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    Friday, May 29, 2020

    LoL Guide As a hook support I love it when ADC...

    LoL Guide As a hook support I love it when ADC...

    As a hook support I love it when ADC...

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:45 AM PDT

    I love when the ADC understands me in small moments, especially when I'm about to hook as pyke. You see while pyke loads his Q I sometime use it in front of a minion is close (not too close otherwise is obvious) to die, sometime my ADC would notice my idea and instatly target that minion, leaving a momentary space between the minions and the enemy laner where my hooks gets latches onto them.

    I don't really know if people does this elsewhere (I'm in low elo) but when this happens it feels we connected lol

    submitted by /u/milan079
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    Watch your lane when you are walking back from base!

    Posted: 29 May 2020 02:29 AM PDT

    Hello, I am an ADC main and would like to give a tip to everyone. Please watch your lane even when you are backing or walking back to lane! Be ready to ping MIA at any time of the game, I can't express how much it matters that even if you're not in lane, giving a warning of a missing enemy can make a huge difference.

    Speaking from experience, when playing with friends I will always ask them to ping when the enemies go MIA if I get ganked. The most common response I get is: I just got back or I wasn't in lane

    This is still not an excuse, your turret and minions give you a little vision if you don't have wards down, still watch the mini map, mouse over to the lane, ping! You can ping via the map!

    Just a tip I thought to share to help improve your guy's communication in game.

    submitted by /u/min_xiao
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    If you're struggling to improve your map awareness, test out this trick

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:18 AM PDT

    So, when I was in bronze 4 many many seasons ago, one of the biggest issues I had was learning how to check my minimap often. So what did I do to improve my map awareness? I created an audio file with a "ding" sound that I would very quietly listen to in the background whilst I would play the game. This "ding" sound would serve as a reminder to check the map every 10 seconds, in the same way as you would check a mirror whilst you're driving in your practical test when you're with an instructor, even if you're not going down a bend or a roundabout but rather just a straight road. If you want to do something like this, you can use a different sound to serve as a reminder and you don't need a 10 second inteval.

    Our brains are amazing and we associate sounds with actions very quickly. A study was done titled "Rapid learning of assocations between sound and action through observed movement. A TMS study." And honestly, this makes sense. We are able to adapt and learn quickly. This can help you learn to check your minimap and then once you no longer need to rely on it, you'll just naturally check it.

    What's important is to ensure you do not rely on the sound as a way to check the minimap. I personally didn't and my map awareness is much better for it using this trick to learn but if you rely on this as a way to improve and then try to ween off of it it could be counterproductive. But try it for a few games nonetheless to see and find out.

    I hope this tip helps newer players who are looking to improve!

    submitted by /u/MrsMermaid2000
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    Pathing 101 - Simplifying Jungle

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    A lot of people who just started jungling or are in lower elos aren't sure where to start when it comes to Pathing. I made a video to help explain basic fundamentals of pathing and efficiency, and I'm sure it could help a lot of these folks improve their decision making! These concepts are meant to create a foundation to build on, rather than acting as hard-stop rules to always follow. Here are some of the main ideas:

    • Go to where you have the most camps up
      • Unless you have a REALLY good reason, don't go to a side of the map where you don't have camps to farm.
    • Clear quadrants of the jungle
      • By clearing an entire side of the jungle at the same time (i.e. krugs, red, raptors), you will be putting the camps on the same cooldown, causing them to spawn at the same time. This is extremely good for efficiency.
    • Path in straight lines
      • Don't pass by camps to go farm other camps. Your pathing should look like straight lines more than it looks like zig-zags or triangles.
    • Path towards objectives/win conditions
      • Ex 1: drake is spawning in 1:00, clear Gromp > Wolves > Raptors to be at drake on spawn. If you clear Krugs > Raptors > Wolves > Gromp, you will not be close to it.
      • Ex 2: You have a super fed Darius against a Kayle, path towards the top side of the map as he is coming back off a recall. Then when he gets to lane, you are in the area to gank, dive, pressure turret, counter gank, or take rift.
    • Don't path into corners
      • If you aren't sure where you want to go on the map, always path towards mid. If you mindlessly clear to the edges of the map (Gromp or krugs), you will only have one lane that you can immediately impact. If you path towards mid, you can react to plays anywhere on the map.

    I hope these fundamentals help some of you out! Check out the video if you want more in-depth explanations :D

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    These past two weeks I have discovered that I win significantly more games if I play only in the mornings and afternoons.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    As tempting as it is to play ranked at night I seem to always get a top laner who's unfamiliar with the role or an adc duo that's been tilted from previous games. I believe my decreased wr at night is due to a combination of people tired from long days, drinking, homework, dinner and other things. Based on this I've given some friends who also play the game some tips. Play draft at night and ranked in the mornings. They have had similar results. Has anybody else noticed this?

    submitted by /u/Givingbacktoreddit
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    You should try and learn every role/lane after some time

    Posted: 29 May 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    I know this looks a bit weird and time consuming but i think it's a must.

    After all the time i played League i noticed that most of the people really don't know what others should do or can do. Tanks engage too far for their adc to catch up. Adc dosen't know when their Nau will pull the enemy. What solo should bring to the game or what mid is up against. There is so little everyone knows about each other. Which <Diamond elo struggles from this a lot. People don't know each others playstyle and this creates a lot of troubles. Examples:

    -Pyke ulting at the same time Nau uses his q.

    -Bard ult delaying and potentially throwing a kill team can get.

    -Morde using the ult on wrong carry.

    -Tham eating teammates when they can damage the enemy without problem.


    I know this is all common knowledge that all players should be aware off but most i think at least learning every role to it's basics is a pretty good way to solve this. Well you won't excel at one role or champ in particular but you can fill every gap the team needs.

    Knowing how to kite as an Adc helps in teamfights/lane as tanks and mages. You can do a bit more damage that can win you the game.

    Knowing how a tank engages helps you determine how the enemy tank will act and helps you kite them as an Adc.

    Knowing how to pyke/thresh/etc hooks can help you sync with your sup as an Adc.

    Knowing each others combos can make you combo enemy like crazy.

    Knowing how to kite jungle camps can give you a bit more gold your enemy laner can't.

    Knowing jungle routes and times can help you know where enemy jungle is and avoid or punish him.

    These are ALL pretty small things BUT when they add up they make a huge difference. You can do things other people didn't expect and this can give you the edge you need for winning any game.

    I hope this can be some help to people. See you in summoner's rift.

    submitted by /u/haribon133
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    PLEASE protect your jungle early

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    If you aren't faking leash when they ask, you're inting.

    If you aren't as a top laner making sure enemy top/jg are not coming into your jungle/finding out whether they've warded your jungle, you're inting.

    Why? You are literally allowing the enemy jungle/team to have information on where they are, where they start, where they path, when they are at what camp, so so so much information. Lower elo players may not understand this but you can start by making sure you're scouting for the enemy from the start.

    Here's a very common example: 1)At the start of the game, I get to place a free ward on enemy red buff (Lets say Im blue side) because top is afk top side

    2) game starts, I start red. Enemy starts blue, I know because his red is untouched.

    3) I path red -> wolves -> blue -> gromp as Vi. Vi usually clears faster than other jglers so I end up on topside river before scuttle is up.

    4) this is where I see enemy jgler begin to clear his red buff. I now have two choices to fuck up the enemy team:

    -I can gank top and KNOW for a fact enemy jg cannot counter gank because he is at red. After killing the enemy top, I can ask my team to help me secure scuttle easily. Perhaps killing enemy jgler in a 2v1 or 3v2.

    -the easy method, I can walk over to red and just kill him.

    All this just becauce top didnt care and has no idea that I put the ward there, jungler is honestly just praying his red is still there lmao. He goes to red and finds out its still there (yay) but is destroyed by Vi. Poor guy.

    No excuses, if you are at least gold, if you want to climb higher, you should do this.

    submitted by /u/brianhatesbiology
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    What are the best ways to create a CS lead on your opponent? (Mid)

    Posted: 29 May 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    Hi summoner, I'm a Platinum Mid-laner looking to improve. I mainly play assassins such as Katarina and Diana, but I've been trying to open my versatility to the realm of Mages. Picking up Syndra and Ryze in the process, I have encountered a common problem that I want to improve, CSing. Now I can average 80-85 cs per/10m. However, so do my laners. Now to my question, What is the best way to beat my laner in CS/ Cause him to lose CS? I can Freeze the wave under my tower but they still manage to maintain the same about of CS. How can I improve? What have you guys found useful to punish your opponents to create a lead?

    submitted by /u/Zunatobi
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    what is better, ekko mid or ekko jungle?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    so, imagine this, you're in a draft pick, and you have 2 guys with around the same skill that are good in ekko, and they both want to pick ekko, but there can only be one to pick ekko, both the mid lane and jungle matchup is in favour for ekko, so there is no worrying about counters, so, you, as a team, are forced to make a decission, do you want to have a skilled ekko player in the jungle, or a skilled ekko player on mid?

    submitted by /u/Jacket313
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    can someone help me understand how I can learn these jungle clears?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    I specifically want to learn Jarvan full HP blue start leashless (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1ifzhDq8Uk), and Sylas's almost full-hp 3:05 4 camp clear blue start leashless (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQbRNqbl3Js). I've been trying for the past 1 hour no exaggeration and the furthest I got is dodge about half of blue's attacks on jarvan and half on sylas, I don't get it how I can abuse Jarvan and Sylas's 150+ AA range to trade 1:0 consistently, if anyone can help me understand this and use it I would greatly appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/levji_kralj
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    How to lane against Nasus

    Posted: 29 May 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    To start, the champions I main in top lane are Kayle, Sett, Morde, Camille and Darius. With the exception of Kayle I find beating out a nasus early is incredibly easy. All I do in early lane phase is shove lane and deny nasus all CS and I have gone multiple games where I am able to deny nasus almost the entirety of the first 2 waves of minions. Through early pressure I am able to get the him down to quarter health but all he has to do is wither me and run away, and through his passive, he will heal for most of the damage. Also, if I shove wave and then roam, Nasus will just keep getting more and more stacks, until hes unmanageable for me to solo in mid game. I've tried freezing wave outside of my turret, which seems to be the best strategy, but if I try to engage him, once again all he has to do is wither me and run away and because he has decent waveclear I miss out on minions myself trying to prevent him from getting stacks. So essentially, I'm stuck top lane because I have to stop him from getting stacks, I'm also unable to kill him as if I try he can just poke me down and run away without engaging, If I leave lane to for any reason he just has to farm well and he gains stacks. Nasus is one of the few champions I really don't understand how to beat. Hes supposed to be weak early game but as soon as he hits level 3 he has all the safety in the world against melee champs. Any advice on how to beat him would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the help.

    submitted by /u/SIDDIUSSS
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    Your midlaner is not an assassin. How the hell do you deal with Vel'koz ?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    I'm a D3 toplaner (Mostly Jax). Every single time there's a Vel'koz (either mid or support) and the opposing team doesn't have an assassin, it looks like a free win.

    Is it just me or is this champion impossible to deal with if your team doesn't have an assassin ? Either I try to close the gap on him and get melted in 2 seconds by his knockup + untankable damage (had combat logs showing me taking 2k TRUE damage from his R+passive, + whatever magic damage he dealt with the rest of his kit) or I ignore him in favor of other targets and he destroys everyone.

    Like, I get that he is immobile and all, but so are Lux, Ziggs, Xerath etc... and none of them seem to have even half his ability to melt a frontline.

    submitted by /u/sabrio204
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    Communication through pings is important, but don't spam them, space them out

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:36 AM PDT

    I see so many people who will open the scoreboard and ping their ally. "Ahri - respawning in 20 seconds" followed by another 5 pings in chat. Doing this tilts your teammates. Pinging "missing" on top of your teammates can also tilt them because it can seem like you're questioning them.

    If you want to ping, do not SPAM 6 pings in 3 seconds.

    The best way to ping missing is like this.

    The reason for why I have only pinged missing 4 times, followed by a danger ping at the end is because this is 5 pings. 5 pings has a shorter "cooldown timer" than 6 pings. Your pings do not get locked out until the 6th ping, so if you wait approximately 5 seconds after 5 pings you can do another subsequent 5 pings. The reason why I ping missing 4 times in a line going from bot to mid lane is because if bot is missing and I believe they could go to mid, I'm pinging the map to show this, and then pinging danger on top of my midlaner to let them know.

    I hope this tip helps. I feel like League players have been getting increasingly more aggressive with pings and I feel like pinging effectively is a massively underutilised tool that can actually help you climb. Effective pinging will, more often than not, get your teammates to react. There will be times where people mute pings or do not react but that is not going to happen every time. And the times where people do react and you help them by communicating are what makes this worth doing.

    submitted by /u/MrsMermaid2000
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    When is it appropriate to take minions as a jungler?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 12:11 PM PDT


    I mainly play jungle and top. I play with my friend's a lot and am loving the jungle role. I've been recently getting flamed and reported for taking any minions after ganking or pushing herald when I go to lanes. My friends always make it very clear that I, as a jungler, am to never touch minions even if noone is there to take them as it can mess up the laners' freeze and impact their lane negatively. I watch a lot of videos on youtube where junglers sometimes decide to help the laner push or take some minions as gank tax. I'm kind of split between listening to my friends and copying people who know more then me on youtube. I don't think I ever take so many that it warrants me getting a report but i don't even know anymore. I just feel like I'm missing out on a lot of farm here and there.

    When is it appropriate for me to take minions as a jungler? (I main Olaf and Rammus, idk if this information helps)

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Celestial__Lord
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    Any tips for getting better with attack moving?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    This is one mechanic I still struggle with finding myself using. It just feels awkward for me to have to move my pinkie down to A and click at the same time. I have my attack move click bound to my space but that isn't so ideal when kiting through a minion wave because attack move click targets the enemy closest to you within your AA range. I have considered to changing attack move to space but I think attack move click really helps in team fights away from lane. Another option for me would be binding target players only to my middle mouse button and still using my space bar for attack move click only with target enemy champions only enabled but I haven't given it a try yet. Do y'all have any recommendations for practicing using normal attack move with the A key? Any tips to help me with kiting an enemy while their wave is pushing or a way to make this more comfortable for me to use? Any feedback is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/HighParadox66
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    Where should I, as a Top Laner, be warding?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    So I'm curious as to why I'm constantly getting C's and D's in my games. My gf told me it's because at the end of the matches I'll have a vision score of about 2-3. As it turns out I hardly drop wards. So in the early leaning phase I started to drop ward at tri brush when I was forced into my turret and the at river brush right next to it when I was pushing ahead. But where do I place my wards after I take 1st turret? And as a top layer should I also be buying pink wards/control wards every time I go back? Or should I be saving my gold for items?

    I play Aatrox and I have a pretty pricey build. Black cleaver, Deaths dance, some boots based on how the game is going, steriks gage, spirit visage, guardian angel. Mostly in that order

    submitted by /u/Kyletheinilater
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    Struggling Against Illaoi

    Posted: 29 May 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    Hi there, everybody. I just wanted to start off by saying that this page has helped me vastly improve my gameplay. So, thank you to everybody who posts here.

    I'm going to start off by saying that everybody I play with struggles immensely against Illaoi, including me. So I have come here for some advice.

    I am currently in silver elo and plan to make it to high gold before the season concludes. I feel like I know the basic concepts of the game, and so do my premades. We just can never seem to perform well against enemy Illaoi players. I know to dodge her abilities and tentacles, but sometimes it seems like I simply can't do that. If you have any tips as far as counter champs, counter builds or counter play it would be very appreciated. It seems like any time you go in on her, she can just ult and kill you while healing herself back to full health (with seemingly no effort at all).

    I'm sure any body else out there who struggles against thing champ would greatly appreciate some help here too.

    If this isn't the right place to post something like this, I apologize.

    submitted by /u/TanArndt_12
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    What are Shaco's Weaknesses?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Just now I played a game as Olaf jungle in silver. I warded my red, started blue and then was invaded by Shaco at wolves with him just teleporting next to me and instantly killing me. He then just runs around the map ganking with impunity and killing the whole team for the whole match going 15/2. I can't really do objectives because he can always teleport in and take it from me when I'm meant to be the one who is strong early game...???? What are his weaknesses? It seems like he has good damage once he is a bit fed, and can get out of just about any unwanted skirmish. It's difficult to even target him with CC because of his ult and his boxes serve as cc along with wards. I want to permaban him for all the dumb cheese shaco players do at low elo but i already permaban Yi, who just seems to win any game he gets a few kills in. So the question is how do I beat him as an Olaf and what are his weaknesses?

    submitted by /u/BlazingChickenTrail
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    struggling with VERY basic mechanics

    Posted: 29 May 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    hi all, this might be incredibly silly, but i've come to realize i am struggling with the very very basic mechanics of playing league. as in, i often find myself not knowing precisely where my mouse is when i'm casting abilities (so skillshots are in the right ballpark but always miss), clicking the wrong thing (resulting in either walking instead of attacking or attacking the wrong thing), and (this happens a lot!) i end up cancelling abilities i want to cast because i'm also right clicking to move away. things are fine if i'm in 1v1 scenarios but anything more than that feels like i'm overwhelmed and being very inconsistent with my movements.

    i have 0 previous experience with mobas, but i just reached level 30 today and feel like i shouldn't still be struggling to consistently do the very basics like properly targeting champions. the only thing i can think of is to try to click less and respond more slowly. team fights feel so chaotic and fast that i can't keep up with where i'm standing and what i'm doing and who i'm attacking. (is there a way to play against more than one bot in practice mode?)

    am i approaching this wrong somehow? i've had quick cast on and the camera unlocked since i started playing, and i've changed settings so my health bar is yellow, but are there any other tools to make it easier to know what's going on? or is this normal and just due to inexperience? thanks!

    submitted by /u/ordinary-letters
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    Tilted for months

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    Im really about to have a mental breakdown because league is all I do. So in previous seasons I have been platinum, close to diamond. This season though I started in platinum, degraded to gold, got back in 1000 games, and am now nearly silver. https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=poke+mage

    I am very clearly playing bad in some but I feel like I have to expend all of my energy for the day just to win 1. My winrate is dipping below 50% now and my LP gains are 15-19 and losing 17-22. So even if I maintain a positive winrate, I still am down. I got to plat playing only asol, vel, or kha in previous seasons with upwards of 60% winrates until mid plat. This may not be appropriate for this subreddit but I feel like my medication is causing me to think slower and have much much lower energy. I started it near the beginning of this season so it could be it.

    Any tips or even just words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated because I have had 4 ragequitters today alone. Should I try limit myself to 2~ games a day or something, even if they are losses? Play more normals? Im thinking of just making a new account so i have decent lp gains again. Its extremely important to me that I stay decent at league, most of my mood is tied to league. Sorry if this doesn't really encourage "critical thinking" but i seriously have no idea what to say, ask, or do. The only thing I can get out of my op.gg is to quit fiddle xerath.

    submitted by /u/SoulOfTeemo
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    (How) Do I initiate with Jhin?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:02 PM PDT

    As a Jhin main, I find myself relying a lot on support champions (preferably that can hook enemies in) to hit first, then I preform my 'W' skill shot in order to root them. Since they only get rooted if someone hits them before I 'W' on them, I feel dependent on the support champion - Almost too much. I want to engage myself, but Jhin's slow attack speed makes closer targets harder and more dangerous to engage. Am I supposed to be relying on my supports this much, or should I try to engage myself, with the starting blow followed by the skill shot?

    submitted by /u/ThisIsThePlay
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    Practicing Jungle without being a bad teammate

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    Is there any way I can practice jungle not in real games?

    I always feel like I fall behind and do a poor job to my team and make little impact. I haven't found a jungler I really enjoy yet but I want to get better.

    Bot games don't really count because you don't have an enemy jungler and come on, it's bots, I can't practice ganking off that.

    I would prefer not to be a burden to my team and get blamed over and over for a "JG diff"

    If you have any tips it would be much appreciated.


    submitted by /u/onyxboy56
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    Low Elo Hell is a Mindset, not a Reality

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    Now to be fair, there are just some games you can't win. The jungle reads you like a book and ganks you over and over. Maybe you're just having really bad timing/luck. There are just some games you can't win. But the majority of the games we play we can do something about. The biggest part is mindset.

    It can be somewhat complicated, and it's never going to be easy but it can be fun and rewarding. There are many people who won't believe me, some will say "Its just a game, why try?" And for them they're right. But for you, and you know who you are, this is that little bit of a push in the right direction so you don't give up on yourself.

    At the end of the day, League is just game, but everyone is allowed to have a hobby they're passionate about and everyone likes the good feeling of winning or doing well in something they're passionate about. Just because it's a video game doesn't mean you can't have fun and put time and effort into it. Ignore the people (unfortunately, a lot of them play the same game) who want to just bring you down and just focus on your mindset and your gaming impact.

    League is extremely complicated, and there is always more information to learn or keep track of. Theres no easy way about it, if you're stuck in low elo, you're there for a reason. But if you want to do better, that's the first step! :)

    I can't make a post that'll fix everything or cover every scenario, but I can give you a couple things that'll hopefully find some people who need it.

    Firstly, find your role. That includes your champion pool. You like tanky big-bois, you've got top, some jungle and support you could be. You want to do lots of damage; mid, adc and some jungle is probably where you want to be. Find that role and find the champions you just vibe with. Even if its complicated, if you want to learn; that's half the battle you already got going for you. One tricks work for a reason. Although I'd recommend 2 or 3 that fit a slightly different kind of team comp for flexibility. But knowing your role and your champion gives you the edge you need to work on your macro play.

    Secondly, learn itemization. I can't tell you how many games I see people building magic resist first because an item build told them to and they're laning against an AD champ, or it's down to picks and team fights and nobody had adaptive helm for a fed teemo or mordekaiser. Even if your focus is damage there are still defensive options you need to take advantage of. There are also pieces to a main item that can make a world of a difference that you can buy instinctively for your situation and then just build the full item later when you need it, or just sell it for a better item. The idea is you build what you need when you need it and don't get caught in the "Lemme just finish this item and THEN I'll get that other item that has defensive stats I need." I've done it too and it can take some practice, but it can help your gameplay immensely.

    Thirdly, look at your map like it's your sole purpose to survive. Because it literally will save you and win you games. And ping your teammates if you're with a duo or don't believe in the "/muteall" strategy. This is a team game and you have to know lane states. Look at the map when you're going back to lane, or recalling, or doing something you know how to do without looking. Learn the basics of jungle tracking, if you're a jungler, you need to know where your "laning opponent" is just like everyone else. Use your own movements (or your jungler if you're in lane) to make educated guesses on where the enemy jungler is or is going to be. Use your map. It can get you kills as well as save you from getting killed if you learn the right habits to use it and warding effectively.

    And lastly, play ranked like you do normals. I started this season with really bad ranked anxiety. Like really bad. I ended up with something like 300ish normal games and maybe 20ish ranked games. I had a need to perform my best in ranked and it was a bit exhausting. I used normals as "practice". Use normals for new champions or builds. But the reality is you have ti just play ranked. You can't climb if you don't play enough, and you can't learn if you don't test yourself and push your limits. But, you have to know what your limits are, so refer to the first chunk of advice if that doesn't make sense ("Firstly....").

    This game is about information and proper team work and unless you're already at the top in high elo or pro, the reality is you probably don't know how to 1v9. And that's okay. You don't need to know how to 1v9 to win games. All you need to do is learn the game. YouTube is an amazing resource and there are many many people who want to share their knowledge and help others along the way.

    I hope this helps anyone who might be struggling in their ranked games. And if anyone has any relevant and HELPFUL things they want to add, please do. Good luck out there fellow summoners! You can do it. :)

    TL;DR Low elo hell is a myth and a mindset, not a reality. If you want to hear my reasons why you kinda have to actually read my post. Also, I put in some tips to help people. Leave constructive tips that helped you climb in ranked if you want to contribute. Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/toxicnerve
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    Dealing with ranged top laners?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 10:55 AM PDT


    I am a top main in gold 2/1 and have a hard time with ranged toplaners. I usually play against ranged toplaners 60% of the time, mostly quinn lucian vayne gnar kennen.

    I don't die to them, but usually fall behind in cs by around 30-40% when the first top turrets falls. I also usually lose my turret first due to getting pushed in.

    Ofcourse junglers are upredicable creatures and won't gank me even when i ask. So what am i supposed to do? Are there any safe picks against them? I try to pick full tank malphite top and i can 1v1 most of them past level 8-9 and split later in game, with the exception being if they have vayne.

    Thanks for the help,


    submitted by /u/BuckJohnsen
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