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    LoL Guide How to deal with Kassadin?

    LoL Guide How to deal with Kassadin?

    How to deal with Kassadin?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 03:23 AM PDT

    I'll just keep this short and sweet, and hopefully some of you can give some good advice on how to deal with this problem.

    How do you deal with Kassadin mid? I'm maybe a low plat player at best, but I can almost never win a game against a Kassidin, even if I beat him in lane in every aspect. I can out farm him, out roam him, out pressure objectives, basically beat him in every aspect of mid lane, but he still almost always manages to decimate my team and myself post level 6, even if he is a mediocre player objectively. How do I prevent him avalanching post 6, especially if my team is behind? He can seemingly come back from any deficit once he hits 6, and I am at a loss of how to actively keep him behind and useless. How do you do it? Also, Diana poses basically the same problem, but I perma ban her.

    I'm in no way saying I'm a perfect mid laner, because honestly I feel like I suck ass more often than not. I can't push a lead and influence a game like really good players can, and I don't think I'll ever manage to get unstuck from high gold/ low platinum, which is another post waiting to be made, and is very depressing considering I've been playing the game for almost 10 years.

    submitted by /u/Germy_Book
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    Irelia's new build

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    I want someone who knows to tell me what is the new Irelia's build and explain. I mean, I see some "pro" players rushing Botrk and Wit's end and then building Steraks. On the other hand TFblade builds TF and Black Cleaver and its a little confusing. Isn't TF core for her anymore? Are those builds situational?

    submitted by /u/Pathet1c_
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    Skipping RoA on Ryze

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    I've been playing Ryze for a while, having tried both the RoA and the non-RoA build (skipping RoA for earlier Archangels). Currently I vastly prefer skipping RoA as Archangels -> Seraphs is the biggest powerspike Ryze could get in the early-mid game. I'm not high elo by any means (plat 3 last season) but I'd like to hear your thoughts on it.

    My thought is that you should always skip RoA in soloq games.

    Advantages of RoA:

    • 156% gold efficiency when stacked
    • Gives Ryze hp, mana, and ap which are all things Ryze wants along with some nice sustain on spell cast
    • Only 2600g
    • Scales well into late game

    Disadvantages of RoA:

    • 10 minutes for full value
    • Damage output is lower
    • Tear+Catalyst furthur reduces your damage until you get blasting wand/complete RoA
    • Banking on late game which might not happen
    • Does not give CDR

    The damage output between Tear+RoA and Seraphs is night and day (just try it out on some practice dummies) and the ability to go Tear+Lost Chapter further augments your damage. Seraphs also comes with a fat shield that can save you in sticky situations and also takes less time to fully stack than RoA. Building RoA imo is cutting your own arms as you sacrifice your biggest powerspike for some extra health. The CDR from Seraphs is also very important because more CDR = more EQ spam and having your abilities off CD just feels better in general. As the meta shifts more and more focus into the early game, the earlier you have power, the better.

    The common arguments I've seen for building RoA are: the pros are building it, and it makes you tankier.

    For the first point: pros can be reasonably confident that their team won't int 0/20 and they can actually have a late game to fall back on. Additionally, if a proplayer draft Ryze their team will usually pick/play around the fact that they have a hyperscaler. In soloq on the other hand you can't expect your team to not hard int the first 10 minutes. You won't have a late game if their Talon Renekton Elise Lucian are 5/0 each.

    For the second point: 500 bonus hp with no resistances to go with it is unlikely to save you if you get caught out. You should be relying on positioning correctly instead of facetanking and hoping you survive. Besides, you have Seraphs shield which can tank just as much hp for you.

    Again this is only my opinion. I could be completely wrong, which is why I want to know what you guys think.

    submitted by /u/Laulicon
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    Discussion Thread about learning in League

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    We are two danish master students working on our thesis and we'd like to hear your thoughts on some of the difficulties of learning League of Legends.

    Throughout the last couple of months we've been trying to get better at playing League, which also led us to this subreddit in the first place. Did we succeed? Heck no, but we gave it our best and now we'd like to ask for your thoughts on the subject.

    What we'd like to know is how you've been progressing in League and what your greatest hurdles have been whilst trying to learn the game and its mechanics. What are your thoughts on the social aspect of learning the game, the community, here on Reddit, on Youtube or ingame? Do you find it easier to learn stuff while playing soloQ by yourself or playing with a friend and such?

    We'll be using this post for our thesis, but all userdata will be handled in accordance with GDPR and all that jazz.
    Hope you'll help us out

    submitted by /u/GiveMeLearning
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    How to lane against Vladimir mid

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 01:57 AM PDT

    Hi. I have been trying to learn mid lane lately, with some success. That was until I was matched against a Vlad in the mid lane. I have honestly no idea how to play against this guy.

    Granted I am not the best player, but even if I play defensively, he can easily tower dive me. In addition, I can rarely rely on my junglers being in Iron elo. So, any general tips on how to lane against him successfully? (and yes I know banning him is an option)

    submitted by /u/iLackDopamine
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    Melee hypercarries

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    Is it just me or do most melee hypercarries not feel as strong as before anymore? Sure a Jax, Tryndamere or Fiora are still mid-late menaces but after that phase they don't feel as strong anymore. Same for GP, maybe it's just my feeling but I've also seen streamers say similar things.

    I would love to hear your opinions!

    submitted by /u/_Ungespuelt_
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    CS as an ADC?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    OP.GG: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Mr.+Playbox007

    So, I have a couple problems. I always find myself doing the least damage as an ADC in the entire team, ranging from either last in damage or 3rd. I also noticed that my CS is abysmal, and I'm not sure how to fix that outside of laning phase. When should I be farming, and when should I be looking for fights? What contributes to an increase in damage? I always feel that I'm useless as an ADC.

    submitted by /u/SoulFulExoRcisT314
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    I figured out who I want to main, where do I go from here?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    So, I very recently got into LoL, one part due to the quarantine, and one part due to the constant pestering to do so by some of my friends. I spent most of my time looking for a main, and I think I know who I want that to be, Sion. He's so much fun to play, and he feels so satisfying at that. I even managed to get an S- on him once. However, I know that I'm still pretty new and have a lot to specifically improve on... I just don't know what to prioritize when it comes to improvement. I just need some direction to figure out what I should be focusing on improving specifically, be it champion specific or more in general. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Daddy_Issues_IRL
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    Wave control mid

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 03:53 AM PDT

    So i watched some videos but i still dont understand some things. melee vs ranged= you just need to push wave or let the wave in middle so he cant poke you under your turret or freeze

    ranged vs ranged= harass enemy when hes out of skills or is going to last hit minions keep lane in the middle or freeze

    ranged vs melee= just poke him when hes going to last hit and push first two waves so you can poke him under turret

    melee vs melee= harass him when hes going for last hits, freeze wave or keep it in the middle

    ofc there are some champs that are stronger lv 1 or 2 or have better wave clear but basics are this right? and ofc if u gonna push wave youll just go roam or vision clear or kill enemy jng if ur strong lv 2

    please correct me if i have something wrong

    submitted by /u/maybeelul
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    looking for a way to better my skill shots

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm a silver 4 supp main,

    I get some backlash from my teammates when i play supp, i cant land my skill shots 60% of the time, im trying to get better but idk how.

    Can you guys give me some tips or methods you use?

    or is there any game i can play to train on my skillshots?

    submitted by /u/dragoonsontx
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    How do I deal with Garen top?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    Hi. I'm currently B1 and my preferred role is top and I main Aatrox.

    I feel like I can survive in most lanes pretty well, even against stuff like Darius and Sett. The one champion I pretty much always lose to is Garen and I can't figure out how you're supposed to play vs him. Are there any good counter picks or strategies to use against him?

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Ahd4pt
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    Starting League Soon

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    Does anyone have tips and resources for beginners? I already know the basics about towers and how to win the game etc. I'm masters rank in Overwatch, will that help at all here? Also should I play competitive as soon as I can? Any tips would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/LarryBigBalls
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    What do I do after an early kill?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    Tryndamere main here. I frequently get games where I use ignite to get an early kill on my opponent at level 2. They have teleport and usually teleport back before I can get my cannon minion, when I'm at half hp. Should I stay or should I back? I always stay for the cannon but my hp doesn't allow me to take good trades without risking to die, but when I back the most I can get is a long sword and maybe a refillable if I got some extra farm, while they get to shove the wave and end up with more xp, giving away my advantage.

    submitted by /u/DoughnutFeel
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    How do champs with max hp dmg ‘fall off’?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    Apparently Vi and Jayce are early to mid-game champions as they 'fall off' in the later stages. But I can't see why this is, for a number of reasons:

    1) they still provide utility (Jayce's E gate, Vi's Q and R) 2) they still do their job well (Vi's lockdown and Jayce's 1 v 1 strength)

    And the biggest reason I don't understand how they 'fall off' is because of the fact they: 3)deal MAX HP: Jayce's Max rank E does 20% and Vi's W deals around 6% per 3. AA's I believe. Vi also provides obnoxious lockdown and Jayce has a 30% armour and MR shred on R along with a knock back, gap closer and 50% team speed gate.

    So how do they 'fall off' (with max hp) and what does it mean to 'fall off' in general?

    submitted by /u/OSRS42
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    How to freeze the lane?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    Hello. Im am in the iron/bronze rank and i have a question. How to freeze the lane? Today i played Fiora aginst Darius and he killed me really hard. When he got early advantage i tried to come to farms of minions and he just pulled me and killed me. All bc i didnt freeze my lane, can i ask for some tips for freezing? Thank you and goodbye.

    submitted by /u/polishisreal
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    Why do players take all the jungle mobs?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    While I practice as a jungler, I realized that often mid and bot players take all the jungle mobs before 25 min. I get that it is necessary if the game gets longer because well we should try to finish it. However, I don't understand why they take every mob they see on the jungle that is on our side, and I can't increase my level nor earn coins to buy items. If I tell them, they just ignore it. I'm not saying about blue buff for mid and red buff for adc. I get those buffs are necessary around 15-20 min into the game. It's like around 17-18 min into the game, I went to our base, and when I returned to the jungle before I would go for ganking, my teammates were on the jungle stealing the mobs. They saw me going for the mob, but they didn't really care if I was there. I wish it was our opponent team because then I would understand it as counter jungling lol. Since this pattern occurs pretty frequently, now I'm curious if they learned this from a streamer or something or anyone has a possible reason why people do this?

    submitted by /u/laundrymoon
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    What is the best MR item on Sejuani jungle?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    I main Sejuani JG and was wondering what is the best MR item on her? I get Abyssal Mask when we have lots of magic damage, but if we have mostly AD it is kinda of pointless. I usually just do Adaptive Helm, is Spirit Visage or Locket even good? Any help from high level JG mains or Sej mains would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/jimmessi
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    Is there any way to learn how to use other things besides my abilities?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    When I am playing most of the time I can't really use anything besides q,w,e and r properly,like if yasuo use his ultimate zhonyas will not save me because I don't know how to use it,when the enemy is low health I don't know when to use ignite and I want to improve,but don't know how

    submitted by /u/gafsr
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    How do you play ADC with passive supports?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    I get conflicting suggestions...aim for 10 cs/min...but I can't even last hit most of the minions because the enemy support walks up when I go for them, or camps the middle brush waiting to hook/snare me.

    So then the suggestion is to give up cs...how does that make sense with the above standard of 10 cs/min?

    The other problem I encounter is when I give up cs and stay healthy, the bot tower seems to die really fast to the enemy especially if their support is ranged (can also auto attack the turret). The last thing I realized and have posted about before is that when you're pushed into your turret I find in gold elo that the jungler will NOT come to assist even if you're healthy. But it is doubly worse if your support is say, a Lulu, that has no CC to help with the gank.

    submitted by /u/Seaside877
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    Cs tips

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    Hi, I main riven in the top lane and am in gold 4. My cs sits around 4.5 per minute right now. People have told me that this is bad. Most people say that my cs per minute should be somewhere around 7-10. Any tips on csing or just wave management in general (reliably freezing lane is kind of hard for me) would be very welcome and help me out a lot. Y'all have a good day

    submitted by /u/That-one-Riven-Main
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    Kassadin or Syndra midlane?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    hey there! I used to play a lot of League back in like Season 5 and 6 and I just recently got back into it and its alot of fun! But now to my main question: Id love to play midlane but I really dont know what champion to main. I used to main Yasuo back then but I really wanna play and learn new champs. So looking at the abilities of Syndra and Kassadin I really wanna play one of them! Which Champ is stronger right now? Which one is easier? Thanks beforehand!! <3

    submitted by /u/BardockGT
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    Kaisa Trinity force fourth item

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    This is a build idea that I was thinking of, as I wondered if Kaisa could use trinity force since it gives AD and AS like other items kaisa buys to get her evolutions.

    Having heard of LS talking about champions that should buy triforce instead of black cleaver, I wondered if kaisa can take trinity force as some people take black cleaver late game for the armor shred on Q. Triforce could be viable on the muramana, rageblade, nashor's tooth build.

    I think Kaisa fulfills the two "requirements" to use trinity force. First she has an on-hit effect in her passive to utilize the attack speed from triforce. Second she has low CD spells to use the spellblade effect, such as Q on 3.6 second CD at 40% cdr and W at 2.52 sec when it hits. Her E is 8.4 sec. CD, and reduced by autoattacks, so it probably has a 6 second cd. Her E is kind of like Vayne's tumble, giving invisibility temporarily before proccing spellblade.

    Furthermore, trinity force gives mana to boost the muramana ad and mana damage, so it makes up for the low AD of triforce to give decent spell damage, by giving 5 AD and 15 mana dmg.

    Therefore, when going the muramana, rageblade, nashor's tooth build, trinity force caps out Kaisa's CDR for more W poke and spell usage to proc spellbalde. Trinity force gives attack speed to apply her passive on-hit dmg faster. And it gives mana which synergizes well with muramana to boost muramana's damage.

    Trinity force is good against squishies (but bad vs. tanks) because the spellblade damage is a flat amount of damage, such as 160 damage. The less health the enemies have, the more percent health that the flat spellblade damage represents, meaning spellblade bursts squishies better than champions that buy health. Having the flat damage to shred squishies health bar increases her passive execute damage as it deals more damage the lower health they have.

    The main reason to go for triforce is to cap out cdr, get attack speed to pop passive faster, and to burst squishies faster. Muramana build fits this playstyle, because muramana already gives a high flat damage that bursts low health squishies. So building trinity force helps burst them even faster, so dps stats (like crit) are less necessary when bursting people quickly. This is part of the reason that muramana and trinity force is good on ezreal. Maybe Kaisa could get Bork as the 5th big item to help shred people faster as it has current health damage that helps kaisa shred people to increase the passive execute damage.

    submitted by /u/Zhangalal
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    How do teams facilitate and implement a comeback?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    Good Afternoon SS,

    I would like to discuss "Making a Comeback". I realize there a number of resources out there for educational information on the topic, but I would like something a little more personalized and using the framework that I have for approaching the game.

    Background: Playing for a long time, like season 2-3. Mid Plat. ADC main, Supp off.

    So, let's dive in. I think we can all agree that winning a game from ahead is a lot easier than from behind. I've seen numerous, almost, step-by-step guides on how to do so. (From bot perspective: take tower, take a drag, rotate top or mid, take tower/rift, take last tower, pink up bottom jungle, make pick/rotate more effective, take tower, take drag 2 or 3, pull the same thing top jungle, take last tower, suffocate gold, pick, baron, end. ggez.)

    Of course, different team comps accomplish this in different ways, so I'd like to introduce how I view team comps and how they might pull off their win condition. Please keep in mind that these are more like bubbles; they overlap. Different champions have different strengths adding to the strength of certain team comp. When we average the champs on a team though, there will probably be a particular win condition favored.

    General Team Comps:

    • Team Fight - The bread and butter, I think of this as a comp that wants to find a fight and get off the combo. Typically, they will 2+ large aoe ults, and ideally one will have a form of CC and one damage. Sejuani+Ori, MF+Malp. It's ideal for this comp to have someone that can get in there while everyone is CC'ed (Sett, Garen, A Bruiser) and someone that can support either getting the TF or help the bruiser. Last person is flex and offers the second win con.
    • Catch - Strong, single target, long CC and a team that wants to burst one person quickly. After one is gone head to an objective and look for another pick as the enemy comes to you, pick again, then any team should be able to win 5V3. I think of something like Morg+Kha, Rengar. Pretty much assassin and long single CC.
    • Spilt - Everyone knows it. One great duelist in a side, the rest of the team mid. Ideally, equal pressure at the same time, force the enemy to either 4v5 and lose a tower+ or send more than one then lose the 4v3.
    • Skirmish - I think this is the hardest to classify, the hardest to pull off, and the hardest to properly identify. This team wants is some kind of abomination of all the others, it doesn't do any of them great, but offers so much flex. Skirmish wants to spilt into a group of 2 and 3. One group makes up the objective takers and the other group is the roaming gankgoonsquad. I think of this as like Morgana+leesin, Nidalee+Qiyana, Elise+Senna (goons) then the objective takers are MF+Ornn+Galio/TF/Shen. The team has decent TF, decent pick, and usually the ability to turn a 2v3 into a 3v3.

    So before someone starts hollering about how they don't agree and this that or the other: cool, I dont care, this is my framework. Now as I said each of these comps can overlap, leading to the second win condition or supporting win condition.

    Each team will attempt to pull off its team comp, while avoiding the other teams ideal. Great! So we have our basis.

    Now I can fairly easily identify the path to victory and how our team pulls that off when ahead, however, I get so lost and uncoordinated when pushed in and losing.

    So I would like some insight on strategies for coming back.

    Heres some ideas I have and their corresponding issues:

    • Vision + Pick - Ideally, further out ward then closer vision ward, know there is one or two, can take the fight 4v2. If the other team is sweeping correctly this fails then we get collapsed on.
    • Turtling - Late game is stronger, looking to delay until a bigger team fights around Baron or 3/4 drag. Never seem to be able to turtle long enough or hard enough. Enemy gobbles our jungle, we can't step out, they further extend lead through gold income.
    • Hailmary Wombo - We got the malp, the ori, the hec, the MF, and the yummi. Just go in!..... we all die.

    What are your thoughts? Examples?

    submitted by /u/Cheshirefuckingcat
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    Nautilus or Blitzcrank?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    I main mid and top, but I am trying to decide between these two supports whenever I am forced into playing the role. The bottom lane is probably my least favorite position, but if I have to choose between marksman and support I would prefer support.

    I'm playing at a diamond level, which hooker do you think is superior in solo queue?

    submitted by /u/anonymouspsy
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