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    Thursday, May 7, 2020

    LoL Guide Should I always reset when I have 1k gold in jungle to not throw a lead, even if there are decently gankable lanes?

    LoL Guide Should I always reset when I have 1k gold in jungle to not throw a lead, even if there are decently gankable lanes?

    Should I always reset when I have 1k gold in jungle to not throw a lead, even if there are decently gankable lanes?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    I saw this on a tarzaned coaching video. Keeping this much gold will put you at a disadvantage against any decent player even if you're ahead, I assume that's just how it is. 1k gold in your pocket won't give you damage. Is this the ideal time to reset? Maybe before that I could clear a camp or two to make them come back faster or even gank a lane, but I'm unsure about that.

    I'm plat if that matters

    submitted by /u/SuitableTitle3
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    How to build on Jax

    Posted: 07 May 2020 05:08 AM PDT

    Basically the title. I've watched many streams, videos, and websites and they have differing builds. For example, the websites say to get Blade first, videos say Titanic Hydra or Trinity force first. So I found basically 3 main build paths and don't know when to take what

    1)Tiamat, Trinity Force, Titanic, Streak's

    2)Trinity force, Phantom Dancers , Death's Dance, Streak's

    3)Blade of the Ruined King, Trinity force, Streak's

    Any reply would be appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Celtzer_
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    Is advising everyone to "be the carry" also counter productive in some cases?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    Basically everyone is wanting to carry the game. While this makes it easier for people to take charge and put more on themselves than others so improvement is more likely to happen, it also removes any sort of trust or hope in your team. If you aren't in a position to carry, you will call the game over. I've watched plenty of streamers become very upset when they're jungler isn't feeding them saying

    "If my jungler doesn't want to help me get free kills, then we're losing."

    "If my jungler would just feed me instead of my team mates who aren't going to be able to carry this we can't win"

    "I'm going to take all this CS, this is what you have to do as the carry guys, take everything, you're in charge"

    This has completely turned this into a all for one scenario and basically makes you see your team as enemies or lower players than you.

    Last game I was on Shen, I was doing a lot of work ulting mid and jungle, keeping pressure and helping extend my Shaco and Diana's lead. Shaco was 6/1, Diana 8/2 and me 4/2. Our bot lane wasn't doing too hot, but the rest of the map was. Instead of accepting that they won't carry this game, they began to go into our lanes and jungle and start taking CS especially the support. When pinged away they responded "Learn to TP and get free kills."

    "Can't carry if no one comes and gets easy kills" (This is high gold/low plat game)

    It seemed that not only were they not aware of the gold lead we had everywhere else on the map, they fully believed either they carry or we lose, and then began to throw. And i've seen this a lot. And a lot of videos and streamers will back up this "Don't trust your team, you must be the carry." But it makes coordinating as a team very hard. I'm looking at you SoloRenektonOnly.

    I think telling every player to carry their games and not telling them to be carried also is really hurting players when it comes to coordination and state of the game. It's either I carry the game, or we lose, no one else can.

    submitted by /u/Pinanims
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    Tips from a non-jungler to jungle mains; from perspective of a bot lane main! ❤

    Posted: 07 May 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    I primarily play bot lane, and trust me when I say that we really appreciate when you take the time to come bot and gank for us. It's disappointing when a jungle tries their best to gank for my lane and it fails due to their lack of knowledge, then they get tilted and say they'll never gank the lane again. They flame or rage, whatever, and it's just silly that they want to be successful but take no time to think about why the gank failed.

    Here are some of the issues I've noticed in games on my alt that junglers do that completely destroy their chances at success in their games that you should be mindful of: [ This also goes for laners: If you see these situations, ping your jungler back or do a quick 'wait for x' ]

    • Check health and mana of your laners vs enemy laners. DO NOT GANK if your laners are extremely low on each unless you can 1v1, 1v2, or 1v3 with little to no help. You have to be prepared for your laners to be unable to follow up and the enemy jungler popping in to say hello.

    • Wait for the enemy to use KEY ABILITIES before you gank. For example, wait for Lux to foolishly use her Q to try to snag one of your team mates, then go. Wait for Thresh or Blitz to use their hook for no good reason, or nami to miss a Q. All of these abilities, in high elo, are saved for ganks. For mid lane: Wait for Akali to shroud, wait for Zed to use W, wait for Cass to use W; Wait for Fiora to use W, or Trynd to use E -- there are so many examples. Ask yourself: "How do I successfully gank? How do they beat it?"

    In higher elo of play, laners track the jungler. They have vision out and just general knowledge about where the jungler will be. When I play support, you bet your ass I know when the jungler is bot side and I don't use my CC / Peel / Engage abilities for shit until I see the jungle somewhere on the map. This is a good habit to get into EARLY. Because if you gank and lux Qs you and they get away, the entire map knows you're bot. You failed to get a gank off, now the enemy jungle is in your jungle, or getting rift or dragon for free, and the other lanes can play aggressive and poof -- You got nothing and the enemy team got dragon and two kills.

    • Buy an early sweeper and as you move around the jungle over wards -- DO NOT HIT THE WARDS. When a ward has an "X" through it, it means it's "a dead ward" and is not giving vision. It does not mean you are spotted. When you hit that ward, you are giving the enemy vision of you. Sweep on your way to lane and also have pinks in your inventory so that you can control a bush yourself instead of praying that an area isn't warded and/or your laners have a pink. You just sat in a warded bush for 20 seconds, by the way, and now your entire top side jungle is gone and the enemy is laughing in your face. Vision is your responsibility equally to every other player on the map. If you want to gank? You be in charge of vision needed for it to be successful.

    • Be aware of the minion wave before you gank!!! This is VERY CRITICAL. Do not force your team mates to TANK MINIONS to follow up with your ill timed gank! If there is a big wave crashing into your team mate's tower, you either need to 1. wait for them to thin it / farm it ( because gold is important ) 2. wait for the wave to start hitting the tower so that your team mates don't take aggro trying to run through the minions to follow up with you 3. Dont gank. I know that seems strange, but just don't. There are way better times to gank UNLESS you can 1v1 / 1v2 / 1v3 like if you're fed as hell Blue Kayn getting a free double on Ezreal/Soraka. Go for it.

    • Watch for level advantage. Don't try to gank a lvl 4 Darius with a lvl 2 Nasus while you're lvl 3 Sej. I'm not SUPER familiar with this situation but I'm pretty sure you lose that.

    • Don't gank a losing lane. Don't gank a losing lane. Oh, and don't gank a losing lane. That 0/5 top laner? Ignore him. Go get fed elsewhere, go get your team fed, go somewhere else. Because that fed top laner won't be able to 1v4 if the rest of you are equally fed. Get yourself fed then go top with someone and get a shut down. Don't gank a losing lane. They're pinging? They're mad? Mute. MUTE. MUTE THEM. MUTE THEM NOW. All you will do is waste time going there and feeding that already 5/0 top laner a double kill. That completely screws you and the rest of your team over. Go gank an even or winning lane. Just do it.

    Last, but not least:


    This means: If your mid laner is dead and your bot lane just shoved wave and reset, and the enemy jungler just ganked top lane ~20 seconds ago and your top laner had to use TP to get back to lane... the enemy bot lane is back and shoving, the enemy mid laner has shoved in, and the enemy jungle is bot side....


    You need to have your team with you. You need your team to be ready to rotate to help you at any situation: Scuttle, invades, getting invaded, objectives, etc. Look at the map and rule of thumb is: Do not go passed your minions / vision line. If all three lanes are into your towers then DO NOT GO PASSED YOUR TOWERS. Don't go for that scuttle, don't do that rift or dragon. You gon die and you gon be upset and you gon flame your team for YOUR mistake.

    I hope this helps a few jungle mains realize some of their shortcomings in their gameplay!

    Keep in mind: It is not your job to win the lanes of your team mates. It is not your job to gank for someone who's aggressively demanding it. YOU play what YOU know is right and how you want to play the game and you will either win or you will lose. Be kind to yourself and your fellow gamers, and be patient! Low elo doesn't mean you are bad at the game. Simply means you are learning and we were all bronze once, yanno?

    Good luck!

    submitted by /u/Focus_and_Improve
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    wave manangement, when to recall, having good cs, positioning, macro gameplay (mid)

    Posted: 07 May 2020 12:38 AM PDT

    I have been playing league for almost 2 years on and off and i have since been hardstuck between bronze 2 and silver 4. I never really wanted to improve in the game as it's more of a play for fun game for me, but ever since quaratine came by i felt like trying to improve in the game as might as well set a goal to get a higher rank. Personally i have been trying to get as much info as possible towards the laning phase and also to improve my macro gameplay since i am always struggling in laning phase while playing ranked. Ever since starting my journey i met up with problems such as low cs, not knowing what to do after shoving the wave, sometimes overstaying or not know when is the time to recall. Any tips to improve my gameplay in macro wise or any sources i could tune in on? ( you can put the links down below)

    submitted by /u/huuukkkoo
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    [Tahm Kench] The ultimate Tahm Kench top guide

    Posted: 07 May 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    I have played Tahm Kench top for about 120 games this season, and an additional bunch of games every season back to season 7, mainly in diamond or master tier. I wanted to share my gathered knowledge about this champion.

    This guide consists of the following parts:

    Strengths and weaknesses

    Why is nobody playing Tahm Kench top?





    I will not go much into detail on how Tahm Kench works as a champion, as there are 100+ support Tahm guides already explaining that. If you want to read about his kit in detail, visit https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Tahm_Kench

    This guide will be about Tahm as a toplaner only.


    P1. Strengths and weaknesses


    Most dominant laner in the game

    Strongest level 1 in the game

    Highest damage out of all tanks with a pure tank build.

    Among the best CC in the game


    Zero mobility

    Zero sustain (since E regen is technically just delayed damage reduction)

    All CC and damage against champions is single target

    Reasons why Tahm is the best level 1 champion:

    47 base armor

    28 bonus damage from passive

    2 second stun on a 5 second cooldown, which means opponent can be stunned for up to 40% of the fight.


    P2. Why is nobody playing Tahm Kench top?

    I think the biggest reason is a misconception that the period of patches that hard nerfed Tahm support also hard nerfed his toplane, mainly by looking at the huge damage nerf he recieved on his W. However, if we take a closer look and compare Tahm prior to the first batch of nerfs to Tahm today, we can see that he also got a lot of buffs in those patches which mainly matter to his toplane game. The patches with the big Tahm changes were 9.9, 9.12 and 9.14 + hotfix. If we compare pre 9.9 Tahm to the Tahm we have today (and ignore the support role only based changes), this is what have changed:

    Base stats

    HP 540 > 600

    This is not only a big increase, but it's an increase to Tahm favourite stat


    Bonus damage from HP 1.5%/3%/4.5% (stacking) > 4%

    Bonus damage no longer procs on abilities

    So his bonus damage used to ramp up, then go down again after every ability you hit just to ramp up again. This is not the case anymore. This is a big buff to short trades, like single grasp hits early game, but also a small damage buff even in longer fights.


    slow 1.5s > 3s

    stun 1.5s > 2s

    range 800 > 900

    consumes passive stacks at 3, no longer gives a stack

    Ok so range increasing by 100 and slow duration DOUBLING turned Tahm from one of the easiest kitable champions in the game to a ranged champions nightmare, as hitting just one Q now usually means imminent death to anyone. A 70% slow with 3 second duration and 5 second cooldown should qualify this as the best slow in the game next to wither and time warp.

    Stun duration going from 1.5s to 2s is also huge, as stuns are among the most powerful types of cc, and very few stuns in the game lasts for more than 1.5s. Reminder once again, this is on a FIVE second cooldown.


    mana cost 60 > 50

    CD 14-8s > 10s

    Damage 20-32% max HP > 60-240 + 11% max HP

    0.25s stun and nearsight removed

    This is the biggest nerf no doubt, about one third of the damage got removed, even more vs tanks, as well as a few other useful effects.


    damage to grey health 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90% > 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65%

    HP restore 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45% > 30-100 (on any rank)

    shield duration 3s > 2s

    So this is a nerf to his shield, but also a pretty big buff to his regeneration as it now scales with level instead of rank, and this ability was always maxed last. From a toplane only perspective, this should count as a slight buff since you use the regen part of E way more often than the shield.


    Range 4500 / 5500 / 6500 > 2500 / 5500 / 8500

    Flanking and using R to return to lane faster pre 11 took a big hit, lategame backdoor potential got buffed though. Still a small nerf in total.


    Base stats buffed

    Passive buffed

    Q massively buffed

    W massively nerfed

    E slightly buffed

    R slightly nerfed


    P3. Runes

    Grasp. While Tahm has a few viable choices here (PtA, Hail), this is the most complete choice for early, mid and late game. It's a crucial part of Tahm's level 1-2 cheese, while also being a good scaling rune due to all the permanent HP you gain.

    Shield Bash. The bonus damage recieved from shield bash scales with both bonus HP and shield size and can provide several hundreds of bonus damage in a single auto later in the game. Can be used multiple times during a fight thanks to Tahm's short E cooldown.

    Second Wind. This is very helpful to remain healthy enough in lane to capitalize on every chance you get to engage on your lane opponent, also scales well with Tahm's massive health pool.

    Overgrowth. I think this one is obvious, HP HP HP.

    Cheap shot. Has almost the same cooldown as your stun, you will proc this a lot in fights.

    Ravenous hunter. This is better than you may think at first. It works with Tahm's passive, meaning you will heal from every auto attack you do, as well as your Q, W and sunfire.

    10% AS


    Scaling HP


    P4. Build

    Tahm builds pretty much the same six items every game, however the build order varies a lot.

    It is completely focused around HP, as his main damage source, his passive, is entirely based on the size of his health pool, while making him extremely tanky at the same time.

    The builds looks as following:

    Sunfire/Berserkers > Titanic/Mallet/Abyssal/Warmogs

    The only exception to this build would be against full AD teams, where you swap abyssal for a deadmans or thornmail.

    You can finish sunfire and berserkers in the order you want. After those two items, you will need to look at the game situation to decide the next item.

    If you are laning against a champion who you beat 1v1 but that can also escape you easily, Mallet is the way to go. Example of champs are Karma, Gangplank and other good kiters with mobility + short CD slows. ALso great if you need to 1v1 something like a Vayne

    If you are laning against an AP champ and the enemy team has pleanty of AP damage, you may want to go for the abyssal mask. Example of champs are Vladimir, Sylas.

    If you are laning against a specifically strong champ, and will have to 1v1 the enemy top for the majority of the game, Titanic is the way to go. Example of champs are Fiora, Yorick. This is also a very good item against champions you need to take down asap in teamfights(like Katarina, Yi, Kassadin) as it's activate will grant you an extra passive stack on your target, letting you unleash your cc faster.

    Warmogs is usually never built right after sunfire+berserkers, but has a guaranteed spot in Tahm's full build.

    Why berserkers greaves and not tank boots!?!?

    Buying tank boots is the single biggest noob trap new Tahm top players fall into. There are many reasons to not do it.

    Tahm does use attack speed extremely well, concidering his massive auto attack damage (from around 150 early game to as high as 450 with a full build including titanic late game). Not only does it increase your damage by a lot, it also reduces the time between your stun and your swallow, and the swallow and your second stun as you will stack your passive faster, giving your opponent way less time to fight back or escape.

    The only stat that is better on Tahm than attack speed is of course HP, and the only way to build attack speed without sacrificing any HP is to get the attack speed from the boots, as there are no HP boots in the game.


    P5. Matchups

    There are almost no champions that possess the slightest threat against Tahm in the toplane, therefore this will be a short section. I will list the few ones that you need to be slightly more careful against.

    Urgot. Seems to be the one and only real Tahm counter. His stun is almost as long as yours, he can utilize Tahm's low mobility to easily proc all of his shotgun blasts, and his ultimate completely ignores shields.

    Illaoi. You cannot fight Illaoi if she has hit her E on you and has her ult up.

    Jax. Outscales Tahm after a few items and also has a very good kit to stay safe in lane vs Tahm. I suggest using your ban on Jax.

    Darius and Kled with ignite. If you misplay against these during the earliest levels, you might die to them.


    P6. Playstyle

    Tahm is a pure split pusher, played like a mix of Jax and Shen. Draw attention from multiple opponents to open up objectives for your team to take, and if the situation allows, join them with your ult or teleport. If you are to join a teamfight, you can either try to burst down a squishy in their backline if you can hit them with a Q, or focus on locking down an enemy diver with CC to protect your own backline.

    submitted by /u/baltoboulbobbi
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    Auto-Attack Resets, Attack Timers, and Windup

    Posted: 07 May 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    Recently, I have decided to make an auto-attack average DPS calculator. I had to do some research on how auto-attacks actually work in terms of the downtime between them.

    I learned that there are a few aspects that affect how fast your attacks will come out:
    Total Attack Speed
    Base Attack Speed
    Attack Speed Ratio
    Attack Windup
    Attack Windup Modifier
    Attack Windup Percentage

    A lot of stuff, right?

    Well, by looking on the LoL Wiki, it was easy to find how the animation time and downtime between attacks are calculated: https://imgur.com/a/x05o2z5

    But there were a few parts of the auto-attack that I still don't understand, and I was hoping to find some solutions to those questions here.

    There seem to be four parts of an auto-attack:
    The attack timer (auto-attack cooldown, essentially)
    The attack animation (windup)
    The attack damage application
    The attack animation (after the attack but before the attack timer begins)

    With this order in mind, the questions that come to mind are:

    How long is the animation after the attack damage is applied? It must be a portion of the windup time, but I have no clue how long the second part of the animation lasts as a fraction of the total animation time.

    When an auto-attack animation is canceled, does that simply queue the attack timer directly after the damage is applied (if done perfectly/correctly)?

    Does movement immediately after the attack damage is applied (orb-walking/kiting/attack moving) cause an animation cancel? If so, does this mean the player must still wait out the time that the animation WOULD have taken AND the attack timer (meaning a maintained DPS/slight loss of DPS) or does the movement command simply instantly start the attack timer (meaning an increase in DPS)?

    Any answers to these questions would be greatly appreciated :D

    - DF

    submitted by /u/DarkenedFlames
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    New player feeling overwhelmed with items

    Posted: 07 May 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    Most of the time I don't know what i'm building, I'm only lvl 23 so I always pick what the game recommends. They're so many items i'm unsure which to buy. I play top lane so I try to get attack damage when going against moakai and darius to get them low.

    submitted by /u/Imthegnash
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    Terrifed to play online

    Posted: 07 May 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    I'm tired of having to get carried by my friends, and embarrassing myself in front of them. I know that one biggest ways to improve is actually playing the game, but I'm just petrified. I press the Play button, and as I'm going to choose Blind Pick (since I'm new, literally level 9), I just halt and stop. Now the reason I'm so scared is because I don't want to be yelled at for being a bad player, and although everyone at my skill level (unless they're smurfing or whatnot) is expected to be really bad, I just don't feel like it'll be accepted whenever I play. I played a game with my friend yesterday, and of course I got mixed matchmaking since they're a higher level and more experienced than I am, and I got yelled at by the jungler, because I didn't know I was supposed to leash them (going top lane as Poppy, they were Rengar). My friend had to step in, I almost didn't even notice it at first, but I'd like to not repeat that again. Is there any way I can over come my anxiety? My stomach sinks whenever I go to play, but I really really want to. I know I probably should just go into it, but I need some encouraging words so I don't literally have a heart attack doing it. Any techniques would be appreciated, I really am excited to read your posts so I can improve.

    submitted by /u/sleepytvii
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    Being a jg main in low elo

    Posted: 07 May 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    I used to main jg. I played all champs from karthus, lee, Elise, Olaf, Sej, Zac. Whatever my team needed I played. I was very objective based. I'm speaking in past tense terms because I have stopped playing jg all together. To many randoms flame me. Lose lane? Jg diff. Miss drake because bot has no prio or is feeding? Jg diff. Mid loses turret because enemy mid and jg went to rift and killed me but mid didn't follow enemy laner and now rift busts down tier 1 turret? Jg diff. I'm losing a 1v1 in river, bot has prio I ping for help, help never comes? Jg diff. Someone. Anyone. Please tell me how to enjoy jg again. I can't stand it anymore. I try to be positive, I ward hot spots and if I gank as a... zac, or non carry I never KS. I don't even tax lanes, ever! I'm in elo hell. Silver 2. My games, my team is silver 2 and below, to a bronze 1 adc. Enemy team is all S1-G3. I lose more LP than I gain. Idk what my mmr is anymore. I recent switched to supp, but I miss the jg. How.... how do true jg mains deal with these awful people? Mute them? Tried it. I still lose drake because they won't help with obj. Now that I'm supp I see it. They care more about kills than obj. They flash, ult, ignite me for the kill... as the support... I guess what I'm asking is how do I get my teammates to see the larger picture without them flaming or being toxic?

    submitted by /u/kyle1033
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    How do i track the enemy jungler?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    So i'm a jungle main who has been playing this for about 3 months and i always have trouble with this. Sure i know that if he starts at red he will be at blue at minute 3 or so, and i know that he started at red because the lane next to it showed up late.

    The thing is that, after that, i'm just lost and i don't really know how to predict where he's gonna be, so u have a lot of trouble making counter ganks for example.

    submitted by /u/MyNameIsSwagni
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    I'm a new player who's recently picked up LuLu. I'm liking her so far but have trouble knowing who to play aggressive against and who to be more careful of. Is there a list or resource somewhere that could help me?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    I'm wondering if anyone has ever compiled a list or an app or something that lets you know which champions to be more aggressive towards and which champions to be more careful of as a certain champ. In this example as LuLu.

    LuLu is a support that can be played quite aggressively due to her strong aa and q which make her good at poking early on. Still there are some champs to be more careful of and I'd like to know before I go to lane which champs to look out for. As a beginner I don't know all the champions yet and often encounter the scenario where I'm up against a champion whom I don't know the abilities of. It'd be handy to just be able to look up their name to see if I need to be careful or not in a glance rather than to read what all the abilities of every heroes do in advance.

    submitted by /u/Do_not_dare_give_up
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    Review of my OP.GG - Help with climbing and reviewing my mistakes in losses.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    Hey guys, so I've been trying to hit the climb on League this season, and I started well, but as of late, I've had some real rough luck, hitting a lot of losing streaks, falling down 2 divisions. Now in these games, I get ace on op.gg probably around 70-80% of the time, maybe more, but I'm not sure if this is really helping me climb as I often think (oh well, nothing I could have done I guess,)

    These games often go like this

    Start the game, enemy team pick up multiple kills in other lanes, I either go equal or possibly win my lane, only for the lead from other lanes to be transferred over to my lane, in which I feel quite useless with the tide turning, no matter how hard I try, eventually, the early lead usually means I cannot turn over a comeback, and I think this is my issue, as I just don't know how to carry a team that is so far behind, and I think I need to learn this, as I find myself in this position so often.

    Of course, this is only my perspective, so I was hoping for a fresh perspective from you guys, I know it's a lot to ask, and you might not be able to depict too much from my op.gg, but I'd appreciate any advice or criticism, no matter how brutal, on what I can do in this kind of situations.


    OP.GG Link - https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=remdolla

    submitted by /u/rememes
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    How do you guys stay motivated to keep improving?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    I feel like I've hit a wall. For the past 3 weeks I've been stuck in Gold 3, despite playing ~3 games a day and trying to figure 1 big takeaway from each game. I noticed that parts of my gameplay have improved during this time (position mostly), but I still have a long way to go (especially on mechanics). I basically only play one champ (Ashe) and am not getting bored of her yet. But I'm getting pretty frustrated that I am spending so much time and brain power trying to get better and just hitting a wall. How do you guys push through this?

    submitted by /u/derppug
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    The Champion That's Right for me

    Posted: 07 May 2020 04:29 PM PDT


    *Re-upload* The champion that's right for you. Let me know what you guys think! I saw comments asking for all the champions to be added under each type of champion, but due to the character limit, I would be incapable of adding more than 20 champions total. My hope is this is a start of a longer continuing thread where I can go more in-depth with each champion a couple at a time.

    submitted by /u/MGE_Kuriboh
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    How do I match the low elo play style of fighting all the time?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    Just picked up league again after a couple years and was formerly a Gold/Silver player in Seasons 4-6. Currently am a Bronze 1 after climbing from Iron 4 because I played my placements with my friend who is quite frankly awful. I primarily play ADC, and sometimes Mid/Supp. However, I've found it extremely hard to carry games or even contribute as much dmg/winning plays as a jg/top/mid. Despite winning lane pretty lopsidedly, mid to late game I just can't pop off hard enough or match this elo's playstyle of fight fight fight.

    It's pretty frustrating thinking you're on the path to win the game after securing the first 2 drags and getting 3-5 kills early, but somehow another lane or jungler feeds the enemy Ekko jungle or Diana mid which can just obliterate most adcs in team fights. On top of that, in solo queue at this bronze elo no one plays around your team comp/carries so I'm often found just abandoned in team fights after the whole team chases one guy with low health across the map.

    Am I just naive in thinking that team fighting should revolve around the carries because if I had at least one person to peel it'd be easy melt enemies. How do I help my team when they want to fight all the time? If I don't help the enemy carry will get fed and just destroy me, if I do help I'm adding to the problem of chasing kills over objectives??

    submitted by /u/asapkoala
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    Macro/Rotations/Post Laning Phase

    Posted: 07 May 2020 01:47 AM PDT

    I think it's hard to understand how the game works especially since every game is so different so I figured summoner school would give me a good general idea of what to do during a game. Often times when a lane is winning and then takes t1 tower or when it's close to mid game the lanes will rotate such as bot going mid/top, or any other order. Why do players do that? When should a lane rotate to other lanes and which? I know each game is different but it'd be nice to know how they work generally.

    Another macro play that I think many people have problems with is when players group or split to siege towers. Most often players would do something like 4-1, 1-3-1, or 5 man. In which situations do these things happen, and how does the team defending counter this?

    submitted by /u/DogsRefuse
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    How do i survive as ADC?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    Im playing a lot of ADC at the moment as I'm new to the game, feels like a good starting point. Ive been playing Xayah but I'm getting too mad at the game. Every time I die so quickly, my hp is terrible and my damage doesn't feel like its good compared to my low health. As soon as I'm in range to attack, I'm dead because these other players all have the same range as me. I really don't know anymore what I'm doing wrong. I follow build guides and get good creep score, make sure to combo my abilities but I feel like I'm adding nothing to the team.

    I just don't even know where Im going wrong at all. Any help would be great

    submitted by /u/MyThrowaway1505
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    When to teleport to lane?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    I recently came back to league, and one thing I noticed is that almost everyone uses tele to get back to lane, and a lot of different lanes run it now.

    Back when I played I thought it was best to save tele (especially as top lane) in order to get into dragon fights/big counterganks. Is there specific conditions I should look for to tp back to lane? It feels like such a waste to use it to get a wave instead using it to win fights.

    submitted by /u/it1345
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    Difficult learner question: Qiyana

    Posted: 07 May 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    Hi all! I'm a mid main with a light jungle infatuation. Been climbing my way to gold through Silver when suddenly I hit a wall. Won my first game in S1 and then hard lost down to S3... I decided that having a backup champ to Ahri (my main) would be a good idea. It takes me 50 games of a champion at least before I have a half-decent grip on them. Tried Vlad for a while and lost and lost so I am trying something with ahri-similar playstyles. I'm currently learning Qiyana and have gotten to the point where i play ok mid game but feed between levels 3-6. If you guys have suggestions for climbing out of Silver or playing Qiyana specifically I need help!


    submitted by /u/remuwai
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    Should I let teammates take camps as a jungler? And how do I tax lanes properly.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    In most games my teammates end up taking multiple camps throughout the game and I have the feeling that they shouldn't be if I'm pathing towards it. But it happens so often am I just missing something? On the subject of taxing, how do I without harming my laners? Because I currently never tax when I gank just because I don't want to piss people off, because if I do they usually just follow me around in the jungle and try to last hit the camps I'm at.

    submitted by /u/TheNicktatorship
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    How to smite the objective and not enemy champions?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    As the title states, sometimes close games come down to securing a drake or baron, but i always seem to struggle to smite the right thing. If there are champions near the objective i almost always accidentally smite the champion. Is there any way to avoid this kind of mistake?

    submitted by /u/alanwangcot
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    What are some things to focus on to improve as an adc (D4 currently)

    Posted: 07 May 2020 09:51 AM PDT


    I'm currently a D4 Adc main, and really looking to push for Master/GM this season (Hit D1 50lp last season) and recently started using a spreadsheet to record my games and identify some things that could be going wrong with my kda's or CS/Min on specific champ and try to rectify certain inconsistencies, but one thing I would like to also work on are specific aspects of the game I could focus on during a certain time period say 1 week or X amount of games where for the amount of games I play in that allocated slot, I will focus on improving in that aspect of the game however, the issue I am having is I am struggling to come up with some focus points to improve on, and not due to the fact that I think im a perfect playing no mistakes because im clearly not, but more so that I don't really know where to begin, most of my focuses have been to hit 8cs/min or finish the game with 3 > deaths, but said goals seem too basic imo and where they could help me to improve, I feel I could be missing on other objectives that I am lacking in.

    So I wanted to ask if there were any coaches or higher elo players that could help suggest some focus points for ADCs at my level that I could possibly look into, (I get it's hard without looking at a vod or something of me) but i'll be happy to go into a call or chat with you if you think that'd be easier and you have the time for it.

    and this is my OP.GG

    My discord is Full-Cloud#1998 if you wanted to chat about it and get more information there.

    submitted by /u/Full-Cloud
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    Want some tips for playing Kayle, specifically in top-lane.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    I have been really enjoying Kayle recently, I love champs with a fast attack speed that focuses on basic attacks, but I'm not very good at ADC. I noticed Kayle is really good top, with her passive and healing ability, she can last in a fight, and at level 6 she becomes OP against melee champs. I was thinking about making her one of my mains, as beside Braum and Trundle (who I'm mediocre at) there is no other champ I consistently can play for a role. I have Morde and Garen as top laners, but whenever I go up against a ranged champ I'm screwed. So playing Kayle has really been an enjoyable change of pace.

    What are some tips for her? Can she go play lanes other then top and how well? What are some cons I have to consider when playing her? And finally, how can I utilize her ult well? It seems like a very support-y ult, and doesn't deal out a lot of damage, should I start roaming with it?

    submitted by /u/Alpha_pro2019
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