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    Saturday, July 18, 2020

    LoL Guide Don't flame the low WR who try to improve in rank.

    LoL Guide Don't flame the low WR who try to improve in rank.

    Don't flame the low WR who try to improve in rank.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    First of all, I want to say that I am a pretty bad player. I am mid main and have a WR of around 30%. So to train I do a max: I watch videos, replays,seeks to master my champions ... And I play ranked.

    I was only playing normal draft but a friend told me that to really learn you have to go ranked. And he's right, that's how we learn, but frankly, Even with all the goodwill in the world, be flammed when the game has not even started because a player has been watching your WR and realized that you are learning, it's not cool.

    So please, as a low elo player who just want to learn, don't flame us : don't forget that you were in low elo too and be at least comprehensive than flame us. Help us in the tchat, it will be so much better.

    Anyway, if you have Some advice to rank in low elo and survive of the toxicity of this hell, can you give them to me please ?

    P S : sry for bad English, I used Google trad

    submitted by /u/H45XZ
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    List of Trends/Predictions Coming Up in the Meta

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 01:35 AM PDT

    Season 6/7 top 500 NA player here. Don't play much, but I follow the scene and conduct analysis I incidentally pass onto players and coaches through channels, or just on their streams. Here's some thoughts I have on what we could see coming in the meta.

    If you'd like any of these hashed out, comment with your questions and I'll explain further. As it is I'll put down some brief justifications for each one. I also want this posted for posterity since I think most if not all of these will come true. I've also attached my wordpress blog where I have posts fleshing out some of these topics to a greater extent.

    Summoner Spellbook becomes the main keystone for Yuumi, due to gaining access to Clarity for mana restore, as well as getting extra value from not needing Flash. Basically access to even more summoner spells since botlane isn't about gaining pressure currently so you don't need the damage from Aery.

    Manamune on all the ADs. Especially Jinx, since it removes her limited mana restriction on her rocket form.

    Hail of Blades becoming popular on marksmen for the guaranteed burst of a triple-crit. Very powerful on Twitch, Jinx, Sivir, and Corki. Muramana/Crit builds are incredibly strong with HoB.

    Jungle Morgana is strong as hell. Seriously, it's stupid strong and safe, with a huge amount of utility and very flexible buildpaths. After jungle item you can get Rylais for control, Liandry's for damage, and Zhonya's for teamfighting. One of the fastest and healthiest power-farming junglers in the game.

    Conqueror Amumu. Been playing this for a few months now. Works top and midlane with E-max into melee physical damage champions.

    Maokai Mid

    Click Here if you want to see greater detail. (I created this website when applying to the TSM analyst position after Spring Split. They never got back to me but it still has useful information I put together)


    Edit: I'll be streaming on twitch tonight after LCS, if anybody has questions about this post, anything on my website, or would like me to cover games from the LCS today. twitch.tv/mrhakuOG

    submitted by /u/for-hire-analyst
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    Class Analysis #1: Juggernauts

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    Ah, my favorite class. Now where do we begin with this. For starters, as the class name implies, the juggernaut's main role is to deal and give damage. So generally, they're easily worth at least 2 people in a game.

    However, the main weaknesses of a juggernauts are:

    - Getting kited

    - Mobility

    - Being easy to escape

    The main strengths of juggernauts are:

    - Dealing damage (as stated in the introduction)

    - Surviving damage (as stated in the introduction)

    - Splitpushing

    The reason for why they're so good at splitpushing is because generally, they're able to pull attention away from 2 people due to their sheer strength. Thus, they're capable creating a lot of pressure on the map.

    This role normally has a couple of tools for extended trades.

    For example:

    - Darius' passive (Hemorrhage and noxian might)

    - Volibear's passive and w (The relentless storm and frienzied maul)

    - Sett's w (Haymaker)

    - etc.

    A few notable juggernauts are:

    Urgot, Darius, Garen, Illaoi, Sett, Mordekaiser, etc.

    Virtually, the marksman class can counter them completely. But we'll get into that class later.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this. Also please go easy on me this is my first post on r/summonerschool.

    submitted by /u/GuyThatSpeaksYT
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    Is vision really THAT important?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    So, I'm a pretty new player (haven't even started playing ranked yet), and I mostly just play normals with a couple similarly inexperienced friends, with the occasional Aram thrown in.

    I've always been kind of a numbers person, and so I find the massive amount of statistics that the game tracks and provides really fascinating. I found op.gg and have taken a particular interest in the "op score", which, as I understand it, is just kind of an aggregate score for how well you played.

    In a few recent matches on support (Morgana specifically) I've found that my op score was higher than teammates who I felt like did a lot more to contribute to the win. When compared to some of the laners, I had less gold, less damage, fewer kills, lower kda, and had just been generally outclassed in most categories.

    The only thing I seemed to have a significant leg up on was vision score. Mind you, I wasn't doing anything fancy (just warding bushes the enemies might gank from, warding objectives, and sweeping objectives of enemy wards using oracle lens).

    So that brings me to my question: is that but of vision really such a significant factor that I would be placed ahead of someone who seemed to literally carry the match? Or is the score just calculated weirdly? Or is it some other stat entirely (cc? Damage mitigation?) that I'm not noticing?

    submitted by /u/SuitableMost5
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    Heal, Exhaust and Barrier

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    So these are the 3 defensive summoner spells against damage. I know that heal is taken when there's a great kill pressure and it's mostly used by ADC's since they're 2v2 in lane and must survive fights. I remember people were taking heal in midlane as well, why don't midlaners take heal anymore? When it comes to exhaust and barrier, both are used to counter burst too but why do some champions take barrier while some others take exhaust (I'm talking about midlane)? And how to choose between these two spells when facing an assassin for example? When it comes to botlane I've seen the ADC with heal and support with exhaust but I've also seen ADC with barrier and support with heal. Again, how to know which spells to take? Barrier-heal is uncommon tho so stat wise it might be suboptimal. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/SSj3Rambo
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    Am I too support reliant?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    I've been working a lot on my ADC lately, and I'm worried I am completely reliant on my support to get ahead or do anything. If I get a good support, I win lane, get fed, and carry the heck out of my team. If my support is not so good, I fall behind, and do practically nothing. This isn't anything against support players, everyone has bad games, but my performance is mirroring my support's so hard I worry how much I'm actually improving.

    I also tend to really struggle with certain supports, enchanters specifically. I had a blitz support last game, he hit his hooks and I got so fed I could kill a Kha'zix before he even landed on me. But a couple games ago I had a Yuumi, and got poked to death under tower and couldn't do anything, I just didn't know what to do.

    I think my follow up is okay, If my supp hits some CC I can usually turn that into a kill, but if they miss a lot I feel like dead weight. How can I take more control of my lane and create impact on my own? I don't want my performance to be dictated entirely by my support, good or bad, cuz i feel like I'm not improving right now, just getting lucky sometimes. How do you play when you have an enchanter who isn't designed for early game picks? Do I just farm and scale?

    Again, I'm not trying to rage against bad supports or types I don't like, I just want to do well without feeling like I'm being carried.

    submitted by /u/Owen_Zink
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    What does it mean to play to improve?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    I keep seeing this advice, hearing it everywhere, even telling it to myself while playing. But I've come to realize I have truely no idea what it means to play to improve. It makes sense right, instead of playing to win (which has a lot of variance and is often out of your hands), you play to improve.

    The goal is to improve, you improve and the wins and lp will come as a side bonus. But how do I play to improve? Thinking about it, it seems way too vague to actually be useful.

    submitted by /u/Hmmthinkthonk
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    Why is there no cheaper AP grievous wounds item?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    Ad champs have executioners for 800G, tanks and bruisers have bv for 1000G, why do mages have to build a whopping 3000 item to apply gw? Wouldnt it make sense for at least oblivion orb to apply gw?

    Makes for a really frustrating game experience when the enemy has champs like soraka, olaf, ww...and you need 2 core items before spending 3000G on morello. Guess this mostly affects climbing as a mage since you have to rely on your team to know proper itemization (yeah Im talking about you, adc who doesnt get executioners in 40mins), but I dont see how oblivion orb applying gw would be broken in pro play for it not to be added to the game.

    submitted by /u/carlosmp20
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    How do I know which fights I can win, and which ones a 2v1 will lose?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    As a new player it's really scary approaching anyone because of all the times an enemy was so low on health and managed to take my entire HP then regain like half health.

    On a different note, I wanna know how important certain things are for getting stronger (runes, minions, items, dragons, enemies).

    submitted by /u/Sunny-Mellorine
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    Can somebody give me any tips about Kassadin? I want to main him, but need advice.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    So, my biggest question is about runes and items, but other tips, such about team fights or lane phase will be helpful. Also, a biggest question - should I roam actively after 6 level or should I passively farm at lane no matter what and only came to the dragons and other objectives?

    submitted by /u/DogronDoWirdan
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    Counter matchups

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    Hello, I am a low elo jungler (bronze), and I really have a question that boggles my mind, how do I know what to build and if I am last to pick how to analyze my matchup and choose a good champ? I know the basics in terms of item building (full ad team go tabi's and armor items, and simple stuff like that) but the matchups thing I really have no clue on how to choose, I look at sites but they always say different stuff so it's weird. My mains are Ekko and Kindred.

    submitted by /u/Hamanarca
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    If you're playing support, please don't destroy your mid laner game

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    The amount of games that supports try to roam mid, fail to get a kill, and then stay to farm 3 to 4 waves with your midlaner. They do this multiple times per game. Meanwhile, your mid laner is lvl 13 and the opponent is lvl 15.

    If you're doing this, you're just putting your team behind. Your adc will be vulnerable and your mid laner won't get the amount of exp that some specific champions need.

    submitted by /u/Didizor
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    how to analyze matchups

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    Just discovered this reddit, and it's really cool so let me also shoot a burning question. I am Jungle main right now and play nunu a lot but switch to kha if we need AD or shyv if the team needs AP. Anyway in champ select I always try to analyze what matchups are gankable and which are not and which will lose so i need to cover for them or which will win so I can invade on the strong side. I watch a lot of youtube videos where they will analyze a game and they will start by analyzing the matchups and instantly say, champion X is winning because of ability Y and starting item Z and teleport, so I should or shouldn't gank there or invade or whatever. However I can never determine these things before the match actually starts and I usually do a standard jungle route and respond to what the map state is at the end. This is not really wrong however I would rather be proactive and have a plan to get the game in my own hand instead of relying on my team to win and my enemy to screw up. So I guess my question is how can I make a plan for the jungle based of matchup analyses. (GOLD III EUW)

    submitted by /u/Freckledd7
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    How to deal with Zed?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    So I have a question. I have consistently gotten my ass handed to me by competent Zeds the entire time I have been playing. Since he can 100 -> 0 you post 6 w/ little to no risk I find myself either feeding him or just conceding lane and getting like 1/2 his CS. How do you play against him w/o doing either? Given my ban kinda has to be Yasuo I can't just ban him.

    submitted by /u/Xandar_V
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    I'm way too agressive

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    i play since 2-3months and mainly play olaf jungle and sometimes trynda on top.the thing is sometime i'm really good,i have most of our team deaths but also most of the kills of the team,but when i didn't play well it's a total disaster,i'm not really inting but i'm not scared for 2v1 etc...because i don't know when i should be scared and when not.

    submitted by /u/bounosporalev
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    How to play against Urgot?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 09:17 PM PDT

    So it's been known that Urgot is a monster in low elo and god damn, is it true.

    I'm not a Top Lane Main but it's one of my preferred choices. Many times I encounter an Urgot and it's absolute hell. If he lets me farm, it's not as bad but some Urgots don't even let you farm and pressure the hell out of you. For example a braindead champ like Garen, gets outdamaged by an Urgot (in my cases). The only champ that worked for me is Vayne but yea, don't really wanna play Vayne Top.

    Let's say I'm behind in farm but no one of us got a kill, nor died once. And still, Urgot still has so much impact in the mid to late game, it baffles me all the time. Even Urgots that are behind (which I rarely see, except on MY TEAM) can still have impact later on.

    He does so much damage and is tanky, I don't know how to play against him. You might say don't focus him in teamfights but his damage output is still pretty high. And if you don't focus him, he most likely kills you. And you can't really kill him, because he is so tanky.

    You might say just ban him, but thats never really the solution.

    TL;DR: I don't know how to lane against Urgot, nor play against him in the mid to -lategame.

    submitted by /u/ChrisAllerant
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    How do I push a lead to win the game?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    Say I am playing lee sin, I get first blood from a gank at 4 minutes. I finish my jungle item early and get 1 drake. What's next? If all lanes are not gank able do I just farm? Take herald? Where would I put herald? It seems that when I get a lead I just fall off playing jungle. Should I gank a lane that's losing, or push one really ahead and sacrifice one lane?

    submitted by /u/-tobyt
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    Sunfire vs Dead man's

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    When I'm playing tank top, (Poppy, Ornn, Sion), Against AD matchup, I Usually buy Dead man's plate as my first item (boots if autoattack based enemy). My friends (higher ranked) usually flame me for this.

    Sunfire: 60 armor, 425 HP, 2750 gold.

    Dead Man's: 60 armor, 425 HP, 2900 gold.

    However, when It comes to passives even though Sunfire's passive synergizes much better with my champs because of their CC, I strongly dislike the other part of the passive, the AOE burn. It pushes the wave and aggros the turret onto me, when I'm pushed up.

    On the other hand , The dead man's passive is really cool. Especially on Poppy, because her ranged AA still applies the slow, and the MS increase is even bigger bc i go celerity. Also I go approach velocity o Sion, thats free MS too.

    Those the main reasons I build dead man's almost every game, even though the spike is later.

    So what shoul I build?

    submitted by /u/Taramorosam
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    Grievous Wounds & Conquerer Healing

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    This is confusing to me, and I'm sure if I misunderstand this, then plenty others do as well. Earlier today LS tweeted about a LEC game where a Kennen bought Morello against the enemy team asking why and who on the enemy team has healing. Two people on the opposing team have Conquerer. Does Grievous Wounds not reduce healing from full stacked Conquerer?

    submitted by /u/Pygmachophobia
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    Shields Vs Executes

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 03:58 AM PDT

    Ive been playing Pyke and Urgot recently and Ive noticed shields behaving strange.

    Heres my question: Do normal shields e.g. barrier or Shen ult block Pyke ult or Urgot ult? If not, does Spellshield (Morgana E for example) block it? Is Pantheon able to block executes from pyke? (Or Urgot?)

    submitted by /u/MLGKoala1337
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    What is the counterplay against a Fiora (as a tank player)?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    I play tanks top. I'm a support/adc main but when I play with my friends I play top because they also main supp/adc. I don't see what I'm supposed to do against a fiora when most tanks are relatively weak early until they can gain items/levels. Fiora also scales insanely well, so you don't outpace her. Your abilities are telegraphed and just get countered by her riposte making her invulnerable and stunning you for 2 seconds. She can use her dash to dodge your abilities. Even when tanky, I've had times where she does thousands of true damage to me, up to half of my hp as a 4-5k HP tank. So what am I supposed to do? What weaknesses does this champ even have? She does Vayne levels of true damage lategame, and has an ability that punishes you for doing anything to her. I can't proc Brittle on Ornn because she knows to just Riposte. I can't knockup with E because she just Ripostes.

    The main tanks I play are Ornn, Maokai, Zac and Sion. Ornn and Maokai can clap people in laning phase by abusing their mistakes. Zac has insane gank assist.

    submitted by /u/CrimzonMartin
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    Responding to Roams

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    Hello, Plat 3 Kassadin main here.

    Generally I have an issue regarding enemy roams. Sometimes, against favourable matchups or whatever, not necessarily on Kassadin, when I manage to successfully freeze the lane, my enemy opts to roam. Either that or they try to shove the wave but end up giving me a freeze instead while they go to roam. What should my response to the roam be in this situation?

    Do I maintain the freeze so they lose CS and XP? Do I try to crash the wave and take plates (assume that I don't have 100% confirmation that they are indeed roaming and could be just waiting in the brush)? Or do I do something else? Do I just leave the wave while its freezing and go to follow the roam? Do I build a slowpush then follow? I feel like I'm letting enemies get away with murder when the wave looks this promising but I still don't know what to do.

    While I do not necessarily have any grudges against lower players, but it would be appreciated if any higher elo players would respond to this question, as it is more credible information.

    submitted by /u/MemeOverlordKai
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    [Support] I feel useless in most games.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 09:50 AM PDT


    I've been playing support for years now but lately I feel like I have roughly no impact in my games, I used to feel useful but that's not the case anymore.

    I win roughly 40% of my lanes and then I go to roam. I think my strong point is getting vision (which is why I tend to not play other roles) and controlling objectives so I try to do that. When I start to roam my adc starts getting better (which... rude). In fights I focus on peeling my teammate with the most resources but as a result if no one is fed I feel useless.

    Is it that I'm too passive? The meta -at least at my elo- seems to have shifted to mage/assassin supports but I don't like them much except maybe Lux, I like playing Janna, Alistar, Lulu and co but it usually means my lane is lost because I have low pressure compared to a Zyra or something and then I peel for a 0/2/0 adc and it's pointless.

    Should I change my picks to damage dealers? Should I leave the support role until a meta change? I like playing jungle and adc (but then I get upset at the lack of vision and go back to playing support haha). Is it just in my head? How do people playing peeling supports manage lanes vs zyra, vel, pyke, senna?

    Here's my op.gg https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Lysine

    Have a nice day.

    submitted by /u/Elhevan
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    Is it me or does top lane feel like a coinflip?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    From my experience, it feels like at least 50% of games are 1v1 in top lane and 4v4 on the rest of the map. Opportunities to roam from top are rare unless you have tp up and a lot of times I feel like the game is pretty much decided on how the rest of the your team plays vs their team. Perhaps this is what it's like when you're at your "true elo" and not hard smurfing, what are your guys' thoughts?

    submitted by /u/TheHub5
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