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    Friday, May 8, 2020

    LoL Guide You need to itemize based on the game

    LoL Guide You need to itemize based on the game

    You need to itemize based on the game

    Posted: 08 May 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    It's a basic tip, but if you're playing vs full AD, you need to buy armor. Vs full ap, buy magic resist. Is your lane opponent really strong early, and you're playing a hypercarry? Maybe an early defensive item will let you scale.

    This tip is what helped me climb massively. Make sure you don't build the same items every game.

    Edit: Woah this simple post blew up. Obviously there's more context like in the comments below. Yes you need your core items but sometimes buying tabi instead of berserker greaves or mercury treads instead of sorcerer shoes can massively help you win in duels or teamfights. I can't do a massive post covering everything but the jist is, if you're behind and dying over and over, glass cannon builds won't win you the game. Who knew?

    submitted by /u/MrsMermaid2000
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    Should I /muteall in ranked? I feel like there are both advantages and disadvantages.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    I'm a low-elo (silver) support main, and have often come across the advice to just /mute or /muteall in games. I understand that this can help prevent tilt, but couldn't you also miss communication from your teammates? For example, they could be typing to "set up vision for drake" or something else that can't be communicated by pings. I'm genuinely curious, so what do you guys think is better? Preventing tilt or being able to have "efficient" communication with teammates? Are pings enough?Keep in mind that this is low-elo.

    Sorry if this is a topic already posted here before, I wasn't able to find any information on it (specifically pros/cons of /mute). If it's already been discussed, let me know and I can delete this post.

    submitted by /u/GonorrheaDuck
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    This is how Ornn passive works!

    Posted: 08 May 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    When Ornn reaches level 13, any upgradable masterwork items which Ornn owns or purchases for the rest of the game is upgraded for free, up to a maximum of two.

    When Ornn reaches gains a level AFTER level 13 (level 14+), he can upgrade an ally's item. He has to be within 600 RANGE of the ally AND it will select the first item it can find that is eliglbe to be upgraded. So, if you want your Infinity Edge upgraded instead of your Youmuu's Ghostblade, your Infinity Edge has to be in a higher priority slot in your inventory than Youmuu's Ghostblade.

    For example:

    If Infinity Edge (IE) is in slot 1 and Youmuu's Ghostblade (YG) is in slot 2 and Ornn tries to upgrade your item, it'll select IE.

    If YG is in slot 1 and IE is in slot 2 it'll upgrade the YG.

    Ornn can upgrade the following items:

    ♥ Blade of the Ruined King

    ♥ Infinity Edge

    ♥ Black Cleaver

    ♥ Youmuu's Ghostblade

    ♥ Trinity Force

    ♥ Sunfire Cape

    ♥ Iceborn Gauntlet

    ♥ Abyssal Mask

    ♥ Locket of the Iron Solari

    ♥ Redemption

    Hope this helps and that you learned something! Stay safe during the pandemic, and I wish you the best of luck in your ranked games. ;)


    AP ITEMS are also included: Deathcap, Zhonya's, Ludens.


    puma271 said
    " I feel like it is more important to mention what items you should upgrade, for example it is worth waiting if u see ur mage being almost on death cap instead of upgrading ludens which is shit, also remind players to put item in first slot of their inventory to get the desired upgrade "

    I agree with this and I think it's a sad truth that Ornn players really have to communicate this to people who have no idea how Ornn passive works. Some items are better than others (for example, support items give pretty bad stat upgrades compared to Abyssal Mask which is one of the best gold efficient upgrades).

    submitted by /u/MrsMermaid2000
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    A Lesson On Split Pushing:

    Posted: 08 May 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    I am not usually one to commit so much time on a post like this. However, my recent experience in a VERY winnable game (however VERY lost) encouraged me to attempt a lesson on how to respond to plays. Especially when you are split pushing.

    I have created a link here to explain in a little detail on what not to do during a 1-3-1 siege and why we lost this game. A part of this contains a little bit of criticism, however I can guarantee you it is necessary in order to get a certain point across.


    submitted by /u/mannequinbeater
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    Free Coaching For Jungle Mains [Vod Reviews]

    Posted: 08 May 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Hey guys, my name is Arfreezy and I am a D1 jungle main and new content creator on twitch and youtube. My content is mainly focused on educational jungle commentary for new and existing jungle mains looking to learn or to improve their thought process as a jungler.

    Since I am very new to the space, I wanted to give something back to my early subscribers/viewers that have been supporting me since I started a couple months ago so I came up with the idea of a coaching night. A coaching night is a stream where I take viewer vods and review them on stream! I cover a ton of topics, but more importantly I explain the reasoning behind my responses and not just what you should do differently.

    I go over things such as which jungle camp to start, first clear path and first clear mechanics (how you can clear faster), first gank selection and execution, first recall timing and pathing after first recall, item builds and build order, and many more things which are all variable from game to game so it is more important to understand the "why" than having a fixed game plan for every game.

    My first coaching night I had about 5 people send me vods, but it took me 4 hours to get through 3 of them since I spent so much time talking and really going into details. I think in the future, I will try to go a little faster and keep things concise so we can get through more vods.

    I am attaching a highlight video below from my first coaching night where one of my viewers sent in an Elise video for me to review. Coaching videos are the most requested video on my channel so I thought this could be useful for others on here looking for something similar:

    Coaching A Bronze Elise Main - Coaching Night Highlight

    If this is something you are interested in joining, check out the video description on how you can join the next one which is tentatively scheduled for 6PM PST on Sunday May 17th.

    If you don't care for coaching but are looking for educational content, I have a ton of Graves and Elise videos all with educational commentary that focuses on the topics I covered in my coaching videos. In the future I will expand to more champions, but currently I am focusing my content on these two (a couple popular examples below). Of course I will be happy to review any jungle vod since I know most jungle matchups even if I don't necessarily play those junglers. Thanks for watching!

    How to Destroy Zac Players as Elise

    10CS Per Minute on Graves Jungle

    submitted by /u/Arfreezy_LoL
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    I made a video categorizing all champions based on the role they play in competitive drafts.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    A lot of people who watch competitive league of legends will often hear the words, "flexes, blinds, funnels, baits, situationals" during the pick/bans before the game starts. Casters and analysts would often use these words to explain why a certain champion was picked in the draft, yet I believe that these words have not officially been standardized nor ever clearly defined/researched by anyone in the LOL community.

    This video will shed light on the definition and usage of these drafting terms, while providing examples from the recent patches. Hopefully, people that enjoy watching the competitive scene will now understand what the casting talent is actually talking about during pick/bans. It is totally possible that I may have missed something along the way, so I am open to all forms of criticism and will try to answer every question!

    Link: https://youtu.be/3zqMzlHzJCU

    submitted by /u/Zernos_Park
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    Being behind in top lane

    Posted: 07 May 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    I feel like this might be a dumb question but I've been learning Tryndamere in top lane and I always have anxiety when my opposing top lander seems to have the upper hand during laning phase. I've been learning to split push and I am fairly new to the concept, but from what I know so far (please feel free to correct me) the split pusher should be able to at least 1v1 anyone on the enemy team. To me I interpret this as I have to win lane at the very least to be able to do this. So if I happen to fall behind in some way, is lane automatically lost? Or should I chill out and farm my way back up etc.?

    Edit: Why is this NSFW lol Edit2: Wow this blew up Edit 3: I guess a lot of other people share my feelings in top lane?

    submitted by /u/Extriker
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    In-Depth Galio Guide: Mechanics, Combos, Builds + 2 gameplay commentaries

    Posted: 08 May 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, ThaKinetic here. I climbed to Grandmaster early this season playing almost exclusively spellbinder Galio, I'm currently #1 (And 2) Galio EUW, and I like to teach people how to play the stone man my way. Since Galio is a pretty good spot right now after his buffs, and quite a few of people have asked me for advice / a guide, I've compiled a few videos with some in-depth information on how to play Galio.

    The videos cover Galio's mechanics (Yes, he has mechanics, fight me), his itemization (How I think he should be built), and two gameplay videos, one dealing with a lane bully in grandmaster and one about playing patiently from behind in circa D3 mmr. I plan on releasing some additional videos covering efficient roaming and proper early game jungle tracking, as well as a video covering Galio's general playstyle, if people find these videos informative.

    Galio Mechanics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGQddo8EanM

    Galio Itemization, Runes, Summoners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DO7l5r-jaEY

    Playing patient while behind [D3]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-cyBIna1eA

    Dealing with lane bullies [GM]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGaWevNd0Xs

    I hope people learn something from this, and if you have questions, I'll be there in the YT comment section, or the comments here, and I'll happily answer. Any criticism is welcome, I'm not a fantastic editor but I hope the information is still accessible.

    submitted by /u/ThaKinetic
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    I've won 12 out of my last 15 ranked games, but the LP im gaining is DECREASEING??

    Posted: 08 May 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    Im currently in bronze 3, and I've won 12 out of my last 15 ranked games, but the amount of LP im gaining each game has been decreasing....

    At first I was gaining 20-22lp per game, now im gaining 16-18lp per game. I dont understand this - can someone please explain? I thought your MMR was supposed to increase the more you win, which furthermore increases the LP you gain per game, but in my case the lp im gaining is decreasing???

    submitted by /u/jallelms
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    As a jungle main: please learn to rotate

    Posted: 07 May 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    laners need to be looking at their surroundings and whats happening on the map. Too many times have I used all my pings asking my pushed-in lanes for help with dragon, and nobody came, they wanted to take a wave and recall instead, leaving me vulnerable. If your jungler is taking a scuttle crab, watch him and try to play closer to it. If the enemy jungler comes to fight and contest it, you should be immediately going over there to help.

    simple rotations can change a game. Use your map and go help your jungler. it will make the game a lot easier.

    submitted by /u/nfhii
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    Advice/ opinion on graves vs sett (top lane)

    Posted: 08 May 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    So last night/ today after work i want to pull out my old graves top. Just for some good old Fashion poke and farm lane fun to chill. And both game i was vs a sett and some how got out of lane phase ahead no solo kills but ahead in cs, xp, and atlest an assit or two. first game i thought oh guess i got lucky he just sucked come on why would a sett stomp a graves early, but then the second game i was vs a mastery lv 6 and same thing ever time he ran up for a pull (dont know which spell is which so sorry) i would w and e away with a couple auto and maby a q as well.

    So my question now is was i just lucky or is graves a good counter pick to sett. Kuz i normally cant lane vs that bastard.

    (Also sorry for the long story kind of should have cut a lot out but idk)

    submitted by /u/Mt5505
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    How to play versus Graves?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    I don't want to continue using my one ban to target Graves in solo queue because there are others I'd like to take off of the menu.

    Whenever I play against a Graves, 9/10 my team and i get rolled over. It gets to the stage where he can melt my entire team while taking masses of hits to no avail.

    I'm a mid laner in gold 2 and as soon as he gets a Deaths Dance I'm pretty much unable to do anything against him.

    I'd like to know what kind of things I can do to interrupt his flow (key jungle paths etc), which type of team comp to draft, as well as how I play into him at different stages of the game (power spikes, managing late teamfights etc)

    I'm playing Lux and Le Blanc mainly but sometimes I take Lissandra. Basically three Ls and a guaranteed fourth if Graves is in the rift.

    submitted by /u/Rjb66
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    Should I change my Rune page based on my enemy?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    For example if I play jg and my enemy has a counter Champ against me should I change Runes based on the weakness of the enemy jg ? Or should I just play with the Runes that have the highest win rate with my Champ ? Plus is there any way to know his for every match up?

    submitted by /u/Lordzockt
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    How do I freeze a lane WHILE denying farm?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    I can pretty comfortably freeze a lane, but whenever I poke someone to prevent them from farming it naturally means I'm doing more damage to their minions than they are to mine - and the wave automatically shoves.

    This is with champions who don't have the abilities to farm from a distance.

    submitted by /u/jacobfilmer
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    What is Lane Priority?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    "Priority" is a buzzword that's thrown out a lot, but I think there is a lot more to it than people might realize.

    I recently made a video on this topic (from the jungler's perspective) and defined Priority as "The ability for a laner to leave the lane without being punished."

    Laners who don't have priority and roam can be punished by:

    1. Losing XP/Gold from minions dying to turret
    2. Being put in a position where they take unfavorable trades, get chunked out, or get killed

    And Priority can be determined be the following factors:

    • Location and size of the minion wave
    • Item and level power spikes of laners
    • Proximity of other champions to the lane

    Finally, junglers can use lane priority to counterjungle, set up objectives, or set up dives. If a lane doesn't have priority, a jungler can gank it to artificially create priority rather than waiting for the minion wave to change the lane state. This is a great way to create priority for an objective (ex: gank bot lane to get prio and enable your support to come over and help secure drake).

    Junglers have to properly recognize and play around priority. Failure to do so can cost their laners quite a bit, and it's ultimately the jungler's responsibility to make sure they aren't inting their teammate's lanes.

    Is there anything I missed? Would you define priority differently? Let's discuss!

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    Why didn’t triforce-ER take off as a build for Ashe?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    Seems like it came up for a little bit with xFSN saber's video then kinda died off and people are back to the normal Bork build. Seems a lot more forgiving with the 40% CDR and PoM and mana flow kinda make you feel like you have unlimited mana.

    The build path is fairly smooth after a BF sword and kiting is super easy. Might not be ideal in high elo but for low elo the build feels super forgiving for adc and feels like an easier ezreal. Seems like a good climbing ADC.

    submitted by /u/red--dead
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    When to rush Tiamat as Tryndamere?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    I'm currently a high gold player learning how to play Tryndamere in the top lane. I've noticed a lot of high elo tryndameres usually go tiamat first in their games, but sometimes don't. What should I be looking out for in order to tell whether Tiamat will be necessary?

    submitted by /u/Deusins
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    Am I delusional?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    So I have been playing rankeds for 3 years, and each year I have ranked as Silver.

    Getting to gold is something that seems imposible to me. Even when my rank resets, I get assigned to bronce, and my win rate is so low (idk like 45%) that it takes me months to get back to silver (last year I got matches so ridiculous that it went down like crazy and almost got to iron).

    I have always felt like I get matched more with bad players than good players but I find that frustrating because I can't do anything about my luck. In most of my games 2 other lanes are always 0/4 and start to want to quit.

    I can also see when it is my fault, or when I lose my lane, I see the person's rank and they are usually gold, while I am playing currently in bronze.

    I definitely try to improve and feel like I do many things correctly, but I am sick of doing everything I can to climb and being unable to do so.

    For other people it feels like they can mess up and still win, for me it feels like if I don't play perfectly I will always lose.

    Is the universe conspiring against me? Is it my imagination? Do I really suck this much? What can I do?

    I also watch many guides in YouTube and I feel like I got down the errors that they say low elo people do, but my rank does not reflect it.

    submitted by /u/SGKDA
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    Kai’Sa Runes

    Posted: 08 May 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    I've always played kai'sa with PTA so am used to it, but this week ive been trying her out with hail of blades and i feel like i just so no damage early game. It feels really good in late game teamfights when i have some items but i feel like my early game all ins in laning phase are just so damn weak. Is this how HoB is supposed to feel on kai'sa or am i doing something wrong? Side note, for my secondary tree ive been running precision with presence of mind and bloodline, but i feel like coup de grace would be better... any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/oXMinii
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    OPTIONS; Hotkeys; Player Movement set; and Gameplay.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 06:40 PM PDT

    I finally found what movement set I wanted after nearly 2 years on off trying lol.

    I played only 'Player Attack Move Click' for 1 year nearly. But I wanted a more precise last hit for cs.

    Switched to 'Player Attack Move' for nearly half a year. It felt awful slow but worked for that last hit.

    I had no idea what to ask as I thought I can only play 1 mode of attack movement. The shift + mb2 was also so awkward.

    Today I realized thanks to random google reddit thread mentioned utilising both. Lol. I feel awful happy to have found this after so long. I feel if one doesn't know what to ask sure is hard to play smoothly. Really player movement affects the game alot. Finally found what I wanted. XD Ayyyyy.

    I am unsure of Options> Game > Gameplay> Treat 'Target Champions Only' as a toggle for now though.

    submitted by /u/Loitering283
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    Why do people say it's harder to climb/carry on enchanters when they consistently have high win rates in solo q?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    In plat+, Janna, Nami, Lulu and Soraka have over 50% win rates wereas things like Brand, Velkoz, Pyke and Xerath are all sub 50%. Is it more of a community perception that enchanters are harder to climb with, as whenever i see a question about climbing people always recommend High damage/high engage potential champs, even pro streamers say to avoid enchanters even though the stats would contradict that outlook.

    submitted by /u/Otamintis
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    Important and easy to apply tip for Jungler :

    Posted: 08 May 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    Don't hesitate on stopping clearing a camp or a ward or pretty much anything to help your teammates who are in a bad position. Especially with a jungler with mobility.

    I too often see junglers wanting to finish their blue buff or krugs before helping the botlane or toplane which just started a fight, despite them seeing it. Decaling as soon as possible may save your mate or even the game and get a kill. You can always go back to what you were doing after that.

    (Also work for laners when seeing a fight in the jungle)

    submitted by /u/Kozuma08
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    Struggling with perma push "tower squatter" supports.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    How do I handle supports that perma push the wave then sit under tower? I cannot farm, cannot trade, cannot step up. I can't even get exp. I have an enchanter 95% of the time and this is the theme. When asking them nicely to not hit the minions and trying to explain why, or pinging them, or ANYTHING ( i'm not toxic ) I get flamed, muted, and left to 1v2 in lane. Then the support goes somewhere else.

    Really need help, here. I'm low elo and I'm trying to get better but how can I improve when I can't play the game literally at all.

    submitted by /u/FrustratingSoloQ
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    Need help with wave management and stuff like that.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 08:29 PM PDT

    So I'm lvl 82, and a Support main. I'd like to get better with other roles but I have no clue how to manage waves. I try to watch videos but every video I watch on how to get better at that kind of stuff, they just say "freeze the wave", "gather the wave", and stuff without explaining it. I need an explanation on how and when to do this because league never teaches you this stuff. Anybody know who I could watch to learn how to manage waves in detail?

    submitted by /u/Deordos3
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    I’m new, Is it too late for me to catch up to the average player in terms of skill?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, this is something I've been really curious about. Is it too late for me to catch up to your average player? I typically enjoy playing support roles, helping out tanks and DPS players, while doing some damage myself. I mostly play Thresh, he seems difficult and appears to require good decision making, but I have a lot of fun with him. Being a support, I like communicating with my team and being a team player.

    Is there any hope for me to catch up? Or will I simply be too far behind? Even if I play an easier character?

    submitted by /u/CampingPlayer
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