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    Sunday, May 3, 2020

    LoL Guide If you have a roaming advantage and the enemy beats you in lane, Roam!

    LoL Guide If you have a roaming advantage and the enemy beats you in lane, Roam!

    If you have a roaming advantage and the enemy beats you in lane, Roam!

    Posted: 03 May 2020 04:06 AM PDT

    Speaking from a recent game as camille in gold 1. Got stomped early game against a jax and left lane with a 1/4/0 and 2 levels behind.

    However, after 6, I ganked mid a with that insane camille ulti and got 2 kills. Though still unable to duel jax. I was able to roam and ward mid ever time my ulti was up and manage to give mid an advantage.

    Then the late game came and with our teams' superior warding advantage and camille's great roaming skills, we were able to win a few team fights and end the game.

    The lesson I learnt from this is: league is a team game. Aslong as you play defensively and focus on your champion's strengths, you can come back even after you lose your lane.

    submitted by /u/Lemon_in_your_anus
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    Need help with wave management (Plat2ADC)

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    I need help with my wave management, the only time I back (90% of the time) is when I push in a wave. I know that there are other good opportunities of when to back but I don't know how to recognize them. Examples with videos would be best but any help is appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/diogenesalexxx
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    Diamond jungler cant win in silver mmr

    Posted: 03 May 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    So im d3 player on euw maining jungle and i decided to start new acc to see how far can i get fresh. This account started on mmr like s2. First game i played master yi since i know hes liw elo stomper, i went 19/5 and in the end lost since enemy vayne and malphite were too fed. It made me very fruatrated but i decided ill go reksai this time, and i will try to put my teammates so ahead that there will be no fed enemy. I made our jinx 7/0 and jax 4/0 then they got few kills on their own but then they all died to their enemy laner, gave shutdown and it all went downhill from there, enemy jungler didnt do one sucessfull gank that match. Now im really hopeles, like am i actually this nad? Bevauae i know im tryharding and i lost 2 games in silver mmr. Whats the point of even playing this game. Im really burned out unninstalled league right after. So now im asking is it actually my fault in sense i could have smurfed better or is this normal? I just dont see any purpose still playing this game when diamond player cant even secure a win in silver game. So just someone whos dia+ who underatands thia please give me some insight. Im fone with acepting im jist bad bud i kinda feel like i have no control over at all over hpw matches turn out.

    submitted by /u/AstrogodHZ
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    5 tips for climbing in ranked games! Enjoy!

    Posted: 03 May 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    my name is Freeze (no, not the pro player :D). I'm playing league since the end of season 1, my current rank is Diamond IV on EUW and in this post I want to give you 5 tips you can use to improve your rank in league of legends and you can use to get to the elo you always wanted to be at. These tips really helped me climb in rank so I hope they will help you aswell!

    Let's start:


    The first thing you want to do is to choose your favorite role and limit your champion pool to only one champion or at the max. two champions. I see way too many people playing more than one role and way more than two champions.

    The reason for limiting you to one role and one or two champions is, to learn them by heart so you don't have to actively think about certain things that can distract you from the important information the game is giving you. If you don't really feel confident on your champion or your role you waste energy and concentration on things that you should know by heart and do without thinking about them.


    Most of the time the things that are being typed in chat are not relevant for you. It can even affect you negatively and distract you from the important information the game is giving you.

    Even if you enjoy the salt your team or the enemy team is spreading in chat, you should turn off everything except pings. If someone is spam pinging you, you should just mute their pings as well.


    Now we come to the crucial part.

    After you did the first two steps you want to look for high elo players that are either onetricks or play your specific champion a lot. The way you can look for them is to go on league of graphs and type in your specific champion you want to main. After you did that you scroll down to the best players that are playing the champion and click on "see more". After that you want to look out for people who are high in elo, have many games played on the champion and have a high winrate. Go on their profile and scroll down to their recent games. you can use the filter to look for your specific champion and choose soloq.

    Now you can see if the player is still playing your champion and can see what runes and items the player is going for. Just click on one game and scroll down to see their runes and item builds. Copy these and use them in your games. Save some of the best players as a bookmark in your browser and check for new games from time to time.

    You should also watch their replays by clicking on the replay button. While watching their replays you want to focus on the decisions they are making and ask yourself what you would've done instead or if you would've done the same thing.

    Compare your own playstyle to theirs and see what differences you can spot and try to implement these into your own gameplay. Now I know this might not be as easy to spot and many players that are somewhat lower in rank might have difficulties to analyze replays and see their own mistakes. It definitely takes some time to get used to analyzing replays but once you get the hang of it, you will improve by a lot.


    Of course winning games is the thing that lets you climb in elo. But how do you actually win games? You have to be better than your opponent in order to have control over winning the game. You get better by improving.

    So your number one priority should be to get better at the game. It might sound simple but that's actually the way it works. If you play to win you will get frustrated if you lose and start playing worse.

    But if you focus on one specific thing you want to be doing better in a specific game you will slowly get better at the game over time and will see results in climbing up the ranks. Climbing in elo is a long process that takes time which leads me to my next point.


    Being persistent is the key for climbing in elo in league of legends. Here are a few things you should do:

    • try to play at least 2-3 soloq games a day over at least a couple of months
    • take a break from the game after losing 2 games in a row
    • give the games your full attention (that means you have to be at 100% concentration level)
    • dont play when you feel sick, hungry, tired, angry or sad as this will also negatively affect your level of concentration

    Thanks so much for reading. I really hope you learned something from this and can start to improve! After all, all I want to do is help you guys improve in League of Legends, the game I have been playing for almost 10 years now and love so much.

    Edit: Thanks so much for the silver!

    submitted by /u/NeoMontana
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    How to beat current Wukong?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    I am playing as Darius right now, but I also main sett and trynd.

    He's shredding my armor.
    He's automatically tanky because of his passive.
    He can go invisible

    And NOW - he can ult TWICE with the ult activating on his CLONE.

    I'm confused as to how this made it to live servers at all, but how do I beat him?

    submitted by /u/jacobfilmer
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    Can I do true damage with enough Armor Pen / Lethality?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:35 AM PDT

    Hey folks,

    So here's my question. Let's take a squishy Mage or ADC for example and I'm playing another ADC. If I built both of the armor pen items (idk what their name is rn, but one is the blue bow and the other one the red; one gives armor pen and healing reduction and the other more armor pen) and just itemize full Lethality / Armor pen, would I be able to do true damage at some point?

    Stay safe y'all!

    submitted by /u/Khnlai
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    If simple champions are the best for improving why don't they have the highest win rates?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:16 PM PDT

    It's pretty common advice that if you want to improve you should play simple champions to focus on other things besides the micro mechanics of a champion. I don't disagree with this idea, but I'm wondering about the possible contradiction between the winrates on these champions. If simple champions are the best for improving, wouldn't it also be the case that simple champions would have the highest win rates? Because if players really are improving faster with those champions, those champions should be winning more, right? Maybe there's something beyond this seeming contradiction that I'm not understanding.

    submitted by /u/chemicaltrance
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    I finally hit my goal of silver after starting my league journey in January

    Posted: 03 May 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    I was honestly surprised I got into to the game knowing I would be years behind the average player base, but my diamond friend (who told me to try it out) told me to stick with it and I'll get hooked...well I did and I love how complex this game is.

    My goal was to focus on a single character to excel my learning curve and it took a lot of demoralizing beat downs, but the game started to finally click a few weeks ago. I think after placing in bronze 2 somehow after my placements, I lost like 20 games in a row. Glad it happened that way bc it helped me slowly build my confidence. Granted I still don't know what every champ does, but I figured out how to win most my matchups eventually, snowball, and carry low elo bronze games. Gold, here I come! Happy to answer any questions or take any tips. I'm a sponge I'm still learning

    My op.gg is sonnyH

    submitted by /u/Kidsonny
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    Why are ADCs becoming viable top and why are some ADCs just not up there?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    I'm aware of why ADCs such as Kalista, Lucian, Tristana, and Vayne becoming popular up top and their reasonings for why they're becoming popular up there, but what's stopping other particular ADCs from going up there such as Caitlyn (especially with the Grasp Caitlyn page becoming popular) or Miss Fortune? Don't they boast similar strengths that those other four (and I guess Quinn too) have, which is the ability to bully and kite bruisers while also possessing safety in the lane?

    submitted by /u/RuuriruSuzukai
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    High elo ADCs, into what lanes can I safely pick a late game scaler like Vayne, Kog, Twitch?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    Hello, I am a relatively low elo ADC main who plays in the p5-p4 area. I personally have been seeing a lot more tanky type champions in my games like Maokai, Ornn, and Sejuani. In this situations where I am facing down 2 or more tanks I tend to want to pick a late game scaler or someone who just does a lot of damage to them.

    I have had the most success with vayne, but I am not sure if any of the above picks are even really meta. I feel like I have been kind of "getting away with it" in more lanes than i should. I really am not knowledgeable in terms of lane matchups so I would only really like to pull them out in favorable situations so I don't get abused by better players in the future.

    I understand obvious scenarios like dont pick them into Cait morgana or something but would like to gain better knowledge of when I can pick greedy champions. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/basilholland
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    How to play vs mordekaiser? Need advice

    Posted: 03 May 2020 03:27 AM PDT

    Hello, i'm a gold II wukong main. I'm happy with my overall performance. The problem is I never win vs Mordekaiser.

    My strategy vs Mordekaiser: I usually try to get FB on level 1/2 with conq and stacked passive.

    1) I get FB -> i snowball my lead to 2 kills -> i lose the lead in duels with Morde and/or can't match him on side lanes

    2) i don't get FB -> i feed

    People tell me to rush Qss, however i don't know when to build it. It costs 1300g after all. His ult isn't even the biggest problem, his damage is simply bigger and mechanics can't be counterplayed easily. I don't know my role in team after I lose lane.

    Here's my profile link: https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/eune/MistrzNadMistrze https://eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=MistrzNadMistrze

    @Edit: won promos to Gold II :)

    submitted by /u/VultureGamer
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    Galio Guide for Season 10 - Runes, Build - League of Legends 2020

    Posted: 03 May 2020 09:38 AM PDT


    I have made a guide video for Galio, in that video, I show you, what runes and items you need on Galio.

    I have made three guides, a standard guide, one vs mainly ad and one vs mainly ap, so you have a guide for nearly every matchup.

    Link to the Video: https://youtu.be/vkN4dnDXqM8

    I hope I could help you with the Video :)

    submitted by /u/IloveBass98
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    How to use Thresh's abilities properly?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    Hello. I want to start playing Thresh cause I like how he looks and also his abilities sound fun

    The problem is, when I played Thresh before, I sucked as a support. Now I have a question: How to use his abilities?

    • Passive - I feel like I'm not gaining enough soul (like 70 per game). Should getting souls be my priority? Or can I work without focusing on them?
    • Death Sentence - The problem I have with Thresh's Q is that I seem to not hit enemy champions reliably, as they seem to be blocked by minions. Shoud I use it only when I have clear shot or hooking minions isn't a problem? Also the pull itself seems to be weak, compared to Pyke or Blitzcrank.
    • Dark Passage - Again, I seem to underuse it, as I feel I could just waste it by using it before my ADC is about to die. Should I use it as safeguard when something goes wrong or as I've been using it? Also if the lane is safe, is it ok to use the lantern to collect souls?
    • Flay - Not many questions about it, I just feel like I need to be more agile to use it in right direction
    • The Box - Thresh's ultime seems to be quite weak. Although damage seem to be nice, it can be used only on the first wall. Is it usefull due to the slow?

    Also side question, should I build Thresh as off-tank or pure support (Redemption, Ardent Censer, etc.)

    submitted by /u/TatodziadekPL
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    ADC Attack Move Settings

    Posted: 03 May 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Hi all, had a quick question that has probably been answered before but I needed to ask for myself. I am wondering what the best options for attack move are for ADCs. I find myself sometimes trying to attack other champs and just end up walking towards them and dying or trying to shoot a blast cone and accidentally walking to try and shoot something else.

    Open to suggestions because currently I have the base settings and haven't changed anything. Thanks for any and all help!

    submitted by /u/two_heinekens
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    Diamond 3 in March, now hardstuck platinum 4

    Posted: 03 May 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    So guys, i am a JUNGLER playing League of Legends all day since Quarantine hit Europe.

    I've been Diamond 3 in March, got 14 days ban because of toxicity, got unbanned and then permabanned in days.. I had 60% winrate, I used to play really good until... TILT got over me... I made 2 new accounts both permabanned. I am now in May with my 3rd account new and I feel reformed, no punishments and almost no writing at all in chat. 1 problem, iam hardstuck platinum. I remember when I was Diamond 3...

    I play jungle wih Kha'Zix, could you give me some tips to get back on my old playstyle? Also another champion besides Kha'Zix because he doesnt work against all team comps...

    submitted by /u/imOnee
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    I'm an adc building cull early on. Is this good or bad?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    So I picked up the game again and this time I decided I'd try and rank up: I've been playing for a few years now but only last year I started ranked, got bronze 3 in placements, then lost interest. Now I wanna try and see if I can climb. Before diving into ranked I started playing some normals, and they've been going....meh. but that's not the point. My general thought process on my first back (which sadly is kinda at a random time, either if wave crashed under enemy tower or if I'm forced to) is: can I buy a BF/serrated Dirk/Cutlass (I restricted my pool to Jhin/ lethality varus/Ashe), great. If not, cull + boots + refillable + faerie charm + pink Ward (not necessarily all of them, but those are things I buy). Cull is mostly because I need to force myself to farm and push myself to farm better, but I don't know if it's worth it to buy it only to sell it some time later or if I should just get a smaller component item for my core build (pickaxe/vampiric scepter/long swords). So, yeah, am I doing good buy buying that or is it a waste of time?

    submitted by /u/Bobbimort
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    Looking for junglers easy to play in bad ping.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    I've been a jungle main for the entire 6-8 months I've played for, and recently I've began to excel at WW. However, I play on OCE servers as an American because it's where my friends are. Of course, this leads to 200-250 ping, and a somewhat noticeable lag. So, what are some good junglers to play in my position? WW works, I had minor success with Kayn for a few months but I've lost touch, as well as Nocturne. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/Interspeciesheriff
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    How can I win with scaling junglers when enemy Lee Sin/Reksai/Elise make my laners feeders in 15 min and only powerspike they ever get is spamming jg diff in chat?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    The title. I'm not blaming my team or anything. This is the situation and I wanna adapt and win. And I wanna keep playing Shyvana and Evelynn. For example with Shyvana I become really strong after 6 and can do stuff but my laners get so far behind that it doesn't matter. I don't enjoy playing those early game junglers as much as I enjoy scaling ones. Any suggestions? Maybe scaling junglers are viable in higher elos or something? I'm hard stuck gold.

    submitted by /u/Cruciattus
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    How do I roam successfully?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    Whenever I attempt to roam my enemy laner will obviously just ping me missing long before I get to the lane I'm attempting to gank giving the lane I'm trying to gank plenty of time to back off. This results in me just losing CS and XP to my enemy laner.

    submitted by /u/octofeline
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    What gets measured gets improved

    Posted: 03 May 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with any of the organization I mention below.

    Noob here. For me, it's worse than losing to have the feeling of stagnation. I'm fine with losing roughly half of the game but it frustrates me a lot if I lose to the same reasons. I first found OP.GG's chrome extension for automatic runes but then that extension has massive memory leak for me. It gradually eats up all my memory if I leave it open for a day. I then found BLITZ. It's an exe so I was skeptical about the app's security but I installed it nonetheless. In addition to providing me with the basic champion info (pick/ban rates, synergy and counters, runes and items etc), I love its post game summary.

    You can set a CS goal for your role (I think it defaults to one league above me). It compares the income against my opposing player (e.g. jungle vs jungle) and it lists the "goods and bads" of every game. For example, it will say I have __% more income post 15 minutes compared to the opposing player but I had __% less CS in the first 15 minutes or that I haven't placed any wards between x and y minutes.

    I saw a post about playing to improve rather than to win. With data like this, I can pick a few things to focus on during each game instead of just thinking git gud. I've been steadily climbing from bronze with the help of these metrics.

    submitted by /u/StarIU
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    How do i stop getting bullied as support jungle?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    I'm a tank support (leo, taric, naut, etc) and I am having fun with jungle support (mumu, nunu, etc). I love nunu the most, I love sneaking around and getting drakes/rifts with my objective control abilities, but sometimes I feel completely useless. What do I do when an aggressive jungler is eating my camps and hunting me down?

    submitted by /u/TotesFabulous
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    What Do You Do When You Won Lane But Your Team Is Behind

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    I just had a game where I won lane very hard in top lane but my bot and mid lane both lost theirs. Once laning phase ended I would group to create pressure so my team can get a dragon or a turret or so on but their top laner just kept splitting and because my team kept fighting no matter what whether I was with them or not I felt it was better to stay with them so they don't lose the team fight while their top laner essentially got to generate free pressure. In an instance like this what are you supposed to do. It felt like a lose lose bc I just couldn't pick up alone where my team left off. Is it just better to let them constantly lose the 4v4 which they kept fighting and kept getting caught out in to match the enemy top laner's split push or is what I did correct and this was just one of those games where you can't make up for the 13 deaths on your mid laner.

    submitted by /u/specnine
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    I need help understanding early jungle pathing

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    So I'm at the moment playing mostly top and usually playing Kayle unless I know the matchup is very unfavorable. In 99,99 % of the matchups I don't have early priority and I chat either in champ select or early game that I won't have prio and I can't contest scuttle. This however doesn't really seem to work as at least half of the junglers still go into early skirmishes. Am I wrong in assuming it should be possible to either go to bot scuttle or to concede scuttle all together? Is there a reason why almost all junglers start on botside regardless of team colour?

    submitted by /u/Melzarmine
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    Can someone explain what happens with zeds ult here ?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:07 AM PDT


    So my understanding of zeds ult is the it will take him to the opposite side of the direction he ults from in relation to you just to explain better i have pulled this from a description on a video about Zeds ult

    The position where Zed reappears is like this x---o--R This represents the FINAL POSITION as in the position THE MOMENT ZED REAPPEARS

    • x is where zed was when he first cast ult
    • o is champion ulted by zed
    • R is where Zed reappears
    • The direction that champions' models face does not seem to matter
    submitted by /u/Demolishonboy
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