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    Thursday, April 16, 2020

    LoL Guide r/summonerschool is looking for new moderators! Application link inside.

    LoL Guide r/summonerschool is looking for new moderators! Application link inside.

    r/summonerschool is looking for new moderators! Application link inside.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    *(if you want to get started immediately, here is the link)

    Hello r/summonerschool!

    As the premier forum and community for the learning and discussion of League of Legends, we are constantly seeing an increase in lively help and active discussion -- something that we have been very proud of. This community would not have been what it is if it was not for you, the users. But with rising activity comes with its strain -- and thus, we are once again looking for amazing users who want to take a crucial part in curating and directing the community so that we can continue to foster even greater discussion for the game we all love (and hate).

    And thus, moderator applications are open once again! But of course, we want to highlight that experience is NOT key for success. The best quality that we could ask for is 1) a level of dedication, and 2) a willingness to learn. The questions that we will ask within the application will reflect on these values.

    Anyhow, here is the form for you to get started. Good luck, summoners! We are looking forward to be reading your applications.

    Feel free to ask us any meta-related questions as well. We will try to respond as quickly as possible.

    Thank you!

    The r/summonerschool team

    submitted by /u/politburo_take_potat
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    My problem with what is considered low and high elo

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    So I've been listening to a lot of different videos on youtube about league, as well as posts about it and I've been quite frustrated for a while now. We hear the terms "High Elo" and "Low Elo" in regards to how the game is played. obviously in "low elo" the game is quite different for numerous reason then it is at "high elo". This, I agree with.

    Serperating the player base into two groups based on how the game plays at each "elo" isn't my problem. My problem is what is considered high and low elo. Most sources say that high elo starts at minimum Diamond+, whereas some even say Diamond 2, as "Diamond 4 is boosted players". anything below that, is considered low elo. Hypothetically if this is true then that's stating that only 2% of league is "high elo" where the game is played different, and the rest of league is all in generally the same catagory considered "low elo"

    Now, I've been playing this game since season 3, and I've been as high as Diamond 3 in season 6, and have played all the way up from bronze when i started. I currently sit at plat 3. I do not buy that iron, bronze and silver is at the same gameplay style as high gold, plat, or even high plat. The gameplay difference of gold Stating that 97.8% of league (according to op.gg teir breakdown list) is all the same gameplay style, whereas only 2.11% of league is in a different realm of there own seems crazy to me.

    Therefor, I think there has to be something introduced like a "mid elo" catagory on most of these lists and/or videos. I think if you're in the top 20% of league players (which is considered mid gold and above) or even in the top 10% (plat 4 and up) then you should no longer be considered "low elo" as you're now better then 80-90 PERCENT of the rest of league, and games in high gold and plat are no where near the same style as iron, bronze and silver where most players are still learning the game.

    I would love some productive deliberation on this from players of all different elo's to see what they think!

    TL;DR: what's considered high elo is way to "exclusive" and we should reconsider what high and low elo even mean

    submitted by /u/Dengate1
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    The most effective way to use rift herald on a plated tower

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:40 PM PDT

    Something that people often forget about turrets is that as a turret begins to lose plates, it also gains more resistances. The rift herald charge does true damage which bypasses these resistances. Therefore, if you are in a position to siege a plated tower with the rift herald, you should use it after you've taken off some of the platings so that the true damage rift charge takes out the tankier plates left remaining. Obviously there are situations where this is not the most effective play, however just as a general note, if it is possible then this should be the optimal usage of the herald.

    submitted by /u/SN_Mercy
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    A prediction for the future: Later this season Omnirune abusers will dominate the top lane

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    Omnirune has been innocently flying under the radar since a launch that was deemed as "Underwhelming".

    The argument for not picking the rune were from too inconsistent to my champ can't use X or Y rune.

    Yet most inhabitants of the top lane can use almost all runes in the game, and Omnirune brings it all in a neat package of doom that renewals every 5 seconds - considerably shorter than other runes.

    That's not Omnirune's strongest feature tho. It's the fact every single other rune is stronger ... and omnirune is every single other rune in a shorter randomized cooldown. You can trade nonstop in the top lane knowing you'll have an useful combat bonus at hand every <5 seconds while your oponent is stuck in cooldown.

    Yes, Omnirune is cooldown-less. You can be playing against a Fiora she'll get PTA into Electrocute into Conqueror in a span of 15 seconds. Enjoy

    The unpredictability of Omnirune makes it strong. Let the reing of chaos begin!

    EDIT: Forgot to add, Omnistone was already buffed in Patch 10.1

    Cooldown for Melee role melee champions reduced to 5 − 3 (based on level) seconds from 7 − 3 (based on level).

    Cooldown for Ranged role ranged champions reduced to 9 − 7 (based on level) seconds from 11 − 7 (based on level)

    submitted by /u/Quo210
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    Can somebody explain to me the difference between fasting Senna and support Senna

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    I get the concept, I get why not farming is better, I just don't understand how it's any different than just being support. All the fasting Senna's in my games queue bot, not support and force the support main to farm. I don't see how it's not better to queue support so you don't end up with a janna/nami 2 trick having to farm bot.

    submitted by /u/replayaccount
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    Making some infographics for ideal champions for each team comp. Would love some feedback!

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 05:32 AM PDT

    I'm making a guide for my friends on team compositions and how to utilize them effectively and decided to make some infographics on which champions are ideal for each team comp. Here is my first one on split pushing comps:


    I would love feedback on the general clarity and readability of the table and whether you think the champions are appropriately rated. Keep in mind that this isn't a rating of the best split pushers in the game, but a rating of the best champs in each role that can support a split pushing style of play. Thank you for any advice!

    If you think it's useful I would gladly upload all of them to this subreddit when I am finished.

    submitted by /u/SpookyImmobilisedToe
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    Question about jungle: I’m new and I realize jungle is the most complex since you have to move all over the map

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    I was playing a game at Jungle and it was about 9 minutes in. I was farming gold pretty even with the other jungler. Some Top Lane on my team started freaking out saying I wasn't helping him at all and that we are losing because of me. I thought in the initial part of the game I should be farming up to get stronger which obviously I wouldn't be able to do if I was helping my top lane with 1v1s. Was I supposed to go top or continue farming? Btw the dude was 1/5/0 when this happened.

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    Want to get better a League? Here's how.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    I've seen a lot of posts on this sub asking for help on how to improve in League, and getting some good answers. Watching replays, streamers, looking up guides, etc. is all super helpful. But there's one piece of advice that I don't see getting mentioned enough and what really helped me when I was learning the game. That is,

    Play with players better than yourself.

    When I started playing this game, I played 1000 normal games with more than a 50% wn rate before starting ranked. I hit gold, but I really still didn't know too much about playing the game. I only really started improving when I met a couple diamond/plat players and started playing games with them. The difference is skill level was eye-opening and Iearned more from playing with them than most of my previous games combined. Whenever they said something, I did it, no questions asked. I talked to them after the games, and they explained their reasoning. It gave a way better understanding of the game and of higher-level decision making.

    My suggestion is find those higher ranked players, play with them on their mains, ask questions, and listen. Listening is also a key way of getting better. Assume they know more than you at the time and then ask questions afterwards. I would wager that they're right most of the time.

    I know finding higher level players to play with you might be easier said than done, but I've found more than a few people willing to play with me, even when I was lower ranked. Some people like playing League and helping others, myself included. It never hurts to ask and it will help your improve significantly.

    submitted by /u/Xlcontiqu
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    The new XP change might not negatively affect ADCs

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    TLDR: The kill XP changes might slow games down which is always a good thing for ADCs.

    No hate, I'm an ADC main :) The XP changes are said to be a direct nerf to botlane since it will make the XP difference with solo lanes even bigger. But I believe it is too early to tell. Of all the kills from solo laners, how many are solo and how many are from ganks/roams? I would like to believe that the higher the elo, the more kills come from ganks/roam which means there will be less XP on the map in general.

    -Many people are predicting less gank-oriented junglers are more farm-oriented junglers which could slow down the game.

    -Tanks might come back in solo lanes since roaming will be less effective and they are also harder to solo kill (so less bonus XP). Not only would they slow down the game, their presence gives more power to late game ADCs.

    -the amount of XP in botlane from kills is lowered which means hyper carries might find more space compared to bullies and supports might be more oriented towards peel/survive/outscale rather than engage/damage.

    Solo laners will stomp harder if they stomp but in an even environment, all these contribute to slower games and potentially better ones for ADCs. Not saying this is a clear cut, I know this is all theoretical but I understand why Riot would not buff ADC straight away and wait at least for a patch before taking action.


    submitted by /u/AuzaiphZerg
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    How do you guys feel about Gnar right now?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    I've been playing a ton of him lately. Top lane obviously, runes wise I have been going, Grasp into tanks, Aery into juggernauts, and fleet into a usable matchups. Build path Cleaver into Deaths dance into full tank, how do you guys think he fits in the meta? what runes? builds? etc.

    submitted by /u/onefathippo
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    Do we care too much about winrates and the meta?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    I've been playing League since season 3, where I got to Silver 1 and then got Gold in pre-season 4, then I proceeded to get Gold 2 in season 4 and Platinum in pre-season 5. In season 5, I finally reached Diamond while being a Riven main and playing assassins in the midlane, and that's where, for reasons I genuinely don't understand nowadays, I stopped playing.

    In seasons 6, 7 and 8, all I did was play my promos to get Gold for the free skin. In season 9, I finally got back to the game for real and got to Platinum 2 (from Silver 2) in under 2 weeks and 100 games, which I thought was great after so much time without playing. But not managing to get back to Diamond (and even dropping back to Platinum 4) really messed with my confidence, which made me start looking for guides, winrates and the meta more often.

    In this season, I'm currently hardstuck low Gold with a whopping 43% winrate in 105 games, which is the worst I've ever been in this game. I've been trying new champions, switching lanes, roles and playstyles and trying to abuse the meta because I read so much about how x champion is free elo and y champion is dogshit... I've played more Darius this season (a champion that I find boring and superficial) than my main, because I only read bad things about her and that makes me afraid to play it.

    So, I just decided to do a quick search on season 5's winrates and I noticed Riven's winrate was below 50% (I also remembered that it was around the time where her E's ratios got absolutely gutted), and... I was surprised, because at that same time I got to Diamond almost one-tricking her with a whopping 68% winrate (112w/53l).

    So, while I'm aware the game has changed a fuckton and there are more and more overloaded champions that dominate games and matchups even harder, are we all just going crazy with the numbers? Are we letting winrates dictate a champion's success or failure without even giving them a chance in the first place?

    Is the meta a huge placebo effect that we all get stuck in, or is it genuinely better to learn "meta" champions with high winrate than sticking to comfort picks?

    submitted by /u/Artiih
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    How do i go back to winning the further i rank up?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    So i've been on a winstreak of 8 games got promoted to gold 1 then i got hit with a 4 loss streak, like it seems too consistent in that sense. I have a decent champion pool, not the most meta but i always pick depending on the matchup to make sure i win it and look for plays across the map when i can but i don't do that as often as i should i think. What i don't get is why i'm suddenly just losing games, same thing happened last season, i got to plat 4 and just winning was quite harder. I thought about maybe picking up another lane with more "impact" (i'm a top laner), but i realized i'm just in gold/plat and the argument of top lane has no impact seems too invalid in my elo or i'm just stupid and talking outta my ass and all of this is just the RNG gods are mad at me.

    submitted by /u/Youssof666
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    How do I avoid dying to this type of an invade?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    So I was playing Evelynn today, Blue/North Side. I started my blue and pathed up to Red for a full clear, fairly standard. As I got to my red, I was met by the enemy Rengar, which caused me to lose my red and krugs. I walked straight to bot-side crab, healing with passive on the way, then took his raptors.

    Obviously Eve being a weaker jungler, I know I'm susceptible to invades. The invade(clip below), took place around 2:40, so well after any lvl 1 ward would have provided me vision of.


    My question is, what can I do to keep my red in this scenario? Is there anything I can do, or am I basically at the whims of the enemy jungler should he decided to invade? I think given where I was left, I took tmade thet, but it still feels really shitty to think that any jungler who so wishes can deny me the majority of my top side should the so chose with no counterplay. Any advice?


    submitted by /u/Thinkinaboutu
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    Did they nerf Adc again with the Lone Wolf mechanic?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 03:09 AM PDT

    Am I missing something or the new "Lone Wolf" mechanic is going to buff sololanes (and aggressive early game junglers), which means another nerf to botlane? There already is a 3 lv difference in midgame. It's gonna be even better now...

    What am I missing?

    submitted by /u/Zekutsu
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    I'm struggling to do pretty much anything with Riven, please help

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    So i have around 30k mastery points on Riven (which i know isn't that much, but i still believe i should have some good games once in a while). I know Riven has a lot of combos, and i know some of them but i don't really have the instinct to use them in game. I also know that Riven gets most of her damage from her empowered autos.

    What I cannot wrap my head around is her laning phase. Either i go against a poke/harass matchup and i have to stay under turret all laning phase or i go against a tank which i can't do anything against. If I ever try to trade with my opponent i just get destroyed. If i try to afk farm I just get outscaled or killed while farming. I am not to sure if she is early, mid or late game.

    In teamfights I try to flank and get to the squishies but I fail to do any real damage as i get cc'd and killed pretty instantly.

    Any tips would be appreciated, especially for her laning phase, thanks!

    submitted by /u/DaGreenDoritos
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    How do i play top lane?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    Hi, im g4 player, hardstuck, missed like 5 plat promos and went on loosing streaks down to almost falling to silver again. Probably cuz i sometimes play while tilted.

    I was midlane main for like 3 seasons, and for the sake of duoing with my friend who was also midlane main i switched to something else. Tried adc, went pretty well but i feel like i depend too much on supports nowadays. So i wanted to go solo lane and went top, playing irelia, camille, riven and fiora.

    The thing is, i feel like im playing the lane too passive, just farming, freezing the wave and sometimes dont even touch the tower during the laning phase. To change that i realised i have to take trades on the lane but i always end up being on the losing side which gets me tilted and drives me into mindset that every champ besides mine is broken on top lane.

    Even if i get a successfull gank from my jungler which isn't pretty often, it doesnt seem like it gives me lead, or i just don't know how to use it...

    I am just desperate for help, and i need u top lane mains to help me out, i have been watching vods, seen some yt channels like pro guides or zen coaching, but it just seems like i am literally an ape for top. Is it possible the role by itself is just not for me?

    submitted by /u/jsv23
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    The Gold Support Nightmare

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    Hello dudes!

    Exclusively support player here. Last 2 seasons I've ended in low plat, while this one I find it tremendously hard to climb through gold. I've reached gold II with almost 60% wr, and since then, it has always been a constant decline, and now I'm gold IV. With 100 games played now, I really don't know what to do, it' s quite overwhelming.

    Playing champs like leona or blitz helps me to almost always win the lane lately. But that's of no help at all, because it seems as every time I hard win my lane, always plant the good wards and try my best to orient my team towards objectives, not for kills, respect my role in the game, it is not enough!

    There's always gonna be a hard carry on other lanes that manage to singlehandedly win the game. I know how to play almost all supp champs, and try to pick based on team comp, enemy team comp, ad/ap, cc amount, damage amount,stage impact and bot lane match-ups. Lately i just try to pick only the most hard carry supps, mostly engage-type ones, but again, no matter how hard i carry bot, it's useless.

    What do you think about this? How can this situation be surpassed from the support role, given the fact that it s the only one that i know and want to play?

    Help a brother, would you?

    submitted by /u/AzadIgasho
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    Is Graves really OP?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    Ever since the new Phase Rush Graves became a thing he has been hard carrying a lot of my games.

    Is this champ/build combination actually over powered right now?

    How do I beat it?

    He gets really tanky from his passive and with his E and Phase Rush he can decide to stay in or go out at any time. His gank potential is actually strong with phase rush because he can just run you down.

    His w helps him proc phase rush super quickly so he usually opens up with that.

    What are his weaknesses and how can I stop this monster from carrying against me?

    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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    I lost a game

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    Hey guys I just lost a game.

    It was my fault and it was one single thing that I did and it cost us the entire game.

    TLDR: Drag is important but you can't take it if you are dead.

    Context: Team is even with enemy team. I have CS lead. I am playing Ashe into MF in Gold 1.


    My Yasuo died to a couple of ganks but my jungler did well and I invaded with him to get him an early lead. He is playing mundo so he scales like a monster into an unkillable tank.

    I am walking back to lane when second drag starts. I know that drag is important and I am thinking on my way back to lane that we have to get vision of it. I have a pink ward in my inventory and I ping omw to dragon.

    I start walking over and I throw out my hawkshot and it spots the enemy midlaner camping my lane.

    You can see in the VOD that my instinctual reaction was to walk away and I should have gotten out safe. But I was so hard focused on placing that pink ward in the dragon pit that I just walked right into malzahar and gave him a free R. I just threw out spells as fast as I could but the ability usage doesn't matter no matter how bronze it was. Nothing was going to save me there. The idea was to break his shield with W and R him but there was no way I was walking out of it alive.

    They took the dragon, they invaded my bot side jungle. They used that pressure to take bot turret and rotate for herald. Used second herald to break our base with a baron push and take all but our nexus. We had one more chance to fight but Yasuo got caught out and the game was over.

    It was 100% my fault for losing this game and I know it. I made one single mistake and it cost us the entire game.

    My teamates called me dog shit. They flamed me the whole game and said I was worthless trash that couldn't be carried. And it was true. All because I wanted to put a pink ward on dragon as an Ashe with no flash.

    I just wanted to share this with you guys because sometimes that's all it takes.

    Just one single mistake can lose you the game so maybe you can learn from this and not hyper focus on placing that pink ward exactly in the center of baron pit even though you spot danger from a mile away.

    GL homies and try to play smart!

    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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    What is it about Gangplank that is so strong?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    I just played him for the first time, I won lane and tilted my enemy, I got some good roams and took objectives, but it wasn't anything I don't do every game. His kit, other than his R, seems kinda lackluster. I just don't get why he and his one tricks do well enough that I see posts complaining about him.

    Educate me, please

    Edit: Even his win rate isn't exactly impressive...

    submitted by /u/breehops
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    Kayn/ jungle questions

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    Hello! I have some questions about the jungle and kayn. First when and what form to use and why? Should you start Raptors? What build/runes is good on him? Do you need sweeper even if he can run through walls? What are his good and bad matchups and how does he fit into the current meta? Also I'm looking for 2 more jg pics and suggestions, I am not biased on anyone. Thanks yall!

    submitted by /u/QueenTricia
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    How do i push for lvl 2 without getting lvl 3 ganked?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    Lets say you are in a skill matchup in toplane, you want to push early on to get that lvl 2 power spike but the enemy jungler starts botside. How do you manage the wave to make it somewhat safe, when do you ward.

    Or i shouldnt ever push for lvl 2 when the enemy jg is on the oposite side? i keep getting fucked in lane because of this, even if i do spot the enemy jungler i just lose insane amount of farm

    submitted by /u/EmilianoR24
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    Tip that should be obvious but seemingly isn't: Keep an eye on respawn timers when you're pushing after a fight.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    If the fed Yi has a big number next to his portrait that says "5" then you PROBABLY don't have enough time to take that Nexus turret.

    On the flip side, if you've won a fight, done dragon, and there's still 15 seconds left before anyone spawns you probably CAN take that T2 turret that already has your minions by it.

    Just think a little. Spawn timers are public information for a reason, and it's not like they're well hidden!

    submitted by /u/Randomd0g
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    Advice on adc/draven/botlane in general

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    I'm fairly new to reddit so sorry in advance. I started playing around 2/3 months ago. I have played a lot of top lane and jungle experimenting with different champs to try find a pool i am comfortable with to climb ranked. I saw draven on free rotation today and tried him as adc and absolutely loved him. I would like to learn how to play draven and maybe a few other champions in bot lane to use and climb in ranked but don't have much experience as I have been playing top/jungle since I started league. I guess what i'm asking is, can anyone give some tips on; how to adc, farming in botlane, tips on draven himself, suggestions for other champs I can learn, how/when to transition to mid lane, when to help jungler with drakes, when to be aggressive in lane etc. Any help or tips would be really appreciated. Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/rugbyrunner03
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    How do you play against twitch jungle as a laner

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    I know what twitch jungles main weakness is a shit early and easily invaded and killed by the enemy jng. However what do you do when you are a laner and your jng does not shut him down.

    In exact example I was playing some norms with my friend group as mid and our jng is fairly bad at the game plays 100 champions and feeds 9/10 games but hey it's norms whatever

    Well twitch went unpunished in the jungle and ganked endlessly. I managed to avoid dying to the first 2 or 3 ganks but he started getting a little fed off top and bot mostly top and then killed me in a few seconds even when I was a foot outside tower range if I pushed in the slightest I would get ganked it felt like wards were basically useless against his stealth

    From there he continued to snowball and eventually was popping up in front of the whole team and melted me in about 4-5 autos. Note the best engage we had was pyke and swain apc so not the fastest or hardest.

    But anyway the main question is what do I do about a unpunished jungle twitch as a laner?

    submitted by /u/nocturnal-nugget
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