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    Sunday, March 22, 2020

    LoL Guide You don’t need to go for EVERY creep.

    LoL Guide You don’t need to go for EVERY creep.

    You don’t need to go for EVERY creep.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    I see this on this sub, the "aim for 10 cs/min every game" bullshit, and it's just not true. I also see it a ton in lower elos, where they contest every CS and the result is them getting poked out, taking a terrible trade, or dying. Just for a few CS.

    Don't get stressed if the enemy laner has more CS than you. Get the notion of "i NEED 9 cs/min" out of your head. Get the CS that you CAN get while still having presence in lane.

    If you're playing Sylas mid vs Syndra, you are going to be behind in farm. You just let Syndra push you in and try to get what farm you can safely get. If you contest even 2 cs, you're going to get poked out and lose half of your hp. That's not worth at all. You lost half of your hp, and all of the pressure you had in lane, for two cs.

    This sounds obvious, but it happens so often, and it all stems from the idea that you need perfect CS.

    submitted by /u/Amxricaa
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    How do I balance CSing mid-late game while not AFK farming?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    Currently Level 24, and I've installed the Blitz app that compares my CS to an average player of a certain rank (I've set it to Silver).

    In the early game my CS is usually a little higher when compared to a silver mid laner playing the same champ, but I've noticed that in the mid-late game this falls off dramatically. I'll go from 5-10 CS ahead of the average in the early game, to ending the game below average.

    At this level fights break out left and right after laning, and I often feel pressured to join them for whatever reason. (e.g this one time I had a 13/0/3 on Vlad with 137 CS in 28 minutes) There are times where I've joined a fight that my team would've probably won without me, causing me to lose a lot of CS; but there's also times where I've prioritized side lanes too much and I feel like my team lost a teamfight because I was too busy farming.

    I'm having trouble with my CS, but I'm also having trouble deciding if I should join seemingly random fights or continue farming in side lanes.

    submitted by /u/k3hvn
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    Is it wrong to have smite up after loosing a smite fight?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    New jungler here, I've always treated smiting objectives as I should be looking for a certain amount of health remaining to combo my abilities and smite to finish it. now normally I don't listen to teammates flame but I've noticed that without fail Everytime I lose a smite fight where it's getting burst down, I get flamed for not using smite. Is my team just being dumb or should I actually be using smite early before I think it will kill the objective?

    submitted by /u/tikitikifell
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    How do I get good results as someone who's new to Aatrox?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    Not posting this on the Aatrox sub cuz those guys can be pretty misleading.

    Anyway, I can't seem to find a good way to get in and trade without sacrificing my health more than usual (At least in theroy, never tried it in fear that it'll happen). I fall back a bit more behind minions cuz I fear they'll might use their abilities for a split second. Even worse my last match (My 2nd match as aatrox) the malphite just keeps using his Ground disk which ignores minions when I am in a defensive position.

    Maybe I'm just a bit too cautious in general as I stay farther away from my opponent in fear of their abilities like stun and damage.

    So should I go more aggressive in general? What advice should I take?

    My runes btw are Conqueror as well as a secondary domination rune (From League of Graphs site).

    submitted by /u/BulletCola
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    Stages of the Game (Early, Mid, Late)

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! I am an ADC/support main in Silver 3 and I have a question of when the stages of the game are.

    I typically think of them as follows

    1. Early Game - stages before the first tower falls
    2. Mid Game - stages after the first tower falls
    3. Late Game - Post 30 minutes or so

    But I feel like I'm thinking about this wrong and was wondering if someone could explain really when each phase transitions to another?

    submitted by /u/tiltedbamboo
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    Diana Guide: Builds, Best Practices, Combo for Laning and Teamfighting

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I hope you are having a great day today. I have made a Diana guide that shows some tips and tricks including builds, best Practices, combos for laning and teamfighting:


    I am still editing part 2 of this guide. It will be out when I'm done the edit, which will probably be next Sunday

    Thanks for reading and good luck on the rift~~

    submitted by /u/youtubemenaki
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    Tilting from winning more than losing?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    When I lose the game, my two main reactions are either: 1) all right, I made some pretty major mistakes, deserved; or 2) dang, I played that pretty well, but my teammates really sucked. Either way, I just double down on my focus and jump into the next game, pretty calm unless I'm on a long losing streak.

    But when I win, my mind is usually saying: "holy shit, that was ridiculous, all those kills, all those clutch moments, we are actual gods!" (am Bronze, btw) And then I'm tilted for the next few hours, and tend to play badly and greedily.

    Anyone else experience this? Any tips?

    submitted by /u/Runic_Bistro
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    Advice for tanky supports?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    It's been a while since a played (season 3-4) but back in the day i usually played support or jungle, and my friends have recently relapsed so I thought I'd join in. I just a have a few questions for y'all:

    1. Whats the bottom lane meta right now? I used to play the likes of taric and braum, tanky supports with some cc. what are good picks in that vain right now?

    2. what's the long term game plane of a support? where do i need to be/should be doing after laning ends?

    submitted by /u/greatjew
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    Learning Olaf top lane

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    Hey lvl 36 and still fairly new. My main is Illioi and I do fairly well. It's time to pick up a second champ but not many are sticking. I've played recently a lot of gnar and trendymere. I really enjoy Olaf but I'm not finding a good tutorial video. Was hoping anyone on here had some tips or better explanation of him? I always rush black cleaver unless I'm getting wrecked and then I build tabi boots or merc boots and I always max my Q then my E

    submitted by /u/thatmexiCANnoob92
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    How to not get destroyed under my turret as a melee Mage

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 02:38 AM PDT

    So hi last week i was silver 4 and now im silver 2 I play midlane melee mages (Akali,Sylas,Diana) I understand basic Wave management etc but my problem is that i always push first wave and then The enemy pushes me under my turret for The rest of the lane phase (he's usually a range champion) and i want to farm every minion but then he just destroys me under my turret and i always end up having 2x less farm then The other midlaner. i need halp I hope u understand

    submitted by /u/Varimadth
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    EASY method for winning games under plat elo

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Hey guys, Lobex here (from twitch tv :P)

    Its been a while, I am a challenger peak current GM player (who started as a silver hardstuck player in season 2-season 3)

    I decided to upload a video of me showing easy methods to climb out of low elo.

    I want show more methods for ranks all the way from Iron to D1.

    My goal with this video was to show a very simple and easy way for you guys to win 90% of your games in iron to gold ranks.

    Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kU2evIk_ob4

    I was once a pleb but once i started focusing on certain things, my elo sky rocketed, climbing doesn't have to be impossible or daunting, just follow along and practice the points I bring up in the video and you should see an increase in win rate soon.

    glhf fam ^

    P.S (will have map on screen for future videos)

    submitted by /u/bertsicles
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    Daily game rewards are not working. Please help, i risk losing 6300 Blue Essence.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    As the title says, I just played a game for the sixth day in a row. The other days the rewards always arrived after the game, but this time it's not arriving. It sucks because the reward for the sixth day was 6300 Blue Essence, which is a lot for a beginner.

    How do I resolve this? I tried to restart the client and also to log out and log in but it doesn't work. Should I try this again?

    Maybe I'll receive the reward tomorrow?

    submitted by /u/Lambrusc1
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    How do you counter Wukong as a squishy carry?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    I play mostly immobile mages and I feel as though mid/late game, he can just get near the backline super easily, ult twice, and prevent me from doing anything. I'll get knocked up, lose 30-40% of my hp, then knocked up again, lose another 30-40% of my hp, meanwhile he's moving around me so I can't easily land any abilities. Then I'll just die to his autos and abilities, and that's if no one focuses me as well.

    In low ELO games what mostly happens is that the team engages even though Wukong hasn't engaged yet or we don't know where he is, or if we do know, he goes invisible and just pounces the backline and it's like there's nothing I can do about it except zhonyas, which I think has a higher CD, and assumes that I won't need zhonyas for anything else.

    Any tips?

    submitted by /u/DarthPursuit
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    Which skill to max as yuumi?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    Well the title says a lot, but a bit of explaining.
    So far in my time of maining Yuumi, I've always tried to max E first to be able to support my ADC more. But this is difficult since E's mana cost increases with Level (And its really big, compared to Yuumi's mana pool early game) and I'm having a bit of trouble managing my mana in the early game (Im trying to use my passive as much as I can but its not always possible)

    So should I stick with maxing E first or should I perhaps change my strategy around a bit?

    submitted by /u/MOEverything_2708
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    Any midlane tips

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    Hey so I'm a relatively new player but with this whole quarantine I've had much more time to play so I'm level 29 and about to go into ranked so I wanted to get general tips for mid lane, I play Zed and Akali mid but have a general idea of talon if I can't take those 2 and I do pretty well normally I usually win lane in draft pick only loosing to hard counters every once in a while. but beyond champ knowledge and skill and a very small knowledge of roaming and wave management, I don't know anything else so I wanted some tips or anything important for me to do and practice.

    submitted by /u/talespinner44
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    As a top laner, what is my counterplay to zac?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    I've honestly been thinking this champion is impossible to do anything against for the longest time.

    His ganks are literally insane because of his cc, without flash you will die 100% of the time. In the mid game, he becomes as unkillable as mundo, his blobs heal him for 400+ with visage and even though grievous wounds can help he is still extremely difficult to kill or do anything against.

    If I try to get deep vision, I might not spot him anyways, he might not even take krugs or raptors, pixel ward does nothing, he can lane gank, and he can even gank from my side of the jungle over the wall. His tower diving is very strong because of his passive, and even if I'm freezing the lane he'll probably blow my flash. For a tank his damage numbers are ridiculous, I've lost to zac top every time I've faced it (thank god its not very popular). I know this post may seem very ranty but I really need help against this guy, I lose to him every time.

    submitted by /u/Flyers167
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    Warwick Build

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    Obligatory on mobile, bad formatting and misspelling.

    Sorry if this doesn't quite fit the point of the sub, but I posted this on r/warwickmains and only got 2 replies. I've recently been using runes on Warwick that I haven't rly seen anyone else use with an ~80% winrate in gold elo. The runes are as follows. Conqueror Triumph Legend: Bloodline Last Stand Sudden Impact Ravenous Hunter I run this build as it makes me an insane duelist that only rly Jax can beat in my experience, and if I drop low on health after a team-fight I can quickly heal up with one q. However, I'd like to ask if I've just had pure luck so far with this build and what items I should build. Right now I go purely ad/lifesteal (of course with situational items too and usually a late game tank item). This includes red smite cinderhulk, ravenous hydra, bloodthirster and death's dance.

    Should I make any adjustments or scrap the build?

    submitted by /u/SantaIsPaedo
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    How do I fight jungle monsters?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    I tried jungling today. It didn't go too well. The main problem? The jungle camps. I first did master yi. I grabbed my machete and potions and went for the red buff. It almost killed me, and the gruks got very close, to getting me after killing the buff. so I had to retreat. After early game I actually did quite well and managed to wreck a lot of stuff. Then I got rek'sai, and proceeded to get absolutely demolished... by the gruks. I see pro players get through camps easily since the start, without losing much health or even recalling once before they've cleared a large amount of camps. How can I fight the monsters? They are annoyingly hard to fight against in early game, and they cost me a lot of hp and time. How can I fight monsters early game? And also, when is it best to use smite? By the way, my junglers are master yi, rek'sai, nunu, and eventually kha'zix or rengar. Also, what are the best abilities to start clearing with these champs?

    submitted by /u/thivid
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    Can I carry with Kayn?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    Hey what's up guys, so some background I've been playing kayn very consistently and last season I was able to make plat 4, but this season I'm barely breaking gold 4. I wanted to know if there's any tips to climb this season as a Kayn jungle main. Info regarding what to prioritize such as pushing tower or obtaining drag or where to apply pressure and when would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Leeroysaenz21
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    Convert/Use your advantage

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    Today I've learnt a lesson. It feels terrible when you and your support are absolutely destroying the enemies, farming Champions, destroying first tower, playing a huge part on drake control, winning teamifights. And then you end up losing the game. Yes, I've lost my game with a score of 22/8/18 on Kai'Sa because from mid game I haven't used/converted my advantage into an actual impact on the map.

    Think about this situation. I got a double kill at drake pit, got infernal buff and then instead of pushing with the team I recalled and gave the enemies the time to respawn and defend inhibitors.

    It hurts watching the replay. I've played so bad, from a strategic point of view. I should have used my advantage helping mid and top, after getting t1 and/or t2 towers in my lane. And pushing/stacking at least 2 waves on every lane.

    My mistakes were: -not pushing enough, after killing enemies. -low communication with pings. -mid, late-game I had 6cs/min bc I thought I was enough ahead. -not building Mercurial against Malzahar's R.

    In conclusion, remember to push after getting an Ace or an important drake buff. Or you'll end up losing the game, just like me. Enemy Lucian 9/17 but won the game just by pushing with brain.

    submitted by /u/RWHeaven
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    How to deal with Sett in solo queue?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    Much of the counterplay people tell me about Sett is to kite or cc him. However in solo queue I don't get to pick what champs my teammates choose. If Sett can just run at us and slap us, how do I handle him? If I focus him I don't usually have enough damage to kill him, and it only makes him hit harder, but we can't ignore him when he slams someone into us and starts punching.

    submitted by /u/LargePopsicles
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    If Soraka was busted in toplane last month and needed to be balanced, why isn't Lulu being played top with the same reason?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    I know Lulu doesn't benefit from level as Soraka does, that Lulu's lategame is weak compared to Soraka, but if Soraka was so damn busted in toplane, why can't Lulu use this tactic as well?

    After all, you will have that safe, nearly impossible to dive toplaner that will just farm and receive free exp so in the mid/lategame other carries can have one additional lane to farm and her excellent peel, which is non-existent in this meta where only tank supports are being played.

    IMO Lulu can have an even better laning phase and better gank setups compared to Soraka. She can be more useful than a Soraka if the enemy team has a high priory target that needs to be polymorphed like a Yi or Katarina.

    submitted by /u/Haubrick
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    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    I main Kassadin and Vladimir, relatively passively during the game and I took TP most games, but with the new TP i found myself put off by it alot. 6 minutes is a long time, so was 5 i guess, and i'm not completely certain it is worth it for me to keep taking. Should I or should i just start taking ignite every game and the occasional cleanse.

    TLDR: Teleport worth it or nah when compared to other spells in the midlane after the recent patch

    submitted by /u/Intensolo
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    Thoughts on Ultimate Hunter?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    I find this has been one of the most impactful secondary runes I have taken. At first, it seemed especially good on champions with long cooldown ults (like Bard), but the last game I played I got my Lux ult down to 10.99 seconds (along with 2 Cloud Dragons and 39% CDR). So I'm starting to think it's a must take but I rarely see it on OP.GG.

    The best part about it is I reckon the enemy team doesn't suspect my ult to have such a low cool down.

    I guess the key part is you need to have an impactful ult. Or even an ult that will benefit from it at all. So far my favorites have been:

    • Rumble: obvious reasons, one of the best team fighting ults in the game

    • Teemo: Absurdly low cooldown shrooms combined with 40%, new shroom like every 6-8s or something like that?

    • Lux: ~14s ult. That speaks for itself, more of your Qs will convert into kills and you can really begin to just spam ult at this point.

    • Bard: So much potential here late game

    What are your thoughts? Or some other champions that might love this?

    submitted by /u/Initial-Oven
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