• Breaking News

    Monday, December 16, 2019

    League of Legends Optimal Ryze ult usage

    League of Legends Optimal Ryze ult usage

    Optimal Ryze ult usage

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 10:37 AM PST

    IT'S TANNER TIME | Welcome Back Damonte to Dignitas

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 03:37 PM PST

    Mata returns to Royal Never Give Up as their new head coach

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 04:19 AM PST

    Jankos perplexed by Aphelios

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 10:18 AM PST

    Raptor Cloak should be reinstated and added into Righteous Glory and Deadman's Plate.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 10:02 AM PST

    The removal of Raptor Cloak hurt a lot of top laners like Darius, Yorick, Volibear, and Udyr. The item was 900 gold, and gave these laners access to a cheap defensive item that gave them some much needed mobility. I believe this item serves a niche for tanks in the same way Aether Wisp does for mages that rely on movement speed. Thus, I propose that Raptor Cloak be added to the game again, and it become a component for Dead Man's Plate and Righteous Glory.

    For those who have forgotten (Raptor Cloak was a niche item, so it makes sense that some people don't remember what it had), Raptor Cloak has:

    • 125% Base Health Regeneration

    • 40 Armor

    • Point Runner passive that gave up to 20% movement speed when near fallen turrets, regular turrets, and Void Gates (now defunct due to ZZ'rot Portal being removed).

    Here's what the new Righteous Glory would look like:

    • 2650 Gold (same as live)

    • Raptor Cloak + Crystalline Bracer + Ruby Crystal + 700 gold

    • 450 HP

    • 50 Armor

    • 175% Base Health Regeneration

    • 10% CDR

    • Unique Passive- Point Runner: Gain up to 20% Movement Speed towards turrets. This bonus is halved towards and when near enemy champions.

    • ACTIVE: Point Runner's movement speed is increased to 75% towards champions for 4 seconds. Upon entering 225 range, or after 4 seconds, unleash a slow field that slows enemies hit by 75% for 2 seconds.

    The cost increase is due to the addition of Ruby Crystal and the retention of CDR in the item. This item's niche would be for closing the gap against enemy champions, and the loss of mana prevents mana stackers like Ryze from fully utilizing the item like they do now.

    Dead Man's Plate:

    • 2800 Gold (100 less than live)

    • Raptor Cloak + Titan's Belt + 1000 gold

    • 425 Health

    • 60 Armor

    • 150% Base Health Regeneration

    • Unique Passive- Point Runner: Gain up to 20% movement speed towards turrets.

    • Unique Passive- March of The Dreadnought: Moving generates stacks of Momentum, up to 200, with stack generation doubled when Point Runner is active. Momentum grants 25 movement speed per 100 stacks (up to 50). Basic attacks discharge all stacks of Momentum to deal (1 per stack) magic damage on hit. At 200 stacks, your next auto attack deals (66% Total Movement Speed) magic damage instead. Momentum damage is halved against structures.

    This cements Dead Man's Plate into a much more offensive item, while granting the same movement speed at max stacks (50 + 20% from point runner is 60), while granting a good chunk of damage when fully stacked, but preventing it from bursting turrets with the bonus damage. Dead Man's Plate no longer slows to compensate for the additional damage it now deals.

    I hope you like these ideas! Thanks for reading, and let's talk about it!

    Edit: Corrected gold prices and Deadman's Passive.

    submitted by /u/Domasis
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    After this weekend's clash we can say that Riot has finally reach their goal

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 06:34 AM PST

    It's been a long ride. After exactly 2 years since it's first launch it looks like clash has worked properly on every regions.

    We've been complaining a lot about it, some of us hoped this mode never existed but let's be honest, gathering with your friends to play some competitive games feels great.

    submitted by /u/yazgo
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    TL Broxah trying to 1v2 G2's mid-jgl duo

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 07:01 AM PST

    FPX officially signs Khan and also renews contract with GimGoon

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 02:39 AM PST

    Clearlove retires, becomes head coach for EDG

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 05:00 AM PST


    Somewhat unsurprising news given the last year or so but it's finally happened. The legendary S2 WE roster is now all gone from professional play. Personally I'll never forget him winning the first MSI final in a game 5 against Faker

    submitted by /u/PerfectlyClear
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    Is Vi literally the strongest human on Runeterra?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 10:36 AM PST

    In this text it's stated that Vi's total weight is 8,140 pounds (~3,700kg) and assuming that without her gauntlets she's 140 pounds (63kg), that would make each of her gauntlets weight about 4,000 pounds (1,800kg). That's the weight of an average car.

    Imagine how strong she is if she is able to casually walk around and fight with two cars worth of weight on her hands. I certainly wouldn't enjoy having her as a partner knowing what else her fists can do besides fighting.

    submitted by /u/ViPls
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    Fantasy Update: No Endorsed or Affiliated Fantasy for 2020 Spring; Affiliate Products Update Later in the Year

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 11:19 AM PST

    LCS Commisioner Chris Greeley announced today that there will be no endorsed or affiliated fantasy LCS products for the 2020 Spring Split, and that we'll receive an update on affiliated products later in the year.

    He also shared some unofficial ones that we can use in Spring for anyone who still wants to do fantasy.

    Edit: To clarify, that next update is coming later next year, sorry for the confusion.

    submitted by /u/raptearer
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    Should ADC's should be played support now? Not a joke they should - math inside

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 02:59 PM PST

    Edit: this will only work next patch since gold punishment is remove from the fully upgraded support item math still is true regardless even with nerfs

    Edit 2: redid my math to assume next patch nerfs also sickle still finish around 11 min due to me not factoring natural gen in the original calculation

    TLDR support item gold gen is broken have your support farm and have the ADC play support. They will get 1000 more gold starting sickle and playing in this style than actually farming once the support item is completely they can farm normally as well

    Support gold has seemed wonky to me every since preseason started in my games they always seem to be an item up on my mid laner which got me thinking that they might be over tuned so I did some investigation to figure it out

    first calculation was at what point do supports finish spectral sickle(the AD spell thieves) rough calculation is around 11~ min assuming perfect usage.

    Three procs per 30 seconds with 45 gold per 30

    1000/45x30/60 = 11.1 min

    which we'll round down to 11 since the next minion wave would spawn at 11:30

    next I went into a custom and proxied a wave until 11 min to get a baseline of perfect CS gold I came out to about 3600 gold(the estimation doesn't matter once you see my conclusion)- I proxied a wave due to the fact that minion gold goes up in the game but since support gold only matters in the early game I have to test perfect csing in the early game also for reference this is 126CS at 11 min, this number will be more important later

    number to beat is 3600 gold

    assuming 1000 gold from procing the support item and a base line of 1344.6 gold from base passive gold gen at 11 min(20.4 per 10)

    11x60/10x20.4 = 1346.6

    then our total is only 2344.6 gold which is obviously insufficient, there's another thing we forgot to calculate. we also have to take in the passive gold gen from the sickle as well which is +2g per 10

    11x60/10x2 = 132

    a key thing to note is this number is slightly lower than is should be because the secondary upgrade to spectral sickle is 3G per 10 instead if 2 but to be quite honest I'm too lazy to calculate that and it doesn't skew my results forward

    regardless this brings our total to 2476.6 which still isn't enough

    One more thing to add is that the ADC can still CS a bit from the wave while the sickle has a gold penalty it is very generous only farming more than 20 cs per 5 minutes will trigger it but that lets us farm 50 cs total during lane phase without gold gen loss if you space it out correctly.

    38CS at 10 min plus another two waves at 10:30 and 11 min so 50 total

    first I calculated the average value of a cs using my previous metrics of perfect cs and gold at 11

    2255.4/126 = 17.9 G

    then calculating our CS buffer

    17.9 x 50CS = 1425G

    this could be even higher if you only farm cannon and melee minions

    making our total gold 3239.6 showing that we've essentially achieved perfect CS at 11 minutes without farming assuming that 400 gold diff could be made up by only farming cannons and melee minions

    but wait! there's more, now typically with the old support items you had to pay to upgrade them. Now, with the new support items they upgrade on their own and give you free stats as well the inclusion of spectral sickle means the ADC gets relevant stats AD + health which are all goods stat and not wasted on the ADC so lets calculate that gold value as well.

    spectral sickle upgrades to 25AD and 100 hp on the next patch assuming a 35G per point of AD and 2.7 gold per health point we can add those in to our total

    25 x 35 = 875

    Bringing our total gold value to 4644.6

    100 x 2.7 = 270

    and now our total gold value for starting sickle as the ADC support is roughly 4850 this far outpaces farming CS and since there is not more gold penalty once fully upgrade it makes more sense for the ADC to play support in lane phase since it's more gold in general.


    A hidden benefit of running the ADC support will be you can have a another "support" in the lane manage the wave and get increase gold generation as well as helping you split the farm since they can still farm the wave this will allow you farm a total of 100 out of 126 of the cs at 11 min which should be enough to manage the wave and not lose lane priority which is typically the problem with running double support item. If the support is running a targon base support item the ADC gets an addition 800G to use on top of sickle gold. and once the sickle is done proccing the ADC will be able to farm normally to no downside.

    The support will have more gold to work with as well and will be more effective no matter what kind of support they are.

    Additionally, the ADC will be slightly tankier later and have a much safer laning phase where they don't have to contest too much cs and instead can focus on poking in lane. The support item also gives them more wards to be safer and has benefits of giving the ADC 3G per 10 seconds past laning phase giving an additional 180 gold for free every ten minutes you keep the support item.

    I will not be surprised if this gets nerf or becomes meta in LCS.

    in the next section I will be answering objections to my methodology

    these are completely ideal situations no adc can proc sickle perfectly

    I'm pretty sure my method shows that the ADC doesn't have to proc sickle perfectly for this to still be better. Furthermore adc champs like ashe, caitlyn, xayah, ez and jihn will all have an easy time proccing it with their range. Additionally I assume perfecting CSing on the part of the ADC when most games they will be between 60-100% efficient with the csing. Pro's don't get perfect CS even in LCS situations this method is much more reliable and has much more payoff even if you don't proc properly properly. since the raw state value of the upgraded sickle as well as the CS buffer you get will not put you behind even you're slow to finish the item.

    much of the gold value is tied up in sickle stats the ADC with sickle won't get IE first

    well actually pre stat gold calculation about the same with perfect CS which means you'll get it around the same time if not sooner

    you only tested sickle and not pauldron

    you are correct and that's because the calculating with pauldron is difficult due to how widely pauldron gold gen can vary either you get every melee and cannon minion and pauldron is activated around 15 min or you fail average finish time is probably around 20min. I assume pauldron is still more gold in the long term but significantly less than sickle. Pauldron gives the the added benefit of +300 Hp for the AD as well as being extremely easy to proc. It might make laning even safer but it will be more like the sona taric lane less gold overall but but stronger late game scaling.

    submitted by /u/Newfypuppie
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    Buying 3x2500 RP Orb bundles is better than 1x7500

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 11:55 AM PST

    Buying 3x2500 RP Orb bundles is better than 1x7500

    This is the first event where it is more worth to buy little bundles than to go for the big one and that's because of the worse Grab Bag.
    By buying 3 bundles of 2500 RP you get the same amount of tokens as the big one and a minimum of 33 shards, while the 7500 bundle gives you 30 shards + 1 shard from the Grab Bag.

    TL;DR : You get 2 bonus skin shards just by buying 3 smaller bundles of Orbs instead of going for the big one.


    submitted by /u/preotesei
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    Reminder that Riot is supposed to give info on Fantasy LCS today

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 07:21 AM PST


    They've been pretty dodgy lately with their providing of information regarding fantasy league. I really hope this is something they end up delivering unlike a few months back when they further delayed it. They said that today would be the today they give information, so I'm trying to give the benefit of the doubt that they will.

    submitted by /u/egrodiel
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    iBoy leaves Edward Gaming to join Vici Gaming

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 09:00 AM PST

    Patch 9.24b Preview - Riot Scruffy

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 01:02 PM PST


    Patch 9.24b is a serverside-only patch that's projected to drop roughly mid-week.

    Should be coming roughly mid week.


    Contents of 9.24b:


    • Serrated Dirk (+5 AD)
    • Edge of Night (+5 AD)
    • Cloud Soul (30% MS for 3 seconds -> 50% MS for 6 seconds after ult cast)
    • Alistar (AD/level 3.62->3.75, Passive heal 20-139->25-161)
    • Ezreal (Q total AD ratio 110%->120%)
    • Garen (E damage/level 0-6.6->0-8.2 (partial revert of 6.24's nerf))
    • Gnar (Mega Q total AD ratio 120%->140%, Mega W base damage 25-105->25-145)
    • Graves (E CD 18-14->16-12)


    • Elder Dragon buff (-30 s buff duration, 90-270->75-225)
    • Ocean Drake buff (3%->2.5% per stack)
    • Ocean Soul (180+40% bAD+25% AP+10% bHP over 3 seconds->160+36% bAD+22.5% AP+9% bHP over 4 seconds (and 90+4% max mana->80+3.5% max mana over the respective time frames))
    • Infernal Drake buff (5%->4% per stack)
    • Infernal Soul (damage 90+25% bAD+15% AP+3% bHP->80+22.5% bAD+13.5% AP+2.75% bHP)
    • Mountain Drake buff (8%->6% per stack)
    • Mountain Soul (Shield 225+20% bAD+15% AP+15% bHP->200+18% bAD+13.5% AP+13.5% bHP)
    • Shaco (E damage ratio 80% bAD+60% AP->70% bAD+55% AP, E mana cost 50-70->65 flat)
    • Heimerdinger (W damage 60-180->50-170 per rocket, R+E damage 150-350+75% AP->100-300+60% AP)
    • Aphelios (Calibrum mark damage 40% bAD->30% bAD, Infernum R additional target damage 40% bAD->25% bAD, Infernum R explosion radius 500->400)

    EDIT: Details on the respective changes were added following initial posting.

    EDIT#2: GreaterBelugaWhale added a clarification towards Ocean Soul's Nerf. Added that in.

    Clarifying ocean nerf. The regen period was also extended from X over 3s >>> X over 4s

    Ocean soul's impact on a team's winrate in an even game was actually around twice as much as baron or cloud soul, so we are nerfing it harder than the other souls.

    submitted by /u/ProfDrWest
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    This is why I play Soraka

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 01:22 AM PST

    When you hit the 1k AP mark on Veigar :D

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 02:35 AM PST

    Unintentional couple skin?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 08:49 AM PST

    Unintentional couple skin?


    Interesting coincidence I noticed while playing an ARAM game. I'm either out of the loop for not noticing right away, but dang the resemblance is uncanny. SKT T1 Syndra looks very similar to Victorious Aatrox, to the point that it looks like an intended couple skin but it shouldn't be.

    submitted by /u/kamitachiraym
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    GRF Sword Files Police Report against CVMax claiming assault.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 10:43 PM PST

    GBM joins Griffin as a coach, makes a return to the LCK

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 04:38 AM PST

    I made a Miss Fortune Drawing

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 05:22 AM PST

    You guys have been so nice to me since i started sharing my League of Legends drawings in here, a lot of you also love my Akali x Irelia Series and that makes me sooo happy xD

    I made this Miss Fortune since a lot of you wanted me to draw her.

    I'm working on a personal animation project (like LoL live wallpapers/ Login screens) and it's coming out pretty good actually, i'm learning a lot of stuff. A lot of stressing stuff TwT.

    Here's the drawing: https://twitter.com/HayashiDraws/status/1206555021212602368

    For those who can see it: https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ImOcvFyNq/

    I'm working on another Akali x Irelia fanart OwO, i can't wait to show you!.

    I'd love to read your opinions or advices regarding this or any of my drawings, Thank you guys!.

    submitted by /u/Hayashidraws
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    12/16 PBE Update: New Splash Art, Tentative Balance Changes & More

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 01:00 PM PST

    This client slowdown is starting to become unbearable.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 03:16 PM PST

    Its performance is at an all time low right now. Are we about to get a new client and they've just left this one in disrepair? Have they at least acknowledged how bad it's running currently? Is anything being done to bring it back up to speed?

    submitted by /u/Uelox
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    We still do not have a shamanistic champion.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 07:25 AM PST

    I've always wanted a shamanistic character. Totems, tribal, spirits/spirituality, the elements etc etc. That would be really cool.

    I imagine this sort of battle-hardened shaman that uses totems and elemental magic. But it would also be cool to see a kind of shaman that is more towards the witch doctor archetype aswell like "Tabu" like someone mentioned in the replies below.

    submitted by /u/Freakkopath
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