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    Monday, April 6, 2020

    LoL Guide Champion Pool/Role Advice Megathread: April

    LoL Guide Champion Pool/Role Advice Megathread: April

    Champion Pool/Role Advice Megathread: April

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    If you need help with what roles or champs to play, feel free to comment in this thread. Be sure to help out others by answering questions as well!

    There have always been lots of posts on /r/summonerschool asking for help with champion pools or advice on what roles to play/swap to. Since these threads are only applicable to a single person -- the creator of the posts -- we have created a megathread to keep more generally applicable threads on the frontpage.

    If you have any questions about rounding out your champion pool or identifying your strengths and weaknesses, post a question! Feel free to include a link to your op.gg profile if you wish. Remember that the more detailed questions will get more fulfilling answers.

    If you're a new player, consider checking out this page for champion recommendations as well as other beginner advice, guides, and explanations of champion classes/roles.

    Here are some guidelines for posting in this thread. You don't necessarily have to answer these questions, but they do help responders give better advice.

    1. What are you looking for help with?

    2. Who do you currently play?

    3. Why do you play them?

    4. How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill?

    5. What are you good at? What do you want to be good at?

    Also be sure to check out websites like https://lolalytics.com/ and www.op.gg to add some statistical basis to your judgements.

    submitted by /u/furiousRaMPaGe
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    Warming up for ranked is one of the most underrated habits to climb!

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 04:31 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm SimbaADC - you might have seen my AMA here last week after hitting challenger on ADC! In my most recent climb I found that doing a specific warm up before playing my first ranked game increased my performance significantly!

    Here is a video going through the warm up step by step: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8T8R7FS0b8s

    Id love to hear any feedback/questions you guys have about it, hope it helps!

    submitted by /u/TheMasterYak
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    Questions about early laning top lane

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    Hi all, I made D4 last season, and am currently 100+ games stuck plat, and know for a fact it is my fault and am trying to improve. I've reviewed the losses I think that I am responsible for and am noticing I usually die in lane far too much due to many different reasons.

    Question 1: When I am hitting the minion wave at early levels to try to get level advantage, when should I ward? Sometimes I miss 1 or 2 minions when I go to deep ward, or give up control of the wave/lane.

    Question 2: When I am laning as a lane dominant champion (Darius, Sett, etc), laning against a champ with good gank assist (Maokai, Malphite at 6, etc) how should I play the lane? In cases when I do not have control of the wave yet, I tend to die to ganks, even when I try to run to tower as soon as I see the enemy jungler on my river ward. This problem for me is less prenounced on red side, because I can pink the tri and deep ward river, but struggle with blue side warding for jungler. If I ward deeper in the river, I risk getting ganked from tri, or very rarely from my side's blastcone (into my river bush that isn't warded because I warded deep in to river).

    Question 3: When I need to back (especially without tp up) after getting chunked, and the waves meet on my side of the lane, what can I do besides taking the bad back timing? I can't push the wave to their tower in time without high risk of dying, but if I go back the wave will slow push to the enemy, causing me to lose cs and exp, while also being in a bad lane state if the jungler repeat ganks me while I try to break enemy freeze.

    submitted by /u/-Shrek-
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    Remember that much of what you can do for being ganked happens before it starts

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    I have a few friends in silver or gold and they complain a lot about being ganked and say something like "nothing I can do there" and "nothing to be done I'm just unlucky". Well, that might be true mechanically if ypu're saying that. Even if you get dived by jungle and their top, a lot of the time you can realize when you're divable because moat people in lowers elos can't dive you from high hp at the lower levels. If you sit in lane at 1/3 hp when they have ults up, be conscious of where you should ward or to honestly just cut your losses and recall sometimes. I understand sometimes you all in for a close play and the jungle just happened to be there, but that's just a risk you take that just may or may not work out. Anyways the main point is to think more before you the see the gank coming.

    submitted by /u/YeetLieutenant
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    Tips for playing Aatrox?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    Little summary: I'm a Silver 2 Top main whos been climbing fast recently. I was on a huge win streak playing brain dead champs like Garen, Nasus, Darius etc, my win rate is around ~70% out of 20+ games with all these champs and I feel I could get to gold on them fairly easily.

    However, I have found them so boring.

    I tried Aatrox and fell in love, I really like the champ, only, I don't do so well on him, I struggle getting a lead and just feel weak. I can't even win lane or snowball, and in team fights I get blown up. My win rate is really bad on him and I'm also close to being demoted to Silver 3 from the sudden loss streak.

    So my question is how should I play him? I really enjoy the champ and want to keep practicing, I've been watching my replays and in team fights I tend to chase their carries down but I get killed easy.

    What would a better approach be? I was thinking instead of just engaging and chasing their carries, I should just AoE their frontline with my ultimate so I can self heal a lot. I've yet to try that tactic but maybe that's a better option during fights? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Atocz
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    How do I not suck in the early game?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    I mainly play support and feel comfortable on that. I've been trying some top/mid lane though and I feed so hard. I find myself often getting poked down by the enemy and I can't get in close enough to poke them back. Then I fall behind in CS and just get killed constantly. It happens in pretty much every matchup, even ones that are favourable for me. Mainly the heroes I play mid are fizz and veigar, and top is Garen and Darius. I'm wondering if there are key early game mistakes that I may be making?

    submitted by /u/Delvez
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    How do i play against Mordekaiser?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    I am a Katarina/Syndra/Sylas main and when I face Mordekaiser I feel like there is no hope. This happens all the time I go in for a big play as Katarina I am very fed I jump to their back line about to one shot their ADC and then Mord flash ultes me (just to stall)I get out with low hp only to realize my whole team is dead and I get jumped on and killed by their whole team over and over again every fight till my KDA is ruined. We lose the game because I can participate in team fights and every fight this happens do, I build QSS, but I'm already full Ap with Conq. The first time this happened I tried to escape by killing him, he took almost no damage with zero magic resist walks out of the realm with 75% hp while I'm sitting on 25%. I figured it would be better to run but I am usually at an area where I have nothing to jump to, so I have nowhere to go but him. IF I dodge all his abilities his passive and autos will kill me with him only being 3 and 1 while I am 11 and 2, what do I do? After this I try and make my team bait it out by making him kill our ADC who is 9 and 7 and worth less than me but at the end of the day their talon comes and one shots our kai'sa and he uses his ult on our support so I wipe their Lucian and Nami only for me to escape with no hp and him and Jax to siege our base and take 2 towers.

    submitted by /u/kevisdahgod
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    Can you use both smartcast and quickcast?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    Usually, I play with quickcasts (?) The ones with no indicators at all. However, I have troubles with landing arrow-like skillshots e.g Morgana's and Lux's Q.

    The indicator really helps me, but I don't need it to use other abilties... and it's actually pretty annoying for me to use indicators for non-arrow-like skillshots.

    Is there a way to have that quickcast wth indicator on one ability and no indicators on the rest of abilities?

    submitted by /u/London_Tipton
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    I Made a Spreadsheet Template to go with the Post I Made Earlier This Week About "Learning from Every Game"

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    Link to Spreadsheet

    I made a post last week about improving from every game. Decided to make a spreadsheet format for things I tend to write in a book for each game.

    The first row in each column says what is important to write in each column whereas the second row gives notes from a made up example game. The gray columns (meant for giving context and writing your goals) are meant to be filled out pre-game, whereas the green columns (those that ask for quantitative results) and purple columns (those that ask for qualitative results) are meant to be filled out after game.

    You can copy the spreadsheet to your google drive by going through "File > Make a Copy" to use it in Google Sheets, otherwise you can download it to other formats like excel using "File > Download > File Type" so you can use it without linking it to you google account.

    The sheet is mostly the stuff I make goals for and reflect on after each game. I 100% could not have done this much stuff when I first started doing game reflections, so don't feel bad about not making so many focuses or filling out things that you don't think are important to you.

    Sorry if the formatting is weird, I don't use google sheets much lol. Let people know if there's anything you'd recommend adding in or taking out.

    submitted by /u/Takamasa1
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    A good tip for new players

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    Turn your in-game brightness all the way down. Your game might look a bit ugly and more like the old dark days of League of legends, or Dota 2, but by doing this, the Fog of war will be pitch black. Normal brightness league of legends makes Fog of War grey colored, and you are more likely to go in as it doesn't look very consequential. However, with the Fog of war being black, your brain will never want you to go in scary dark places, without light (vision), making you less likely to wander to places you shouldn't be in, and it will teach you the importance of vision. Once I did this, I started to place down more wards, and I got caught out less, as I didn't wander around the map without vision for no reason. Also, by turning down your brightness, there are less brighter colors, and it can help you focus. You don't have to turn the brightness all the way down as some people like the colors and stuff, just enough where the Fog of war turns scary black.

    submitted by /u/MJ_Yellow
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    I started the game as a Jungle Main. How do I learn how to Lane?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    When I started playing league in December, I started playing jungle before I even had Smite unlocked. Obviously, I was flamed by my teammates and lost many of these games until I actually unlocked smite and figured out there were items available to help me actually clear camps.

    I'm level 35 now, and I have been playing normal draft with friends so much that my mmr has started queuing me with bronze and silver players, much to my dismay as I still just want to learn the game for what it is. I want to learn other lanes but CS'ing and trading early is so hard for me, I go to last hit and get CC'd and die- I know I deserve to die in these scenarios for greed, but I'm also not sure what I need to do. Because I'm playing against players who are more familiar with this game, I feel like they are able to push leads they gain off of me much better than I could, leading me to just feed kills, even if I farm under tower and just try to soak minion xp instead of last hit.

    In-game chat has been negative help and I've pretty much decided that all of the advice to insta-mute all is true. I'm wondering if I need a coach or something, I really enjoy the game and all of the different builds and strategies that go into it. I'm just not sure how to go from here- I want to learn how to lane in case I get auto filled or just for a change of scenery from jungle or support, but if try to branch out I get punished very hard for the times I queued 4 man parties with friends.

    I hope some of this makes sense, I know there a bunch of players better than me in this game, probably 99.99%. I know that many of the commenters and posters here have offered fantastic advice to me in the past four months, I'm sure this time will be no different.

    Two additional questions/thoughts:

    1. Should I just play lanes in normals anyway, and tank the losses to make my mmr more accurate? I'm not sure if that would salvage me from my current predicament or not.

    2. How do you get better at hitting skill shots? I've missed 14/15 Warwick Ults from medium to high distance in my recent games and get spammed with ? Pings every time.

    Thanks for reading- hope everyone is staying safe during this crazy time!

    EDIT: Here is a link to my OP.GG profile.

    submitted by /u/xBrayJay
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    Help! Beginner Bronze Jungler <40% Winrate. Wondering What's Wrong.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 01:47 PM PDT


    I'm a new player and I've been playing for 2 months now. I've been trying to be a proper jungler by seeking opportunities to gank, counter jungle, counter gank, etc. But every time there's something wrong that leads to a losing early game (feeding lane that I can't help out much even if I gank), or a losing late game as I'm not sure how to keep up the advantage as an early game jungler.

    I understand the basic concepts of punishing over-extended lanes, ganking lanes with good cc, play around the lane that has an advantage, etc. There must be something else that I'm not seeing.

    As a beginner the only goal I have for now is to reach silver. Any advice on how to perform better?

    submitted by /u/maxpluez
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    How to deal more damage

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    Hello guys, im a high silver/low gold toplane player and I feel like my main problem is my output of damage. I have been practicing for Clash with some friends and whenever I play a tank we win our games easier, I can have more presence in lane and help my teammates, but then whenever I pick an Aatrox, Camille or Sett kind of champs im normally able to get the lead in lane but we struggle a lot more those games. When the games end I check damage and Im always below my friends even If started 5/0 with a Camille. And I dont know what I'm doing wrong.

    What do I have to do when I have a lead or at least I feel that I have a powerspike to output that damage into winning fights? Why do I dont deal enough damage If I have it. my op.gg here https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=zirkus

    submitted by /u/goodsyle3
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    Is there a position that is better for learning the game?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    I'm pretty new to League and MOBAs in general. I've played mostly against bots and very little again actual players, quite frankly I suck. But I'm at the point where i feel going against bots isn't helping too much. I also have no preference for position yet and was wondering if there is one that is best for learning the game

    submitted by /u/Magic-Man2
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    What role would you want your worst player to be in?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    If one player on your team was a full 2-3 ranks below the rest of your team, which role would you put them in?

    I ask this because my friend group currently faces this dilemma. We enjoy playing 5-man ranked flex (most of us are Plat/Gold in solo queue), except one of our friends is Bronze. This creates a problem when they consistently get outclassed by their matchup.

    So that leads me to ask, if you had a player who you knew was going to get outperformed by their matchup, which role would you put them in?

    submitted by /u/YoungSidd
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    With Clash coming this weekend, I offer you my top strategies to help you secure victory

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    Video format: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYHm5_f2esM

    ^ The video is much more in-depth than the post, if you need better explanations or want to know how the strategies can be amplified further.

    These strategies will increase your chances of winning Clash without you having to use much brain power or effort or having to be good at the game.

    #1: Spam games on a champion you don't intend to play to draw false bans

    The week or so before Clash, spam a ton of games on a single champion - a champion you do NOT intend to play for the tournament, and preferably one that is overpowered AND/OR one you do not want to fight. Your opponents in scouting phase should see you having essentially onetricked this champion in preparation for the tournament, and they will falsely ban it out. Imagine if all your teammates apply this strategy, and your opponents fall for it: they waste all five of their bans. That's unlikely, but it does demonstrate the maximum value of this strategy.

    #2. Have one main of each role on your team (no autofill)

    You may think this is obvious. It is, but for a reason you may not be aware of and the reason is tough to explain and perhaps complex and I will not go into it here (explained in the video at 3:58). The most I can say is that you should not worry about your team being 'too low ranked to be in the Tier you're in.' If you're worried about that, then lock in right when lock in phase starts, which is part of strategy #3. The bigger worry you should have is if your players are autofilled.

    #3: Good teams should lock in late; bad teams should lock in early

    Talking about the LOCK-IN PHASE, not locking in during champion select. I hope you agree with my belief that when the lock-in phase begins, it is as if the floodgates are released and many of the teams have locked in at once. This means that when lock-in phase starts, the matchmaking system has a surplus of teams to matchmake each other with and the matchmaking should therefore be very balanced. For whom is it beneficial that the matchmaking is balanced? Teams who believe they are too low ranked to be in the tier they're in. Because at the start of the lock-in phase is when it is most likely that there are a lot of other teams who are also too low ranked to be in the tier they're in, and then they can get matchmade together. Now on the other hand, I hope you agree with my belief that there are much fewer teams who lock-in at the last couple of minutes of the lock-in phase. Then, the matchmaking system has to make do with the few teams available, fairness of matchmaking be damned. For whom is it beneficial that matchmaking is unbalanced? Teams who believe they are too high ranked to be in the tier they're in. The best example of that is a full Challenger team in tier 1. Just think how this works: If you're the best team around, the matchmaking can only ever be unfair in your favour.

    #4: In champion select, fake-hover champions to draw false bans

    In the first pick phase (first three picks), you can hover a champion you don't intend to play. Then, your opponent will (hopefully) waste a ban by banning that champion in ban phase 2 after seeing you hover it. This is like strategy #1, so you can amplify this strategy by fake-hovering a champion that is not only one you don't intend to play, but also overpowered AND/OR one you do not want to fight.

    submitted by /u/Happeeheart
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    hello I would like to re-learn all aspects of jungleing and for that I need you to tell them to me

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    Heloo summoner! I have recently picked up nidalee to otp and I feel like I need to re-learn all aspects of jungling (there's of course some exeptions) and I would like you to list them so I can practice them 1-by-1 and that could help me become a better jungler.

    any kind of awnser is great and thank you so much to dedicate minutes of you're life for someone like me :) I hope you have a good day and a bunch of wins!!!!

    (I just noticed I messed up the title x) )

    submitted by /u/Nuzilla
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    Starting from the start with Blitzcrank

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    After a two year hiatus, I'm returning to league as a result of the quarantine. Two years ago, I was awful. I couldn't play a single game of ranked at cardboard, I was at a dead end in terms of skill. I couldn't get good at all. I'm now a little older and better at video games in general, and I want to start fresh.

    I've always played support, and I have a friend who will help me learn and plays ADC, so I'm gonna try to learn support. Although I know he's not the most simple or straightforward, I've decided to try and learn to play Blitz. (Although I'm open to other ideas, I'm fairly committed).

    Some of my biggest: What tips are important to playing Blitz effectively at low ranks? Should I play with my camera locked (if not, how do I practice having it not locked?) What can I do to land more hooks? How can I be a good support?

    Any other suggestions are appreciated too.

    submitted by /u/NicoButBetter
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    Question on Freezing/pushing as ADC

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    I somehow hit plat 1 as an ashe one trick by just hard freezing the wave near my tower every game. By doing this, I'm usually able to farm safely, get easy ganks, and overall maintain a safer laning phase. I generally try to push when the enemy laner is not in lane, the jungler is either top/mid, or before a fight at drag is about to happen. Considering how ashe is one the least mobile adcs in the game, I've figured that freezing and playing extremely safe throughout laning phase is 99% of the time the best strategy. Despite all this, I occasionally will get paired with a support that'll mindlessly push all game and of course the second we're slightly pushed up we instantly get ganked. I'm not too confident that this is the most viable strategy as some of my supports have been quite vocal about my overly safe play style, can I get some feedback on this?

    submitted by /u/brokebtw232
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    For the small stat runes, when is it worth going for the scaling health rather than a resistance?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    This has been a question on my mind for quite a while. I have always gone for the resistance that goes well against my lane opponent, but I have never gone for the health. I want know if there are any situations where the 15-90 scaling health is better than the flat armor/mr. I play top btw if that matters.

    submitted by /u/yutsm
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    What XP changes did I miss?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    Hey, Support player here.

    I haven't played League since they nerfed ADCs in 8.11. I've returned out of boredom and I'm not sure if there is some sort of XP problem, or if I'm doing something wrong - I noticed bot lane gets significantly less xp today. Is this normal? If so, why??

    I played at a time when teams revolved around the ADC/mid. But now ADC seems useless. For example I fed a Lucian bot and he was 12/0/1 after lane. Lucian went mid after getting side towers and our 2/0/1 anivia was 2 levels up and did more damage than Lucian in fights. Even though we lost top and hard-lost bot, we managed to win due to Mid being ahead. This morning a 2/1/2 kayle mid carried us bot (we were 1/8 in lane). Kayle was 2-3 levels up.

    I got placed in Plat 3 0lp if that info helps. I'd like a bit of guidance on the meta.. as it feels like a completely different game.

    submitted by /u/nfidsoaphfdsi
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    Tips for facing Galio mid? (Low elo)

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    So, he is very rarely picked...but when he does get picked I get absolutely crushed.

    Not in lane, mind you. Just post 6 Galio runs around the map and "goes where he pleases". Meanwhile my team doesn't change their play style at all and ends up blaming me for the fact that Galio uses his ultimate off CD and racks up tons of free kills and assists.

    10 mins later and he's a huge unkillable beast. I can usually roam and get a few clean up kills but 3/0/0 compared to 5/0/10 Galio makes me look like weenie hut junior.

    Should I just dodge when I see Galio mid? He's basically like TF but tankier...

    submitted by /u/tbu720
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    Noob needig help with Ashe

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    I started playing this game around 6 years ago and stopped around Level 11, now I started playing again because a friend got me back into it. Knowing that Ashe is somewhat of a 'beginners' champ i decided to start playing with her. I used to play Amumu,Teemo,Master Yi and Annie. So my question is, how do you play her? what do I have to take into account when playing with her? What lanes is she good in and which champs do I have to keep an eye on when playing against them?

    Thank you in Advance :)

    Edit: I know there is a typo in the title but i can't fix it now

    submitted by /u/samtianco
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    League of Legends Player-Rating-Tool for local tournaments

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    Unlocked screen worth?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    Would you guys say its worth to play with an unlocked screen? Always played with locked so far but feel like i'm missing some important vision because of it (think blitz hooks etc.). And if you really think its worth it, how many games would it roughly take to master playing with locked screen.

    Ty in advance, IGN: TS Draiiinz

    submitted by /u/Serge420
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