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    LoL Guide A brief description of champions L - Q

    LoL Guide A brief description of champions L - Q

    A brief description of champions L - Q

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    Continued from A - E, and F - K.

    • LeBlanc is a mobile AP assassin who can dash to a location and blink back to the teleport pad she leaves at her original location. She has a targeted projectile that marks you, causing the next ability to deal bonus damage, and a skillshot chain that deals damage when it hits as well as damaging and rooting after a delay if the tether is unbroken. Her ultimate copies her last used ability. Her passive cloaks her and creates a clone when she's brought to low health, for escape.
    • Lee Sin is a mobile fighter whose basic abilities have two casts each. If he lands his skillshot, he can dash to the target for missing HP scaling damage. His other dash targets an ally or ward, shielding himself and the ally and the second cast grants him healing on damage. His third ability deals damage around him, then can slow anyone caught in the explosion. His ultimate kicks an enemy away from him, dealing damage to and knocking up enemies they collide with.
    • Leona is a tanky engage support who'll start with her skillshot, which roots the last enemy champion hit and pulls her to them. She has an empowered auto-attack that stuns her target and can decrease her own damage taken for a duration, after which she deals damage around herself. Her ultimate is a ground-target circle that stuns enemies in the center while slowing those on the outer edge. Passively, she marks anyone she hits with abilities; ally attacks cause the mark to deal damage.
    • Lissandra is a mid range mage with a skillshot that slows the first enemy hit and damages enemies behind them. Her other skillshot travels through enemies and allows her to blink to its location. She can also root enemies in an area around herself. Her ultimate can either stun an enemy or put herself in stasis, healing her. Either cast causes ice to spread in a circle, damaging and slowing enemies. Her passive creates a clone of enemies she scores a takedown on, which walks towards enemies and explodes.
    • Lucian is a low-to-mid range marksman whose passive causes his next basic attack after an ability to fire two shots. He has a targeted pseudo-skillshot, which targets the enemy and then fires a beam. His other skillshot fires a projectile that explodes in a cross, giving him MS towards anyone hit. His dash reduces its cooldown every time he uses his passive. And his ultimate fires a continuous volley of bullets in the direction he chooses; he can move and dash but can't change its direction.
    • Lulu is an enchanter support with a slowing skillshot that fires from her and Pix. Pix fires along with Lulu's autos or those of the ally he's attached to with bolts that can be body-blocked. Her skillshot slow also fires from her and Pix, but only one applies. She can transform enemies into squirrels, disabling their attacks and spells or target an ally with the ability, granting them AS and MS. She can send Pix to an ally to shield them or to an enemy for damage and sight. Her ultimate causes herself or an ally to grow, gaining HP and knocking up enemies nearby.
    • Lux marks enemies with light with her abilities, with basic attacks or her ultimate popping the mark for damage. Her skillshot can hit up to two enemies, rooting them. Her shield is a boomeranging skillshot, shielding herself and allies up to twice. She has a ground-target orb of light that slows while it persists and when it explodes. Her ultimate is a long-range beam that fires after a delay.
    • Malphite is an engage tank with relatively high AP scaling, so he sometimes builds damage. He has a targeted projectile that steals MS, a ground slam that reduces AS, and can empower his auto-attacks for a duration, causing them to strike in a cone behind the target. His ultimate dashes unstoppable to a ground location, knocking up enemies at impact. He passively gains a shield and bonus % armor, which is tripled while the shield is up.
    • Malzahar is a mid-low range mage who gains a passive pseudo-spellshield, which can be broken with auto-attacks. He has a ground-target silence in the shape of a wall, can summon pets that attack his target, and has a targeted DoT that resets and spreads if it kills the target. His ultimate suppresses the target, also dealing damage in an area around them.
    • Maokai is a self-healing engage tank. His auto-attacks periodically heal him, with the cooldown reduced when hit by or casting abilities. He can slam the ground to displace enemies around him and slow in a short line. His dash is enemy-targeted and makes him untargetable. He can throw untargetable pets at that will walk towards enemies and explode, that deal bonus damage if they were thrown in a bush. His ultimate is an extremely slow but lane-wide progression of five roots, that each stop on the first enemy hit.
    • Master Yi is a hybrid on-hit fighter/assassin who attacks twice every third attack. He can blink to an enemy, becoming untargetable and striking four times if they're alone or up to three other enemies, returning to the original target, with the cooldown reduced via auto-attacks. He has a channeled heal that also reduces incoming damage, and can make himself deal true damage on-hit for a duration. His ultimate grants him AS and MS while making him immune to both AS and MS slows.
    • Miss Fortune is a mid-high range marksman who deals bonus damage when she switches to a new target and gains movespeed as she walks. She has a targeted projectile that bounces to an additional enemy behind the target, which will crit if it kills the first. She can increase her attack speed for a duration while fully stacking her movespeed buff. Her ground-target slows. Her ultimate is a channeled cone that deals damage in waves.
    • Mordekaiser is a magic-damage juggernaut who deals DoT around himself after attacking enemies 3 times (including hitting 3 enemies with 1 ability) and has passive magic penetration. He can slam his mace into the ground, dealing damage in a rectangular area but bonus damage if it hits only one enemy. His shield is activated, but the amount is based on his resource bar which fills when he deals or takes damage; the shield can be canceled to heal for up to half its remaining amount. His pull moves everyone caught in it, and can be used to "pull" closer enemies behind him. His ultimate forces the target onto a different plain with him, taking a portion of their stats for the forced 1v1 and making them both untargetable by anyone outside of it. It is considered CC for the purpose of cleanses.
    • Morgana is a mid-long range mage support with passive spellvamp against champions and monsters/large minions. Her skillshot is a very long root. Her ground-target deals DoT and reduces its cooldown every time she heals from her passive. Her purple shield can be self or ally cast, making them immune to CC and blocking only magic damage. Her ultimate tethers her to nearby enemies while granting her MS, and stuns them if the tether is unbroken.
    • Nami is a mid-long range enchanter support who passively speeds up allies she hits with abilities. Her bubble is a ground-target that renders those hit airborn (functionally a long knockup). Her heal is a splash of water that can bounce between unique allies and enemies twice, damaging enemies. She can empower her own or an ally's next three spells or autos, applying a slow. Her ultimate is a tidal wave that knocks up enemies hit while speeding up allies via her passive.
    • Nasus is a slowly-ramping juggernaut with passive lifesteal. His empowered attack gains damage every time he kills a unit with it, getting extremely powerful as the game drags on. His targeted slow is both long and powerful and also slows AS. His ground-target deals some DoT and reduces armor. His ultimate causes him to grow in size, gain HP and resistances, reduces his empowered attack's cooldown, and DoT around himself.
    • Nautilus is an engage tank, sometimes support, tied for the most CC in the game. His first auto-attack against a unique target roots it periodically. His anchor pulls both himself and the target to meet halfway, or pulls him all the way and reduces cooldown if it hits terrain. He gains a shield and empowers his auto-attacks to deal splash damage with the same ability, and can deal damage around himself in three waves, slowing enemies within. His ultimate targets an enemy, knocking up enemies in between them and him before knocking up and stunning them.
    • Neeko is a mid range mage who can disguise herself as an ally until she attacks or is attacked. She has a third-hit magic damage passive on auto-attacks. Her skillshot roots all targets it passes through, gaining duration if it passes through more enemies. Her ground-target explodes up to three times if a champion is hit with the previous pop. She can cloak for a short time and send out a clone of herself that runs in a line. Her ultimate shields her as she rises into the air, before slamming down to damage and stun enemies around her.
    • Nidalee is a ranged-to-melee transforming AP jungler. Landing her spear skillshot or having an enemy step on one of her visible traps grants her leap double range and reduced cooldown. Her heal grants bonus attack speed, and in cougar form she has a missing-HP scaling empowered melee auto-attack as well as a cone claw sweep. She passively gains movement speed in brush.
    • Nocturne is a jungling assassin with an extremely long-range engagement. Passively, his auto-attacks periodically deal damage in an area and he has bonus AS. His skillshot leaves a trail that grants him bonus AD and MS; the trail is also left by enemies hit by the initial projectile. Blocking an ability with his spellshield grants him additional AS. His fear is first a tether, that only fears if the tether is unbroken. His ultimate applies nearsight to all enemies, and allows him to dash to an enemy from a great distance.
    • Nunu passively grants himself and a nearby ally AS when he attacks a champion or monster. He may bite monsters for true damage on par with Smite, or champions for far less. While rolling his snowball, he can't make tight turns but can cancel it early to throw it forward. Getting hit by the ball knocks up and stuns enemies. His tiny snowball volley marks enemies, causing them to be rooted if they're near him when the ability ends. His ultimate channels, slowing enemies before exploding for a large amount of damage and an additional slow.
    • Olaf is an auto-attack based bruiser whose main strength is becoming immune to CC with his ultimate. Passively, he gains AS the lower his HP gets. He may throw an axe as a skillshot, which slows and passes through enemies before landing on the ground, which he can pick up to reduce its cooldown. He has an AS steroid that also grants lifesteal, which also increases as his HP lowers. His true-damage ability is melee-range and targeted, but reduces cooldown with auto-attacks.
    • Orianna is a mid-range mage whose abilities are focused on her untargetable pet ball. Passively, she gains bonus magic damage on subsequent auto-attacks against the same target. She has one ability to move the ball that damages enemies, one that sends the ball to an ally to shield them and grant resistances, and one that slows enemies in a circle while speeding up allies. Her ultimate pulls enemies near the ball towards it and deals damage.
    • Ornn is an engage tank tied for most CC. His passive allows him to buy items without leaving lane, and later in the game allows him to upgrade the base stats of his own and allies' items. He has a skillshot slow that creates a pillar of terrain at the end of its range, a cone of fire that deals DoT and a burst at the end; enemies caught in the burst are applied a mark that makes his next basic attack displace and deal bonus %HP damage, or increases the duration of the next CC applied to them. If he dashes into terrain, he knocks up enemies at the impact; this ability destroys player-created terrain. His ultimate summons a ram at a distance that runs towards him, slowing enemies; he may-recast the ability to dash into it and send it back the way it came or another direction, then knocking up enemies hit. This ability applies the same kind of mark as his fire cone.
    • Pantheon is an early-game lane bully fighter. When his spear is glowing from attacking, his next basic ability will be empowered. His spear can be thrown as a skillshot or thrusted, both pass through enemies but the skillshot loses damage past the first target while the thrust does not and has a reduced cooldown; either form will deal bonus damage to low-HP targets and deals bonus damage and a slow when empowered. He has an enemy-targeded dash that stuns, when empowered his next auto-attack strikes three times for reduced damage. His shield stabs in a cone for fairly low damage while making him immune to all damage from champions (or corpses) who are in the direction it's pointed; when empowered the max duration is increased, either way he also slams in a cone at the end for damage. His ultimate is a very long range ground-targeted leap that deals damage in a wide area on arrival.
    • Poppy is an engage/counter-engage tank with a lot of enemy displacement. Passively, her next basic attack becomes ranged and drops a shield on the ground that she can pick up for a shield; enemies may step on it to destroy it. She has a melee-range ground-target slow that explodes for a second instance of slow and damage after a delay. She can create a circle around herself that grants her MS and knocks up enemies who attempt to dash, grounding them for the duration. Her dash is enemy-targeted and pushes them with her, stunning if she pushes them into terrain. Her ultimate can be cast instantly for a melee-range knockup or held to knock enemies a great distance towards their base.
    • Pyke is a unique AD assassin support who shares gold on kills with his ult and converts health to AD so he stays squishy, but can heal back damage dealt by leaving enemy vision. He can thrust his harpoon to slow enemies, or hold it to make it a skillshot that pulls one enemy a set distance towards him. He can stealth, gaining movement speed but warning enemies of his presence with sharks encircling them. His dash sends a clone of himself from his starting location after a delay which stuns enemies it contacts. His ultimate is a ground-target cross-shaped true damage execute that blinks him to the location, ignores shields, and resets its cooldown on successful kills.
    • Qiyana is a mobile AD assassin whose main damage ability can have one of 3 different effects. One of her dashes is short but targets the map, empowering her weapon and giving her short-range skillshot a root if she targeted water, bonus damage against low HP targets if she targeted terrain, or an area that grants her stealth if she targeted a bush. While her weapon is empowered with any element, she gains bonus AS and damage on auto-attacks. Her other dash is enemy-targeted, and will send her through them while making her skillshot auto-target the same enemy. Her ultimate is a short range skillshot that knocks enemies back, and explodes if it comes into contact with terrain, stunning and damaging any enemies near said terrain.
    • Quinn is a short-range marksman with powerful map presence thanks to her ultimate's extreme movespeed steroid. Periodically, nearby enemies will be marked, causing her next auto-attack to fire two arrows. This mark is also applied by her abilities. Her skillshot throws a bird that applies nearsight in an area around the target. She can gain sight in a wide area around herself, even through bushes. And she has a dash that targets an enemy, spinning them around and then leaping backwards off of them. Her ultimate makes her bird lift her, granting her an immense movespeed steroid; canceling the ability or attacking causes her to deal damage in an area around herself.
    submitted by /u/MooseMaster3000
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    A brief description of champions F - K

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    • Fiddlesticks is a mid range mage jungler who places scarecrows instead of being able to purchase wards. The scarecrows look like him and will pretend to cast his abilities, which include a targeted fear that deals damage, a channeled DoT that heals him, a fairly long range slash that can silence, and his ultimate which causes him to blink after a delay and deal DoT around himself for a time. Any ability can also fear if he has been standing still for a few seconds or casts from out of sight.
    • Fiora is a mobile melee skirmisher with a lot of lane sustain. She has a short range dash that also stabs and an both a slowing on-hit and guaranteed mini-crit. Highlights are her passive, which marks a direction from which any attack she does will deal bonus %HP true damage and heal her, her ultimate which causes all four directions to become available at once and heals her a lot if she hits all four, and her riposte which makes her immune to damage and CC for 0.75s, and stabs forward, stunning if someone attempted to CC her.
    • Fizz is a mobile magic-damage assassin with a targeted dash, magic damage on-hit, an ability that makes him untargetable when he jumps up on his trident followed by a splash of AoE damage when he lands, and a fish that he throws which slows until a shark appears to deal damage in an AoE around the target. The hitbox of the fish is insanely misleading and expands, being up to five times larger than the model at max range.
    • Galio is a mid-range magic-counter tank/mage. His passive grants him an AoE on-hit periodically. He has a double-projectile skillshot that converges at a ground location to become a DoT tornado, an AoE self-targeted taunt that increases duration the longer he charges it before casting and passively grants him a magic damage only shield, a dash punch that knocks up, and an extremely long range ally-targeted jump that knocks up in a wide area upon landing, with a fairly large warning symbol.
    • Gangplank is a mid to mid-long range fighter with a periodic true damage burn on-hit, a targeted damage ability that applies on-hits (but not his passive) and grants him bonus gold on unit kills, a self-cleansing heal, barrels which he can explode for damage and a slow in an AoE around them, which you can also attack to destroy, and a global ground-target ultimate that slows and deals damage in waves in a wide AoE.
    • Garen is a low-range juggernaut with passive out of combat health regeneration, a speed boost that cleanses him of slows and empowers his next basic attack for bonus damage and a silence, a damage reduction that grants him a very short duration shield and reduces incoming CC for the same duration, a spinning attack that deals DoT, and a true damage execute that scales with your missing health.
    • Gnar is a marksman who transforms into a tank when his secondary bar is filled by attacking. Unlike other transformers, he cannot switch freely. As both, he has a skillshot that deals damage and slows. In mini form it boomerangs but can only hit once. He has a %HP damage third-hit ability, a jump that can double its distance in mini by jumping on an ally or enemy, and in mega he has a square area stun as well as an AoE that throws enemies around him also stuns if they hit a wall.
    • Gragas is a mid range mage with an AoE ground-target slow, passive healing on ability casts, a damage reduction that empowers his next auto-attack, a dash with an AoE knockback, and his ultimate which is a lobbed barrel that damages and knocks enemies away from its landing position.
    • Graves is a jungling marksman with a shotgun, his auto-attacks deal high damage and uniquely fire in a cone of pellets that stop on the first unit in their path and require him to reload after two shots. He has a damaging skillshot that boomerangs for bonus damage, but can't go past walls and instead will boomerang sooner, an AoE smoke canister that applies nearsighted to enemies within (you can't see past your champion), a dash that reloads one shot, and an ultimate skillshot that explodes in a cone after its initial target or max range.
    • Hecarim is a fighter jungler who gains bonus AD based on his movement speed. He has an AoE self-targeted damage ability, an AoE self-targeted aura that heals him for enemies being damaged within, and a movement speed increase that makes him charge at and displace his next auto-attack target. His ultimate is an unstoppable charge that damages and fears enemies.
    • Heimerdinger places targetable turrets that fire automatically, prioritizing his attack target and periodically firing a higher-damage beam that fires sooner if he lands his other abilities, his lobbed grenade that stuns or his rockets that can be fired in a cone, a point, or an hourglass. His ultimate empowers his next cast of a basic ability, granting him a larger, stronger turret, a line of grenades, or five waves of rockets.
    • Illaoi is a mid-range juggernaut who slams a tentacle down in a line and passively spawns tentacles against walls that will also slam if she uses her auto-reset. She also has a skillshot that pulls a ghost of you towards her, transferring damage she deals to it to you and counting as a champion for her ultimate, which spawns more tentacles based on the number of enemies near her. Tentacle slams also heal her.
    • Irelia is a highly mobile skirmisher who passively gains attack speed and magic damage on-hit as she fights. She has an enemy targeted dash that applies on-hits and resets its cooldown on kill or if she has first marked you with either her stun or ultimate. Her stun requires her to first place a blade on the ground, then another, which fly to each other in a line to stun. Seh also has a channeled physical-damage-reducing ability. Her ultimate is a line skillshot that explodes into an arrow-shaped arena that slows anyone who crosses its boundaries.
    • Ivern is a jungler who does not fight camps, but instead marks them and can wait to kill them instantly after a duration or kill them instantly with smite after finishing the mark animation. After level 5 he can give red or blue to an ally while also getting it himself. Has a skillshot root that allows allies to dash to the target including himself. He also creates bushes, and standing in a bush grants him bonus damage on-hit. He has an ally-targeted shield that explodes for damage and a slow after a delay and an ultimate that's a pet who knocks up enemies in a line every third attack.
    • Janna is an enchanter support with a knockup skillshot with a long wind-up, which gains range and duration based on how long she holds it before firing from the location she started it (not from her body). Has a targeted slow and a shield that grants allies AD. Her ultimate knocks back enemies and heals allies around her while she channels it. Passively, allies gain movespeed near her.
    • Jarvan IV is a diver fighter jungler who throws out a flag and then stabs his lance forward. The stab deals damage but also drags him to the flag, knocking up anyone in his path. He passively reduces armor and deals bonus damage on his first auto-attack and has a small AoE slow that shields him per enemy slowed. His ultimate is a targeted high-damage leap that leaves a circle of terrain around the location.
    • Jax is a hybrid damage on-hit fighter who gains attack speed passively and can empower his next auto-attack or his targeted leap. His leap can also be used on wards or allies to escape. He may also dodge all incoming auto-attacks for a duration, which ends in an AoE stun that he can activate sooner. His ultimate grants him defenses based on his offensive stats and passively grants him magic damage every third basic attack.
    • Jayce is a transforming champion who switches between long-range poke and close-range damage. In ranged form he has a skilshot that explodes, and its range and damage can be increased by firing it through his line of lightning, which also grants allies movespeed who pass through. He can increase his AS for three autos, with reduced damage. In melee form he has a targeted leap that damages in an AoE, a low-damage aura, and a knockback. Switching forms empowers his next auto-attack.
    • Jhin is a long range marksman with an ammo system that grants him bonus damage every fourth attack, but also requires him to reload after four. He converts attack speed into AD instead of attacking quicker. He has a targeted ability that bounces to three additional targets, gaining damage each time it kills one. A trap that slows and damages but gives you enough time to leave. A super long range skillshot that roots if he's attacked you or you've stepped on a trap recently. And his ultimate makes him stationary while he fires four extremely long range shots that slow, while the fourth deals bonus damage like his autos. He also gains movement speed whenever he crits (his fourth shot always counts as a crit).
    • Jinx is a mid to long range marksman who switches between gaining AS every attack or dealing damage in an AoE on the target at the cost of mana. She also has a slowing, damaging skillshot and ground-targeted traps that root but disappear after a short time. Her ultimate is a global-rang skillshot that explodes for damage based on missing health. On kill or assist, she gains a massive boost of AS and MS, and breaks the attack speed cap if possible.
    • Kai'Sa is a hybrid damage marksman who deals large amounts of %HP damage. Her passive makes her autos deal bonus magic damage and stacks up to 5 times, with the 5th dealing a larger chunk. She an auto-targeting ability that deals more damage if you're alone, a long-range skillshot that stacks her passive, and an AS steroid that makes her invisible for a moment later in the game. Her ultimate is a long-range dash that shields her upon arrival.
    • Kalista is an extremely mobile marksman who dashes with every single auto-attack. She has a fairly low damage skillshot and can spawn a ward that sees only in one direction and disappears after screaming at you. She passively leaves spears inside the opponent with every auto or skillshot, and can rip them out for massive damage based on the number of spears and a slow. She also binds to an ally, who deals a chunk of damage if they attack the same target and can be called to her, becoming untargetable until they are sent out in a line and knock up enemies they slam into.
    • Karma is a cross between mage and enchanter. She has her ultimate, which empowers her other abilities, from level 1. She has a damaging skillshot that explodes and slows, which leaves a circle that explodes again if empowered. Has a tether that roots the target if they stay in range, and heals her if empowered. And an ally-target shield that grants MS, which grants more and additionally shields allies near the target if empowered.
    • Karthus is a mid-high range mage with an extremely short cooldown ground-target that explodes after a short delay, a wall that can be walked through but heavily slows and reduces the MR of enemies, and an AoE DoT around himself. His ultimate is a 3 second channel that hits all enemy champions on the map. All his abilities can be cast during his passive, which keeps him stationary but able to cast spells for a duration after dying.
    • Kassadin is a high-scaling, hyper-mobile mage-like assassin who takes reduced magic damage passively. He has a targeted damage ability that grants him a shield, an empowered auto-attack that refunds mana, and a damaging, slowing cone. His ultimate is a short cooldown blink that damages enemies in a small area at his arrival location, gaining damage and doubling its cost each time he uses it in quick succession.
    • Katarina is a costless hyper mobile magic damage assassin who synergizes well with self-healing items/runes. Passively, she deals damage in an AoE whenever she walks onto one of her daggers. She has a targeted, bouncing ability that leaves a dagger a set distance behind the initial target, a MS increase that drops a delayed dagger at the cast location, a blink that can target enemies or daggers, and her ultimate is a channeled DoT that deals massive damage to up to 3 targets. Takedowns refresh her non-ultimate cooldowns and reduce her ult's cooldown.
    • Kayle is a hybrid damage pseudo-ADC who's melee until level 6, when she becomes ranged. Passively she gains AS, but past level 11 additionally fires waves of magic damage along with autos after five autos. At 16 this becomes permanent. She has a skillshot that reduces defenses, an ally heal that grants MS, an empowered auto that deals damage based on missing HP, and her ultimate makes herself or an ally invulnerable for a short duration before dealing damage in an AoE around the target.
    • Kayn is a skirmisher jungler who transforms early-mid game, choosing either blue or red form, changing his abilities slightly. Blue form grants him a large amount of bonus magic damage on all attacks when he first engages, while red grants him self-healing. He has a dash that deals damage and then spins in a circle for the same damage, and a line-target slash that slows. Blue allows him to move while a shadow clone casts the ability, red causes it to knock-up along with the slow. He can also move through walls, which heals him. His ultimate allows him to go inside an enemy, becoming untargetable and damaging them when he leaves. Red form causes this ability to heal him based on the target's max HP.
    • Kennen is a mid-low-range dive mage. Passively, he marks targets with abilities and every fourth auto-attack, stunning them at three marks. He has a skillshot damage ability, one that damages any marked enemies near him, and one that makes him unable to auto-attack while gaining movement speed and damaging/marking anyone he passes through. His ultimate is a wide AoE lightning storm that deals damage in ticks, applying a mark each time.
    • Kha'Zix is a melee stealth assassin who upgrades his abilities as he ranks up his ult and deals bonus damage to targets who are alone. Whenever he leaves brush or stealth, his next basic attack deals bonus damage. He has a targeted melee-range ability that reduces its cooldown on isolated targets if he upgrades it, a skillshot that explodes for damage and heals him if fired point-blank, which fires a cone and slows if upgraded, and a leap that deals damage in an AoE on landing and refreshes cooldown on takedown if upgraded. His ultimate grants stealth for a short duration, up to twice in quick succession or three times if upgraded. I know this makes it longer, but each upgrade has a visual indicator-- his claws will glow if the targeted ability is upgraded, he'll gain spikes on his shoulders for the skillshot, wings for the leap, and change color for his ultimate.
    • Kindred is a short-range jungling marksman who gains stacks for killing specific jungle mobs or enemies they mark. They have a short dash that fires arrows and grants AS increased by passive stacks, with a reduced cooldown if cast within the range of their W. Their W causes Wolf to attack enemies in an area, with its damage increased with passive stacks. And they may mark a target to make their next third auto against them deal missing-health scaling damage, increased with passive stacks. Their ultimate makes enemies and allies within an area immune to death but not damage for a duration, healing all within at the end.
    • Kled is a melee fighter whose health is split up into his and his lizard's. When his lizard's health depletes, she runs away, leaving him slower and changing his skillshot into a cone. His skillshot passes through minions and tethers the target, pulling them back if the tether doesn't break. He also has a periodic ability that grants his next four autos bonus MS and the last one bonus damage. His dash can be re-cast if it passed through a champion or large monster, causing him to dash through them, targeted, again. His ultimate charges towards the chosen ground-target, but redirects him into any enemy that crosses his path, knocking them back and leaving a trail that grants allies movement speed in the same direction he came from.
    • Kog'Maw is a mid-to-high range marksman who deals bonus %HP magic damage on hit for a duration with his main ability. He has a skillshot that reduces defenses and another that leaves a slowing trail of splooge. His ultimate is a ground-target small AoE damage ability that can be used in quick succession and deals bonus damage to low health enemies. His passive allows him to walk around after death and explode for true damage in an area.


    A - E

    L - Q

    submitted by /u/MooseMaster3000
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    If you’re having trouble farming, this might help you

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    First off, I'm no 10 cs/min farm master challenger smurf. I'm bronze trash. And farming isn't my strong.

    Since I started watching LEC and LCS and other professional streams, I noticed that they have an absurd amount of gold just from farming, and that they only go for kills to take objectives.

    So I started thinking of a way to improve my farming (I have like 6 cs/min average) and came up with this: Counting. Not counting the minions I take, but the ones I fail. And boy do I miss minions.

    I noticed that I lose a lot of minions when I engage or recall or when someone ganks me, so I started not engaging in a trade unless I see the enemy laner overextending or if he has his cc/main poke ability on cooldown. Also trying not to push the lane too hard or go more than half way to not create a gank opportunity for the enemy jungler.

    This is no grandmaster pro farm tip, but it might help out someone. I mean, at least it helped me improve a little.

    submitted by /u/Distinger_
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    Tip: Before dodging, make sure your runes are appropriate for the champion that you locked in.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 01:08 AM PDT

    The "Sorry, you were removed from the party" bug when dodging still exists at least in EUW. This can lead to rather unfortunate situations where you didn't do your runes for the champion that you locked in, you try to dodge the game and then end up in a game playing Guardian Kayn.

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_RULE34_MEGUMIN
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    How do you play when you get outscaled but the enemy Jg is agressive?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    I was playing Renekton vs Nasus, its not a great matchup but i have the advantage early so i have to punish him as hard as possible, the thing is that i had a Zac jg while they had a very aggressive Graves who kept ganking lanes.

    i found it imposible to punish the Nasus without dying to jungle ganks, due to Renektons kit is very hard to freeze (since he needs to Q the whole wave to trade and Nasus wins extended trades) and we lose any 2v2 that could happen.

    All of this in Plat 2, We eventually won because Zac scaling and Ezreal being very balanced but still.

    submitted by /u/EmilianoR24
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    At what rank is a player considered "good" at the game?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    Just had a conversation with my brother who hovers around high diamond, about what makes a player good. This started with him defending tarzaned/tfblade for their unranked to challenger videos, flaming people in lower elo, saying they're bad. He then went on to say that he thinks anyone who is diamond is "bad" at the game. He refuses to admit that generally players in plat or above are, by definition (statistically), good at the game.

    Do people genuinely believe that diamond players are bad, or is this just some shitty elitist mentality that my brother cant seem to get past? I'm just curious since I genuinely think the whole "good at the game" perception has been heavily skewed by streamers, who are generally high elo and spend all day playing the game.

    submitted by /u/SuperStudMufin
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    When to vertical JG?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    I was just watching a vurkayuu coaching vid about a Lee Sin who destroyed his team's chance of winning in th early game.

    Virkayuu mentioned vertical jungling a bit and I was wondering when should I vertical jungle? Should I do it when I'm ahead or behind?

    submitted by /u/rightful_hello
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    I'm worse than my rank

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    I'm Gold 3 right now but it feels like I do not deserve it. Whenever I play ranked, it feels so onesided: I either stomp or get stomped. But usually I get stomped. It takes all of my concentration to just not feed and hope my team carries. On the other hand I see all the reddit posts of outplays, and compared to them, I feel like I'm just on my team for the coin flip. I have to abuse mordekaiser even though I'd rather play other champs. Because of this, ranked feels disheartening, where I don't feel like I'm improving, just running it down. Does anyone else experience this and how can I improve to be around my rank?

    submitted by /u/cryingbob
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    Kassadin Matchups Spreadsheet

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 04:18 AM PDT

    Hello, my name is Pavel and i am a diamond kassadin player. I currently have over a 70% winrate on Kassadin over the course of over 100 games and i am currently on the grind to go further in divisions, mainly with Kassadin. I have made a spreadsheet with the most frequent mid lane matchups for Kassadin, which goes over the runes, spell order, and then my tips and thoughts about the matchup. I think this could be highly informative for anyone trying to pick up/playing Kassadin all the way up to diamond.


    I have spent quite a bit of time writing this, so i hope someone can find this somewhat informative and helpful. I always enjoyed having these spreadsheets ready for new champions i have been learning, to get a somewhat decent understanding of the matchup. Please do tell me if you learned anything new from this, or if you think something is wrong in what i wrote.

    Disclaimer: This is written with the assumption that you and the enemy mid laner are on the same skill level, if you know you are much better than the enemy then you can obviously run ignite electrocute and doran's ring every game and stomp any matchup.

    submitted by /u/pavolos
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    how can i get kills as tank

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    my main lane is support and my secondary lane is top. i play most of the time full tanks (and sometimes off tanks). most of the game economy counts on kill golds, but because i cant deal any damage as a tank, i cant get kills. cant getting kills means being very much behind on gold. so how can i solve it?

    submitted by /u/VM_Blackz
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    how am i supposed to play against mundo full tank items

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    so we were against 18lvl mundo that had full items i had full items as well (as galio) and my teams levels were 16-18 when enemies levels were around 12lvl only mundo was high we just couldn't deal with him it took whole team like 20seconds to kill him and we could never do that when we got his health down he would just regen in no time we destroyed their whole team everyone was fed but because of mundo we lost

    submitted by /u/Black_Butler555
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    Struggling when behind with Kayn

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    Hi all, I'm a very low elo player (Bronze II) who used to play in Gold league back in ~2014. Recently picked the game back up, and after getting familiar with and performing well using easy jungle champs (Rammus, WW, Vi, Fiddle), I picked up Kayn.

    First game with him I did really well. I was struggling to learn the mechanics quickly but I managed to get the hang of it by mid game and ended up doing pretty well.

    Since then, I've struggled super hard. I DESPERATELY try to find early ganks because I know how vital they are for Kayn, but when I've been unable to gank early, I end up evolving way too late and I simply can't keep up with the game. I really like the champion and I want to get good with him, but it feels like unless I manage a couple of decent ganks early, I'm long out of the game.

    Does anybody have any tips on how to play Kayn when behind?

    submitted by /u/CKY-Immune
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    Regarding itemization

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    So its very easy to find a build and keep doing the same build over and over again but what separates good players from trash is knowing how to adjust to enemy comp.

    Now most guides do have a "situational items" section and they say "take this if you are vs ad" or "take this if enemy has lots of autoattackers" etc...

    Is their a website that I can put in an item, say adaptive helm for example and then the website what champion struggle against the adaptive helm item for example? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/mateyman
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    Silver games are different than they used to be

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    I have noticed I find silver level games are amazingly more challenging and engaging than they once were I think the smurf issue caused a great deal of players to improve even if they didn't rank up.

    This is a hugely impactful thing for the game and a display on the health of the game and recent balancing; now everything isn't perfect that's not at all what I mean. I just enjoy that teamwork is so heavily incentivized , and that it brings player together.

    This may not be everyone's view I understand as it is noticeably harder to solo carry games in modern league of legends than It was. Before you could climb completely in your own skill alone, now you can these days if your miles ahead of your current elo that your in and if so great you'll rank up. typically however it's hard for one player to win the game alone.

    This shift of solo to team focused gameplay has caused quite a few effects on things like how community toxicity is being addressed and riots efforts to change things for the better, it in my opinion it changes how champions were viewed as far as their identity and that affects how people feel playing them

    submitted by /u/hailfire805
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    Learning Champion Knowledge

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    I'm Silver 3 first season and I main mid and second ADC. I would like to get to the point where I generally know what every champion can do, their strengths and weaknesses, and eventually get to knowing their abilities and CD's, but is there a better way to learn this than just playing more games?

    Even though I have experience with most midlane matchups, theres still all of the junglers I have to be aware of, the matchups between my sidelanes and how that will affect my influence in ganking, or just knowing what to expect, avoid, and exploit from each champion in teamfights. Each champion has different abilities, powerspikes, builds, goals, tempo, etc. I just started watching pro games, and I have no idea whats going on in teamfights. For that matter, a lot of times I dont completely know whats going on in my teamfights, because I dont know everyones abilities and it's hard to focus on everyone. This information can determine how effective it is when I go in to say, E > R the backline with Diana. I still have to deal with those games where you lose a trade, gank, or teamfight because I didnt know a champion could do a certain thing or was that powerful and that I was supposed to expect that. I would love to at least have the general knowledge of each champion so I know what to look out for.

    I play a good amount everyday, Im getting into watching coaches/streamers, and trying to learn new champs when I can. Should I be playing a little ARAM everyday? Is there a resource or study tool where I can actually study each champions info in depth and effectively? Any help appreciated!

    submitted by /u/TimeIllusory
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    Want better teammates? Be fun to play with

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    This game is 100x better when you have friends to queue with. Being in voice chat with your team is the biggest advantage in this game. Bar none.

    But how do you find people to play with? How do you get people who are better than you to queue up with you?

    You be fun to play with. Joke around in chat. Be funny. Be goofy. Lighten the mood for your team and the enemy. Throw a "show feet?" into all chat. Dont rage when you die, but turn it into a joke. Or just type "big oof". Spam "EZ", but only when you ff or lose.

    Build your community up so you can have fun games.

    This is the single best tip you will get for this game. Be fun. Find fun people. Get better games. Get better as a player.

    If you aren't matched with inters, afks, and toxic jerks, you will only have to focus on playing better, and you will see marked improvements fast.

    submitted by /u/ShortTermLongForm
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    Controlling the wave

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    Hello everyone ! could someone please explain how to control the wave (freeze , fast push , slow push). I keep hearing people talk about it being really good and easy to learn but every time I watch a video about it I simply don't understand it. Is it just me being stupid or ? I try to learn it but I can not understand how to do it.

    submitted by /u/supportisbae
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    I have a little question

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    So uhh i was the only tank in the team I gone full tank morde with only protobelt for a bit of movement. Is this a problem? I mean a few ppl told me that i was wrong even thoi literally carried the team lategame with 4.6k hp and 450 armour. Am i in the wrong here? (Ppl in the league discord i mean, the ppl ingame took it very well) this is the screenshot if you cant see it ill try again, im new on reddit

    submitted by /u/rubythoe
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    Spam queue or wait?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    Hi. I'm a mid Jayce main currently gold 2. I switched from my main acc because I fucked up my mmr while I was climbing out of silver. I went on a second account and rn I'm standing at gold 2 and somewhere around 20 lp.

    This is my first season that I actually try to climb and I really want to reach Plat but have a question. Do you play games even if you lose or you just get off to an other acc even at your first game? I tend to sign out after a lose (even if I did well and wasn't tilted with the results). Will this help or should I go and grind for as long as I can whatever the circumstances are? Any help will be appreciated. :)

    submitted by /u/RangedHammer
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    When should i allow myself to play a particular champ in ranked?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    Okay so i started league about 3 months ago and am obsessed with the game. I'm about level 65 now and i'm in Bronze 1. I haven't played too many ranked games but have spent a lot of time in norms, aram, and customs. I feel like i have learned a good amount of champs but don't feel confident to play much of them in ranked. I also don't feel confident to play any other role than support. Currently I play one of three champs in ranked: Pyke, Lux, or Galio (supp). I feel like i'm not good enough to go mid and top even though i have learned those roles quite a bit as well, and I guess my general question is how much time should i spend on a champ before I should go and try them in ranked. Any other advice is welcome. Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/davekhal
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    Jungle Pathing after Level 3 ?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 05:42 AM PDT

    Hello! I am new to jungle (really want to learn tho) and this question may sound silly to many of you, but what is the pathing after level 3? I understood the fact that each jungler has a different route for that "fast" level 3 and then going for a gank when possible, but what happens afterwards? Thank in advance for answers and if u could recommend me videos or streamers/Youtubers, too that I can watch for improvement would be awesome. I usually look on Mobafire.

    submitted by /u/peaceradiant
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    Building Ardent Censor for Lux mid?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    I have been coming more and more to the conclusion that Ardent Censer is extremely overpowered. Very, very cost efficient.

    Costs 2300, 10% CDR, mana regen and 60 AP. And then the passive.

    I was wondering if it is worth building sometimes on Lux mid when the team comp allows for it. We are talking 2-3 champions that can make good use of the passive. Would also be a good idea I would think if your carry champions are winning the early game and you can just make them stronger with Ardent when you don't need to carry.

    I would probably build it if our regular support wasn't. Would build it after Luden's but before Deathcap.

    Anyways, what do you think about the option of building Ardent Censor for Lux mid?

    submitted by /u/Ferromagneticfluid
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    In your opinion what is the most underrated pick in any lane?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    What champion (in what lane) do you think is the most sleeper OP? It doesn't have to be off meta, if you think it's singed top than say singed top. For me personally, I think Veigar ADC is disgustingly good if you can survive pre-level 6. I'm curious to see what everyone here has to say about this question, especially the offmeta/unknown strats.

    Ok, I think I got to the character limit. Thanks for the responses!

    submitted by /u/Pkch42
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    Highly valuable skills to know?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    What should I start developing FIRST.

    What second?

    What are some key aspects of the game you need to know how to do. I'm kind of wondering about the specifics, not just income and last hitting blah blah, although very important. I want to know some specific skills you should start practicing in order to be come a good player.

    submitted by /u/chokejokecharm
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