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    Sunday, March 8, 2020

    LoL Guide Some things that are bothering me for the last couple of days as a jungler

    LoL Guide Some things that are bothering me for the last couple of days as a jungler

    Some things that are bothering me for the last couple of days as a jungler

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 03:49 AM PDT

    This isnt supposed to be a rant but some things people just do wrong that are mind blowing to me:

    1. The game starts at 00:00. If you have to alt tab or use the rest room, why not do that before you actually queue up? You are about to waste a good 30 mins of your life time with the game, might aswell waste two more by doing that before the game starts. You are also not helping by sitting under the tower. Lvl 1 vision and information is very important and helps mapping out the enemy junglers pathing immensely.

    2. From my jungle experience I can say that in low elo its better to counter gank than to warn your team of the gank and be on the other side of the map, But every now and then this does happen and then I just beg you to respect the ping and play acordingly. Tracking the jungler is no black magic and if you cant do it yourself (and you have no excuse for that btw.) then at least let your jungler do it but also listen to them.

    3. If your jungler does one scuttle at 3:15 and he isnt being contested you can be 99% sure that the enemy jungler is doing the other scuttle. So dont be surprised about a gank 10 seconds later...

    4. By the 2:30 minute mark (in most cases) you should have used your ward if you are on the side that could potentially be ganked. I see laners sitting on their ward for the first 5 mins. You are griefing your team by taking away crucial vision.

    5. regarding 4.: if the enemy jungler has an AoE clear and starts red, you can be sure he will clear krugs and chickens with it. Which means by the time they are lvl 3 theyre still on the same side of the map. So ward beforehand. If theyre single target clear and they start red theyll most likely rotate to the blue buff side. In this case you most likely dont have to ward. Your jungler will have warded their chickens lvl 1 to map this out. Use this information. For this to happen it is important that you follow 1. :)

    These are just some things off the top of my head.

    submitted by /u/PathinG
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    Why are adcs taking Coup de Grace instead of Cut down?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    Can someone give me the reasoning why a vast majority of ADCs go Coup instead of Cut down? It just dawned on me that most of my games I'm not the one who is in charge of executing the enemy, but instead I am focusing the nearest target. Most front lines are tanks which leads me to believe that Cut down would be a better choice right?

    Why is Coup meta then? Have we all just become followers to what the pros build, or is it actually better for me to have Coup?

    submitted by /u/Kingandaces
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    Want to try PVP but nervous

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    I'm a newbie at this game. I only started yesterday with the co-op bots and reached level 9. So far the game seems fun.

    I heard that bots are just best just best for only learning the mechanics and champion skills, so I want to try my hand on PVP. I'm just nervous though. I mean, I know I'll suck, but I don't want to suck so much that the team will think I cost them the game and get flamed.

    Well, any tips you guys can give out to someone like me, especially someone going into their first PVP 5v5? Any comments would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Crazy-Ocelot
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    Just tried a rank match for the first time in a while and..

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    It was horrible. I don't even understand why I felt like I was improving. I obviously wasn't. I was Neeko v Qiyana and I just thought it'd be easy to poke her and get her down since I was doing on hit.

    What the fuck is up with ranked man

    It's like everything was just perfect for her. I was too scared to get in range to poke her because she could w q, and I'm even more humiliated at the fact she didn't even use her E and we were at level 7 and 8 at this point.

    My hopes were absolutely crushed at the fact that I died three times so at that point she was fed, and I was playing safer and safer each time I died I don't even know what to do. I want to get somewhere. I really do but I guess I'm just bad, to answer my last post.

    submitted by /u/DefPonini
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    How do I learn Jungle tracking and the vision game? (Newer Player)

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    First of aIl, sorry for formatting I'm on mobile. I started playing a little bit ago and I'm a little over level 30, I play top and mid but I still have a big problem trying to figure out where and when to ward.

    Also, I don't know how to track the enemy Jungler when he doesn't walk over a ward, and if they have a decent jungler, this often leads to me not knowing where they are. The problem with this is that I often have to play safe and give up cs or they can sneak a drake or herald without me having a clue

    This has been a pretty big problem for me, so I need some tips.

    submitted by /u/11yearoldweeb
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    Is there a reason to build armor or mr after the stats are 100

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    Its starts fall of after the 100 mark, 100 armor blocks 50% physical damage so does mr but if you have 200 its not 100% somehow. Is this gold effinency I can easily get 100 only from my runes without spending any on mr or armor so Its more effective to build health

    submitted by /u/RedditAmulet
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    Beginners Guide to League of Legends!

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    Welcome one and all to the world of League of Legends, a competitive MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) that's taken the world by storm. I, Kobi "MGE Kuriboh" Krehmeyer, am here to help guide you through what I consider to be the game with one of the steepest learning curves of any multiplayer game. Today we will go into some of the very basics of League of Legends to help you get your bearings to what everything is because we all gotta start somewhere. League of Legends is a game in which one team of 5 fights another team of 5 to kill enemy champions, take objectives, and push as a team into the enemy base to destroy the Nexus (basically the Enemy HQ).

    I have created the best of intros on a blog post linked below that will help you get on your way to mastering League of Legends. I hope with my advice you will be able to get a boost out of the gates when playing League of Legends for the First time. I hope to see you on the rift!

    Link to the original with pretty pictures: http://dignitas.gg/articles/blogs/League-of-Legends/14220/welcome-to-summoners-rift-beginners-guide-to-league-of-legends

    submitted by /u/MGE_Kuriboh
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    Dragons as a support

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    Why is it if we kill the enemy botlane, or jungler, or one of the enemy botlaners the jungler refuses to go to dragon?

    Why does the adc recall 20s before it spawns

    Why is the jungler topside when it spawns?

    Why is it if their midlaner is dumb enough to go topside while dragon spawns our mid doesn't come to dragon and just sits mid?

    How can you win with people who's game intelligence is so shit?

    submitted by /u/tradtrad100
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    Does anyone else surrender because they just aren't enjoying the game anymore? Looking for advice

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 05:25 PM PST

    Like, the competitive enjoyment you get out of fights and trying to outsmart your opponent or play from behind; I rarely get that anymore with league. The snowball mechanics and power spikes of certain champions just make it so much harder to enjoy the game if you're losing, like it's much harder to feel satisfaction from scaling if an opponent has already taken over the game.

    I think I get burnt out too easily, like League is such an intense game, there's so much information to process every minute, every second, and I feel like If I put my all into one game, I'll get too exhausted.

    To be honest, I'm not too bothered about the end result of a match (i don't really play ranked), so I just want a fun experience, and want to try my best to win with my team, even with set backs. What advice do you guys have for playing from behind when the opponent has snowballed so quickly?

    submitted by /u/GoopyDumpy
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    Is this a good way to practice matchups?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    So I was thinking a little. The best way to actually improve is to play right? So why waste time with queue times, autofill, inting teammats? Why not just practice the matchup? Get a friend that is better than you and get them to be your lane opponent in a matchup you struggle with. And then spend some time fighting in that matchup until you get good at it. Of course this requiers a lot of time and a someone that is willing to help but if you have that you are pretty much destined to improve.

    What do you guys think? I am still a new player just hitting lvl 27 and don't have much experience with MOBAs, is this a good way to practice?

    submitted by /u/bufferow
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    Why the changing to red trinket at the beginning of the game?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 12:04 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    what is it all about, placing a ward in the river, backing and then go for red trinket, as a jungler? In my games I find it super important to place deep wards with the yellow trinket, it actually helps me a lot. Especially in the early game, since I play mainly jax in the jungle and should be aware of enemys invades. Additionally I would miss out some ward jumps for safety, so is it recommended to do this?


    submitted by /u/zerofearxx
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    As a support with an ADC duo, what can we do better to win games? What do we do after laning, what do I build etc?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    Im a mid lane main but my friend plays ADC and thinks I'm much better at support than most people he plays with so were trying it out. So far we are winning nearly every lane and most if not all games but we always seem to have trouble after laning. We usually get first tower then go mid for most the game and team fight, occasionally going to other lanes to pick up farm or set up for objectives. WE aren't really sure what to do because going mid usually ends up bringing the game to a more even state. I'm also not sure what to build, I play thresh and always end up going knights vow, zekes, boots, and redemption no matter the game. Heres my op.gg, please let me know what I should be doing: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Selim%20Bradley

    submitted by /u/SoulOfTeemo
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    Failing to understand Renekton weaknesses

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    • His rage is always up meaning he can farm easily knowing he will win any trades if you try to get close to the minion wave

    • No mana. He can go for countless trades feeling safe that you will have to B before him

    • (Ranged) stun that allows him to safely go in, trade and get away unharmed. If you use gap closers to try and even the trade you're dead because his conqueror is already at 8 or 10 stacks.

    • He's very tanky and deals a lot of damage as well.

    • Can't be kited with his high mobility and ranged stun

    Does he have any weaknesses? I'd like tips that are specific against Rene and do not involve begging for ganks.

    submitted by /u/tiracuentafuera
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    How do I do damage as an ADC?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    Hi summoners! The title is pretty self explanatory but I'm in Iron I right now and I seem to be having trouble being good at my role. I basically only play ADC but in every game I basically do the least damage when I'm supposed to be doing the most. Sometimes my teammates get really mad and call me names. It can be really disheartening, but I don't feel like muting because I don't want to miss out on important things that they say. I also really like the ADC role and I really do want to get better at it. I know a big part of it is farming to get items but my friends say my farm isn't even that bad as I am usually at around 60 cs @ 10 mins. Thank you all for the advice!

    submitted by /u/lonely_oboe
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    Achieving 8+ Farm/Min as ADC

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    So recently I swapped from Support to ADC (mostly Ezreal). I looked up a lot of Challenger players/Pros OPGG to check their stats and saw that most players have 8+ Farm (Rekkles, Upset, DL, Zven etc.). Last season when I was Support main I reached Grandmaster on EUW so I like to think my game understanding is on point but I still have trouble getting even close to 8+ consistently even in lower Elo (currently playing in Gold/Plat). During laning phase it works quite well (with some exceptions like vs Cait+any other poke support) but later in the game I often find myself sharing Farm (and XP) with the midlaner because neither of us wants to go sidelane. Is there any "counterplay" for when neither I nor Midlaner can safely move to a sidelane we share the Minions? Or are there just some games where its literally impossible when the enemy team gets so far ahead with Assassins and Map control the only possibility is to either lose a lot of farm or getting caught farming out of position?

    I sadly never watched ADC streamers so I have actually no Idea how it looks when they are playing in lower elo and if they keep their steady CS count.

    submitted by /u/TheStormsFurySupport
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    I can't seem to make Jinx work.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    For context, I am a Gold ADC main trying to hit Plat for the first time. I recently got back into the game after a ~year long break, and I honestly feel like I understand the game better than I ever did before. In S6/7/8 I was hardstuck gold but now I really do feel like I have the potential to climb to plat. The caveat being...

    I feel like when I play Jinx I have zero control over the game and it just feels like a slow, slippery painful death. Right now she's supposedly decently strong with insane AOE teamfight damage, the tradeoff being a meh laning phase and immobility. She has been one of my mains since I started playing the game (I have invested nearly 275k mastery points on her), in past seasons I've averaged decent winrates and high KDAs.

    Despite this, this season I am rocking a 39% winrate over 33 games on her. I have pretty much no idea what I'm doing wrong, I feel that my mechanics and wave control have improved greatly from past seasons, my CS is also higher compared to the past (I am usually in the 7cs+ range, albeit this can still be improved). I try to play the map and limit my deaths while rotating when it makes sense to fight. Thus my KDA and KP are usually on the high end as well. One thing I am noticing is that my damage is on the lower end some games but I attribute this to losing the game by 15 minutes before I get a chance to be strong and actually dish out damage.

    Another odd thing being that I'm performing well on other champions such as Jhin, MF, Lucian. (Postive WR, etc.). Here's my OPGG. There's a toolbar that allows you to filter solely my ranked solo Jinx games if you just type in Jinx in the search bar.

    I want to climb but I also find Jinx a really fun champion and it kinda sucks that I can't seem to make her work this season. Should I just hang her up and abuse MF if I want to climb? If I hadn't played Jinx this season my overall WR would probably be like 55+ if not more.

    submitted by /u/Ehnphy
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    How do I build Renekton Top Lane?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    So I picked up League recently (about 2 months ago) and I'm having a lot of fun playing top and jungle, playing Soraka support when I have to fill. The main champs I play the most are probably Renekton, Mundo, and Warwick (I want to pick up Camille soon)

    Anyways, I've been mostly starting either Doran's Shield or Blade as Renekton top, blade if I'm vs a Garen for ex but shield pretty much any other time. Then I rush tiamat, cleaver, but from there I'm not sure what to build. I know 40% CDR is pretty important and for his combos, but do I build more tanky? More damage? I take dead mans and youmuu's pretty often.

    I know it's important to build differently depending on your matchup and how your team is going but I'm not sure WHAT to build if that makes any sense lol

    Any help would be appreciated ^

    submitted by /u/PlazmaHawk
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    How does an ADC adapt their build when armor stacking starts earlier in the game?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    As an ADC main I often get this problem when the enemy tank top/jungler get fed early or just start stacking armor, then we enter teamfights in mid game and I'm still on one item working towards my second and basically can't do anything to them.

    They use this advantage to brute force objectives and take map control because they can't be contested.

    Example is my last MF game: Enemy Cho top is 7-0 in the laning phase. He's rushed Righteous Glory and an armor AP item. 3k+ health also. I'm on ER, building towards IE. Do I drop IE and hard rush Lord Doms? Do I build a BotrK to try and shred him down? What are my options?

    I also think part of the problem is bad team comps since I noticed when the enemy starts stacking the armor we usually have a Zed/Talon mid along with a Lee/Graves/J4 jungle but not in all cases.

    submitted by /u/Fed_Express
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    How can I get better at using my hotkeys more effeciently?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    I'm struggling whilst playing a lot of games, I'v been playing league for quite some time now, but I'm actually feeling a little uncomfortable when playing a lot of the time, Like I struggle to use my active items (1, 2, 3 and so on..) whilst also using (q, w, e... etc...) because I have to take my fingers off the keys, I also have attack move on a which makes it annoying to move from q to a when attack moving.

    finding myself miss click hourglass or using my wrong active items when playing, miss clicking flash and ignite at the same time and overall just messing up a lot.

    I'm currently Diamond, and these things are really annoying me, making me feel uncomfortable when playing, I kind of feel like I don't have full control over my keyboard as I play. Am I positioning my hand wrong / inefficiently, or what am I doing wrong? Why can't I just be more comfortable whilst playing as a whole?

    Why do I randomly flash but end up hitting the ignite key as well, and other small mistakes like that?

    submitted by /u/BitterMistake
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    Best to lane picks.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    I just came back to the game after years and top lane is the only lane my friends don't play.

    What are some good top laners to get/play? I have enough blue essence to buy any champion (looking at sett or ornn right now), I tend to like tanky chanpions.

    submitted by /u/ZeroAfro
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    When should I upgrade my jungle item?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    I'm having major trouble jungling. Right now I jungle with Evelynn and can clear everything relatively fast early game. But I'm still behind my teammates who just clear minions normally.

    Stronger jungle items give me more XP, but when exactly should I recall and buy Runic Echoes? Fighting with Evelynn is pretty hard before Level 6. I'm only playing coop vs ai right now, so maybe the reason why my teammates are so much more leveled than I am is because the can farm kills. But still, a Tank of ours was like 3 levels above me. I'm definitely doing something wrong

    submitted by /u/YoooJan
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    Tips on being a more useful top laner?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    Hey, I'm a jungle player that has recently started moving to toplane but most games I seem to be really useless early to mid-game. I play like there isn't anything else on the map except the top lane, and I was wondering if you guys have any tips to improve being a more useful toplaner.

    Note: English isn't my first language so sorry for any grammar mistakes.

    submitted by /u/JepeliFIN
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    How do I transition an mid game lead into late?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    I'm a bot lane main (Sivir and MF mostly) and i usually win lane or at least come out even (ie have a kill/cs lead and get bot tower). From there I look at upcoming objectives (Rift, Drake or Tier 1s) and rotate. I rinse and repeat until all Tier 1s are gone. That's where I start having problems since I can't leave the team for fear of getting killed by assassins and I end up araming and usually losing team fights. I have a low-ish death count but i think it's too much of a coin flip whether we win team fights or not since I feel like I'm not making an impact. For example I recently won lane in my past few games but by the time I got the first bot tower we were down to our last mid inhib tower. I rotated mid to defend but we just kept losing team fights and eventually losing.

    My OP.GG if it helps: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=9ducc

    submitted by /u/dontfeed_theducks
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