junglers in every game and junglers are almost useless when spotted.

    If I gank top it means that enemy botlane and midlane can:

    • play without fear of getting ganked
    • clear and setup vision
    • enemy jungler can freely take my jungle or objectives etc.
    • enemy jungler can gank without fear of getting counterganked
    • my team has to play back

    Even if I gank top and we get a kill, it doesn't mean it puts our team ahead if enemy team now has pressure on mid and bot.

    TLDR: Successful gank that doesn't give you significant long term advantage, can often put your team in worse spot than not ganking at all.

    submitted by /u/onimatt
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    General Macro Guide on Compositions & Win Conditions based on Game State

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 07:43 AM PDT


    Understanding key concepts in League of Legends can be difficult without putting in effective time and effort. This written guide should help players that have struggled with decision making in a broad or macro sense during the mid to late game stages. This means confronting situations that will show up frequently, utilizing your win conditions based on game and map states, and finding creative and unorthodox solutions to difficult scenarios that may not appear often.

    This general guide will not be role or champion specific, but certain play-styles may be helpful when it comes to using some of these tips and those styles might also allow you to better understand how aspects of the game can and should play out.

    Part One

    Starting out, let's discuss win conditions based on ally and enemy team compositions, and how to actually understand what those conditions are based on the game or map state.

    We will begin by categorizing team compositions in a general sense in order to simplify a very complex topic. We will also separate these compositions by identifying specific win conditions and evaluating their potential versus other team compositions. Examples will be given after we declare their incentives.

    As a basic example, if one team has a winning bot lane match up, hard a winning top lane match up, and a hard winning mid lane match up, the odds are in your favor and your win conditions will usually be to play standard and win through lane phase, and eventually close out the game(more on that later). In this case where top/mid have a much easier match up, junglers should try to make sure that their solo laners can play aggressive when needing to and to punish mistakes by enemy laners (such as your top laner freezing the lane and forcing the enemy top laner to over-extend). This can also be done by supporting your less, albeit, still winning, bot lane by getting them a lead. This will be situational but the point remains, the win condition will be more obvious in this type of team composition in the early game.

    Note that win conditions will change throughout the game, as stated previously. They can be manipulated through creative strategies which can and will be done in more coordinated play. In Solo Queue, however, it will be much harder to utilize these strategies.

    1) Early Game

    • Early Lane Phase based on Role/Lane

    [Win condition] in the early lane phase will be based on which team has more or harder winning match ups. This can include the jungle match-up. Essentially, if your team has more winning match ups(including jungle interference) then your early game should be a position to attack the enemy and be aggressive in order to snowball the game. Having champions that win lane vs other champions does not mean they will fall off in the mid to late game, but more often than not, strong early game champions will be less useful than weaker early game champions when it does get to certain points in the game.

    • Early Skirmish Potential related to map position

    [Win condition] in early skirmish potential will be based on where your team has stronger skirmish prowess or small team fight power. This means that your 2v2's and 3v3's will be stronger than the enemy's. This does not mean that every 2v2 and 3v3 can and should be a victory for your team, you must understand when and where these victories will take place. Learning this will take a lot of experience but using basing visual queues and simple understanding of champion mechanics will help you utilize this win condition in the early game. Having a strong early game or skirmishing jungler like Lee Sin, Elise, or Olaf will definitely put things in your favor. But that won't always be the case if the enemy also has similar strengths or advantages. Summoner spells, health and mana pools, early item purchases, levels, and other resources must be accounted for. A small example would be having a Lee Sin Jungle with a non early-dps mid laner like Ahri versing a less early skirmish jungler like Rengar but with a high mobility/dps mid laner like Irelia. This can end up being a loss based on who gets the jump on who, who hits the right abilities, if anyone has a level advantage, and where you are fighting. These things will take time to understand, but knowing the difference between when an early game skirmish will be a positive versus a negative will drastically improve your gameplay. This is not only limited to jungler/mid skirmished but hopefully the point got accross. Like don't all in as Ezreal/Yuumi into Thresh/Lucian, it won't be a good time.

    • Early Skirmish potential based on snowball or alternate situations

    [Win Condition] in the early skirmish potential based on snowballing/alternate situations will be based on knowing when to concede/not contest objectives and when you are the team that can. If your enemy bot lane has been pushed in and are still clearing a cannon wave to hit level 3, it can be difficult for them to follow the enemy bot lane into the river to help secure that scuttle crab or to follow up on an extended fight. Even if they are able to get to the fight on time, they will be down a level worth of important stats, as well as a whole ability. This means, less damage, less mana, less hp, less everything. If the fight goes south, you will not only lose that crap/fight/whatever, your team will also lose the gold/xp that has now crashed into their tower. This can be detrimental, especially if the enemy team is on the stronger scaling side. This is an example of an alternate solution. The opposite can be said for you, and utilizing these timings can be key to snowballing your team to victory. Be the person to make the call and don't be after to ping/quickly type your reasoning. Think about all potential situations but, in time, you will make the better macro decision over and over again.

    • Even/Skill Match up Lane Phase

    [Win Condition] in even match ups based on lane phase can come down to jungle help or making plays across the map. This can also mean understanding how to out maneuver your opponents and playing for good recall timings or having good wave management if you are a laner. You can also help your laners have good management by hovering them while they fix a wave or when it looks like the enemy wants to fight/skirmish. Helping laners who fall behind in these matchups or even losing matchups as a jungler can be huge. If they are low on mana and need to get out of lane ASAP, then help them push. If they are overextending to crash a wave into the enemy tower because they are being frozen on, hover them. And vice versa, if you can get your lane in a good spot, ask for a gank. Don't always expect it and watch your jungler's pathing. If they are going to from bot to top side, don't start slow pushing into the enemy bot lane tower and expect to get assistance from them. Do not try to go for fancy plays unless you have a higher chance of success than the enemy. Just guessing that the enemy jungler is or isn't there is going to make climbing rough. Sometimes, you have to take risks, but at least try to track or calculate them.

    • Early Lane Phase/Skirmish Potential based on meta/champion potency also based on champion difficulty

    [Win Condition] in this lane phase/skirmish potential category well be based on how difficult it is to pilot certain champions or for your teammates/enemies to do so. Meta will also be a key factor as the mmr/elo increases and mastery of certain champions will also come into play. I have seen silver Lee Sin players that have the mechanics of a diamond player when it comes to execution but will often lack the knowledge of when and where to use those mechanics, among many other problems. But the main point is that difficult champions can be piloted in the right hands, but the decisions they make might not always be that optimal. This will be true for all players on all champions. Even on challenger one tricks that play only one champion. With all of that being said, the win condition will come more from knowing that a champion like Malzahar or Annie is much more reliable than a champion like Sylas or Leblanc when it comes to locking enemy players down. Obvious all four champions are completely different and have their own benefits. But if I'm playing amumu jungle and my malzahar hits 6, you better believe that I am looking for opportunities to kill the enemy mid laner or catch someone else. This is where macro takes a big step and where we will eventually diverge into another part of this guide.

    Part Two

    The mid game team compositions and champions. We will discuss, much like in part one, what our win conditions based on general team compositions will be based on the mid game. The mid game drastically changes and will be less practiced because of how different it can be. Champion positions change, more roaming occurs, objectives become much more contested, and item power spikes start to come in. For the sake of keeping this reddit guide a little simple, I won't separate the mid game into different parts other than explaining post 6(as in spiking with ultimates which can be seen as early game in some capacity) and then anything after laning phase ends. The end of lane phase does not mean a tower will always fall, but generally at least one tower will be taken for this stage of the game to take place.

    2) Mid Game

    • Early/Mid Game post level 6 spike

    [Win Condition] Much like the previous section's example with amumu and malzahar, the post 6 spike can be huge on some champions. When many champions hit 6, skirmishes and full blown team fights can and will occur in many games. Dragons will be contested, bot lane fights will take place with teleports, roams, and alcove maneuvers , but most importantly, champions will have some of their first-back items and ultimates. The win condition will become apparent based on what each team wants to fight for. Is there a a dragon your team wants/needs, is there a tower that is low and will help your team roam/get out of a lane if taken. These questions must be asked in order to get better at macro decision making. Try to play in absolutes and always ask yourself why you are going for certain objectives/plays, especially post 6. This is the most volatile point in the game that can determine whether or not your team will be leading the charge, or defending the ambush in the near future.

    • Champion Placement/Positioning based on objectives/game state

    [Win Condition] Play towards what you need in order for your team to succeed(My future rap career is booming). If the enemy team has an insane amount of wave clear in the mid lane after you already got the bottom tower, don't waste time in the mid lane with multiple members constantly pushing back on forth unless you are waiting for a bigger spike and the farm helps your side more than the other. But if you are already ahead by getting the tower/kills/cs/dragons/etc. then keep playing off that snowball. If your team has stronger map pressure due to champion kits like mobility/pick potential then play towards those strengths. You need to identify what your next move on the map should be. Does the enemy mid laner have a lot of wave clear? Go top lane and try to get that tower. Get your top laner to catch those bottom waves. Do all 3 lanes have good wave clear? Go for the rift herald and try to siege with that regardless of the waveclear. Here is where things become less black and white. What if the enemy team is ready for your siege? Say you have a winning bot lane that just got the tower. Your team is Sett, Gragas, Vladimir, Lucian, Leona and the enemy is Gangplank, Jarvan, Anivia, Ezreal, and Thresh. Well even if you get a herald and take it to mid lane so you can siege vs that pesky perma-push anivia, you have to watch out for the enemy because of the hard engage they provide from the jarvan/gangplank. This is just 1 scenario but hopefully you get my point. Play towards your advantage, and try to figure out what the enemy can and will do to stop it. In your head, pretend you are the enemy, and think about how you stop your team from doing what you want to accomplish. Then find a route around that.

    • Mid Game drop offs

    [Win Condition] Play for power spikes. If your champions are dropping off in the mid game or you have been losing contests for vision/objectives, don't be scared to play safe and farm up. Think about what the enemy is trying to do and where they are. Are they setting up vision? Is that squishy support walking around with mobis getting wards into your jungle? Set up a pick. Is the enemy zed trying to assassinate your squishy ADC farming the incoming wave? Set up a bait. Is the enemy grouping up to siege? Concede it if you don't have the ability to defend it and look to pressure other areas. Shove out side lanes and get vision/clear vision. Mid game is about adaptation. If you are 300g off Infinity Edge, you wait for that. If you are 45 seconds from getting your flash back up on a non-mobile carry, you wait for that. If the enemy is looking for picks but you ran out of wards because they cleared them all, you recall and fill your sightstone. Play for your power spikes and play to punish enemy aggression. Don't completely give up everything, but give up what you know that you cannot contest.

    • Mid Game Spikes(Way past level 6)

    [Win Condition] Team Fight! Group! Deep Vision! Anything that will get your team a big mid game snowball. Past level 6, I am talking about the time when your bot lane is around level 9-10 and your solo laners have gotten past level 11. This can be around the 17-25 minute mark where 1-2 items are coming in and your team has many opportunities. Do you have a good engage with strong power spikes on your carries? Is your ADC at 2 items while the enemy ADC is at 1 and you have great peel for them? Does your team have good baron potential with Botrk users, dps mid laners, armor building tanks, and good vision control? All of these questions should be in your mind. You need to identify your own win condition when it comes to the mid game, especially once more and more items/situations are at hand. Always try to be aggressive if you know your team is on the same page and that the enemy team doesn't have a way to stop you. Don't face check things if you don't have to, and don't be over eager if you think a play is wrong. Trust your instincts and increase your lead. The main thing you can do to improve your macro is ask yourself why you need or want to do something. Even if the execution doesn't always go as planned, understanding the right play is important when it comes to getting better.

    • Mid Game Skirmishes/Alternative Strategies

    [Win Condition] Look for solutions to problems that you are currently facing. Does the enemy team have a split pushing tryndamere that is very far ahead but the rest of your members are also ahead? You need to find a solution. Tracking cooldowns (mainly teleport if the enemy is taking it is important) and noticing if they have good baron/siege control is important. Can you catch tryndamere and get a juicy shutdown? Can you hard engage a 5v4 because you have a champion like Ornn or Leona. Can you force baron and turn the fight while the tryndamere splits? All of these need to be running through your head during the game, either before or when a situation like this is happening. Split pushing might not be the only problem. Sometimes teams are behind but have incredible scaling/turtle ability making it hard to siege against them without baron. These scenarios can be scary because 50/50 smites become troublesome if you can't tank baron well or turn on them before getting chunked/poked from baron/enemy. Splitting the map in these scenarios can help. Send your team to 1 3 1 or look for picks by darkening the enemy map. Get more sweepers and pinks and try to catch them in a mistake. Deprive them of resources and try to find opportunities to foil their plans.

    Part Three

    The late game is much harder to come by these days with the pace of the game and when it does, it usually comes down to who makes one mistake or which team has the better composition. Understanding how to play early and mid game compositions should help you be in a position to win the late game if it comes to that. Using the general ideas from parts 1 and 2 can be used in reverse (as in you are the enemy team in the examples and must think about the things you can do to stop the enemy win conditions). In the late game, it is very difficult to draw out what kind of decisions can be made, but here are some tips to having success when it comes to general compositions/conditions.

    • Team that has lost the early/mid game and is low on resources

    I don't even want to put [Win Condition] in these anymore because they are more just suggestions due to the variance of compositions and situations but if you have lost every tower and inhibs are dropping, it might start looking grim. Baron, dragon souls, and elder start to be the real concerns here even if you can turtle. These are the times when you look for plays around the map that are unexpected and unconditional. Sometimes if you are so too far behind, you have to just hail mary and go for a fight at baron even if you have super minions in your base. Sometimes you have to fight if your nexus turrets are down and the enemy has big leads. But sometimes, you are still a position to win. An example here is that the enemy team just took your mid inhibitor and you are farming out your lanes in order to get what little control you can. But what does the enemy generally do after baron? Well they will look to push lanes that have towers leftover or ones with inhibitors left to capture. Sometimes dragons are spawning and they will go for those, and sometimes if you are very far behind in towers/inhibs they can just run down mid and end. But what if they are getting baron and then you know they want to go bot side to get your next inhib tower/inhib? Well they will likely recall if your team is alive and start heading top bot. Sometimes the enemy will go top side and catch a wave or get a buff and then head to wherever their team is or even send someone to splitpush. This is your chance to catch them. You need to set up picks in the path they are going to, especially when they have not been there in a while. If they have been around top side/baron for the past 3 minutes, you are less likely to be seen by wards. Try to go deep before they even finish baron or right as they finish it. Try to hide in that little bush so when the enemy top walks in, you can insta kill him and delay the baron play. Try to push the opposite side of the map so you have pressure and can initiate a fight on them while not worrying about multiple towers being taken. Always look for pressure on the opposite side, especially if you are running out of options.

    • Hard Scaling team in the late game that has lost early/mid

    Try to look for a team fight and choose your win condition. This will usually be based on a team fight if the team has big objectives like baron/soul. Different champions are capable of different things. You don't have to assassinate anyone as Leblanc if you are 0/7/12, but you might be able to peel for your Vayne at 40 minutes and have them carry the game. You don't have to look for an insec kick as Lee Sin if your mid lane Azir has scaled up and can kill the enemy team in the right circumstance. Try to kick that riven off of him. Knowing your role in and out of teamfights makes a huge difference and will win you many games.

    • Late game creativity*

    [Win Condition] GET CREATIVE. Don't just always look for the obvious way to win. What if the enemy team is the one I described above? What if your team just did well in the early/mid game but now the enemy team scaled like monsters. You don't have to hard engage. You don't have to hard siege. You don't have to make plays. You can have your team split up. You can have your team wait for baron or soul or elder or even look for picks. Don't just do the same thing every game.


    Try to figure out what your team composition is capable of based on the time of the game and the state of the game. What items does your team have and what is your specific role in the game at any given moment. Speak to your team about what your game plan is/could be and try to ping when you want to make macro decisions. Ping how far away you are from items, or your flash timer. And tell your team to watch out for what you think the enemy may be planning. Try to keep track of TP timers in the mid game and try to counteract what the enemy is planning by putting yourself in their shoes.

    This was not as In-Depth as I wanted it to be and it become more of 'tips and tricks' in certain scenarios. I could give out specific team compositions but since the game is full of changing scenarios I figured that having more general ideas in a text-based guide will be easier to understand. In the future I hope to make more content(hopefully videos) on both macro play and more specific content on champions/micro/anything.

    submitted by /u/AnarchistLoL
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    adc cs'ing

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    How do you guys keep up with csing as an adc in the mid game. Once bot tower falls, i will find myself mid. The problem is usually my mid laner will stay mid and we are sharing cs/xp. If i go to side lane i find myself getting killed by a solo laner or my team will fight without me. Every game is just fiesta of 2-3 kills per min and there is never time to farm while and the minions on the side lane are just being wasted. What do i do?

    submitted by /u/JJohnnyBoii
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    Why Zyra should be played mid-lane

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 01:02 PM PDT


    Hi guys. I'm a long-term League of Legends player who started playing late 2009. I have reached Diamond 1 in Season 4 and Season 6 and played briefly as a top laner in the UK Competitive scene. However, after a couple months of this I quit playing LoL seriously - until last month.

    I started playing ranked again a few weeks ago and found myself placed in Silver 2. After struggling to win games, I began playing Zyra mid lane. I have found huge success on this champion and quickly climbed to Plat IV with a win rate of 74% over 60 games. As of writing this, I have won 14 out my last 15 games with Zyra mid. Due to my high win rate, KDA, and other stats, I am the #13th ranked Zyra on EUW behind 12 other support players. I also have the 4th highest KDA and 6th highest win rate of any Zyra player on the server (minimum 50 games played).

    You can see my stats here:



    Zyra as a mid lane champion

    I personally feel that Zyra is currently a strong mid-lane champion. She has good laning and a number of strong matchups. I have had a lot of success versus champions such as Leblanc, Veigar, Yasuo, Malzahar, etc. In matchups that are difficult, she can farm from a distance using plants and I feel that she scales incredibly well.

    She provides excellent poke, can combine well with the jungler to lock down targets, she has adequate burst, and good zoning/utility.

    The mid game is where she thrives. Her teamfight presence is huge. She provides some of the best objective control of any champion in the game using her plants to poke, and her E and R to zone. She can often poke from very safe distances using plants, and with a team around you, it means you can poke consistently and safely. With the combo of Ludens, Liandries, Rylais, 2 plants can do 40% of a squishy enemy's hp in one or two attacks. Ludens also procs Liandries which means you are often applying Liandries to the entire enemy team with one plant.

    Why I think Zyra is a mid lane champion

    I have often felt hesitant to class Zyra as a support. She was my go-to support hero when I was autofilled as support in Season 6, and I had a good win rate on her in Diamond. However I often found that I would play as a carry, rather than a support. I think that she often struggles to peel her ADC in comparison to other champions as her E is unreliable, easy to miss, and easy to dodge. She is also very squishy herself, lacks mobility, and therefore finds it difficult to roam by herself and create vision. I think that she provides enough damage on a team to be the AP Carry, and the support slot is better used for a champion that can provide healing/reliable cc/utility.

    I also feel that Zyra mid has another huge advantage over Zyra support in terms of build path. Luden's Echo.

    Luden's is, in my opinion, a core item on Zyra. It enhances her poke, waveclear, and burst, by a sizeable amount. After building Luden's, one Q can clear a caster wave. Your plants proc Luden's frequently for a lot more poke. It also provides her the mana engine to spam spells to the point I often feel blue buff is not necessary. Although Liandries is often seen as the Gold Standard of items for Zyra (and I don't necessarily disagree), I feel that Luden's/Liandries together is core. With a 3rd item being situational, but primarily Rylais.

    The Future for Zyra

    The obvious obstacle to my claims about Zyra is that I lack the expertise to really solidify my opinion. I am not historically a mid lane player, nor a Zyra player. I have never played mid-lane consistently at high-diamond+. And my current opinion is based off my experiences against primarily gold/platinum players. However, I still strongly believe that Zyra has been "forgotten" as a mid laner, and that she could make a comeback. She is so strong in mid-game teamfights and objective control and I really feel that more people should try her out.

    What are your guys thoughts on Zyra as a mid laner? If anyone has questions I'll be happy to try answer. Any advice would also be welcome as I only picked up Zyra about 2 or 3 weeks ago

    submitted by /u/LvL99Yordle
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    Guide to playing against Zed

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I'm a D2 (peak) Zed main with 1.2 million mastery points right now. I often see a lot of lower-elo players struggle against Zed even though high-elo players tend to think that he's bad. I wanted to make a guide on how to play against him so you don't lose 1v1 and can use a ban on a more dishonest champion.

    I'll start with the most important strategies first and then throw in some small tips and tricks afterwards.

    General Mindset

    At his core Zed is an honest champion - you can see where he places his shadows, where he's going to be, and can dodge his shurikens.

    Playing against Zed is like playing a fighting game - it all comes down to making the correct read and anticipating his moves. In turn, Zed will attempt to read you and anticipate your moves. Whoever comes out on top of the mind game and executes it wins.

    You should never panic when Zed engages you. The moment you panic and stop thinking about your next move is the moment your career will end.

    Zed has three main weaknesses:

    1. His ult places him in a predetermined location.
    2. His shadow is a long cooldown at early ranks.
    3. The majority of his damage comes from a skillshot.

    The key to playing around Zed is understanding his goals and preparing for his moves beforehand.

    Death Mark

    Zed's ult will place him in the furthest position away from his ultimate shadow, not necessarily "behind" you. If he ults you and you run away from where he ulted he will appear "in front" of your champion.

    Optimally you would CC him as he ults. CCs that are thrown and have travel time can be buffered to hit him without counterplay (e.g. Gragas E, if he is mid-flight, will always CC Zed). Silences or grounding placed upon his ult target will immediately affect him as well.


    Zed is melee - if you are playing a ranged champion you should look to abuse this fact. Making him choose between hitting Q for poke (which you can dodge) or Q for farm is essential to getting ahead early.

    Upon level 3 onwards Zed can retaliate with his combo. The most important part of winning the strict 1v1 is dodging Zed Q. There are usually 3 types of Zed players:

    1. They throw out W-E-Q randomly and immediately. This is especially common in low elo. Generally if you keep moving and aren't in a choke point you will dodge these 90%+. These tend to hit players who have poor movement, are chasing him in lane to try to land an ability, or don't pay attention.

    2. They throw out W-E-Q at a specific direction quickly (<0.25sec). These combos tend to be situational and Zed will usually bank on a 50/50 on where you're going to dodge (left or right). Assuming you don't always dodge in one direction, getting hit by only half of his combos will secure you the lane since he'll be a weak melee champion for 20 seconds+ afterwards.

    3. They throw out W-E to one side of your champion, wait <0.5 seconds for you to dodge the other way while walking up, then throw Q. Experienced Zed players tend to perform this trade and it has a disgustingly high hit rate on low-elo players since they instinctively walk away from his W. I've gone entire laning phases without missing a single combo by constantly doing this.

    Generally to dodge combo 3 you would walk away from his shadow for a beat (<0.25 sec), then walk towards his shadow. This will consistently dodge the combo and turn combo 3 into a 50/50 - either Zed reads that you're going to perform the dodge maneuver and aim his Qs slightly towards his shadow or he doesn't.

    If you have a dash in your kit this becomes easier. Dashing as he throws out his W will neutralize combo 1 and 2 as well as the double-Q risk from 3. Be wary that post-6 Zed can use his W to bait out your dash before swapping in and all-inning with ult.

    1v1 Situations

    In a strict 1v1, Zed has a multitude of options which makes it difficult to predict what he'll do next. I'll go over some of the most common "plays".


    Generally Zed will only do this if he knows you have no escape and you're squishy. If you're an immobile ADC and Zed ults you... rest in peace. If not, use your escape AFTER he lands from R and dodge his Q. Practise timing your escape so that Zed is unable to get a single auto off.


    This combo tends to be used to either guarentee a 1-shot from a bush or to bait out an ability to dodge with R. Zed is banking that you'll panic from his burst from W-E-Q and use your dash or CC ability which he will dodge with R and finish you off. If you have 2 escapes, use the first one after W-E-Q and the second one after he lands from R, then dodge the Q.

    W-R-E-Q or W-E-R-Q

    This "montage" combo tends to be used to either kite an enemy while dealing damage back or to obtain a W-E slow in order to immediately triple Q. The fact that his W is setup already means that he can swap to it immediately after he lands from R to put himself in an advantageous position.

    If you have a bufferable CC, aim it where he will land from R as he cannot swap in time.

    If you have a non-bufferable CC, it's a 50/50 whether he'll risk an auto-E after landing from R or swap to W immediately. Zeds tend to swap to W immediately if they're putting themselves into a risky position after R.

    Unless you can kill him immediately do not chase after him - it's the easiest triple Q of his life and he'll probably clip it on Twitch and post it on Reddit.



    If Zed opens up with R, DO NOT PANIC. He is hoping you will panic and use your escape - then he'll follow with W-E-Q-Auto-Passive-Electrocute and blow you up. Ideally the play is to just walk away from him until he's forced to use W-E-Q before his R runs out - then you use your escape as he's throwing the shadow out.

    However, if the Zed reads that you'll do this, he'll R then W-E-Q immediately.

    In both of these scenarios if you have no escape and are squishy you're probably dead; try your best to dodge the Qs and pray.

    Another specific scenario is Zed will W-E-Q oneshot a squishy, R someone else, swap back and start to run away. The ulted target will chase Zed and Zed will W-E-Q-Swap-Auto-Passive-R pop and kill the chaser. Don't do that.

    There are more situational combos that Zed can do (especially with Flash) but these tend to be the most common ones.

    In general you want to be thinking - which combo is Zed going for? Can I survive if he Flash-Rs me? Can I survive if he Flash-W-E-Qs me? Which combos has Zed been going for before that I can use to predict his behaviour now?


    Zhonya's hourglass is a strong item against Zed - however, plenty of lower-elo players don't use it correctly. There are two options:

    1. Use it to negate R damage
    2. Use it to negate Qs damage

    Zhonya's lasts 2.5 seconds where Death Mark lasts 3 seconds. Therefore, if you Zhonya's immediately after he lands he will have 0.5 seconds to deal damage to you that will count towards Death Mark. Generally people who Zhonya's immediately run into the problem of letting Zed set up his shadows for a juicy triple Q after they come out of it.

    Going for huge predictions

    The higher elo you go, the more people are aware of Zed's shadows and try to 'predict' his swap by throwing their CC at his shadow instead of Zed. Zed players will also be aware of this and rely more on their reactions to dodge abilities compared to prediction. Generally if Zed is in an unsafe spot he'll be more likely to swap to a shadow in a safer position - so feel free to predict it.

    Hope this guide helps!

    submitted by /u/Kersheck
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    Help a Noob - What to do when you are losing the lane?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    Hey Guys,

    I just posted this on r/lol but this may be the better sub.

    My questions is this: what should you do when you're clearly beaten in your lane?

    I main Top Garen, my current win rate is about 65% with that champion (against other noobs like me). However I sometimes find myself in situations where I can't seem to do anything. Here are three times that happened to me:

    Against Vayne: she always shot me from afar, and I could never seem to farm without getting shot to death, she steamrolled the map. Against Aatrox, his range would land the first hit almost every time and his life steal would punish me, disallowing me to farm. Against Yorick: his little guys would grind my health away, and he would win every one on one, disallowing me to farm.

    Basically my question is this: when you just can't seem to farm without having to extend and die, what do you?

    I try staying under the tower, but that means that my opponent out-CS me 2 to 1 and ends up beating me even more.


    submitted by /u/captainhook77
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    What to do when you are losing top lane?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    I am new to the game and have been playing Garen in top lane, I've been doing fine against champions like Riven but when I come across champions like Nasus they end up becoming very tanky and would just destroy me. So what I'm wondering is what do I do when the enemy top lane is out farming me, denying all my last hits and I just end up losing the 1v1. I've been watching a lot of guides but they only show you what to do when you win the lane, not when you are getting destroyed.

    I've only been playing the game for a few weeks and I really want to improve my skills in top lane but some games it's like I can't even do anything when the enemy top laner decides to push me or when I get ganked and I just end up feeding.

    submitted by /u/koipond02
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    Any advice for someone about to go into their first ranked game?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    So I just hit lvl 30. I will play my first ranked game tomorrow.

    What should I expect or watch out for that is vastly different from normals?

    Can you guys give me some general tips for top laners or fiora specifically?

    I can't wait to start the ranked grind. Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/bufferow
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    Fiora or Jax?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    I'm a mid main (Kassadin & Fizz) and top is my second favorite role.

    I'm trying to decide between these two champions for playing in low diamond with a higher chance of carrying my games.

    Both champions are great duelists and splitpushers, able to draw a lot of pressure in their own ways - with the recent buffs to tiamat items, this requires further thought!


    submitted by /u/anonymouspsy
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    How do I counter Teemo?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    I'm still relatively new to this game but understand the game relatively well. I've been playing a lot of top lane lately and I've really enjoyed Nasus and Kayle, but I find Teemo's early game power impossible to deal with. He can repeatedly bully me under tower and I end up hard feeding no matter what I do. How do I beat Teemo's early game power?

    submitted by /u/ShankWithASpork
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    Who is Annie supposed to be good into?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    Hi all. I am a high gold/low plat Annie main. I very much enjoy the champion, but I find myself frustrated in pretty much every matchup. She gets absolutely bullied by any mage that outranges her (Syndrda, Xerath, Ori, Vel), but at the same time, her short ability range puts her into the range of most reach abilities of assassins that have kill pressure as early as level 2 (Talon, Fizz, Leblanc). Annie used to be Akali's hardest mid counter, but even now, the smoke reveal isn't long enough for the animation to go through on the Q (I am not sure on this one, just has been my experience). She even struggles in lane against scaling champions like Cass or Ryze.

    Additionally, damage is so high in the game right now, that it seems like her job as a burst mage is done better and more safely by most other champs in the game, and an early merc treads makes her useless until level 11-ish. I watch tons of AnnieBot, and it seems like his style of just risk-averse farming and not dying doesn't really work in lower elo fiesta where not getting kills means being a thousand gold behind.

    I'm just curious, I really enjoy the simplicity of the champion, but I just don't feel like she is in a great spot at the moment.

    submitted by /u/AfThrowAway369
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    Close games, bad sign?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    Hardstuck Plat player here!

    So every season I seems like I breeze though the divisions till I get to plat 4-3, and then it seems to get really hard from then on. I realize that I need to improve, but is it normal for games to feel close all the time the higher you get? Like gold leads usually arent too big till that one "last" team fight that decides the game seems like.

    So basically what I am asking: Is it normal for games to feel equally matched to climb? Or is that a sign of lack of improvement, and I should be having an easier time if I actually know what I am doing?

    submitted by /u/Kingandaces
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    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    OK I'm completely new to the game. I've had an account for a few weeks but to be honest but I've been too worried to play as I'm still so confused about different features of the game such as runes. Ok so how do they work and in what situation do you use them in if that makes sense. I heard from a friend that you can use different runes for various legends to improve them to your personal liking but I still don't understand how they come into play. I'm sorry if this makes me look cringy to you experienced players but I still need to learn the game and it's features.

    submitted by /u/itz_Kontrakt
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    Questions about MR, Armor, and projectiles.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    1.) Can enemies see your projectiles if they don't have vision on you. For example I am doing raptors as Yasuo and use my tornado to clear and it goes over the wall while someone is in mid lane. Can they see it if they don't have vision on me?

    2.) How is the damage reduction calculated for MR and Armor. If I have 50 mr, it is obviously not a 50% reduction, so how is it calculated?

    submitted by /u/RSlashFuckMyAss
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    What are some things you know you can do in your games only because your opponents aren't good or doesn't know.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    For example as a jungler doing herald alone without any vision and any intel on where the enemy jungler is and most likely doing it without any problems. I do it in my games very often and I know that if I get into higher elo it won't be as easy as it is for me now.

    You get the idea. Not all players in your game are on the same game knowledge level as others. Some know something you don't know and you know something they don't. What about you? What are the things you do because enemy is not aware of?

    submitted by /u/roxorUcan
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    In low elo, is it better to go tank jungle or carry?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    I've been playing a lot of Maokai and Zac jungle. But what I've realized is that even if I gank for my lanes correctly and get them ahead, I'm still reliant on them to carry me. Then I'll see Yi or WW just solo carry their game on the enemy team. Is it better to take this route in Silver-Gold. The reason I stopped playing support in ranked is for the same reason. Relying on your team to do anything with their lead is just asking for a loss. What do you guys suggest?

    submitted by /u/Impedito
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    Help with unlocked camera!

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    Hello, I am relatively new to the game (lvl 40 atm) and don't have much experience at all... My first champ was Zed, and I main him now. I barely did 50 games so yeah I'm getting used to it as I don't have a lot of free time. I tried unlocked just now in a match and i didn't really find it hard ( set everything to default in GAME and just gave it a shot). Farming minions and poking with Zed WEQ was relatively easier ( except for the aiming part, which I'll get better). My biggest issue was getting around to have more awareness from JG and also the biggest problem... getting into a teamfight and not being able to center my char and I literally died cuz I ran the wrong way....

    Now I know you can use spacebar to center it, but at the moment, you're not exactly paying attention to that and you panic.

    I know I have high time preference and I know it takes a few matches to get used to it, but I barely do 4 matches daily and I don't wanna keep dying when I do play. Any tips would be appreciated so the next time I play unlocked, a 0/4 Teemo doesn't say ' REP ZED'

    Thank y'all <3

    submitted by /u/SirSeppuku
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    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    Hello summoners! Im a new jungle main(plaing League just in season 10) I've studied the role and now im plaing it, but im struggling with my performances: Im no consistent at all(I hard carry my team with a perfect game once or twice a day, while the rest of the games I int, sometime istead i just play ok but my team lose cause im not carring ) But the main problem is this: every game is the same. I just repeat the same steps over and over, while I know laners can improve cs, mechanics,già ma, etc I cannot, im already tring to farm as efficient as possible, getting objects as soon as possibile, countergank-counterjungle; literally I know my role and I dont know where i need to work in order to improve; 80% of my mathes I outjungle the enemy jungler, but if my team isnt winning, we wont win;

    Knowing that im in a super low elo(smurfing in draft below level 30 ) I thought it would be easy to carry all games, but most of the time I just stay at the low level of the rest of the people in game. Im thinking... what Will a challenger jungler do in my situation, whats the differences between him and me. I feel like I could face tarzaned and play against him just how I play against an unranked 11 years old enemy jungler, because im already doing all I can and all internet guides said ..

    So to resume, where should a super low elo jungler works in order to improve? Which part of his game should He fix? Who are the best jungle streamer to learn from?

    My in game name: NA) skrt violence EUW) skrt viv1 (Im waiting to get better to start ranked on euw level 30 account)

    submitted by /u/carlab1999
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    ADC Wave controll

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    This single thing is what I'm focusing on. I'm always trying to fight for control in the lane to squeeze as much a possible from the enemy team.

    People concede fighting for waves all the time it is insane. Sometimes I'm putting out pressure for 2 people to atleast not get slow pushed and dove on.

    This thing is so important.

    Fight for wave control, vision control. If I get to push I get to put down wards. If I get to freeze and you cant walk up to break guess what 60 cs vs 90 cs and I come back and force a fight on you.

    Am I in danger of getting ganked and weaker? I'll try to be sure to pull the wave before your jungle is done with his route.

    Am I in danger of getting ganked and stronger? Ill make you low and push big waves in. Your jungle loves ganking without you being able to follow up.

    I was inclined to write this because even in diamond people just dont see it. I hit a few spells and they are conceding wave control. I got to push waves in for free get my spike and went to other lanes.

    submitted by /u/grimmjoww
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    Returning player here, what the hell is happening?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I am a returning player trying to come back in the game.

    I stopped playing during season six because my computer refused cooperating, but recently I bought a new one and I would like to jump back in the rift.

    I played a couple of normal draft with my brother yesterday and it felt really fun.

    However, man the game changed a lot. Turret plating, alcoves, the changing map and God knows what else. Besides, the meta feels quite weird.

    Since I was a main support, yesterday my brother told me to play some tank in the bot lane (a perfect opportunity to flex my Victorious Maokai) while he played Senna as adc. However, I was the one farming, while he still did tons of damage.

    So, this brings to my questions:

    • what does the meta look like, especially in the botlane? Are there some other whacky combos or besides that exception it is still the classic support+marksman?

    • did I miss any other changes to the map?


    submitted by /u/Ironmark17
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    Legend: Bloodline over Legend: Alacrity on ADC?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    So I have been playing ADC again more recently, and been starting to run bloodline instead of alacrity for my legend rune. My thoughts were that as most ADC champs you are going to build Crit and that naturally leads into a lot of attack speed on top of the 10% AS from the bonus stats.

    By the time to stack Alacrity to a meaningful level you could have a little extra life steal for sustain in lane, and in mid to late game its comparable to BorK life steal, which lets you put off a Life steal weapon till you get most of your crit items, sometimes even ignoring LS items for a more defensive option like GA or Maw/Scimitar.

    Is this viable, mostly on crit focused champs barring MF who wanted overheal+bloodline, to run?

    submitted by /u/QuantumSolaris
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