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    Thursday, July 9, 2020

    LoL Guide If you're 0/2 in lane, you lost lane. That's totally fine, happens to everyone. Don't panic!

    LoL Guide If you're 0/2 in lane, you lost lane. That's totally fine, happens to everyone. Don't panic!

    If you're 0/2 in lane, you lost lane. That's totally fine, happens to everyone. Don't panic!

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    One of the most important things to learn in league of legends when playing a solo lane position (top or mid, or even jungle in some cases) is how to lose gracefully.

    You're not going to smash every lane you walk into. That's just a fact. There are definitely, inevitably going to be times where you die in lane and have absolutely no hope of ever doing anything useful against your opponent.

    The game doesn't end there, though, and you still have PLENTY of opportunities to help your team win -- mainly by not losing any harder.

    If you die once in lane, whatever. Maybe you just made a mistake. The gold and experience difference that's created is fairly negligible (unless you REALLY messed up a wave and died when 20 minions were crashing into your tower). Its fine, shake it off, and keep trying.

    If you die twice in lane -- that's it. You lost. Its over. Laning, that is. The gold and experience difference now is just to high to overcome without playing extremely risky. Your opponent likely now has a level on you, and likely has an item completion on you. You're done.

    At this point, you just grab whatever minions you can safely reach, farm under your tower, and if the lane ever shoves out toward the enemy tower, you simply dip out of your lane and go look for some jungle camps to kill, or a scuttle crab, or lay down whatever vision you can safely reach to help your teammates track enemy players.

    Lose gracefully. Damage control. Don't give away any more of an advantage than you already have. You will not win trades, you will not win all-ins, and if you push too far in your lane, you will absolutely get ganked and put yourself further behind.

    As a jungler, we're taught to play through the lane that's ahead. Guess what -- its yours now. And its your enemy and their jungler that will be doing this. So if you push out -- you're REALLY asking for it.

    Being carryable is an absolutely invaluable skill that will help you climb very fast. You don't need to 1v9 every game, and if you're going 0/5, 0/6 in lane - I hate to break it to you but YOU are the reason you're losing games. Not your jungler, not your other laners -- YOU.

    Another thing junglers are taught is that sometimes you need to sever a limb to save the body. Sometimes you need to just let your feeders feed, and create opportunities elsewhere while the enemy team is enjoying their all you can eat buffet. YOU are the all you can eat buffet in this scenario. Your jungler isn't coming, nor should they.

    So if you ever go 0/2 in lane -- take a breath. The game is still totally winnable - but now your role on the team becomes just boring, menial damage control and survival. It sucks. It requires a lot of discipline. It requires you to swallow your pride a bit. But you will absolutely win more often if you don't just sit up there continuing to feed your ass off in a lane you're never going to win and shouldn't be trying to win.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    Should I give up on Graves? Last help call

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 03:00 AM PDT

    Hello community, I got convinced to write this after seeing how helpful you all are.

    I am a beginner and not so fast with fingers but with a passion for the jungler role. That's why, knowing my limits, I started with easier champs like yi and, eventually, I managed to make him not die, farm decently and also get a couple of penta. I passed then to Nunu and it's been an amazing discovery. Now I've M7 in Yi, Nunu and Leona.

    I saw Graves, and thought it could be interesting to try it for the burst damage, mobility and a new challenge with his mechanics. I've been literally obliterated: in 15 games I won 2, one because of the typical fed full-stack Nasus and the other because of a poor enemy Yi and thanks to my wife, a fed Missfortune carrying me at a shameful level. At this point I also thought about creating a smurf account just for this champ, but it seems a bit extreme.

    I'm not used to do poor damage, zero relevance on map objectives/teamfight, and I am frustrated because I don't understand tbh. I think I have to attack a lot early game, but then I loose the farming… your advice or some video references would be great before I decide to forget about the dead man walking and try another champ (kayn, olaf or rammus are my next candidates). Thanks and forgive me for the long message.

    submitted by /u/da_f3nix
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    Summoning Rift Herald can't be interrupted by crowd control anymore

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    A lot of people are still used to the fact that you can interrupt someone channeling the Eye of the Herald. This is no longer the case. It was changed when the channel time was reduced to 1 second from 4 seconds in Patch 9.24. Riot didn't mention it for some reason.

    Here's a video of me getting stunned while channeling but Rift Herald still spawns.


    submitted by /u/ExplodingFistz
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    Plat 2 Karthus jung one trick and I realized that Karthus jung has taught me nothing about Jungle

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    So pretty much, I was a top main and I was fed up with what top lane is and swapped to jungle. I always liked karthus, so I decided to one trick him. I have been playing other Junglers lately such as hecarim and Eve, and I realized I don't know how to jungle. Karthus taught me how to play safe early and how to track the enemy jungler. But because Karthus isn't a traditional jungler, I don't know how to do basic jungle things. It was pretty rare for me to invade as Karthus, I don't know how to properly gank lanes, I don't know how to invade early, I don't know how to make my lanes a wincon. Like, as Karthus, I kind of make myself a wincon. I kinda just afk farm and 1v9 late game, but now I have to do other things. Kinda weird, maybe karthus jung is like Nasus. I don't recommend Nasus to like Silver players because he doesn't teach you normal trading patterns. He teaches you how to manage the lane wave and how to beat most melee's at 200 stacks plus.

    submitted by /u/lordluke24
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    Is op.gg a good website?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    for you who dont know, op.gg is a website here you can see champion statistics like they winrate what are the most common build for a X champion what is the most common rune for Y champion and you can see other players account.

    but what i want to discuss is "op.gg is a good website for checking the meta?" like it is just a machine it only understand numbers, nothing is perfect like it says that nunu isnt a god tier mid laner but who knows he's fully potential know that it is so overpowered ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6u-KQi5XRo&t=290s ) that faker become one trick nunu

    submitted by /u/Murilinho4124
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    Any advices on how to teach a friend playing this game for the first time?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 04:11 AM PDT

    Hey /r/summonerschool

    my best friend just started playing league of legends a few weeks ago and I tried to teach him like a bit. We started by playing some bot games (co-op vs. ai on both difficulties) and we got like a decent understanding of his champion (brand and darius - I created him an item set on his account so he knows what and when to buy certain things).

    But here comes the problem. I always play around high plat - low diamond level and the players I'm facing in normals and rankeds are usually at this level (or maybe a bit lower). I understand that if he plays normals with me, he will get destroyed in every single game. I tried one game where he played Brand Support and I played Ezreal, but he does not have a chance (obviously).

    How do you teach your friends League of Legends? Only spamming like bot games will eventually get bored. He would like to play against real players and would love to play with me, but this is tough...

    submitted by /u/Rileru
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    garen walks under my tower and takes chunks out of it.... help?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    When I play poppy vs garen its pretty frustrating because the dude can mass clear the minions and then walk under my tower and hit it without me being able to do enough damage to him to stop him...

    the obvious answer is "jungle help" but I cant rely on the jungle to win my lane for me against this common toplaner...

    edit: I honestly might just build tear and some regen beads on poppy like this person https://www.reddit.com/r/PoppyMains/comments/g88893/patch_108_garen_vs_poppy_top/ because what the heck else am I supposed to do? Dorans shield doesn't do anything to stop him from waltzing under my tower and doing whatever he wants.

    Id rather play against darius, at least he runs out of mana eventually

    submitted by /u/hammerdeer
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    How does Aphelios interact with untargetabilities?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    Hi fellow Summoners!

    I was watching game 2 of Damwon vs AF match, and at 18:33ish game time i noticed something, which i dont completely understand (well its an euphemism, i have no idea wtf happened).

    Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3ivVzuJOpA

    And the situation: Ezreal gets stunned (so far i havent lost track), then he eats an Aphelios Calibrum q and Calibrum ult, he takes a huge chunk of damage, first the ult damage, and just as Aphelios is about to reap the benefit of the Calibrum q (an auto with his offhand weapon, which is Gravitum in this case), Ezreals support Tahm does Tahm things, and devours him to save his ass. But here is what i do not understand at all: Ezreal is already in Tahms belly, when he gets hit by the aforementioned offhand autoattack, which almost kills him.

    Shouldnt that particular offhand autoattack disjoint/disappear just as Ez goes untargetable inside Tahm, just like every targeted stuff does not connect vs Fizz Vlad w for example? I know that Yuumis untargetability is different from the others (as in spells/autos locked onto her will damage her), but has something like this happened to Tahm w?


    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    Does my friend have unreasonable expectations?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 05:02 AM PDT

    So my IRL best friend kept begging me to start playing league with him, I eventually agreed to learn it because I will be at a different university next year and playing a game or two every Saturday or something seemed like a good way of keeping in touch. He was very excited and said he would coach me everyday this summer. So I started playing two weeks ago and I think he expects me to improve faster because he keeps hinting that I'm really bad. He does give me useful advice but generally in games he groans when I make basic mistakes, says I'm inting, or just gives me the silent treatment. Yesterday he said I was useless and that coaching me is painful. I know I make mistakes but I feel like that's normal considering I've only just started playing... I've mainly been learning jungle and yesterday I felt like I did a really good gank so I asked him about it and he said he wasn't paying attention. He is a P1 player that plays on a university team and we just played normal games with his smurf account. He gets upset when we lose which makes me feel bad and even if we win I usually feel awful anyway, mostly because his attitude just messes with my overall mood. He wanted me to level up fast to level 30 so we can play ranked games but I am reluctant to do so if there is more at stake in them. I am currently taking a break from playing but my question is should I just give up on the game completely or does anyone have advice? I don't want to lose this friend over this game since he is really nice in person and he's just completely different when playing.

    EDIT: Thanks for all the responses everyone! A lot of helpful advice, hopefully I can figure something out and continue playing!

    submitted by /u/Spavlia
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    New to midlane - feeling like waveclear wins lane in lower elos?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, as the title says I'm transitioning to learning mid and from my games so far I feel like having the superior waveclear makes it very easy to win lane, especially stuff like Vel Koz or Morgana (to my own surprise).

    After some irritating games I gave it a shot myself and found quite a lot of success.

    I know that most champs who cant match their waveclear have better mobility, utility, all-in and whatnot but I feel like overaggressive pushing rarely gets punished in silver-gold.

    So my question is: how do I deal with afk-pushing midlaners when I cannot match the waveclear and Nor rely on my jungler to gank when they overextend?

    Would be great to hear advice from some mid veterans. Thanks and stay safe!

    submitted by /u/maiden_des_mondes
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    Gold 2 Support main needs help improving

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, i am a gold 2 main support player, which enjoys playing Nami, Lulu, Thresh, and Leona. I mostly duo queue with my cousin that is Platinum 2, so, you know, the gap in mechanics/decision making is really big between me and the enemy supports. I often find myself losing botlane, because i tend to play mostly passive, which helped me climbing from Silver 4 to Gold 2 in 2 weeks. But even when playing alone, against people from my MMR, enemy supports tend to out-support me, when i go aggressive i often lose a ton of HP, making my ADC take bad trades, losing botlane, burning summoner spells, etc. This is what happens 75% of my games. But some days i actually manage to play decent, and outplay enemy botlanes. I could never understand why do i have those days (i actually did it when it was the last day for climbing and i had to play my prom from S1 to G5, back in 2018) where i play well enough that i even surprise myself.

    Back to my normal days as support, i tend to not die to ganks, my vision score often goes around 30 at minute 20, and my KDA is decent, but i know i suck, and that i can do better. I know i need to improve my skillshots (i miss a lot of them, opening myself to a retaliation from the enemy botlane), and decision making (when to go aggressive, when to help dragon, when to dive, etc), and, more importantly, how to be a good support player (roaming, who to support in teamfights, engage, disengage). I've taken the vow to not play ranked anymore, until i can consistently improve my mechanics and decision making in normal games (i know its not the same, but i can't stand making people lose because of botlane difference). Is there any guide/way to get better at being a support?

    submitted by /u/Oblive0n
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    2 Questions about items

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    1. When should I sell my starting item? Usually if I have enough gold to get an item by selling my starting item I do it, but not the first item because I feel like the starting item has a big effect at that early part of the game. I'm gonna sell my starting item sometime to afford an item but at what part of the game?
    2. When should buy get tier 2 boots? If i need to buy Merc's or ninja tabis I usually do that pretty early because then there's an enemy threat that I need defense against but the question is more about when I should get sorcerer shoes (because I usually play mages) It costs 800 gold which is allot when i'm playing champions that are item reliant but sometimes I see players that buy tier 2 boots really early. Do I even need to buy sorcerer shoes until late game if no enemy buy magic resist?
    submitted by /u/Spoket1
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    Cutdown+cull or cutdown+ 3min cull

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    Sneaky said something about getting cull later doesn't feel that good and that starting cull has no downside except lvl1 have cutdown. What is the context for 3 min cull? Do you cheater recall to buy cull? I have seen other pros do this sometimes (jackeylove).

    submitted by /u/HiraTechi
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    I have a camera problem.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    I play with a fixed camera and I don't think that it's good. I'm still slowly climbing through silver but I think it will be really bad when I'm gold. It's hard for me to change this habit because I've always played like this since I started LOL. The problem is that when I try playing with the camera unlocked I'm playing worse.

    Btw I'm an adc main.

    submitted by /u/besi42069
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    Dummy's Guide to Jungling for the Average Laner

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 08:43 PM PDT

    So you normally play a lane, but you've been autofilled jungle.

    Of course, since you're out of your element and feel uncomfortable in the role, you immediately ask for a swap. Nobody accepts your swap, and you end up having to play it anyway and do terribly, reinforcing the idea that you can't jungle, or that jungling is this arcane art known only to the select, or you have to just dodge.

    Wouldn't it be nice to not have to dodge or fail horribly? To be autofilled jungle and just play it comfortably? Would it even be possible to enjoy jungle, and find yourself a new main role?

    With this guide, I hope to quickly get you up to speed and seeing that autofill as a nice bit of variety instead of being stuck with a cursed role nobody wants.

    Section 1 - Myths and Truths about Jungle

    • Myth: Jungling is harder than laning - Jungling isn't harder than laning, it just takes a different set of skills. Instead of skills like CSing, trading, etc, you're working on skills like camp kiting, ganking, taking objectives, denying vision, etc.
    • Myth: Junglers get flamed too much - Yes, typically junglers will receive some toxicity thrown their way. People will be upset when you make mistakes, but that happens to laners too.
    • Myth: Jungling requires having a huge brain and making 5Head plays - Nah. Through basic reasoning and logic, you can jungle effectively. In a sense jungle macro is even easier than lane macro because you don't have to think about stuff like minion pushes, back timing, roams, etc. You just do your thing.
    • Myth: Jungling results in less XP and less gold than laners - This is partially true, but it really majorly depends on your specific champion and actions you take. Yes, the amount of XP and gold in your jungle is slightly less than a solo laner would receive. You will typically be a level or two down unless you're fed. By doing things like invading, you can equalize this out or even surpass laner XP/gold.
    • Myth: Jungle matchup doesn't matter, and junglers aren't really in a battle with each other - Some junglers counter others, either by negating their impact, invading them and starving them of gold, or by outscaling them. Unlike laning, you will somewhat rarely encounter your counterpart on the enemy team, instead you'll be trying to sabotage them indirectly.

    Section 2 - Jungle Item, Smite, and Champions

    In order to jungle, you need two things: Your jungle item, and the summoner spell smite. These are essential, you cannot jungle without them. Without smite you cannot effectively secure objectives, cannot farm in a healthy way, and cannot buy your jungle item. Without your jungle item you get significantly less XP from each camp, and you cannot use empowered smites. You also take much more damage clearing because you lack the healing built into the item.

    Smite is your swiss army knife, your multitool, your way of life in the jungle. Use it to kill camps, to secure objectives, to heal, and more. By default, smite cannot be cast on enemy champions. However, finishing your jungle item gives you access to one of two empowered smites, depending on the one you made. By making skirmisher's sabre, you get access to red smite. Red smite works like a mix between ignite and exhaust. Enemy deals 20% less damage to you (not others), and takes some small amount of true damage every time you auto them. It's a great dueling tool, as well as surviving ganks against fed opponents who might just try to kill you.

    The other empowered smite comes from stalker's blade, and gives you access to blue smite. Blue smite works like a mix of exhaust and default smite, dealing a small burst of true damage and slowing the target. It's a catching tool, and is usually taken by junglers who need assistance catching people and preventing them from running away during ganks. Tank junglers and some assassins, basically.

    Once you combine talisman and machete to get your jungle item, you can then enchant it depending on your champ's needs and build path. Generally the finished enchantment is a good power spike due to it's gold efficiency and speed up of clear.

    "But what champions should I pick?", you might ask. Generally if you're inexperienced with jungle you should pick junglers that build on the tankier side and possess CC, so if you get behind you still provide some use to your team. Avoid things like scaling mages (Karthus) or assassins (Ekko, Rengar, Evelynn), as they're better for more comfortable junglers due to their significantly riskier gameplay and less healthy clears.

    I personally would recommend Warwick (he is to jungle what Garen is to toplane), Amumu, Sejuani, Zac, etc. While lacking in carry power somewhat, they're more stable picks that stand less chance of getting behind and useless.

    Section 3 - Farming

    Farming, one of the most important aspects of being an effective jungler. Junglers have the advantage of requiring 0 mechanical skill to farm! Minions have to be last hit, monsters you just whack until dead.

    So how do you farm effectively? First, understand the layout of the jungle. The map is mirrored, and camps oppose each other on the opposite sides of the map. Your krugs may be near your botlane, but they're near toplane for the enemy jungler.

    Each half of the jungle is different in the types of camps. Red side contains redbuff, krugs, and raptors. Krugs and raptors are multi-target camps, and can be taken easier by AOE champions that hit multiple things at once with abilities to proc talisman and get healed. Champs like Amumu, Ekko, Evelynn, etc all farm red side well.

    Blue side contains blue buff, gromp, and wolves. Wolves is the small exception being a 3 target camp, but it's still small enough to where single target clearers (like warwick, rengar, etc) can clear it relatively healthy.

    Every champ has a side it likes to start on, and an order that it clears in. Sometimes this is to ensure the clear is healthy (your jungler item will generally stop you from being executed as it's healing is stronger the lower you are, but you don't want to be walking around at 10% health), sometimes it's to hit lv 3 as fast as possible to gank, etc.

    Look up your champ and find out it's optimal clear order and starting buff. Also find out if your champ needs a leash (assistance in taking first buff from a laner).

    As you clear, since monsters hurt, you want to kite them so you're doing as much damage as possible, while taking as little as possible. Some champs benefit from kiting more than others, with extreme ends not needing to kite at all (Olaf, Sej), and others being required to kite effectively or they will die to camps (Karthus, Kindred, etc).

    As a rule of thumb for kiting:

    • Don't get too far away from the camp's origin. You can see a monster's patience bar above it's health, spending time outside of it's valid area ticks down this bar. If it runs out, the camp runs back and heals massively, and you've wasted time. Play around in the practice tool to get a sense for this, and if you see the bar start ticking down, pull the camp back towards it's origin quickly. When kiting, you will have to run past the camp to kite it in a small circle around this area.
    • For single target camps, two autos, back off. Two autos, back off. Repeat until dead, weaving in abilities. Do not auto once, back off, repeat. Buffs and gromp will do more damage to you with one auto than you will to it, so you want to be dealing two autos for every one of it's. Abuse their slow attack speed.
    • For multi target camps, if you possess AOE and have talisman, focus the big one and use the talisman burn and AOE to kill the small ones. If you're a machete user with no AOE, focus the small dudes first, then the big last. You want to spend as little time being autoed by the small ones as possible.
    • If you're a jungler that clears almost entirely with abilities, don't get attacked by camps while waiting for CDs, kite around so you don't take damage you can't return.
    • Left click on camps to see their resistances. Smite camps with resistances to your primary damage (krugs for example have negative MR so magic champs shouldn't need to smite krugs).


    Scuttles spawn at around 3 mins, in both sides of river. Once they're killed they respawn only on one side, randomly picking a side each time.

    When killed they give a good chunk of XP, gold and mana, and create a ward in the middle of the river that speeds up allies that walk through it. Great for mobility around the map and for foreseeing ganks coming up river.

    Most junglers can finish 2-3 camps before scuttle spawns, and then collect it to replenish mana and a bit of health. When attacking scuttle, attempt to hit it with some form of hard CC, this cuts its resistances and makes it significantly easier to take.

    As the game goes on watch the respawn icon and try to get them. Depending on lane states and your power compared to the enemy jungler, the enemy might try to contest you taking them, so be wary. I like to save a smite charge and always smite scuttle just to avoid steals and to get a good bit of health back too.

    Section 4 - Ganking

    Ah, ganking, the cream of jungling, the biggest way to make impact, and the hardest thing to do effectively and efficiently as a jungler.

    Generally, to understand how to gank you can just follow a few rules of thumb:

    • Don't gank lanes that you'd have to walk significant distances to. If you've just finished your topside clear and go bot, don't walk back up to toplane just because an opportunity crops up. This walking without income puts you behind.
    • Don't gank lost lanes. Doing so only risks you being put behind too when they 1v2 you, or the enemy jungler showing up to protect his winning lane. You can gank losing lanes to right them back on course, but if your laner is 0/3, pretend that lane doesn't exist and focus your efforts elsewhere.
    • Some junglers gank better than others. Some junglers would rather farm until they're relevant and only take opportunistic ganks, others towerdive level 3. It's a spectrum. Understand where your champ sits.
    • Don't be scared to camp a lane that's hard winning. Camping puts significant pressure on that lane and can get them so fed they can end the game. If your botlane for example is 2/0, see if you can turn that into 9/0 and an enemy FF because the Vayne is 3 shotting everyone. If the enemy jungler is competent they'll make stuff happen on the opposite side... or you'll just win while the enemy laner babyrages at their jungler. Worth a shot.
    • Don't overcommit to ganks, especially on people not worth full gold. Trying to force plays on people that are already behind is asking to get outplayed and throw your lead. Once a lane is won, camp it and snowball if you can, if not and they're playing safe, move on to another lane.
    • Don't over-hover. Sitting in a bush for dozens of seconds is a waste of time. Show up, try to land your engage/CC. Miss it? Leave and go back to farming. If you sit in one place too long, the enemy will pick up on that and punish it. I see so many Lee sins miss Q then spend the next few seconds waiting for their Q CD to try and land it again. If you fail, leave.
    • Ping that you're ganking so your laners respond. Ping "on my way" so they can preemptively engage or bait them in. Ganking without doing that might cause you to get 1v1ed by the enemy laner while your laner farms. If you get danger pinged, DO NOT GANK. They know something you don't (eg they know they're being camped so the enemy jungler is about to clap your ass if you commit to the gank), or they'd rather not risk it/don't need it.

    Section 5 - Objectives

    One of the biggest components to jungling is securing objectives. It's actually the main point. You are in charge of killing objectives, to be assisted by your team.

    There are two objectives specific to jungle, Herald/Baron and Dragons. Some things to know:

    • More junglers can solo herald than can solo dragon. If you can't solo dragon, chances are you can solo herald. It does less damage and can be killed easier because of the eye on it's back.
    • Herald is valuable, it's a bit of a "win harder" objective, but it's still worth getting if you cannot get dragon.
    • The first two dragons are random types. The third is the type the soul will be, and all further elemental dragons will be. This means if you lose the first two to the enemy team, you can stack 4 of the same type and the soul, resulting in a huge boost.
    • From the point above, don't feel bad if you lose the first dragon. Don't int to try and steal it. It's not worth it. If the whole enemy squad is rolling up to take it, let them have it and take herald instead or the enemy topside jungle.
    • If you're against a jungler that can solo dragon really early (like Olaf), keep vision on it. Often these early soloers get very low while soloing it, and one of the major ways to take them to tilt city is to roll up, kill them and take dragon.
    • To solo dragon you need at least one of three things: Damage, sustain, and tankyness. Different junglers have different combos (Olaf has damage and sustain) of those 3, and the more you have the healthier you can solo. Plenty of laners can solo dragon once they have sustain. Fiora for example can solo dragon once she has ravenous hydra, no jungle item needed (though if toplane Fiora is soloing dragon early game you have worse issues).
    • Some champs can solo Baron too, but only once they have several items, and it's slow. It's rare to see unless a team is just running away with their lead and ending the game anyway.
    • Smite does more damage the higher level you are. This means that a level difference between junglers can make objectives impossible to steal or secure effectively. Again, farming is critical.
    • Avoid smiting when you see the correct number, instead try to predict damage output of your team and smite when you estimate it'll hit the threshold. Damage will usually come in waves and DPS will oscillate up and down as CDs are used. Get a read on it and time it.
    • The earlier you get to an objective that's spawning, the more likely you are to take it. Set up vision and zone the enemy out. It's better to remove the enemy smite from the equation than trying to outsmite them, especially if you're new to jungle.

    Section 6 - Invading and being invaded

    There's two components of dealing with invasion, prevention and reaction.


    Keep an idea of who the jungler is and what they want to do. Some junglers powerfarm and are likely to invade you if they can safely to increase their farm even higher, and others that primarily want to gank. If you're against a heavy farming jungler you have to entertain the idea that they might try to invade you.

    Keep wards on your jungle entrances. Something that I do is to place a ward in pixel brush, then switch to sweeper if I'm on a ganking jungler. If they show up on my ward walking into a side of my jungle, I can know they've invaded me and to be careful. This also lets me apply a concept called Vertical Jungling, which I'll talk about under reaction later.

    Farming speed and efficiency is also super important. Every jungler has an optimal path they want to take to let them farm as efficiently as possible. Doing other stuff like kiting camps towards the next camp you want to take also speeds you up. If you can farm faster than the opponent, there won't be any camps to take when they do invade. (Watching them just waddle into your jungle like a fool trying to find something to steal when you've already cleared the camps is hilarious) If you're on a jungler that clears slowly you need to be cognizant of being invaded. Rushing stuff like Tiamat (you don't even need to turn it into a hydra) or cinderhulk helps.

    Kindred as a specific example gains a lot of power from counterjungling, but she's also turbo-predictable. Mark on a camp? She's gonna try to yoink it. Keep it warded so you can know she's yoinking it, and can take appropriate action (again, talked about in the next section) or just take something of hers while she's in your jungle. (Something I do is to ask my laners to take the camp so she can't have it, most laners are happy at the extra farm) Some other junglers are predictable in a similar manner (Evelynn for example often yoinks raptors because they're easy for her to clear quickly and her stealth lets her walk past mid without being seen).

    You can also just think about their pathing and where they're gonna end up. Take for example champ X. They start red, do krugs, then raptors. From there, they can take scuttle, then either clear the other side of their jungle, or invade to take some of your blue side.

    If you started blue, and they know that, they probably won't invade (because there'll be nothing to take), but if you started red (on the opposite diagonal side to them), they might invade your blue side hoping to converge and catch you out (if they duel better), or clear it (partially) before you get there if you clear red side slower than them.

    Generally people won't diagonally invade either (Going from their red to your red) because it's long (runs past too many camps and midlane, so wasted time) and runs too much risk of being spotted. They want to cross over the river. If you know they started red, and you also know that they want to invade, you can feel relatively safe in your red side. You might find your blue side missing, but again, you can vertical jungle to just take their stuff (some junglers leave krugs or gromp behind).


    So once you've determined that you've been or are being counterjungled/invaded, what do you do?

    First, you attempt to figure out where they are. If you've been warding you might notice them invading to steal your red while you're on blue or gromp or something. Instead of going to your red to contest it, which is dangerous, instead you just go over to THEIR red and take it. This is called vertical jungling. You keep an idea of where the enemy jungler is, and try to stay on opposite corners of the map. They take your botside jungle, you cross river and take their topside, dividing up the map by midlane instead of the river.

    Doing this equalizes the lost farm. Since killing enemy jungle gives you the same resources, you can straight up just farm their jungle instead. Just have to keep an eye on their position (some people invade and just take the buff then return to their jungle, some take the whole side, etc) and the position of laners (if they know you're doing this because they left a ward, they might ask a laner to come and make you fuck off).

    Your goal is to avoid the invader and just get your farm elsewhere.

    On early game junglers and when you're into a winning matchup, if you catch them stealing your stuff you can often just duel them and kill them. Strong duelists like Olaf and the like can just kill the invader.

    Section 7 - Wrap up

    Thanks for reading! This turned out pretty long but I wanted to give a good resource and overview of how to jungle at a basic level, to hopefully get people up to a point where they can comfortably fill the role if they're autofilled. There's a lot more to it than what I've wrote here though, and I recommend looking into other resources and videos on it if you want to switch to maining jungle.

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    Why is an ADC's life more important than a Support's in the early game?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    Many games I've played and watched, I've seen early ganks or towerdives that result in the support attempting to sacrifice themselves for their ADCs. It results in either the support successfully diverting the other team's attention to them and their ADC getting out safely, other times results in both their deaths when the support could've easily escaped themselves. Either way, its usually smart to back anyways, because its likely they'll be low and missing summoners. Death timers at this point aren't too much longer than recalls, especially with the homeguard ms on top. Gold given to the enemy team is the same anyways. Is there a explanation to this that I've not considered?

    submitted by /u/Judgejia
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    Dealing with anxiety around the game

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    I like playing league but for some reason I've felt nerves loading the game and getting into laning phase.

    It's made me just want to take a break from the game when I do actually want to play it.

    I watch guides, streamers, pro games like all the time. You know how it is in your recommended where it's all just league content.

    Idk how to deal with it. The nerves around the game has spoiled it for me a bit.

    Maybe I should just try to play for fun? Idk.

    If anyone has had this before please let me know if you've gotten out of this phase and how you did it.

    submitted by /u/hide-on-table
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    My team picks fights despite my spam pinging when I'm fixing side waves, should I just ignore side waves at low ELO?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    I see huge waves that are about to crash into my turret. I spam ping my team to be careful, ping that I'm going bot, and type in chat not to fight until I get back. Without fail, they either play too far up or try to fight anyway and we end up losing 4 people, and everyone flames me for not being in the fight. I only gain a few hundred from the wave and we gave up 4 kills. Am I just supposed to sit mid and fight, and let the waves bleed out? Or am I supposed to go and farm side waves and hope my team doesn't run it down? I feel like getting the free gold dying to turret is the right play but it has never worked out in an actual game.

    submitted by /u/grahamster00
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    Having trouble getting my friend into League :|

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    I'm a bronze II Wukong one trick who's been actually trying to grind this game (i played before p casually and actually didn't like the game that much abt.. a year ago?) for about 1.5 months. I'm trying to get my friend into this game in a way that he'll enjoy. We play Smash together constantly and he's very drawn to tanky but mechanically simple character archetypes. (Bowser, K Rool for u smash players), so I suggested a champ like Malphite (tanky) or Garen (extremely mechanically simple) to start out with. The problem is, when we play in Co-Op vs Bot, it's just insanely boring for everyone involved. I feel like he's not getting any sort of grasp on the game through this and it's very hard for me to teach him or for him to see the game as anything other than a 30 minute depressing boring slog where he gets stomped at my MMR or bored to death by bots. I have a smurf account that's like level 5 that i tried playing PVP in but everyone doesn't even seem to know what roles are at that MMR .(adc + jg was entirely empty the game we played, with 3 people in top lane :( ) Last time we played he seemed like he was close to completely giving up hope on playing this game with me. I would usually let people not like the games they don't like, but I feel like his experiences are unfair to judge the entire game on and mirror mine back when i didn't like the game. How on earth do you teach this game to people, man?

    submitted by /u/kellykzawa
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    Why are garen and sett's winning matchups so different?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 05:06 AM PDT

    Given that garen and sett are both very popular champions in low elo and also very similar (immobile, high damage AD juggernauts), I have been looking for a champ to add to my pool that beats both of them.

    However there are lots of matchups that are hard losing for one champ and hard winning for the other.

    Garen hard loses to singed, kayle, quinn, and chogath, wheras sett absolutely wrecks singed, kayle, quinn, and chogath. Sett hard loses to jax, wukong, urgot and ornn, but garen beats all these champs

    It's bizarre. What's causing the difference?

    Edit: found the difference, patch 10.14 is new and stats are all over the place due to small sample size.

    If you look back to patch 10.13, you get more consistent results: sett and garen both lose to singed, kayle, quinn, they both beat chogath (but sett beats him more).

    Jax is still a bit inconsistent (garen beats him and sett is an even matchup), urgot slightly beats both of them, and ornn loses slightly to them both.

    submitted by /u/Scrapheaper
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    Team comps

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Hey Guys so Im trying to learn team comps again after I forgot I was trying to. My current champion pool is Shen, Mordekaiser, and Kayle. This is going to be my second full season after getting more into the game around the end of Season 8. I was told that Shen is very flexible into most team comps and I'm thinking the same holds true for Mordekaiser but where do I classify Kayle? also general knowledge on Team comps is welcome. I'm currently in gold 4 after getting demoted earlier this week and am trying to reach plat a as a minimum before the season is over. any and all constructive advice is welcome

    submitted by /u/PeacemakingWarmonger
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    Supp main needs help bc im not climbing at all

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    My peak in rank by far is Bronze 2, but i have been demoted Bronze 3 (sometimes reverted back to Bronze 4 again).

    So i play enchanters supps (nami, soraka, karma,lulu) and some senna or bards. I need help to be better bc i feel demoralised with all these losing streaks. What should i do?

    submitted by /u/cringggy
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    Consistently do little damage

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    Afternoon all, hope you are all well.

    I'm really struggling at the moment, I know I have 2 major flaws - CS and Map Awareness, I'm Silver 3 and consistently float around S4-S1. However, sicne recently playing seriously again (last month or so) I am conscious I do little to no damage every game I play, no matter my lane or champion it feels like I get stomped out instantly and can't win any duel.

    I remember from previously playing that I always lost CS due to being bullied all the time, I never really learnt how to deal with that, so I'm always behind on CS because I'm constantly poked and can never deal with it, but even when I get ahead early I can not translate that in to any sort of carry at all.

    Is there any good tools or tips for improving this sort of thing? A lot of the time it feels like my game is over before minute 10 because I do so little...

    submitted by /u/flipplestix
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    Jungle picks

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    I recently started spamming trundle and have had a lot of success with him. I used to play a lot of ww and int a lot because it's hard to control yourself when youre zooming around the map at Mach speed. Im able to play a lot slower as trundle and control the map. Also split pushing with him is fun, he just melts turrets. What other junglers can I pick up that play similarly to trundle?

    submitted by /u/Era555
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