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    Wednesday, August 26, 2020

    LoL Guide Aphelios tips and tricks coaching session.

    LoL Guide Aphelios tips and tricks coaching session.

    Aphelios tips and tricks coaching session.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 05:30 AM PDT

    Hey Summoners,

    Even though Aphelios has received quite a few nerfs, many players are underestimating his current strength. While he may be outshone by champions like Ashe, Senna, Caitlyn, Ezreal, and Kalista, he still fulfills a traditional hyper-carry role quite successfully. In this video, many Aphelios strategies are discussed that help unlock his full potential: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY2PyjkSTkE&t

    Edit: Grammar

    submitted by /u/value247
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    I play Ranked - Get hated. Play normal - I win

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 05:51 AM PDT


    Where did you guys train? I cannot understand. Because in my world you evolve by doing something tough and then get better. So I play ranked, and I get hated and I go to normal where I win. It's annoying as f*ck.

    I main bot/sup and I rarely play anything else. Whenever I can I play MF or Cait, or Soraka or Lux. And it's really not a problem with getting hated, LoL is very toxic, but I am kind of tired to be a disappointment for my teammates and I almost always get carried while playing ranked.

    I play the same champions while on normal, learning them is apparently something I need to do, but this, along with the vile and toxic community League has I''m starting to loose interest for this game.

    submitted by /u/Burlewood
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    How do I achieve 10 cs/min?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    Hello, seeking help again. I'm a gold 3 Kai'Sa main (EUNE). When I play ranked, I manage to get around 7/8 cs/min, but I don't understand how can you higher. I watch kdrama, and he always manages to get 9 or 10 cs/min, even if he's losing. So how do you do it?

    submitted by /u/CringeKiddo69
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    why do certain scaling champs like Tristana, Kai'sa, and Vayne like to play aggressive early?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    I'm an iron support main, so I have to choose which support would be best to pair with my ADC (usually either Soraka/Nami or an engager like Naut). If they go someone like Kai'sa, Trist, or Vayne, I feel like I have to play someone more aggressive like Naut because they'll want to go in early. My only question is...why? If these champs scale so hard, what's the point of going in early? I used to play Sona before riot removed her, and whenever I played her, I would play as safe as possible because I knew that we would probably still win once I hit level 11 and had 2 items. If these champs aren't necessarily strong in the early game, why so aggressive?

    I guess a follow-up question is this: is there a difference between scaling and snowballing? When I think of scaling champs, I think of Kayle and Sona, but when I think of snowballers, I think of Yi.

    I also have trouble figuring out which team scales harder. For instance, I couldn't tell you if Mord is best in the early, mid, or late game because every time I'm against a Mord, they either feed but are still relatively useful, or they snowball to high heaven and 1v9 at 20 minutes.

    this post is all over the place. I've been playing this game on and off since season 4, but I feel like I don't know a single thing about it.

    submitted by /u/sToTab
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    Your team picked mostly AD, and you’re bottom lane. Who are the best mages you can pick and find lots of success with? (APC tierlist)

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    Hey, in this list I will tell you some of my favorite AP carries and the pros and cons with picking them. Of course take this with a grain of salt, this is the ones I've found the most success with. I also sort them by winrate. Please make suggestions, if you find any problems with the post. Thanks in advance.

    Tl;dr: Karthus, Cassiopeia, Ziggs, Syndra, Veigar, Heimerdinger, Swain, Taliyah are the best APCs.


    S tier (God tier):





    A tier (Very good):






    B tier (Good):


    •Twisted fate






    •Aurelion Sol






    C tier (not optimal):













    Let's go over the S tier, Cassiopeia, Karthus, Veigar and Ziggs.

    Cassiopeia has always been a stable pick bottomlane, she's a medium range mage with some crowd control in her kit and insane DPS, she's arguably the best scaling mage in the game. The problems with her bottom lane is that she needs 2-3 items to be effective, she's extremely hard to play, you must be able to kite, hit your Q consistently, and be able to land your ultimate. She's very good at escaping from ganks thanks to her W's grounding effect, she doesn't really have any hard match up and synergies well with any support, especially with engage supports. Runes it's either Conquerer or Phase rush. You scale better with Conquerer but Phase Rush makes it easier to kite and gives you more mobility. Cassiopeia is a champion that can without a doubt hard carry games.

    Karthus. You probably don't see him bot lane a lot, but he's extremely strong. Namely one player comes to mind that has played him consistently and reached a 90% winrate in challenger. PornstarZilean in his climb he played mostly Karthus, together with another top support player. What makes Karthus so good in the bottom lane? Namely the fact that he has utter insane damage, global presence with his ultimate, out ranges most ADCs, scales incredibly hard, and isn't super hard to play. Midbeast made a good video breaking down Pornstar zileans playstyle and how he succeeds with Karthus bot: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NMBH-luqZNY Some of the things that make Karthus weak is that he's very prone to ganks, he has no escape if he's caught and you'll die most of the time.

    Veigar. He reminds me a bit of Cassiopeia, in the way that he scales well, he's very safe thanks to his Cage. I've found most success with going a glacial augment build into GLP > Twin Shadows. It works well, because you'll be able to hit your skillshots more consistently. Your W is difficult to land, because of glacial and GLP you slow them so they can't really dodge your W. Veigar, has a lot of hard counters. Not in the bottomlane, but assassin's that are able to get over his cage. Namely Fizz, Katarina, Zed, Sett is also a very hard match up, he's always able to face tank your damage and dish it back at you. Mages that outrange you also counter you, but you do outscale them all.

    Ziggs. He has been a consistent pick the last seasons in the bottomlane, thanks to his insane range. He outranges every ADC in the game, and is continuously able to pressure the enemy ADC even under tower. He's an excellent pusher, thanks to his W. The only thing he lacks is mobility and he doesn't scale as well as some other mages. But he's a very safe champion, not super hard to play you just need to be able to hit your abilities consistently.

    A tier. Syndra, Heimerdinger, Swain, Taliyah, Neeko.


    Pros: insane burst, good laning phase, has true damage in her kit, safe from ganks, lots of CC. Scales quite well. Works well with any support.

    Cons: Hard to play, squishy, has a lot of heavy counters, very game-knowledge oriented. Can't hard carry.


    Pros: Consistent damage, has crowd control, absolutely cancerous to deal with, synergieses well with any support. Easy to CS with, OK burst thanks to ultimate. Easy to learn hard to master.

    Cons: Doesn't scale very well, not very mobile, prone to ganks, gets absolutely demolished by counter picks, Short range except W.


    Pros: Flexible between APC and Support, has a very safe kit, lots of CC, a lot of map pressure, easy to play, has quite good scaling. Tanky.

    Cons: Grevious wounds fucks you over ten fold, doesn't have very long range, more prone to ganks than some other picks. Loses in shorter trades.


    Pros: Very safe, easy to CS with, scales well, amazing map pressure, has CC, quite mobile, safe pick into any match up really.

    Cons: Not very long range, extremely hard to play, nerf after nerf have left her in quite a sorry state. She's amazing in the right hands that's why she's in the A-tier, if you don't know how to play her, don't pick her.


    Pros: Easy to land CC, insane burst, good wave clear, annoying to deal with, quite safe, scales very well thanks to her ultimate. Easy to learn hard to master. Can carry. When she works, she works extremely well.

    Cons: Short range, gets absolutely demolished by counter picks, not a very consistent pick, mostly situational.

    I'll add the rest later.

    submitted by /u/golden-Guru
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    Iron Midlaner looking to rank up and improve

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Hi I'm relatively new to this game and I'm trying to improve to where I can play with my girlfriend (plat ADC). I have a champ pool of only two champs really, Aurelion Sol and Nautilus. I usually don't have to play anything else because my go too is Sol and no one picks or bans him. I play Naut into Yone or Yasuo (I usually ban Yasuo though), because he seems to trade easier into them, but again I normally just pick Sol. I actually do a pretty good job of not dying in lane, usually I die maybe once or rarely twice + on a bad game in lane. Most of the time I just exit laning phase 0/0. But at iron regardless of what champ I'm playing if I was gold-ish at least, I could stomp lane. So if I'm coming out 0/0 consistently than I probably am missing opportunities to do damage and get kills. I know if they burn their abilities I can go in, but how else can I improve in the laning phase and find ways to carry at my rank? And any other advice as I try to improve?

    submitted by /u/OMGDOGS2001
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    How to Play Melee vs Ranged Matchups in the Top Lane

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    In this article, I cover some important tips to help you survive melee vs ranged matchups in the top lane. These matchups often feel impossible for inexperienced players but are crucial to know how to play against if you want to climb.


    submitted by /u/combo_cs
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    What is the point of trying to keep the enemy wave from crashing EARLY GAME? (Trying to set up a freeze)

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    I do this automatically because I know that it's the right play, but I actually don't know why EXACTLY. Whether it's mid or top (or bot), when you do this the next enemy wave stacks on top of the remaining minions which makes their total wave bigger than yours. Therefore you can't really trade onto the enemy and they can just push in the next wave for free (UNLESS YOUR JUNGLER GANKS) and then it crashes anyway right? Is it worth doing just so there's a small window for your jungler to gank? What about if your jungler is on the other side of the map?

    submitted by /u/sossadealervdb
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    Remember to buy towards the situation - an insane case seen on ARAM

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 03:11 AM PDT

    I know I'll be using ARAM as an example, but reality is we all could use a reminder of buying towards the situation and not following a guide as if it's the holy grail and you can't build wrong if you follow it completely. The example is way more in the extreme, with 5 enemies building AP, compared to what occurs daily on SR, but buying on SR isn't without its flaws either.

    Stats over the game.

    Despite being Cait I decided not to buy any crit items except for a RFC (not completed). This allowed me to deal third most damage on the team, with only 600 damage difference between me and Lucian who went for a standard build. In terms of damage taken you'll find me placed as the 3rd most damage taken on the team. With more than a 1k difference in both directions, but the mitigated damage is the most insane part. I was the one who mitigated the most damage with 44,188 mitigated damage while the second place only mitigated 13,428 damage. This is an insane difference and should not be understated.

    submitted by /u/AlterBridgeFan
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    I made a video discussing why Lee Sin is consistently a more popular pick than most other junglers. Let me know what you guys think! :)

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 02:28 PM PDT


    I often enjoy discussion topics and a series I have on my channel is called "Why Everyone Plays" where I talk about champions in League that routinely see high pick rates regardless of their performance or the current meta. I also have a sister series called "Why No One Plays". I was hoping maybe these videos would be helpful in giving you a perspective on the reasons why people pick certain champions outside of them just being fun or high win rate!

    submitted by /u/VarsVerum
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    Tips and tricks to counter Urgot?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    It seems like whenever I verse this guy I lose, even when I gank him early, he is relatively tanky, has a dash that gives a shield and even if I shut him down whne come mid-game comes he just presses w and can solo anyone in the game with only Black Cleaver and Deaths Dance. He is probably never going to get nerfed because his pick rate isn't that high (although on he has the 6th highest winrate) so how do you deal with this guy? He is like a ranged Darius with less counterplay.

    submitted by /u/Topgun157
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    Is there a good way to learn skillshot champions?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    I'm looking to branch out my roles. Im not good at the game, but I really don't care about rank. I just want to have fun. I mostly just play bruiser toplaners and junglers when I get filled and the closest thing I have to a skill shot is mundo's cleaver. My experience with skill shots has been... lackluster to say the least, but i love the champions. My main goals are ryze, swain, and ezreal. Do I just feel it out in games or is there a good way to practice in the practice tool?

    TLDR: Bronze toplaner is tired of bruisers, wants to go mid with skillshots. Plz help.

    submitted by /u/Madrigal_King
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    When and how to freeze?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    Hey I'm relatively new to league and reeeeally low elo and have been willing to learn wave management for a long time. I understand why you'd wanna fast push, kind of why you'd slow push but have no idea why I'd freeze a lane. I'd like some explanatuons or links to videos about it, please. I'm considering rewatching proguides' vid on it(for the 3rd or 4th time lol) too... Pls help

    submitted by /u/Rafallooko
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    I've been picking up Lillia in the Top lane due to her ability to proxy. How does this playstyle work?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    I've always wanted to play a decent utility champion who scales well and can maintain a high amount of farm. I was never able to bring myself to pick up singed, due to his really distinct and awkward playstyle for mot players, but I've been really enjoying my time with Lillia.

    I understand vaguely on how Proxying should work; it's a playstyle which revolves heavily on tracking the enemy Jungle. My question is, how should I use vision to ensure I don't get killed? What are the best ward spots to track their pathing?

    Any help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Legoman7861
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    New player here really struggling

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    Although I am new to league. I've tried just about every MOBA except for Dota. And I was pretty good at SMITE (High Plat iI think) and I was really good at a mobile MOBA called Vaingory(Tier 8) but that was many years ago. Was getting the itch again and now I'm here 15 hours in feeling like I'm smashing my head against a wall because somehow I am struggling to even get proper ganks off or even just straight up inting trying to invade their jungle. I think I did get put into smurf q by playing with friends but games have been easier as of late so it prob put me in the right place. My ego is too big for me to not stop until I start stomping the same smurfs that keep smashing my head in. Only really been playing Warwick jg and tried Mordekaiser top because I tried him in an ARAM once and liked how he felt. Level 17 and I feel like every game there are hella smurfs or everyone already knows what to do. I love the mute feature btw. Been watching hella vids on jungle and in general but forget everything in the vid as soon as I am in-game (jungle path, warding,tracking the enemy jungle). Recently been hearing that jungle is not good for beginners because of how much they have to do all at once and it can be overwhelming. I might be trying to do too much at such an early stage but any tips on making the game more enjoyable while losing because I'm learning?

    submitted by /u/LIMBIIC
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    Question to master+ junglers

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    Would you recommend picking agressive, heavy early-mid game champions such as eve, elise, reksai or kha to climb more efficiently through diamond? By that i mean picking them almost every game no matter what are the teamcomps unless enemy team has unreal amount of heavy cc or/and tanks.

    Is it really worth to adjust your picks according to your teammates picks ( for example picking a tank if my team is lacking a proper frontline ) or just pick whatever i feel like playing while taking just enemy picks into consideration?

    Is stomping early game really as efficient as i think in order to climb faster? I know climbing is not so simple and there is bunch of factors when it comes to the speed of climb, but i noticed i often limit myself to playing safer picks such as seju, voli or graves because i think those are objectively better picks in many situations ( lack of frontline, hard targets for an assassin etc. ). I think that leads me into staying around 55% winrate in D4 which gives me +15/16 and -21, so it's not really good as i have to jump onto a huge winstreak to even get to promos. Should i experiment with my champion pool for a bit and start playing more aggressive and see the results? How did climb through diamond look for you?

    submitted by /u/magnFLOR
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    Is playing with WASD mapped as camera controls a bad idea?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    I started playing League about three months ago and in the beginning i struggled a lot with the camera (I still do, but a lot less), so I decided to remap camera controls to my WASD keys (my W and summoner spells are on my mouse keys).

    I told about this to my friends and they joked about it saying it was kinda dumb, but I decided to ignore them. However, now that I'm getting better at the game, I'm wondering if this can have a negative impact on my play.

    So far the only problem I noticed is thar during team fights I focus a bit too much on the camera and lose track of my champ on the screen. I know that I can use my spacebar to track my champ but since the camera FOV is so small, I tend to continuously move the camera to have situational awareness.

    Do you guys have any advice on this?

    submitted by /u/TheHacker995
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    How do i keep a good balance between farming and ganking and what to do when my jungle gets invaded?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    Hi i am really new to this game and just recently picked up the role jungle, which has been a blast. Though some small problems is in my way, i cant seem to get enough farm. I play xin zhao which is known to be an early jungler. I usually gank lanes too much, and end off falling off in the mid game. I can't seem to keep a balance between the 2. Is the balence based off the jungler or is it the same. Also, I dont really know what to do after my jungle gets invaded. Do i do a counter invade, objectives, gank on other side?

    Ign: Moabpopper

    submitted by /u/bruhmoment69421
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    Dealing with Irelia Mid

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 06:18 AM PDT

    I am currently gold IV and typically play immobile AP casters in mid lane, mostly Viktor. I had a particularly awful night yesterday after getting dumpstered in lane for multiple games in a row. I have a major issue with countering early game aggression. One champion that I consistently have difficulty playing against is Irelia. I made the first mistake picking Viktor into her, but I don't think that any other champion I played would do any better of a job into her that early on (for instance Vel'Koz, Karthus, or Malzahar). At level 3, Irelia did her little dash combo and ignited me, killed me, and then died to tower (at least it wasn't an execute). From that point onward, I proceeded to get blown up every time I stepped into lane. I haven't the faintest idea how to deal with Irelia in lane since I do not do enough early game damage to exploit her misplays, she has a large amount of sustain and mobility, and her stun is not nearly as visually obvious as most other CC in the game. How do I endure this champion?

    My summoner name is James Buchanan. I do not have access to Op gg since I am at work and get paid to sit at a desk and do nothing.

    submitted by /u/PrisonArchitecture
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    What do to as an ADC if your jungler gets invaded, but waves are pushing into your tower?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I need your help with the following dilemma.

    Last game our Evelynn got pounded early by Fiddlesticks around lvl 4/5, who invaded her blueside (our botside). At the same time I was farming minions that were crashing into our tower. Me and the support opted to forgo the crashing waves to help Evelynn, but everytime we arrived we were too late. This actually happened multiple times, which not only resulted in a couple of Evelynn deaths, but also me losing lots of minions and exp bot. Hence we lost our lane pretty hard.

    Should I not have helped our jungler? Should only the support go, so that I can farm my waves? Losing multiple waves early as an ADC makes a lot of difference, but letting the Eve die also sounds bad (she died anyways though, even if we came or not).

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/HeinvL
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    Ezreal: Your Champ To Grow With? Secrets Of Mindfulness And More Included (Video Commentary)

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 12:09 PM PDT


    Have an introduction to Ezreal ADC. Hopefully beginner friendly and worthwhile for more veteran players as well.

    This is commented gameplay with a quick rundown of his skills, how his build and runes interact with those as well as some broader considerations on developing a good attitude. Also for getting a sense of what's fun about playing the champ in general.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this and feel free to share your own insights concerning Ezreal, what makes him a champion you don't grow tired of picking. :)

    submitted by /u/TiV3
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    How are you supposed to know when to build items that aren’t a part of the base build for a champ?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    Hi, i'm a new player, and i got into the game because a lot of my higher level friends wanted me to play with them. They often tell me i'm building the wrong things for a certain situation, but i'm confused as to what i'm supposed to build instead. I mainly use apps that import item pages, so i usually go by those. How am i supposed to know when to build a different item?

    submitted by /u/KelsoGamingz
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    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    I was trying to play against yone but often times he beats me up hard and how to play against him or what is his counters? I was trying to play Azir but hardly get stomped on, when i play assasins into him i kinda can get to him then but oftentimes i feel he's to broken to be honest and there's nothing i can do unless i ban him, but i want to ban zed because im uncomfortable playing vs zed and this thing kinda demotivating me playing in the mid lane

    submitted by /u/YEETpoliceman
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