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    Sunday, July 19, 2020

    LoL Guide How do I transition from master elo soloq to semi pro Leauge?

    LoL Guide How do I transition from master elo soloq to semi pro Leauge?

    How do I transition from master elo soloq to semi pro Leauge?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    This and last season I mainly hovered master on EUW while now and then peaking GM, I just wonder how do I get in contact with teams/coaches for tryouts?

    Im not asking for LEC tryouts but like prime division 1(since im german) or so should certainly be possible being a master elo player, no? I have no high elo friends or connections, so I feel like theres no chance to get in contact with coaches, players n' stuff..

    Appreciate any advice really!

    submitted by /u/Hikikomori_XIII
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    Please itemise for the game, and don’t just follow generic builds from mobafire.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    This is something I see all too often in ranked, the most generic builds and runes, with no itemisation for the team you're playing against. The amount of times I have had to build morello on Nami or Soraka support because my team has built no Grievous wounds VS Mundo, Vlad, Sylas etc... it's maddening.

    Itemising for your game is the difference between winning and losing a lane and eventually the game sometimes, please, by all means use Mobafire/OP.GG for builds, but use them with a grain of salt - They're stacking MR & Armour? Build Magic or Armour pen! Stacking HP? Get liandry's/BOTRK!

    By following generic builds and not itemising for your game, you're making it harder for yourself to be able to win.

    I appreciate to new players these websites must seem like bibles, but just by reading up on champion abilities and item passives, I guarantee you will learn and understand more about items rather than just 'Oh I know that item you build it on x champ'

    submitted by /u/booeypoo
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    Is playing Bard a certain way reportable?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    I've been playing Bard recently, and I enjoy roaming. But when I do I usually get flamed by my ADC (sometimes other teammates) because I'm leaving my ADC to 1v2. Though I usually help my other laners secure kills, my team still gets mad at me. A lot. They threaten to report me, run it down, afk, etc.

    Am I in risk of punishment? I don't type anything, I just play the game (also keep in mind this is in normals, not ranked). If not, can I continue playing Bard how I like or should I be staying in lane to keep my team's mental strong?

    submitted by /u/cosmic1132
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    How to get consistent high CS .

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    Hi, I am Chen Chen, a Vladimir 1 trick peaking diamond 1. Something that is very key to league of legends if you play mid, top, or adc is the ability to get high cs, and in my opinion, is key to climbing consistently. I created a video showcasing fundamentals that I follow in order to maintain high cs every game consistently at a high level of gameplay.


    Hope it helps!

    submitted by /u/chenchenlol
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    Why is Graves so popular?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 06:36 AM PDT

    I don't get it, everytime I see one, they just farm and maybe show up after lv 16 but if the enemy jungler does something the game feels like graves is afk. Its not like a karthus that has global presence and you know that is a timing bomb.

    And recently i'm seeing graves a lot. WHY?

    submitted by /u/cenzala
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    What do you do when you don't win the all-in? (Top)

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    i play a lot of juggernauts top lane, which is good since it's made the learning process pretty easy. But, it means I don't have a lot of practice in situations during laning phase where if I were to force a fight, I would lose. On champs like Mordekaiser and Sett, often I can snowball the lane by forcing an extended fight against most champs. But if I'm against someone like a Garen, Darius, or Urgot, I find they usually have the edge at 0/0/0, and harassing them instead of all-inning them doesn't turn out great if their regen is noticeably better.

    I understand I can play safe and avoid a fight, but if I'm deliberately going even with my opponent, that's not a winning strategy, and relies on a 50/50 that the rest of my team will win their lanes. It's a different story if my opponent already has a lead, since by then the opportunity to win lane has somewhat passed. I'm more curious about the time before either of us has a significant lead. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Toesty
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    Learning a champ

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 05:10 AM PDT

    I've been trying to learn how to play Caitlyn (well) but it's just not working. When I first played league a few years ago, she was the first champ I played and I would ONLY play her (I guess I was a one trick). Then I deleted the game because I had no time to play, and reinstalled it a few months ago. I've played a lot more normal games with Caitlyn but I can never play well with her. Either I die a lot or I have so few kills that I may as well be a support. I spent quite a bit of time watching videos on her and looking up guides and stuff, but I still suck. I used to be able to get S on her every time but now I can barely get a B.

    Should I give up trying to be better at Caitlyn and just try another champion?

    submitted by /u/blipblopcats
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    wanting to get into the game!

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    hi there! please delete if not allowed. i've tried to get into LoL before but i had no idea what i was doing and i was put into a game with high levels and it really put me off. other than that, i've never played a game like this.

    i guess i'm wondering how hard the learning curve is? and if there's a way to play with other noobs and not ruin other people's games for just starting? and just general tips for someone to get started. thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/shinyuxie
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    How can i introduce my friend to vision and map control?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    I have done my best but the guy just doesnt realise how much warding and vision means.Its not like he is a new player he is playing this game for 3 years now.He has mained both support and jungle and the man still manages to finish games with vision score of 0.He plays adc now so yeah its kinda ok but still u gotta ward sometimes man.I need to remind the dude that wards exist.Maybe im being too harsh on him but hes begging me to play ranked with him and i just dont know how to say no.Its kinda a lost game every time i q up with him.I need to tell him what to do and when to press what.I tried to make him learn about vision so that he can play by himself and learn something but he just cant.Am i maybe a bad friend for pressuring him?Im ok with us playing normals but if he wants to q up for ranked he has to get better.

    submitted by /u/AlphaPotato2137
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    Drafting Clash: Fundamentally and Practically?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    Hi! I'm curious about drafting. Clash has thrown me from being a soloq player to a team player, and I have a group of family/friends who play with me. I don't really watch competitive league, so I don't really understand drafting a team. However, I feel like we often lose in the draft.

    Fundamentally, what is the thought process behind drafting a team (and banning)? I assume you want to get a team that does certain things well (e.g. Varus, Zoe, Kennan, Janna, Kindred might be if your game plan is to poke to death/disengage [maybe not best example]). But I'm not actually sure what certain champs do in a team environment. For clash I feel like bans are less important because getting people off of their comfort picks may be better than banning counters.

    Practically, how would you draft for my team based on our champ pools? Also, if you think we're missing a champ you can suggest 1 champ for someone to learn.

    Top: Yorick (always banned), Urgot, Darius, Gnar, Jayce, Gallio, Morde

    JG: WW, Kayn, Zac, Nunu, Voli, Xin, Shyv

    Mid: A Sol, Annie, Neeko, Morg, Zilean, Cho, Taliyah, Quinn, Jhin

    Bot: Xayah, Ashe, Kaisa, MF, Cait, Twitch

    Sup: Most tanks, Nami, Zyra, Soraka

    Thanks for the input and hopefully this is helpful to others like me who feel like drafting has quite the learning curve.

    submitted by /u/Eruptflail
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    Help getting into ARAMs

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    I've still pretty new to this game. I've been playing pretty casually for a few months, and I mainly stick to co-op vs ai since I'm still getting used to the basics and to the different champions.

    A friend wants me to try ARAMs with them though, only when I have in the past, I've found its so chaotic that I panic. It doesn't help that I get stuck with a champ I've never used or seen played before most of the time. And when I do try, I get people flaming me in chat because I have no idea what to do. All of that makes me scared of trying ARAM, but I know my friend enjoys it so I really so want to give it a shot.

    So, what are some basic tips for new players going into ARAM?

    submitted by /u/coldwinterrose
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    Is it possible to out carry a tank as an assassin?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    This is an issue I've been experiencing for quite a while now in league. I've recently put a ton of effort into my laning and have accelerated my progress a lot to the point where I can end up pretty fed in a lot of my games by say 15 minutes.

    However, it seems that around 50% of the time the enemy top laner also gets fed, and at that point I feel as though the game is done unless I have a fed adc to counter the top laner. It's simply not possible for me to burst champions like nasus Darius or volibear, and they still outdamage me somehow so we lose basically every team fight. Is there anything I can do as say an ekko or katarina against a fed tank? I even run conq on Kat and usually build Liandrys but it's never enough. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Lunar221
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    How to Play Lucian Mid

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    Hi, I just got the High Noon Skin from a Reroll so I'm looking to pick up Lucian. I will be picking up Lucian to play in the mid lane because I main Mid and I don't really have a viable AD champ when my team comp requires AD (I only play Kat and Akali rn, looking to pick up Cass but idk yet).

    Q1: What are basic tips / trade in lane / combos for mid?

    Q2: What is the best starting item and build?

    Q3: What are you doing midgame? (ex. split pushing, team fighting, etc)

    Q4: What are the bad matchups and good matchups?

    Q5: Any extra tips will help.

    Lucian Mid not Lucian Bot or Lucian Top (I'm not that evil lel)

    submitted by /u/Zavista
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    Why is Guardian Angel considered a 'late' buy?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    I recently encountered a full AD enemy team and, as an AD champion myself, I was looking at my options for defense as well as offense. I noted that Guardian Angel has some pretty nifty stats.

    According to the official League Wiki:

    Gold Value

    45 attack damage = 1575

    40 armor = 800

    Total Gold Value = 2375

    Gold Efficiency

    Guardian Angel is 84.82% gold efficient without its passive.

    Now, obviously GA isn't bought for its stats - it is bought for the Passive (usually by an ADCarry who doesn't want to die instantly in a team fight). But statistically speaking, GA has some above average stats.

    So why is it GA is only ever bought as a 5/6th item? I understand that the passive has a 300 second cooldown, but logically speaking ... wouldn't that benefit you early on rather than late? Dying before an important fight - such as Dragon, only to be revived, could potentially swing the tide in a certain favour?

    submitted by /u/aglimmerof
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    Why is Zed such a high banrate champ?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    Hes not even as good or easy as other Assassin's. He takes a lot of skill to properly execute and even then you may not kill.

    Like Fizz, Ekko, Talon, Qiyana, Diana, etc.

    And with the W missle speed buff, which is mainly QOL, his banrate skyrockets higher.

    Is he like Darius where people don't know how to play versus him?

    submitted by /u/mustangcody
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    Anyone notice you mostly give shutdowns when your allies go in to fight and you help them?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    The stakes are high you have 600 bounty on you and you know if you die once the enemy Jax is going to win the game. But than your Heca dives in to fight and for some reason you think you can help as well, until you realize half your team isn't coming and somehow your Heca has escaped easily after that single fear and your stuck with the enemy team.

    It's moments like these which make me wonder if me giving bountys has to do with not calculating the risks with team fights when helping an ally

    submitted by /u/voxelexe
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    How do you get over skill creep over the years after not being active for a while?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    So, I used to be a pretty competitive player. I've been playing since S2, with more games every year up until S7 with over 1k games. Ever since then I kind of gave up for reasons and played with brain off and played less and less all the way to about 150 games so far this season.

    Now I want to get better again, it but feels so much harder than it used to be. By skill creep I mean the fact that players over all get better all the time ie. Dia from Season 5 would now be in about Silver.

    At my peak I was High Plat on EUW, Mid Dia on EUNE, think I still have my sense for the game and muscle memory, but using everything I have I'm still getting wrecked in mid Gold. I might have a good game, but other game I bomb 0/7 because I keep playing like the players against me can't punish me. I thought I would comfortably to climb back up to plat at least over time, but I'm scared every game expecting a smash. Sounds crazy to me that after all those years now would be the time I would actually look for resources to learn.

    Is there anything in particular that people improved on in the past couple of years? I feel like I'm missing something. Am I just underestimating everyone big time because of my past ranks?

    submitted by /u/R4lfXD
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    How do you snowball the game as ADC?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    My problem is that I can't finish the game fast enough and I keep stalling until I eventually make mistakes. I'm good at making the enemy ADC fall behind in gold and exp in early game but I can't close out the game on my own. This is my opgg. https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=justchilling1 and every single victory I have is because someone else on my team (mid/top or jungle) performed exceptionally well. So how are you able to close out the game and snowball it faster with an early lead? (an early kill at level 2) I mostly play Trist or Ashe in G4 elo. I've lost so many games when I was 7/0 after making a single mistake and gave shutdown to an enemy carry.

    submitted by /u/OzieteRed
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    How can I get a wave to push into me?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    So I know how to freeze, trim, slow push, and fast push, but I kind of struggle with the opposite, which is getting a wave to push into me.

    For example, I know what a cheater recall is. Slow push second wave, shove cannon wave, then the wave pushes into you...somehow? You have more minions on your side, the all get under enemy turret, the next wave comes in, now it pushes into you? Is it because a bit of your next wave gets killed by the enemy turret so the enemy ends up having more minions?

    I see this situation happening a lot where I try to get the wave to my side but a few minions or all the minions end up under turret, then 10 seconds later my lane opponent suddenly has a freeze or something.

    submitted by /u/Snoo-67512
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    Tips on how to deal with ADC’s in mid lane?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    I'm trying out mid because I feel like I have a lot more map pressure this way. I've been picking galio lately and he's great in team fights and macro play. However, I went against a Xayah mid who was ex plat against my iron-silver teammates and she solo carried and got a quadra kill. Checked op.gg, multiple xayah mid with quadra kills as well. I had no help from jgler this game, our yummi supp also went straight death cap and our adc couldn't handle solo carrying bot by himself. Back to mid, I would cs as much as I can, I get harassed badly if I walk up and my Q cool down is kind of long early, If I landed a perfect combo she would just step back a little and then proceed to kite me to death. Was there anything I could of done in this matchup?

    submitted by /u/hazelwolfhart
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    Low dmg as jungler

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    Hi, i'm running into an issue where my dmg are super low pretty much 70% of my games, sub 12k, what can I do about this? I play mostly Elise and Kha'zix and if i'm not super fed my dmg isn't super high.



    Looking at the graphs after the game, I think i'm focusing too much of my time on objectives and not in teamfights but when I am in teamfights I get insta focused and have to peace out after like 1 kill or so.




    Got any tips on how I can improve my plays? I feel like i'm kinda useless to the team if I deal a total of like 9k dmg in a whole game.

    submitted by /u/pajkenis
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    ADC itemizing questions

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    I'm a Silver 3 Cait main (backups being Ashe and Jinx) and recently I've been running into itemization issues.

    My typical build path on Cait is IE>Hurricane>BT>Which ever Last Whisper item based on enemies items

    Sometimes if I'm getting zoned out and end up low on gold, I feel like I need to rush Dominiks if the tanks are going heavy armor, but then I feel like I cant survive without life steal from BT. So after IE I get into a back and forth situation.

    Suggestions? Possible alternate builds if I get behind that I haven't seen?

    submitted by /u/HisFaithRestored
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    I'm Learning Ashe - Does anyone have any educational content to recommend on her?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    I'm particularly interested in learning any mechanics or habits I should be building that aren't intuitive at first thought, especially with Hawkshot and Ult since those seem difficult to use optimally.

    In terms of the type of content, I'm ideally looking for someone who has played a lot of Ashe and explored most of her complexity and skill ceiling, or is just very good at making educational content and analyzing champion kits. Equivalent examples from other champions would be xPetu on Shen with his two hour video explaining how to play at each ELO and detailing lots of Shen mechanics, or Riste on Garen with his detailed matchup knowledge on Garen, building differently for different kinds of lanes and explaining his reasoning on stream.

    submitted by /u/FallibilismCR
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    Why is Morgana banned so often?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    I don't understand why she's banned so often. Even when I ask friends not to ban her so I can have her as backup they ban on her on purpose, because "she's that bad". I really don't think she's that bad. Her cooldowns are long and her w is fairly underwhelming. Is there something I'm missing as to why she gets banned even by my own team mates?

    Edit. when I say 'that bad' I mean as in that bad to play against

    submitted by /u/JGazeley
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