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    Friday, July 10, 2020

    LoL Guide If you have question about specific mechanic on some champion it is better to ask about it in “championmain” subreddits first.

    LoL Guide If you have question about specific mechanic on some champion it is better to ask about it in “championmain” subreddits first.

    If you have question about specific mechanic on some champion it is better to ask about it in “championmain” subreddits first.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    First of all, I am glad to see many players asking for help and wanting to improve and be better. I myself gave few tips on this subreddit. Some questions like "how to cs" "when to do drg" should be asked here and no problem there, but I will suggest for your questions like "how to use Irelia's Q" to be asked in irelimaind subbreddit. I dont want to say dont ask questions here never, but first go to "mains" because you are more likely to get answer from player that mains that champion and who can help you better than some who never played that champion. I know that main can also see your post here, but its more likely to be seen in "mains"

    Edit: Hate to make edits on post, but I saw few subbs that dont have "mains" in there name. So check out if it has some kind of funny play on words or just champion name. Also thank you everyone for linking subbs!

    submitted by /u/Jopinzi
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    Is Taric support straight up op and why his pick rate is so low?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    He is currently sitting on 2% pick rate despite being almot perfect support. He has nice heal on q which combined with your passive can give you a huge sustain, small shield ability on w which passively increases you ally's armor, very good stun on e which can be duplicated on your allies ( your zed teammate is hunting enemy mage who is succesfully escaping him but you follow your zed so you bind with w and cast e while he uses his w to get to the enemy, stun him and earn easy kill), and finally game changing ultimate, very annoying and basically securing your team winning a team fight. He has nice sustain and his main source of dmg scales with armor so he doesnt really need to worry about doing nothing. What's the problem with him? Why i don't see him as much abused as Lulu or soraka for example? He feels like he can do their job done just as good or even more effective but at the same time not being squishy and actually having some dueling power.

    submitted by /u/Fakecabriolet342
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    Do you ever play with view not fully zoomed out?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    I've noticed in watching some videos that it appears people play with their view not all the way out. It's hard to be sure since I play on an ultrawide monitor and that definitely skews things, but sometimes I notice people putting out skill shots that seem to go a lot further than I expect. Then I realize that their view is zoomed in further than mine.

    There are times when I feel like being zoomed in would be better for picking out a specific minion, or targeting a champ that is in a cluster of minions or other champs, stuff like that. But I feel like losing any area of vision around the edges would be a bigger problem. So it has my wondering - does anyone play without a fully zoomed out view? Do people zoom in and out as needed?

    submitted by /u/Warmahorder
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    brake after really good games?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    So i think everyone knows the common advice that you should take a break after bad games to prevent ur decision beeing impacted by ur mental state.

    Now i was wondering, if there is a phenomenon which i would call something along the lines of "positive tilt" meaning you had a really good game like you stomped ur lane and overall ur team was friendly and playing good together. Ur on a mental high and feeling confident and such.
    But maybe its also after those games you might consider taking a small break just to get down from your high and into a normal state of mind.

    I say this because in my own experience i was equally impacted by that too. Maybe it was because i got frustrated because i didnt get such a good matchup as before or because maybe ur team does a mistake and u feel like ur last team would have performed better in that situation or ur overconfident and that leads to doing stupid things like risky dives or going in 1 vs 3.

    I was wondering if some of you experienced the same. Anyway, feel free to comment what you think about my thesis.

    TL;DR: Do you think that extremely positive games might affect ur mental state and decision making the same way losing streaks and tilt might?

    submitted by /u/icemanww15
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    Why do so many adc's get RFC and why do so little get stattik shiv?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    Why do so many marksmen get RFC? I always see it on Trist, Corki, Sivir, Jinx, Xayah, despite there not being any obvious synergy like you would see in Cait, Jhin, or maybe even MF. You don't get the passive enough to really 'poke' with it, and in almost all my games their mage or engage outranges / has the same range as rfc passive. In a teamfight, after the first auto it seems to be pretty useless because you have to stand in regular auto range after one auto. It seems that on all the champs I listeed, PD is always a better pick, considering the ms an shield it gives.

    And on the topic of zeal items, why doesn't anyone get stattik shiv? It has slightly better attack speed, the passive is super useful for clearing waves, (which is pretty key for a mid game adc), while the dmg seems relatively insignificant it is certainly very useful in teamfights, and it can crit, increased by I.E. The only argument I've seen to not build stattik is that if you want waveclear, runaans is way better (which it seems to be), and I o realize that jinx and xayah often build runaans, but still doesn't explain other cases.

    submitted by /u/mattwheels
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    Friends telling me ADC is a bad role for learning the game

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    I've been playing league on and off since around s6 now but I rarely ever actually got into ranked, so I recently wanted to try and improve at the game since alot of my friends are getting back into it and they're better than me.

    I asked both of my friends for some advice, and what lanes to play to effectively learn the game and both of them told me that ADC is a really bad role to learn the game and that I should play Top / Mid instead.

    Is this true? I felt like playing ADC, but hearing that I wont be improving as fast is kind of a turn off. What is your opinion to this?

    submitted by /u/Teewoo
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    Do I need to think like a silver to get out of this elo?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    I've been watching guides, using this subreddit and replaying my vids to watch my mistakes so that I can learn from it.

    I apply all these learnings but my teammates don't. No map awareness, no macro play, no split pushing, no grouping for team fights and the list goes on. How can I get on their level as I feel like all this stuff I am trying to learn is being wasted?

    Whenever I play with my friends who are gold/plat I can match their K/D, I gank and win lane but its the complete opposite over in low Silver/high Bronze

    submitted by /u/_kyak_
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    Is Yasuo jungle worth it?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    Same with sett. I'm more into Yi, but that's aside. Should I play these junglers, or no? I like playing them but I always do bad with Yasuo/Sett. I like the clear (former Fiddlesticks one trick). I personally think that Yasuo isn't worth it but I still play him for whatever reason. Tips on how to play, or should I stop playing them overall?

    submitted by /u/c0rrupted_
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    How significant are changes made to base stats?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    Just wondering how I should interpret different changes in the patch notes and whether they are significant.

    For example, among other changes, Karthus recieved an increase in his Q damage:

    DAMAGE 45/65/85/105/125 (+0.3 ability power) ⇒ 50/70/90/110/130 (+0.35 ability power)

    To me this seems quite little, being only a 5dmg and 0.05AP% increase...
    Am I missing something? What do these changes mean to you?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/memoryse113
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    What to do when mid lane opponent is constantly wandering and ganking bot?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    I played against a nunu mid and pinged every time he left and even followed him .... but he still got at least one kill bu the time I got there. After the second or third time I begged them to ward but they chose to flame me for having low cs instead (I was wandering trying to manage the damage nunu was doing). They also flamed our jungler even though he ganked for them as much as possible and responded pretty decently. At one point I said fuck it and stopped helping them altogether because they were getting really toxic. I did fine other than my cs so I don't think I did anything wrong....

    Even the enemy team was telling them to stop running their mouths. Nunu admitted he's heavy roam and was gonna kill them regardless of what I did to try and stop it. I just want to know what I could have done better in this situation, if anything at all? They were toxic as all get out so I'm not sure if much would have changed regardless .

    submitted by /u/lunarbatxx
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    When attempting to stop repeating a specific mistake, do you forget to focus on the mistake during the game?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    Let's say you have a specific mistake you want to stop repeating: not dashing at an angle when forcing trades (instead of straight forward to dodge abilities).

    You go into a match with the specific goal in mind: to dash at an angle.

    Somewhere throughout the match you will stop focusing on your dashes as you are distracted with everything else.

    At the end of the game regardless of the result you will reflect: I didn't focus on what I wanted to improve.

    Substitute the mistake for any other and it still applies: tracking enemy cc, tracking enemy positions, autoing enemy when they cs, using trading stance.

    • Does anybody else feel this way?
    • What have people done to prevent forgetting about focusing on their mistakes during a game?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/poopman3535
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    How to play when behind/really ahead.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Low silver kat otp here. I've noticed that I can play fine when doing average and when I'm fed in the early game, but once it's midgame and laning is over, I'm a little lost on how to play when fed. I'm the highest priority target and hunted down viciously for my bounty, which makes it REALLY hard to do my job in teamfights which is just sit and wait because everyone just jumps on me asap. I end up being more useless as 12/3 than if i were 3/2. Even when I have zhonyas they just wait it out and slaughter me the moment it's gone. Because of this I just try to split solo to drag multiple people to me as a desperate attempt to get something done but it never goes well and I know it definitely isnt the way to be using my lead. How am I actually supposed to play when far ahead?

    On the other side of the coin, I like to play aggressive and sometimes i mess up real bad. Once I'm 0/2 I keep trying to still punish mistakes and win minor trades and sometimes it goes well but sometimes I go 0/4. What do I do once I've lost lane? What can I do to get myself back in the game besides sitting back and soaking exp?

    submitted by /u/Shabix
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    Struggling to set good side wave slow pushes in mid / late game

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    Hey all. I'm struggling to set effective slow pushes in the mid / late game in the side lanes to set up objectives, team fights, etc. Usually, it turns out that I get my wave pushing, but the wave timing is such that I don't really build up a big wave, I just sort of end up with a handful of minions that get to their tower (usually around the time that the next wave arrives) and quickly gets wiped out.

    I understand the basics of wave management. I can generally manipulate the wave in lane and freeze it, or set up a slow push in laning phase to crash a big wave into their tower, etc. I think this is easier, because you are always there to adjust the wave as needed if it's not doing what you want.

    However, I struggle to set mid / late game slow pushes in practice. I think this is mostly because I generally encounter a wave in a weird state, like maybe I catch it when there are two half-waves left, or when there is an undefined amount of time until the next waves meet. (By "undefined", I don't mean unknown, I just mean that I may encounter it when the next waves are 10 seconds away, or 30 seconds away.) Also I am not sure how to treat the cannons when one cannon has a lot of health and the other is almost dead, as that seems to have a big effect.

    In the best case, I catch a side wave pushing towards me, as it finishes killing my existing wave, with the new waves approaching, and I can just reset the wave and then kill the 3 casters to get the slow push going. This works fine.

    However, usually, it's not that clean. I understand that the basic rule for minion advantages doesn't change, but are there any tips for making the calculation in my head for what I need to do, in the event that I can't get a clean reset, to get a slow push that also builds a big wave? Or should I really be fixing my timing of when I go to the side lanes? Or both?

    submitted by /u/merv243
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    Roaming and diving as a mid assasin

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    In season 5 I was diamond 4, but I made it that high only because of my million mastery points on her. Each season after I really only played enough games to get gold 15-30 games in the season then stopped. I am now playing Zed and Fizz trying to get back to plat from around gold 4. Alot of higher elo players saying not to roam and just farm, so my question is, should I be roaming and diving bot and top lane alot or doing fake roams to apply pressure without making risky plays and losing CS?

    submitted by /u/Dropzedgorgeous
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    Can someone please explain what stacking in general means?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 02:39 AM PDT

    Hey there since I've been in quarantine .I have been extremely bored with playing single player games so I decided to try and play league of legends . I have played MOBA games before starting from the original DOTA mod in warcraft with my cousins and I have played DOTA 2 while the reason I decided to not play DOTA 2 is because their community was too toxic for me while in lol it wasn't that much. Since I've only started to play about 3 weeks I've know many things like warding,CSing and kiting but for the love of god I can never understand what stacking means and how to do it could someone pls explain this to me I really want to play Nasus and Yasou

    submitted by /u/Foxtrot_101
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    Play ADC like a Challenger ADC Macro VOD Review

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    Hey Summoners,

    As an extension of my Play like a Challenger video series, this episode goes over two high elo replays with another Challenger ADC main, where we discuss map movements.

    Most of the concepts discussed are relevant for all ranks, but are especially important for breaking through your ranked ceiling with a consistent, carry-oriented style.

    The first game he is laning with CoreJJ and in the second game he is duo with a friend.


    submitted by /u/value247
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    Does the quality of the games drop during the year?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    I'm a bit stuck in Silver IV. When I first got here and in my brief moments in Silver III I noticed quite a good increase in the quality of the games and playing was way more fun even when I lost. The last 100 games or so that I played reminded me of my Iron games or low Bronze at best because players have a minimum 4 CS/m. And I know how Iron works because I've been there for 300 games. It's just people continuously fighting even when behind and randomly facechecking. I swear that a month ago it wasn't like that. I'm not complaining about my teammates getting me stuck or something but the game is less fun now. Is it just a coincidence? Was I lucky at the start?

    submitted by /u/smooth_kiwi_
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    Early wave management

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    As a gold 1 midlaner;i try different stuff most of the games .sometimes i push first one then try to freeze the second , sometimes i try to slow push and go help with scuttle or smth but i mess it up probably . But dont know which is best (as a mage syndra ori ) does the general strategy depend on the matchup? I know vs assasins i should try to freeze and abuse them early but what about other matchups?

    submitted by /u/zazou003
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    Hello! First time poster! Are there any other rules to carrying as an ADC that I'm missing?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Im currently Bronze 2 looking to improve. They say that ADC's arent supposed to roam, and I've read the best way to carry is to farm, take tower first, and try to snowball the game. As the only role that really can't roam the map to help early on, what do carrys do to ensure the game doesnt snowball into a loss early on if its not in their lane? Right now I feel like I only have control over my lane, not the rest of the map.

    submitted by /u/jizzspiders
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    How do I deal with Ziggs; How do I deal with getting perma pushed under tower

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    I've never once won a game against this stupid champ. I play Kat/Lux and every Ziggs does the same shit. They sit too far out of my range for me to poke/engage and spam 0 cooldown abilities on the wave. They end up with great CS AND I spend the entire laning phase under tower losing minions because I can't keep up with waveclear. On top of that any time I get poked I get chunked crazy hard and have to back like 4 times before 10 minutes. He has permanent lane priority so I can never roam without losing all my CS.

    Assuming no jungle help, how can I outplay Ziggs and either knock him out of lane or preferably solo kill him. Is it even possible to freeze against him?

    I've been able to kill him with Kat by doing flash E W Q E (doesn't work if he's smart enough to flash away) and with Lux I just forfeit at 15.

    EDIT: Same situation with Xerath. He sits back and spams shit for free and by 10 minutes I have 2 deaths and only 30 CS from backing constantly. Idk wtf I'm supposed to do against this. Unless he just fucks up and misses there's 0 counterplay. And even if he misses he can just walk back and be perfectly safe.

    submitted by /u/LoLRageMaster6969
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    How and why does enchanter Bard work?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    I am trying to main Bard rn and run the old meta build with deadmans, RPC, and HoB. I focus on roaming and trying to help other lans and the jungler by dishing a ton of damage with my meeps.

    Rn high elo and pro players play enchanter Bard with guardians. But why should I play Bard as an enchater when I can play other enchanter sups who can utelise the items way better? Don't get me wrong I don't hate the build just asking why I should play Bard this way.

    submitted by /u/IchMagBrillen
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    TP dilemma: which lane do I TP to?!

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    So Im a top lane main. Say I die top lane and the enemy top laner hardshoves to our top turret. Five seconds later, our mid laner dies lane and enemy mid laner hard shoves to our mid turret. The enemy top laner resets as soon as the enemy minion crashes but the enemy midlaner stays to get some turret plates. Should I tp mid and ask our midlaner respawning 5 sec later to cover top or just tp top?

    submitted by /u/macgamerdude
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    The games right after ranking up

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    Hey guys, so I've done some climbing in low-elo over the past couple months and I've noticed something. I've wondered if this a thing that other people have noticed too.

    So every time I would rank up, either in a tier or to a whole new tier, the next ten or so games after ranking up just seem to be a complete shit show.

    I would constantly be thinking, "Damn, I just ranked up and my teammates got a million times worse. How does that make sense?"

    It's like clockwork. Feeders, AFK's, objective-clueless people, you name it. EVERY time I get to a new rank.

    Is this a thing?

    submitted by /u/tuckerb13
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    How do you successfully camp a lane without falling drastically behind (exp/gold)?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    As the title already says, it easily indicates that I utterly suck at camping a lane, cause it has a % to not work out and waste my time, thus putting me behind. I guess I can learn to gank better. I just feel unrewarded alot of the times when I do it, so my other lanes struggle, I lose gold, the enemy can clear me jg camps and do other objectives as well.

    submitted by /u/only_the_light
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