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    LoL Guide How to Self Improve at League of Legends

    LoL Guide How to Self Improve at League of Legends

    How to Self Improve at League of Legends

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    Hello Summoner School!

    I have been seeing a lot of people ask about ways to improve at the game and be self taught. I have commented a fair bit on these posts but now I think I should just make a whole post dedicated to this topic. I will be going over my personal Routine and thought processes I have while playing.



    I always start my sessions with a VOD review of a high elo player. I am an Irelia One Trick so I watch an Irelia VOD from Masters+ where in the score-lines it looks like that player was the big difference between them winning and losing. I question EVERYTHING. Not even exaggerating, with every thing they do I ask "why" then I try to rationalize it in my head without using results based analysis. I'm watching to understand the thought process not the play itself. I do go over why the play went wrong or right to help me understand it and I can refine it later on. What all of this does:

    • Improves Consistency. We've all seen the "first game of the day" excuse and in theory it should be your best game from your session. I believe that it isn't for a lot of people is that they don't warmup but their hands or their brain. Warming up the brain is huge and it makes it easier to not have the first game mistakes since you are already in the mindset of playing league to your best ability.

    • Learning From The Best. Watching a high elo VOD gives you a new avenue to learn something new. Instead of waiting for a friend, a Coach, or a YouTube video to tell you new things you can learn them ahead of time instead.

    VOD reviewing is honestly so OP and more people need to do it. The only downside is that it is boring to do for most.

    Next I go into practice tool and fuck around for 5 minutes just to get my hands warmed up. I do cs for about 4 minutes then just spam base combos for a minute or two after. At this point I want to get into game and try things from the VOD.

    ————————————————————————— Rules for my climb:

    • I can only play up to 5 ranked games in a day; only 3 in one sitting.
    • The moment I tilt or lose 2 games in a row I stop for the whole day.



    I limit myself to 5 games because I know after that I can't really focus on the game to my highest capability. After that I start doing dumb mistakes or going back to old bad habits I had. The same can be said on me having to stop after I tilt or lose 2 in a row. After tilting I need to stop if I care about improving. Playing while on tilt makes me do very dumb plays and sometimes they do work out but most of the time they won't. It goes back to not being the most efficient use of my time. After losing 2 games is my way of thinking "ok I'm not playing well and need to stop for the day." These two things help prevent me from forcing myself to play league when I'm actually not feeling up for it and getting bad practice in.


    Other tips:

    • One trick, one trick, one trick. Now people say to play simple champs which is pretty good advice. It helps you understand the fundamentals easier. My main counter point is that a lot of people don't find these champs cool or fun. A lot of the enjoyment in this game is through the champ you play. If you enjoy playing Akali a lot and can keep playing her till the end of time then just do it as long as you one trick her. If you one trick you can beat out the bad matchups and can far more easily implement new things into your gameplay.

    • Find other hobbies. This may seem counter intuitive but if you have other things you can do outside of playing league then whenever you stop yourself from playing you have other things to do instead of just sitting there thinking about playing league. For me I am making my own game in my past time and I watch quite a bit of anime.

    • Make sure your real life obligations are done first. We aren't pro players and most of us aren't content creators so try to take the climb less seriously like its life or death. Make sure you are able to do everything you need to do FIRST then play. You will feel better and more accomplished when you play.

    • Turn off all chat. It literally has no purpose but to say "gg" at the end of the game. In norms it's fine but in ranked it's just a pool of toxicity that doesn't do anything but tilt you easier. If you care about what people type to you and you get tilted from it or you have to type back then turn off team chat too since it's a negative influence to you.


    What this has done for me:

    Throughout all of 2019 I was hard stuck Plat 4. I played and played and played so much. I hoped I could get better but that wasn't the right approach. I had this realization back in February. I got a long term coach and he helped me break some bad habits I had. I then went to him to help me develop a self improvement routine back in May. I was playing on a new account cause I fucked my main's mmr and the moment I hit Plat on this new account it was a whole new feeling from before. The first time I thought "man I didn't do anything I got carried up to plat and got lucky." Now I'm thinking "fuck yeah I'm better than all these gold players. I'm gonna put in effort to get into diamond this season." My consistency has gone through the roof and I usually just have a bad game of me not playing well every 5-10ish. It took me about 25-30 games to hit Plat 3, and I'm still on the up and up.

    I also have gained so much mental fortitude since I started Because of forcing myself to stop. I love league and I love playing it, so why should random people on the internet and results of the game dictate my mood for potentially the rest of the day? They shouldn't imo.


    Thank you all for reading! I hope some of you found this useful and please let me know your results with it :D.

    Edit: Coach Curtis just posted this video today and it's actually such a good video on Solo Q and mentality.


    submitted by /u/Rennaisance44
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    How to properly play with and against each Of the four dragon souls.

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    If you get fernal soul, encourage your party to group even if the enemy has aoe. If your enemy has aoe, group and social distance. Fernal scales off aoe engagements and anyone who has played tower defense knows, AOE works better vs many opponents. By grouping, no enemy champions can fight you one at a time for you know how 1v5 goes. They can't fight you as a group either for your AOE polynomialy scales with numbers on both sides.

    So you probably know how to play vs a fernal, split push and aggressively go for a base raid. By scattering all over the board, you defuse the burgers aka Five Guys.

    Ocean has the highest win rate and I think it is because people don't know how to communicate on soloq. The way to win as ocean is group fights again like fernal. The caveat is that you want to really really not get burst killed and force long awkward fights. By so doing, you maximize healing.

    The counter play to ocean is ugly, but has a bit better chance of working on paper than winning vs an organized fernal group. Communicate with your allies on which champion you should kill in order. Burst down the squish all at once instead of spreading damage around. If you do not focus fire against ocean, and do not get fortunate bursty engagements, you won't have much success.

    Mountain drake soul when you have it is stupid fun. Do you know you can just yolo walk up to towers and give em two autos if minions aren't there? It isn't huge, but helps. You don't have to adjust your play too much for or against mountain. Shields help. You may occasionally want to weave out of combat to restore your shield but not by much.

    Cloud drake is funny. Just be aware of what champs can even use it. A noc ends kills well, olaf is a nightmare, fiddles too, but Jhin stands in place. Anyone with a low cd r is strong too like Karma or Zoe. The key to playing with or against is going,"Ok they ult, how will run speed boost make it a pain."

    submitted by /u/goodnewsjimdotcom
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    A tip for junglers who are being counterjungled

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    So there you are, doing your first clear -- and when you get to your second buff, its gone. Well, dag nammit. Balderdash, you might say.

    So what do you do here, are you just screwed? Nah. Your first round of jungle camps is important, but what's more important is leveling up your camps appropriately so you can keep up with experience. A stolen first-round buff isn't the end of the world.

    So you clear the small camps that remain, and you recall, right? Then you head to the other side of your jungle to catch your other camps as they respawn. Oh snap -- they're gone! Damn. Guess you go get scuttle crab now.... oh wait -- ITS GONE!

    Ok NOW you're screwed. And I'll save you the suspense -- the other crab is gone too, so don't even check.

    This is a super common counterjungling opener, and its pretty devastating. Typically you'll see this out of champions like Nunu, Warwick, Olaf, Graves, Kindred, and other jungle champions that don't ever really go low in the jungle, and can just stay out on the map as long as they feel is appropriate with little to no penalties.

    So while you're over there running in circles trying to figure out what to do about it, they're farming their own camps now, and you're now 3-5 camps behind and probably a full level worth of experience. You've been double crabbed, you lost your buff, you're going to hit 6 later than they are, and if they ever actually find you in your own jungle, they can probably just kill you outright. They've set themselves up to powerfarm in your face for the rest of the game and there's nothing you can do about it.

    So how do you avoid this?

    Well -- if you're against one of these kinds of champs, you need to ward your opposite buff early, and you need to path to protect it. You need to ping your top (or bottom) laner to help you (which they might not do). You need to anticipate it. You need to open with a buff buff gromp quick level 3, and then loop back around for the little camps.

    This won't necessarily STOP them from counterjungling you, but it gives you a little bit of protection from it early on.

    Once you've got your buffs secured and you're level 3, farming the rest of your camps, you need to be warding your jungle as much as you can. You need to be buying control wards on every base.

    but most importantly -- you need to USE THE INFORMATION YOU GET FROM YOUR WARDS AND YOUR MAP, and you need to be hitting tab to watch CS counts for the enemy jungler when they show to deduce what they've done and where they may be going next.

    Against champions like these, you absolutely CANNOT just run the same side-to-side jungle path over and over again and just braindead afk path through your jungle however you like. You absolutely CANNOT only farm your own side of the jungle and hope to stay even in the game. You HAVE to cross the river when its appropriate, you have to be contesting camps and stealing camps.

    They WILL be taking camps from you, so you HAVE to be taking camps from them. Whenever they show on a ward on your side of the jungle, you need to drop what you're doing and look for something in theirs. If they show in the north jungle and you're in the east jungle, you NEED to head to the south jungle and grab a camp, or two if you think its safe. This becomes a game of cat and mouse, or chess if you like.

    If they gank top, you need to be ready to gank bot and set up for drake. If they gank bot, you need to be ready to gank top and set up for rift herald. You NEED to punish their movements, or you WILL fall behind.

    If you do the standard bronze thing where you just start at the top side of your jungle every time, and jungle towards the bot side -- you're going to find that half your camps are missing for every clear, because you're being predictable. They know where you are. Its obvious. You're not changing anything about your pathing -- you're doing the same thing every time. Its SO EASY for them to snipe your raptors while you're doing your wolves, and snipe your gromp while you're doing your kruggs. Over and over and over again, putting you further and further behind until they're level 14 and you're level 11, and you just simply cease to matter in this game.

    You're going to find that every time you show up for a gank -- you either get counterganked, or you lose an objective on the other side of the map. That's because they know exactly where you are and what you're doing because its completely obvious.

    You play these matchups with your map and your wards, and your decision making. You have to stay ahead of the problem. Don't be afraid to leave a camp up on one side of the map if it means you can get 3 or 4 on the other side of the map.

    Be unpredictable. Make snap decisions that change your pathing, but do it in a way where you come out ahead. You can even play little mind games like using the scryers bloom bot lane, or purposely showing on a ward, then going into fog of war, recalling, and going to the other side of the map to see if you can steal some camps or clear your own. The enemy jungler will think you're bottom because of what you did, but you'll actually be top -- this limits their options for counter jungling and counterganking because they don't ACTUALLY know where you are.

    Edit: Sweeping lens can be viable as well to deny vision, but I've always found that warding totem is more effective because it allows me to make immediate decisions whenever I see the enemy jungler show in my jungle. I suppose either way could work and neither is particularly better than the other -- I've just personally found more success with warding totem.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    Look at your teammates vision score at the 3 minute mark.

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 11:59 PM PDT

    The junglers usually finish their camps and start looking for ganks after the 3 minute mark.

    If your teammates have 0 vision score they still haven't used their ward.

    You can click their vision score to ping it in chat to remind them, and maybe it will save them from a gank.

    submitted by /u/UnholyBeefcake
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    Nashors tooth on Mordekaiser: is it a must build item every game or situational

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    Ive been starting to pick up mordekaiser to have more options in top lane (mostly play Ornn but can sprinkle in an Illaoi, Rumble, wukong and Maokai depending on matchup or team comp)

    Im getting used to his item build order since ive built almost something different every game. My first item is usually Hextech protobelt (CDR, health and a nice active), Ryalis (Slows for days), or Zhonyas (vs heavy AD top/enemy team)

    But Nashors tooth is one of those items i just dont know when and if i need to buy it. I see why it works with mordekaiser (it works incredibly well with his passive, Morde doesnt have that much AS and 20% CDR to boot)

    My builds are currently go for are (in no order): Protobelt, Zhonyas, Merc Treads, Ryalis, Morrellonomicon and Lyandries

    When do you build Nashors tooth? is it a must build or a very situational item?

    submitted by /u/glowingdeer78
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    How do I avoid grtting camped toplane

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    Tryna learn toplane coming from mid and adc, It seems like if im ever winning top I will get camped unless my team isnt terrible in which case they take objectives or draw the jungler to them aswell. I tried looking up tracking jungle but I dont get it, all I really know is warding at 2:30.

    submitted by /u/Spartanx138
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    As an Ivern player, let me give you some tips about playing vs Ivern

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    If you're the jungler -- Ivern is incredibly annoying because he's going to counterjungle you and there's not much you can do about it -- or so people seem to think. Here's what people who don't play Ivern don't know: Ivern's passive takes quite a long time to build up in the early stages of the game, when he's most likely to be counterjungling, and counterjungling matters the most. Ward your jungle. Don't swap to red trinket. Just keep wards around and try to spot where Ivern's going to be or already is. The minute you know where he is, you can deduce where he came from and where his jungle camps are likely cooking for his passive. Chances are, he came from the side opposite of the one he's on now (across the river, not the map) and that's where his camps are cooking.

    You can use this. Ivern has ZERO combat power. He's just really good at running away. If you see him in the south jungle -- his camps are likely cooking in the east jungle. Recall if you can, and ping your mid laner to meet you in the north jungle and just set up an ambush. You'll likely get him, and his camps, and if he was being really greedy -- maybe even be able to steal one of his east camps as well if you're quick.

    Don't just bring one person, cuz he'll just kite away and laugh at you. You need to be able to burst him or CC him somehow.

    If you're NOT the jungler -- Ivern has ZERO combat power. If you're out of position and he gets behind you, you're probably dead because of his CC and the gap close he provides his allies. Your best bet at survival, if you can survive at all, is to focus Ivern himself. He's literally made of wood, and if you're focusing him he has to burn his shield on himself, which MIGHT allow you to turn on the enemy 2v2, or if you're jungler shows up, turn the 3v3 alltogether. Also -- his shield is the source of his slow, so if he's burning it on himself he's likely not slowing you down by shielding the melee support -- so you might escape. Maybe.

    In teamfights -- FOCUS IVERN. The amount of shields and heals and CC this dude dishes out is just absolutely fucking absurd. Also, watch out for Daisy. This champ has been out for years and people are still somehow caught off guard by Daisy's damage and her AoE knockup. She's not hard to kill, so turn on her and blow her up -- but watch for shields, because she can be used as a kind of slowing totem.

    Also grievous wounds is a good friend of yours if you're facing Ivern. He builds Athenes and Redemption and is capable of single handedly keeping a carry alive even if they're being focus fired. Cutting his healing will help you a lot, and silences on Ivern are absolutely debilitating.

    Do not underestimate this tree -- that's exactly what he wants you to do. Then, before you know it, you're staring down the barrel of an absolutely unkillable, shielded, healed, ardent censer'd, redemption'd, knights vow'd carry who's just blowing holes in everybody and can't be stopped.

    Kill the tree. Kill Daisy. Build healing reduction. Silence him.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    What resistances should I build against these champions?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    Shaco - Shyvana - Ezreal - Kog'maw - Kennen - Corki - Shen

    Should I take magic resist or armour against these champs? These champions confuse me because some stack AD while dealing magic damage and vice versa, and sometimes I see champions like Shyvana and Ezreal where people build AD while others go full AP... Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Rockified
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    Is Blitz the best app to use? And should I be relying on it in ranked? (bronze/silver)

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    New to the game (couple of months) and have begun grinding ranked. I've always used Blitz entirely for my runes, and almost entirely for item builds(some characters I've played enough to fill confident swapping build order for items based on matchup etc.). I always ensure I've still read through my rune page though, not just blindly playing.

    Is this something I should continue until I'm more experienced/higher elo or is it better to play without using blitz?

    submitted by /u/FeelDaRhyme
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    Becoming worse due to your mental

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    So I'm a Jhin/Pyke/Kha main and I am doing really good with them (like really good) and at one point comes My "mentally retarded" self and asks myself 'am I good enough' and then I start running situation's through my head an analazing it and after I have had this conversation with myself and try to play and see if I can use my mechanical knowledge as I thought it could in my head I dramatically fail. After that it only goes downhill I realise that just as I thought I'm bad then I don't like the champ forget how to use him mechanically and when I'm over it I go back, but then I'm literally useless and have to relearn the champ

    Has this ever happened to you? I mean it's no big deal cause I get to play and try more champs but it slightly annoys me

    Anyway have a good day

    submitted by /u/Grumpy_Doggo64
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    Common lane mistakes (Bot)

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    ADC main here! I'm trying to climb out of low elo, where alot of mistakes happen. Especially in lane. I'm currently silver and i'd like to know what common lane mistakes are, so that i can punish them. Knowing them also will help me preventing them myself.

    I'm pretty much a Twitch OTP (atleast in rankeds), so if anyone here plays Twitch too, maybe you can help me with with punishing common lane mistakes with e or w :)

    submitted by /u/snanwich
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    When ganking as a mid laner or as a jungler, who should get the kill?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    When in playing roamer like zed or talon and gank a lane should I let him get the kill or should I take? I know if I don't take the kill im going to get behind against the ennemy mid laner but if I let my laner get the kill I won't need to come again. As a jungler I have the same problem if I don't take the kill the ennemy jg will take my camp and I'll be behind. So, what should I do?

    submitted by /u/thisusernameisoofing
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    I can't seem to find a main role or champion.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    As the title states I'm having an issue succeeding because I play a lot of random champs and roles so I don't know any characters in depth. I typically just play something until I get bored or mad. Is there a trick to finding a main role or champ or is it really all just chance?

    submitted by /u/vinr568
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    How to play as a Support when you are behind?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    This thread is inspired by my recent games (G1 Elo) which made me drop from 52% wr to 43%. in those games there was the trend that two of my teammates go something like 0/3 in the first 10-15 minutes in the game, lose any interest to keep playing (or can't because they are so far behind) and the game slowly falls apart until we lose or ff at the 20-25 minutes mark.

    I know that I can not impact the way my teammates play other than dropping a "wp" when they succeed or use pings to communicate. So the only possibility for me is to learn how to play if my team is behind and hope to somehow turn the game.

    My problem is that I don't know how. As a support my jobs are to roam, keep good vision and try to help the jungle with objective control. All of these things however are incredibly hrd to do when you are already behind.

    Roaming is not always possible and way harder when I can't leave my ADC alone. Vision Control seems impossible if the enemy jungle or mid is fed because I take an immense risk trying to ward drake/herald when mid t1 is already gone at 12 minutes. If I can't ward and my jugle is behind, objective control gets also very difficult.

    So what exactly are my best options as a Support when it feels like I can't do my job right without taking huge risks? Maybe there are things that I am not aware that I need to do so feel free to drop any advice that could help me.

    submitted by /u/hullunistTEMP
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    Looking for jungle help with ganking

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    I feel like whenever I'm on the other end of the map the opposite lane is gankable and whenever I'm near my laners their lane is not gankable. How do I get in better positions to gank?

    It's like I'm top side and my bot lane is getting pushed in, but since I'm all the way on the other side I can't get bot side fast enough.

    Are there any solid tips around this idea?

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    Seriously, how do you play against Urgot?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    Top/mid main, I don't have a single clue how to play vs Urgot, no matter what champ. His damage feels bullshit, his dash feels bullshit, his ult feels broken, this whole champ feels unbelievably broken, no matter what I play against him, it's auto-lose for me to the point when I either dodge or sit whole laning phase under the turret because it always ends with me feeding him horribly, I hope that one day he'll get removed or nerfed into oblivion and noone will play him. ever.

    submitted by /u/aDDOS12
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    How to start learning?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    Hi, I am completely new at this game. I never had an interest in mobas before, but throughout the years more and more of the people I met were league players, and now basically all of my friends play daily so I watch their games through Discord more often than not and seeing both Irelia and Akali gameplay has really made me want to play this game and now I want to get into it.
    The problem now is that I don't want to be a burden during the learning process, I want to learn on my own and really don't know what resources to use in order to do so, youtube is filled with clickbait so I don't know which youtubers are reliable sources of information, same can be said about the main sub so I'm at a loss here.

    Tl; Dr: Wanna learn league, specially Akali and Irelia, need resources to learn without being a burden to my friendos.

    submitted by /u/CthughaSlayer
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    Is it less efficient to climb Iron-Gold with Jungle or Support?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    I understand that the Jungler and the Support are one of the most important, if not the most important players in high ranking play or esports because of the amount of macroplay they do.

    However, playing a non-lane role with no direct impact on things like towers and lane dominance really frustrates me, especially when in half of these games one or multiple teammates AFKs or feeds and we desperately need someone to carry. No matter how good a Yuumi player is, Yuumi herself will never be the main damage dealer in a teamfight if all the laners are behind. Many junglers like Warwick fall off hard by the 20 minute point, and he will have to be outrageously ahead in order to still carry. Most junglers are also either tanks or assassins, or something in between (like Kayn). Both of these have low agency in teamfights if the rest of the team cannot output enough damage.

    Will playing a champ like Katarina in mid be easier for the purposes of climbing? What about any ADC or toplane champ? How hard would it be to suddenly swap over to a lane and starting climbing as a laner instead?

    submitted by /u/Mali3ious_Muffin
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    Jungle Champion Power Spikes and In-depth Strengths

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    I'm mostly a Zac 1 trick and I'm currently sitting in plat 1, and during most of my time in plat 2 I started to feel as if I had less of an impact than the majority of the rest of my climb so far, and I think a lot of that is due to a lack of knowledge at this point. I've been using videos to try and round out a lot of what I'm lacking, but their jungle videos are almost entirely based on playing duelists and assassin's, not tanks.

    And so even though I feel really confident in my Zac play, I realized I don't really know when he truly "spikes" or when he's strongest in the game. I do understand that he loses to the majority of carry style junglers early, but when is he stronger/weaker during the game, when should I look to abuse the enemy jungler if I can? I tried looking on YouTube for Zac guides but all of them were incredibly generic videos that just cover his abilities and is all very simple information.

    So I guess what I want to know is if there's any detailed information available about different jungler champions and their relative power spikes, and maybe the specific goal they're looking to achieve during the game (like how Zac is typically looking to either engage in a teamfights or play close to his carry if there's another engager on the team so he can peel for them)

    I feel like better understanding the different characters from players better than myself will allow me to make much better in game decisions to continue climbing. And while I'm certainly trying to learn and figure out all of this myself, I feel like getting it from smarter and more knowledgeable players than myself will make it much faster as well as make me feel more confident in those answers.

    Anyway, my summoner name is Levelupludo if you want to check my op.gg for specific advice for myself, but if you have any text documents/YT videos I'd very much appreciate it. (especially if they're long form and in -depth in the style of Coach Curtis. Man I wish he had been a jungle main, I love the types of videos he creates)

    Good luck on the rift summoners!

    submitted by /u/LevelUpLudo
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    Unlocked, Semi-Locked or Locked Camera?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    basically the title. what camera is it best to play with?

    i used to play with locked camera but found later that semi worked better for me. ive heard comments that unlocked is the best but i always struggle with it. is unlocked camera something you just get used to after playing with it for a while? i know you can reset the camera with space bar but it also feels weird for me to have locked camera but then having to press y to lock and unlock kinda bothers me. am i just being picky about everything?

    submitted by /u/kimtegucci
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    Any ressources to improve at supporting for Master+

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    Hey i recently got to master playing support, so far my first few games in master are going really well. I don't think i particularly have the necessity to step-up but it's always cool to improve.

    I know my warding is already very good but probably not perfect either, there is always room for improvements. So i was wondering if anyone knew good ressources/videos about warding or other supporting things that could be useful to me.

    It's useless to me to just go on youtube and click the most popular videos about warding cause they aren't in depth enough and i know everything said already.

    submitted by /u/SaakaMi
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    I need help at focusing. How can I stop autopilloting or what this is?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    I reached gold recently and entered promos for gold 3 but failed 2 matches with 2/7 or worse. Then I started getting either carried or losing because of me. I sometimes forget to press W as mordekaiser or forget about my ult and get ganked often. For 3 days I have been like this and idk what to do about it.

    I fixed it once by drinking a redbull but I would like to find a more healthy solution. How to focus more at the game? How to not forget to press abilities or have faster reactions?

    submitted by /u/Eric--------
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    Quick Bard tip

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    So I'm sure this is pretty obvious to most people, but I just realized this interaction the other day. For all 10 people who play Bard out there, check this out.

    Use your E when you're being chased. The enemy will usually blindly follow after you, especially in casuals where everyone just plays for kills. Whip around and cast your Q for an instant stun, then hit 'em with an ignite and chew em up.

    If you're playing Bard the correct (most fun) way then you should have Rapid Firecannon. You should be able to outright kill or at least severely fuck up whoever you catch in this trap if you have at least 30-40 chimes and that item. And the best part? If you're being chased by two people, that's two free stuns. Then you got the cone damage of the meeps to fuck 'em both up.

    Once again, this is probably pretty obvious to most people, but I just thought it was a nifty interaction.

    submitted by /u/YO_I_SHOT_TUPAC
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    How are you supposed to jungle with 2 passive side lanes?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    If it's like a Kayle top lane and Ezreal and some kind of enchanter supporter I literally don't understand how you're supposed to play the game. You can't gank because they have no follow up, you can't invade or anything because they're going to be near or under their turret. Sure you MIGHT be able to get away with farming your jungle all game as Kayn or something but that's only if the enemy jungler is bad and you like to play that type of champion to begin with. If people are coming in your jungle you literally cannot do anything. Sure you can always pivot to mid but if it doesn't work out for some reason out of your control you're shit out of luck. That's if it isn't also a champion that's hard for many junglers to work with. Which in my opinion is basically any non melee midlaner. Though I do like Ahri because of the charm. I've resorted to just dodging these games because I can't do anything in them.

    submitted by /u/finbat15
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