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    Sunday, June 21, 2020

    LoL Guide A brief description of champions R - S

    LoL Guide A brief description of champions R - S

    A brief description of champions R - S

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    (there's a lot of them)

    A - E

    F - K

    L - Q

    • Rakan is a mobile support somewhere between engage tank and enchanter with special interactions with his girlfriend, Xayah. Passively, he periodically gains a shield that regens out of combat if it isn't totally depleted. His skillshot grants him a delayed heal if he hits a champion, that he can pop instantly to heal both himself and an ally by walking into them. One of his dashes is ground-targeted, and after a delay he will knockup in a circle. His other dash is ally-targeted and grants the ally a shield; it can be used twice but will only refresh the shield on the same target, not double it, and can be cast from double the range if the target is Xayah. His ultimate grants him MS and makes him charm anyone he touches. If Xayah is recalling, he can join her even up until the last second to follow.
    • Rammus is an armor-heavy engage tank jungler. Passively, his auto-attacks scale with armor. His main engage tool is his MS boost ball form, which knocks up in an area around whoever he slams into. He can massively boost his defenses, but slows himself, while dealing his passive damage to enemies who auto-attack him. His taunt is short range but targeted, and grants him bonus AS. His ultimate makes him emit waves of damage around himself for a duration which also damage structures.
    • Rek'Sai is a diver-fighter who somewhat mimics transforming champs. One ability causes her to burrow, leaving her fin exposed but reducing her actual sight range while allowing her to see blinking tremors of enemies from a longer distance. While burrowed, her Fury bar will deplete to heal her. She has an ability that empowers three auto-attacks, making them deal damage in a circle; while burrowed this ability instead fires a single skillshot. Unburrowing knocks up surrounding enemies. Her bite is targeted, and will deal true damage if used while her Fury bar is full. Her dash leaves behind holes she can enter to travel between them again. Her ultimate allows her to blink to any enemy she's recently attacked, dealing %missingHP-scaling damage.
    • Renekton is a diver fighter who uses Fury. His abilities are enhanced and consume Fury if he has more than 50%, but also grant it. He has a circular slash that heals him per enemy hit, gaining damage and heal when enhanced. He has an empowered auto-attack reset that stuns, striking 3 times, negating shields and stunning longer if enhanced. His dash can be re-cast if he passes through an enemy, with the second reducing armor if enhanced. His ultimate makes him larger, grants HP, causes him to DoT in an area around himself and passively gain Fury.
    • Rengar is a stealth-based assassin who passively gains AD for each unique enemy killed and will leap from bushes to his attack target. His resource is Ferocity, which only has 4 points and increases by using abilities on enemies. At 4, his next ability is empowered and doesn't go on cooldown. He has an auto-attack reset that deals bonus damage; while empowered it also grants him AS. He may roar for damage in a circle, which heals him and also cleanses CC if empowered. His skillshot is a single-target slow, but becomes a root when empowered. His ultimate stealths him for quite some time, but warns the nearest enemy that he's near; he will leap if he attacks while stealthed.
    • Riven is a resourceless, caster fighter. Passively, using an ability stores a charge that enhances her next auto-attack, up to 3. Her main ability is a short dash that damages in a circle which can be cast 3 times in short succession, with the third also knocking up. She has an AoE stun centered on herself, and another dash that grants her a shield. Her ultimate gives her bonus range and AD, and may be re-cast to fire a cone that deals missingHP scaling damage. Better Riven players can cast all her abilities extremely quickly with animation canceling.
    • Rumble is a mid-range battlemage who focuses on DoT and managing his unique resource, Heat. Heat is generated by casting abilities, being above 50% heat empowers his basic abilities, but reaching 100% silences him for a few seconds while enhancing his auto-attacks. He has a flamethrower cone that deals bonus damage if enhanced, a shield that grants MS which are both increased when enhanced, and a skillshot that may be cast twice which slows and increases the slow and damage when enhanced. His ultimate creates a ground-targeted trail of fire that burns for DoT and slows enemies.
    • Ryze is a mid-range, high area battle mage who scales mana in addition to AP and heavily relies on the enhanced effects from comboing his abilities. Using his skillshot after his other basic abilities grants him a burst of MS. One of them is a projectile that spreads to nearby targets, applying a mark to all of them. The other is a targeted slow that roots if the enemy is marked. His projectile will deal bonus damage and spread to marked targets. His ultimate is a long-range teleport after channeling a portal, which teleports all allied units within.
    • Sejuani is an engage-tank jungler. Passively, she gains bonus resistances against the first enemy attack in a fight and is immune to slows until attacked. She and nearby melee enemies apply a stacking mark to targets, which at 4 allows her to click them to stun them. She has a dash that knocks up in a small area if she impacts an enemy, and a cone that becomes a line-skillshot, which apply one mark each. Her ultimate is a skillshot that stuns the first enemy hit, then creates a circular storm that slows enemies. Any enemy she stuns appears to be encased in ice, and can be auto-attacked for bonus damage. Enemies she stuns cannot be applied marks for a time.
    • Senna is a support-ish, long-range marksman. She gains stacks by collecting souls that appear from minions or when she attacks champions, on a cooldown; the attack that grants a soul deals bonus damage. The stacks increase her stats, crit chance, and range. She has a pseudo-skillshot that fires after targeting an enemy or ally, which heals allies and herself, and damages enemies while applying on-hits. She may make herself untargetable but not invulnerable, appearing as a white glow, while granting allies near her stealth but making them appear as ghouls if they leave her circle. Her skillshot roots in an area around its target after a delay. Her ultimate is a lane-wide global beam that fires after a delay, damaging enemies in its center while granting allies a shield.
    • Sett is a juggernaut with two powerful displacements. Passively, he gains health regen when low on health, stores his resource, Grit, when he is attacked, and auto-attacks in a quick one-two combo with the second dealing more damage. He has an empowered auto-attack reset that deals %HP damage. His pull pulls all enemies on either side of him to him, additionally stunning them if there's at least one on either side. He has a rectangular cone of damage that deals true damage in the center which costs all his Grit, scaling up to half his max HP. His ultimate grabs a nearby enemy, launching them both opposite the direction he came from before slamming them into the ground to deal damage in an AoE that scales with that enemy's max HP.
    • Shaco is a stealth jungler who may build for magic or physical damage. He gains a damage bonus when attacking enemies whose backs are to him. One ability causes him to blink, stealth, and empower his next auto-attack. He may also place invisible jack-in-the-boxes that fear approaching enemies and fire at them like a turret for a short duration. His targeted projectile slows. His ultimate creates a clone of himself that can auto-attack for reduced damage and explodes for a large amount of magic damage when killed, creating 3 jack-in-the-boxes that share a health pool but otherwise function like the others.
    • Shen is a support-y counter-engage tank. Passively, casting an ability grants him a shield, and his Spririt Sword will be present near him at all times. He can call his sword to him, empowering his next three auto-attacks and slowing any enemy it passes through, which also grants him AS if it contacts an enemy. He can create a circular field around his sword that causes all auto-attacks to miss allies within for a short duration. His dash is also his only CC, and taunts all enemies he passes through. His ultimate allows him to target any ally, globally, and shield them for a few seconds while channeling before teleporting to their location.
    • Shyvana is a pseudo-transformation fighter who currently builds for burst magic damage. She has an empowered auto that causes it to strike twice at once and reduces its cooldown when she autos, an AoE DoT of fire around herself that grants movespeed, and a skillshot fire blast that passes through enemies and grants her %HP magic damage on-hit against them. Her ultimate requires her Fury bar to be full, and causes her to dash unstoppably while dragging enemies with her and switching to Dragon form. While in Dragon form, her empowered auto becomes a cone, her AoE increases in size, and her skillshot explodes for a large amount of damage and leaves a circle of fire that burns over time.
    • Singed is a specialized AP juggernaut who leans more towards defense than damage and is built for clearing minions. Passively, he gains MS near champions. He has a toggled poison cloud that leaves a trail wherever he walks which dissipates after a time, a ground-target splooge that grounds enemies within and roots anyone he flips into it. His flip is short range and throws the enemy behind himself. His ultimate simply increases all his stats and grants movement speed.
    • Sion, despite his title, is a cc-heavy tank, not a juggernaut. Passively, he keeps control after dying and may auto-attack for increased damage for a duration, with one burst of movespeed available. He has a channeled square-shaped knockup that can be released early for a slow. His shield can be re-cast to explode for damage around himself. His short-range skillshot reduces armor but can also hurl a minion, applying the effect to anyone the minion contacts. His ultimate makes him charge unstoppably in a direction with minimal turning, stopping on impact with an enemy champion, knocking up and stunning them.The ability can be re-cast early, but loses the CC, or impact turrets to damage them.
    • Sivir is a mid-low range marksman with strong waveclear. She passively gains movespeed when attacking enemies. Her skillshot is a boomerang that damages enemies struck on both the throw and return. Her spellshield refunds mana. She may empower her next three auto-attacks to bounce to nearby enemies, gaining AS during the attacks past level 6. Her ultimate grants her and nearby allies movespeed for a duration.
    • Skarner is a juggernaut-like jungler fighter with more crowd control than his peers. Passively, he gains AS and MS when near crystals that appear at fixed locations in the jungle, which either team can take control of to allow or prevent his bonuses. He has a short-cooldown burst of AoE damage, a shield that grants him movespeed, and a skillshot that applies a mark to all enemies it passes through. Auto-attacking marked enemies stuns them. His ultimate suppresses the target and allows him to drag them along for the duration. The cooldown of his skillshot is reduced whenever he ults or stuns an enemy.
    • Sona is a damage-heavy mid-range enchanter support. Passively, every third spellcast empowers her next auto-attack with a different effect depending on the spell, which can be swapped before attacking. Her damage ability auto-targets two enemies and grants her and nearby allies bonus damage on their next auto-attack; it grants her passive bonus damage. Her shield/heal are on the same ability, affecting herself and the lowest HP nearby ally; it makes her passive reduce the enemy's damage output. Her speed-boost affects herself and allies near her; it makes her passive slow the enemy. Her ultimate is a rectangular skillshot that stuns all enemies hit.
    • Soraka is the purest form of healer. She gains movespeed towards low HP allies. Her ground-target slow heals her over time if it hits a champion. The same heal is applied on top of her targeted heal if it's used soon after. She also has an instant ground-targeted circle that silences enemies within and roots after a delay. Her ultimate heals all ally champions.
    • Swain is a mid-range battle mage with self healing. Passively, using his pull or ground-target heals him and increases his maximum HP slightly. He may also target anyone affected by his own or ally CC and pull them a short distance. His lightning cone deals more damage if more bolts hit, and travels through minions. His long-range ground-target has a very long delay but grants sight. His skillshot boomerangs, stopping on and rooting in an area around the first enemy hit by the return. His ultimate causes him to deal DoT in an area around himself for a duration, healing himself, and may be re-cast to explode for damage and end the effect. Otherwise it will explode when the duration ends.
    • Sylas is an AP skirmisher fighter whose ult is any of yours'. Passively, he stores charges when he uses spells that cause his auto-attacks to hit in a circle, up to 3. He may slam his chains down in a line, which detonates in a circle where they intersected after a delay. His short targeted dash heals him, scaling with his missing HP. His non-targeted dash is first the dash, then a skillshot with his chains that knocks up and pulls him towards the first enemy hit. His ultimate targets a nearby enemy, changing it to their ultimate for one cast, and adjusting scaling to match his (turns AD scalings to AP).
    • Syndra is a mid-high range burst mage who interacts with her spheres. Getting an ability to max rank grants it a bonus effect. She may summon at a ground target, dealing damage in a circle; at max rank damage is increased. She can also lift and lob either spheres or enemy minions/pets/monsters, which damages and slows enemies at the impact; at max rank it deals bonus true damage. Her cone ability knocks back enemies and spheres; spheres that are knocked back stun anyone they contact; at max rank the cone is widened. Her ultimate gathers any spheres on the map and the there near her head, and fires them at the targeted enemy champion, scaling with the number of spheres; at max rank the targeting range is increased.
    submitted by /u/MooseMaster3000
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    When outclassed, playing "beta" wins games

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    I'm a Silver 1 jungler, and just had a game in which I was pretty much outclassed by every enemy player -- I just kept getting caught out and/or mechanically outplayed in the first 15 minutes. However, as Warwick, I eased back and dedicated myself to tanking up and peeling for our stylin' ADC, while giving him as many buffs and as much farm as possible. We gave up two barons and three dragons, but even as we lost the battles, Lucian got more and more fed, and we chipped down a few of their towers at opportune moments. Two of my teammates were "?" pinging the hell out of me, but I was trying to be realistic and focus on our win con. Everything came to a head in mid-lane at 35 min, where we narrowly aced the enemy team, and our two surviving members ended the game a few seconds before they respawned.

    Just wanted to post this as a reminder that you can feel your play is complete shit (relative to opponents at least), and still find ways to win. It's not as hype as carrying, but still ultra-satisfying.

    submitted by /u/Runic_Bistro
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    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    I've been playing on and off since season five and was always silver and bronze. I started playing again because of the extra time quarantine has provided me. I told myself getting to gold by the end of season ten was my goal since it's always been my goal in past seasons and I FINALLY GOT IT!!! Thought I'd share since none of my IRL friends really get the excitement haha

    submitted by /u/tgentle123
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    If you're getting spam ganked - you might be the weakest laner... !

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    So this post relates a lot to a common mindset that exists in Low-elo games. Many times a laner is getting repeat ganked over and over and seems to believe that "they were operating such a diff the enemy HAD to gank me" and is then frustrated feeling as if they were the best player on their team and their other laners simply could not do anything with the relief of map pressure from the camping. While this is sometimes the case, a jungler usually does not have the time to decide who is the strongest laner before they start ganking early on, and is rather responding to lane matchups and wave positioning not how epic and mechanically stylish your trades have been (trust me we dont watch).

    Furthermore, junglers love and i mean LOVE to prey on the weak link. If we get a kill top, trust me im coming back for seconds, and thirds. We want to stretch that lead so we can move elsewhere without worry.

    I know it can be really frustrating to feel as if you are the win-con and are simply being camped while your team loses, but the equation is often not that simple. Try to understand things from a junglers perspective and find out why you might end up being "that" lane in more games than not.

    Try to identify some things early on such as, am i the lane that they will be pathing to at the start of the game? When is it safe to shove? What buffs are up / which quadrant might they be in? Where were they last seen? Is my lane the most gankable (Enemy laner easy CC) and such.

    Not a rant, just a thought I had when discussing improvement with some of my friends who are much newer to the game! I hope to hear peoples input!

    submitted by /u/LogTossinJon
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    What’s a good way to keep CS up as a jungler?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    I notice that whenever I'm playing jungle my CS is always down compared to the enemy even if I have more kills/ganks. Any good tips to maintain a decent CS? Is it possible I'm extending my gank timing too much? I just don't know what I'm doing wrong in terms of keeping CS up

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    How can I help impact my botlane as top?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    Silver player trying to get to gold and I am having some difficulty with impacting other lanes from top, bot in particular. It feels like when my botlane loses I could've done something to help them out, but I am not sure how, outside of tp. I don't really know how to make good use of my tp early without my enemy toplaner shoving my tower and making me fall behind in gold and xp. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/Simple_Wolf
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    My jungler in clash always has least damage on the team

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    My team has been playing clash a lot, usually winning 2-3 games every time we play. However even with this success, we have noticed that our jungler often has lowest damage on the team. It's not a big issue because he obviously still has huge impact and contributes to our wins, but was just curious if this is normal or not. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/rollaroundforever
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    I'm learning ahri

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    Hi I'm new to leauge and picked ahri as my first champion and I'm trying to lean her. I've never played leauge before and I've been looking for a good build for a beginner playing ahri. Does anyone have any tips or tricks for ahri, or any rune pages that I can use. These are the runes I'm currently running, electrocute, taste of blood, eyeball collector, and ravenous hunter. Then I'm running manaflow band and gathering storm. For my offense I picked +9 adaptive force, for flex I picked +9 adaptive force and for defense I picked +8 magic resist. Is that good? And if now what should I change?

    submitted by /u/snipenight6216v
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    Should you OTP to learn macro?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    Hi! So right now, Im a gold player and Ive been looking to improve my macro game. Right now the champ I have the most mechanics on and the champ I have the most games on is Viktor. If Im looking to improve game knowledge, is it better to stick to champs I know well so that I can focus on other things, or is it better to play many different roles/champs to get a more holistic view? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/WhippedCream400
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    Best way to see what the meta is in solo queue?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    Win rate overall/at your bracket/or at high elo? Or even high level pick rates/tier lists, just want to try and understand it a little more as stuff like yuumi for example always seem to win when i play against or with them and they are banned alot, but win rate wise they are average.

    Similarly with stuff like ezreal its picked alot but win rate wise hes not that great, alot of people in my games talk about meta alot same with reddit but i have no idea how you determine it.

    submitted by /u/Otamintis
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    Clash Vision Score Sheet

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    Clash Sheet

    Hey all!

    Over the past few months my friends and I have really been having a lot fun with clash. It's really been giving a new life to league for us and motivation. We now spend most of our time working on our champion pool in soloq, or practicing in ranked flex.

    I'm also a huge excel/sheets nerd (despite being bad) and about a month I created a google sheet to track all of our vision score information, as we were seeing some wildly different stats across the board for different players. Here is a copy of my excel spreadsheet that I have been using to track, and it has helped tremendously for some players to see how they compare to others!

    After each clash match I just go through the post game stats and add all of the information to the sheet. If anyone needs any kind of help or explanation for how to use the sheet just let me know and I'd love to walk you through it! Just take the link and make a copy of the sheet for yourself to use. Hope you enjoy!

    submitted by /u/Lukekat
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    Will I Ever Get Better At League?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    Before anything else: I don't usually use Reddit, but I think my friends subscribe to the league of legends subreddit and I don't want to risk being recognized, which is why I'm asking here. Hope that's ok.

    I've been playing league for a little over a year and I'm level 36 now. My bf (a long time player) got me into it. He noticed that some of my friends played league and thought it would help me become better friends with them lol. So thus it began.

    I started out playing adc. I was really awful and got flamed to high hell but had a lot of fun playing with my friends. My wonderful, supportive, dumbass friends never seem to mind playing with me. They always say it's ok, I'm new, league is just a game, we play for fun. But I still felt bad for making them lose all the time, so I switched to playing support (where I thought I'd do minimal damage to the team) and became a sona one trick. I'm not great at sona, but I usually go positive at least.

    On and off though my league career may be, it still gets boring playing sona and only sona for a year straight. So I tried branching out to different supports. It didn't go well. I tried adc again. It didn't go well. Most recently, I've been trying top lane. It's not going well. I'm hardly a new player anymore. At this point I'm straight trash.

    What am I doing wrong? I read guides. Watch videos. Lurk the summoner school subreddit. Use the practice tool. Even play the occasional bot game. The only thing I don't do is play real games on my own. Which I - feeling bad for always being a dead weight on the team - gave a shot at solo queueing garen today. Needless to say, I fed my ass off and got flamed as per usual when I play on my own. I lost three games and proceeded to get myself booed out during the picking phase of the fourth.

    Again, my friends don't seem to mind playing with me. But surely they'd mind less if I became better? I want them to have as much fun playing with me as I do playing with them. But it just feels like no matter what I do, I never improve and I've been thinking about quitting league altogether. Has anybody felt similarly hopeless? Should I just continue being a sona one trick? Should I keep trying to branch out? Or should I give up?

    tldr: i am quite possibly the worst league player in existence and want to know if there is hope for improving or if i should give up before falling further behind because i sure as hell was never ahead

    submitted by /u/sorryformyexistence0
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    Getting back to diamond

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    So I feel afraid to tells this anyone but i hit a rock.
    Season 9 I was diamond, peaking at d2, I did it in a month starting from around low plat.

    I started playing ranked again and I cant even get near my old rank, im hardstuck at plat 3.
    If anything i improved and im still so much behind.
    I main jungle, and play mostly hecarim.
    I try to watch guides but they tell nothing new to me, i already know the things they tell me to do to get out of my elo.
    I tried climbing on 2 servers with 3 accounts and always the same results.
    Free ride until plat, and then i cant make progress.

    It seems like there is no in beetwen in my games. Its either 13/2 free win or 3/5 and everyone wants to ff 15. I feel so powerless in climbing and its really frustrating.
    More than 400 games on my main account and cant seem to find the problem.

    If you can suggest me anything to get back on track i would appriciate it a lot.

    submitted by /u/Foxly_lol
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    What’s the optimal TP?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 12:47 AM PDT

    Hello! So I'm hardstuck bronze(Sigh). This is my first season. Trynna get better. I play midlane sometimes. I jungle with warwick most of the time. When i play mid lane i always take ignite. I play talon and Diana. With talon you have to take ignite. With diana it's a choice. I never take TP becasue i have no idea how to use it after the first back. What's the best time to TP to a lane? When would you TP? What do you expect when you TP? What's the best and worst case scenarios after you TP? Hope you guys can help me out.

    submitted by /u/b4ck_5t4Bb3r
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    Help me with picking items for jungle olaf

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    So I know my core build is always a

    red smite with warrior enchantement

    black cleaver

    and ninja tabi

    Now I have 3 other items to go for

    Usually if I am fed I will go for sterak right after black cleaver and if I am even more fed at that point (which is not very common) then I go for death dance but usually it will be spirit visage and finally GA

    So my usual build is red smite warrior, black cleaver, ninja tabi, sterak's, spirit visage, and likely GA

    My question is about the following items

    • Dead man's plate

    when to buy this? Should I even bother buying it when I am ahead? Is it better against AD or AP champs?

    • Righteous glory

    I understand this item was being recommended for Olaf jungle a few months ago but looks like Sterak is better choice for scaling in late game what yall think? Should I go for this if I am maybe behind or still stick to sterak?

    • Adaptive helm

    I think this is good item for cassio, rumble, syndra etc... But should I buy it when I'm behind or its just situational?

    • Randuin's omen

    This is probably vs AD heavy teams

    I guess my main question is once I built my core (red smite warrior, ninja and black cleaver) and if I am behind whicch item should I go for instead of sterak's? And then depending on if enemy is AP or AD I will go spirit or dead man's plate or smth

    submitted by /u/mateyman
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    How do I play Master Yi!

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Hi! My name is Warp and I got back into league very recently. After finishing the tutorial, I chose Master Yi as my first champion. What do I do with him. I heard that he is a jungle role or something? Is there someone who can explain what that is because im kind of clueless

    submitted by /u/WarpWing
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    Low damage as an ADC?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    So, I've been playing Clash with some mates and we've got a serious problem:

    Regardless of how well we do, our ADC doesn't put out enough damage. In the last ~10 games, he has not outdamaged our mid laner once, despite 50 min games and picks such as Aphelios or Vayne. I have no idea why this is, we often win lane down bot but by the end the damage chart just doesn't add up, with him often only ~5k ahead of the enemy ADC even if said ADC is 1/9 or 0/7.

    Any tips?

    Another problem is, we've got two ADC mains on the team. Our current ADC has a much bigger champion pool, and the other ADC is playing top (completely new to playing top and has a tiny champion pool on top). I was considering swapping them around. The other ADC has a smaller champion pool and doesn't play most of the meta ADCs like Ezreal, Aphelios or Kalista and we don't have built-in, but our current ADC is a much better top laner than he is. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Joaoseinha
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    How do you trade as Fizz?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    I am kind of new to the game, and I only really play Fizz. The problem is, I constantly lose trades on mid as my enemy usually outranges me. I have also tried to closing the gap with E and going all in but it just ends up in me dying without my ult. So my question is, how to trade as Fizz in the early game?

    submitted by /u/Dawnial2
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    Is fasting Senna still viable in low elo?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    I know that in past patches fasting Senna has done really well at higher levels however with the new Senna ADC buffs this patch I'm wondering if I should still try the strat with a duo Tahm Kench in low elo and what our overall play style should be in lane and mid and late game.

    Additionally, what runes and builds should I run in different scenarios as Senna? I'm aware that Glacial Augment is the classic rune but also that Grasp is becoming more popular lately. What are the advantages and disadvantages to both?

    Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/Submariner111
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    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    Miss fortune

    So I started playing lol and tried playing miss fortune have been doing super good. Does anyone have tips. I normally do mid or bot. If anyone have tips please leave a comment or dm me. Also make sure you have a good day!

    Miss fortune

    So I started playing lol and tried playing miss fortune have been doing super good. Does anyone have tips. I normally do mid or bot.

    submitted by /u/Trevenant-gaming
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    Good Luck & Have Fun!

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    There are still people who enjoy playing league of legends???I mean do u have fun when u play? (ofc I don't mean in a ranked game) Ps. Fun doesn't mean win! Try to explain your thought when u answer. I ask because I felt sorry today during a game(draft not ranked) where teammates start to flaming each other and one teammates told me he have fun just when he win a game. I would like know what do u think about it. When I start to play league I learned to write in chat before start a game "GL & HF" but now I start to think about it and I feel like this game is grow up with wrost community ever (no offense to anybody). I know is a competitive game but it's look like if someone in League instead of pressing Q W E R to play have push the "rage button". Maybe sound weird but is really sad. Sorry if I bother u with this bullshit let me know your mindset.👍

    submitted by /u/Nymeria_91
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    People with crazy 90%+ win rates- how?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    How is this possible? Even if you're very good, i just have a hard time believing that one person is able to carry consistently in every game

    For example, let's take a jungler with a 95% win rate. What happens when every single lane is losing from the start, and two of his team mates say fuck it and go AFK, or worse, start purposely feeding. This is a scenario that has happened to me and i'm sure many others here, several times.

    How does one carry in this situation?

    submitted by /u/Stud_Boy69
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    need 4 splitpush

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    Recently, I started playing more champions who's main strength is their split push potential(Yorick, Trynd and so on) but am having trouble using their strengths with more "difficult" teams. When I play with them, I often find a perfect opportunity to split push my lane aside from the fact that my team can't/doesn't either A. apply pressure by pushing waves or going for objectives or B. defend the base 4v5 from under our own tower. In such a scenario should I give up on the idea of splitpushing and try to join my team (even if I'm a Tryndamere against a tanky, CC heavy team where I won't be much use.) or create other opportunities for myself for the team to get an advantage?

    submitted by /u/KingAnything
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    Any good characters I should play?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    I have very much enjoyed aurelion sol and vel'koz (them being my mains since I started playing) also have a sudden love for dr. mundo from playing ARAM and a couple regular matches. Any similar characters to those? I've tried thresh, but haven't got the chance to get him to his full potential. Mordekaiser seems good too, it's just that I'm not that great at playing tanks. Vladimir was interesting until I realized how small of a range he had. I also tried jungling with amumu and very much enjoyed that, although I got destroyed in teamfights and laning lol. Also tried twisted fate and wasn't a huge fan.

    submitted by /u/DannyPhantom998
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