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    Friday, April 3, 2020

    LoL Guide As an ADC main . How do i positioning properly ?

    LoL Guide As an ADC main . How do i positioning properly ?

    As an ADC main . How do i positioning properly ?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:12 PM PDT

    I'm in iron 3 , When it comes to teamfight , I always in the back line try to do damage . But when it come to a team fight I kinda lost track of what I should do and what I should not do , and I die . I usually would run away immediately if I see our team is losing in a teamfight and would get utterly blamed by my teammates for running away . My point is how do I positioning properly , I main Miss fortune and jinx

    submitted by /u/rimicfinger
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    How to deal with Veigar?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    Hi guys I am a new player with probably only a few hundred games played. I have improved to the point where I know what most champions do and have some idea with how to deal with them, but one champion I have never been able to deal with is Veigar.

    His E just seems like the most broken ability in the game from what I've experienced and it feels like as soon as I missplay once I'm dead. I'm probably just not understanding how to play against him.


    submitted by /u/leaguenoob1887
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    Please save me

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    I am a mid laner who's currently stuck in iron... as pathetic as that sounds, my ranked winrate is about 15%. I try to play but I just don't know what I can do. It feels like whatever I do, I'm always stuck against an m7 one trick in laning and then my team just falls behind. Currently, I play lux/ahri mid, my champ pool is a lot of mages, but maybe I should learn a more hard carry champion? The problem is, at this point, I don't know if I'm entirely comfortable switching out. I play secondary support, thinking about learning adc... My CS is okay, usually I go even with my laner. My biggest problem seems that I often get poked down and can't counter or get my enemy that low and secure kills. In norms I don't have that bad of a winrate, so perhaps it's just ranked anxiety? Whatever the case, how the **** do I get out of iron iii. Any help is a appreciated.

    submitted by /u/angelazhang44
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    How do I control myself mentally in games?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    I'm currently Silver 3, and I rage alot. I tend to type alot and blame others, but I regret it everytime. I'm at the point where the slightest mistake from someone gets me a bit tilted.

    I really wanna be a good-sport, but I've got somewhat anger issues. How do I not get tilted?

    submitted by /u/MrRajbirSingh
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    Why doesn’t everyone run a support item for extra gold?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    I've seen in some pro games that when they run a support top, that top lamer always has a huge gold advantage from the support item the have without even needing to cs well. Why doesn't everyone run a support item as a cheap second item like a dorans ring/blade/shield. It seems like if you use a support item and have good cs you'll have a huge good advantage, and you can just sell it for another item when you don't need it anymore.

    submitted by /u/Johndon33
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    Issue with Small Champion Pool

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:42 PM PDT

    I've been trying to shrink my champion pool down to 1 to 3 champions. It started out well and I went on a good win streak and was winning lane most games, but I've noticed after about 25-30 games of playing the same champion I start to make a lot of simple mistakes (Stop buying control wards, dying to ganks, taking dumb trades) even in matchups I've won in the past and I'm not sure why. If I start playing other champions, this doesn't happen. I make good trades, ward, win lane and help extended my lead to my team.

    This seems to happen every time I try to play primarily one champion and I'm not sure as to why. Am I just getting burnt out? Maybe I'm just auto piloting? I'd figured I would post here and see if this has happened to anyone else before.

    submitted by /u/Gimrudd
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    What do people think of New Fiddlesticks so far?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:49 AM PDT

    He's definitely been billed as someone who can fill multiple roles - he can jungle, he can support, and he can maybe even solo lane... But honestly to me all 3 of those seem underwhelming.

    I don't think he'll ever be good in a solo lane unless his early game damage can go way up - he's got basically no kill pressure AND he's not tanky enough to win small trades AND his autoattack is bad so farming is hard... so that basically eliminates him from either mid or top.

    Support he seems far too squishy - yes he can bring a lot of CC, and yes the trinket is one of the best vision items in the game... but any time there's any sort of engagement bot lane he's absolutely going to die.

    And then jungle, which is probably his best role, is also very... awkward? His ganks are strong, but his first couple of camps get him VERY low, he's not great for stealing camps or fighting early, and importantly he's not at all good at objective control, which is key this season.

    Maybe I'm wrong, but my initial impressions don't seem positive. I suppose he'd have a place in any "wombo combo" team just like he always did, but outside of that he seems rather weak in any of his possible roles.

    What do y'all think?

    submitted by /u/Randomd0g
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    Cho'gath late game and teamfights problem

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    Hi, i've started playing much cho'gath on mid and top recently. He's got strong mid game, strong drake/baron killing/stealing potencial, but I have huge problem playing him late game, because usually when i'm trying to peel or just cc enemy, the enemy carries are clearing our frontline. I can't assasinate enemy carries because it's difficult to hit Q or flash onto them because of their frontline and i die really fast despite 5k hp. So... what should cho'gath do in late game and teamfights?

    submitted by /u/reportoo
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    How do i stop sucking?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    Hi there,

    I've been playing League for about 2 months (with breaks). My friends told me to download it and now we play every day. I am level 27. Played about 120-130 games. I'm a Jungler. My mains are Master Yi and Warwick. I like them but sometimes Yi seems really weak against some champions (Jax, Warwick...). Anyway, I've been strugling to play good. I'm jealous at my friends who get 30 kills and im there stuck with 0/7 KD. I sometimes get 15/5 or something like that but not often. I get more deaths then kills. How do i improve?

    submitted by /u/md1909
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    Did I make the right call?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I just got out of a game and I wanted to know if I made the right calls here.


    I was playing ADC on blue side and our team just secured first drag.

    Herald was up and I pinged my jungler to go topside to contest herald as he was backing.

    I get back to lane and I use my hawkshot (Ashe) on enemy wolves to find the enemy jungler on bot side.

    At this point I ping herald a million times.

    I pull the next wave in and let it shove in to me. I now I have the wave frozen outside of my turret with knowledge of enemy jungler botside.

    I look to minimap and find my mid laner ganking bot lane and my jungler farming krugs. Mid lane and support flash in to a zilean who presses R and enemy jungler appears in lane. Both of them die and I am standing there only able to use my W before having to back off to keep my summs.

    Zilean just revived and enemy took my turret.

    Did I do everything I was suppossed to here? I can get a clip of the game if you need it but I told my jungler to go topside to take herald. We had winning top side matchup and I used my hawkshot to reveal enemy jungler bot side.

    Herald was free and bot lane gank was at best going to get us a single kill and maybe a little damage to turret. Enemy jungler was botside so they just show up and help clear waves so I don't even think we could get much damage to turret even if we pop Zilean before he presses R.

    I just feel like I am right with my macro decision making and communicated with my pings the right play. I didn't have chat on so maybe I should be playing with chat on so I can lead my team into not inting.

    The only thing I didnt think about was midlane. If I had chat on I could tell mid to try to get vision control at herald and look to dive top afterwards.

    After that I was severely behind in gold due to 1st turret and cs from that play.

    EDIT: I uploaded the clip of the play (2:00).


    Watch my pings and vision and wave control and if there is anything more I could do here can you let me know? Maybe if I play the bot gank better mechanically then we could win that?

    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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    How do I increase agency in a game as adc?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    I am a diamond adc main and the last couple of months I struggle to create an impact on my games. It feels like the game is falling apart around me. Mid and jungle take a bad fight and drake is lost. Top is 0/4 and a 3/0/1 Wukong is waiting to one shot you. After that the game snowballs out of control before I can do anything. This is just an example and I feel no matter how good I do in lane, it just doesn't matter. How can I impact my games more as an adc? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Thrindir
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    What determines how much lp I win or loose after game?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    So I have 51 wins and 34 defeats. I am gold 3 and last season I ended in gold 2. Last game i won i got 19 lp and last game I lost i lost 18 lp. Why are those numbers so close? Last season it was similar to that but my win rate was about 45% and now it is significantly higher.

    submitted by /u/matej_tg
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    How to split the money among teammates?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    So, first I'm a silver support slowly getting my way to gold and hoping to get Plat (I got gold last season and I improved in this season alot but I'm trying to not only improve myself but also my teammates because a few of them refuse to research etc. so I'm doing it for them, I dont have a problem with that but that doesnt matter).

    So, my question is basically on how to split the money in our team in early, mid or lategame because I don't know (my mates too) who to give all the gold (from cs, kills and everything else) in which time at which situation.

    I tried using logical thinking like "If we have a midgame carry and a lategame carry and we currently have midgame, should we give all the gold to the lategame carry so he can carry us late or should we give it to our midgame carry because he can carry midgame and we currently (as I said already) have midgame".

    But there are several problems with that:

    1. There are so many other variations/situations of the example I just wrote and they all have different answers.
    2. I don't have an answer, normaly by just asking myself and thinking I get an answer but like, there are so many variations and I have to be so extremely specific that it's nearly impossible to answer this (Which is why I'm answering on Reddit).

    I hope you can give me an answer that helps me and have a nice day (Btw. I'm not asking for Soloque but more for 5 Flex/Clash)!

    submitted by /u/JanIzzDaa
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    Nasus - Overgrowth vs Revitalize

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    It looks like all the resolve builds on OP.GG people take overgrowth. Why is revitalize not good on him? He heals for a crazy amount especially after visage. Also his only real weak point is the early game and overgrowth does nothing for the early game.

    submitted by /u/Mojjin
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    How to recall when you cant push the wave under tower

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 04:29 AM PDT

    I ruin alot of lane phases by trying to shove a wave under tower but failing to and i end up getting forced to stick around because they get back to lane and can freeze it. I don't understand how to set the wave up so i can recall after a kill if im unable to push it under tower fast enough. Ive watched some videos bur i dont really get it.

    submitted by /u/Intensolo
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    Any ideas about ranged tops?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    I'm from Korea where we don't usually use reddit but I wanted to find out how the game is different in other regions so I joined this subreddit. I usually play ranged top champs but here it seems like everyone hates ranged tops so much!

    I can relate to this to some degree since ranged tops are tricky to deal with but I think in other words this means that ranged tops have many advantages over conventional top champions.

    I play vayne, kalista, lucian top and I think these champions can be good counterpicks for many melee top champions.

    What do you think are the pros and cons of playing ranged top champions?

    submitted by /u/tiradorcoreanotv
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    How do you scale with Kayle?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    I play Ryze and Vayne a LOT and I love being able to farm all game and hypercarrying late game. So I tried Kayle out yesterday and couldnt lane at all. She's melee, I ran out of mana, got poked down, etc.

    Why is she like this? Does she scale harder than Vayne & Ryze? Otherwise why not just play them instead?

    submitted by /u/KangarooDallas
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    Getting kind of frustrated playing against assassins in mid lane

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    I feel like they are pretty OP as a class right now. Zed, Fizz, Talon, Yas (not an assassin but has assassin like play style for solo lane), Diana, Ekko, all seem pretty miserable to play against at the moment. Yas and Zed are mana-less, and Diana/Talon can just spam Q/W until they hit one for the all in as early as level 2. And they still have better waveclear than most mages so they can just afk shove and put crazy pressure on the map that you can't follow unless you are a tank. They "fall off" in the sense that they don't team fight the best, but they will always be able to one-shot a carry. What do you do?

    submitted by /u/Daze_Confuse
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    What do I do against a good blue kayn?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    In a recent game I was playing kha'zix versus kayn. I knew that he would be a big problem in when he got his form so I kept invading and killing him in his jungle. I killed him 3 times and I was going 3/1 while he was 1/4. I was able to delay his for to 14 minutes. The moment he got form he killed me together with his midlaner because I had ult on cooldown. Then he went and got about 10 kills in 4 minutes by oneshotting everyone on my team and even though I delayed his evolution by about 4 minutes and killed him in his jungle 3 times and counterjungled a lot he still became god mode just because he got his form. What can I or my laners do to prevent this from happening again? (It was a private game so I do not have a replay)

    submitted by /u/Sanic_is_fast
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    How to carry when you have to pick first

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    I'm a gold support main, just switched to jg to carry harder, and I have been doing really well. However, I find that if I pick first, their team either tends to counter me or I have to pick a champ I consider harder to carry with. For instance, I usually take yi, rammus, or nocturne, depending on their comp. but, if I only get to see 0-1 of their picks, I feel like I am far less effective.

    Besides asking to trade (which rarely works), is there another way to handle having to pick first?

    submitted by /u/Ssandy21
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    Climbing out of Iron

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm a Talon one trick in iron 3. I want to climb out of iron, and I need a little bit of help with carrying.

    Usually, I can get a lead in lane. But after the lane I'm not sure how to convert the lead into a win. People keep telling me splitpush but when I split push, my team never capitalizes on it. Is there a way I can improve my macro to carry harder?

    Secondly, what are the most important things to focus on in lane in terms of fundamentals? I want to improve on one thing at a time so I can improve my laning phase.

    submitted by /u/Muteki3
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    How shall I continue the laning phase when the enemy laner outtrades me while I‘m just trying to farm. In my case especially in Mid or even Top

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    In some matchups e.g. especially against Sylas I constantly get outtraded when I play Zed, Ekko or Talon when I'm just trying to get some farm. If I know I will get outtraded I buy a Corrupting to farm with Ekko Q or Talon W. But that's not how I want to end up in this game with half of the enemy laner CS and not being valuable for my team.

    I thought of pushing the wave and go roaming but the thing is, that I can't touch the minions without getting killed but the superior enemy laner. And I don't want to lose my tower or some platings just in order to go roaming bot.

    I'm not talking about specific matchups and counterpicks. Just when my enemy trades and plays better than I do.

    PS: Please tell me how I can counterplay Sylas, he just seems too op for and I always loose against Sylas. The Matchup doesnt matter.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/SonBarey
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    Problem with finding an answer on a "simple question"

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:06 PM PDT


    so my problem is when I play league, I sometimes just don't know what to do.

    For example: I'm Jax top, because I got autofilled, and won my lane 3/0 against a poppy and started splitpushing. My problem is that I ask me simple questions like: Is it better to group now or should I better go farm jungle camps and push the sidelanes and maybe get a few towers etc. and I just don't know what to do. I look at their comp and then at my comp and think about it but I don't get anything as a result. It's hard to explain for me and even feels weird to me, but I just feel clueless. When I try to think serious about something it just doesn't work for me I don't know what's wrong with me. I just concentrate on my self and don't really look what my teammates are doing and just do my stuff and just randomy decide to join my team when they're at my inhib tower. When I play mid tough, my main role, I roam during laning phase and get kills and get dragons and then go split either top or bot and get the towers if my didn't get them yet and then try to flank mid when they're contesting my push (when I play talon) depends on the current situation ingame. But I think this is my only problem with this, I just don't know whether I should group or go splitpushing. I already watched some videos but when I'm acutally ingame I just completely "zone out" and "stop thinking" when I ask me to either split or group. It just annoys me that I can't improve anymore.

    op.gg: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Yukihiira

    It may sound really weird to you guys, but there may be someone with the same problem or who had the same problem. Help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Yukiihiiraa
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    I have 19 champs at mastery lvl 7 and I don't have a main role or champion

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    I am diamond 4 and I have played since season 3. I have played every role and every champion. I've gotten mastery level 7 on 19 different champions and I still don't have a role or champion that I feel I can call my main. My highest points on any champion is 130k, while my duo has 1.5mil on his main.

    Is it possible some players just don't ever find their thing or am I just stupid and have missed something?

    submitted by /u/Indithelock
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