LoL Guide Coaching a Silver, Gold and Diamond ADC player - Wave control, Macro, Laning etc. - Challenger Coach |
- Coaching a Silver, Gold and Diamond ADC player - Wave control, Macro, Laning etc. - Challenger Coach
- How to Effectively Play the Support Role
- How I became self-aware and improved in LoL - Healthy Environment
- A detailed guide on maintaining good farm and staying relevant throughout the game.
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- Questions about playing Kai'Sa jungle effectively
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Coaching a Silver, Gold and Diamond ADC player - Wave control, Macro, Laning etc. - Challenger Coach Posted: 27 Apr 2020 05:08 AM PDT Hey guys, it's SimbaADC here! I made this video from three coaching sessions: A Silver Caitlyn, Gold Jinx, and Diamond Sivir. In the video I go in depth on concepts such as wave management, map awareness, macro and micro play and more. I hope you guys enjoy the video and find it useful! <3 Link to the video: [link] [comments] |
How to Effectively Play the Support Role Posted: 27 Apr 2020 08:24 AM PDT Hey y'all, its Chicken Ponyo here! Some of you may recognize me from comments on support-related posts that are extremely long and in depth (sorry not sorry), and this is gonna be a really long post as is my nature when it come to this sort of thing (TLDR at the end, though it probably wont be super good cuz i dont do the whole "posting" thing). I'm not going to click-bait the title with something like "HOW TO CLIMB IN SUPPORT 2020" or anything, because frankly knowledge is a tool, not a weapon. Before we get into it, a few of my credentials, since yall likely havent seen me in game as im obviously not a pro or a streamer. I'm a Plat 1 support main thats been playing since S3, and have been Plat for 2 years now, having been gold the year prior. I used to play like, once every 2 weeks, and now i play every single day after work, and I dedicate my time to coaching players from Unranked all the way up to high Diamond (Yes i know im plat. Last season I took 3 separate accounts to Gold playing support only with no duo, one account to plat with no duo. Im currently playing soloqueue right now with a friend who is a bronze/silver ADC main to freshen my perspective on low elo as of right now, since everything in the game has changed reccently. About the coaching, no me being in plat does not mean that people in Diamond cant learn from me, it just means that im hardstuck with a low mechanical skillset and a fair bit of knowledge lol. Any-hoots, onto the tips and such. These arent in any particular order, as im ADHD as fuck and i just put what comes to mind as it comes before i forget it. May the odds ever be in your favor. ​
​ General tips/thoughts: -If you care about rank, but not being good at the game as a whole, then go ahead and 1 trick. -Positive Mental Attitude is actually so op, and a lot of people dont take into account how much easier the game is if you stay positive. -Study up and learn how to shot call. Understand when a team would ideally want to take dragon/baron/rift/rotate for a tower/etc, and practice calling those shots. You may not always be right, but learn from each right and wrong call, and youll be better off for it. Teams that have more vocal players (not toxic vocal, constructive vocal) are typically better teams overall. If you make a shit call, someone will probably ping you off of it or tell you no. Dont get upset, try to understand why because they may have a point. If they dont, it will at least give you perspective on how that person thinks in their role/champion/matchup, and you can take that into your future games. Good luck on the Rift summoners, and I hope you all are being safe and sane in quarantine :) Feel free to comment any questions, corrections, or anything in the comments and I'll do my best to answer, or discuss, whatever you have to share to the discussion. Sorry this post was long, but i did my best to mention topics that were relevant and keep it short, while also a little entertaining. TLDR; In order to facilitate your climbing, you must know the game. Improve your map control, vision control, champion pool, and understanding of when champions are strong on either team, and how to play around them. Edit: correction from comments about Temporary vs Effective Health [link] [comments] |
How I became self-aware and improved in LoL - Healthy Environment Posted: 27 Apr 2020 01:05 PM PDT I've been playing League of Legends since 2013, when I first got introduced by a cousin of mine and a couple of university colleagues. I was studying software engineering and playing games seemed a good way to have fun and socialize with my colleagues and friends. I remember I was a noob, alright. Someone told me "you should play jinx I love her" and I chose her and stick with her all the time. I remember sometimes I let my friends frustrated because I only knew Jinx and I had to always go ADC. 1. Don't play late at night when you're supposed to be sleepingIt was in about 2 weeks ago that I only realized I shouldn't sacrifice my sleep over anything. I started doing the Keto diet, working out, but still didn't focus on my sleep. When I was losing games late at night it was sad, I became stressed, back pain, neck pain, and there I was, in the middle of the night, playing League alone, and losing games. Why? I was tired. Don't play when you are tired, or sad, or when you're supposed to be sleeping. I remember once it was 1am and I was playing with a friend I met on League, we were winning the ranked match but I was sad, and I said to him, I am sad but I don't know why, we are wining… and he said, "yeah I'm sad too, I don't know either". We were wining and we won more than 2 ranked games in a row, but that was with the sacrifice of a good sleep! And even though I didn't know why I was sad, maybe it was my subconscious, the subconscious knows even when you don't realize. So I told myself, not to play after 8pm. And that helped me a lot. 2. Remove Toxicity and Join the good environmentI found this amazing Legends Coaching Group on reddit, what brought me here was the free coaching but I am realizing now that this is more than just learning how to play the game. It's about creating an amazing healthy community with people who, as you, play the game, but play it the right way, and help you! And I don't mean only the learning of the game, but the learning HOW to When to play, when to take a break, when to stop and when to continue! 3. Set Goals for that DayIt is important to set goals for that day whenever you plan to spend couple of hours playing LoL. They extended the normal duration of a game, what was 20 minutes before now can be 30, 40, 50 minutes. So, you have to plan ahead and be aware of the time you have and what you will do to try and make the game shorted and get an easy win. Think ahead of the game and plan your day/matches and they will be more profitable and enjoyable. How many games will you play today?
4. Always try to learn something from that gameEither you won or you lost, what matters is what you learnt from that game. Was it the team composition? Was it the mid laner? Was it bot lane? Was it that you didn't have vision in your jungle or enemy jungle? What went wrong and what went right. How many farm did you get and was it effective? Were you with the team, did you help the team or were you just slowing them down? Whatever it was, try to remember it and if you have time, watch that game. You learn a lot by watching the games you play. Here are some tips:
Remember your role and what stats you should get on that game. For instance, if you are ADC as I am most of my games, you need to aim for the Total Damage Dealt to Champions. Most of it will come late game, but you need to be with the team to protect them, and how do you protect them? By killing them. It's the best way to make sure that you are in control. Like in a football match, What is the best way to defend? It is to counter-attack. Some of the best goals were made when the adversary was trying to shot for a goal but someone interfered and they ran so fast on that counter attack that all the adversaries were still on the other side of the field, and no one could defend that goal. Now, I know this ain't football and whenever someone gets into your base or gets closer, you should defend, but what I am saying is, you need to auto attack whenever you can, if you have an opportunity go for it. 5. Top things I learnt on how to play betterNow I want to help you, because if you are on my team, i want the best version of yourself. And because of that, I will tell you what I learnt since I joined Legends Coaching. These are Pro Tips!
If you are tired, don't play. You won't play in your best version, you won't pay attention as much. Also, if you don't want to play, just don't play. If someone is forcing you to play with them and you don't want to, just don't play.
This is the most important thing I learnt from one of my coaches, Pounce (Bot Lane Coach on Legends Coaching). He told me, "Remember your role as an adc". You have to get golds, because you need items to be RELEVANT.
This is what all coaches will tell you to do (Marfje which is a Legends Coach that covers not only Bot Lane coaching but other lanes also, was the first one who told me to focus on learning to farm better, that I didn't have bad farm for my league but to always aim for 10 minions per minute). Learn how to farm and you will get ahead. Someone said, 20 minions equals 1 kill, so focus on farming and you will get better results. Last hit minions, don't mindlessly auto them.
Never go b on a cannon minion wave. Those get you almost 90 gold.
Stick with your lane and defend it. If the enemy starts roaming, you have to push the lane to the turret to force them to come back, otherwise you won't be helping your other lanes. Once the laning phase is over, even more as an ADC, you group up with your team and you focus the closest targets in fights and never be alone. Stay behind your allies in fights as an ADC. In lane, every single time the adc walks up to last hit, put an auto attack on him.
Now this is the best part. As an ADC I would be playing alone in a lane just to defend it or push it, to get more farm, and I would forget my team mates, drakes, barons, etc… I am not doing that ever again. I was getting more farm than the enemy team, but that was with a cost, and it was costing me to the point of losing the game. Be aware of the spawning of drakes, and baron. Always ward them early and so on, to help your jungler. Take all turrets Tier 1, then T2, then T3, but if there's a drake around, focus on the drake.
This was one of the first tips I got told to do. MathYG was one of the first coaches that told me to choose only 3 main ADC's and 2 Support champions to play. You get to learn the mechanics of the game, and Also, when I said that I wanted to learn the game and that was the reason why I was playing different lanes, lux mid, jungler, top lane, etc., Pounce told me, there's lots of time to learn how to play the game with different champs once I get out of the bronze elo, now it's not the time to learn champs but to get out of the "hell" elo. Most importantly, make sure you are having fun and stay healthy! Remember this is a game, it's supposed to be fun. Sleep and Take care of you first, so you can enjoy 100% of your games. Posted on: [link] [comments] |
A detailed guide on maintaining good farm and staying relevant throughout the game. Posted: 27 Apr 2020 08:25 AM PDT Happy quarantine, r/summonerschool! In light of all of the free time I've been awarded due to current events, my obsession with improving at our favorite game has introduced me to a lot of new research and information. I thought it would be helpful if I shared my research with the community, so here's a detailed and formatted guide on today's topic; farming! A little about me; I'm intimed, a peak D3 ADC player (Plat is the new Diamond)/twitch streamer with more knowledge than skill at the game. My amount of knowledge isn't anything special, if that tells you anything about my skill... A few notes before we start:
Right. Moving on! Here's what you need to know about farming as a laner; So, we've all heard the general rule of thumb; aim for 10 cs (creep score) per minute. When we watch the pros play, we have no idea how an ADC can manage to get 120 cs by the 10 minute mark, or 380 by the 30. Let's talk about how you can get closer to those numbers. Why is farm so important? Last-hitting minions is by far the easiest and most reliable way to earn essential gold for your character. With the gold granted from farming, you will be able to buy items to increase your power. While last-hitting isn't necessary to soak experience from nearby dying minions, you can also gain experience (and gold!) by killing jungle camps to level up faster than your opponent, ultimately increasing your base stats and ability powers. How do I maintain good creep scores? We'll break this down into a few parts; early, mid, and late game. But first, I'm going to post a chart of what perfect cs/min would be for a few time checkpoints to remember, along with a reasonable (but difficult) goal for those checkpoints, roughly 9cs/min. These scores can be considered good in elo all of the way up to diamond, along with higher elo matches that involve a lot more fighting than scaling comps. After that, a few notes on gaining experience. Perfect CS and what you should aim for as an improving player (~9cs/min): checkpoint version (copy this on a sticky note and have it next to your game to reference) @5:00-- 50cs/min perfect, 38 goal @10:00-- 114cs/min perfect, 90 goal @15:00-- 177 cs/min perfect, 135 goal @20:00-- 242 cs/min perfect, 180 goal @25:00-- 307 cs/min perfect, 225 goal @30:00-- 377 cs/min perfect, 270 goal-- 270 cs is roughly 4800 gold not including passive gold (19 every 10s), tower plating, objective gold (300g per baron), etc... 2 full items just from decent farm. If your sitting at 270 cs and your opponent 170, that's a 2k gold lead in cs. @35:00-- 447 cs/min perfect, 315 goal @40:00-- 517 cs/min perfect, 360 goal What does experience have to do with farming? They go hand in hand. The point of farming is to make your character stronger for fighting/taking objectives, to put it simply. Leveling up does the same thing. Items are great, but leveling up your abilities/ultimate (looking at you, Kassadin) is also great. Here's some quick info on gaining experience. Killing a champion: Gives 42 − 990 (based on enemy champion level) experience. This is reduced by 0 / 16 / 32 / 48 / 60% (based on level difference) if the killer is higher level than the slain champion. This is increased by 16% for each level the slain champion is higher than the killer (level difference can be decimal). Assisting a kill: Gives 28 − 990 (based on enemy champion level) experience but the experience is shared equally among all assisting allies. Proximity to a champion's death while dead: Nearby enemy champion deaths grant experience up to 10 seconds after your death (whether or not you assisted in the kill). Proximity to a minion death: Being within 1600 units of a minion's death grants experience, regardless of whether it was last hit or killed by another source. Last hitting a minion while further than 1600 units away also grants experience. Jungle monsters: Killing a monster grants experience (more to those who have bought jungle items). All experience goes to the killer, even if there are allies nearby. EARLY GAME:This phase is known as the laning phase. It's usually the safest phase for farming and involves the least amount of fighting in the game. Top and mid are 1v1s and bot is usually The game is more focused on getting your character stronger than objectives at this point. Most characters are not equipped for fights at level one. During levels one through three, you should mainly look to NEVER give up free cs (missing an essential last hit), avoid poke, and abuse enemy cooldowns/jungle pressure. Here's some stats for you: A minion wave can value in total gold from 125-195g depending on the game time. That's right, the first two minion waves are worth 250 gold in total. With the game's passive gold sitting at 19 gold per 10 seconds, you can generate a full kill's worth of gold (and more experience) simply by last-hitting the first two minion waves. So if you're wondering why you can solo kill your lane opponent by level 3 and still feel behind, it's because you missed 8/12 of the first two waves of minions and they have TP advantage, putting you behind in levels and items. Minions spawn every 30 seconds starting at 1:05 (second wave spawns at 1:35). Every third wave there is a siege (canon) minion. As of patch 8.7, canon minion's gold reward has been increased to have a base of 60g and will grow to 90g by ~17 minutes. Wave strategy Without players touching the waves, minions on both sides will neither advance or retreat in any significant amount. If a wave catches up to the one that spawned before it, it will start pushing the enemy's wave. There's quite a few techniques that have been developed to manipulate waves to a player's advantage. We're going to focus on the 3 most popular; freezing, slow pushing, and shoving. Freezing: freezing is the safest way to farm as it relieves the pressure that jungle ganks can cause. It can also be a way to prepare for a push. To freeze a wave, you need to keep things equal. If you want to freeze the wave in the middle of lane, you'll need to keep an extra enemy caster minion to make up for your last hit damage doing more than the other wave. If you want to freeze the wave near your tower (which many players recommend when freezing), you'll need to make up for the fact that your wave will arrive sooner and you will need more enemy minions to keep the damage equal. A good rule of thumb is to keep four extra enemy minions up for a freeze. Keep in mind that freezing isn't just a safe way to farm; it's also a great way to punish your opponent. By freezing waves near your tower you can deny the enemy walking up to cs by using your poke abilities or set up a gank for your jungler. Slow pushing: A slow push will let you build up a bigger wave to later pressure a tower or force the enemy to rotate to catch it (great to do if a nearby objective like dragon or rift herald is coming up). To slow push, you can kill the enemy caster minions because they don't have resistances like the melee minions do that can stall your wave. Slow pushing is best when you are needed elsewhere and don't your lane to go to crap. Shoving: Shoving is the fastest way to cs and create the need for immediate responses by the enemy. Lots of mages have shove abilities (ex. Xerath Q, Ahri Q) that can help shove waves very fast to allow them to either rotate for early skirmishes or objectives or even go for tower plates. DO NOT MINDLESSLY SHOVE. If you mindlessly shove every wave, the enemy jungler will love you. Abusing positions of players who shove every wave is something even an iron jungler can do. Only shove when necessary. Keep in mind that a decent player will know how to create a freeze out of hard shoves. While it means they won't be able to rotate for objectives, if you're just shoving to shove, you'll be in for a rough lane phase. Side note: When being shoved under tower, melee minions can be killed with 2 tower shots/1 auto for most AD champions and 2 autos for most mages. Caster minions are a bit trickier, for the first few levels you'll need to auto them once before the tower shot and once after to secure the last hit. Once you've reached 2 long swords or a pickaxe, a tower shot and one auto will secure the last hit. Mages are a bit more difficult and will require you knowing your champion's specific clear abilities. Overall: Try to control your waves. Try to make your opponent react to you, not the other way around; even if that means you make them feel like they're in control when hard pushing you. Know your champion *don't let people push you in as Tristana or else you'll miss half of every wave to your E passive). Hard shove or have your jungler help freeze a wave before you back to miss out on less minions. At the very least, back on a canon minion wave so the enemy wave doesn't all die under your tower before you get back. MID GAME:The mid game is revolved around objectives. With the current meta of season 10, dragons and the dragon soul is one of the most obvious win conditions, along with baron. By mid game, the first tower (sometimes more) is taken and lanes are looking to rotate out of their starting positions. Usually bot lane will rotate up to a solo lane. Why? Numbers. Numbers in fights work wonders. The enemy Lux mid has done a great job clearing the wave against her laner, but can't help but die to a 3 man jungle and bot combo in lane, ultimately giving up 2 waves and her full tower, or asking the other 4 players on her team to rotate to help. So what should I do on the first rotation? And what does this have to do with a FARMING guide?
Let me introduce you to this thing called sharing... In the case of farming, sharing is NOT caring. When more than 1 champion is sharing minion experience, 24.73% extra experience is split among all champions. That's great, except... you still miss out on a lot. Two champions each gain 62.36%. Three champions each gain 41.57%. Four champions each gain 31.18%. Five champions each gain 24.94%. So, if you're the mid laner, and your bot lane is there to help you with tower, along with your jungler to help you with the enemy's 4 matching opponents, you're missing out on 69% of the experience (and probably gold) you could be getting if you simply rotated to an empty lane or taking open jungle camps. With dragon control being so neccessary in the meta, why not go bot? I know, I know; your teammates just want to ARAM. Maybe they lose a fight and rage out, maybe they go 2 for 3. MAYBE you lose a dragon. But you know what you gained? 2 levels of solo xp, pressure in another lane, and about a kill's worth of gold, all to yourself. Remember that Lux working effortlessly to defend the T1 tower with her entire team? Have fun one shotting her in a minute or two. Same goes with bot. You ever find one of those adcs like Kai'sa or Vayne who you forget exist until they're 3 levels up at 15 minutes because they just split? Be greedy with farm. Take it all. Soak up that solo xp. You deserve it. Which reminds me...
Overall: Don't fall into the trap of just fighting ARAM after the first tower falls. You can literally carry games by pressuring other parts of the map (and if nobody wants to stop the split-push Yorick getting free farm bot, have fun winning before 20)! Not to mention you can find huge leads on your opponents by just farming and getting solo xp. This doesn't mean completely abandon objectives like dragons, rifts, and baron, but seriously... stop wasting time fighting for 3 minions mid with your ADC. Be smart about how you can get your character stronger. And don't forget to ward if you're going to be pushing :) LATE GAME:Late game is where you look to end things. Where you look to get that sweet, sweet LP back that you lost 30 minutes ago. Most of the time, late game revolves around a single objective fight (baron/elder) and a final push. By this time, you should have already gotten your character as strong as you possibly could have. Games are averaging 25 minutes nowadays, give or take a few. If one team has taken all of the dragons, elder is probably up, if it's 2/2, the baron fight will probably decide it. Farming is important here too, but don't be that guy leaving a baron fight to go take krugs. Since one of the teams will be looking to end after the objective fight, keep in mind that getting gold and backing for a couple of longswords probably isn't the play. Spending gold on control wards or elixirs late game can offer a lot more than simple stat items like ruby crystals or daggers. If you're waiting for the objective to come up, return to your old habits of warding, taking open jungle camps/buffs if you're a carry, and pushing side lanes to force the enemy to react to you. TLDR; So, I wanted to share some data and some simple strategies to farming in early and mid-game phases, and what you should do when looking to close out the game. I'm by no means a pro but this is some data that I believe can help anybody climb. The goals I posted above should help you check your CS during game a lot easier. It's easy to say 85 cs at 10 minutes is decent, but before or after that, calculating minutes and seconds and math in general isn't something you want to do in a fight. Feel free to copy that on a sticky note and have it up mid-game. Early game focus on getting farm and experience. Plain and simple. It's the best way to make your character more powerful for later fights. You can get two kills in lane but be useless later. Why? You didn't farm and lost experience to backing twice for an early sheen with no TP. Meanwhile, your opponent has great cs and helped his/her jungle pressure early mini-objectives like scuttle. Also, don't mindlessly shove waves. For mid game: when the first tower falls and your team starts to rotate, don't share xp and farm with 4 other players. Rotate yourself and don't fall for the ARAM bait. Play around important objectives like dragons but still maintain a cs goal of 9/min if at all possible. Soak up solo xp and take jungle camps if nobody else is going to. Late game is all about the final objective and final push. Buy whatever you can before your team wants to gain control of the objective (you can buy up to 2 control wards and don't forget about elixirs/upgrading you base ward to sweeper/blue trinket, which you probably should've already done in early-mid game). Good luck on your climb, guys. This is my first time doing something like this so I hope it helps even though it might not be the best. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Apr 2020 02:59 AM PDT I just recently started playing and I sometimes queue up with 2 friends (that are much more experienced, having played for a some years) and I was wondering if you guys could give me any tips apart from "play", as that's something I already plan on doing. Like, specific stuff I should try to do or pay attention to. EDIT: as of now I'm principally playing Caitlyn and Darius. Planning to practice with Annie, Twitch, Warwick and Garen too. [link] [comments] |
When/How do I stop using websites and apps for builds and runes and start thinking for myself? Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:01 AM PDT I've been playing the game for many years now, and my average ranked games since I started is definitely less than 100. So I can say that I do not have enough game experience to say that I have great game knowledge. I've always been on/off with this game. Having ranked anxiety in the past. Not wanting to play alone and etc. For those hours I spent playing, I never really thought of actually learning the game for real until lately. I thought I only needed to load up some website like OP.GG or download an app like Blitz.GG. Join a game and do my best. Not knowing why I took these runes, why I am building the way I am building, what to build against specific matchups. I am still Silver, Highest I ever got was Gold 4 back in season 7. Started off season 8 in Silver, then stopped playing and got back to the game preseason 10. So How should I start thinking for myself? How do I learn the game so I can consider myself knowledgeable in the game? Making my own decisions without mindlessly playing the game where I just listen and not analyze? [link] [comments] |
Getting wrist pain while playing league? Posted: 27 Apr 2020 11:20 AM PDT Hello guys i have been playing league of legends for 2 years now and since i started to pick up cassio i have been getting more and more pain in my wrist like a month ago. I went to the doctor and it seemed fine so i took a pause from league for a couple of weeks and now as i start playing again i can feel it slowly coming back? Any suggestions on how i could ease it down or maybe if you have any tips/experience on this matter an answer would be very appreciated. Srry for any formating issues or misspellings im on my phone btw. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:34 PM PDT Hey what's up! I'm an writer for Dignitas and I recently put out this guide on starting items for mages, check it out if you're trying to improve your midlaning! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Apr 2020 01:44 AM PDT Should I be maximizing AP and throwing myself in the thick of teamfights? Seems like the idea is to basically try to dish out as much damage while alive + dead with passive and then pop the ult to secure kills. Is that it? Or am I misinterpreting his kit? I mean, I just thought it was weird that his playstyle would require him to die. Again, unless I'm wrong, what exactly is he supposed to do? [link] [comments] |
Wtf are u supposed to do after laning phase? Posted: 27 Apr 2020 11:19 AM PDT It seems like me and my teammates legit don't know what to do after laning phase. We already killed the dragon. We're all just roaming around like a bunch of idiots as if we are WAITING for the enemy team to come and rush us. So like should we be going for turrets or defending or what? Or maybe start a teamfight and then rush after killing the enemy team? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:58 PM PDT So im having trouble ganking with master yi as i am silver 2. Yi has no cc abilities so i am not sure how to even gank w him pre 6. My teammates will not even go in even when i spam ping them. And when i afk farm jungle my team just ints and gets the enemy so fed to the point where i cant even get to late game and the game ends at 30 minutes. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Apr 2020 08:31 AM PDT Back in the game after a few months off. Amazing what a new season and a few months does to one's play. Bad early start but back in the groove. These are my advices for season 10 on how I turned it around:
[link] [comments] |
Should I play other roles before I play jungle? Posted: 27 Apr 2020 10:47 AM PDT Title. I'm new to the game, but I've realized learning more about wave management/matchups/teamfighting in simpler roles might be a better idea before getting into jungle. If so, what roles should I play? I want to get good at trades/teamfights and I'm not super interested in the island of top lane. [link] [comments] |
Questions about playing Kai'Sa jungle effectively Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:36 PM PDT Out of boredom I decided to give Kai'Sa a shot in the jungle and I was surprised how much I liked it. Her clear is quite fast and healthy enough as long as I kite, her ganks are ok thanks to her damage and she scales into a late game monster with immense tank killing potential and a ferocious chase and assassination ability against squishies. However, I do have a few questions in regards to her runes, clear route and item build. 1. What is the optimal rune page for her? I have only played her with Hail of Blades, Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collection, Ravenous Hunter, Nimbus Cloak and Gathering Storm, but I think running Press the Attack, Triumph, Alacrity, Coup De Grace, Taste of Blood and Ravenous Hunter wouldn't be a bad idea either. I am curious about what suggestions you guys have. 2. What exactly is her optimal clear? I have tried 2 different routes, specifically Red Buff - Blue Buff - Gromp (Smite) - Wolves - Raptors (Smite) - Scuttler and Blue Buff - Gromp (Smite)- Wolves - Red Buff (Smite) - Raptors - Scuttler and I think the first one is a fair bit healthier and faster. If anyone has a suggestion for improving my clear path, I would appreciate it. 3. What items maximize her damage? I have only tried going Bloodrazor - Guinsoo - Nashor's Tooth - Zhonya up to this point and I wonder if buying Runaan and Infinity Edge after Guinsoo wouldn't be a better idea than going for AP. Granted, O didn't find her damage lackluster at all when getting AP items, but the fact I couldn't upgrade her Q kinda bugged me. Once again, there doesn't seem to be a consensus among pros and challenger players so I would like to hear what some of you guys think. 4. Does anyone have any tips regarding her playstyle as a jungler compared to an ADC? I have played her as an ADC a lot more than I have as a jungler and I am curious if I should be playing her in a different way as far as positioning and focus is concerned. Thanks for reading and I hope I can find some answers to these questions in your experience. [link] [comments] |
How do I win against ''troll'' botlanes Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:19 PM PDT Talking about botlanes like Shaco Jax or Malphite Yasuo. Usually they just end up steamrolling bot as soon as they hit 6 or even sooner. How do I win lane against that? I poke them early but their combined CC and high damage usually instakills me a few minutes into the game. [link] [comments] |
When you are losing in lane, focus on how the enemy plays. Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:54 PM PDT This is one of the best bits of advice I can give. If you see a Darius who just trashes you, try to figure out why, to see what you can do to prevent it the next time. Even better, learn what is so oppressive about it, and apply it yourself on those champions. I find myself playing against different champions all the time and just hoping that they won't do one specific thing because it would ruin me, but then I go back, play that champion, and use what I feared against my opponents. This isn't to say that you have to memorize exactly how to play every match-up, but just try to focus on the main things that make you hate or fear the match-up. [link] [comments] |
Why does it feel like I’m not getting enough gold? Posted: 27 Apr 2020 03:48 PM PDT For reference I just got to Bronze 4 and this my first season playing ranked. I started playing the game right before season 10 started(like when aphelios came out). I play Trymdamere and I don't get why it seems like I'm not getting as many items as my teammates. I'll have 250 cs and 4 kills at like 30 minutes from split pushing and only have 3 items and tier 3 boots but my adc will be sitting at 120 cs but be almost full build. Should I be looking for more kills? Am I missing something important about the game? [link] [comments] |
How to : ADC ((Something like that)) Posted: 27 Apr 2020 11:53 AM PDT Hey ya'll, ADC main here. I basically just wanna know what some of the top players would say is what makes a great ADC. and i'm not taking "great vayne mechanics" or such but...actuall keystones for general in LOL & also for ADC Specifik scenarios. Thanks in advance, take care. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Apr 2020 07:50 AM PDT I am currently trying to climb out of Iron(yikes) with WW, I have a pretty good understanding of him and he is easy enough I have heard he would be good. Looking at his abilities though and seeing how his attack speed increases as the enemy gets lower health I don't understand why he isn't building an assassin kit instead of a tank kit. His q scales off of ap and his ult scales off of ad. Personally I have felt like my build(skirmisher warrior, ninja tabi,titanic hydra,spirit visage,steraks.....) leads to me becoming less and less impactful as the game goes on unless I am extremely fed and even then when late game comes I still get one shot. So why doesn't he build attack speed and ap and ad instead of health and armor [link] [comments] |
Is my brain too small for jungle? Posted: 27 Apr 2020 07:47 AM PDT So I have been playing jungle for about 80% of my league playtime which is only about 600 hours, and I'm just now starting to think that I don't have the right mindset for it. I'm not the most logical thinker, and I'm more of a creative thinker which doesn't really help me in jungle as I get lost and flounder around for a good bit every game. I'm thinking that maybe I should try playing somewhere else instead? I've been trying to learn rengar and Kha'Zix recently but I just think the role in general isn't for me. Is this something worth changing roles for? Or will I eventually learn the skills needed to be a successful jungler? [link] [comments] |
What to look for in VOD review? Posted: 27 Apr 2020 03:19 AM PDT Im S3 Jayce mid main and ive been playing since Season 5. Recently i realized there is a lot i can do to get better and my GM friend recommended VOD review. He didn't really have time to explain what i do but he said it helped him climb a lot. Im doing what i can because i promised myself i would get to Platinum or beyond this season. [link] [comments] |
How do I identify which lane to gank as a jungler? Posted: 27 Apr 2020 09:09 AM PDT I've heard that I should play around a lane that is "volatile" or play around a win condition. However, I don't know how to determine which lane that is. Should it be late game champs like jinx or kayle? Should it be a melee vs ranged lane? Just having some guidelines would be helpful here. (If it makes any difference I play scaling junglers like yi or shyvana) [link] [comments] |
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