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    Monday, August 10, 2020

    League of Legends Subreddit Moderation Feedback Thread #13: Complaint Posts and Reposts

    League of Legends Subreddit Moderation Feedback Thread #13: Complaint Posts and Reposts

    Subreddit Moderation Feedback Thread #13: Complaint Posts and Reposts

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 12:56 AM PDT

    Greetings everyone, we are back again with a fresh feedback thread.

    In our last feedback thread, we discussed the boards closing, server status posts, and the short duration content rule. Since then, we have made changes to the some of those rules.

    Here is that announcement, the changes were:

    • Opening up the roster leak rule to allow these to come from industry insiders, as well as journalists.
    • Made a change so where if the servers are having issues for 15 minutes, and riot hasn't confirmed it yet, the mod team will make a megathread about the issue.
    • Animated splash arts are now considered short duration content, and must be put in a text post.

    Today, we would like to discuss a few things with the sub at this point.

    • Complaint Posts
    • Reposts

    These two things often go hand in hand. We have a few rules we have to limit these, but we want your feedback on those posts in general, the rules about them, and what we could change or add to better the subreddit. Those rules are:


    Rants are not allowed. Hyperbolic, acerbic, or otherwise inflammatory expressions of dissatisfaction will be classified as a "rant" and removed.


    A post may be considered a repost if it covers the topic from nearly the same angle as existing posts.

    • Frequently asked questions and topics will be removed. Please use the search function.
    • Posts will no longer count as a repost at 1 month for posts over 300 upvotes and 1 week for posts between 50 and 300 upvotes.

    General feedback is welcome, but we are greatly interested in those topics.

    Feedback is one thing that can help us moderators know what we are doing well and what we can improve upon. This thread is for you to give any and all feedback to the mod team of /r/leagueoflegends. What do you like about the subreddit? What do you dislike? Any ideas, any improvements, anything at all, feel free to share it here!

    In order to generate meaningful feedback, please try to give constructive criticism i.e. provide an idea or solution instead of "I don't like this." Please keep all top level comments as feedback, which means if there are memes/jokes, they will be removed.

    This thread will last for approximately a week, so be sure to get your word in before it goes!

    Please state clearly which rule/aspect of moderation/the subreddit your post refers to at the start of your post. We may not reply to every single comment here, but we will definitely do our best to look at them all.

    Thanks everyone, and stay safe out there!

    submitted by /u/untamedlazyeye
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    Proving "Smurf to challenger streams" are on shared accounts

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    I'm been getting frustrated with seeing all of these streamers "smurfing for content", so I built a tool to prove they are not leveling them up on their own. I extended my hobby project to include a smurf-hunter capability that will identify overlap between accounts games to prove account sharing.


    My main account was in game on August 2nd, 3:15pm. The game lasts 35 minutes My "smurf" started a bot game to level up on August 2nd, 3:30pm. The game lasts 13 minutes. 

    It is not possible for me to have played on both accounts at the same time. Therefore, account sharing has occurred.

    For big streamers, they seem to be very aware of how obvious this is, so they often get the account leveled up on a different server, or they have someone "hand-level" the account many weeks in advance to make this very hard to notice. Fortunately, with the help of Riot's API and some programming it is very easy to catch these scenarios.

    Proof in action - TFBlade:

    The biggest offender so far has been TFBlade. Here's the output of my tool when comparing his last 2 smurfs "T0P KINGD0M" (screenshot from his twitter) and his current "TOP WAVE CONTROL" (twitch vod with him on the account):

    [ { "infraction": [ { "region": "NA1", "startTime": 1595001493667, "gameId": 3497557968, "duration": "14.183333333333334 minutes", "url": "https://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/3497557968", "startDate": "2020-07-17T15:58:13.667Z" }, { "region": "NA1", "startTime": 1595002120923, "gameId": 3497597075, "duration": "28.833333333333332 minutes", "url": "https://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/3497597075", "startDate": "2020-07-17T16:08:40.923Z" } ] }, { "infraction": [ { "region": "NA1", "startTime": 1595005384635, "gameId": 3497622873, "duration": "14.166666666666666 minutes", "url": "https://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/3497622873", "startDate": "2020-07-17T17:03:04.635Z" }, { "region": "NA1", "startTime": 1595004515910, "gameId": 3497650230, "duration": "23.633333333333333 minutes", "url": "https://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/3497650230", "startDate": "2020-07-17T16:48:35.910Z" } ] }, { "infraction": [ { "region": "NA1", "startTime": 1595001493667, "gameId": 3497557968, "duration": "14.183333333333334 minutes", "url": "https://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/3497557968", "startDate": "2020-07-17T15:58:13.667Z" }, { "region": "NA1", "startTime": 1595000327484, "gameId": 3497614809, "duration": "23.1 minutes", "url": "https://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/3497614809", "startDate": "2020-07-17T15:38:47.484Z" } ] } ] 

    There are 3 infractions where both accounts were in-game at the same time. Each of the infractions includes links to the offending match histories. This is clear that TFBlade is account-sharing.

    How does it work?

    I look up the accounts via Riot's API, load the account match histories, and then check for any game times on different accounts that started within 1 hour of eachother (potential overlap). If any started within 1 hour of eachother, I fetch more match details and check to see if the game times actually overlap (definite overlap).

    The code is public on Github if you're interested written in ExpressJS. You can run the server locally if you have Node JS installed by calling "node ./index.js" from the project root. The example URL to call for this TF blade example is:

    localhost:5000/api/v1/overlappingGames?region=NA1&summonerNames=T0P KINGD0M,TOP WAVE CONTROL 

    Note that you would need to register for Riot's developer API and register for your own key. My key is not committed alongside the project, and any keys in the git history have expired.

    Edit: To be clear, I don't expect any outcome from this post. I'm disappointed that smurfing is so common (especially among streamers), but I'm just sharing something fun I made while learning a new programming language.

    Edit2: Fixed a bug that resulted in some durations not showing on the payload.

    submitted by /u/MisterMrErik
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    If you dance as Zed while dying you keep the vision

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    CLG is parting ways with Coach Ssong and Coach Weldon.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 04:07 PM PDT


    "CLG is parting ways with Coach Ssong and Coach Weldon.

    We thank both for their leadership and dedication to CLG. We wish them the best in their future ventures."

    After a disappointing split, CLG is parting ways with Coach Ssong and Coach Weldon. Thoughts?


    submitted by /u/shivanman
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    What's with people in Runeterra just refusing to die or stay dead? Kindred is doing an awful job, especially Wolf!

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    TL;DR: Kindred sucks at their job.

    • Pyke and Nautilus just refused to drown;
    • Gangplank was presumed dead but cameback;
    • Zilean has disease that literally makes him immortal (chrono-displasia.);
    • Aatrox and Olaf want to die but can't;
    • Tryndamere just tells Death itself to fuck off;
    • Azir cameback after thousands of years of sheer luck;
    • Kalista decided to comeback as a spirit of vengeance;
    • Sion, Anivia and Karthus also just say nope;
    • Kayle can protect herself or others from Death;
    • Camille and Yi are way older that they appear to be;
    • Mundo is too stupid to understand the concept of "Death";
    • Can Zac even die?;
    • Orianna also cheated Death;
    • Garen splitted Old Urgot in half and he just said "meh";
    • Pantheon died but somehow Atreus took over again;
    • Senna had her soul sucked out of her body but apperantely, she's fine (for the moment) and gained superpowers;
    • Mordekaiser and now also Yone, saw the afterlife, said "This sucks" and willed themselves back to life.

    Seriously, Kindred sucks at being Death. Wolf talks a lot of shit in how he's gonna hunt you if you refuse to die but like they say in my country "Dog that barks doesn't bite" and it seems it's true. This also raises another problem - with people in Runeterra just refusing to die, there really aren't any stakes. Seriously, anyone can tell Kindred to fuck at this point. Wouldn't be surprised if Jarvan III, Boram Darkwill, the Ruined King, Orlon, Avarosa or Serylda would be the next people to show up just because.

    submitted by /u/DariusStrada
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    Sneaky confirms he still wants to return to the LCS next year, how his year off has been, costreaming with Meteos, ranking the current LCS ADC's and more - long interview with Travis

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    I spawned a bunch of rift hearlds

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    Infographic - 10.16 Patch Notes Champions Performance

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    Pantheon VS Aatrox by artist DENG YUE

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 01:32 AM PDT

    Pantheon VS Aatrox by artist DENG YUE

    Found this amazing fanart made by the artist Deng Yue on artstation.

    Being a Aatrox stan this made my jaw drop

    artist page: https://www.artstation.com/dengyue


    submitted by /u/KittyOlsonz
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    Ivern would be an infinitely better champion if the trigger to pull yourself to melee range was left clicking and not basic attacking

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    Title. It's beyond stupid that Ivern cannot land a Q and rightclick the rooted target because he gets pulled to melee range. The ability acts against him in every single case where he wants to deal damage to the rooted target without going to melee range. It's suicidal.

    I have no idea why they made it so that Ivern has very little natural control over the Q pull. It makes the character so clunky. The player is forced to attack move near but not on the target to get attacks off without going in.

    submitted by /u/MCrossS
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    So we have stolen enemy blue

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:55 AM PDT

    Let's Talk About the LCS Playoffs

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    TLDR: There is fundamentally nothing wrong with letting 8 teams into the LCS playoffs. In the end the best 3 teams will represent NA at worlds, no matter what their regular season standings were, so why should we care.

    I've been seeing many people shit on the LCS recently about the new format. When it was first announced, I was legitamately happy. As a (biased) TSM fan, 2018 felt bad. 100T, the fourth seed, went to worlds over TSM, the third seed. Did anyone think that 100T in that moment was better than TSM or C9? For all intents and purposes, We sent TL as our best team (righfully), 100T as our second best team, and C9 (who got second in the split) as our third best team. Based on the current standings and powers, how was it that the second best team had to fight for their lives in more series while the team that got 4th was just in.

    It seemed like the worse team was representing NA because they had done a lot better 5 months ago. There was something that needed changing, so the LCS changed. After another year it was announced on Jan 8th 2020 that the format would change. Spring points are gone and summer has 8 teams in playoffs with 2 different brackets. I rejoiced. Now we can actually have our region represented by our best 3 teams.

    Now, however, people are shitting on this format, for it seems no reason other than EU GOOD NA BAD LUL.

    So lets talk about this playoffs. Because a previous post was raggin on Dignitas, I'll use them as an example. Here is the Playoffs format for reference. Bold is winners.

    Week 1:

    Flyquest vs EG

    TSM vs GG

    TSM vs DIG

    EG vs 100T

    Week 2:

    TL vs GG

    C9 vs Flyquest

    DIG vs GG

    EG vs Flyquest

    Week 3:

    C9 vs TL

    DIG vs Flyquest

    Week 4:

    DIG vs TL

    C9 vs TL

    In this theoretical playoff run, Dignitas has to beat TSM, Golden Guardians, Flyquest to qualify for worlds as the third seed.

    But OMG DIG is so bad and our 8th seed, ewwwwwww grosssss

    Get the fuck over it, they 100% would deserve that spot. Will this happen? Probably not, let's be honest. In the spirit of competition, however, I wholeheartedly think that we should give them a chance. WHY NOT ?? If the 7th and 8th team both lose their first BO5s, cool they played exactly how they were expected and don't deserve to continue. Much like in 2015 when C9 made the miracle run, barely retaining their champs points and the reverse sweeping 3 series to qualify for worlds. Did C9 not deserve that placement just because they were 7th seed? With this new format, it will give these low placed teams this chance, as well as not relying so much on spring performance.

    In my opinion, the biggest issue with this format is that the first/second seed can win a single series, then lose twice and go to worlds. But that's what doing well in the regular season earns you, so whatever. I am legitimately curious why people think that playoffs is somehow ruined just because 8 teams are participating. I think it fosters a greater competitive drive to keep trying the whole season.

    submitted by /u/Jurdysmersh
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    "The Great Escape" Starring - Bard Pitt

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    How Schalke 04 Esports completed the #S04MiracleRun | An #LEC Montage

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    LCS Commissioner Chris Greeley on the future of Scholastic and Amateur Esports in NA

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 11:37 AM PDT



    We're committed to growing and elevating esports in North America so we'll be moving scholastic and amateur esports programs under the #LCS to support the entire competitive pipeline. We're looking for a leader to help us make NA the most competitive region in @lolesports. This role will oversee our developmental ecosystem including college, high school, amateur, and academy. Apply, tag friends and retweet - help get the word out.

    Here's the job description - https://www.riotgames.com/en/work-with-us/job/2279075/manager-league-operations-esports-los-angeles-usa

    submitted by /u/untamedlazyeye
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    Bjergsen explains his changed solo queue mindset, the MVP race, his take on coach of the split, and how this TSM roster compares to ones from the past

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    Rogue's Larssen on Playoffs: "G2 might have a playoff buff so they might become better but it'll be really fun to be able to play them. People say that Fnatic also have a playoff buff but I don't really think they will get that much from it, I don't think they're too strong right now."

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    I host Discord events where we pit skin lines against each other! Here's PROJECT v Blood Moon (A World Ending Event)

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    Hi! I drew Thresh as a Cuphead boss! Hope you like it.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    Hi! I drew Thresh as a Cuphead boss! Hope you like it.

    Hi everyone! I'm an amateur artist and a Cuphead/League lover, so i decide to made this!

    I used the original game textures to make the Background (all credits to MDHR).

    You can follow me on Twitter and my very new DevianArt (i posted there the high quality version). Enjoy!.

    Big bad Thresh

    submitted by /u/HoloxReddit
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    Hexakill as a Permanent Game Mode [Concept]

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Hexakill as a Permanent Game Mode [Concept]

    Hey everyone, I'm DebonairJayce. This is a concept I had for a return of Hexakill as a game mode, with bounty missions. That's basically the TL;DR right there. I know Twisted Treeline is retired, but so was Nexus Blitz after the second iteration under-performed. When the client updated a couple years ago, Hexakill and many other rotating/special game modes were left in the dust due to technological issues and I think the Hexakill idea shouldn't just fall to the wayside.

    While I do enjoy them, in-game missions are usually pretty basic and quick to complete. Besides Ranked SR games if that counts, there isn't really anything in League of Legends that scratches that urge for "something to work toward longer-term". Champion mastery is OK but as a system it needs reworking and personally most of the champions I play a lot are already Level 5 or higher by now. Plus besides the mastery emote there's really no fun champion-specific rewards for mastering one like a skin or something. I am an ARAM player and TFT is fine but it's not a regular game mode obviously.

    Below is a mock-up I made for this concept of an All-In-One Hexakill tab. Though it's not perfect, it's close to what I picture in my head and I had fun making this. There's 3 main areas. Bounties, which are much like missions but specifically tied to games of Hexakill. A Roster, which is your personal champion pool when playing games of Hexakill. And Materials, which are rewards used to buy some Hexakill-themed unlockables. At the top is an XP Bar with your Slayer rank and level.



    These are missions that always reward XP and then one unique material in X amount. More mission slots unlock as you advance in 'Slayer' levels as shown in the bottom-right corner. The bounty missions also have levels attached to them, and as you level them up they take longer to complete with heftier requirements than before. For example, the Hexakill! mission starts with requiring 1 Hexakill level one. At level two it requires 3 Hexakills. Then at level three it requires 5....and so on. It gets tougher.

    The sort of missions listed here include: Achieving Hexakills and Pentakills, Slaying or multi-killing enemy champions, slaying champions as a specific champion class like Assassin or Mage, slaying champions from a specific faction like Bilgewater, slaying a specific champion from an enemy team like an Ahri, slaying enemies with long range skillshots such as Kai'Sa or Jhin W, healing allies and winning games with a roster of champions from the same faction.

    Some other missions you might see that I couldn't fit here: Winning X amount of games, Destroying X amount of Structures, Killing champions while having a specific Item built like Duskblade or a specific Rune equipped. One idea I had that I liked is "Sacrificial Altar" which involves slaying enemies who are attempting to claim the altars on Twisted Treeline or who are physically on top of the altars. And I'm sure there's an ample number of cool mission ideas you could think up.


    You must have 6 champions unlocked to play Hexakill as you must have a roster of at least 6 champions when going into a game. This roster can be changed at any time in the client. Every player will enter champion select as one of the 6 champions they picked on their roster, assigned randomly. So if 6 players on the same team somehow all had the same exact roster of champions, they would each play as a different one. I like this concept because it's a nice in-between of SR and ARAM. Essentially you do get the choice to pick your own champions, but there's a slight random element too to spice things up. This also means there would be mirror match-ups. No Bans.


    By completing Bounties you are rewarded with Hexakill-specific XP as well as materials that are used to buy unlockables. Purple Essence is the material worth the least out of the 5. Followed by Silver Serpents, Vastayan Feathers, Draconic Fangs and then Immortal Gemstones being worth most (these were just brainstormed items for the sake of this example). I imagine that goodies in the Hexakill Rewards Shop can be unlocked with these in different amounts and some can only be bought with a certain kind of material. Rewards may include things like recalls, death sfx, icons, just anything you'd normally find in League rewards and hopefully some more meaningful ones for long-term players who stick with it. Regular Loot like Blue Essence, Hextech Keys and Chests are also rewards from completing Bounties sometimes.

    Lastly, above the bounties is an XP Bar. Every few rank levels you will earn a new title that is seen on the loading screen. The intervals between new titles increase as your level increases.

    To conclude, I would hope with missions and the fun of 6v6 matches Twisted Treeline could see more play. I would be a little concerned this might take away from the ARAM player base is all. Establishing a third "normal" game mode is proving to be elusive though and Nexus Blitz is floundering. Some people just wanna make sick plays and rack up kills and that's what Hexakill is all about yo.

    submitted by /u/DebonairJayce
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    If you ever are going to dodge, do it in style.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    Of course everyone has the occasional mf top lock in or drops the "first ranked game" in champ select. If you value your lp, you dodge. But why just click on the x? Why don't you spice up your choice to not enter the game?

    Whenever I have to dodge, I always work it in to the chat. Example;

    "Hey guys, I am working on a paper right now, what is the word for evading a punch?"


    "Oh ok sure man"


    Or, how about;

    "Yo, guys. I got into my first fight today"

    "Did you win?"

    "Yeah. The other guy swung at me a lot, and cornered me too. But whenever I'm in a bad situation, i always dodge."


    It makes me laugh every time lol

    submitted by /u/UltraConstructor
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    Bard with a clutch split second save

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Petting Aatrox

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    Dust surrounds you, and the midday sun has been blotted out by the destruction Aatrox has wrought. War has broken out, and you are caught in the crossfire. Between both sides, you know that neither is ever the victor in conflict. Towering over you, his body pulsing vibrant red hues, Aatrox stomps towards you. He exudes malevolence, and as he confidently strides to you, you see his face betray no hint of emotion beneath his mask of anger. He taunts you for your pacifism.

    Time slows, as he stands in front of you. He lifts you up to his head, and sneers angrily at you.

    "You think your peace can defeat me, mortal?" Aatrox bellows, his breath smelling of pure heat and hatred, but you do not speak.

    You place your hand calmly on his head, and his mask shatters, as his eyes widen ever so slightly with shock, and his sneer wavers a fraction of an inch. You feel the angry pulsing of the body Aatrox inhabits, corrupted to serve the Darkin within the weapon. Aatrox's centuries of bitterness, swallowing him whole over and over again, convulse through the body in angry red flashes.

    His eyes close, as he lets the anger melt away for a brief moment under the gentle pat you have given him. As you slide your hand down his forehead, you can feel each individual groove and crack in his head, each telling a story of war and strife. Yet you dig deeper, and with your mere touch, expose what lies beneath his skin. His very being, a former Ascended who has been betrayed, wanting nothing but the release of death to end his suffering. Aatrox closes his eyes, and lowers his guard for a moment.

    In this moment, you feel the absence of suffering. It feels like a weightless cloud, something that you could disperse with the slightest force. A massive weight has been relieved from Aatrox for the briefest of moments, and you feel the weightlessness in his soul from that brief moment. All too soon, it is over, and you feel the pain and sorrow come crashing back down as you lift your hand off of his head.

    But with your hand, you have given the slightest of reprieves to an eternally tortured being, and you have taken just a drop of the endless torment Aatrox is destined to suffer. Aatrox opens his eyes, and they burn fiercely once again, but within those windows to his soul, you see a fraction of something more than the endless vengeance he is consumed by, and it slowly drips from his eye as a single tear, glinting from a stray sunbeam filtering through the battlefield's dusty skies. He sets you down, and strides past you without a word, pretending to have never met you, yet knowing he will never forget you.

    submitted by /u/Pun-Intentional
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    GEN Ruler says Yone-Yasuo bot-lane looks "scary " and "fun", his thoughts on Caitlyn: "I just never got the impression Caitlin is that good. I can actually see her fading away from the meta. [...] It's possible for Europe to rate Caitlin as OP. But, to be honest, I don't agree with them."

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    Minions decided to just give us a free lane

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 11:37 AM PDT


    Pretty funny, my premade was like: " this hook will either 100% hit or 100% miss disregarding of how i time it"

    submitted by /u/ezorethyk2
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    Longest foreshadowing in league ?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    4 years ago, Aurelion Sol shipped with this voiceline towards Jhin.

    "Imagine what you could do with a larger canvas."

    3 years later, dark cosmic jhin comes out

    submitted by /u/Kata_420
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