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    Sunday, April 26, 2020

    LoL Guide Is it me or is Yorick an extremely oppressive champion

    LoL Guide Is it me or is Yorick an extremely oppressive champion

    Is it me or is Yorick an extremely oppressive champion

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:11 AM PDT

    The champion feels so difficult to play against, especially in low elo where people are uncoordinated and don't know how to play against him. No one can really 1v1 him when he reaches 6, ghouls deal a ton of damage and don't die instantly to abilities, and you have to babysit towers against his splitpush all game. Your teammates focus him while his ghouls and maiden are sitting there untouched, dealing tons of damage. Is there a clear cut way to counter Yorick? I've played multiple champions into him at this point, Quinn, Darius, Garen etc but they can't really kill Yorick on their own even with an early kill lead, only deny his splitpush.

    submitted by /u/BenjaHwang
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    Help transitioning from mid to jungle

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    Hey guys! I'm a Plat mid main, and im not enjoying the mid lane meta this season so I'm thinking about changing to jungle. Besides that, our clash team doesn't have a jungler and we really lack on that aspect.

    I know the basics, and how to track enemy jungle. I already have a champ pool for jungle too, but just wanted to know what do you guys think are the most important things to know as a jungler,

    Any resources you guys can give me (videos, spreadsheets, guides) would really be apreciated!!

    submitted by /u/DRTIcePenguin
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    Galio Support Guide

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I created a Galio Support Guide and thought it was worth sharing.

    video: https://youtu.be/la0VjhrniS0 [7:27 Minutes]

    Content & Timestamps:

    Runes: 00:26

    Matchups: 1:30

    Abilities: 2:21

    Playstyle: 3:30

    Items: 6:02

    I go throuh what runes to pick with short explanations, discuss the botlane matchups and explain who he is strong against and who he is weak against.

    Then I quickly introduce the abilities and give short tips on how to use them.

    Afterwards, I go through how Galio is supposed to play, strong points and weak points

    Lastly, what items to choose and when to go for optional items

    Thanks and see you next time!

    submitted by /u/SwaggyBone
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    How to stay sane as a jungle main?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    The toxicity in this game is unreal. I have never experienced so much flame, deserved or not, since i became a jungle main last season. No matter why you lose - may it be the toplaner getting solokilled 3 times, botlane getting camped (while not reacting to pings, like while im going for herald because i saw their jgl botside and pinging 5 times he's there, they don't back off and die..) its always the junglers fault.

    How do you manage to deal with that burden? Muting only helps to a certain degree, i can feel the ??? Pings/flame when something happens, which really takes a toll on my mental..

    submitted by /u/EipZoR
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    Are games getting shorter?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    Is it me or are games getting really short in low elo? In season 9 I regularly had games that lasted 40 minutes or more, but this season I've had most of my game end before the 25 minute mark. This makes dragon much less valuable as an objective because most of the time you aren't gonna get to soul point and baron a much better objective?

    submitted by /u/kogswain01
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    Does Graves JG feel oppressive this patch?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    I've noticed that Graves feels so strong this patch and has little to no glaring weaknesses.

    His clear is fast and healthy.

    Strong ganks.

    Good dueling and scales alright later into the game.

    I noticed sometimes I'll be ganked by him and I won't even be extended far into my lane. I'll make it back to my tower easily but from his dash to gap close, smoke screen slow, ranged AA and Q I'll still be chunked out when practically at my tower.

    Anyone have anytips to play against him as both a laners and jungler. He is my go to ban now when I play JG.

    submitted by /u/mr_matt138
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    Top Lane Macro and Jungle Tracking

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    Hi, im a Gold 1 top main. I changed my play style from playing aggro laners like renekton to tankier more utility based picks like sion, maokai, and malphite. I recently started playing swaine too and im also really enjoying it. I've had way more success with this playstyle since it stops me from dying 1v1 and tilting. I've noticed that my biggest problem is map awareness and jungler tracking. I almost never die 1v1 but I do sometimes get rekt by the jgler. I dont know how to improve at these things.

    Additionally, are there any tips you recommend for climbing out of gold as top? Also any swaine experts that know which runes to take top?

    My op.gg DiegoVP1 Thanks.

    submitted by /u/EzClapEz
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    Proper itemization for AD carries

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    Hello guys!

    I'm a silver ADC player trying to climb to gold. I'm trying to improve my game. The area I'm trying to improve on is itemization. I've realized that I don't really know when to build what, I usually just copy from probuilds or mobafire, etc...

    I know for example that Executioner is good against heal champs, but I have no idea to be honest about the other items.

    When do I want to build BotRK on my adc for example? How to choose between rapid fire cannon and phantom for example? What items should I build if the enemy team is very tanky?

    Thank you for your answers and help! :) I hope others can learn from this thread too.

    submitted by /u/hektor008
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    How to Play Around Low ELO Supports?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    I'm a low elo Jhin/MF player who just started playing ranked, so I'm in bronze 2. I think I have a decent understanding of macro play for my rank but my mechanics are pretty lacking. It feels like every game, my support player will push to enemy melee minions to make a play and get caught, and if I try to all in the ADC during their play I end up dead too. Often in these situations I stay back and survive, and my support gets tilted and we lose lane. On the other hand, if I have a passive support, it feels like I am constantly pushed under tower, and in these situations I never know when to back because I'm constantly losing CS from tower, so the enemy starts to snowball by getting an early tower.

    A second issue I have is getting ganked frequently, usually as Jhin. If I push the wave at all, they come in from behind and I have no escapes. Sometimes if I use E on river I can hit a W on the jungler but then the enemy support lands a stun and I die. So I end up having to use both sums to get out of any potential gank situation and it feels like Im either dying without sums or being pushed under tower. I know vision is important but it feels like if my jungler/support aren't getting info there's not much for me to do. There are definitely mechanical things I need to work on but I'm wondering how I can improve in these two areas.

    Thanks guys.

    submitted by /u/ShipwreckedFool
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    Is playing things other than bruisers top lane an exercise in futility?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    To put it very bluntly, I despise bruiser champions, and I despise the meta top laners. I don't understand why some things have to be so strong that they make other things weak.

    I enjoy playing Shen and have been playing him a lot this season. But it just feels so bad to be matched in tankiness by a champ that can - come mid game or even earlier than that - also kill me, my adc, my mid laner, my jungler, the shopkeeper, baron, and dragon in one rotation of his spells. I don't really know how to express this frustration objectively without sounding like i'm whining.

    My problem with these characters is they punish mistakes so well, and I'm only gold so of course I make mistakes all the time. But it doesn't take much on the part of the bruiser player to capitalize on these mistakes.

    Whereas for me, the Shen player to win, I need to know wage management, have very good map awareness, decision making, TP usage, an adc that doesn't feed- because my damage will never be enough to carry the game.

    But the Garen/Illaoi/Sett/Darius/Urgot/Aatrox player just wins lane by default because I'm forced to almost not interact once level 6, because I have no combat ult. You would think that I would then have some tankiness to make up for it, but no not really.

    There is hardly ever a time that I have more max health than these champs because for some reason they have built in sustain/tankiness? Are these champs designed to be balanced around all top laners, or just other bruisers?

    I know that Shen has good lvl 1-5 and I often try to make use of this power window. But it's not enough to develop any sort of sizable cs lead because the majority of the game is level 6-18, not 1-5. I don't have any actual kill pressure if the enemy just sits back, because taunting in aggressively against bruiser players on their side of the lane is just asking to be ganked or have the fight turned on you with no escape.

    What is the bruiser's weakness? Some people say "oh they have no gap closer" but that makes no difference if they take ghost(Darius), have built in speed ups(Garen/Sett) or just force uninteractivity(Illaoi).

    In my opinion, the only people truly whining about ranged top laners are juggernaut/bruiser players, because it actually forces them to not be able to win the lane by default. Whereas for me, I would rather play against a ranged top laner any day than darius or illaoi.

    Thanks for any answers in advance, and I apologize if I come across as whiny. I know that at the end of the day the only one to blame for not climbing is myself. But I don't understand why I should be penalized for playing tanks/utility if that's something I enjoy.

    Edit: I realized I've been saying bruiser when actually referring to juggernauts, mb

    submitted by /u/readytofly68
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    Challenger Azir Guide by Drift King

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:57 PM PDT

    Drift King's Challenger Azir Guide


    I've mained Azir since release in late 2014 and was one of the first to master the shuffle mechanic. My peak rank is slightly over 500LP Challenger in NA, and maintain a high rank here in SEA where I play currently. I've gotten Master+ In many regions (NA/EU/KR/LAN/SG/TW). I've been streaming and doing youtube on and off since season 4; Most of my guides are in video format on Youtube but many have asked me to make written and text guides for easy referencing.

    Why Play The Pigeon?

    Azir has been in and out of the meta for many years now and has had his fair share of controversies. He always seems to come back strong in high elo and pro play because of his high skill cap and safe but extreme carry potential.

    I personally started maining Azir back in Season 4-5 when I noticed his Shuffle combo and the potential that came with it. His difficulty immediately jumped out at me and is still considered one of, if not the hardest champion in the game to master.

    Azir is one of the games most versatile champions. You can play him as a Late Game AA Based Hypercarry. Or if you like a bit of excitement, he can be an engager. ORRR if you just want to speedrun solo queue, he can be a great burst mage as well.

    But hey lets be honest, youve probably watched some Azir montages and you just wanna learn how to do this. Whatever your reasons, Azir is a great pickup and is sure to always come back to the meta. If you can master Azir, you can master anyone.


    Let's start off with the obvious
    If you dont take FLASH then you cant do this. So... Yeah... take flash. duh..

    But now lets get serious. What Summoners are best.


    You cant go wrong with TP. It's one of the most versatile summs in the game, from letting you control bot lane with a well timed TP Countergank, to getting you back to lane to farm after you int first blood away, You cant go wrong with TP. Great for Azir especially because of his propensity for late game scaling, the more you can keep yourself active on the map, the faster you're gonna get your items and get to late game. I generally take TP against poke mages mid or when the enemy mid laner isnt very threatening to me. (Xerath, Veigar, Ziggs, Zilean)


    These 2 are personally favorites of mine. Ignite and Exhaust are pretty interchangeable, but for different Elo Brackets.
    Ignite I find to be very strong up to Mid-Diamond Ranks, as a way to hard pressure lanes and create an early advantage through punishing positional errors. Once you get up past there, generally those opportunities will be found less often and Exhaust becomes the better of the 2.
    Exhaust is fantastic for punishing overaggression and overconfidence. In League, a great way to climb is through abusing your opponents mistakes rather than trying to create opportunities constantly yourself. Instead of engaging on an opponent, with Exhaust you'll be letting them engage you and punishing them for their transgressions.
    I take these against most AD mids or Assassins. (Wukong, Ekko, Zed, Talon)


    This is for all intents and purposes, your most situational option. While some champions (Looking at you LeBlanc, screw you) only need to hit a few buttons then take a rest, Azir is very much a champ based around constant uptime. Making sure you dont get CC'd for long periods to continue that uptime during fights, is extremely valuable. On top of the otherwise obvious reason for cleansing cc that would otherwise get you killed or caught out like TF Card or Sejuani Ult. I usually take this vs lanes with Primary CC Setup tools or vs teams with tons of hard CC. (Syndra, Veigar, TF, Sejuani)


    Barrier is basically the cowards version of ignite, you can take it if you want but we wont respect you. (I take barrier sometimes vs things like Syndra/LB Matchups if Im feeling too lazy to use Ign/Exh)


    nahhh... This is mid lane.


    Azir has many very versatile rune choices, some are a bit controversial, lets jump into it.


    Example Pages:

    I know this will be a controversial one, so we'll start here. Many of you may have seen Perkz say that anything other than Lethal Tempo is trolling, and that he... "Played Conqueror for one game, and its trash"
    I want to first and foremost make it very clear that I think Perkz is a great player (obviously) and deserves respect for his accomplishments. HOWEVER. These statements regarding Azir are some of the most ridiculously stupid things Ive heard from a Pro player, and is 1 of the MANY reasons that you should NEVER trust a Pros opinion on Azir builds.

    1. It takes MAAAAANY more than 20-30 games to get a grasp of Azir and if you think you have a handle on him in <50-100 then you are sadly mistaken im sorry to break it to you.
    2. Perkz very LITERALLY said he tried Conqueror for 1 game and decided its trash. This is absolutely mindblowing to hear from a professional player
    3. He gave 2 reasons for taking LT over Conq.
    • Lethal Tempo helps you shove lanes fast
    • LT is good vs 2+ frontliners
    1. Lethal DOES Help shove lanes, it is good for that, (Though not as much, Conqueror does too but we'll just ignore than for now ig) but if you're placing your soldiers properly (Which after 20 games I bet my life savings you are not) you can clear waves extremely easily and quickly without LT.
    2. LT is great vs frontliners! for, 6 seconds....
      Lets say you CAN keep attacking constantly for 6 Seconds in a fight and dont need to dodge any skillshots and youre getting max DPS upkeep the whole 6 seconds. (Benefit of the doubt given completely to Perkz/LT in this scenario) Lethal Tempo STILL does LESS DAMAGE THAN CONQUEROR! Not even mentioning Conquerors entirely separate benefit of healing and damage on all of your other abilities Q E R.
      Heres a video of both, in Practice tool. 4 Items level 16, vs a Dummy with 3.5k HP and 150 MR
      You can see that Conqueror still does a marginally increased amount of damage in 8 seconds of auto attacks. (Almost the exact same actually)
      Again lets not even consider how Conq will continue after these 8 seconds and gives you an additional healing bonus.

    As you can see, Conq is just straight up better than LT in every way other than the bit of lane pushing that Perkz mentioned, which I do think is important sometimes. At the end of the day, if you really like Lethal Tempo, you can definitely take it, but atm conqueror is just simply a stronger rune for fights, no contest, And I think its pretty irresonsible for Perkz to be talking like he does when he knows almost no facts on the subject, because people look up to him and he's just giving blatant misinformed information. Speaking of...


    Example Pages:

    Again our boy Perkz has outdone himself with his lack of knowledge of Azir. Implying that Electrocute is ever a viable rune on Azir. I've done many videos on this matter but the simple fact of the matter is, once again, Hail of Blades completely outclasses Electrocute in

    1. Damage
      - It just very literally deals more damage in a shorter window of time
    2. Safety
      - You can proc HoB from further range than Elec
    3. Consistency
      - HoB Cooldown is magnitudes shorter than Elec, so much so that you can get 3 procs of HoB off for every Electrocute Proc

    This isnt a Perkz hate thread so we'll end this here but Electrocute is completely ridiculous to take on Azir and HoB is just simply better in every way

    I personally love Hail of Blades vs Assassins and Squishy comps (As he did mention). But agree than vs 2+ tanks or frontliners you're going to want to opt for Conqueror instead.
    Hail is a great way to push leads during lane phase and curve a strong lead through midgame.
    Another reason why Hail is so amazing on Azir right now is its late game burst potential. HoB allows you to basically kill any squishy carry in 1 Q combo and makes you a huge threat to enemy carries once youve hit 3 items.
    Wit ha great early game, curving well into an extremely powerful late vs Squishies, Hail is a favorite of many Azir mains and is worth trying out if you value aggression and pick potential more than teamfights in any particular game.

    These are 2 runes that used to be quite popular but have really fallen out of favor lately due to just how strong things like HoB and Conqueror make you during the lane game. For lane poke, HoB is just simply stronger in ever way than these 2 runes, and they scale horribly into late unlike Hail. I would never take these right now and 99.9% of Azir mains agree on this.


    There are a few viable Item builds on Azir today and I'll go over all of them individually. Azirs builds can be quite situational!


    Nashors is fantastic for Azir. Even though he cant use its passive, it gives all the stats you could ever want in 1 3K Gold item. A Strong amount of AP, Attack Speed and CDR makes this all around the best Item for Azir, and will be your 1st purchase in 99% of games.
    After Nashors, pretty much EVERYTHING is situational. A great beginner build for Azir is Nashors into...
    Orb is a really well rounded item, giving Safety through HP, and high damage through AP and Flat Magic Pen. Its very cheap and an easy pickup earlygame, and as long as you dont finish it into morellos (Praise be to LS) then youre on a great curve into midgame spikes for your next item...
    What is there to say about Deathcap. It gives damage... A lot of it...
    Dcap is the best 3rd item option for raw power and will push you into late game with a huge DPS advantage over almost every champ in the game. If youre not worried about dying or you just want to dominate the damage charts, Dcap 3rd is always gonna be your best bet.
    Whatever you feel like you NEED. Void Staff for more Pen, or Banshees/Zhonyas for some survivability.


    Liandrys is a great pickup vs tanky Hp stackers or teams that will beef up early. Generally a 2nd or 3rd item replacement for Orb vs Tankier Comps. Building a Liandrys 2nd into Void Staff 3rd will let you maintain a curve to shred through tanks the entire game, especially if you throw in a Deathcap 4th, no one, not even the tankiest Ornn, will be able to keep up with you. (You can combine this with a Rylais at times later on into the game to kite bruisers and tanks like Darius, Ornn or Trundle)

    Banshees/Zhonyas are two sides of the same coin. Vs an annoying Leblanc? Take a Banshees. Vs a pesky Nocturne that wont leave you be? Take a Zhonyas. Vs a Sejuani that keeps engaging on your with Q/R? Banshees. Vs a Syndra that keeps trying to be Syndra? Get both...
    They are both safety based items that help a ton to stay alive and keep putting out big DPS, slot them in wherever you feel you need them in any particular game.


    LC is one of those controversial items. A lot of Azir mains love to build it to supplement early mana, and leave it as LC to sell later on. It depends on your runes, and personal preference, and if your jungler will be giving you blues or not, but its a decent pickup early especially if youre new to Azir and havent mastered managing his mana bar yet to supplement your Mana until you stack your Presence of Mind.


    Ludens is an item that used to be more of a mainstay on Azir, but due to the addition of Conqueror has mostly fallen out of favor because of the extreme synergy between Nashors and Conq.
    Despite this, Ludens Remains a favorite of mine with my personal DH Ludens Build for Solo queue. It gives extremely high Burst and Oneshot potential on carries, and scales very well into late. The downside is that it's SUUUUPER punishable! So if you choose to test this one out, beware.
    Example Page and Build:



    Early game on Azir is all about escaping. Escaping ganks, Escaping all-ins, and just generally escaping early game to scale up into late.
    Azir has really good poke during lane, especially if youre taking Hail of Blades. Pressuring your opponent through poking and aggression is a great way to ease your lane phase and smoothly transition yourself into mid-late. Azirs ONLY Goal, its to hit late game unimpeded.
    ROAMING is gonna be a no-no. Sorry to all of you coming over from maining Talon and Pyke but Azir is DEFINITELY not a roamer. His weak escape combined with low early damage means if you happen to meet an enemy jg on your way to gank bot, youre pretty doomed. The best way to find a lead early is to let the opponent roam and shove down towers fast with your Nashors and W Passive AS buff. If the enemy mid is really intent on roaming, its not at all unlikely that you can shove down a tier 2 tower by 15 minutes by just sticking mid and shoving like mad.
    ONE OF MY MAIN MIDGAME AZIR STRATS is to shove down tier 2 mid as fast as possible, and help my jungler take control of 2nd Herald. If you can manage this, the game is almost certainly over. By doing this it lets Azir throw down his Passive Turret on enemy tier 2, drop Herald with your team, and take a SUUUPER early inhib, which can allow you and your team to sweep up outers and dragons across the map.
    Even if this doesnt happen, being able to shove and place a tower deep in enemy lines, means you'll be creating a ton of pressure on the map that the enemy needs to answer. This will more often than not free up your side lanes to take their outers and allow your team to create a lead free from Jungle pressure.


    Transitioning into late game is Azirs bread and butter, this is where you really start to shine.
    3+ Items is when Azir becomes a solo carry monster, being able to shred tanks and 1-shot squishies. Your goal in late is to get your team to group with you and teamfight. Being alone on Azir during late is never a good idea, youre very easy to pick off and an extremely high value target. If you manage to get your solo queue teammates to group, then your almost assured to win fights. Azirs teamfight control and damage output late game is one of the best in the game.
    Play your teamfights slow, front to back, use your ult to peel yourself or important allies, and you'll be on track to win most fights. While shuffling in for a huge combo can be fun, its a surefire way to throw games in a hurry if you do it incorrectly. HOWEVER, past level 16, if you see an opportunity for a shuffle onto an out of position enemy Carry, you'll almost certainly oneshot them, so if you feel like a 1 for 1 trade is worth, or you think you can do it and get away with it, then its a very powerful tool for turning the tides in a fight.


    This is what I'm sure a ton of you are here for, the spicy Azir combos. Lets go over them 1 by 1

    Basic Shuffle

    Pretty simple, W to Place a Soldier, E to dash to it, then Redirect Dash with your Q.
    Great for movement around the map, and for setting up engages or maaany other things. One of the games most versatile combos.
    Its all about timing, so practice practice practice! Getting the max range on your dash is something that comes with many games played, just be patient!

    Long Shuffle

    This is just the basic Shuffle, but abusing the mechanics of your Q to extend it.
    Azirs Shuffle works more like a Blink than a Dash. While with things like LeBlanc W you will faceplant a wall if you cant get fully through, Ezreal E and Kassadin R will push you through if you at least can get past the MAJORITY of the wall.
    Use this knowledge to extend the range of your Shuffle, and make it over some pretty insane distances.
    Basic Azirsec

    Youve all seen this one, Basic Shuffle into the enemy team and then push them back with your Ult.

    Though simple it requires good timing and can pull off some pretty insane plays. Not much explanation needed here

    But lets backtrack for a Second and talk about the...

    The combo is W E Q R

    Double Soldier Dash

    Now lets get into stuff you may not know about. The Double Soldier Dash as I call it, is a way to animation cancel an extra Soldier down, while in the middle of your E.
    As you can see you waste no time in placing the soldier, but the timing can be tight to get off your Q afterwards, so you'll need quick hands, and a good handle on how having multiple Soldiers can change the trajectory of your Q. This is very powerful for engages in lane, as it makes it FAR quicker to proc your W passive. In combination with Hail of Blades this can make for some pretty dangerous all-in potential.

    The combo is W E W Q


    Heres one many of you may have seen in Montages or on Streams of Azir mains, but dont know how to replicate. Its actually quite simple, but requires a lot of practice to master the timing of.
    You'll need an enemy to walk between you and your soldier (usually) to make this work. It's simply dashing to your soldier and then dashing back to where you started, then pressing R to drag the enemy with you. The best advice for this is just to practice it in Practice tool and get used to spamming the ever living h*ck out of your R key after you Q backwards.

    Here is an Example

    The combo is W E Q R


    As far as I'm aware, no one but me has performed This Mechanic in a real game. (I'd be happy to be shown otherwise please link if youve seen this before)

    This is a combination of the Revenant Shuffle and the Double Soldier Dash, including the Extra Soldier in your Revenant to land with more potential damage.
    It's basically in all ways just a better version of the Revenant Shuffle but is very hard to perform and requires very quick hands and a great knowledge of Azirs Mechanics
    Here is another Example of it being done

    The combo is W E W Q R


    As we wrap up, I'd like to briefly go over your passive tower, and some general tips for Azir.


    I had a great coaching session with Elite500 that covered a ton of stuff related to Soldier Placement, I recommend watching that to get a good grasp on how I view Soldier Placement and repositioning to be the most impactful thing for a new Azir player to learn.
    In short, Placing soldiers properly and being patient with placing/readjusting them with Q is the MOST important thing you can do on Azir.


    Patience is something that leads into good tower placement a lot. It has a long cooldown and is extremely powerful, so being too hasty in placing it is a BIG mistake. The knowledge comes with time, but learning where and when good tower placements are is super important.

    1. Placing it for a Siege with your team
      Especially when you have Baron/Herald
    2. Placing it to stall
      Especially when the enemy team has Baron/Herald
    3. Placing it to draw pressure
      Drawing Jungle/Support mid to free up your side lanes can help your whole team get ahead
    4. Placing it to assert dominance
      If youre mega fed just throw it down and bait their whole team into it and kill them all ok thanks for coming to my ted talk


    Your Q is trash. I know I know, its a bit harsh, but hear me out.
    Azir Q is not a Veigar ult and its not a Syndra Q. This is not a burst ability. Its only utility later in the game is to reposition your soldiers during fights. SO DONT USE IT OFF COOLDOWN! Its important to save this CD as the rest of your kit hinges on it! If you have a Proc of your W up, ALMOST ALWAYS use that before reposition your soldiers with Q. If someone dives you, if someone dashes or blinks away, youre going to need your Q to follow them or escape, so dont blow this recklessly, only use it as a last resort.


    We need to all be honest here, this is not controversial and if you disagree, youre wrong

    Warring Kingdoms is the only good skin
    Followed Slightly behind by Default
    Followed Slightly behind by Galactic

    These are the only Azir skins, there are no others. Thank you


    I appreciated all of you taking the time to read this, its very long T_T

    Azir has been popping up more and more around the world so I thought it would be good for a real Azir main to give their thoughts out properly so new players who want to pick him up have a good place to start from. If you enjoyed this I recommend checking out my other guides on Youtube and to follow me on Twitch where I play Azir and answer questions daily!

    Thanks again for reading! Please let me know if I missed anything and gl out there Shurimans

    submitted by /u/DriftKingNA
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    A lot of Lulu players, including pros like G2 Mikyx, have swapped to Relic Shield. What other supports would go Relic Shield?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:31 PM PDT


    Something I've noticed is that of the 7 Lulu support games this season, 6 of them have been Relic Shield with only one Spellthief's.

    And not only that, but many of them have been into melee supports. Mikyx for example used Lulu as a counterpick to Tahm Kench, and yet he still went for the defensive Relic Shield over Spellthief's despite the fact that Tahm Kench should theoretically just be free Spellthief's procs.

    So either I'm missing something, or Relic Shield is just super strong. To be fair, Lulu isn't really picked for her laning prowess like a champion like Nami is, so that could be a reason.

    Maybe Janna could also pick up Relic Shield?

    I considered Sona, because she's super squishy so having that extra health would be super helpful, but Relic Shield has no mana regeneration whatsoever. I feel like Sona would struggle a lot without mana regen.

    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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    a question from a low-elo player...

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    hello all,

    this post may be a little long, but i appreciate anyone that takes the time to read it completely and give me the best advice they possibly can.

    i'm at a bit of a halt with my League of Legends journey. i have been playing for the most part of the day for the past 10 months and am currently hard-stuck Silver 3. i have identified many of my flaws as to why i am so incredibly hardstuck; the main one being i cannot commit your a champion (or champion pool) that i can learn thoroughly and use to climb with consistently. i'm constantly champ hopping and never going in-depth when it comes to champion micro, because i turn away the second i have a few bad games as the champion.

    i'm trying to change this. i'm challenging myself to play the 2 champions I've always played best, and those 2 only: Sylas and Taliyah (in the mid lane). now, my question is derived from constant advice i get from people when i tell them i'm hardstuck Silver, and that is "play Annie and Diana".

    so, i've been playing constantly for 10 months. during this time, you'd expect me to at least have the basics of macro understood and implemented into my game. i would personally say i have, and i also believe i have even further knowledge about the game from watching tutor videos and pros play; however, i'm yet to properly implement this into my game.

    with this in mind, my question is: is it really still best for me to play the braindead champions? and to extend to this, when is a good time to stop playing the "braindead champions". i suppose i am a little confused when people say to play the easy champions, because they never tell you when is a good time move on. i want to climb, sure but i feel that 10 months is long enough for me to move forward and play champions that are a little more micro-intensive.

    but then i go on massive 6-7 game loss streaks and begin to doubt my ability and start to question whether i should ditch the champions i enjoy playing, and play the "braindead" champions. but again, when do i move on from the braindead champions? when i get to Gold? when i get to Plat? how is playing braindead champions going to teach me any micro skills that can be applied to the tougher champions that interest me?

    i guess ultimately, i want to know what a player of my experience should be doing. how long do people recommend to play champions like Annie, and when does the recommendation stop? what criteria is a player supposed to meet, before it is acceptable to play tougher champions? and how does playing easier champs benefit micro aspects of the game? if i am to play a tonne of Sylas now, or after playing another 5 months of Annie, how is that going to benefit me? Sylas will still be much harder than Annie in a way that the skills i have with Annie wont reflect on Sylas, or any other more intense champion.

    any help would be appreciated. it's late, and i'm busting out this before i collapse asleep; so i apologise if this post lacks some fluency.


    submitted by /u/tempermentaltyrant-
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    I just got the game yesterday and have been trying out different characters. I started playing Nunu and I need some help.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    So I just got the game yesterday, I know some of the basic terms and how to generally overall play the game. I tried out Nunu and really liked the look of him? I know he's a jungler but is there any other roles he can play, also what order should I be upgrading his abilities and what build should I use on him. Lastly, overall is he good at all or should I just avoid him and keep looking for a new character. If you do answer this question, please answer in basic terms because again I just got the game yesterday and don't know all the complex terms and stuff yet.

    submitted by /u/godcakeisgod
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    How to farm in lane?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    I'm able to reach 100 cs pretty consistently in the practice tool by 10 minutes but in game I can only get to 50. Like for example in my last game I was zoe against a taliyah. I couldn't take any cs because she would full combo me, even when I was behind minions, and kill me. It was to the point I couldn't even farm properly

    submitted by /u/leaf_kiddo
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    When should I hit minions as a support?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:10 AM PDT

    I'm new to the game, I know you're not supposed to take cs but under what circumstances should I auto attack the minions? My adc's always question mark me when i hit the minions cause it messes up their rhythm, but I find that it's important for wave control but I'm not exactly sure when to do this

    submitted by /u/mollysaidfuckoff
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    In DuoQ the game difficulty level goes to the roof

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    I'm playing DuoQ with a friend, then there's a high griding in DuoQ and I'm noticing a pattern: 2 or 3 games the difficult level goes to the roof because someone ints at least 5 kills to the enemy laner at 10 minutes (they don't stall the lane and proceed to fight the fed enemy over and over), someone goes AFK randomly or someone decide to AFK farm then ignore everyone while the enemy team engages on us as much as they can.

    Most of the time I'm facing a safe laner that allows them to make mistakes or it's hard to find mistakes (let's say Maokai, Malphite, etc.).

    They can be 30 cs down but those picks allows them to get carried. It looks like a coinflip. I queue up with other friends and people I met in SoloQ that we had a great sinergy in previous games, I got the same result. There was also a guy that I played with 3 games in a row in SoloQ, he was 3 times in my team and one time in the enemy team, I won all those games but the moment we queue up as a duo partner, things went south, a 3-4 lose streak.

    But when I engage into a SoloQ game with no partner, it's really different. The difficulty level is even/balanced most of the time, I can enable my team to carry me if they're ahead or I can roam to help (let's say I'm playing Camille or Riven) while they stall the lane if they facing a harsh lane. I almost never face a hard inter and most of those games are carriables. Those things don't happen when I DuoQ. I also find playing alone very boring and discouraging. I also started to think that League it's not my kind of game.

    submitted by /u/Mugiwarasenpai
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    Can someone explain to me the basics of Jungling in a way that a dummy like me could understand?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:28 PM PDT

    Originally a Top lane main but I wanted to move to Jungle to avoid the Sett/Morde/Darius/Garen stat check clown fiesta going on at Top. Its been refreshing but now I am in a situation that I am getting absolutely wrecked in the jungle. I honestly can't find one issue since it seems that I just don't have a firm grasp of the pure basics.

    For example, In one Poppy game I went for a full clear to get to level 6 and cinderhulk as fast as possible but by the time I reached to my last camp (in this case krugs) the enemy Vi went to top and got first blood right during the middle of me clearing my krugs. Naturally I panicked and went to top to try to do something only for the Vi to simply walk back to her jungle and taking both scuttles. Later on I try to gank mid lane with a ally Hiem and a enemy Yasuo but once again with zero results, the Yasuo just easily backed off. During all of this Vi ganked bot lane and was able to get that lane snowballing, at this point the game went downhill super fast and ended with my entire jungle being the property of the enemy team.

    This so far has been a recurring theme with my games, I often find myself frantically trying to keep up while the enemy jungler is being one step ahead of me regardless of the match up.

    At this point I just took a deep breath and decided that I need to go back to basics but honestly I just can't seem to find a starting point. I have been looking into Virkayu's jungle guide videos and while he does provide some great tips, it feels like information overload to me with stuff like tracking the enemy jungler pathing, alternate gank paths, invading, balancing farming/ganking, reactive pathing, proper kiting, etc.

    I just can't find a proper starting point, what should I focus on first?

    Also, is there a Garen/Annie equivalent of the jungler role? I feel like I should pick up someone simple so that way I can focus less on the champion's mechanics and more on the fundamentals of the role itself.

    submitted by /u/GIJose65
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    Tips on how to die less?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    I keep dying whenever I use chogath mid. It's not that the person in my lane kills me, it's that the jungles always seem to gank me so I can't get any kills. Whenever I'm about to kill someone with chogath, the jungles always comes and fucks me up. How do I avoid this and how do I play safer.

    submitted by /u/alive_user_of_reddit
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    Pros Using Honeyfruit for Baron Setup?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 05:02 PM PDT

    I know I've seen a few times professional teams pop the honeyfruit and don't take any of the fruits (I went back to find examples but couldn't find any quickly). Is it possible they do this for the small CC for the enemy team entering the river from red side during baron setup? The honeyfruit slows for 35% for 0.25 seconds, but it's free CC no matter how small. Has anyone else noticed this? It would be helpful if anyone could find an example and let me know what teams are doing it.

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    Wave managment question

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    If i push up to the enemy turret and right in front of it the enemy wave hits mine so it would freez if i back now do i also push this wave aswell and then b or do i just go back and let it freez infront of enemy turret ? also if there are exactly 6 of mine and 6 of the enemy minions hitting each other infront of My turret what can i do if i dont want the lane to push since i wont be able to freeze and my lane automaticaly pushes towards them they can freeze it infront of there turret and then i am lockt out of farm again.

    submitted by /u/Illhoon
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    Sources/guides for Irelia and Kayle

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:54 PM PDT

    I am a pretty average player and am only level 22 ( https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=KlTSUNE+ ). I'm planning on maining Kayle and Irelia, since Kayle is a nice hypercarry and I like Irelia's playstyle of high mobility. I've got the general idea on how to play the champions, their runes, and their skill order, so I'm looking for guides that can tell me on how to play them effectively.

    I know at this stage of the game I should focus on levelling and the basics of league (i.e. csing and tracking enemy jungler) but I think maining them should help me develop my mechanical skills and I enjoy using them.

    So can u guys give me tips, guides or videos of pros that can help me develop my skills with them

    submitted by /u/TheTrainDogFox
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    Advice on Neeko’s W

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    I'm beginning to play and want to learn Neeko as much as my other mid main champions. I understand Neeko in the laning phase and I'm still learning to transition Neeko into the late game.

    My question is when/how do I use Neeko's W? What's it used for and when do I want to use it?

    submitted by /u/hoboworld546
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    I know this sub is for new players but I need some quick advice/knowledge

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:46 PM PDT

    i was just watching bjergsen's stream and after his game, something popped up on his screen that gave statistics such as "your cs was __% above average for ___ rank", and i was just wondering what programs there are out there that automatically give you statistics like that after your game finishes. im currently d1 hardstuck and am looking to push into masters and i think a program like this could help me a lot

    submitted by /u/craziboiXD69
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