LoL Guide League is a completely different game when you mute everyone. |
- League is a completely different game when you mute everyone.
- You dont buy anti-healing to stop Sylas/Aatrox from murdering you.
- What's the counterplay to nocturne mid?
- Looking for help with LeBlanc
- How do you win in solo queue?
- is malzahar bot viable?, also what supports do you take with malzahar bot?
- Haunting Guise/Liandrys vs Oblivion Orb/Morello (detailed math)
- New to Gankplank and need help
- Smite gambling why do it when ahead?
- How do you trade and punish on last hits when playing mages (morgana)
- 6th item or control ward as support
- Champion Weakness List?
- Ganking as graves JG
- Help with farm in Jng
- To build magic pen or not?
- Massive lag at the end of the game
- Fighting for mid lane as ADC with an immobile mid laner. How do we each get equal farm?
- Is playing for your team pointless in low elo?
- Tips to climb!
- As a jungler, what do you do when all lanes are losing?
- Looking for some Lux tips
- Questions regarding Top lane tanks + champion suggestions
- Please help me. I'm so lost as to why I can't climb.
League is a completely different game when you mute everyone. Posted: 26 Jun 2020 07:08 AM PDT I've been playing the game since 2016 and it's been a bit lackluster for the past 3 years, but ever since I've been muting everyone, the game's become fun again. No one bashes you when you lose lane, your enemy doesn't rub it in your face when they kill you, and it really feels like a game again. [link] [comments] |
You dont buy anti-healing to stop Sylas/Aatrox from murdering you. Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:15 AM PDT You buy anti-healing to PREVENT them from snowballing. its not ''Aw, the enemy Aatrox+Sylas+Red Kayn won 4 fights in a row cause they healed a lot, now that we are hard losing the game its time to buy some anti-healing'' < basically every game i play as/against healing champion ever. its ''ahh im winning the lane, now imma buy the 800 gold item to snowball EVEN MORE against this X healing champion'' [link] [comments] |
What's the counterplay to nocturne mid? Posted: 26 Jun 2020 03:58 PM PDT All this champ does is force clear the wave and proceed to roam, it's basically impossible to match him as most champs until mid game and at that point he's already snowballed out of control, and most mid champs get one shot by him if they come anywhere near him What the hell do you do against this champ in mid? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jun 2020 11:44 AM PDT Hello, i am a mid diamond kassadin main, and i usually play these scaler champions like vladimir, kass, even camille on top. I recently started trying out leblanc on my smurf and i've been winning alot with decent scores but my farm is just awful, no matter how much i try i usually have around 5 cs per minute, i know that leblanc is more aggresive early on, so it's harder to have good farm but still good leblancs have around 7cs/min and i don't have a clue how . Any tips? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jun 2020 01:44 PM PDT Hello! After a break from league, about a month, playing ranked feels terrible, solo or duo. I play mid/support (Syndra ,Ori, Lux for mid and Naut, Leona, Sona as support). My peak this season was Gold 3 100 lp - not the highest elo, but something I achieved myself and was quite excited to continue climbing. But hey, straight downhill to Gold 4 0 lp we go! I even had my demotion shield turning red. I went from +23 per win to +14. I play a lot of Syndra lately, win or go even in lane, and whenever I check the scoreboard I just see losing bot and 3 drakes for the enemy team. When I see my opponent roaming I follow him or shove the wave under tower and take 1-2 plates based on the odds of me turning the fight around, or if the enemy is going for an unreasonable roam which I can "profit" from. I help my jungler, ward the usual spots, win lane, and midgame my team just ints it all. Can you give me some tips, or a good guide you've found on youtube. It seems like I just can't win anymore. Putting my here, I know I sometimes int my ass off, then I'd take a break. Constructive critisism only please. [link] [comments] |
is malzahar bot viable?, also what supports do you take with malzahar bot? Posted: 26 Jun 2020 01:29 PM PDT so I played a ranked game with a malzahar bot, he said he was going APC, I've seen people play veigar and cas bot too, so I thought it would be fine to play with malzahar Bot. It didn't go well. the lineup was nasus top, warwick jungle, morgana mid, senna (me) support, and malzahar bot, vs garen top, jax jungle, fizz mid, soraka support, and vayne bot so, I am not going to blame him for everything, we did get lvl 1 ganked by Jax after he cleared red buff, malzahar to flash, but, things didn't go.. too well after that, let's say he died to some bad fights where his positioning was a bit off (according to our warwick, who said he was trolling) malzahar ended up 2/11/9, with me going 5/8/11.. enough story time, first time playing with malzahar bot, maybe he was just bad, but is malzahar bot good? never played with him before, have never seen him play support or bot, so I'm kinda curious if he is good, and what supports you should pair with him [link] [comments] |
Haunting Guise/Liandrys vs Oblivion Orb/Morello (detailed math) Posted: 26 Jun 2020 04:38 PM PDT Hello People, To keep it simple I went with the following game state: Again, fairly simple situation for the Combo: Orb's damage is true damage since the 33 mpen from sorcs + orb completely negate Caits 32,42 MR. (I am aware I forgot to include the damage from Ludens passive however since Haunting grants you 15 more AP than Orb does this really doesnt make any difference and would only further higher). As you can see Haunting deals around 50 more damage than Orb does Im also pretty sure this would apply to any other mage. TLDR: Dont buy Orb/Morello unless you need Grievous Wounds. [link] [comments] |
New to Gankplank and need help Posted: 26 Jun 2020 11:26 AM PDT Hey all, Just starting to play gangplank, and struggling a bit. He seems very strong if you make good use of his barrels, but I'm...not hah. Ive been really having a bad time trying to figure out what is the best way to use them, and more importantly, I'm just not sure what I should be looking for during laning phase. He seems to scale well, So should I just be looking to farm with barrels and parley in laning phase, don't have to be too aggressive? Also, at what point in the game, ideally, should I be looking to get my first ult upgrade, I feel like I've been late on them. Is there a preferred order for ult upgrades? Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Smite gambling why do it when ahead? Posted: 26 Jun 2020 04:19 PM PDT As a jungle main, I'm puzzled why fights around dragons happen the way they do. If the team is ahead/ win team fights why would you risk the objective from being stolen instead of simply killing most the enemy team and then take the objective without risk? [link] [comments] |
How do you trade and punish on last hits when playing mages (morgana) Posted: 26 Jun 2020 11:02 AM PDT title, and specifically low range mages who's abilities can be intercepted by minions when playing morgana your basic attack tickles and it'll take way too long from the damage to add up. your q can be blocked by minions so it will be difficult to land it when your enemy is behind minions all the time and you can't reliably use w to poke. So far my general trading pattern goes like this, try to land q if you do follow up with w. This is the same for other control mages. unless i'm running aery and maybe an attack speed rune and versing a melee champ, punishing with basic attacks yields more harm than good (range safety and minino aggro etc) on annie however the range on the basic and q is so huge (625 lol) you can punish without getting aggro'd [link] [comments] |
6th item or control ward as support Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:07 AM PDT I'm playing support most of the time and currently focus on building up and denying more vision, because I recognized my vision score is insultingly low. But I struggle to decide which is the right time to buy your 6th item in exchange for the control wards. In case I'm a support with high damage potential like Brand, should I go as fast as possible for the 6th item or can I hold my 6th slot longer free for the control wards because of his damage? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jun 2020 09:13 AM PDT Is there such a list/website somewhere? It could really help for casuals/newbies that don't remember/know all the 642 champions by heart but just don't want to give that enemy laner the benefit of 10/0-ing you because u cant recognize when he's weak and how to counter him. (I also bet this will solve like half the threads in this sub!) I searched the resources yet many links are broken or redirect to fishy sites. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jun 2020 02:42 PM PDT So say I am about to gank an enemy, usually I start off the first thing by putting down my W on the path they are about take and then usually follow up quickly with Q and then start getting my auto attacks off > as soon as I AA once I will dash towards enemy for 2 stacks grit and then go from there. Is their a better way to gank in your opinion? Should I be animation canceling when ganking? I know the trick of animation canceling when graves is reloading with Q+E and W+E but I am not sure if that's gona take slightly longer to do? For example I would throw W > AA them once > once graves reload > E+Q animation cancel and then go from there, what yall think? Or can just walk up > AA > animation cancel E+W > Q > AA > AA is another alternative How do you guys personally gank? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jun 2020 09:38 AM PDT Well, im trying to improve as jungler, my main is Kayn and im using too Sylas, but I have a big problem idk how to solve, My farm is soo bad, At the beginning of the match no, but already in mid game my farm and level is too low compared to other players. Even in games I go like 7/2, enemy players surpass me on level and farm and i dont have the advantage that i should over them. I feel like i dont have enough time to gank, farm, and do objetives, obviously it is my sense, but i need some help with that poor farm 😅 Thanks [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:15 AM PDT I mostly play norms, so I'm not a good player by any means. And most of the people I play with seem to just copy whatever the build guide says to build. So as a result a lot of times the other team may not be building any MR (I typically play mages mid and bot—Veigar lately). My question is, if the enemy isn't building MR, does building MP have any benefit? Or should I instead build for cool down reduction or something else? Or does MP still have some other benefit aside from combating stacked MR? Thanks in advance for answers. [link] [comments] |
Massive lag at the end of the game Posted: 26 Jun 2020 04:45 PM PDT i have a massive lag at the end(when the screen says"defeat or victory") of every game that the screen stuck for 2 min whatever defeat or victory just to let u know i play at 70-100 fps i tried to low the setting but still have the problem hope u help me... [link] [comments] |
Fighting for mid lane as ADC with an immobile mid laner. How do we each get equal farm? Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:37 AM PDT After I take tower bot, I make the decision to lane swap or stay bot based upon the enemy comp vs my own. If the enemy has a Kayn, Nocturne, Talon, or Rengar type champion, I will rotate mid and take that lane UNLESS my support is capable of protecting me and we can 2v1 or 2v2 ( which is rare ) since supports usually AFK mid lane aram style. Tis the elo. This sends my mid laner either top or bot. However, what am I supposed to do when I have a Syndra... Orianna... Veigar or some other easily-one-shot AP carry? They are also really good in team fights. So sending them to a side lane seems grief as hell considering they're slow and trying to get them back to a scrim in the mid lane is rough. They get picked off a lot too due to bad pathing or over-pushing. Normally I try to get my team to 1 3 1 with solos in sides, bot lane mid, and jungle farming jungle. Just with these control mages... it's impossible. We fall behind in levels and gold quite easily. I've thought that pushing a side just passed river then regrouping would work but I ended up getting caught out a couple of times one game barely away from my own tower ( Talon things ) and our Veigar also got one-shot the same way. So we had to bunker down mid. We got suffocated out since our split wasn't stronger and the enemy was able to 1 3 1 and eventually lost. Oh, I've also tried to get a 1 3 1 with top/jungle in sides while I farm camps and leave mid/support mid lane to farm but there are only so many camps and I still find myself in the gold struggle mid lane. This also makes issues when top/jungle don't understand when to go to certain lanes and our jungle will be top for dragon or bot for baron. x_x It's just a hassle. [link] [comments] |
Is playing for your team pointless in low elo? Posted: 26 Jun 2020 05:43 AM PDT I'm a G3 bot main, and on any role outside of my main one I lack the confidence to play champions that can hard carry. So instead, whenever I'm filled I like to pick champions that offer either utility, hard CC, or tankiness. I do this so that I can just enable my carrys to survive and output mass damage, but oftentimes it feels as though I'm unable to prevent them from getting caught out or peeling for them. It's really frustrating because I tend to do as much as I can to help them, such as giving away CS and building support items on champions such as Lulu (mid) or Sejuani. E: Thank you for the words of advice. I've read every comment so far. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jun 2020 04:16 PM PDT Hey guys, I'm a Ryze main hoping to get out of silver :) This is actually my first season trying my hardest to climb (last season I kinda goofed off and duo'd with a player much better than I am) My mechanics are subpar, but I'd like to think I ward decently, and I'm working to improve my wave management. My is "mid or jihad" (don't worry, I'm from Bangladesh), and was wondering if you guys could give me a couple of tips. I'm aware in no way tells the full story of how I play, but I'd love to get a few tips! [link] [comments] |
As a jungler, what do you do when all lanes are losing? Posted: 26 Jun 2020 04:09 PM PDT My main is amumu, in a match tonight I was against Volibear who invaded me for the whole match(only lasted like 20 minutes because my team surrended), so my clear was very slow, since this was not bad enough, all lanes were losing, only our toplaner was doing something but he wasnt winning neither, when I got to lvl 6 I ganked bot, they didnt follow me and I killed the adc, and made their support go base, then when I saw voli was going to do dragon(he had prio) I took the herald(stealed by my toplaned and he used him bad), in all of this all of then were flaming at me, I know I didn't do very well and I want to know what should I do in a situation like this? Were my teammates right?(not that flamming is a right thing to do, but we lost mainly because of me or because of them?) Thank you [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jun 2020 07:23 AM PDT I've been playing Sup Lux for a bit and I've gotten pretty good. I'm almost always playing with a Miss F since my SO and I game together and we've proven to be a deadly combo. Sometimes we kill it, push a whole lane ourselves with no deaths, and other times I just feed and can't do anything but be there with my W. Mostly looking for tips on how to be consistent with my Root and also have a few questions. How often should I be using my E? I like to save it so I can double tap after Rooting, add a little extra damage if my adc is going in, or use it to keep other champions back if they're pushing too much. But I see a lot of Lux's just throw that around, should I be using it more? I hate Rooting someone and then being unable to E, but if I'm wasting damage opportunities I'd like to know. First buy is Dorans Ring, then Lost Chapter and the rest of Ludens Echo before I move onto Sorcerers Shoes, Morellono, Rabadons Deathcap, etc. I tend to stick to the suggested build for Lux I found on mobafire. Anything I'm missing out on? Seems like a decent build for the most part. If there's a Twitch I'm dead, and so is Miss F. I know he's Miss Fs greatest adversary so if you have some tips for how to deal with a Twitch adc that would be phenomenal. I don't have many issues with my Ult other than throwing it out and having them walk out of line of fire and damaging literally no one. This happens only when I'm absolutely failing as a Lux in general. Anyway I can be more consistent? Like my Q, sometimes I just can't land it and it makes me absolutely useless. I just hit level 30, haven't played ranked yet but will soon. Hoping to be really prepared as a Lux before I go in! [link] [comments] |
Questions regarding Top lane tanks + champion suggestions Posted: 26 Jun 2020 12:09 PM PDT Hello, I started playing again after a 16 month hiatus and had 2 questions-
thank you for the advice! [link] [comments] |
Please help me. I'm so lost as to why I can't climb. Posted: 26 Jun 2020 02:47 PM PDT I swear I follow every rule I ever see here. My mechanics are good, I buy wards. I play around waves, I ALSO shotcall my team and stop the doing dumb shit. I constantly outmath my lane opponents and win in CS and get solo kills. And I still can't climb. I stay positive, I mute all. I do everything this subreddit tells me and I still lose every game. I'm on EUW and every game my team ints or flames or afks. My ign is LH Hutchy Please watch my games and tell me what more I'm supposed to do because I'm not finding joy in this game anymore and it was one of the last things keeping me going. [link] [comments] |
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