• Breaking News

    Wednesday, July 22, 2020

    LoL Guide Reminder that a champions' gold from CS, kills, etc. does not do anything until they've actually bought an item.

    LoL Guide Reminder that a champions' gold from CS, kills, etc. does not do anything until they've actually bought an item.

    Reminder that a champions' gold from CS, kills, etc. does not do anything until they've actually bought an item.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 12:53 AM PDT

    I find people making this mistake all the time: they see their opposing laner up in CS and/or kills and think that they've lost the lane, when they havent even backed since they gained the lead. They tend to play safe as if the enemy already has more items than them, which is a crucial mistake. Conversely, if you get a kill against your laner that doesn't make you stronger than them all of a sudden, you actually need to buy something to be stronger.

    If an enemy kills you, but doesnt back by the time you return to lane, they don't really have an advantage on you yet. It's likely they have a level on you, but that only gives them slightly higher base stats and another rank on an ability.

    I can't tell you how many times I've given up first blood but have been able to turn the lane around because my enemy laner just assumes they're more powerful because they got a kill.

    EDIT: I know that level advantage is still a thing, and that there are some stacking runes, and that there are exceptions like Ornn and Veigar. I'm not saying you should go balls to the wall trying to get a revenge kill before your opposing laner backs. I'm just saying that you still have a chance. While it depends on a lot of factors, just remember that gold doesn't do anything until it's spent on an item.

    submitted by /u/dingusfunk
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    LILLIA GUIDE: Want to play Lillia Jungle? Learn how to clear with infinite sustain, gank effectively, teamfight, and use her combos.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    Hey it's me bquipd, the guy who keeps terrorizing people with Fiddlesticks mach 1 clears. I made a Lillia guide!


    The above playlist contains not only my own video guide that covers clears, ganks, teamfighting, runes, and items, but also some content from other creators. Flügerl goes in-depth in a fast-paced Lillia guide showcasing her ability combos. Phylaris shows how to clear efficiently from both Red and Blue side. This playlist should cover all your bases.

    I've heard all sorts of things about Lillia. A lot of people lament she has no sustain, and has a hard time soloing objectives. Others say her ganks without her Ultimate are not that good. I think it's clear that she's a very unique Champion.

    And I think that a unique Champion deserves unique strategies to play them.


    There are a variety of Runes and Items that are viable on Lillia, but there are some core setups that I don't see anybody else running that really help with Lillia's weaknesses.


    Fleet Footwork & Ravenous Hunter

    Lillia has a hard time sustaining in the Jungle, not against AoE camps, but single-target ones. Even later into the game, these camps can wreck your HP.

    These two Runes alleviate Lillia's sustain issues, allowing Lillia to powerfarm and gank without recalling, as well as take dragon solo!

    But that's not all. These are actually optimal on Lillia during combat with Champions too.

    Lillia's [Q] passive grants Lillia completely unparalleled in-combat movement speed, which stacks Fleet Footwork extremely quickly. Additionally, landing an auto attack on an enemy when they get too close gives you a burst of movement speed and a heal, allowing you to stay alive in a sustained fight for longer. The movement speed can also buy you time for you to get your [Q] stacks going. The heal also has a 30% AP ratio, which is fantastic. I usually heal 4,000-6,000 from this Rune every game.

    Ravenous Hunter provides a ton of healing from Lillia's DoT passive, since it is counted as single target. If you run Liandry's Torment, this Rune heals off that too. Early game, this Rune heals a bit less than Fleet Footwork, but overtakes it as you gain stacks. This Rune also applies when you Smite monster, which is always fantastic for extra healing. I usually heal 8,000-12,000 from this Rune every game.

    Combined, these 2 Runes save you about 250 HP on your first clear, and it only gets better as you get more damage. You'll never have to leave the Jungle, and you'll leave every camp with more HP than you started, and you'll be able to stay alive much longer in fights.


    Tear of the Goddess/Archangel's Staff/Seraph's Embrace & Presence of Mind

    There are many items you can run on Lillia. Most people run Liandry's Torment and Rylai's Crystal Scepter, and I think these are great items.

    Something that is not recognized is Tear/Archangel's/Seraph's.

    Let's break it down.

    Lillia stacks Tear of the Goddess faster than any Champion in the game. She can spam [Q] on a 4 second cooldown even when just walking around, and it doesn't cancel her movement commands. She also won't run out of Mana, because of the Hunter's Talisman passive and her low [Q] Mana cost. You can stack it well before 20 minutes guaranteed.

    Let's look at Seraph's Embrace.

    20% CDR to stack your [Q] passive much faster.

    Tons of extra AP from the Mana on Presence of Mind and Runic Echoes.

    A huge Mana shield for in-combat burst resistance.

    Combined with Runic Echoes and either Lucidity Boots, Banshee's Veil, Zhonya's Hourglass, Lich Bane, or even Iceborn Gauntlet (trying this out currentl), you get 40% CDR.


    Ghost instead of Flash

    Plain and simple, Lillia has no worthwhile Flash combos.

    I demonstrate very effectively in my video how Ghost is a much more viable option for Lillia, as it can buy her time to stack her [Q] Passive, allow her to duel people more easily, resets on takedowns, and has a lower cooldown.


    For ganking, there are a couple good tips, such as stacking your [Q] passive on monsters and kiting them towards the lane you want to gank. In my video this is much more easily demonstrated, as well as how to teamfight and get picks!


    submitted by /u/bquipd
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    Nexus Blitz exclusive items

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    Hi, since I started playing in S9, this is my first time seeing Nexus Blitz. So I notice there're items that got deleted from the game such as Spear of Shojin or some others I recognize due to TFT. Is there a guide about these items, on which champion I can buy them and what are their synergies? Before some of you tell me "it's a fun mode, stop asking these questions" I simply want to know a bit of itemisation so I don't have to wonder if I can build them on the different champions I play.

    submitted by /u/SSj3Rambo
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    How to get out of silver

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    Hey guys. I am here to write guides that are most helpful for silver players. After browsing tons of articles which aim to help silver players to climb up, I find that although they are worth reading at some points, all of them can't really get to the bottom of the problem.

    Before the guides, I want to make a few statements:

    1. This is my first post here so I want to briefly introduce myself. I have been a challenger Top/bot since S7 in Chinese super service. I was considered as top 10 yasuo/vlad player in Chinese super service. Moreover, I was invited to play Pro in LPL for multiple times(But I was too young to play pro and my family is really academic-oriented, so they object me being a pro player and want me to go to college)
    2. As mentioned above, I am not saying that other guides for silver players are totally useless. They just cannot focus on the essential problems and have to many limitations.
    3. Although the title of this article is "get out of silver", I truly believe that this article is helpful to all range of lol players(From iron to challenger, even for some pro players. Well. I have confidence to say that since I actually played a lot with them)

    Okay. The main guide begins here. I would be grateful if you read carefully and get benefits from this guide.

    It is widely accepted that league of legends is easy to pick up but hard to master. According to the data, no matter which server you are on, low elo players(iron, bronze, and silver) are always the majority.

    While some players just want to have fun, many low elo players determined their mind to climb up. So they try to search guides on the internet, learn the champs, watch vods from high elo players, learn the maco/mico strategy, and even pay for boost. However, despite the effort they make, most of the players still get stuck.

    It is quite common to find a player who plays years of league is still silver. I am even more surprised to find some silver players have millions of master points on certain champs. Are they just not "good at" league?

    When you try to find help from the internet, the most common guides are about wave control, champ skills, map awareness, and object control. Yea. They are basic and might be quite helpful, but think about it; are they really the MOST IMPORTANT factors? Imagine a student struggling in learning math. He asks his teachers for advice. The teacher just simply tells him to work harder and be more concentrated in class. These two suggestions are 100% correct, but will the student actually solve the essential problem?

    It might seem I foreshadowed too much. Let me just be straightforward. The essential factor is TEAMFIGHT AWARENESS(I will explain thoroughly).

    To fully understand the term of teamfight awareness, we should first understand that lol is a game of making decisions. Players make decisions throughout the game and decisions bring risks and benefits. For example, when you are playing Blitzcrank, you make a decision of using his Q-Rocket Grab. If your Q successfully grabs enemy team's ADC, your team would very likely get benefits. However, if you miss the Q, Blitzcrank would be useless in the next 16 seconds due to the long CD of Rocket Grab. In this case, the enemy team might have the priority of teamfight and this is the risk of your decision.

    There is another famous decision in the pro game. The shy's aatrox 1 vs 4 in IG vs G2 in 2018.

    Many people are astonished by the shy's outplay. (Including me, the shy is the best top in my mind forever)However, there is an interesting point behind outplay. When we try to listen to the mic-check when the shy is 1 vs 4, we can hear Ning, IG's JG, screaming to his team,"leave, leave, or we will lose baron". " We will lose baron" is the risk of the shy's decision, but he did perform.

    During the whole game, every mouth click, keyboard input is the decision you make. Decisions that you, your team, and the enemy team make determine which side of you will win the game. Let's look at an extreme example of decision making. Suppose there is such a game, our team decides to only attack the towers and not the minions, while the enemy team decides to only attack the minions and not the towers. These are two radically simplified decisions that are impossible to happen in a real game.

    Decision making becomes more complicated in a real game. Decisions cover a huge scope, from whether to use Q to whether to type and flame your team at this point. These are all decisions. We can congregate certain decisions together and define them as Decision Tree(DT for short).

    For example, let's suppose you are playing top lane. You make a decision to ward the top bush during the laning phase, so you stop farming and right-click the ground toward the bush. Finding yourself bought a control ward, you decide to put the control ward into this bush, but then you think that might not be a wise decision since the enemy top laner will first get to level 6 and regain the lane priority because he and enemy JG ganked you early twice. If you still want to use the control ward. It might end up being discovered by the enemy top laner after he gains the lane priority. So you just put a Totem ward to avoid waste.

    We can consider all the action above as a decision tree of warding. Through the whole decision tree, we can find the player trying to maximize the returns and minimize the risks. The whole game will be very intuitive if we break it down into various DTs.

    So, in general, teamfight awareness is the compilation of multiple decision trees from multiple players from the start to the end of the teamfight. Teamfight awareness is important at all levels of play. The reason why this article focuses on silver players is that the teamfight awareness of low elo players is so poor but they cannot realize it. To illustrate this, I can give out a perfect example.

    The example is about one of my silver friends who main Renekton top. He has the heart of a challenger and tries his best to learn and improve. After reading tons of guides, he finally masters the fundamentals of the game, such as wave control, map awareness, and mico/maco strategy. Like most silver players, he not only knows to trade with the enemy by using EAWAQE, but knows how to maximize objectives after the laning phase as well. Due to the strong characteristic of Renekton, he can win the line easily most of the time and become 2/0 in the first 15 mins. However, he always throws away his advantages. In other words, he always fails in teamfights while wins lines. When engaged in teamfight, all he thinks is trying to get enemy ADC and uses all his skillshots within a few seconds. He ignores too many vital details like most silver players and just makes simple decision trees: gets enemy ADC. What's worse, my friend never thinks it is his fault losing teamfight since his decision is correct. What he usually does after losing the teamfight is just blaming the team for not following him or just not fighting with him. Yea. "Gets enemy ADC" is the correct decision, but is it?

    Low elo players are so poor at making decisions trees when teamfights, while teamfights usually decide who wins the game. Making decisions trees has two processes: input information and output information. We need to respond quickly, effectively and continuously to the changes on the battlefield. However, I can say that many low elo players even lose their champ's spot during teamfight and just furiously tapping at the keyboard. They cannot make the right decision trees during the teamfight and catch the mistake that the enemy team makes. Since the decision trees of teamfights are so complicated, low elo players always fail to find the correct reasons why they lose the teamfight. They just blame each other, especially to those players who win their lanes. They simply just say "bad team" and report each other. Even for low elo players who really want to improve, instead of analyzing what parts of the decision trees they made are wrong, they simply just search for another guide on the internet after losing.

    Someone might ask what about the high elo player? I have to say they are much better at Teamfight awareness. Sometimes high elo players do it unconsciously, but they have a better observation of the fight(information input) and decision trees(information output).

    In conclusion, low elo players often don't realize the mistakes they've made in battle, but instead think they've done well and blame others. So they can never really improve even though they have a good understanding of the game. In other words, they lack teamfight awareness and lack of making correct decision trees.

    I have almost given the whole reason why silver players always fail to climb up. I will give some suggestions. I would not give a specific guide of how to make correct decision trees because every game is so different and it is actually meaningless to do this.

    Way to improve your Teamfight awareness

    1. For those low elo players, Spectate your own games instead of spectating high elo games. There are two reasons for this. First is that games of high elo are different from those of low elo. Most strategies would not help. For example, let us say if I am playing Jayce in high elo and I decide to split. In this case, the high elo support will invest his wards on me in order to reduce my risks. Whereas the bronze support may just say,"stupid top never group, GG and report".

    The second reason is that analyzing your own games gives you a better understanding of your DTs. Break it down yours, your teammates' and the enemy team's DT. Try to retell the details in the teamfight as if you are the broadcaster. Like Draven uses his E to avoid Darius, but he stands too front and gets hit by vel's Q. For most low elo players, they cannot know all things happening so just use 0.25 or 0.5 speed. After you get use to it, try to do it at normal speed.

    1. ARAM is a very good way to help you establish your ability in making decisions trees in teamfights. The shy, who is considered as the best top laner of all the time, is a big fan of ARAM. Moreover, try to pick ADC in ARAM as much as possible.
    2. Create custom games against five computers. Yea, only you vs 5 computers. You can see how silly and slow they are while fighting against you, just as how high elo players watch low elo players perform. This can help you to make a simple decision tree in teamfight, thus master it.

    Thank you all for finishing reading this. Feel free to chat in the discussion board and ask questions to me. : 3

    submitted by /u/the--sky
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    Learning Fives are once again here - FREE Coaching in a team setting! Sign ups are open until the 25th, so hurry up! There has never been a better time than now to join~

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    [Click Here To Join Our Discord!]

    What is Learning Fives?

    Five players and one coach join together for six weeks of FREE team based learning and practice.

    During those six weeks, teams meet together at least twice a week for 2-3 hours and their coaches will spectate the games, working to create a well-oiled machine out of 5 chosen players.

    How do I signup?

    To sign up for Learning Fives, you must join our Discord server, which can be found at the very top of this post. After joining, the signup forms can be found in the #program-info channel or #announcements. Once you reach the end of the signup form, you are all set!

    Upcoming Dates

    Sign up period - July 22nd - July 25th; signups end at 11:59pm EST on July 25th.

    Team selection - July 26th - July 31st

    Start to End Dates - August 1st - September 6th

    For the most up to date information, please visit our Discord! You may also visit our various social media. Twitter @learning5s and Facebook @learning5s.

    How does selection work?

    Coaches; After you complete your application, you will be put in a private unnamed team room along with our senior coordination staff. After sign-ups end you will be assigned a personal coordinator who will guide you through the team creation process.

    Understudies; Should a coach desire an understudy, they'll select one from those signed up. You'll receive a Discord PM from a coordinator offering you a position. If you have not received a PM on Discord or an invite to a team room, it is likely you have not been selected for this session. Unfortunately, there are usually a smaller number of coaches than understudies, so it's impossible to put you all on teams.

    Students; During Team Selection week, coaches will be building teams to their specifications. Once they have found a mix of players that they are happy with, Discord PMs will be sent out to notify you and you will be added to the coach's team room where they can tell you more about the schedule and their coaching style. Please ensure you put your Discord name on the signup form! This is necessary for us to contact you!

    If you have not received a PM on Discord or an invite to a team room by the end of team selection, it is likely you have not been selected for this session. It's unfortunate but the number of student signups we get means that it's impossible to find coaches for all you motivated players. Keep signing up for the sessions as they come and you'll find your way onto a team!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q1. Do you have to be ranked to sign up?

    A1. Yes, you must be ranked to sign up.

    Q2. Does this program run in all regions?

    A2. Yes! We do offer support for teams in any region although the majority of our sign-ups come from NA and EUW. If you are not from either of these regions we highly recommend telling your friends and signing up anyway to increase the chances of a team being put together.

    Q3. How will we be contacted?

    A3. You will only be contacted via Discord PM by a coordinator. Please make sure you put your correct Discord name on the signup form. Make sure your Discord PMs are open.

    We ask that Students…

    • Be teachable
    • Be team players
    • Be motivated
    • Never talk down on teammates during games
    • Honor your five week commitment to your team

    We ask that Coaches…

    • Do their best
    • Ask for help when they need it
    • Cover most of the major team concepts
    • Avoid frustration
    • Honor your five week commitment to your team

    As always, we want to hear your feedback about anything. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions not covered above feel free to leave a comment, or join our Discord and shoot one of the admins a question. Good luck!

    submitted by /u/licorices
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    Testing Gargoyle Stoneplate with Sett's W - A technical analysis

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    So after noticing how Gargoyle stoneplate works with sett's grit passive, I decided to fire up the old practice tool and mess around to see how GS affects his W.

    For those who need a refresher, Gargoyle stoneplate provides 40 armor and 40 MR, doubled to 80 of both when 3+ enemy champions are around. It's great for tanks, juggernauts and other champs that like to dive into the middle of enemy teams.

    It has an active that increases your current health by 40% for 4 seconds with 2 or less enemies nearby, increased to doubling your health (increased by 100%) if 3+ enemy champs are nearby. However, it cuts your damage down by 60% while you have the bonus HP.

    Since it cuts your damage down and boosts your current health, you'd want to use it as soon as you engage, so you can survive to CC the enemy.

    HOWEVER! Everyone knows that true damage incoming can't be reduced with resistances. But did you know that true damage outgoing also cannot be reduced? Stuff like Exhaust has no effect on true damage.

    This means that GS's active, which cuts your damage down by 60%... cannot reduce true damage, you still deal the full amount.

    Sett's W deals true damage in the center, based on how much grit he accumulated before popping it. Sett can build up to 50% of his max HP as grit, and the efficiency (how much grit goes into his W damage) is based on bonus AD. This is to stop full tank Setts from doing crazy amounts of damage due to their huge grit pool size, and the pool size limitation is to stop full AD low health setts. It's the only/one of the only abilities in the game that scales off of two stats, and requires some building of both to be really good.

    This is a gif of me demonstrating this concept/tech. Notice a few things:

    • GS wearing off also cuts down grit pool. If it's half full and GS wears off, you instantly turn yellow (because it goes from 800/1600 to 800/800).
    • True damage is increased with the bonus HP, but the physical damage (slightly missing the W) is trash. This is because of the 60% damage reduction from GS.

    Doing this properly (popping GS, taking enough damage to turn yellow (which might be hard given the resistances+health, you gotta really get blasted), then W-ing and hitting it centered before GS wears off) can potentially result in stupid amounts of true damage. I'm talking like "deleting their ADC with true damage" type shit.

    Consider a full build Sett, who will have (it's subjective depending on exact build, so just throwing numbers around) around 3000-4000 health, and enough AD to make use of about 50-60% of his grit. Pop stoneplate to ~7000 health, take ~3500 damage, and deal ~1700-2000 true damage to whichever poor soul you've managed to aim it at.

    This of course varies a lot depending on the sett's build so this is just spitballed numbers, but you can see what I'm talking about here. GS isn't a bad item on sett due to his tanky build-nature and ult (where he wants to be thrown into multiple people).

    Thoughts? Corrections? This seems like a tech/meme that wouldn't even be that hard to pull off given the right circumstances.

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    I absolutely int every time I play against either Zed or Kassadin

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    I cant ban them both. Im hardstuck gold and I lose everytime I play against them. I play Azir and Zoe.

    How the fuck do I play against them I need help.

    I cant duel them. I cant poke them. They always play super safe until Zed has his lvl 3 or Kass has his lvl 6 and if I try to poke them they just jump on me. I cant roam or just hard push because their waveclear is insane too. More insane then Zoe/Azir. And farming is torture too. Multiple times when im literally only 0/0/0 while afk farming, they dive me with help off the jngler.

    And lategame they just oneshot me. And yes I build zhonyas and allot of the time ninja and I still almost get completely oneshot.

    Same with Diana but I just poke her hard and its all good

    But what am i supposed to do against these 2 champs

    submitted by /u/MaybeAFish_
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    Is Deaths Dance Good On Some Tanks?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    Still learning what items are good for certain champions and deaths dance confuses me a bit because on one hand I think a tank could take advantage of it on the other it might be a waste please enlighten me to what tanks if any would like deaths dance or maybe give me a rule of thumb to tell if deaths dance is a good fit or not.

    Thank you for reading and replying much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Grighten
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    Midlane minion wave in the early game

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    Hello! I have been trying to learn mid for a few months now after maining support. I know quite some things about wave management, but I am no expert. The question I cant find any answers to is this: what do I do with the first few minion waves in the mid lane? This obviously depends on the match up, but when do I do what? For instance I am confused about this: if the enemy has more kill pressure early, do you let them push or try to get to lvl 2 as fast as possible yourself? Furthermore, do you think mirrorring is always the best, or pushing or letting them push? What general approach should I take?

    submitted by /u/HielcoW
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    Tanks vs carrying

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    I love tanks. Be it jungle or top (my main roles). But when it comes to ranked games (bronze), i feel like i shouldn't play them. Playing a frontliner usually means you have to support your backline to deal as much damage. As we all know well, you can't trust your bronze teammates. Let's say I play ww, annihilate every lane early, invade their jungler and get every objective (rarely but happens). But then comes 20 minute mark and I'm pretty sure there aren't more than 5 champs who don't outscale ww. I feel useless. I cant play the game, I lose every upcoming objective and ultimately - the game.

    Scenario 2: I'm playing Poppy mid (I do this to prevent highly snowballing champs from snowballing (another point in not trusting your teammates). Yes, I make sure this pick fits my team comp (ex. No frontline). I win lane because I was against yasuo, I get a couple of roams to both sides of a map, and oh wait the games has been going on for 30mins and that vayne who has been 1/6, has started to kill me in a few autos. If I played an assasin or at least a juggernaut I would have more carry potential...

    So, Is there a key part I'm missing about playing tanks, (Specifically: WW, Sion, Ornn, Poppy, Sejuani) Or am I better off playing a champion with more carry potential?

    submitted by /u/Taramorosam
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    I see low elo junglers jump or dash into a lane pretty often -- don't do that.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    Say you're playing Jarvan IV, for an example --- you rarely wanna just flag and drag your way into a lane to close distance to gank, or try to go for the immediate knockup out of a bush.

    Ideally what you'd do instead is just walk at them, W when you get close to them for a slow, auto them a few times -- maybe you have red buff -- and force them to either flash or use their gap closer to get away from you, THEN flag and drag to their new location.

    This way you guarantee they either die or have to burn their flash.

    If you just immediately E Q into the lane, there's a whole lot of things they can do to get away from you, and your gank will likely be less successful. Their support can peel you off of them, maybe its a tristana or ezreal who can just jump away, maybe its lucian that can just dash away from you and pew pew you in the face.

    Don't burn your gap closer until they do, and don't burn your flash unless it guarantees the kill or the traded flash, since most of the time trading your flash for a laner's flash is probably worth it. Especially if your own laners still have their flash.

    This goes for any jungling champion, not just Jarvan. Just used Jarvan as an easy example. You do the same thing on champs like Xin Zhao. The only exceptions I can think of are champs that really benefit from the element of surprise and use their gap closer to approach from weird angles, like Zac, Rek'Sai, or Shaco.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    LOL Abbreviations, Slang, and terms

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    I'm fairly new to League. I know some of the basic terms like ganks, CS, CC, AD and ADK, and AP, but I still don't know many of the terms in League, such as diff. What are some common terms, abbreviations and slang that is used in-game, online, etc. in LOL?

    submitted by /u/MightyKingCole
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    When do I take TP on ADC

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    As far as my understanding goes you take TP when you have a more late game focused ADC and want to abuse an Item lead over your lane opponents (Base -> Buy tear -> TP -> Keep pressuring on Ezreal f.e). You can use it in champs that have a dash or escape in their kit (Xayah R, Ezreal E etc) and When you are not at risk of getting deleted every fight by an assasin. Thats how it worked, it thought, but the amount of times Ive been hard flamed or been told to kill myself (I mean what can you expect from leagues community) for my summoner spell choice is adding up. Note that I dont Main this role at all, but I do know how to fight a teamfight front to back etc.

    So when do I take what summoner?

    submitted by /u/KevinRuehl
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    Why do I not jump levels as soon as I get first blood?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    I've seen people get pentakills at the every beginning yet they are stuck at level 1. If 1 kill =15cs then why are they still stuck at level 1? However if they last hit like 3 minions, they get to level 2. Why is that?

    *Im copy and pasting the same thing to get the minimum word limit

    I've seen people get pentakills at the every beginning yet they are stuck at level 1. However if they last hit like 3 minions, they get to level 2. Why is that?I've seen people get pentakills at the every beginning yet they are stuck at level 1. However if they last hit like 3 minions, they get to level 2. Why is that?

    submitted by /u/TrepidationTD
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    How to know to whom yo do practically true damage with physical damage

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    I finally know how to know exactly the ampunt of armor someone would havo to have so your penetration amd lethality ignore it completely. The amount is calculated by doing the lethality divided the amount of armor not penetrated (if you have 40% armor penetration then it would be 0.6). Is this is already known don't make me bullying

    submitted by /u/C_Rebel
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    This noob needs some jungle guidance. (me)

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    I switched my role after a year from playing ADC and I decided to try jungle a couple of weeks ago since I don't like cs so much and I just suck at the top lane.

    Had few good games and all but I noticed there's this one type of game I lose like 90% of the time.

    And that's when enemy jungle gets successful gank.

    This is quite obvious I know... of course, the team would be in better shape when their jungler helps them get kills and assists. But what I'm saying is when my teammates get ganked... a LOT...

    I do normal games(not ranked) and I see some gold or below so I rarely see them diving.. But almost always my teammate pushes their lane so far up and I can't really gank for it. It's not like they are poking the enemy champ either, if they are I would consider diving the turret. But even though they get ganked and die they still let their lane push which makes the situation difficult. (They don't even listen to my ping either... telling them their jungler is probably on that side)

    Normally when I see enemy jungler gank some lane I just invade and take some of their jungle camps or maybe do objectives(if it's not warded). But the gap is getting further and further.. Now the enemy jungler is fed and I can't even deal with him unless I get help.

    Is there some playstyle I must change from the beginning or is there something I could do from that point on to narrow the gap?

    I could try counter gank but most of the time I end up losing some time to get exp.

    submitted by /u/PearlyKat
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    How do you take aggressive trades as Yasuo without pushing under tower and becoming useless/vulnerable?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    I've been trying to pick up Yas recently and I'm having a lot of fun, but have difficulty making optimal trades in laning. What prompted me to make this post is I got matched against a Kassadin, and I assumed on paper it would be a pretty good matchup for me. I'm AD so his magic resistances are useless, I can windwall his projectile and I have a pretty good early I can use to punish him with and I scale well so I don't become useless as he gets stronger. What happened was every time I tried to dash through minions/q to trade with him and such I would end up pushing lane under his tower, at which point he's free to farm my wave without me being able to CS or hit him, and I'm also very vulnerable to ganks because I'm so pushed up. Normally I would roam, but I didn't want to leave a Kassadin alone in lane as I'm not the greatest at roaming so I might end up giving him a free wave or two just by trying. The end result was he ended up getting more farm then me and I fell behind early which snowballed into me being pretty useless while he tore my team to shreds late.

    Hence my question. How can I balance CS and making trades to get use out of my passive with not becoming extremely vulnerable by pushing them under their tower where I can't do anything?

    submitted by /u/Eragon_the_Huntsman
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    General Taliyah Mid guide for whomever desires to pick her up (Basics, Safety, Survival)

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I'm a Grandmaster Taliyah OTP and I also make gameplay-oriented tutorial videos for mid and jungle Taliyah (mostly).

    Today I want to present a general Taliyah guide covering basics (Champ Select Ban Phase + Summoner Spells + Runes + Items + Matchups + Mentality + General how-to-practice-Taliyah advice).

    The video link is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT3QxNY_48M . This video is a combination of gameplay discussion and general Taliyah stuff.

    I've also added timestamps/video chapters, so you can go exactly to the point that suits your interests:

    0:00 Intro + Invade + Discussion about Safety on lane

    1:35 First Step - Champ Select (Ban Phase) + Itemization + First Kill logistic

    2:58 Second Step: Runes (Electrocute vs DH vs Phase Rush) + Summoner Spells

    5:12 Second Kill

    6:25 Third Step: Itemization (Starting items + Core + Mid/Late Items) + Easy Roam + Drake

    9:30 Teamfight + Not forcing stuff mentality (Take risks only when it is absolutely necessary)

    11:55 Itemization continued + Playing against assassins discussion

    13:15 Easy roam example

    16:00 Not giving a bounty to Yasuo

    17:15 Fourth Step: Buy VISION WARDS

    18:30 Fifth Step: Matchups + Practicing Taliyah Gameplay in general

    19:15 Sixth Step: Climbing as Taliyah Duo Q + Practice tool / Practicing / Watching Replays discussion continued

    21:25 For Macro - Watch Dopa videos

    22:35 Karma / Galio Mid - Ashe Bot Comp

    23:40 How to improve at League. Integrate EVERYTHING you see into practice. Mentality check. Write stuff down if necessary. Outro/Conclusion

    Really hope it helps the 0,005% Taliyah mains of the playerbase.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/DrFrenchE
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    Why so much hate & impatience in low-level/low-ELO?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    As a pretty inexperienced player, I've been dug into constantly about how terrible I am, from accounts that are similar levels. I don't understand why you would be toxic to someone who obviously is too new to understand every in and out of the game. Assistance is always welcome, but insulting someone only makes them do worse. It's degrading and makes it really hard to play the game.

    submitted by /u/asra_fox
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    Noob Observation #1

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    Being a tragic noob I thought from time to time I'd share some bits I've picked up along the way. Knowing full well that they're completely obvious to all experienced players. And not posing as any sort of expert on anything. It's just that discussions here are usually quite high level and technical. So a beginners perspective might be of use to … you know … other noobs like me ! Anyway . . .

    Playing a bot game. I'm in as Annie, but someone calls mid, 2 call bot, 1 top. I know even less about jungle than I do everything else. Plus Annie is not good in that role. But hey … life gives you lemons you make lemonade. I figure I'll kill a few minor minions and maybe help out mid or something. But right off the bat I look at the mini map and the bot lane is in a 2v2. I mean like 30 seconds in. So I head over to help. When I get there they had both taken a ton of damage and were smartly under the turret. As soon as I show up they channel out … again, smartly. I figure I'll freeze until they get back. But … they don't come back. Instead they both head up mid and do a 3 person Pickett's Charge. I'm now sitting in bottom facing 2 champions that I can't possibly beat. I'm guessing top is in the same boat. So I chill … freeze the wave … and wait till they peel off to face the charge. But they're bots … and it takes like forever before they leave. Now it's a team fight at their nexus. I do what I always do … rush in and get killed … and finish 0/1/0.

    But I didn't really feel bad about the game. Because I felt I learned some things:

    1 – no matter what I do I still suck hardcore at team fights. I need to do a lot of reading there. It's a mystery to me.

    2 – as little as I know about tactics there are people who know less … or maybe just don't care.

    3 – sometimes you have to do a dirty job so you may as well do it right. Make it an opportunity to get better.

    Cheers . . .

    submitted by /u/Krow101
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    How do i get to Gold

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Okay... So funny story... I was silver 2 about 2 weeks ago and then i dropped down to silver 4 within 3 days due to afks, trolls, feeders(Me as well). I lost a ton of mmr which has caused me to play with bronze players.

    I know how to carry in early game as ekko. But when im losing early game i dont know how to carry mid to late. I just need some tips on how i can carry as an ekko mid/ kaisa adc in the mid to late game.

    I heard that smurfs know how to carry a losing game due to playing objectives or making the correct plays etc. I think as long as i at least know how, i could be able to turn things round and 1v9.

    What should i focus on in order to get ahead and be able to stomp the enemy team when we are losing?

    submitted by /u/icantdecide666
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    What's the Best Lillia Build?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    I've watched some gameplay and noted a few unique builds with Lillia before her release, and I'm really not 100% sure what her best build(s) will be. I experimented with an off-tank build that I believe could be pretty strong.


    Here's my thought process:

    Lillia has a good amount of true damage from her passive, 5% applied over 3 seconds. Also her Q is very spammable, with only a 4 second cooldown (meaning you can refresh the passive really easily). This makes me wonder if she can stack health and primarily rely on her base damage for kill pressure.

    The second part of this is her health scaling. She has decent health stats, being in the top 50 champs for base health, and top half for health per level.

    So I decided to try building her off-tank, with Cinderhulk, Liandry's, Rylias, and Morello situationally. Here are the benefits:

    • Decent AP stacking
      • Still building quite a bit of AP. Definitely not One-Shot 6,000 AP material, but not devoid of kill pressure.
    • Tank Shredding
      • True damage + Rylai's burn (Rylais is expected to be core on her, as most people have noted)
    • Clear speed from cinderhulk
      • you're basically melee, it's helpful with AoE camps
    • Survivability from health:
      • Stack 15% bonus health on an already somewhat tanky build
      • Even if you get CC'd (which you will, cuz you're pretty much melee), you can survive an initial burst, stack your Q passive, and get out.

    I may be thinking about this completely wrong, but I wanted to share my thought process :) What do you think? What are some creative or optimal build paths that you believe will catch on?

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    What do do after a level 2 gank where I am left alive but at a major disadvantage?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    I was playing Rengar top into Fiora. The enemy Nunu starts red and ganks level 2. In hindsight I should've seen this coming since Fiora was late to lane and clearly leashing. Mistake one. So I flashed to survive the gank, and took the long way (blue side) to get back to lane. The wave was in a terrible position, and Fiora had an HP advantage over me. I decided to play back and wait for the wave to come to tower, but it was pushing so slowly that I quickly missed out on loads of minions, which eventually led to an incredibly oppressive lane, even though I was playing safe and not dying. I guess my question is, was I playing TOO safe? I'm thinking that I should've recalled, then tp'd back. At least then I wouldn't have been stuck waiting for a VERY slow push that resulted in me losing out on a bunch of farm.

    Let me know if this is correct thinking, or if there's something I'm missing here that could've made my disadvantage a bit less dominating.

    Thanks everybody.

    submitted by /u/Shmannigan
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