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    LoL Guide How can I help my partner to not tilt?

    LoL Guide How can I help my partner to not tilt?

    How can I help my partner to not tilt?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    Hello! I hope you're having a nice day and staying safe. I know everyone tilts in some games, even I do sometimes or I do get frustrated because things doesn't go as I want. But But the way he tilts is maybe too much...

    For a while now, my partner has been getting too frustrated with his own ranked games. I know that he has to play daily at least three games or so, because he plays for a team, but when he loses many in a row, he continues to play although he knows that it affects him very negatively. Right now he is in D4, but he is a player who has managed to reach D1, almost Master, and I know he can do it (he even made me play again this game when I thought I was loosing interest because how good he is), but since the games affect him that way, even his performance has been affected.

    I try to stay with him on Discord while he plays. He says it helps him feel better, so I usually hang out and see his game or sometimes he doesn't share, and when it ends I try to give him some advice when he's starting to feel frustrated. He has never been that kind of person that hits the table, or snorts if thats the word (soz I'm from Spain), even he isn't the type that screams... But lately things are different and even I am a little scared of those sudden ups and downs (I've been through a lot and he knows that ppl screaming scares me a lot, for example, so I can't help getting a little bit anxious tho I try to not show it).

    With that mental, if he finishes a game he starts another game again and again with non stop, and although I tell him that he could take 5 minutes at least to breathe, he doesn't want to stop. He tells me that he is aware that he shouldn't do that, but he just doesn't want to stop. Only if he knows he has to eat, but never if I tell him that he should take a rest, to breathe, wash his face, etc; and I don't know what to do when he gets like this.

    I have tried to calm him down by saying to mute everyone when he enters the game, even when he screams that everything is okay that it is just a bad game..., but I don't know what else to do. Any ideas?

    I have tried to be as coherent as possible, but ask if something is not well understood, it is not my main language.

    submitted by /u/RL-Lyon
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    I got offered money if I win a 1vs1 a bully HELP

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    So, I got one of my "high Elo friends" currently plat1, ex diamond 4 and many times master in flex.

    I ever think he is not that good player, when I see him playing he is selfish , never team play, but is somehow good mechanically.

    My max rank was plat few years ago but I'm normally a silver - gold noob.

    Now he is playing Leona top, I saw him playing it and I called it "a non optimal pick"...

    I think is easy to counter, hard to farm if you get pushed in before Sunfire, easy to freeze if you have kill potential, GANK DEPENDANT to have any kill pressure...

    He just called it bullshit and offer me 100€ if I beat him in a 1vs1 and I can play ANYTHING.

    He ever bullies me about he being so good and me being bad, I see him as a abs player but ofcourse he is higher Elo than me so I must be wrong.

    Can anyone help me to beat him? Wich pick should I take? How should I play?


    1-You can back. 2-You can jungle. 3-the 1vs1 is played in the top lane. 4-We can use any summoner. 5- I can use any champion.

    Win condition: Take 2* tower and/or one kill.

    I WIL TRY TO KEEP YOU UPDATED with what happens , I'm in quarantine for coronavirus so is gonna be a couple of weeks before I can make it.

    I GOT THE COVID19 can't touch a computer for a week or two.

    Thanks for the help 🙏🏻

    He builds Tiamat+sunfire most of the games.

    submitted by /u/Eu8bckAr1
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    How to play against Mundo ?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I'm a silver Lux and Zoe main and everytime I play against Mundo I automatically lose even if I buy anti healig and all my team too. It feels like he hits as a truck and destroys me if he hits one Q... do you have advices to play againt this champion ? I really need help.

    submitted by /u/-Bubble-57
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    Banning my Champ on purpose

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    Hey, how do you deal with guys banning your champ on purpose i play mid and a lot of yasuo/diana (with a decent winrate) and some how there is like every 5th game a guy banning my champ mostly if i want to play yasuo. Sometimes its a mistake and the guy says sorry and im moving on even if im not happy about it but sometimes there is this toxic guy who says something along those lines of "not this champ in my team and i want to win " And usualy i cant Dodge cuz its in my promo or at 0 lp. Im getting super tilted. And if i ask him wth his problem is other guys usualy jump on me aswell. Which makes me even more tilted( and i dont swear or be rude or something even tho id love too). And i cant punish him for that. Since if i dodge i cant report him and after the match nobody actually cares beside me if we win and if we lose nobdoy will report him anyway unless hes super toxic towards other players aswell. How do you deal with that. This is the only thing which can tilt me and someone saying "gg ez " after the game. Otherwise im always chill. Can i do something about this or is it just this way and i cant do anything.

    Im currently Bronze and i think people on this elo dont care about trolling and it happens a lot more in low elo but thats just an asumption and i cant tell if it is or is not the same in higher elos.

    im not native so forgive me my spelling.

    submitted by /u/Acidswtf
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    How can you freeze a cannon wave?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    I enjoy watching LoL on pro level and, even though I am not the best or anything, I try to implement some elements of their playstyle into my way of playing the game. I started playing toplane to learn how to manipulate minion waves to get me ahead and make my lane easier to gank (I play Neeko mostly). I think I am slowly getting somewhere with freezing normal waves close to my turret, but when a siege minion arrives, the freeze always breaks and my wave starts to slowly push to the enemy's tower. It isn't that much of problem in my low elo, because people tend to push it back to me anyway, but I played once vs someone ranked in high platinum (I am like silver) and he smashed me with his ability to freeze and it started with a cannon wave on my side that broke the freeze close to my tower. Can you give me any tips in the topic of freezing and try to explain how to freeze a wave with a siege minion?

    submitted by /u/mielak
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    Iron 1 Is Hell

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    Ok. So. I am a mid/top main who is stuck in iron 1. Whenever I play, I dominate lane but my team ends up feeding, or I end up playing way too aggro and take on 1v3's. I don't know what exactly I should focus on improving. my average cs is 8 per minute. another problem I have is that when I lose, I lose hard, like 2/7 hard. But when I win lane, I go like 8/1.

    I main champs that require some skill yas, kat, zed, fiora and riven. I also play ahri, poppy, yi, Leona, and kayn.

    Should I focus on roaming, cs, learning matchups, drags, etc.

    Tips, thoughts, anything would help. Ty summoners

    submitted by /u/DestructiveKiwi
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    How Do You CS in Mid to Late Game

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    Hi Everyone,

    I've recently started using the blitz.gg application to get an idea of what am I doing wrong, and I consistently getting dinged for my mid to late game gold due to lower csing numbers. I usually have good CS during the laning phase, but I'm finding it incredibly hard to farm waves in mid to late game because there's so much fighting or the waves are pushed too far in.

    For reference, I am a Gold 1 Top laner summoner name Gimladri on NA.

    submitted by /u/PapaQuackers
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    Getting stomped as adc with bad supp

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I've read a lot of articles before I start playing league, so I've started at the preseason last year. My champion pool is Jinx, Caitlyn, Jhin, Nocturne (in case I get auto filled for jungle). Can play supports but only caster supps, everything else is bad. The thing is that with Jinx, as I can consider myself as a Jinx main, there is no adc which can beat me, if I have decent support.

    Currently I've climbed from Iron 2 to Gold 3, and recently I'm seeing huge problem with the supports. What I'm trying to say is that, I'm usually willing to get caster support, because with my playstyle they work the best, but recently every support I get, are hiding behind me or the turret, allowing the enemy support to poke me, and zone me out of farming. Even tho that I'm freezing lane and farming under turret, still when he is afraid to engage, when they come 4 on bot and dive me, I'm getting stomped.

    What should I do, and how should I play when my support is extremely passive, vs aggressive botlane?

    Thank you,

    submitted by /u/meownic_panic
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    Is one tricking really the way to high elo? Diamond+

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    Hello lads. I'm a diamond top laner. You can say that I'm a meta slave as I did spam garen and maokai as they were meta picks and were really strong. But I've been going downhill ever since. I've been frustrating a lot on what am I supposed to do. I don't wanna be a meta slave as this leads me to think I only climbed because of the champion and not because of my skills. Also, I don't wanna keep changing champs every single patch. I've tried playing champs like fiora and jax to one trick them. Tried them in flex as I'm plat there (diamond last season) thought it's gonna be easier. But I do bad nonetheless. Can't pick a specific champion to main and I don't know what to do. Any help?

    submitted by /u/TSM_Raven25
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    When to buy Cull/ in which situation

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    I was just wondering, because if i want lane sustain i can go corrupting potion, and i mean it gives you less gold then it costs, so youre going minus with it. So why/when should i buy it then? Im a GP main, so i kinda wanna farm my way up, and since culls passive comes on clutch with 100 farm should I consider buying it more often? I really don't understand what this item is about :D

    submitted by /u/GrohkWaifu
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    How to push from Plat 1 to Diamond when team ints every game (jungle)

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, a few days ago I reached plat 1 with a 70% w/r and that was the highest I've ever gone but now that I'm here I can't seem to climb any higher. It feels like every single game is a coin flip of whether or not all of my teammates will get solo killed in under 3 mins into the game, even with winning matchups. I even started to ban kalista because every time there is one on my team, they go 0/10 and lose us the game. I mainly play tanky junglers like zac, sej, poppy, etc. Because my team comp forces me to every game but I'd say I'm more comfortable with olaf, elise and ww. However the problem is that if my lanes all get solo killed before I can even start to gank on those champs it gets out of control and I become useless for the whole game. Most games i do really well but its not enough to carry games vs fed vaynes and jaxs. So, what on earth could I do to better myself so I can carry my team even when they are losing?

    submitted by /u/Narichi537
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    Beeg Bois

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    Do Cho'gath's and Zac's model sizes still scale with their max health? Does (or did) this increase change their actual hitbox at all? Does it actually make them slower, or does it simply appear so because they're larger? I've been watching a lot of Rossboomsocks lately, and I may want to try his 6 warmogs cho'gath myself. But, I can't really do that well if this no longer works as it does in the video.

    submitted by /u/thehammer10025
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    Losing turret at top doesn't feel bad

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    Hello summoners, I'm low ELO player, I'm slowly climbing silver this season, and in most games when I play top, i feel like giving up first turret after some time feels like advantage to me. I literally feel "free" when it happens, when I don't need to defend it, I can roam more freely, farm more safely, and if enemy want to push he is easier to gank. In some hard matchups I sometimes prefer to gank bot/mid, even without TP, to get kill or assist, with full awareness that I will lose that turret.

    It often feels like giving up turret is better for my team, and sometimes when I forfeit it (I try to take something in exchange, but would give it also for free), we start to do better.

    There is no question, but I want to hear your thoughts on this matter, and maybe some explanation to understand this situation better if you were in the same situation, or why am I wrong, and what I could do instead.

    submitted by /u/Fletsky
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    Jungler wants to move to lane

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    Iron jungler here. After 500 games I believe that I developed the basics of jungling(tracking, pathing etc.) and now I want to move to a lane but I have some questions about it.

    1) Which lane should I choose? I could translate some jungling skills in midlane but maybe toplane is better to learn wave management.

    2) When is it ok to take tower plates instead of recalling?

    3) When should I recall at all?

    4) When should I push and when should I last-hit?

    5) When should I trade?

    6) In which order should I develop my laning skills?

    submitted by /u/Ludwig___
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    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    I've been playing League of Legends for about 3.5 years but I still struggle with CS'ing (I'm a support main).

    But in order to practice, what should I do? I know I could use practice tool but at X minute, how many minions are expected to be killed?

    Also can someone help me understand the concept of wave control?

    submitted by /u/stich226
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    Why do Junglers buy red/blue smite on first back over a codex/warhammer, etc?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    When I watch high elo Junglers play I see them go for a Skirmisher's Saber/Stalker's Blade on their first back when they could purchase a Fiendish Codex/Caufield Warhammer, etc instead.

    I've always assumed getting the stronger throughput item to be a better choice in order to have stronger fighting ability over having the pvp smite jungle item.

    Why do they opt for this buy? Are there some champions who would prefer one over the other or is buying the jungle item always the best option?

    submitted by /u/lyssah_
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    Question: How does Heal and Shield power % work?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    So i need something cleared up, i don't quite understand how Heal and shield % power works. So, lets say for instance that i choose to play Janna with Revitalize and i have lvl 1 shield ability. On a shield ability tooltip, it says (I'll make number up, if needed i'll provide correct numbers) 80 + 12 (from ap lvl 1), shielding for 92 total, fine. Now when does +5% from revitalize rune applies? Because what happens when i cast shield on myself, or someone else, it still says that shield has 92 hp. I know that it doesn't scale before tooltip, because for one, it would have to change that unchangable part of tooltip, aka ability leveling (80/115/150/185/220) respectively. And then it doesn't change when i cast the ability, so when does it actually apply, if, at all, because so many support items give this % bonus, and i just can't see it apply anywhere

    submitted by /u/Zonemash
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    im dying too much with lux. Can i have some advice?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    i play lux mid or support. when i play support im dying way to fast and alot. my score every game is like 5/10/13. i play lol for 1 month and i know im a beginner and im dying fast but it pisses me off and can somebody know how can i counter zed. i have no chance against him

    submitted by /u/GermanGipsy
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    BORK, TriForce or Cleaver on AD champs

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    I've been trying to get a bit of a larger champ pool, since everything I play right now is AP and I'm really unsure of what to build on most AD champs.

    The champions that I've been trying out are Talon, Renekton and Wukong.

    Since there are so many options I feel kind of overwhelmed a lot of times during games and find myself not knowing what build path to take.

    First off the first item.

    When do you take BORK over TriForce as a first item? I don't think Cleaver is an option, because it doesn't give you any attack speed which I think is important in mid lane.

    The BORK builds I've seen on OP.gg and other websites always have Cleaver as 2nd item.

    Is Black Cleaver useful if you don't really have a lot of AD on your team? And is it useful against a squishy team comp, that doesn't really build any Armor?

    And my last question is why are people building Talon and Wukong as bruisers recently with Conqueror and items like Cleaver and Steraks instead of Electrocute with full lethality?

    submitted by /u/xlumik
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    Help versus Yasuo as a melee

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    I've played versus several Yasuos recently with various melee champs and I keep getting bodied in lane. I don't think they are all challenger one-tricks (I play around gold level) so the problem is clearly with me.

    What is the best way to approach this lane? Things I've read say "don't fight around minions" but that's pretty difficult when laning as a melee because in order to farm at all you do have to approach the minion wave. His abilities are up so much that there doesn't seem to be any timing windows and so I'm not sure when it a good time to go in.

    Any tips much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Soup_Roll
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    NA - Noob - LF help learning MID

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    I'm not sure what information to provide you. I'm not high enough level to do ranked yet, only level 24. I do have some friends I play with but they aren't very constructive when it comes to feedback and helping me get better and learn what to do better.

    1 friend mostly plays Brand as support bottom, the other as Garen top, we have another guy that sometimes plays.. mostly Jhin bottom and another that likes jungle and rotates between Warwick, Jax and Yi.

    I've mostly played Veigar and Orianna so far. I'm open to trying any hero and any style to figure out what I really like. I just want to get better! Thanks ahead of time.

    My discord is Pho#3363 if easier to reach out there.

    submitted by /u/Xiemos
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    How do I use my lead in mid?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    So today I got pretty mad while playing LoL.

    I main Lissandra mid and I can confidently say that she is the champion I perform the best with. I used the standard Domination(Electrocute, cheap shot, eyeball, ult hunter)(manaflow+Transcendence) build on Liss with Tp and Flash. Today I was up against a Brand mid. I managed to bait him into my minion wave and got first blood, I then killed him again when he got to lane. I roamed to bot and got a kill and an assist. I returned to base and was just short of Luden's Echo so I returned to lane without it.

    I had 2 dark seals, a corrupting pot, Lost chapter, the 850 Luden's Rod and a control ward in my inventory at the time. I was 3/0 with 79 CS at 12 minutes while the Brand was 0/2 with 62 CS. I was confident that I would win the engagement and forced a fight in MY minion wave. I used all of my abilities on him and died to him alone...

    My question is, why? Why does a Brand that is so far behind and with half an item less then me get to kill me when I have my full kit and am in a perfect state? How can this even be considered balance? Lissandra is at her strongest in mid game and I still failed to kill a 0/2 Brand with only half a Liandri's and a Doran's ring in his inventory.

    He then proceeded to steamroll me and my team with his newfound Liandrys because he just spammed all his abilities on me one time in lane...Or does he have some insane level 8 powerspike that I am unaware of? It is really discouraging to pick Lissandra at all at this point since it doesn't seem to matter how well I start off. Why do I have to create specific situations to win against a Brand so far behind me when he doesn't have to? Hell, with his ult he is almost on par with Lissandra even in team fights. So why would I ever pick her if I will just end up losing anyways? I would like some suggestions from knowledgeable players on what I should have done to win us that game? I ended up with 7/9 btw while Brand was 13/6 with 50% more damage then me.

    Should I just sacrifice fun and play champs that I don't like but are strong in the meta?

    Rant over.

    TL,DR: Riot plz balance this game.

    submitted by /u/Celestial__Lord
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    How bad is dodging?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    So today I've played a lot and since I main mid I was autofilled into the jungle twice. I'm not the worst jungler, but I'm definitely not good. I play in silver 3 right now and it seems like every time I am autofilled, I get flamed or have a troll team. For example, I just had a teemo support steal my red at lvl 1 and just feed for the rest of the game. And in this particular game, we had a fed Jax who went afk when I didn't solo dragon after he died top. It feels like getting autofilled is a curse. How much can I dodge? Is it a good idea to dodge every time I get autofilled? Especially if its jungle, I am pretty good support so I don't mind playing that if it comes around. I always warn my team if I'm autofilled, and they never seem to be understanding in this elo. Makes me not want to play.

    EDIT: Especially with the new dodge strictness policies riot is going to implement.

    submitted by /u/Bill135
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    Full clear + scuttle at 3:15

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    New fiddle is incredibly op he gets raptors and red at lvl 1 alone full health goes to krugs then full clears blue and gets to crab at level 4 making it difficult to the other jungler to fight it. Is there any jungler that can full clear and get scuttle in time too

    submitted by /u/RedditAmulet
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